Torque and procedure for tightening the cylinder head on cars of different brands


Tightening torques for VAZ cylinder head 8 and 16 valves are the topic of this article. It shows the tightening torque of the cylinder head bolts of various cars. Tightening diagrams for VAZ cylinder head bolts of different models are posted. The sequence of tightening the cylinder head bolts for each VAZ engine is described. Marks of bolts connecting the cylinder head to the engine block are laid out.

The tightening torque of the VAZ cylinder head is the size of the tightening force of the fasteners of the cylinder head of a VAZ car engine, at which the threads of the hardware do not break and the body of the cylinder head does not deteriorate.

Tightening torque of cylinder head bolts VAZ 2101

Tightening the cylinder head bolts 2101-1003271 and 1/60441/30 must be done 2 times, in the order shown in the image.

The tool used is a 19mm head, a 13mm head, a collar and a rod or ratchet

Tightening torques for VAZ 2101 cylinder head bolts from 1 to 10:

  • 1 time - 34 ÷ 42 N/m;
  • 2 times - 100 ÷ 120 N/m.

Torque of head bolts No. 11:

  • Primary moment - 14 ÷ 16 N/m;
  • The final force is 32 ÷ 40 N/m.

Replacement procedure

The replacement process occurs as follows:

  • First you need to disconnect the battery; to do this, remove the negative terminal.
  • You need to disconnect the exhaust pipe from the muffler.

  • We dismantle the carburetor.
  • Next, you need to disconnect all the sensor terminals, and all the wires are disconnected from the spark plugs.
  • The next step is to disconnect the vacuum booster from the intake manifold.
  • The distributor sensor is disconnected.
  • Disconnect the high-voltage wires.
  • Unscrew the nuts and remove the sensor.
  • The fuel pump and the housing of auxiliary devices are dismantled.

The roller and timing belt are removed.

  • The pulley is dismantled, after which you need to remove the timing cover.
  • Disconnect the hoses and unscrew the cover nuts.

After this, all that remains is to unscrew the bolts and remove the block head. After removing the old gasket, you need to carefully inspect the contact surfaces of the head and cylinder block. There should be no dirt or residue from the old gasket on them. All obvious signs of contamination must be eliminated.

Tightening torques for the cylinder head of the VAZ 2102 engine

Tightening the cylinder head fasteners must be done in 2 steps, according to the sequence indicated in the drawing below.

To tighten it, we use a 19 and 13 socket head, as well as a torque wrench.

Screwing force for cylinder head mounting from 1 to 10:

  • Initial - 3.4 ÷ 4.2 kgf/m;
  • Final - 10 ÷ 12 kgf/m.

Screwing force of the bolts of the head of block No. 11:

  • First time - 1.4 ÷ 1.6 kgf/m;
  • The second is 3.2 ÷ 4.0 kgf/m.

General rules for performing work, methods used

There are a number of general rules that must be followed when installing the block head:

  • It is important to strictly observe the tightening torque. For these purposes, a special tool is used - a torque wrench. It is not recommended to perform this operation with regular keys;
  • The head bolts must be pulled smoothly, jerking is not allowed. Since the tightening force on the last approaches is significant, extending the wrench arm with a pipe can simplify the procedure and ensure smooth, uniform tightening;
  • Before installing the bolts, you need to carefully inspect the condition of the threads on them. There should be no dirt or foreign particles on the coils.
  • The threads of fasteners should be lubricated with engine oil before tightening. But you should not pour grease into the holes for the bolts (especially for “blind” holes), since in the future it will not allow the fasteners to be fully tightened.

Despite the fact that each engine has its own characteristics of tightening the cylinder head, the general technology of this operation is the same. In general, two methods are used to tighten fasteners:

  • In several approaches, bringing the tightening force to the required value;
  • Tightening the fasteners to a certain force (in one or more approaches), and then tightening the bolts twice to a certain angle.

The tightening method is selected based on the type of bolts.

