Webasto does not start: reasons. Fault codes for Webasto autonomy

Webasto has become an almost indispensable thing in the modern automotive world. All those lucky people who have this preheater can avoid a lot of serious problems in winter. But sometimes they still happen. The driver tries to turn on the system and sees that the Webasto does not start.

The reasons for this behavior can be very different, and few people read the instructions for this installation. Let's figure out what Webasto is, how to properly operate this system, let's look at the reasons for its breakdowns, as well as error codes.

Operating principle

When the driver turns on the unit, a fuel-air mixture is supplied to it, which then ignites and burns. Due to this, the coolant in the heat exchanger is heated. The pump responsible for circulation in the heater pumps antifreeze throughout the system through the radiator-heat exchanger, thereby warming the engine. The unit is also connected to the standard cabin heating system and controls the start of the fan.

So, in winter the driver may not have to wait for the power unit to warm up. The engine will quickly enter operating temperature mode with one press of a key on the remote control.

Webasto DBW 2010/2012/2020/2022/300/350

Preliminary diagnostics of faults in engine pre-heaters for Webasto DBW 2010/12, 2020/22 and Webasto 300/350.

MalfunctionCheck and repair or replace if necessary
After switching on, the heater does not work.Electricity supply. Circuit breakers. Electrical wires and connections. Switch. Control block.
The operating mode display goes out after approximately 25 seconds.Temperature fuse or heat limiter. Flame detector. Control block. Ignition electrodes. Ignition spark source, ignition cable. Drive (motor). Fuel supply. Fuel pump. Fuel solenoid valve. Spray nozzle.
The motor in the heater does not work.Electricity supply. Circuit breakers. Electrical wires and connections. Heating control thermostat or temperature sensor. Control block. Drive (motor).
Engine in a heater – absence of an initial phase preceding combustion.Electricity supply. Control block.
The engine is in the heater - no purge after finishing work.Control block.
Circulation pump does not work.Electricity supply. Circuit breakers. Electrical wires and connections. Control block. Drive (motor).
There is no ignition spark.Circuit breakers. Electrical wires and connections. Flame detector. Control block. Ignition spark source, ignition cable.
Combustion – does not start after 15 seconds.Temperature fuse or heat limiter. Flame detector. Control block. Ignition electrodes. Ignition spark source, ignition cable. Fuel pump. Fuel solenoid valve. Spray nozzle.
Combustion – Combustion stops after 25 seconds.Electricity supply. Electrical wires and connections. Flame detector. Control block.
Combustion – cannot be turned off.Switch. Control block. Fuel solenoid valve.
Combustion – with light smoke.Fuel supply. Fuel pump. Spray nozzle.
Combustion – with dark smoke.Electricity supply. Electrical wires and connections. Drive (motor). Fuel supply. Combustion air supply. Exhaust gas removal.
The preheater is overheated. Electrical wires and connections. Temperature fuse or heat limiter. Temperature fuse or heat limiter. Heating control thermostat or temperature sensor. Control block. Spray nozzle. Heating system.

Benefits and Features

One of the advantages of this device is that you don’t even need to approach the car to start the system. You can start from the window of your own apartment. Many people love Webasto for its autonomy, and also for the fact that almost no precious energy is wasted from the battery for heating. One of the serious disadvantages is that the battery life is reduced by about a year. But you always have to pay for comfort. When the temperature reaches a certain threshold, and by default this level is 81°, then the control unit will simply turn off the installation. The car will wait for its owner, being completely ready to move. However, if there is no activity for a long time and the temperature begins to drop, then when it reaches 64 degrees, Webasto will start up and begin its work again.


In case of any abnormal situation, it will show an error code (in numbers on the display or using a switch light). Abnormal operation of Webasto is most often caused by an oversight by the driver himself (for example, the fuel level in the tank dropped below the permissible level and the device did not start), but it happens that the signal is sent due to a serious malfunction.

Most often, Webasto stops working due to carbon deposits inside. Sensors may also fail.

A fairly common problem is the situation when it blows, but does not heat.

