Why the key does not turn in the ignition and how to fix the problem

Every motorist knows perfectly well that it is impossible to start driving a car until the engine is started. And to do this, first insert the key into the ignition switch. When this happens, on most cars the electrical charge from the battery goes to the starter. The ignition switch contact group plays a key role here. The driver inserts the key, turns it in the desired direction, activates the ignition, and then turns it to the extreme position. It is at this moment that the starter should operate. But sometimes it happens that the key does not want to turn. This is a fairly common problem that you can fix yourself. If you do not want to take risks, then it is better to invite a specialist or deliver the car by tow or tow truck to a car repair shop.

What to do if the key does not turn in the ignition.


As mentioned above, many car enthusiasts are faced with a problem when at one point the key inserted into the ignition switch does not turn. Inexperienced car owners get lost in such a situation and immediately begin to put significant effort on this part, or sharply turn the steering wheel, hoping that everything will correct itself.

But such manipulations can lead to the fact that the key in the ignition switch may break or become completely deformed. It is also possible that the steering wheel may become jammed. This will all lead to the need to completely replace this part.

Therefore, if a situation arises when a car owner cannot turn the ignition key, first of all, you need to find out the reason and then eliminate it.

The reasons for such a breakdown may be the following:

  • freezing of the mechanism is a common situation that occurs if the temperature outside is sub-zero, condensation accumulates in the car interior and the ignition switch mechanism, which turns into ice, preventing the car from starting;
  • contamination of the mechanism, this situation is caused by the fact that this element of the car contains a lubricant that attracts dust, as a result of which, when there is a lot of it, the key will stop turning in the mechanism;
  • deformation, wear of the key, this is a situation in which the key becomes deformed over time, or its secretion is erased, which leads to the fact that it does not fully affect the secret mechanism, so it is not possible to start the car;
  • wear of the secret lock mechanism, this is typical for used cars; over time, the secret mechanism wears out greatly, therefore, even a new key will not be able to activate it;
  • jamming of the steering wheel, all cars are equipped with a steering wheel locking function, it is installed by the manufacturer and is designed to serve as an anti-theft device, so a sharp turn of the steering wheel leads to its complete blocking, which entails the inability to control the car;
  • There is a malfunction of the ignition switch, this also happens, there is only one way out of this situation, a complete replacement of the entire ignition switch with a new one.

Repair or install a new one

Many people believe that a change is the best option, but this is not entirely true. Buying a disassembled lock is not an option for everyone, since a used device is in a similar technical condition and is unlikely to work for a long time.

Repair or new installation?

In addition, the new keys will not fit the trunk/glove compartment. It will need to be registered in the car (does not apply to our cars). Undoubtedly, you can carefully disassemble the element from the old lock and remove the chip from it, and then put it on the purchased copy.

But the best option is to restore the larvae. This way you can keep the old copy of the keys in use. If it is necessary to cut a new body onto an element, it will be made according to the original characteristics.

Elimination of causes

Lada Kalina Station wagon PORT WINE NOT LIKE EVERYONE Logbook Rear door lock

Now let's move on to the issue of eliminating the problems that have arisen.

If the mechanism freezes, then the inserted key does not turn at all. To eliminate this, just take a simple lighter or matches and start heating the key.

After that, it is inserted into the ignition and turned slightly clockwise and counterclockwise. If it doesn’t work the first time, then you need to warm it up until the lock defrosts and starts working.

In the case of contamination of the mechanism, you need to proceed differently. Every car enthusiast should have an aerosol on hand that is used to clean the carburetor. It needs to be sprayed into the lock hole until clear liquid begins to flow out. After which the key inserted into the mechanism will turn without any problems.

If the driver discovers that the key itself is deformed, then the following manipulations need to be performed.

It must be placed on a hard and smooth surface, then lightly tapped with a hammer to level it. Then you can easily start your car.

If a car enthusiast notices that the secretion of the key has been erased, then a duplicate of it needs to be made in a special workshop. To do this, a spare copy is taken, on the basis of which a duplicate is made.

If the problem is the wear of the secret ignition mechanism, then the problem can only be solved by completely replacing it. This malfunction can only be clarified by removing this mechanism, having first disassembled the ignition switch.

If the driver realizes that his steering wheel has jammed, he must carry out the following manipulations. You need to insert the key into the lock and begin to make smooth, not sudden, movements of the steering wheel clockwise and counterclockwise. This is done with one hand. With your other hand you need to make similar movements with the key in the ignition switch.