The first method is used when using non-stretching bolts (these are not used now, but they can be found on old cars). But often this type of fasteners requires tightening after a certain period of engine operation in order to compensate for the shrinkage of the cylinder head gasket. But such fasteners are allowed for reuse, and more than once.

The second method of tightening the block is relevant for most modern cars. And all due to the use of tensile bolts (the so-called TTY type).

Such fasteners, due to elastic deformation, are able to compensate for thermal expansion of the head and shrinkage of the gasket, but for this they need to be put into deformation mode (in fact, just stretched a little).

To do this, it is necessary to tighten the bolts twice to a certain angle. On some cars this angle is 45 degrees, on others it is 90 degrees.

But after the elements are put into elastic deformation mode, they will no longer be able to return to their original state, and therefore their reuse is not allowed due to the high probability of destruction.

Tightening torque of cylinder head bolts VAZ 2104

Tightening the block head must be done 2 times, in sequence, according to the diagram below.

To do this, use the following tool: a head for 19 and 13, an extension and a measuring ratchet

The tightening torque of VAZ 2104 cylinder head bolts from 1 to 10 is performed in two times:

  1. Tighten the bolts once to a torque of 34 ÷ 42 N/m;
  2. Tighten the bolts once with a torque of 100 ÷ 120 N/m.

The tightening torque for cylinder head bolt No. 11 is performed in two times:

  1. The bolt is tightened once with a torque of 14 ÷ 16 N/m;
  2. tightens once with a torque of 32 ÷ 40 N/m.

Correct operation of a torque wrench

It will be useful to understand the principle of working with a torque wrench, since it must be used with great care and caution. The mechanism is precise and quite easy to lose settings.

The tightening sequence with this wrench looks something like this:

  1. Set the holder to position zero.
  2. We put the wrench on the bolt and begin a smooth rotation, while monitoring its performance.
  3. It happens that when you start turning the key, the readings on it do not change. This indicates a slight internal stretching of the elements; the phenomenon is absolutely normal and rotation should be continued.
  4. When the desired indicators are reached, the tightening must be stopped.

If you need precise tightening with the required torque, do not try to do this with a regular ratchet. Precise and smooth tightening can only be achieved with the right tool.

Tightening torques for cylinder head of VAZ 2106 and VAZ 2121

The block head bolts are tightened in 2 approaches, according to the diagram shown below.

To do this, we use a head for 19 and 13, as well as a torque wrench

Engine modelCylinder head bolt numberTightening torques for VAZ cylinder head bolts, N/m
VAZ 2106from 1 to 1034 ÷ 4,210 ÷ 12
1114 ÷ 1632 ÷ 40
VAZ 2121from 1 to 1034 ÷ 4,210 ÷ 12
1114 ÷ 1632 ÷ 40

Torque Tips and Common Mistakes

  1. Do not jerk the cylinder head bolts. Tightening should be done smoothly.
  2. When installing cylinder head bolts (especially old ones), carefully examine their condition - there should be no damage to the threads. Exactly the same as inside the installation site.
  3. If necessary, the part must be cleaned of contamination.
  4. It is better to lubricate the threads with oil, but pouring them into the mounting holes is not recommended. If the wells are blind, then the lubricant must be applied very carefully. Fluids do not compress and excess lubrication will prevent you from tightening the bolt all the way.
  5. Failure to use a torque wrench may result in inaccurate tightening torques and incorrect gasket operation or damage to the cylinder head.

Tightening torques for the cylinder head of VAZ 21073, 21213, 21214, 21214-10

Tightening bolts with 1 ÷ 10, models 21213-1003271 and 1/60441/30 is performed in 4 approaches in the order shown in the picture.

The tool used is a 12mm head, a 13mm head, a curved drap and an extension or ratchet.

