Replacing the cabin filter (for use on the Citroen C4 II model)

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Step-by-step instruction

1. Remove the terminal from the battery.

Raise the red lever up and remove the terminal.

2. Remove the air supply pipe.

We squeeze the clamps at the top and bottom with our fingers and tighten the pipe.

3. Remove the plastic air intake simply by lifting it up.

4. Remove the plastic battery casing.

The casing is held in place by two latches. Pull it slightly towards you, up and take it out.

5. Unscrew the bolt securing the battery clamping bar.

After unscrewing, remove the fastening bolt and the bar.

6. Remove the second terminal in the same way as the first.

7. Raise the handle and remove the battery.

8. Remove the pipe indicated below.

Press the yellow latch and pull it towards you.

9. Release the clamp securing the pipe using a flat screwdriver.

10. Unscrew the two screws securing the brake fluid expansion tank.

After unscrewing the screws, move the tank slightly toward you and to the side.

11. Unscrew the bolt indicated below. He's under the head at ten.

12. Remove the filter box; nothing else holds it.

13. Unscrew the six screws securing the filter cover around the perimeter. Phillips head screws.

14. Open the lid and remove the filter.

15. Clean the seat and install a new filter.

The filter does not have an installation position because it is rectangular and only fits in two positions, and both will be correct. The most important thing is to make sure that the filter fits tightly.

16. We put on the cover, screw it on and reassemble it in the reverse order. If it is difficult for anyone to assemble from memory, then the video tutorial shows the reverse assembly.

Video lesson

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Choosing a cabin filter

When giving preference to one of the options, first of all, pay attention to the original filters and recommended analogues:

  • the manufacturer recommends using the Big GB-9877/C carbon filter element;
  • as an analogue, you should choose parts with numbers E146034, 6447NV, 6447KL, 647932 and 647975;
  • the same parts are used for the Citroen C2 and C3 models.

Filters for C5 may not be original - sometimes a suitable option may simply not be on sale. In this case, it is worth choosing any suitable and, if we are talking about saving, inexpensive option. Preference should be given to either a simple single-layer filter or a multi-layer complex one, which includes activated carbon.

The single-layer filter element provides effective protection against dust and small particles. Using such a filter will not prevent the appearance of odors and harmful gases in the cabin. And its important advantage is its affordable price. The adsorbing properties of carbon allow multilayer filters to get rid of most of the harmful substances contained in the air and even disinfect the air flow entering the cabin from microorganisms.

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How to replace it yourself

You can replace the cabin filter in a Citroen C4 yourself. This procedure does not require special knowledge and takes about ten to twenty minutes.

If it is cold outside, it is better to use a heated room for work. Since the filter material can be heavily contaminated, it is necessary to use gloves, and it is also undesirable for people with a tendency to allergic reactions to perform the work. A slotted screwdriver is suitable as a replacement tool.

Stages of replacing the cabin filter in a Citroen C4:

  1. The sound insulation is secured with three clips. They must be carefully removed using a flat-head screwdriver without damaging the plastic partition.
  2. Remove sound insulation. It is quite fragile and if damaged it will be difficult to put back in place.

  3. In the space behind it you can see the cabin filter cover with a special handle. By pulling it, you need to remove the old filter element.

This completes the process of replacing the cabin filter in the Citroen C4. It is very simple, you just need to take care of the fragile plastic parts.

Efficient operation of a car engine is only possible with a clean and serviceable air filter. Clogged with dirt and dust, it will not allow your Citroen C4 to develop adequate speed. And its filter element becomes unusable due to city air filled with smog. In winter, the filter becomes clogged with brine, which is formed after snow thaws and mixes with salt. A radical solution to the problem will be to replace the filter, which you can do yourself. This procedure must be performed after every 15,000 runs, preferably once every 6 months. To select the appropriate filter, take out the one installed in the car and study the markings. Suitable for Citroen C4:

Citroen/Peugeot1444.VK (original)
MannC 4371

Necessary tools To replace the old filter yourself, take: • the new filter itself; • key; • head with tenth extension; • two screwdrivers – flat and Phillips.

1.The filter is located under the hood directly in front of the engine (Fig. 1)

Rice. 1 Replacing the Citroen C4 air filter

2.Remove the filter. To do this, take a “ratchet” with a key No. 10. Unscrew the cover and remove the bolt (Fig. 2). Using a socket screwdriver, unscrew the bolts that are located around the perimeter of the filter cover (Fig. 3). We carefully remove all the bolts so as not to damage the threads.

3.Holding the handle, pull the air filter cover out of the cavity. To do this, just pull up and it will come out without difficulty. Before doing this, check that all the bolts are unscrewed (Fig. 4). Under the cover is the filter itself (Fig. 5).

4.Take out the filter. We take a new one (Fig. 6) and insert it in the reverse order and tighten the cover with bolts (Fig. 7). The filter should fit snugly into place, making sure that it rests on the ridges around the entire perimeter.

