Replacing the air conditioner clutch bearing on a Lada Priora with your own hands

How to detect a faulty air conditioner bearing?

This trouble manifests itself in the form of a whistle coming from under the hood, as well as in the form of play, which can be felt with effort. Some inexperienced craftsmen may well give the wrong verdict; for example, they may suspect other bearings, for example, a water pump or a generator, to be causing the “whistle”. However, an experienced specialist will immediately determine what’s what with one simple manipulation. We remove the belt that drives the Condera pulley and start the engine; if there is no whistle, then we can say with certainty that the reason is in the Condera clutch bearing.

To work we need to have:

  1. Tool set + jack + TORX screwdrivers;
  2. Chisel for making notches on the pulley;
  3. Bearing (air conditioning compressor bearing code - 305222).

How to replace an air conditioning compressor bearing on a Priora at home

  1. We place a jack under the front right wheel, remove the bolts on the wheel and jack up the wheel. Next, completely unscrew the bolts and remove the wheel.
  1. Using an “8” key and a TORX, unscrew the fasteners of the mudguards and anthers, then remove them.

  1. Using the “8” socket, you need to unscrew the coupling mounting bolt, and then carefully remove the top cover of the coupling. Be careful not to lose the puck.

  1. We remove the retaining ring that secures the coupling pulley to the compressor shaft, then we remove all this equipment and knock the bearing out of the seat. If your bearing is cored, that is, seated, and then fixing notches are applied around the circumference, then it will be more difficult to get the bearing out. It is best if pressing and pressing is done using a press; without it, everything can be ruined.

  1. We take a new prepared bearing and press it into place; if you do not have a press or device for this, you can go to the nearest service station, they will help you without any problems.

  1. Now we take a chisel or similar device and use a punch to make notches in a circle, thereby fixing the bearing inside the pulley.

That's all the pain, all that remains is to put everything back together in the reverse order, put on the belt and check if the whistle is gone. That's all for me, the work is done, I hope you are happy with the result!? Goodbye everyone and see you again at VAZ Repair.


Recommendations for replacing and operating the clutch bearing

Tips for performing operations on the compressor rolling unit:

  1. Before changing a part, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface of dirt. The soured part exhibits noticeable resistance when pressed out. There is no need to hit the pulley with a hammer or heat it until red - this will lead to its deformation and cracking.
  2. When manipulating the pulley, it is important not to lose the spacer. It has a special size. A new washer may lead to incomplete activation of the magnetic clutch, which means that it will be difficult to turn on the compressor.
  3. To tighten threaded connections more accurately, use a torque wrench.
  4. It is better to save a failed unit. This will help you find a replacement faster.
  5. Clean all surfaces during the renovation process. This is the key to the operation of the node.
  6. The main advice is to always listen to the operation of the units under the hood. Excessive noise is a signal of a problem.

Panasonic Priora air conditioner clutch bearing

Article tags: bearing replacement, bearing noise, bearing selection

A procedure such as replacing a bearing in a car air conditioning compressor is performed quite often, and there are completely objective reasons for this. The fact is that this part experiences increased loads, since it is forced to function whenever the engine is running, even regardless of whether the driver turns on the air conditioning or leaves it alone.

The fact that replacing the air conditioner compressor pulley bearing is really necessary and cannot be delayed in any way is evidenced by an unpleasant extraneous hum that occurs every time the car’s power unit starts. It is noteworthy that it manifests itself in different ways and under different conditions: sometimes only after the engine has warmed up, and sometimes only, as they say, “when the engine is cold.”

If noise occurs from the engine compartment, it is urgent to identify the source of the noise. Most often it is created by the drive belt rollers. But, if you clearly understand that the sound is coming specifically from the air conditioning compressor, then the reason for this, with a high degree of probability, is the air conditioner clutch bearing.

You should go to a service station so that specialists can accurately diagnose the cause and take all necessary measures to eliminate it. As a rule, if a bearing is noisy, then the degree of its wear is such that it needs to be replaced in order to avoid destruction of the part, which can lead to quite serious consequences.