In this case, the circulation pump is most likely faulty. That is, the heater turns on, runs for several minutes and turns off due to overheating, because... liquid does not circulate in the cooling circuit. The problem is solved by replacing the pump.

The malfunction must be repaired only at a service center where workers have completed a special training course.

Operation of a faulty device is prohibited.

The Webasto autonomous heater is a very reliable device, but a breakdown can still happen. In most cases, failure occurs due to improper installation, improper operation or lack of maintenance.

Most often, the Webasto autonomous heater simply does not turn on in the event of a malfunction, however, in some malfunctions, abnormal operation of the device is simply observed.

The Webasto battery has the following typical faults:

  • flame breaks;
  • overheat;
  • unstable operation (for example, difficulty starting).

In the event of a breakdown, the heater will indicate its malfunction by showing an error code (a table with codes is presented at the end of the article).

An inscription in the form of the letter F and two numbers will appear on the timer display (this is the error code).

If there is no timer and there is only a switch, then the switch light will give a certain signal (blink code). The light bulb will give 5 short signals and a number of long ones. The number of long beeps is an error code. If the error code is 0, then the light bulb will simply give 5 short signals.

Also, abnormal operation of the heater may be indicated by extraneous noise during operation of the device.

The car owner can only check the condition of the fuses on his own, as well as visually assess the condition of the heater.

Therefore, if visually all the fuses are intact and all the plugs are in place, then you must immediately contact a specialized service center

. To fully diagnose and read errors, you must have special Webasto Thermo Test software, as well as a special programmer and adapter plug. All this is available only in a specialized service center.

Self-repair may result in damage to the heater or vehicle!!!

Webasto Autonomy may show the following error codes:

Webasto is an indispensable thing in the modern world. Happy owners of such a device avoid serious problems in winter. But as soon as the system disappears, the question arises, why does Webasto not turn on? In the article we will try to analyze the possible causes of the breakdown, but first we will look at how to use the mechanism correctly so as not to experience further problems with the heater.

Webasto system in a car

Today it is difficult to find a car enthusiast who does not dream of integrating Webasto into his car. Webasto is an autonomous German-made one. A compact mechanism weighing 5 kg is installed inside the cooling circuit of the vehicle’s on-board network and fuel system. The main function of Webasto is to warm up the engine before starting the power unit. An autonomous heater pump drives antifreeze throughout the cooling network through the radiator. Essentially, the device is a small combustion chamber connected to the vehicle’s cooling system. Today the manufacturer is bringing to market two types of devices - Thermo Top Evo-4 and Thermo Top Evo-5

. They differ only in power.

Webasto is also connected to the standard interior heater and starts the fan. Thus, in the cold season, the driver does not need to wait for the engine to warm up. The motor reaches the required temperature with one press of the remote control button. The owner does not need to approach the car; Webasto can be launched from the apartment window. In addition, during a cold start, engine wear is equal to a mileage of 100 km

. The heater works autonomously, heating and starting the engine for a long time does not take up a large battery charge. The only obvious downside is that the battery life is reduced by a year. If we take this as a price for convenience and comfort, then changing the battery is not decisive.

Webasto operation in winter

DIY repair

In the summer, no one uses this device, because there is no particular need for it. But then the first cold weather arrives, the driver presses the button, but there is no result. And self-diagnosis begins. The driver tries to detect the problem, and often fails.

But still, independent repair of Webasto is possible, although the manufacturer recommends that you contact the company’s diagnostic center for any breakdowns. If you understand how the system works and have the necessary knowledge, you can repair the device yourself.

Webasto Air Top 2000 STC 12/24

Modern air heaters AT 2000 STC are equipped with a MultiControl timer as a control; in the event of a malfunction, error codes are displayed on the timer screen, see the column (Code on the timer) in the table below.

Timer MultiControl

If the Webasto autonomous system is equipped with a switch with a thermostat as a control element, then an error code is issued after the heater is turned off in the form of a flashing operating indicator light on the switch.

After 5 short signals, long pulses are issued - the number of these pulses corresponds to the number in the (Code) column in the table below.

