Which carburetor to put on Niva 21213 - setup, adjustment, choice

Despite the fact that the VAZ-2121 SUV was developed quite a long time ago, this car is still very popular. In 1994, the model was changed to VAZ-21213. Many people buy these cars because of their high cross-country ability, which can be the envy of some jeeps from famous brands. Others like reliability, unpretentiousness and high maintainability. A simple design and excellent off-road characteristics made this vehicle a vehicle for lovers of travel, hunting, fishing and tourism.

Niva cars 211213 are equipped with a 1.7 liter engine. It is carburetor, and is based on a VAZ-2106 engine. There is also a five-speed manual transmission and a proximity ignition system. The power system is equipped with a Solex 21073 carburetor for the Niva. Many novice car owners are intimidated by carburetors and everything connected with them. But a carburetor is not a death sentence. You just need to understand its basic structure, how to adjust it, and how to repair it.

Float mechanism

The Solex 21073 carburetor, installed on the Niva, has a float chamber of two sections. They are located on both sides of the main cameras of the device. The system consists of two ebonite floats, which are mounted on a lever.

The latter swings on an axis pressed into the bosses of the device cover. There is a tongue on the bracket. The element presses the needle valve needle through a special ball. The float mechanism serves to adjust the level of fuel required for normal operation of the carburetor. The needle valve is a non-separable type. It is not being repaired. The valve body is mounted on a thread in the carburetor cap. The ball protects the needle from shock when the machine moves. If the chamber is empty (for example, if the driver is using LPG), then the floats will knock.


The Solex 21073 carburetor installed on the Niva 1.7 can be classified as an emulsion device.

The mechanism is designed to prepare a working fuel-air mixture. The device consists of two parts - the body and the cover. The device also consists of a float chamber with the ability to balance the level. There is an accelerator pump, an economizer, and an econostat. The design has two fuel chambers and diffusers. A flammable mixture is prepared in them. The lid has fittings through which gasoline is supplied to the carburetor, and excess fuel goes back into the tank. There are also studs in the lid. They are used to mount the air filter. The lid is also equipped with a needle valve for the float chamber, where the fuel level is directly regulated. The carburetor has a mechanical air damper. It allows you to start the engine “cold”. In this modification, the Solex 21073 carburetor on the Niva 21213 shows very high efficiency. When properly configured, the device is capable of providing very high technical performance for front-wheel drive vehicles.

Main dosing systems

The first and second chambers are equipped with diffusers. There is one large and one small element. Spray devices are also made together with small diffusers. The latter are connected through channels to the emulsion wells, and they communicate through one channel with the float chamber. To ensure that gasoline flows in certain portions, the main fuel jets are located below in the emulsion wells. These same wells have special tubes. Each of them is equipped with an air jet at the top. Air is supplied to them from the neck of the device.

Features of servicing DAAZ-21073 devices

Electrical diagram of VAZ 2121 Niva carburetor

All possible disruptions in the operation of the device directly depend on the quality and frequency of service. Despite the design differences between the VAZ DAAZ-21073 and the DAAZ-4178 carburetor on the UAZ, their maintenance is not much different. The technically required work includes:

  • external cleaning;
  • washing the float chamber strainer;
  • cleaning the float chamber;
  • cleaning jets;
  • adjustment of the float device;
  • adjustment of the starting device;
  • stabilization of the XX system.

Washing the external and internal parts of the carburetor unit is carried out using kerosene, white spirit or preparations in aerosol cans. The aerosol composition is injected into the chambers and jets while the engine is running. The cleaned apparatus is blown with compressed air.

Operating principle of the main dosing chamber

Under the influence of vacuum that occurs in the engine cylinders, air is drawn through the filter. Next, oxygen is supplied to the first chamber. It passes through diffusers. Due to the fact that the air flow speed has increased, an even greater vacuum is created in the nozzle area.

Under its action, the fuel rises from the emulsion well from the atomizer. At the same time, air passes through the air nozzle into the emulsion tube and is then mixed with fuel. As a result, an emulsion is formed, which is sucked at high speed into the carburetor channels, where it connects with the air flow. The installed Solex 21073 carburetor on the Niva operates on this principle. Its design may vary depending on the modification. But the principle of operation of the systems is approximately the same for all devices.

Why did it happen so?

Wiring diagram for VAZ 21213 Niva carburetor with description

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Which carburetor is better to put on the Niva


The Russian auto industry, after more than fifty years, continues to firmly maintain its leading position in the car markets. The VAZ family has a completely reasonable price and is quite easy to maintain.