How does the air conditioning compressor clutch work?

The main purpose of the air conditioning compressor clutch is to provide a force connection between the compressor and the engine.

The main elements of the coupling are:

  • belt pulley;
  • spring-loaded disc with hub;
  • electromagnetic coil.

In their work they interact with each other like this:

  • You press a button to turn on the air conditioning;
  • power is supplied to the electromagnetic coil;
  • the magnetic field created by the coil attracts the pressure plate to the pulley;
  • torque is transmitted from the engine to the compressor shaft;
  • the compressor, starting to work, pumps freon;
  • the car interior becomes fresh and cool.

That is, everything is simple: inclusion-attraction-work. Things get much more complicated when you need to determine where in this chain the failure occurred.



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19 Comments Already

Did you even remove the pulley with the viscous coupling? what condition is the bearing in? Is the retaining ring coming off? and also check how the electromagnet coil is holding! Pay attention on my video where exactly this washer is located!


Someday I’ll climb in and have a look again about the washer, it seemed to me that it looked like a washer on the shaft, but no matter how much I tried to unfasten it I couldn’t, I still decided that it wasn’t a washer. Now I'm racking my brain, if there is no washer, how to reduce the gap

I'll do this in the near future. I'll write what and how.

The control unit is similar to HALLA

firstly... try the engine without a drive belt and a generator! make sure the timing belt has nothing to do with it! and secondly on. ......the exact dimensions for you—NSK A32 30BD5222DUM6! And the VIN has nothing to do with it! just by bearing brand! but also check that the bearings in the generator are normal... I just changed them there soon too! sizes 6302 - front and 6202 - rear!


Electromagnetic clutch device

The compressor clutch on a car air conditioner is a fairly simple device, consisting of only three main parts:

  • electromagnet coil;
  • belt pulley;
  • pressure plate (driven disk).

You can also add fasteners (bolts, snap rings) and shims to this list.

How to replace a compressor pulley bearing

Let us briefly describe the technology for replacing a compressor bearing. To begin, the air conditioning compressor is removed from the engine. In this case, all freon is removed from the system. Then, using a puller, the pulley is removed from the compressor, and the worn bearing is pressed out of it using a press (sometimes on older machines the pressing force exceeds 3 tons). Now a new bearing is put in its place using the same press and everything is assembled in the reverse order. Upon completion, the system is diagnosed for leaks and refilled.

In general, this scheme should always be used, but in order to save money, some repairmen try to change the compressor pulley bearing directly on the car, without removing the compressor. This is, in principle, possible in some cases, but it is impossible to guess whether the compressor pulley will be removed with normal force, or whether additional equipment will be required to dismantle the compressor pulley. This is why we prefer not to take risks and change the air conditioner bearing only by removing the compressor.

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When to change a bearing

The core of the problem lies in the fact that the compressor pulley bearing is engaged all the time when the engine is on, regardless of whether the air conditioning is on or not. Even in winter, when you hardly turn on the air conditioner, the pulley bearing performs its function. Failure can occur naturally due to aging. The bearing lubricant thickens and during operation it becomes very hot. Excessive tension on the drive belt also contributes to failure.

The consequences of its failure can be the most unpleasant. When an air conditioning compressor bearing becomes wedged, its seat may be “eaten up,” which will ultimately lead to the need to replace the entire air conditioning compressor or its front half, which is very unpleasant financially. The next step in a possible series of troubles may be a rupture of the air conditioning compressor pulley drive belt and the infliction of severe “injury” by this belt on the electrical wiring and other engine components located in the engine compartment.

It is also possible that bulges may appear on the hood due to the belt hitting it. It happens that under the influence of high temperatures the winding of the electromagnetic clutch is damaged, which can lead to its replacement. High temperatures also have a negative effect on the seal, resulting in the replacement of the part. As you can see, you can expect a whole bunch of troubles because of one compressor bearing.

Despite all our love for our “four-wheeled friends,” we often care more and more about the appearance of our “friend.” We regularly go to the car wash, polish the body, and don’t forget to regularly clean and vacuum the interior. As for maintenance and repairs, something constantly gets in the way and is constantly postponed until later. So, in the case of the compressor pulley bearing, I strongly do not recommend postponing it for later.