Engine modelCylinder head bolt numberTightening torque of VAZ cylinder head bolts, N/m
ElementarySecond timeThird timeFinal
VAZ 21073from 1 to 1012 ÷ 2050 ÷ 70rotates 90o ÷ 110orotates 90o ÷ 110o
1114 ÷ 1632 ÷ 40
VAZ 21213from 1 to 1012 ÷ 2050 ÷ 70rotates 90o ÷ 110orotates 90o ÷ 110o
1114 ÷ 1632 ÷ 40
VAZ 21214from 1 to 1012 ÷ 2050 ÷ 70rotates 90o ÷ 110orotates 90o ÷ 110o
1114 ÷ 1632 ÷ 40
VAZ 21214-10from 1 to 1012 ÷ 2050 ÷ 70rotates 90o ÷ 110orotates 90o ÷ 110o
1114 ÷ 1632 ÷ 40

Healthy ! Tightening torques for VAZ 2107

Performing the operation without a torque wrench

Since the force is precisely indicated on all of these vehicles, it is impossible to do without a torque wrench when seating the cylinder head. But on some cars it is quite possible to do without it and use ordinary wrenches and an extension socket to tighten it.

Let us immediately note that performing work without special equipment. The tool is allowed only on “old” engines (Moskvich, VAZ of the first models).

A feature of tightening the cylinder head without a torque wrench is the need to “feel” the force applied. Otherwise, the general method of work is the same as using special equipment. tool:

  • We tighten all the bolts by hand;
  • We do the 1st approach, applying medium force (we try to pull all the bolts with the same force, smoothly and without jerking). Be sure to follow the tightening order;
  • We carry out the second approach, increasing the force (in order to more accurately “feel” the force, the key with an increased shoulder should be pulled “toward” rather than pushed “away”);
  • We do the third approach with high force (turn until the bolt stops).

One of the options for tightening without a torque wrench is to double tighten the fasteners after completing the 2nd approach.

Since not everyone can “feel” the applied force without the skills, it is better not to use the method without a torque wrench, because the consequences of improperly tightening the cylinder head are quite serious and can lead to very serious damage.

Therefore, before engine repairs involving removing the cylinder head, you should stock up on a special tool, especially since it will not be superfluous and there will always be a use for it.

Tightening torques for the head of the VAZ 2109 block

The cylinder head bolts must be tightened in four steps, in the sequence shown in the diagram below

Mount the cylinder head on the block. Before doing this, check that the crankshaft and camshaft are located at TDC (all valves of the 1st pot must be closed). Tighten the head bolts in the following order, in 4 steps:

1moment 2 kgf-m;
2moment 7.1 - 8.7 kgf-m;
3turn 90o;
4tighten 90o.

Signs of a broken gasket

You can find out that the seal of the connection is broken for the following reasons:

  • White vapor appears in the exhaust gases.
  • You may notice oil stains in the antifreeze.
  • Leak in cylinder head connections.
  • There is a large amount of oil in the pan.
  • You may notice foam around the filler cap.

Although it seems that it is very difficult to notice the vapors in antifreeze, this can be done by placing a bag over the neck of the open expansion tank. If there are gases in the antifreeze, the bag will inflate.

Tightening torque for cylinder head VAZ 2108 - 21083, 2110, 2111

Tightening the cylinder head bolts of VAZ 2108 - 21083, 2110, 2111 is performed 4 times in the order shown in the image

For screwing, the following tool is used: adapter 67.7812-9543 for bolts of brand 2108-1003271, wrench TL-98-110 with parameters E14 for bolts of brand 2108-1003271-01, bend and extension or power tool of brand IP - 3111.

The tightening torque of the cylinder head bolts of the VAZ 2108 - 21083 is carried out in 4 steps:

  1. once we tighten the bolts to a torque of 18 - 22 N/m (1.8 - 2.2 kgf/m);
  2. Tighten the bolts once to a torque of 70 - 85 N/m (7.0 - 8.5 kgf/m);
  3. turn it 90° once;
  4. Once again, turn the bolts 90°.
Engine modelCylinder head bolt numberTightening torque of VAZ cylinder head bolts, N/m
ElementarySecond timeThird timeFinal
VAZ 2110from 1 to 1018 ÷ 2270 ÷ 85turn it 90oturn 90o
VAZ 2111from 1 to 1018 ÷ 2270 ÷ 85turn it 90oturn 90o