Great demand has appeared for the Russian jeep VAZ-21213, as well as its analogues. This type of VAZ car has achieved tremendous success in world motorsport, setting unattainable records. Working with vag-com, operating the Varta battery, taxi companies of the USSR, photos, how to sheathe a profile on the roof, what tires to put on a field in winter, Daewoo Winstorm Max, front hubs of a Chevrolet Niva. A similar model of car is very intensively exported to European countries and beyond.

Car enthusiasts who do not have much experience in servicing this type of car quite often encounter various problems associated with the operation and repair of the Niva. One of these common problems is carburetor repair and replacement.

Many drivers do not know which model is better

choose how they differ from each other and how to manage when choosing one or the other.


Often the carburetors on different Niva models are very identical and are designed identically. They are located in the propulsion system and make the required combustible mixture from the fuel, combining the fuel with air, and feeding it into the engine. The carburetors are also designed identically. The main elements include:

  1. Float chamber (jet).
  2. Diffuser.
  3. Throttle valve.

Depending on the car model, the carburetor can have from one to 4 chambers; the dampers can open one by one or at once; the movement of the flammable consistency can be horizontal, downward or upward.

For less experienced car enthusiasts, you can use a carburetor diagram, on which all the parts will be indicated and their position and functions described. With its help, it will be much easier to find and change this or that part.

The Niva 21213 model replaced its previous version, the VAZ-2121, and became more advanced and improved. The updated model now includes:

  • 1.7-liter engine, the founder of which was the engine from the Russian “six”;
  • five-speed gearbox;

  • Solex carburetor
  • contactless ignition with microcontroller.

In order to always be confident in your car, you need to thoroughly know its entire “inner”, understand its features, and understand its details. Further in the article we will look at the structure of the Niva 21213 carburetor in order to have an idea about this part and know the intricacies of its operation.

Idle system

The device is equipped with an idle system. It is designed to allow the engine to operate at low speeds. At this moment, the vacuum in the diffusers is very small. Fuel cannot enter the main metering system. At idle speed of the engine, fuel is supplied under the throttle valve of the first chamber of the carburetor. There the vacuum is strong enough to form a stable combustible mixture.

Air is supplied through the main jet and the emulsion well of the first chamber. The fuel will then flow to the idle fuel jet. After this, it is mixed with air supplied from the XX air jet. Oxygen is supplied to this element through a special channel. This operating scheme allows the engine to ensure a smooth transition from load to idle and prevents fuel from leaking out of the float chamber.

We adjust the speed on the VAZ 2101-VAZ 2107

Check out the photo below:

Note! The photo shows the screws that carry out the adjustment. They are located deep in the carburetor throttle body, so the screw under the number “1” is not visible in the image. On some cars, bushings are pressed onto both screws, thanks to which the screws can only be turned half a turn. If the bushings prevent the idle speed screw from turning properly, remove the screws and break the bushing heads. Wipe off the remaining broken bushings and screw the screws in their place.


Car components do not last forever, and sometimes the installed Solex 21073 carburetor on the Niva fails. Repairing it must begin with diagnostics. It may be possible to get by with a simple adjustment. So, during operation, solid particles can enter the carburetor, which ultimately causes clogging of the jets. Low-quality gasoline leads to the formation of deposits on the walls of the channels in the device. This significantly reduces their cross section. Failure of carburetor systems can be diagnosed by the following symptoms:

  • Increased fuel consumption.
  • Difficulties in starting the engine. Reduced power and dynamic performance.
  • Unstable operation at idle.

Carburetor repair for dips and jerks

Carburetor repair may be necessary if the engine idles unstable, and adjusting the quantity and quality screws does not always help. Often the reason lies in over-enrichment of the mixture, which may be a consequence of incorrect adjustment of the float system or malfunctions in the vacuum economizer system for power modes. In the latter case, a torn diaphragm may need to be replaced or the economizer valve through which fuel is leaking may need to be repaired.

Model 2121 may cause jerking, swaying or dips when moving. In this case, there may be several reasons for their occurrence, which may require carburetor repair to eliminate them. Dips that appear when the throttle valve is slowly opened are often associated with clogging of the idle jet. Here it is necessary to adjust the fuel level and check the level of clogging in the main fuel jets.

