Cooling system pipes for VAZ 2110, 2111, 2112 (video)

Hello dear readers of the blog Today I want to continue the conversation about the auto radiator pipes of the cooling system of the VAZ Lada 2110 “ten”, Lada 2111 “eleventh” and 2112 Lada “twelfth”.

In the previous auto article, we looked at the radiator hoses of the cooling system of the VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099, 2113, 2114, 2115. We looked at the video and photos and found out what the sets of pipes of the “eight”, “nine”, “ninety-nine”, “thirteenth” are , the “fourteenth” and “fifteenth” Lada models differ from each other.

We determined the “upper” supply and also found out which “lower” coolant outlet was a thick rubber hose. You have found out where which rubber tubes fit, today we will continue to look at the video of the Lada 2110, 2111, 2112 pipes.

The cooling system pipes are such a thing that they always seem to be in good condition, but they make themselves felt when you don’t expect them.

You've probably seen cars on the road more than once with their hoods open in a cloud of steam.

So the coolant floats, falling on the burning engine parts (exhaust manifold), escaping in a fountain through a burst rubber pipe.

Therefore, guys, be vigilant if you haven’t changed rubber hoses for a long time. Don’t tempt fate—guessing whether you’ll be lucky or not will be unlucky—but replace all the rubber hoses of your car in advance.

Look at the photo on the left, numbered -1, the rubber tube supplying coolant is the “upper” one, and numbered -2, the rubber tube is taking out the “lower” coolant. Numbered -3; -4 “shorts”, one of which is a bypass from the block head to the water pump, and the other “short” is a connecting coupling.

The considered pipes on the left are suitable for VAZ cars of the “tenth” family with carburetor and injection engines.

  • 2110-1303025 radiator supply hose, number -1 (see photo)
  • 2110-1303010 radiator outlet hose, number -2 (see photo)
  • 2108 -1303092Р coupling connecting the thermostat and water pump, as well as the bypass “short”, numbers -3; -4 (see photo)

Next, look at the photo on the right under number -5 for the coolant supply pipe on the “top”, and at number -6 for the outlet pipe. cool liquid "bottom". You see number -7, the so-called “long corner” bypass pipe. cool liquids.

Diagnostics and identification of supply pipe faults

A malfunction of the cooling system associated with an antifreeze leak is manifested by a decrease in its level in the expansion tank and a critical reading of the temperature sensor.

Mechanical damage to the supply pipe or its depressurization in the area of ​​attachment to the pump or engine block may be accompanied by:

  • The release of steam in the engine compartment due to coolant entering the “pants” of the manifold.
  • The appearance of a stain from leaked antifreeze where the car is parked, VAZ 2110, VAZ 2112, VAZ 2114 and Priora - in the area of ​​the front part, VAZ 2109 - between the engine and the passenger compartment.

Regularly topping up antifreeze and adding additives to eliminate coolant leaks is not a solution to the situation. Replacing the pump supply pipe with a new one will not take a lot of time and money to purchase parts and gaskets.

Standard pipes with union connector


If such hoses are present, dismantling them is carried out as follows:

  • Elements of this type are usually mounted using clamps. Just check what kind of clamps they are - disposable twist type or standard worm clamps. If they are disposable, we highly recommend replacing them with worm driven items. They are more practical and reliable;
  • Armed with a screwdriver, loosen the clamp slightly and move it along the pipe. This way you can completely release the fitting;
  • The hose is carefully, without unnecessary or sudden movements, removed from the receiver, that is, the fitting. Quite new pipes that have not yet worn out are easy to remove, but old ones can “stick”;
  • If the element does not want to be removed just like that, twist it on the receiver, pry it with some sharp object, and pull it. You just can’t put in a lot of effort, because the pipes are very fragile. If the situation is really sad, just cut the hose with a knife. It is simpler, easier, although it will require large financial costs;
  • When installing new hoses, clamps are first put on and then pulled onto the cooling system receivers;
  • If you previously used a twist-type clamp, be sure to remove it. As an alternative, both a screw clamp and a worm clamp are suitable. There is no big difference in price, but the level of reliability is significantly higher;
  • If you have difficulty fitting the elastic pipe onto the fitting, slightly wet the latter with soapy water. Another option is to warm the ends of the hoses in warm water;
  • To facilitate installation, never use lubricants containing oils;
  • Pull the ends of the hoses onto the fitting, check the correct installation and laying in the engine compartment;
  • Now move the clamp to the required position and tighten, thereby ensuring a strong fastening of the new element of the cooling system;
  • Follow the procedure to fill the system with coolant;
  • Turn on the power unit and watch for signs of coolant leakage. It is quite possible that the clamp was not tensioned tightly enough, or there is a defect on the pipe itself. Although such things should be checked before purchasing.

