Purpose of a spark on a VAZ 2106, reasons for its absence and troubleshooting

What to do if there is no spark on a VAZ-2106 car? As is known, this phenomenon leads to the fact that the air-fuel mixture does not ignite and the engine stops starting. Therefore, you will have to look for the causes of the problem without fail.

On VAZ cars, and on the “six” in particular, the spark can disappear due to a variety of malfunctions. But in this article we will describe only the most common of them, and also give useful tips for identifying and troubleshooting problems.

Spark plug

If there is no spark, or a weak spark is observed, the first element that the car owner pays attention to is the spark plugs. You need to check whether one of the candles has stopped working. First, check to see if the candles have turned black. In this case, they require mandatory replacement.

The test can be carried out under any conditions. Even right on the road in case of an unexpected breakdown. It is important to have a set of working candles with you in stock for such a case.

  • install a new spark plug
  • turn the starter and see if there is a spark
  • If everything works properly, we start the engine and move on.

Sometimes installing a new working spark plug does not help - there is still no spark. In this case, you need to start checking the following elements of the system to find out why there is still no spark.

Checking the contact distributor

The need to check the distributor-breaker arises if problems arise with sparking, but during the diagnostics of the ignition system elements the problem could not be identified.

Cover and rotor

First of all, we inspect the cover and rotor of the device. The check consists of the following steps:

    We dismantle the distributor cover and inspect it inside and out. There should be no cracks, chips, or burnt contacts on it. If damage is found, the part must be replaced.

contact Group

The main malfunctions of the ignition distributor contact group are burnt contacts and incorrect clearance between them. In case of burning, the contacts are cleaned with fine sandpaper. If they are severely damaged, it is better to replace them. As for the gap itself, to check it it is necessary to remove the cover of the distributor-breaker and turn the engine crankshaft so that the cam on the distributor shaft opens the contacts as much as possible. We check the gap with a feeler gauge and if it differs from the norm, then we adjust the contacts by unscrewing the corresponding screws and moving the contact plate.


If a capacitor is installed on the distributor of your “six”, then sometimes the part can fail as a result of a breakdown. The malfunction appears as follows:

  • problems starting the engine;
  • sudden engine stop while driving.

You can check an element in the following ways:

    Control lamp. Disconnect the wiring coming from the coil and the capacitor wire from the distributor according to the figure. We connect a light bulb to the open circuit and turn on the ignition. If the lamp lights up, it means that the part being tested is broken and requires replacement. If not, then it's OK.

High voltage wires

After the spark plugs have been checked and it turns out that they are not the problem, you need to test to see if anything has happened to the high-voltage wires. Diagnosis is carried out in four simple steps.

  • If there is no spark on only one cylinder, swap the wires
  • Let's check if the problem is resolved after this action
  • If a spark appears on a cylinder, but it disappears on another cylinder, then the problem is definitely in the wire.
  • The faulty wire must be replaced with a new one.

Likewise, it would not hurt to check whether the central wire that supplies current to the ignition coil is working properly. Sometimes a spark appears after this wire is pressed harder against the transformer, which is located on the distributor cover.

Let's sum it up

Spark plugs play a vital role in the performance of a vehicle. If at least one spark plug fails and does not produce a spark, accordingly, one of the cylinders will not work, the car will have increased fuel consumption and will be less dynamic. Finding the reason for the disappearance of the spark is a very difficult task, since several units may be “to blame” for this. However, for normal functioning this is simply necessary.

Good day everyone) This is the situation: after a short circuit (I removed the voltage regulator because it burned out and the wire touched the body), the spark on the VAZ 2106 disappeared. The ignition is electronic. The ignition coil is working, I checked it on another car. No current flows to the coil. I checked the fuses. What could be the reasons? Maybe the switch, since the red-blue wire that goes from the switch to the coil has melted? The photo shows a melted wire, replaced it.

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Ignition distributor contacts

We proceed to this step only after we have completed the previous two to no avail.

You need to open the ignition distributor cap. We very carefully visually assess whether carbon deposits have appeared on the contacts. If such a problem is present, use a knife to very carefully remove this deposit.

You can also check whether the contacts are working properly. To do this, without closing the lid, turn the starter and see if all contacts open. If some contacts do not work correctly, you will have to adjust the required gap in the spark plugs on the VAZ 2106.

Characteristic signs

The following phenomena usually indicate poor performance of the ignition system:

  • difficulty starting the engine;
  • increased fuel consumption;
  • unstable idle;
  • weak traction and lack of power, failures in engine operation, poor throttle response;
  • the appearance of black soot on the candles;
  • periodic shutdown of one of the cylinders.

Ignition coil

So, if it turns out that all the spark plugs are working properly, the high-voltage wires are supplying voltage, the central wire is also working properly, and the contacts are not damaged, you will have to go deeper into the system and diagnose the ignition coil.

You can't do this without special equipment. You need to prepare either a multimeter or an ohmmeter. Your task is to check both windings using these devices and make sure that the resistance of these windings has normal values, corresponding to those described in the manual for the VAZ 2106. If deviations from the norm are identified, to eliminate the problem you will need to install a new serviceable part.

Prevention methods

To extend the life of system elements, you should, firstly, keep them clean. This applies to all components in the engine compartment. The fact is that dirt is a conductor of electricity and part of the high-voltage pulse can be lost through it.