If the car gives a deep failure when trying to open the first or second throttle chambers, then in addition to clogged nozzles, the reason may be poor installation of small diffusers in the corresponding sockets.

When the Niva 21213 gives slight twitches at low and medium speeds and accelerates sluggishly, it may be due to poor fuel dosage on the shut-off valve side due to its wear. In this case, repairs are needed in terms of replacing the shut-off valve with a shut-off needle made of metal with a valve that has this needle made of a different material.

Cars of the 2121 series sometimes give failures when any sudden opening of the throttle valves, which then disappear within 5 seconds when the engine is running at the same pace. Often such problems are associated with a malfunction of the accelerator pump, which leads to a lack of or an incorrect drop in gasoline flows. A similar situation can result from a diaphragm rupture, a rubber O-ring on the sprayer holder being destroyed, or the lower part of the valve being destroyed.

How to restore carburetor operation?

For repairs, most often you have to remove the device from the engine. First, remove the air filter. Then the fuel lines, air pipes, wires and cables are removed. then unscrew the fastening nuts.

It is best to disassemble the carburetor on a table or other convenient surface. The parts should be laid out in some order. This will help you not lose them. The process of adjusting the needle valve is performed using a special template. To wash the device, you must use special liquids. Replacement jets can be purchased at any auto stores. Often, disassembling and flushing the carburetor helps solve a lot of problems.

OZONE and SOLEX units

The installation of an OZONE carburetor or its predecessor WEBER differs in that the mounting holes of the unit, which have a diameter of 8 mm, do not coincide with the studs on the intake manifold. Therefore, the mounting holes must be carefully drilled to a diameter of 10 mm without disassembling the carburetor. It is also recommended to replace the accelerator pump nozzle on the DAAZ 2107 marked 40 with a nozzle marked 50, and remove the spring from the vacuum drive for opening the secondary chamber. These measures will improve the dynamic properties of the car after installing unit 2107.


If the installed Solex 21073 carburetor on the Niva fails, repairs and adjustments help bring the device back to life. The settings allow you to restore optimal modes in which the motor will operate as efficiently as possible. Fuel consumption is at an average level. First of all, start the engine and warm it up a little. Next, you need to remove the fuel hose and the device cover. It is recommended to remove the latter with extreme caution so as not to damage the float. Next, using a measuring tool, measure the distance in each of the carburetor chambers. Measure from the mating surfaces to the edge of the fuel. This size should be approximately 24 mm. If this distance is less or more, then it is adjusted by bending the float. Then you need to start and warm up the engine again. When the level adjustments are successfully completed, you can proceed to adjusting the idle speed.

The engine is turned off. To set up, you will need a flathead screwdriver and a little time. There is a hole on the base of the device in which there is a screw that regulates the quality of the fuel mixture. It is twisted all the way. Then from the extreme position the same screw is unscrewed by about five turns. Then the engine is started. There is no need to use a suction. If you unscrew the “quality” screw, then the carburetor will change the engine speed. Then it is twisted again. It is required to rotate until the operation of the motor is stable and stable. When the engine starts to run smoothly, then the element is unscrewed no more than one turn. As a result, the idle speed will be set at 900. If the engine starts to stall, it is better to slightly increase the idle speed.

Carburetor starter 2105, 2107 Ozone

The situation when a cold car engine refuses to start is known to almost any motorist. There are many reasons for this problem. Approximately 25% of their total number is due to a malfunction of the carburetor starting device. Often, owners of carburetor cars do not pay due attention to this small but very useful device. But in vain. With a fully functional and correctly adjusted carburetor starting device, starting the engine turns into a simple and easy procedure (you don’t need to constantly press the gas pedal, trick with pulling out and retracting the “choke” handle, etc.).

To better understand what it is - a carburetor starting device, and in connection with this, in the future, to properly regulate and configure it, you should know its purpose, structure and principle of operation. So, the object of our consideration will be the starting device of carburetors of the 2105, 2107 Ozone family. It should be noted that the starting device is present on all 2105, 2107 Ozone carburetors.

Purpose of the carburetor starting device 2105, 2107 Ozone

The carburetor starting device 2105, 2107 Ozone is designed to ensure a reliable start of a cold car engine. This is achieved by strong forced enrichment of the fuel mixture (2-3 times richer than when starting a warm engine) entering the engine cylinders during start-up mode.

Design and purpose of the main parts of the carburetor starting device 2105, 2107 Ozone

The images below show visible elements of the carburetor starting device 2105, 2107 Ozone.