Replacing the supply pipe on a VAZ 2110

The pipe, gaskets and hose for the radiator must be purchased from a trusted dealer. Cheap counterfeits cannot withstand the high temperature and pressure of the coolant.

To carry out the replacement procedure, you must:

  1. Drain the antifreeze from the engine block (work on a “hot” engine is prohibited) into a previously prepared container.
  2. Unscrew 2 bolts securing the pump and 2 from the engine block.
  3. Remove the pipe from the engine compartment.

Before installing a new supply pipe, apply a thin layer of automotive sealant to the gaskets. Reassemble in reverse order. Fill with coolant and check for leaks. If you suspect the integrity of the rubber hose of the expansion tank, replace it.



It is necessary to remove the pipes only when the car engine has completely cooled down. Therefore, if you have just stopped by your garage for procedures, do not rush. It is better to leave the car overnight and return to work tomorrow morning.

  1. Make sure that the pipes are actually damaged and need to be replaced.
  2. Be sure to drain the coolant from the system. If you recently changed it, there is no need to dispose of the liquid. Just use a clean container to drain so you can refill it later.
  3. The order in which you perform the work depends on what hoses are used on your vehicle.

Air lock formation

Replacing the pump supply pipe and draining the antifreeze associated with the work can lead to the formation of an air lock in the cooling system.

There are 2 ways to fix the problem:

  1. With the engine warm, remove one of the 2 throttle body hoses for 5-10 seconds. A small amount of antifreeze may leak out, which must be added through the expansion tank.
  2. The car is installed on a rise (overpass) so that the radiator is higher than the engine. The expansion tank cap is removed and the engine is started. After removing the plug, coolant is added.

Maintaining the cooling system in good condition ensures high-quality operation of the car engine. When replacing the supply pipe of the coolant pump on a car with high mileage, it is recommended to simultaneously replace the used antifreeze and flush the entire system.

Cooling system pipes for VAZ 2110, 2111, 2112 (video)

Cooling system hoses VAZ 2110, 2111, 2112…

Hello dear readers of the blog Today I want to continue the conversation about the auto radiator pipes of the cooling system of the VAZ Lada 2110 “ten”, Lada 2111 “eleventh” and 2112 Lada “twelfth”.

In the previous auto article, we looked at the radiator hoses of the cooling system of the VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099, 2113, 2114, 2115. We looked at the video and photos and found out what the sets of pipes of the “eight”, “nine”, “ninety-nine”, “thirteenth” are , the “fourteenth” and “fifteenth” Lada models differ from each other.

What is a radiator in a car:

We determined the “upper” supply and also found out which “lower” coolant outlet was a thick rubber hose. You have found out where which rubber tubes fit, today we will continue to look at the video of the Lada 2110, 2111, 2112 pipes.

The cooling system pipes are such a thing that they always seem to be in good condition, but they make themselves felt when you don’t expect them...

You've probably seen cars on the road more than once with their hoods open in a cloud of steam.

So the coolant floats, falling on the burning engine parts (exhaust manifold), escaping in a fountain through a burst rubber pipe.

Therefore, guys, be vigilant if you haven’t changed rubber hoses for a long time. Don’t tempt fate—guessing whether you’ll be lucky or not will be unlucky—but replace all the rubber hoses of your car in advance.

What kind of outlet and inlet rubber hoses of the VAZ 2110, 2111, 2112 radiator are they, look at the video and photo, friends...

Look at the photo on the left, numbered -1, the rubber tube supplying coolant is the “upper” one, and numbered -2, the rubber tube is taking out the “lower” coolant. Numbered -3; -4 “shorts”, one of which is a bypass from the block head to the water pump, and the other “short” is a connecting coupling.

The considered pipes on the left are suitable for VAZ cars of the “tenth” family with carburetor and injection engines.

Design numbers:

  • 2110-1303025 radiator supply hose, number -1 (see photo)
  • 2110-1303010 radiator outlet hose, number -2 (see photo)
  • 2108 -1303092Р coupling connecting the thermostat and water pump, as well as the bypass “short”, numbers -3; -4 (see photo)

Next, look at the photo on the right under number -5 for the coolant supply pipe on the “top”, and at number -6 for the outlet pipe. cool liquid "bottom". You see number -7, the so-called “long corner” bypass pipe. cool liquids.

