We change the front shock absorber struts on a VAZ-2114 with our own hands (+video inside)

Shock absorber struts on the VAZ-2114 tend to wear out over time. So, they are responsible for ensuring that the car absorbs the road surface and absorbs irregularities, which are very common in the CIS. But not every car enthusiast is able to replace the front struts on their own, so this article will discuss exactly this.

Video about replacing the front struts on a VAZ-2114

The video will tell you about the process of replacing the front shock absorber struts, the nuances and subtleties of the work.

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What are the best shock absorbers for VAZ 2114

Who, if not the driver, should take care of his steel horse - the car.
Proper and timely care will ensure trouble-free operation of individual machine parts and quality driving on city roads. Unfortunately, in most cases the road surface has to wait for major repairs, and car enthusiasts have to deal with breakdowns with enviable regularity after driving through numerous potholes and potholes. Drivers point out that the car’s suspension often suffers, regardless of whether the car is foreign or domestic. The most vulnerable elements are considered to be shock absorbers, which in the VAZ 2114 have to be changed frequently. In order for shock absorbers to last longer, it is necessary to approach the selection of this part of the car with special care.

A Practical Look at the Rack Liner

Replacing strut liners for VAZ 2110

From a practical point of view, the VAZ 2110 strut liner is a structural unit that forms a shock-absorbing chamber together with the rod. The rack liner has found practical use in all modular designs. Sometimes the repair of a rack may be limited to only replacing its liner, and sometimes there is a practical need for a full replacement.

The advantage of practical application of rack liners


  • increasing the reliability of the entire structure;
  • the possibility of carrying out local repairs, instead of a general replacement.

Note. The extent of the rack repair is determined by the nature and cause of its malfunction.

  • financial savings on replacement and operation, and quite significant;
  • ease of practical installation.

Note. In most cases, in practice it is necessary to replace the support (rear) strut liner, so this particular algorithm will be discussed below. Moreover, replacing the front strut liner is almost identical.

How to choose shock absorbers for a VAZ 2114

First of all, let's decide on the option for using the racks. Remember: how do you drive a car, what roads do you travel on most often?

  1. City highways allow the installation of oil struts on the VAZ 2114. They are traditional for all varieties of Samar. Oil shock absorbers provide soft and smooth passage of bumps.
  2. If you don’t mind driving on the intercity highway and at the same time driving around the city, it is better to buy gas-oil shock absorbers. With them you don’t have to be afraid of small bumps and defects in the road; when accelerating, the car’s movement is more rigid.
  3. Extreme sports enthusiasts know that they will not be able to do without gas struts. Only with gas devices can a car enthusiast experience all the delights of fast driving, including every bump. It is worth noting that gas struts have a negative impact on the car body.

The main types of rear pillars and the practical essence of their functional features

Rear pillars of VAZ 2110

There are three main types of rear struts:

  • oil is also hydraulic;
  • gas strut;
  • compromise stand.

Naturally, the most comfortable is the oil rack. Gas shock absorbers, on the other hand, are extremely rigid. While the car is moving, since they behave extremely stable on the track, installing them on a sports car will be the most rational solution. From a practical point of view, a compromise strut combines some of the qualities of oil and gas, being a kind of “golden” mean and suitable for those motorists who have not yet fully decided on their choice. Practical recommendations that will extend the life of your car struts:

  • First of all, the car’s stance must be selected for the upcoming road conditions;
  • racks must be checked every three months;
  • try to choose the best travel route;
  • use auxiliary elements in order to increase the efficiency and duration of operation, car racks, etc.

Note. Before installing a new rack, it must be disassembled into its component elements and ensure that they are in full working order.

The instructions for replacing the strut liner with your own hands are extremely simple and inherently do not pose any practical difficulties. The main thing is to thoroughly understand the practical role of each of the elements of the stance. Photos and video materials will help you cope with this task. The cost of performing a self-replacement is on average 4.5 times lower than the corresponding service at a car service center. In this regard, financial savings are an excellent incentive to independently replace the rack liner or the entire rack, if there is such a practical need.