As soon as you hear an unusual, uncharacteristic sound under the hood, similar to a squeal or squeak, you immediately need to take appropriate measures and find out its cause.

It is possible that a visual inspection will help determine the malfunction. Of course, this could be a weakening of the generator drive belt and its squeaking. A simple tightening of the belt will solve the squealing problem. But, if the alternator belt or the alternator itself has nothing to do with it, emergency measures must be taken. In this case, bearing replacement is inevitable.

Filling the air conditioner with freon

After completing the system assembly process, you will need to put back its compressor. Next, you need to check for leaks. Thus, you will face your first difficult task. In refrigerators, air can be pumped inside quite simply, since some freon residues should remain inside. But in the case of a car air conditioner, the refrigerant has managed to decompose. Of course, it will not harm the ozone layer, but the need to check the tightness of the system is only once again proven. You should also know how to remove the air conditioning compressor clutch.

You need to find a service valve, after which you can connect the manifold. Then you should pump air inside if there is low pressure. After all this, you can start using the leak detector. It should be remembered that not all brands of freon can be suitable for a particular device. To ensure a successful search, the pressure must be about fifteen atmospheres. This is true if there are copper tubes. Remember to check the manual.

Next, we proceed to diagnosing and repairing the compressor. After this, you can put it in place and assemble the system. In this case, it is also necessary to check it for leaks. All rules must be followed.

  • The system is subjected to a nitrogen purging or vacuum process to eliminate any remaining freon, as well as moisture and/or air. It is imperative that the receiver-dryer is operational. This is explained by the fact that it is he who will have to absorb moisture during vacuuming. As for the nitrogen component, it has found its application not only to prevent the possibility of fire. It does not absorb moisture, but transports it. As it passes through the receiver-dryer, all the water will be absorbed.
  • The evacuation process, in turn, occurs through a collector. As for control, it must be carried out using a pressure gauge. For more effective and, at the same time, reliable removal of moisture, it is highly recommended to wait a certain period of time with the pump running.
  • Also, the electromagnetic clutch of the air conditioning compressor may be the reason that led to the compressor breaking down. In this regard, it would not be superfluous to carry out diagnostics of this component.
  • Upon completion of the above processes, you can begin to shut off the collector taps. Regarding what kind of filling mass is taken, you need to check what is indicated on the instructions pages. Control is carried out by weight. As for the refrigerant, it goes inside under its own pressure. After completing the filling process, do not forget to turn off the tap.

This can finally complete the repair process. At the same time, we should not forget about possible leaks. Alternatively, you can pump air inside before vacuuming and then perform soaping. True, this method is not the most reliable, although it often helps out at the junctions. Thus, he will be able to help in troubleshooting problems associated with compressor damage with his own hands.

When is it necessary to change the bearing?

The problem is that this part of the compressor pulley is constantly engaged when the engine is running . This does not depend on whether you turned on the air conditioner itself. Even in winter, when the unit is turned off, the pulley bearing continues to work.

Therefore, it can simply fail as a result of natural aging. During operation, heating occurs and the lubricant thickens. The cause of the breakdown may also be excessive tension on the drive belt.

The unpleasant consequences of failure of an air conditioner compressor bearing are obvious. Wedging of a part “eats” its seat; this may require replacement of the front half of the compressor or a complete new installation of it, which will be financially significant.

The next bad news may be a broken air conditioner compressor pulley drive belt. As a result, heavy “blows” from the belt occur on electrical wiring and engine parts under the hood. It is not uncommon for the hood to bulge due to belt impacts. If the windings of the electromagnetic clutch are damaged by high temperatures, replacement is inevitable. The negative impact of temperature on the oil seal can also lead to the need to install a new part. As we can see, you can expect a lot of troubles just because of one bearing.

Why are air conditioners needed?