On the front of the carburetor.

elements of the carburetor starting device 23105, 2107 Ozone (front view)

On the side part, the channel for supplying vacuum when starting the engine is clearly visible, from the throttle space into the cavity behind the diaphragm of the semi-automatic air damper opener of the carburetor 2105, 2107 Ozone.

elements of the carburetor starting device 2105, 2107 Ozone (side view)

And this is a hole in the channel for supplying vacuum from the throttle space. It is only visible if you remove the carburetor.

elements of the carburetor starting device 2105, 2107 Ozone (bottom view)

If you disassemble the carburetor a little - remove the cover and disassemble the opener body, you can again see the vacuum supply channel, the diaphragm in the opener body and the adjusting screw under the plug.

parts and elements of the housing of the diaphragm trigger mechanism of the carburetor 2105, 2107 Ozone

You can imagine the starting device of the carburetor 2105, 2107 Ozone in the form of a diagram, as is done in many manuals and books on carburetors.

diagram of the starting device for carburetors 2105, 2107 Ozone

Notes and additions

— The triggering threshold of the semi-automatic starting device is about 1500 rpm

Therefore, to reliably start the engine, it is also important to have a working starter and a charged battery.

— Remove the air filter housing and start the engine. Take a look at the carburetor from above. The air damper on it should automatically open slightly to the required starting gap. If it does not open slightly, the diaphragm in the opener body may be damaged, or the connections of the vacuum supply channel of the starting device may not be sealed.

Five more articles on Ozone carburetors

— Design of the upper part (cover) of carburetors 2105, 2107 Ozone

— Disassembling carburetor 2105, 2107 Ozone

— Diagram of carburetors 2105, 2107 Ozone

— The car engine starts and stalls (reasons related to the carburetor)

— Adjusting the carburetor air damper drive 2105, 2107 Ozone

Features of the Niva 2121 carburetor

If we are talking about a carburetor, then you need to know that this part is so named because its main functional purpose is carburetion or mixing. Indeed, fuel water and air are mixed in the carburetor. I changed the thermostats to and which thermostat, if you install a thermostat from. In addition, the supply of the acquired consistency to the engine cylinders is regulated.

The carburetion mechanism depends on the design of the carburetor device itself. Which power steering is better to put on gas69? (Page 1. Thus, the “native” carburetor on the Niva 2121 consists of:

  • float chamber (
    the best functioning of the idle system and transition systems of all chambers depends of fuel liquid
  • jet (the main metering part through which fuel liquid and air enter the carburetor in metered quantities; they are also called nozzles or plugs);
  • diffusers (they are narrowings in the carburetor pipes of both chambers, they are necessary to increase the speed of air passage to the mixing chambers);
  • throttle valve (mechanical type channel flow regulator, which is intended to configure the amount of fuel liquid
    or gas passing through this channel).

The mechanism for supplying fuel through the carburetor device on the Niva 2121 has the following diagram:

  1. From the fuel tank, fuel liquid in a rational amount enters the float chamber.
  2. The float chamber lowers under the weight of the fuel water.
  3. As fuel water moves, the float chamber rises.
  4. the fuel liquid
    passes through the float chamber, it enters the nozzle.
  5. From the nozzle, fuel is supplied to the atomizer (it is located in a narrow place in the diffuser).
  6. Air enters the carburetor device through the outer pipe.
  7. Through the intake manifold, a certain amount of fuel water is supplied via throttle valves directly into the engine.

Engine 21213 (1.7l 79hp)

ENGINE VAZ 21213-1000260.

How to adjust the Solex carburetor

The engine is carburetor, the camshaft is located on top.

Cylinder displacement:

Power at a crankshaft speed of 5200 rpm:

Minimum crankshaft rotation speed rpm:

Maximum torque at 3400 rpm:

Cylinder operating order:

Octane number of gasoline:

Fuel supply system:

Engine Features.

The VAZ-21213 engine is installed on Niva-2121, 21213, 21214, 2131 (long Niva) cars; VAZ -2120 Nadezhda

Designed specifically for Niva-21213.

Engine cylinder block 21213-1002011 with a center-to-center distance of 95 mm and a height of 214.58-0.1 mm (distance from the axis of rotation of the crankshaft to the upper surface of the block). The cylinder diameter is 82mm. (repair sizes of cylinders - 82.4 and 82.8) Cylinders come in five classes A, B, C, D. The size of each class differs from the previous one by 0.01 mm. The cylinder block markings are located on the bottom surface.