It is better not to do this, since the car will lose an additional anti-theft system, plus this mechanism will have to be completely changed.

When using these recommendations, car enthusiasts should understand that they were developed based on the practice of professional car owners. Therefore, when such a problem occurs, it is better to use the above tips, which will help you quickly solve the problem and save your wallet from additional costs.

If the key does not turn in the ignition switch, do not panic and make sudden movements with the key or steering wheel. It is necessary to establish the cause, and then eliminate it using the tips given above.

Our recommendations

To replace the key, you will definitely need all the accompanying documents for the car, as well as a spare key to make a duplicate of it.

If you call a technician to your home, his responsibilities will first of all include checking the item of damage and further consultation with the owner of the car, and only after that possible repairs by filling out an appropriate application on the website.

Repair features

To accurately identify the existing problem, you will have to remove the key from the jammed ignition switch. In some cases, this requires disassembling the mechanism, and if you do not have the necessary skills for this, it is better to turn to specialists.

Ignition key won't turn

Ignition repair

Ignition switch circuit

How important is it

Of course, correcting such problems and taking further measures to avoid a recurrence of the ignition switch or steering lock malfunction is of paramount importance. So it is not enough to simply remove the key from the lock, because in the future it may jam again. The best solution would be to completely eliminate the problem, followed by cleaning the mechanism, lubricating it with oil and possibly replacing components, and in some cases, even purchasing a new ignition switch.

  • Ignition cylinder is broken
  • The ignition key is worn out

An unpleasant surprise

Of course, the first thing you think about when the ignition switch is stuck is that you can’t type in polite company. Let's not focus on this. You will immediately understand that something is wrong when, despite the key being inserted, the steering wheel remains locked. Sometimes it helps, as it once did on Soviet classics, to jerk the steering wheel and key simultaneously left and right, without fanaticism, naturally. Then the jammed lock will turn, the steering wheel will unlock and then everything will go as normal. On the one hand, this is an optimistic scenario. On the other hand, you should immediately go to the service center (or to the store for a new lock), since what worked the first time will not necessarily work the second time. In such a situation, it is stupid to hope for “maybe”, because it is at least dangerous. The lock may jam while moving, and this may well cause an accident.

What to do if the ignition switch is jammed, advice from experts

How to Remove the Ignition Switch on a VAZ 2101

Quite often, drivers encounter problems with the ignition switch. This is due to the fact that in modern cars the lock is a rather complex structure, combining a mechanical and electrical mechanism and an electronic part. Jamming of a lock usually occurs suddenly, and the occurrence of a breakdown does not foretell anything.

Quite often, drivers encounter problems with the ignition switch. This is due to the fact that in modern cars the lock is a rather complex structure, combining a mechanical and electrical mechanism and an electronic part. Jamming of a lock usually occurs suddenly, and the occurrence of a breakdown does not foretell anything.

The key is stuck in the ignition switch in some intermediate position, and it is no longer possible to pull it out.

When you turn the key, no voltage is supplied to the units, the control lamps on the instrument brush do not turn on, and the interior equipment (radio, cigarette lighter, etc.) does not work. When turned to the Start position, the engine starter does not start.

The ignition switch is jammed: what to do?

Among the main options that a car owner can do if the ignition switch is jammed, the following can be noted:

  1. Tow the vehicle to a service station (this decision would be most correct if the lock is jammed and the car is under warranty).

A number of ignition switches from foreign manufacturers have a mechanical blocking from turning on the starter when the engine is running. Therefore, if the engine does not start the first time, the key must be returned to its original position and the specified procedure must be repeated.

Check to see if any foreign body is interfering with the normal operation of the ignition switch. Sometimes the lock hole is blocked by a fallen key retention pin, which prevents you from inserting or removing the key normally.

Of course, some craftsmen can disassemble the ignition switch on their own, find the problem and fix it, but such repairs are often only possible on old domestic cars with the simplest lock design. Modern cars require the most careful handling, since incorrect actions when repairing a jammed ignition switch can significantly aggravate the problem and make subsequent repairs at a service station more labor-intensive and expensive.

If no simple measures help to unlock the ignition switch, then the best way out of this situation is to call a technician directly to the place where the car is stopped. In case of minor breakdowns, the technician can fix the fault on the spot, and in case of more serious problems, start the car in order to drive to a stationary repair to replace the faulty part.