These pipes on the right are for Lada VAZ-2111 and Lada VAZ-2112 cars with an injection engine. There are also the longest “upper inlet” and “lower outlet” pipes on the VAZ-2112 with a 16-valve engine.

Design numbers:

  • 2112-1303025 radiator supply hose, number -5 (see photo)
  • 2112-1303010 radiator outlet hose, number -6 (see photo)
  • 2108 -1303092Р coupling connecting thermostat and water pump “shorty”, number -8 (see photo)
  • 2109-1303093-01 connecting hose for thermostat and water pump bypass “long angle”, number -7 (see photo)

Next, friends, watch the video: Dear car enthusiasts, did you like my previous publication? How do you feel about this? Should I continue the topic of rubber pipes for the cooling system of VAZ cars?

What other RTI repair kits should you learn about or create in a video about the VAZ cooling system for you, write in the comments. Good luck to you and see you soon on the pages of the blog!

You can also read here:

Adjusting valves on a VAZ 2107 carburetor

What is a silent block?

Heater hoses VAZ 2114

The principle of operation of the cooling system

As soon as you start the engine, the cooling system starts working. Of course, when starting, the main task is to heat the air in the cabin and achieve the operating temperature of the engine parts (approximately 90 degrees). However, the circulation of the cooling system of the VAZ 2110 is forced, that is, it is constant and is ensured by the operation of the pump, so it is impossible to influence its on/off.

The system is represented by small and large circles, in which liquid circulates depending on the temperature of the working parts and the engine. At the beginning of operation, the antifreeze moves in a small circle, which does not include the cooling radiator. As soon as the liquid reaches a temperature of 85-90 degrees, the main thermostat valve opens and antifreeze enters a large circle that connects the cooling radiator.

If the air flow passing through the radiator grille is strong, then the liquid is cooled well, but if you move slowly, the antifreeze cools slowly and the temperature gradually rises, then the temperature sensor is triggered and the fan turns on, which helps cool the liquid.

Air pipe

Air filter bellows
The air pipe is connected to the air cleaner. The float chamber cover contains a needle valve 11, a float 12, a balancing tube 4, an accelerator pump nozzle 5, and a number of connecting channels.

Air pipe - air pipe 7 is used to suck air into the impeller.  

From the air pipe, air is directed into the diffuser, where its speed increases significantly and the pressure decreases. To reduce losses during air flow, a diffuser is used with angles at the inlet of 30 and at the outlet of 7 and with a smooth transition of the profile. In practice, the profile of diffusers, especially for carburetors with a single diffuser, differs from the optimal one due to the need to reduce the height of the carburetor. When departing from the most favorable ratio of the dimensions of the diffuser, the jet of moving flow is compressed, which, in turn, leads to a displacement of the zone of greatest rarefaction along the air movement. The movement of the air flow in the carburetor diffuser in a wide range of modes is turbulent. Turbulent air movement with intense turbulence is necessary for better crushing of the fuel flowing from the atomizer at significant speed.  

Diaphragm type automobile fuel pump diagram.  

The air intake flap and throttle valve are controlled from the driver's cab.  

The design of the air pipe prevents the siphon release of the sludge evaporator contents into the sewer.  

The float chamber, air pipe with air damper and acceleration pump are common to both mixing chambers.  

K-59 P carburetor diagram.  

When the engine is not running, the carburetor air pipe is closed with a cover 35 sealed with a felt gasket.  

The dimensions of the flow sections of liquid and air pipes are calculated based on the condition of continuity of flows. In this case, the permissible speed of liquid flow through the pipe is assumed to be no more than 16 m/sec, air flow – no more than 75 m/sec.  

An air pipe with an air damper and a separate float chamber cover are installed on top of the body.  

Diagram of a mixing gas burner type design.| Medium pressure injection burner with an annular combustion stabilizer designed by Lengiproinzhproekt.  

Air enters from the air duct into the air pipe 4, washes the central pipe 1 from the outside and exits the air chamber 5 between the twelve blades 6, where it acquires a vortex rotational motion.  

Schematic diagram of a basic carburetor.  

From the atmosphere, air passes through the air purifier and the air pipe through the minimum cross-section of the diffuser, where its speed increases significantly and the pressure decreases.  

Article: 2110-1303010/25/92, additional articles: 09-13-83bM, 2110-1303010

Order code: 158420

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