Crankshaft 21213-1005015 corresponds to the crankshaft of the VAZ-2103. The shaft has additional counterweights that reduce vibration. There are two oil supply holes on each connecting rod journal. The diameters of the shaft journals are increased by 0.02 mm. When using standard bearings, this reduction in clearances optimizes the thickness of the oil layer between the shaft journal and the bearing surface. Crankshaft 21213 is recommended for installation instead of shaft 2103.

New piston group. Piston 21213 has a special oval hole on the bottom. Hole for piston pin D=22mm. The hole in the piston for the pin is offset by 1.2 mm from the piston axis. Piston pin length 67mm Piston weight - 347g. Connecting rod 21213-1004045. Connecting rod length 136 mm. Hole sizes: for the crankpin - 47.8mm; under the piston pin – 22mm.

Cylinder head 21213-1002011 (1.7 l.) Cylinder head height 21213 - 111.0 mm (1.8 mm lower than head 21011) Combustion chamber size - 81x52 mm, volume 30 cm3.

  • Camshaft 21213-1006010. The shape of the cams has been changed to increase the intake valve stroke.
  • Valves and valve mechanism from the VAZ-2101 engine.
  • Timing chain 2103. Extended tensioner shoe.
  • Carburetor 21073 SOLEX.
  • BSZ ignition system (non-contact ignition system): Ignition distributor (distributor) 3810.3706 (21213-3706010) or equivalent 2107.3706.010-21. Switch - 3620.3734 SOATE or 133.3774-01 (2108) Ignition coil - 27.3705 (2108)


Design features of the Solex carburetor for Niva 2121

For SUV Niva 2121

The carburetor device of the Solex model with serial number 21073-110-7010 is perfect. According to reviews from experienced auto mechanics, the carburetor of this model has the highest level of reliability because it is easy to adjust. Which carburetor is better to put on which carburetor version of the VAZ-2121 and became. Let's look at its features:

  • emulsion type;
  • two-section float chamber, in which sections are connected to each other;
  • two chambers equipped with throttle valves and dosing systems;
  • transition systems for both cameras;
  • An idle system is provided for the first chamber.

The Solex device is divided into two halves - lower and upper. The lower one includes the carburetor body, and the upper one includes its cover. The lower parts of each half have mechanically operated butterfly valves. VAZ 2101 carburetor parameters, which one to install, is it possible. And in the upper part there is another damper for air supply. It starts to work using a special cable connected to the vacuum starting system.

Solex is convenient in that a small set of tools is useful for its adjustment, so it can be done in virtually all conditions.


AutoNews / Reviews / Tests

Which Carburetor to Put on a VAZ 2121

Which carburetor

put it on Levels 2121

Niva 2121 , or VAZ-2121 is considered a small-class SUV, which has a supporting body and permanent all-wheel drive. The first model of this car had an engine with the same markings. VAZ-2121. I entered his package and the Daaz 2107-20 or “seven by twenty” carburetor If this doesn't work, is it best to use a Niva 2121 carburetor from modern models?

Design features of the Ozone carburetor for Niva 2121

The Ozone carburetor device, suitable for the Niva 2121 SUV, can be of 2 types:

  1. With serial number 2107-110-7010-10, it is distinguished by the fact that this carburetor:
  2. equipped with an old standard breaker;
  3. not equipped with a vacuum corrector.
  4. With serial number 2107-110-7010-20, the difference is that this device:
  5. does not have a microswitch from the economizer (it affects fuel water consumption and environmental friendliness of emissions).

Common features of the Ozone design of both models include:

  1. Strong, powerful body (thanks to this, the carburetor device is virtually not deformed).
  2. Fuel jets with a huge diameter (this implies the introduction of Ozone for low quality fuel water).
  3. The idle system is equipped with an electric shut-off valve.
  4. The 2nd chamber with the throttle valve is pneumatically driven.
  5. Diaphragm trigger.
  6. The mechanical control system is equipped with a cable drive, which leads to the air damper of the first chamber.
  7. Accelerator pump with ball valves.

Although the absence of an economizer with massive modes in it reduces the dynamic properties of the vehicle and does not save fuel consumption.