CodeTimer codePossible causes of malfunctionRecommendations for elimination
00No mistakes.Check the supply voltage and correct electrical connections. Replace the control unit.
01Control unit defective.
11Incorrect fuel coding. Program crash.
12No W-bus communication.
18Client bus communication error.
81Incorrect EOL checksum. Program crash.
91Incorrect control unit code. Program crash.
92Invalid update command. There is no signal from the control.
102No start. The heater does not start. No flame formation. Check the intake and exhaust systems. Check the fuel system. Check the glow pin.
182No start. The heater does not start. No flame formation. Check the intake and exhaust systems. Check the fuel system. Check the glow pin.
203Flame break. Flame goes out during startup or operation. Check fuel supply.
283Flame break. Flame goes out during startup or operation. Check fuel supply.
304High supply voltage. For 12 V: 10.5–16 V, for 24 V: 20.5–31 V. Check the heater power wires.
384High supply voltage. For 12 V: 10.5–16 V, for 24 V: 20.5–31 V. Check the heater power wires.
405Premature flame detection. Detection of flame before combustion begins. Check the glow pin, flame sensor.
51AFlame sensor short circuit. Broken or short circuited pin or flame sensor.
59AFlame sensor broken. Broken or short circuited pin or flame sensor.
614Temperature sensor short circuit.Check the wires, connector contacts and resistance of the temperature sensor.
694Temperature sensor break.Check the wires, connector contacts and resistance of the temperature sensor.
708Short circuit of the fuel pump.Check the resistance of the fuel pump.
788Broken fuel pump.Check the resistance of the fuel pump.
809Supercharger short circuit.Perform an electrical and mechanical check of the blower motor.
889Supercharger breakage.
815Supercharger jammed.
919Pin short circuit.Check pin resistance.
999Broken pin.
90APin short circuit.
98ABroken pin.
1006Overheat. Exceeding the temperature of the heat exchanger. Check the cold air intake and the integrity of the heater housing.
1017Overheating, exceeding the gradient. Exceeding the temperature of the heat exchanger. Check the cold air intake and the integrity of the heater housing.
111BOverheat sensor short circuit.Check the resistance of the overheating sensor.
11ABBreakage of the overheating sensor.Check the resistance of the overheating sensor.
1207Blocking. Heater blocking. Eliminate faults and unlock the heater.
1497The temperature gradient at start-up has not been reached. Insufficient rate of temperature rise. Check the fuel system and the condition of the heat exchanger and burner.
159VThe control potentiometer is broken.Check the wires and resistance of the potentiometer.

Possible faults

All system failures can be divided into several types. These are Webasto errors in the internal memory of the device, but they often do not affect operating modes in any way. There are also failures that occur spontaneously. This is automatic start or secondary activation. The reason for this behavior may be a malfunction in the heater circuit. Webasto also turns off on its own due to errors. Such failures can occur in the electronic control unit or in the power supply system. The heater simply turns off itself, and Webasto errors will not be saved in memory. The second option is when the error persists, and if it restarts, the system offers to turn it off and then turn it on again.

Blocking occurs due to a certain number of duplicate codes. If the device fails 4 to 6 times, then the system will lock and save an error report. You won't be able to unlock the heater yourself. You must contact the company's service and diagnostic center.

Blocking can also occur due to overheating. If Webasto does not start, the reasons may be just one of these blockages.

Another reason is an error and shutdown due to low or high voltage. When the voltage rises and eventually reaches 11.5 V, the device turns off. Then automatic purge starts. You can measure the voltage using the control unit. In case of excessive voltages (usually at 16 V), the unit stops its operation. When the problem is resolved, the auxiliary heater will work again.

When Webasto does not start, other types of reasons can be determined using a special diagnostic program for PC, Thermo Test.

Webasto Thermo 50/90S/90ST/230/300/350

If a malfunction occurs, an electronic lock is activated and the heater issues a fault code. Check the fuses and plug connectors for their serviceability and tightness.

The blockage can be removed by restarting the heater or by briefly removing the blue 15 A fuse on the heater cable harness when the heater is on.