Healthy ! Tightening torques for VAZ 2108


Before you start replacing the gasket, you should purchase this gasket. Although any car store will select a suitable spare part for you, it is better to know its part number. The most suitable gaskets for the VAZ-2110 are:

  • The original VATI gasket, which has the article number 21083100302020.
  • Part VICTOR REINZ. This item is of higher quality than the original. Its article number is 613666000.
  • TRIALLI gaskets, which have the article number GZ.

It’s better to immediately buy a better quality spare part than to bother with disassembly again later.

Tightening torques for VAZ 2112 cylinder head

Tighten the bolts three times in the order shown in the image

To tighten the bolts, you must use adapter 67.7812-9543, a gate and a rod or a power tool model IP - 3111..

The tightening torque for the cylinder head bolts is:

  • First time - 18 ÷ 22 N.m (1.8 ÷ 2.2 kgf.m);
  • The second time - turn it 90°;
  • The third time - twist it 90°.

Healthy ! Tightening torques for VAZ 2112

Tools used

Manufacturers offer various types of wrenches that help limit the tightening force of threaded connections. The three most common types of torque wrenches are:

  • click (mechanical);
  • pointers (analog);
  • electronic (digital).

Motorists select models that have optimal characteristics. Sometimes, advice from friends or articles on the Internet help you make the right choice.


The key got its name due to the specific sound it makes. This ratchet is in demand in small auto repair shops or among drivers who prefer to carry out repairs themselves.

Positive characteristics are affordable cost and acceptable torque error of 5%. In online stores, the device has a price of 2–2.5 thousand rubles. Popular models are Arsenal and Berger.

Tightening torques for the head of the block VAZ 2113, 2114, 2115

Tighten the bolts in four steps, in the order shown in the image

To tighten the bolts, you must use a Torx E14 socket wrench.

Warnings! Reuse of cylinder head bolts is only permitted if their length does not exceed 135.5 mm

Using a caliper or a mechanic's ruler, measure the length of the bolts.

Important ! Bolts longer than 135.5 mm are replaced.

Tighten the M12XI.25 cylinder head mounting bolts 4 times:

  1. Initial force - 2 kgf/m;
  2. Second time - 7 ÷ 8.6 kgf/m;
  3. Third time - turn it 90°;
  4. The fourth time - tighten the bolts 90°.

The remaining tightening torques for bolts and nuts of all threaded connections of VAZ 2113, 2114, 2115 vehicles can be found here

Consequences of incorrect cylinder head installation

Correct tightening of the cylinder head is very important, since the performance of the motor directly depends on it. The cylinder head acts as a cylinder cover, and any violations in its fit affect the processes occurring inside the power unit.

Insufficient tightening of the head leads to a drop in compression due to loss of tightness at the junction of the cylinder head with the cylinder block, burnout of the gasket, breakthrough of working gases from the cylinders and their entry into the channels of the lubrication or cooling systems, penetration of technical fluids into the combustion chambers, which in turn is negative affects the functioning of the power unit and can cause very serious damage.

Excessive tightening also does not bring anything good; in this case, damage to the head often occurs - cracks appear, or fasteners are destroyed - bolts break, threads break, etc.

Uneven or incorrect tightening often causes warping of the head, due to which gaps appear at the junction of it with the block, which leads to the same consequences as insufficient tightening.

Tightening torques for VAZ 21114 cylinder head

Tighten the cylinder head bolts in four steps according to the diagram shown below in the figure:

To tighten the bolts, you must use an adapter type 02 15 12 10 f. "Stahlwille", 234 N 10L f. "USAG", IN 30L10 f. "GEDORE", S09H410 f. “JONNESWAY” for hardware 2108-1003271, replaceable head 14, wrench TL-98-110 size E14 for bolts 2108-1003271-01, wrench and extension or impact wrench type IP - 3111, torque wrench.