What to do if the key is stuck in the ignition switch

  1. Work examples
  2. What to do if the key does not turn in the ignition - a guide to action

Daewoo Nexia Capricious girl Logbook Unloaded the Nexia ignition switch

I will give you some simple tips that will help you if the ignition switch of your car is stuck and you cannot turn the ignition key. Rather, this is a set of actions that you should never do if the key is jammed in the ignition switch:

  1. You should not pour WD40 or similar liquids into the keyhole - they will not help, but will only worsen the problem.
    The fact is that on the locks of various cars, the factory provides for replacing the cylinder or insert of the ignition switch only by turning the key to the first position. There is still a chance to turn the key before applying lubricant and the lock can be disassembled for repair.
  2. You should not try to insert a spare key into the ignition, because...
    it may be damaged by a worn lock. This applies primarily to the ignition switches of Honda cars. Structurally, the lock is designed so that if the security pins in the lock wear out, they will severely scratch a new, unworn key. Due to such scratches, the new key may also jam in the repaired ignition switch.
  3. There is no need to knock on the key in the ignition - this will not help.
    The keys of all modern cars contain immobilizer chips. The immobilizer chip is quite fragile. You can damage it by knocking on the key and thereby get another problem - you will need to flash a new chip into the car.

If you are faced with the problem of a jammed lock, it is best to seek help from professionals. You can, of course, try to repair the lock yourself, but without new spare parts for the ignition switches, high-quality repairs will not be possible. For long and trouble-free operation of the ignition switch, it is necessary to replace all worn plates with new ones. In most cases it is also necessary to update, i.e. recut the key blade (it also wears out).

Clogging and freezing of the larva

Due to dirt accumulated inside the lock, the key jams and jams in various positions. If the jam occurs in the intermediate position indicated by the letters ON and ACC, it cannot be removed. What to do:

  • purchase WD-40 lubricant in an aerosol can from your local auto parts store and blow it into the mechanism through the keyhole slots;
  • make attempts to turn the key by rotating it in different directions and swinging it in the lock;
  • periodically add lubricants to dissolve the dirt inside the larva;
  • Gently tap the key head and lock with a light hammer or similar object.

Recommendation. During the manipulations, keep the car on the hand brake. By focusing on the stuck mechanism, you may not notice the car rolling away.

Usually the blockage can be cleared using these methods and the key is turned at least once. This is enough to get to the nearest car service center or garage. If attempts are unsuccessful, it is necessary to dismantle the lock or get to the contact group in another way. Without disconnecting the wires, turn the shaft with a screwdriver and start the motor. Do not touch the key - you may accidentally engage the mechanical lock.

A frozen mechanism is “treated” by warming it up . Pouring hot water is not allowed: just heat the key with a lighter, insert it into the well and try to turn it. The second option is to fill the mechanism with warm WD-40 lubricant from a heated can.

Starting without keys

To start the starter, it is enough to gain access to the contact group of the ignition switch. You will need to get rid of the plastic casing that hides the steering column. It is secured with several bolts with heads for a Phillips screwdriver or for star-shaped bits.

The contact group is hidden on the back side of the lock. Manufacturers traditionally fix it with latches or tighten it with screws

It is important for the driver to get to the end that connects to the flat pusher from the lock “secret”. In such a situation, you can start the car with a flat screwdriver, slightly turning the groove in the desired direction

In older car models there is a chance to start the starter without removing the contact group. It is enough to supply yourself with a bundle of wires that go to the lock. Next you will have to rely on intuition. Typically, the largest cable in diameter is connected to one of the thinner ones (orange, yellow, red) in turn before the instrument panel lights up.

The next step is to start the starter. Now you will have to short-circuit a thick cable with a blue or other wire of a smaller diameter.

However, these will be preliminary operations, since the steering wheel lock still needs to be removed. The electronic one may let go, but the mechanical one will have to make an effort. In the domestic classics, the steering wheel is pressed down, cutting off the interfering tooth.

In more secure cars, the steering casing is secured not with bolts, but with powerful one-time rivets. With this assembly format, all that remains is to cut off the fasteners, which will not be easy. In field conditions, doing this is extremely problematic, especially without the proper tools.