After installing the fuse, the heater turns on. If the blockage is not removed, you need to determine the cause of the malfunction.

Note! Wesasto heater blocking is a special operating mode. The blocking is activated if the self-diagnosis system detects a malfunction (one or more), further work with which may be unsafe, both for the heater itself and for the vehicle on which the heater is installed. The blocking itself is not a malfunction, but is a consequence of one or more malfunctions. Moreover, the cause of the malfunction may not be in the heater at all.

Webasto timer 1531

If the heater is equipped with a 1531 timer (with alarm), after an emergency lockout, the following error codes are displayed on the timer display.

F01There is no start.
F02Flame break (repeated more than 5 times).
F03Voltage drop below permissible or increase above permissible.
F04Premature flame detection.
F05Open circuit or short circuit of the flame sensor.
F06Open circuit or short circuit of the temperature sensor.
F07Open circuit or short circuit of the dosing pump.
F08Open circuit, short circuit, or incorrect air blower motor speed.
F09Open circuit or short circuit of the glow pin.
F10Heater overheating.
F11Open circuit or short circuit of the circulation pump.
F12*Emergency blocking due to repeated malfunctions or flame failure: such blocking is removed by turning on the heater again and disconnecting it from the vehicle battery during the starting process.

* – only for preheaters Webasto Thermo 230/300/350

If the heater as a control element is equipped with a switch or timer 1529 (without an alarm clock), then error codes are transmitted in the form of light signals (flashing). Turn off the heater, after short 5 flashes, long pulses are issued.

The number of pulses corresponds to the number after the letter F given in the table above.

Webasto HL32 Heater Room Thermostat

Errors and their elimination

All the reasons why the Webasto preheater malfunctions can be divided into four types. Codes that the electronic control unit was unable to store can be resolved by checking the fuel supply. Then only individual components or the heater itself are replaced. If there are fixed failures, then you need to look at the type of problem in memory. In the electronic control unit, you can use the error code to identify why Webasto does not start and replace the problem components.

A list of error codes can be found in the instructions. For example, 010 is too low voltage. And 047 is a short circuit in the fuel pump of the autonomous system. If the built-in Webasto diagnostic system was unable to identify the failed unit, it is necessary to check the peripheral components of the mechanism.

Detailed information about why Webasto does not start can be found out using diagnostics using a computer. With the help of the program, we will find out exactly everything about the error and receive detailed information on how to fix it. Once the fault has been resolved, the code must be reset using diagnostic software. Otherwise the unit will not start.

Service error codes for Webasto air heaters (Webasto)

Webasto and problems with diesel engines

Low-quality fuel quickly clogs the filter mesh in the pump. The result is poor fuel dosage, and then a stop in supply. Webasto starts and stalls. Low-quality fuel negatively affects the spark plug, which becomes coked and no longer heats up to the required temperatures. If a Webasto installed on a diesel engine does not start, then the problems are completely similar to gasoline internal combustion engines.

So, on diesel engines the system may not work due to fuel that contains more sulfur. It cokes the spark plug even more than gasoline. Therefore, a diesel Webasto will fail faster than a gasoline one. In addition, there are often cases when Webasto does not start in cold weather. The fact is that in winter, diesel fuel thickens and cannot be pumped normally through the fuel line to the combustion chamber of the heater. This is a common problem and there is nothing you can do about it. It is only necessary to clean the system and fill the tank with winter fuel.

Why doesn't Webasto start?

Three main problems often appear:

  • The heater cannot be started;
  • A failure occurs when trying to turn on;
  • The equipment stops working immediately after starting.

The cause of performance problems is very often low-quality fuel. The foreign substances contained in it in the form of small particles clog the thin filter mesh in the fuel pump. As a result, the amount of diesel fuel or gasoline is reduced significantly or its supply is completely stopped. Low-quality fuel quickly cokes the spark plugs and does not heat up to an acceptable temperature.