Today people spend a significant part of their lives in their cars. A car has long become a necessity for many citizens. Many cannot imagine life without him. And comfortable conditions in this four-wheeled friend play a big role. Driving in a car should be enjoyable and reduce fatigue, which significantly increases driving safety. First of all, it is necessary to ensure the flow of fresh air into the car interior, especially in winter, when the windows cannot be opened for ventilation in the cold. Almost all new cars are now equipped with so-called climate control units or air conditioners. This setting allows you to maintain the selected air temperature and reduce humidity in the car. In addition, it eliminates external noise, which also leads to fatigue, and various unpleasant odors. The rhythm of life forces people to stay in the car most of the time, and, accordingly, to get more done. A good climate, fresh air and normal temperature in the car affect the driver’s well-being, and this helps with driving and reduces accidents. Therefore, almost all new cars are equipped with air conditioning. Window blowing also improves visibility when fogging up.

The car has equipment such as the car air conditioning system. The center of this system is the compressor, which separates the high and low pressure sides. This system in a car works on the same principle as a home refrigerator, although the internal device is a little different, more “technical”.

Step by step replacement

Let's consider the replacement sequence. The first step is to remove the compressor from the car. There may be slight differences on different models and brands of cars, but the general sequence is approximately the same everywhere. For this purpose, we place the car in the “pit”, and if this is not possible, we jack up the front of the car from the compressor side and remove the wheel.

Don’t forget, to avoid the car falling off the jack, place something suitable under the body in the suspension area. I do not recommend placing stops under the thresholds; they wrinkle very easily. Then unscrew the bolts securing the compressor. Usually there are four of them, but on some car models there may be three. It is possible that the generator will interfere with this procedure. Then it is better to remove it first for ease of work.

The next step is to unscrew the fastening nut of the electromagnetic clutch pressure disk and remove it. Having removed the pressure disk, we will see a retaining ring holding the pulley with the bearing. It can be removed quite easily, after which you can remove the pulley itself, and then proceed to replace the pulley bearing.

As you noticed, we did not remove freon from the air conditioning system. This is possible in cases where the pulley can be removed without disconnecting the compressor from the system. However, the engine compartment of modern cars is so tightly packed that this is not always possible. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that the next step after unscrewing the compressor mounting bolts will be the removal of freon.

To do this, you need to slightly loosen the clamps on the rubber pipe of the air conditioning compressor. I advise you to loosen the clamps gradually and not too much, otherwise a sudden release of freon may occur, which may not be very pleasant. It is better to wait a while after loosening the clamps until all the freon comes out.

So, the pulley is removed, all that remains is to remove the bearing. It can be attached using a regular retaining ring, which can be easily removed, or it can be flared. In the latter case, you will have to pick up a chisel and a hammer. After this, using a special puller, or using old bearing races, we press out the unusable bearing. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that when removing the bearing, you should not apply force to the outer part of the pulley, as it is quite fragile and can become deformed.

After removing the failed bearing, install a new one. To do this, we use a suitable press, for example, a screw press. At the final stage, you can use the old bearing and hammer. Then install the retaining ring or use a core. The main operations are now complete. All that remains is to reassemble in reverse order.

Now I want to talk about the details that you should pay attention to. When installing the compressor in its place, be careful and follow the tightening order of the mounting bolts, if it is indicated in the technical documentation. Otherwise, the housing may break, for example, a crack may form. If freon has been bled from the air conditioning system, then refilling should be done only with the type of freon indicated on the compressor housing.

After removing the compressor from the machine, plug all inlet and outlet openings to prevent moisture from entering it. Also, try not to turn it over to avoid compressor oil leakage.

Also, when removing the compressor, plug (close) all pipes so that atmospheric moisture cannot enter the system. The presence of moisture in the system leads to its breakdown. Despite all the measures taken to prevent moisture from entering the air conditioning system, I strongly recommend evacuation before filling it with freon. This will allow you to avoid breakdowns and rapid wear of the air conditioner in the future.

And finally, one more nuance. I’ll tell you about a case where replacing the bearing itself can be avoided.

After removing the pulley and getting to the part causing the noise, you need to carefully remove the protective plastic casing from it. Although our item is considered maintenance-free, we will still perform this maintenance. To this end, use a brush moistened with gasoline to remove the old thickened grease.