Missing sparks can also be caused by old, oily spark plugs with cracked insulators that have expired. The spark gap should also be set according to the recommendations in the operating instructions. It is necessary to ensure that all high-voltage wires are securely and tightly connected to the terminals and spark plug tips.

Additional points for electronic ignition

If you are the happy owner of a BSZ on a VAZ 2106, then after all the previous steps you can pay attention to the following points:

  • Check the functionality of the voltage switch. It is located on the left side of the car's hood. It may need to be replaced.
  • Replace the Hall sensor. This is a device that controls the voltage of magnetic fields. In BSZ, it is this part that most often fails due to increased loads. Therefore, every owner of electronic systems should carry a Hall sensor with them in the glove compartment just in case.

Some owners of contactless systems also carry with them, just in case, their previous contact ignition system, which was installed before replacement. This will allow you to temporarily put it back on the road if a malfunction occurs and drive to a service station, which is very convenient.

As you can see, if there is no spark on the VAZ 2106, it is quite easy to fix it. The main thing is to know where to look.

No spark? We are looking for reasons!

In personal practice, I had several cases that were accompanied by a loss of spark, and below I will cite them and talk about each in more detail.

Again, I will make a reservation that this is not a complete list of all the problems that can cause it, but I will try to list most of them. For experienced owners, you can supplement your thoughts by

One of the spark plugs is faulty

If, when checking a spark plug, a spark does not appear between the electrodes, then the first thing to do is check the spark plug itself. It is possible that this was the cause of this problem.

Take a working spark plug (it’s better to always carry a spare one with you) and crank it a little with the starter, looking at the performance of the spark plug. If a spark appears, great; if not, you should look for the cause further.

Also, you can see the problems that cause the spark to disappear here: https://atlib.ru/blog/164-net-iskry

Failure of high-voltage spark plug wires or the central wire of the ignition coil

If there is no spark on any one cylinder, then try swapping the high-voltage wires. If after this the operation of the previous cylinder was restored, but the other cylinder, on the contrary, stopped working, this indicates a failure of the spark plug wire.

If a spark does not reach any of the VAZ 2106 spark plugs, then you should check the integrity and functionality of the central wire, in a similar way as in the last paragraph. Also, you should just try to stick the wire harder into the coil and the distributor cover, maybe the wire has just jumped out a little in one of these places and there is no necessary contact.

The contacts in the distributor are burnt or completely out of order

Open the distributor cover and carefully inspect the contacts. They could burn out and cause the spark to disappear. Also, check them for integrity.

And one more important point: with the distributor cover open, turn the starter and see if the contacts open? If not, you need to adjust the gap between the contacts.

If you are convinced that everything is fine at this stage, then you should pay attention to the next element.

Malfunction of the ignition coil of VAZ 2106

If there is no spark even at the contacts, then there is a high probability that it is the ignition coil that has burned out. You can check it either with an ohmmeter, measuring the resistance, or by installing a new one and see if that fixes the problem!

Failure of the switch or hall sensor

This item applies to owners of a VAZ 2106 with electronic ignition. If there is no spark, then these two elements can cause this disaster. It is necessary to diagnose the malfunction of these parts and replace them with new ones if necessary.

If you have a BSC installed on your VAZ 2106, then you can carry a hall sensor with you in reserve, which is the most common cause of malfunction. Or, as a last resort, do as I did, carefully fold the old contact ignition kit and let it lie in the trunk. It doesn’t take up much space, but somewhere on the road it can really help you out if one of the BSZ elements burns out!


When problems arise with the fuel supply on a VAZ 2107, regardless of the engine type, it simply will not be possible to start the power unit. You will need to understand the reasons and fix the problem.


On an injection engine, the fuel pump located in the tank may break down. We check its performance and, based on the results obtained, perform certain actions: repair or carry out further diagnostics. Checking the fuel pump on the injection “seven” is quite simple: just turn on the ignition and listen to the operation of the mechanism. If there are no signs of the node functioning, it is worth understanding the lack of performance in more detail.

On an injection VAZ 2107, fuel may not enter the engine due to problems with the fuel pump located in the tank


With a fuel pump on a carburetor engine, things are somewhat more complicated: the mechanism will have to be dismantled, disassembled and the condition of its structural elements diagnosed. Malfunction of the pump leads to the fact that fuel does not flow into the carburetor float chamber or does not flow in sufficient quantities. You can try to pump up gasoline manually, and also check the fuel pump:

  1. The hose is removed from the outlet fitting and lowered into a prepared container with fuel, which is necessary to supply gasoline to the carburetor.
  2. The prepared hose is put on the outlet fitting, and its other end is lowered into another empty container.
  3. The assistant starts the engine and keeps the speed within 2 thousand rpm. In addition, a stopwatch is started.
  4. After a minute, check the performance of the fuel pump by measuring the amount of gasoline pumped.

If the fuel volume is less than 1 liter, the fuel pump is considered faulty.


To determine the reason why the engine on the “seven” does not start or starts, but with difficulty, it is not necessary to be a specialist or contact a service center. It is enough to understand at least a little which system in the car is responsible for what. This will allow you to correctly identify the faulty mechanism or element and take appropriate action.

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