A little history

In the wide open spaces of Russia, you can still often find Soviet SUVs of the UAZ 469, 469B and 469BG models (military, civilian and medical, respectively), the production of which began back in 1972. They are the predecessors of the current UAZ 31512 and 31514 models, which appeared as a result of modernization in 1985, which are still successfully serving today. In the same way, the onboard UAZ 452D in 1985 became the UAZ 3303.

The UAZ 469 model had a standard single-chamber K 131 carburetor, which is currently morally and physically outdated (it is practically impossible to find it in good condition). Subsequently, with the advent of newer engines, the K 126 carburetor appeared, and the UAZ 31512 and 31514 models received the new PeCar K 151, which is equipped with many other Russian-made cars (Volga, GAZelle, Sobol, and so on). All of the above carburetors were produced by the Leningrad Carburetor Plant. Our task is to consider the possibility of replacing them with units from another manufacturer (DAAZ).

Brief overview of carburetor models

Here is an overview of the models of units produced by DAAZ, suitable for installation on Ulyanovsk SUVs.

  1. DAAZ 2101/02/03 WEBER. It is impossible not to mention this predecessor of OZON carburetors, which works wonderfully with UMZ engines with a displacement of 2.4 liters installed on the UAZ 31512. WEBER is not as economical as its newer Dimitrovgrad counterparts, but in terms of traction characteristics it produces excellent results. Fuel consumption is slightly lower compared to K 131 or K 126. The disadvantage of the unit is that it is difficult to find in working condition. Typically, you need to find two or three old Webers to assemble one working one.
  2. DAAZ 2107 OZONE. A very suitable option for those who do not care about overclocking dynamics. Fuel consumption on the UAZ 31512 model after installing the 2107 carburetor is noticeably reduced. We deliberately ignore the second modification of OZONE - DAAZ 2105, which is designed for a much smaller engine displacement.
  3. DAAZ 2140 OZONE is an analogue of 2107 with a different set of jets and a less successful idle system. Suitable for installation if you already have it in stock, but if not, it’s better to purchase 2107.
  4. DAAZ 2108 SOLEX, DAAZ 21073 SOLEX. The first is designed for VAZ cars of the eighth and ninth families, the second is installed on the VAZ 21213 Niva. Solex carburetors are complex and high-tech products; their installation on the UAZ 31512 is completely justified, as it gives good results. Preference should be given to modification 21073, which has larger diffuser sizes. Both modifications are equipped with EPHH with electronics, so when installed on older machines, some modification will be required to connect it. In other cases, the electronic system is simply discarded, but this affects the efficiency of the car.
  5. DAAZ 4178 SOLEX. Among the carburetors of the Dimitrovgrad plant, it is the most adapted for UAZ cars; it is perfect for both the UAZ 31512 and UAZ 3303 models. It can also be installed on older cars (before 1985). Reliable, economical, easy to install, and has the largest number of positive reviews from admirers of the brand.

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Which carburetor to install on Niva 21213

Initially, when the VAZ 21213 model was designed and produced by the manufacturer, an Ozone brand carburetor was installed in it. In 1994, the manufacturer decided to modernize the Niva. In addition to the engine and other parts, the carburetor was replaced with a Solex model. Car owners still argue about which unit is better. The opinions of Niva owners differed and, indeed, there are a lot of “pros” and a lot of “cons” regarding each type of carburetor. We will also try to figure out which model of the unit is better.

Ozone has an old type breaker installed, and there is no vacuum corrector. The Solex does not have a microswitch installed on the economizer, which negatively affects the cleanliness of the exhaust and fuel consumption. Both types of carburetor have both their pros and cons. But VAZ engineers preferred Solex as a more modern model. However, many car owners often complain about this type of carburetor because of its incorrect operation. Experts believe that the reason for this may be the low quality of gasoline. Also, the reason sometimes lies in the need to replace the fuel or air filter; in addition, for proper operation of the carburetor, it and the entire ventilation system must be regularly cleaned of oil contaminants. Some drivers of Niva, where Ozone is installed, independently change the carburetor to Solex. According to the majority, this has a positive effect on the performance of their car.

A little history

In the wide Russian expanses, Russian all-terrain vehicles of the UAZ 469, 469B and 469BG models (military, civilian and medical, respectively), the production of which began back in 1972, are still often found. They are the predecessors of today's UAZ 31512 and 31514 models, which were ultimately modernized in 1985, which are successfully serving at the moment. In the same way, the onboard UAZ 452D was transformed into the UAZ 3303 in 1985.