Before installing a new filter, be sure to clean the housing, for example, with compressed air, from dust and dirt. And only then install a new filter. Selecting a filter Filters with different contents are available: • impregnated paper; • synthetic material. The paper filler is impregnated with a specific substance. The porous structure of such paper allows air to pass through, but retains dirt and dust molecules. The synthetic filter material has a honeycomb structure, due to which a sufficient amount of clean air passes through the filter for normal engine operation. It is not difficult to replace the filter yourself if you have the necessary tools and a replacement diagram at hand.

Also watch a video on how to independently replace the air filter on a Citroen C4:

The filter element installed in the car to clean the air entering the cabin plays a vital role in creating and maintaining a healthy microclimate in the car. The traditional ventilation system is not able to cope with cleaning the air entering the cabin from dust, pollution, soot, burning and heavy compounds. If the cabin filter needs replacing, passengers and the driver of the car will inhale several times more exhaust gases and dust than pedestrians. The air that enters the car when driving contains a considerable amount of particles of burnt rubber from wheels, asbestos released when brake pads are worn, and over two hundred types of poisons contained in the exhaust of modern cars. To keep the air in the cabin clean, it is important that the cabin filter on the Citroen C4 is replaced in a timely manner.

If the cabin filter installed in the vehicle's ventilation or air conditioning system is not clogged, dirt and harmful particles will effectively settle on its surface. It is best to install carbon filters on the Citroen C4, which contain several layers of molded carbon that can retain nitrogen oxide, benzene substances and sulfur. On a Citroen C4, replacing the cabin filter in urban operating conditions should be done once every ten or fifteen thousand kilometers. If this element is not changed in a timely manner, the consequences for the health of passengers can be quite negative. In addition, a clogged filter leads to failure of the stove fan, which is responsible for heating the interior. Replacing this spare part will be much more expensive than the cost of a new cabin filter, so it is not recommended to delay repairs. Moreover, it is not difficult to replace this filter element with your own hands.

The process of replacing the cabin filter Citroen C4

On a Citroen C4, replacing the cabin filter is a fairly simple procedure that even a novice car enthusiast can handle. To complete the replacement work, a new filter element will be required. It is advisable to purchase a branded filter made by a reputable company. To choose the right spare part, it is enough to know the year of manufacture of the car and the body number. In some cases, replacing the filter may not be necessary: ​​if, after dismantling the filter element, it turns out that it is not very clogged, you can extend the life of the part by blowing it with compressed air. Such a filter update is possible only if there are no traces of oil stains on the surface.

Replacing the cabin filter on a Citroen C4 is done using standard tools, including a flat-head screwdriver, pliers or a plastic plug remover. First of all, open the hood and find the location for installing the cabin filter. On the Citroen C4, this element is located on the right side of the engine compartment under the sound insulation. Using a puller, remove the sound insulation cover, which is secured with three clips. To remove the clips, carefully pry them up with a screwdriver so as not to break them. After removing the clips, remove the sound insulation cover. At this stage, you can see the cover under which the filter is hidden, located in the engine partition. To gain access to the filter element, open the cover by pulling the handle. We take out the old filter from the mount and put the new part in the socket. The element is installed so that the slots are on top and the valves are on the bottom. At this point, the replacement of the cabin filter on the Citroen C4 is completed and the removed elements can be returned to their place.

The French company Citroen, which is one of the world's most famous car manufacturers, was founded in 1919. It is named after its founder, Andre Citroen. The very fact that the manufacturing company has existed for so many years indicates that its automotive products are of high quality and are competitive in this market segment. By the way, Citroen cars managed to win the prestigious European Car of the Year nomination three times. Also, the cars of this company have repeatedly taken second and third place in this rating.

Problems when paying with bank cards

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  1. There is a restriction on the card for paying for online purchases
  2. A plastic card is not intended for making payments online.
  3. The plastic card is not activated for making payments online.
  4. There are not enough funds on the plastic card.

In order to solve these problems, you need to call or write to the technical support of the bank where you are served. Bank specialists will help you resolve them and make payments.

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Instructions for replacing the cabin filter on a Citroen C4

To replace the old filter element with a new one, you will need a regular straight screwdriver and a device for removing plastic clips (for example, pliers). Having prepared these tools, perform the following work:

  • Remove the plastic sound insulation that covers the filter element and closes the neck of the coolant reservoir. You can find it under the hood of a Citroen;
  • To remove the plastic, carefully remove the clips (depending on the year of manufacture of the C4, there may be 2 or 3 of them) and bend the sound insulation to gain access to the filter cover;

  • Remove the cover;

  • Remove the old dirty filter element and install a new one.

Having carefully replaced the cabin filter on the Citroen C4 yourself, you should perform the assembly in the reverse order, which will take even less time than disassembly. After completion of the work, the effectiveness of the new part is checked, making sure that the air is fresh again and the system is operating efficiently. Although, if the filter element is not original, it will also have to be trimmed before installation.

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