The increased content of sulfur and water in diesel fuel damages the heating system much faster than gasoline. In addition, diesel fuel tends to thicken in severe frost and physically cannot move through the pipeline. Using a summer diesel engine at temperatures below 10°C is a common reason why Webasto does not turn on.

Another reason can be identified - sagging fuel pipe. As a result, it is difficult for fuel to enter the combustion chamber. However, clogging of the filter and spark plugs is still a common problem.

Failure to start the system indicates that there is a problem in the electronics. The same reason applies to those cases when the heater first started working, and then turned off after a couple of minutes. The occurrence of such errors requires specialist intervention. Employees of a certified center with the appropriate equipment connect the heater to the diagnostic system. After several tests, the cause of the failure will be identified.

Devices with GSM control may experience heater startup errors. This is mainly due to the SIM card installed in the device. The commands transmitted to it simply do not reach the equipment due to the zero balance on it. To do this, just top up your account and everything will work again; some mobile operators may simply block the card if there are no payments for three months. This nuance must be taken into account before concluding a contract.

If you don’t understand why Webasto won’t turn on, but you know that everything is fine with the card, but the device gives an error, then you can reset it yourself. This is only suitable for equipment where the original control unit is installed.

The convenient and reliable Webasto preheater will last for many years with proper use and care. Refueling your car at proven gas stations and regularly checking the functionality of the equipment will help you avoid a critical breakdown.

Which ensures its easy start in the cold season. However, during long-term operation, like any other device, the heater may experience various types of malfunctions that interfere with its proper operation. In this regard, most car owners are interested in the reasons why Webasto does not start. Before encountering this kind of problem, you first need to understand the principle of operation and what problems may arise.

The preheater consists of five components:

  1. Electronic control unit;
  2. The combustion chamber;
  3. Heat exchanger;
  4. Circulating pump;
  5. Fuel lift pump.

Main components and operation diagram of Webasto

The fuel booster pump from the fuel tank supplies a portion of fuel to the combustion chamber, which is ignited by a spiral spark plug. There is a heat exchanger in the combustion chamber, which is washed by coolant. The heat exchanger is connected to a small circle of the engine cooling system, and thanks to a circulating pump, coolant circulates through the cooling jacket, which helps warm up the engine faster before starting. And an electronic control unit connected to the engine electronic control unit controls the operation of the heater.

Problem solving and troubleshooting

Often, when Webasto does not start, the reasons may be hidden in the fuel supply. This happens in winter on diesel engines if the owner forgot to change summer fuel to winter. The heater may be in good working order - it can then work as usual in a warm garage. When the device starts to work normally in a warm place, it is necessary to change the diesel engine, then blow out the system, clean it thoroughly, change the filters and fill in new fuel.

There is another reason - this is the lack of fuel in the combustion chambers of the heater. If a Webasto installed on a diesel engine does not start, and the problem is not with the quality of the diesel fuel, then the fuel does not reach the pump. In this case, the sound of the element will be quite loud and clear. Another reason may be air leaks due to damage to the fuel line. It is also recommended to check the solenoid valve - plugs often accumulate in it.

You can use an ohmmeter to check the air pressure. Normal numbers are 134-154 Ohms. When carrying out diagnostics, any flushing liquid is fed into the tube. After the fuel system has been checked, the Webasto repair continues with electronic diagnostics. It is necessary to check the condition of fuses F1 to F3. Burnt out ones need to be replaced. After this, you should check whether the unit will work. Then check the operation of the timer. To do this, measure the current in its connector. If the voltage does not pass, then the timer must be completely replaced. Then the stove is checked and the condition of the terminals is looked at. They can become oxidized, blocking current flow. All wires are also checked for integrity. Depressurization can be seen on the plug. Next, the blocks are removed.

If Webasto does not start (GAZelle is no exception), then the unit may be blocked due to the fact that all errors have been corrected, but the data about this has not yet entered memory. Power is removed from the control unit for three seconds. This is done by removing the fuses. Then the element must be returned to its place. After this, you can turn on the device. Then the first two steps are repeated. If everything worked out, then the system will work normally. This way you can solve the problem when the Webasto starts and stalls after working for a couple of minutes. This behavior occurs due to blocks in the electronic control. Resetting and clearing errors will help solve this problem.