Why and how is Renault Logan air conditioner repaired?

So, what can go wrong in this system:

  1. Depressurization of the circuit through which freon circulates leads to the fact that the air conditioner begins to idle. This is not a particular problem for the unit itself - it does not increase the rate of its wear, but only turns the element into a useless structure. Repairing this malfunction consists of replacing the tubes and seals of the working circuit and adding freon to the required level.
  2. Looseness or complete rupture of the air conditioner belt drive. This breakdown can be classified as simple - to restore the system’s functionality, you just need to replace the torn belt or tighten it if it is simply weak.
  3. Contamination of freon, due to which it gradually loses its properties. Despite the fact that the coolant circulates through a circuit closed from the external environment, in practice it is not ideally sealed. Therefore, experts recommend changing the air conditioning fluid from time to time. When asked how often this should be done, most car service technicians agree that at least once a year, for example, in the spring when preparing the car for the summer operating season.
  4. Compressor bearing wear. Because of this, play appears in it and the efficiency of the unit decreases. Moreover, an old element can cause mechanical breakdowns of other parts of the device. Therefore, the sooner you pay attention to its wear, the sooner the Renault Logan air conditioner bearing is replaced, the longer the air conditioner itself will last.

Important! The air conditioner bearing is not a universal component. Therefore, it will be possible to determine what dimensions a spare part should have only after the failed element is in the hands of a specialist. And only after the necessary part has been selected, the Logan air conditioner bearing is replaced.

Causes of failure of compressor pulley bearings

Compressor pulley bearings are usually double-row, closed type, that is, maintenance-free. They “die” for several reasons. Either from a belt that is too tight, or from old age. Over time, the lubricant in the bearing thickens and stops lubricating the balls, which, in turn, heat up, destroy the separator, and finally bunch up, after which the bearing simply jams.

If the bearing becomes noisy, it inevitably begins to heat up. Often bearings removed from a compressor are blue from overheating. When the bearing heats up, it can render the compressor seal unusable; the insulating varnish in the winding of the electromagnetic clutch often burns out, which leads to a short circuit and failure of the clutch. And there’s no need to talk about plastic pulleys, they’re simply torn in half!

The most unpleasant thing is if the bearing jams. In this case, it rotates in its seat and grinds it down; the wear sometimes reaches several millimeters. As a result, you have to replace the entire compressor or its front half.

When the pulley bearing is jammed and “gobbled up” the front part of the compressor, it’s the belt’s turn. The belt breaks, causing various “injuries” to the car. I had to see broken impellers, torn wiring, and “humps” on the hood. Sometimes scraps from the drive belt fly under the timing belt cover and break it, then you have to repair the engine. It happens that the same belt drives the pump, generator, and all engine attachments. God forbid, this happens far from the city.

If you care about your car, we advise you to change noisy bearings, as they say, without waiting for peritonitis.

Video “How to replace a car air conditioning compressor bearing”

This video shows how professionals replace a car air conditioning compressor bearing.

Lots and lots of modern details already fill the precious Priora. But the most important thing is the irreplaceable Panasonic Priora air conditioner. But many have little budget and cannot afford the Priora equipment above the basic one. And the basic one, alas, is not equipped with air conditioning. And in this case, an excellent solution was found. You can buy a basic Priora and simply install the air conditioner yourself later.

Read about what kind of air conditioner is installed on a Priora, how it is installed, and where it can be installed.

Installation of Panasonic air conditioner on Priora

Installing a Panasonic air conditioner on a Priora raises many questions even for the most experienced car drivers. The most popular of them:

  • install it yourself or contact a special service;
  • where to buy air conditioner;
  • how to install it;

And it’s not so difficult to figure it out, of course, if you’re not confident in your abilities, then it’s probably better not to try and pay money to professionals. And let them do their thing. Any hundred will not refuse such a trifle; they will quickly and easily install the required air conditioner.