The UAZ 469 model had a standard single-chamber K 131 carburetor, which today is morally and physically outdated (it’s practically impossible to find it in good condition). Then, with the emergence of newer engines, the K 126 carburetor appeared, and the UAZ 31512 and 31514 models received the new PeKar K 151, which they are equipped with, etc. cars produced in Russia (Volga, GAZelle, Sobol, well, what’s next). What remains for our client to do? The carburetors listed above were produced by the Leningrad Carburetor Plant. Our task is to consider the possibility of replacing them with units from another manufacturer (DAAZ).

If not the valve, then what?

Dirt, low-quality fuel, malfunction of the ignition system - all this separately and in the compartment can affect the idle speed disappearing or becoming unstable. If you have already decided to carry out a full diagnosis, then start with the filters - air and fuel.

If they are heavily clogged, then gasoline or air (these are the main components of the air-fuel mixture) will not enter the carburetor normally. To be more precise, they will hit, but only after overcoming great resistance. And don't forget about the thimble-shaped filter that is installed at the inlet of the carburetor.

The solution is to replace all the filters and not have to worry anymore. But if this does not help, then you have many more faulty nodes. This means it’s time to look at the spark plugs (at the same time, remember how long ago you changed them). Unfortunately, a rare spark plug will last more than 30 thousand km.

And this is about a year and a half of operating the car in average mode. Unscrew the spark plugs, look at the carbon deposits, whether there is any and what color it is. With a long service life, the central electrode of the spark plug wears out and the gap increases as a result. Replace the spark plugs and check if the idle speed is stable.

Does it still stall at idle and not hold the revs? Then the ignition system remains. If you have a contact one, then check the gap in the breaker and set the optimal advance angle. If contactless, then diagnose the switch and Hall sensor.

These two elements fail more often than others. However, there is nothing more to break. Also inspect the condition of the high-voltage wires and, if necessary, remove moisture or dirt from them. The distributor cover should be without damage, and the resistance of the resistor in the slider should be about 5.5 kOhm.

What is a carburetor

If we compare the carburetor Niva and the injection one, we can conclude that the first is more archaic and old. The carburetor is the main component in this system. That is, it is this mechanism that, during operation, mixes air with a portion of gasoline, thereby creating a flammable mixture. The system itself is a simple device. But, despite this, many car owners are not entirely happy with this engine, since quite often it let them down.

A carburetor engine contains: a float, jets, and needles. It is worth noting that all these mechanisms require regular cleaning and regulation.

Carburetor calibration data

Carburetor pierburg/ solex 1B3
Diffuser diameter, mm23
Main fuel jet105
Air jet57,5
Idle fuel jet50
Idle air jet130
Needle valve diameter, mm1,5
Accelerator pump performance per cycle, cm31,0 ± 0,15
Acceleration pump nozzle32,5/ 150
Air damper starting gap, mm2,2 ± 0,2
Engine start speed, min-12000 ± 100
Idle speed, min-1800 ± 50
Content of carbon monoxide (CO) in exhaust gases, %no more than 2.0 ± 0.5
Automatic starter marking281
Diffuser diameter, mm23
Main fuel jetx117.5
Air jet115z
Idle fuel jet45
Idle air jet135
Additional fuel jet32,5
Additional air jet130
Needle valve diameter, mm1,5
Accelerator pump performance per cycle, cm31,0 +0,1
1,0 -0,15
Air damper starting gap, mm1,8 ± 0,2
Engine start speed, min-12600 ± 100
Idle speed, min-1950 ± 50
Content of carbon monoxide (CO) in exhaust gases, %no more than 1.0 ± 0.5
Carburetor pierburg/ solex 2E3
1 camera2 camera
Diffuser diameter, mm1923
Main fuel jetx95x110
Air jet120130
Idle fuel jet45
Idle air jet13095
Accelerator pump performance per cycle, cm31,0 ± 0,15
Diameter of the accelerator pump nozzle hole, mm0,35
Automatic starter marking276
Air damper starting gap, mm2,0 ± 0,1
Engine start speed, min-12000 ± 100
Idle speed, min-1800 ± 50
Content of carbon monoxide (CO) in exhaust gases, %no more than 2.0 ± 0.5
Carburetor pierburg/ solex 2E2 (1.6 l engine)
1 camera2 camera
Diffuser diameter, mm2226
Main fuel jetx110x127
Air jet0,751,07
Idle fuel jet42,5
Idle air jet70
Accelerator pump performance per cycle, cm31,0 ± 0,15
Diameter of the accelerator pump nozzle hole, mm0,5
Air damper starting gap, mm:
– mechanical transmission:
first stage2,3 ± 0,15
second stage5,8 ± 0,15
– automatic transmission:
first stage2,7 ± 0,15
second stage Why does the engine stall? Why does the carburetor shoot?