When problems with the key may occur

Both car owners of relatively new cars and owners of vehicles with high mileage are at risk. Quite often, all of them have problems with turning in situations like these:

  • there was an attempt to start the plant with a non-standard key or there was a fact of unauthorized starting with a special tool, for example, a “thief’s” one;
  • moisture penetrated into the lock cylinder, and then the car was at a negative temperature;
  • the lock lubricant has hardened and become hard;
  • the cylinder is worn out or broken;
  • the key geometry is damaged (protrusions and grooves are deformed, there are bends);
  • The lock body is damaged due to a possible accident.

The reasons that give an understanding of why the ignition key does not turn can manifest themselves in different ways.

The driver should pay attention when direct and indirect signs become obvious:

  • the key wedges slightly when entering the cylinder;
  • noticeable jamming occurs during rotation to the first position;
  • unstable operation when turning on the ignition and starting the engine;
  • When turning, a clear crackling sound, extraneous noises, and grinding noises are heard.

If a car enthusiast witnesses such phenomena, then you need to immediately begin to eliminate the problem, since a jammed key will be difficult to get out. For repairs, you will have to remove the larva, since in the vast majority of cases this part is the culprit. The principle of its extraction will be similar for almost all brands of cars, although the design of the cylinder may differ significantly.

Significant problems can arise when it is not possible to switch the lock to the first position. Most often you will have to apply a lot of mechanical force.

Emergency measures

Let's figure out what to do first when the car is far from repair sites or a home garage. This can happen during a country walk or during forced stops along the way.

The main problem with the key not turning in the ignition is that the wheels are jammed. The steering wheel is locked when it is removed from the “secret”. Such a vehicle cannot be towed, so all that remains is to wait for a tow truck to be sent for repairs.

Motorists have some flexibility

To try to restore functionality yourself, you should carefully resort to the following actions:

  • Repeated attempt to turn. This solution is appropriate. During actions, attempts at circular movement at a small angle or raising/lowering are allowed. It is allowed to drop a little liquid inside in the form of silicone grease, antifreeze or WD. Light tapping on the body with a metal object will also not be superfluous.
  • We recommend making sure that the key geometry is correct. Sometimes the metal working part may be slightly deformed. When suspicion is justified, it is worth trying to carefully restore the product, returning it to its original shape.

Remove possible contaminants using improvised methods. A napkin or pointed metal objects are suitable for this. Sometimes the groove may become deformed or dirty. You can only see its wrinkles under a magnifying glass.

Locking triggered

Many modern cars are equipped from the factory with special mechanisms with which the lock and steering wheel are locked, which is done to protect against theft and unauthorized access. If the mechanism does work, the key will not turn fully, thereby starting the process of turning on the engine.

Try to find the optimal position of the steering wheel, at which your column and the lock itself are unlocked. To achieve the desired result, insert the key into the lock and begin to rotate the steering wheel with your hands in different opposite directions. At the same time as performing these steps, attempt to start the power unit. If the desired position can be found, the key will eventually turn and the starter will be activated. If the locking mechanism is broken or stuck, you may not be able to solve the problem on your own.

The situation is quite common. And there is usually a way out of it. You will have to spend time and nerves.

I would like to remind you that there are quite a few reasons why a car won’t start. But if you clearly see that the key does not turn, look for the reasons that cause such symptoms.

The key does not turn in the ignition

Main causes of malfunction

  • Activation of the steering column locking system.
  • Freezing of the unit due to low temperatures.
  • Dirt, natural wear and tear of the locking mechanism.
  • Deformation of the key or lock parts.

Identifying Common Causes

  • In park mode, the indicator on the gear shift lever should point to “P”.
  • Try moving the gearshift lever to a different position and return it to park, then try turning the key again.
  • If the key is damaged, it will have to be replaced.
  • Some ignition keys require manufacturer's software to replace. Find the relevant information in your vehicle's owner's manual.
  • Clean the key from debris and dirt and try inserting it into the ignition again and turning it.
  • Do not use the ignition key for anything else (such as opening packages). Use it only for its intended purpose.
  • If you try to turn the steering wheel, you will feel it stop abruptly when it hits the steering column lock.
  • If the steering wheel was turned slightly when you turned off the ignition, it could lock, even if you did not press on it.
  • The ignition key will turn freely in the lock as soon as you unlock the steering wheel.
  • If the key still won't turn after you unlock the steering wheel, then there is another problem.