Where can I buy a Panasonic air conditioner for a Priora? The shelves of shops, markets, and online stores are simply overflowing with this type of product. And, most likely, there is no difference where to buy completely identical things.

If you are afraid of fakes, try to find an official supplier in your region. This is probably the only guarantee that they will sell you an original air conditioner, because price has long ceased to be a marker of quality. A fake can also be sold at a high price. So take it at the price you like.

You should be very careful with the installation. There are a lot of different little things that you need to know in order to avoid disastrous results.

What bearings are on the Priora generator (VAZ 2170): size, price, article number

We have already figured out how to replace failed parts. Now it remains to understand which bearing is better to buy. There are different generators on Priors - 115A or 90A. The second is for a less powerful car without air conditioning and power steering. Ball bearings have a number (marking). The front element is 6303, the rear element is 6202.

There are a lot of both original and non-original spare parts on the market:

  • Front ball bearing 6303: FAG 6303 2ZR (Germany), SKF 6303-2Z (Sweden), KOYO 6303 ZZ, CM (Japan), NTN 6303 ZZ (Japan).
  • Rear ball bearing 6202: FAG 6202-С-2HRS, SKF 6202-2-RSH, KOYO 2RS, NTN; 6202LLU.

In addition to the bearings listed above, below is a table that will help you navigate the offers on the market and select the best quality part:

Selecting a generator bearing - price and manufacturers

No.BrandCatalog numberPrice 2022, rub.
1ASAM Romania3090430903200270
2Bosch Germany1120905533F00M990410420450
3NTN France6202-LLU6303-LLU280330
4KOYO Japan140084140093400500

Priora generator bearing dimensions

CharacteristicUnitValues ​​according to GOST (TU)
Inner diametermm1517
External diametermm3547
Static load capacityN35506650
Dynamic load capacityN780013500
Radial clearancemm0,008-0,022
Steel typeSHH-15
Hardness of rings and ballsH.R.C.61-65
Lubricant typeC17, Litol
Ring roughnessRa0,32
Number of rolling elementsPC.86
Ball diametermm.5,9539,525

Installing a Panasonic air conditioner on a Priora yourself

To install an air conditioner on a Priora, it is necessary to disassemble the existing heating system.

First of all, the antifreeze is drained, then the air filter housing is removed. Be sure to remove the bumper and remove the filter and the air conditioner fan itself. After all the spare parts have been removed, we proceed to dismantling the generator.

Included with the purchased Panasonic climate system, the Priora already has its own generator, it is adapted for the operation of this model of air conditioner. We simply install a new unit in place of the old one.

Don’t forget to attach the supports on which the compressor from the air conditioner and, of course, the generator itself will be mounted. We fasten the tension roller bracket. This may require a small hole in the belt cover. Only after this we combine the housings of the stock furnace and the evaporator with each other.

Next, we connect all installed systems (compressor, radiator, fan, generator) to the contract wires.

Tips for choosing and purchasing parts

Before changing the bearing on the air conditioning compressor, you must first select a new analogue. This unit does not belong to catalog spare parts. For this reason, selecting it by VIN number will not be successful. The serial number will also not help - it has no data on the spare part.

A proven option is to select a part based on bearing markings or dimensions:

  1. inner diameter of the cage;
  2. external size;
  3. body thickness.

After removal, the original bearing can be conveniently measured in your hands with a caliper. In case of severe damage or scattering, you can resort to measuring the landing planes:

  • the outer size of the shaft journal will correspond to the inner size;
  • The fitting size on the sleeve is identical to the external size.

The seat height can be determined by the marks on the coupling or by the remaining cage.

Types of Air Conditioner Clutch Bearings Used

The air conditioning compressor clutch bearing is often installed in a double row with the following features:

  1. it is thin-walled;
  2. has 2 rows of rolling;
  3. angular contact design;
  4. seals to preserve the bearing lubricant inside the housing and protect against dirt and dust.

Such characteristics provide the parts with comfortable operation at high temperatures and rotation speeds. Under conditions of constant vibration load from the internal combustion engine, the device must reliably dampen the load forces.

Article on the topic: Why do you need a receiver in an air conditioner?

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