The tightening torque for the cylinder head bolts is:

  • First reception - 18 ÷ 22 N.m (1.8 ÷ 2.2 kgf.m);
  • Second reception - 70 ÷ 85 N.m (7.0 ÷ 8.5 kgf.m);
  • The third step is to turn it 90°;
  • The fourth technique is to twist it 90°.

Installing a new part

The new part to be installed must be undamaged, dry and clean.

When installing, you need to make sure that the hole intended for the passage of oil is located between the third and fourth cylinders.

Before installing the cylinder head, be sure to ensure that the valves of the first cylinder are closed. The bolts must be tightened according to a certain pattern, in four stages.

Tightening torques for the cylinder head of the VAZ 11183 engine

Tighten the cylinder head hardware four times according to the drawing shown below:

To tighten the bolts you need to use an adapter type 02 15, 12 10 f. "Stahlwille", 234 N 10L f. "USAG", IN 30L10 f. "GEDORE", S09H410 f. “JONNESWAY” for dowels 2108-1003271, replaceable head 14, key TL-98-110 sizes E14. For bolts 2108-1003271-01 - gate and rod or wrench type IP - 3111, torque wrench.

The tightening torques for the block head bolts have the following parameters:

  • 1 time - 18 ÷ 22 N.m (1.8 ÷ 2.2 kgf.m);
  • 2 times - 70 ÷ 85 N.m (7.0 ÷ 8.5 kgf.m);
  • 3 times - turn 90°;
  • 4 times - turn it 90°.

Tightening torques for the cylinder head of the VAZ 21124 engine

Tighten the bolts in 4 stages in the order shown in the figure below:

To tighten the bolts, use the following tools: adapter type 02 15 12 10 lb. "Stahlwille", 234 N 10L ph. "USAG", IN 30L 10 lbs. “GEDORE”, S09H410 f. “JONNESWAY” for bolts 2112-1003271, replaceable head 14, wrench TL 98-110 size E14 for bolts 2112-1003271-01, wrench and extension or wrench type IP-3111, torque wrench ..

The tightening torque of the cylinder head bolts is:

  • Stage 1 - 12 ÷ 20 N.m (1.2 ÷ 2.0 kgf.m);
  • Stage 2 - 26 ÷ 34 N.m (2.6 ÷ 3.4 kgf.m);
  • Stage 3 - turn by 90°;
  • Stage 4 - turn by 90°.

Some nuances

The tightening torque is one of the main factors for the normal fit of the block head. But this criterion is influenced not only by the applied force, but also by the fasteners themselves:

  • General condition of the bolts – new or used;
  • Presence of lubricant on the threaded part;
  • Thread condition.

The type of power plant (petrol, diesel), as well as the number of valves, does not affect the cylinder head tightening technology. But this does not mean that the force and tightening procedure are identical for all motors, and before seating the head, you should definitely study the conditions for performing the operation and all its features.

Tightening torques for the head of the VAZ 21126, 11194 engine block

Twist the hardware 4 times in the sequence shown below in the image:

For screwing, you must use the following tool: adapter 67.7812-9543 for bolts model 2108-1003271, wrench TL-98-110 with size E14 for bolts brand 2108-1003271-01, bend and rod or power tool model IP - 3111.

Engine modelCylinder head bolt numberTightening torque of VAZ cylinder head, N/m
1 time2 times3 times4 times
VAZ 21126from 1 to 1012 ÷ 2026 ÷ 34turn it 90oturn 90o
VAZ 11194from 1 to 1012 ÷ 2026 ÷ 34turn it 90oturn 90o

A set of tools required for work

In order to avoid wasting time looking for this or that tool at the critical moments of replacing the gasket on a VAZ (or actually tightening it), it is better to prepare everything in advance.

You will definitely need:

  • wrench with heads and extension;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • torque wrench;
  • new gasket;
  • sealant.

It is better to park the car on a level surface, turn on the handbrake, and additionally secure it with stops.

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