  • If this method works, the key is most likely too worn.
  • Try to replace the key as soon as possible before it becomes completely unusable.
  • If moving the key allows you to turn on the ignition, this means that the grooves of the key are too worn and are not making good contact with the lock pins.
  • If this method works, replace the key as soon as possible before it becomes completely unusable.
  • You may have to hit the key several times until it straightens completely.
  • Do not use pliers or a vice to straighten the key, as they can bend the key in the opposite direction and reduce its strength.

If this works, the problems may continue until the cylinder is cleared of all debris trapped in it.

  • You will have to provide convincing evidence that you are the owner of the car.
  • If it is not possible to make a new key, you will have to purchase a new ignition unit with the corresponding key and install it.


  • Do not inject the entire contents of the can into the hole, otherwise you may cool the cylinder too much, causing damage.
  • If you use compressed air to clean the lock opening, wear safety glasses to prevent debris from getting into your eyes.

If this method works, you need to replace the ignition switch cylinder as soon as possible, as it will get even worse over time.

  • Just like when getting a new key, you will have to provide convincing evidence that the car is truly yours in order for you to have a new ignition cylinder installed.
  • Most likely, a new ignition lock cylinder will require a new key, even if it was not the problem.

Answers to popular questions

The principle of operation of locks on almost all cars is approximately the same, which is why similar questions arise.

How to lubricate the lock cylinder

It is usually stated that the most popular lubricants among motorists, such as WD40 and silicone, are harmful to the larvae. As for silicone, its use is really inappropriate here, but WD will effectively wash the lock from invisible contaminants and even lubricate it, although its anti-wear properties are not great.

Regarding the thickening of residues, we can only say that there are almost none of them left there, they are relatively harmless, and if they still interfere, then a new portion of WD40 will instantly change the situation, wash and lubricate everything.

How much does a new larva cost?

A new Audi A6 with a body and a pair of keys from a good manufacturer will cost 3,000-4,000 rubles. It will be even cheaper to buy a part from disassembly, an original one, in “almost like new” condition.

The new original, delivered from Europe, is much more expensive, about 9-10 thousand rubles. But there is no need to order it, so such goods are unpopular in trade.

What to do if the ignition switch is jammed

Each of us faces difficulties on the road while driving a car. Driving education teaches us how to behave in a given situation, but cannot eliminate the difficulties that a driver may have. It happens that even before leaving, a motorist experiences certain difficulties. For example, blocking the ignition switch when turning the key. What to do in such a situation? Let's take a closer look.

Ignition lock problem

Often, a problem with the ignition switch locking occurs in Lada cars manufactured by AVTOVAZ. The manufacturers themselves do not hide the possibility of spontaneous blocking, but claim that the human factor plays a role here. That is, if your steering wheel is “jammed,” then it is your own fault. However, this circumstance can easily be verified in practice; you just need to try removing the key from the lock several times and inserting it back. Then you must immediately turn on the ignition and start the engine, bypassing the “starter” key position.

It is in this position that the ignition switch is often blocked. If you encounter such a problem, then you should read the article to the end.

Many owners of their Lada cars encountered this problem at one time. Where to go if the lock is jammed? After all, this shouldn’t happen in the first place, but manufacturers refuse to recognize the blocking as a defect. Since 2008, forums for owners of Lada, as well as Priora and Samara cars have been replete with messages that something wrong is happening with the locks, including that blocking can occur while the car is moving. And this is a prerequisite for a serious accident.

Auto start function

In the course of researching those cars that fell into the category of spontaneously locking, it turned out that the problem is mainly present among those drivers who have configured the “auto start” function on their cars. This option allows you to “start” the car without the driver’s personal participation, that is, from a distance.

But in order to drive the car, the key must still be inserted before starting the trip.

However, according to the results of the study, “autostart” does not affect the operation of the ignition switch. As studies have shown, the culprit is the standard steering wheel locking mechanism, which can block the operation of the ignition switch and, accordingly, disrupt the operation of the car.

Solving the ignition lock problem

Automotive instructors looked at the main problems with the ignition switch and found out how to solve this problem. But it turned out to be very simple: you always need to “turn” the key to the “ignition” position. In this case, if the key is “tightened” all the way, there will be no blocking.

The fact is that if you do not put the key in this position, it can move under the influence of vibration and spontaneously turn off the steering wheel by locking it.

Therefore, you should always “turn” the key, or completely remove the locking element from the ignition switch - these options will help you avoid spontaneous blocking of the ignition switch and not get into a difficult situation. In the “ignition” position, arbitrary blocking will not occur. Be careful when starting your car and carefully check the position of the key in the ignition.

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