Why doesn't Webasto start?

Three main problems often appear:

  • The heater cannot be started;
  • A failure occurs when trying to turn on;
  • The equipment stops working immediately after starting.

The cause of performance problems is very often low-quality fuel. The foreign substances contained in it in the form of small particles clog the thin filter mesh in the fuel pump. As a result, the amount of diesel fuel or gasoline is reduced significantly or its supply is completely stopped. Low-quality fuel quickly cokes the spark plugs and does not heat up to an acceptable temperature.

The increased content of sulfur and water in diesel fuel damages the heating system much faster than gasoline. In addition, diesel fuel tends to thicken in severe frost and physically cannot move through the pipeline. Using a summer diesel engine at temperatures below 10°C is a common reason why Webasto does not turn on.

Another reason can be identified - sagging fuel pipe. As a result, it is difficult for fuel to enter the combustion chamber. However, clogging of the filter and spark plugs is still a common problem.

Failure to start the system indicates that there is a problem in the electronics. The same reason applies to those cases when the heater first started working, and then turned off after a couple of minutes. The occurrence of such errors requires specialist intervention. Employees of a certified center with the appropriate equipment connect the heater to the diagnostic system. After several tests, the cause of the failure will be identified.

Devices with GSM control may experience heater startup errors. This is mainly due to the SIM card installed in the device. The commands transmitted to it simply do not reach the equipment due to the zero balance on it. To do this, just top up your account and everything will work again; some mobile operators may simply block the card if there are no payments for three months. This nuance must be taken into account before concluding a contract.

If you don’t understand why Webasto won’t turn on, but you know that everything is fine with the card, but the device gives an error, then you can reset it yourself. This is only suitable for equipment where the original control unit is installed.

The convenient and reliable Webasto preheater will last for many years with proper use and care. Refueling your car at proven gas stations and regularly checking the functionality of the equipment will help you avoid a critical breakdown.

Webasto is an indispensable thing in the modern world. Happy owners of such a device avoid serious problems in winter. But as soon as the system disappears, the question arises, why does Webasto not turn on? In the article we will try to analyze the possible causes of the breakdown, but first we will look at how to use the mechanism correctly so as not to experience further problems with the heater.

Webasto system in a car

Today it is difficult to find a car enthusiast who does not dream of integrating Webasto into his car. Webasto is an autonomous German-made one. A compact mechanism weighing 5 kg is installed inside the cooling circuit of the vehicle’s on-board network and fuel system. The main function of Webasto is to warm up the engine before starting the power unit. An autonomous heater pump drives antifreeze throughout the cooling network through the radiator. Essentially, the device is a small combustion chamber connected to the vehicle’s cooling system. Today the manufacturer is bringing to market two types of devices - Thermo Top Evo-4 and Thermo Top Evo-5

. They differ only in power.

Webasto is also connected to the standard interior heater and starts the fan. Thus, in the cold season, the driver does not need to wait for the engine to warm up. The motor reaches the required temperature with one press of the remote control button. The owner does not need to approach the car; Webasto can be launched from the apartment window. In addition, during a cold start, engine wear is equal to a mileage of 100 km

. The heater works autonomously, heating and starting the engine for a long time does not take up a large battery charge. The only obvious downside is that the battery life is reduced by a year. If we take this as a price for convenience and comfort, then changing the battery is not decisive.

Webasto operation in winter

Proper packaging, shipping to the work site.

Friends! Before sending, I advise you to put the board in an antistatic bag or wrap it in a sheet of paper. On top, you can wrap the board with bubble wrap or any other packaging material. A board packed in a plastic bag may be damaged by static electricity during transportation or unpacking procedures. Boards damaged by static electricity cannot be repaired!

You can bring the payment in person, or send it by any transport company to my address or the address of the delivery point. I prefer to work with CDEK and Boxberry. If there are no transport companies in your city, you can send the parcel by Russian Post.

On the picture. An example of safe board packaging.

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