5,8 +0,16

5,8 -0,15
Engine start speed, min-13000 ± 200
Idle speed, min-1950 ± 50
Content of carbon monoxide (CO) in exhaust gases, % not more than1,0 ± 0,5
Carburetor pierburg/ solex 2E2 (1.8 l engine)
1 camera2 camera
Diffuser diameter, mm2226
Main fuel jetx105x120
Air jet1,051,00
Idle fuel jet42,5
Idle air jet0,9
Accelerator pump performance per cycle, cm31,05 ± 0,1
Diameter of the accelerator pump nozzle hole, mm0,5
Air damper starting gap, mm:
- first stage2,3 ± 0,15
– second stage4,7 ± 0,15
Engine start speed, min-13000 ± 200
Idle speed, min-1950 ± 50
Content of carbon monoxide (CO) in exhaust gases, %no more than 1.0 ± 0.5
Carburetor 2EE ecotronic
1 camera2 camera
Diffuser diameter, mm2226
Main fuel jetx105x110
Air jetx110x105
Idle fuel jetx45
Diameter of the accelerator pump nozzle hole, mm0,4
Engine start speed, min-11400
Idle speed, min-1750
Content of carbon monoxide (CO) in exhaust gases, %no more than 0.6

Features of electrical equipment

The electrical circuit of the VAZ model 21213 has certain differences with the model 2121, in particular:

  1. 21213 vehicles use more modernized foot fuses in the fuse box. Of course, the use of such devices led to the fact that the block site also became different.
  2. The power supply system of these vehicles additionally includes an idle speed saving device. For this option to work properly, another connector with wiring was added in the engine compartment.
  3. Another difference is that these cars use a non-contact ignition circuit, the main element of which is a microcontroller.

It should be noted that differences in the Niva circuit may lie both in the generator units and in the electrics themselves.

Differences in generators

In any case, the differences in the wiring diagram of the models will primarily depend on the power unit - carburetor or injection.

The main differences in carburetors:

  • models 21213 use the generator unit model 371.3701;
  • in the engines of models 21214, the manufacturer decided to install a more powerful generator device; it is marked with the numbers 9412.3701 (video author - Sergei Chekhonin).

And although these generators are different, they have certain similarities in design. In any case, it is a synchronous AC device. In addition, these units have a built-in rectifier and output voltage regulation mechanism.

Wiring differences

If we talk directly about wiring, then depending on the car model, it may also have differences. It should be noted that these differences greatly simplify do-it-yourself maintenance and repair of the system. As for injection modifications of SUVs specifically, in this case the system is equipped with three outputs intended for installing electronic ignition.

In addition, 21214 cars use two ventilating devices that perform the function of cooling the radiator assembly. Accordingly, due to the use of additional fans, the wiring also underwent, albeit not significant, differences. Of course, they are not fundamental.

Niva index designations

The wiring diagram may vary slightly depending on the design features of the vehicle.
First, let's look at the index notation:

  1. VAZ 21213. This index designates a vehicle equipped with a carburetor. The volume of the power unit is 1.7 liters.
  2. 21214. In VAZ 21214 cars, the scheme involves the use of a similar engine with the same volume. The only difference is that the car is equipped with a fuel injection system.
  3. There is another model with the index 21213. In VAZ 21213 cars, the electrical circuit includes the same elements, only depending on the year of manufacture, the car can be equipped with a 1.8 liter engine.
  4. Version 21073. The SUV is equipped with either an injection engine with nozzles or a Solex carburetor engine. One of the features of these cars is a contactless ignition circuit.
  5. 21215. These SUVs were originally produced for export, so these cars are difficult to find on our roads. It is worth noting that they were equipped with Citroen diesel engines.

At the beginning of the article there is a diagram of the VAZ electrical equipment using the example of the Niva 2121 model. If you are the owner of version 2131 or any other, then there will be a difference in the circuit diagram, but not fundamentally. If we are talking about carburetor engines, then in this case the circuit, as well as the ignition, will not be protected (the author of the video is Nail Poroshin).

Do-it-yourself carburetor adjustment for VAZ 21213 video

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