The best manufacturers

When deciding on manufacturers of racks for the VAZ 2114, it is better to pay attention to time-tested, high-level devices. Cooperate only with official dealers or sellers in whose integrity and honesty you are 100% confident.

So, there are front and rear struts; it is advisable to fix shock absorbers on both sides of a car of the same type and from the same manufacturer. The most popular today are:

  1. “Kayab” (KUV) is a gas-oil product. According to reviews from those who have already used the device, the car becomes moderately rigid, and bumps on the road are not audible at all. The car handles a variety of turns very well. This type of rack lasts for approximately 1 year, after which the product becomes decrepit and must be replaced.
  2. Bilstein B4 is a mixture of gas and oil. They hold the road remarkably well, but much tougher than the previous manufacturer. It will faithfully serve as long as its predecessor. Experienced drivers do not recommend using a VAZ 2114 equipped with Bilstein B4 struts for everyday driving, because driving comfort will be too little. But for active trips into nature and extreme driving, this option is what you need.
  3. ALKO – oil. Soft, smooth shock absorbers, lack of elasticity in the control of the VAZ 2114. Even after a year, motorists note the good condition of the devices of this vehicle. On forums, drivers often joke about these struts, calling them not suspensions, but a wooden stick. The products are very rough and make extraneous unpleasant sounds when turning. This is because the racks are designed for installation in sports car models. It is better to refrain from installing it on a VAZ 2114.
  4. Bilstein B2 – oil. They are similar in quality and functional properties to the above-described “Kayab”, although they have a slightly higher degree of rigidity.

Which manufacturer is better is up to you to judge; we have only suggested some of the nuances of using different devices, tested empirically.

If we talk about cost, there are many variations here, prices change at the speed of light and vary in different stores, so indicating specific price ranges in this case is unethical, the information is inaccurate.

To give you a little idea of ​​how much money you will need to buy the right type of suspension, we draw your attention to the fact that the front products are more expensive than the rear counterparts. On average, the price for the former varies from 1000 to 1400 rubles. A direct supplier of European-level structures will require 3000-3500 rubles with delivery directly to you.

Rear installations in the standard version produced by a domestic plant will cost no more than 800-900 rubles. 2000-2500 rubles will have to be sacrificed to purchase elite pendants.

Racks SS20

Suspensions deserve special attention, which also do not lag behind imported manufacturers in sales volumes - drivers continue to support the domestic manufacturer, which makes shock absorbers in Samara.
Which racks are the best of all those available for purchase? Each is good in its own way and has a number of distinctive features. The Samara plant is a fairly serious enterprise that produces not only struts, but also other spare parts and parts for cars.

Racks made in Samara come in 4 types:

  1. Highway - as you may have guessed, there is no question of a soft ride here. Shock absorbers are installed on cars that drive on highways; the products provide drivers with smooth entry and turns.
  2. Standard – they work regardless of the weather conditions the car is in and can withstand the most severe temperature fluctuations. The rear suspension is matched to the front.
  3. Comfort Optima - compared to Standard, the rigidity of these devices is 30% higher. Can be used for any driving style in any weather conditions.
  4. Sports – suitable for extreme sports enthusiasts who are ready to drive at aggressive speeds and prefer sharp turns.

Possible faults

Among the most common malfunctions of struts on the VAZ 2114, a number of breakdowns are noted:

  • extraneous noise has appeared, cracking in the area of ​​the brake pads;
  • the compression buffer in the car is damaged or completely ruptured;
  • oil leaks on the body;
  • The rod in the shock absorber began to jam.

If you notice at least one of the indicated manifestations in your car, take the car to a service station. If the services of a car repair shop are currently too expensive, try to cope on your own. You can enlist the help of a friend who at least knows something about how machines work.

One way or another, it is advisable for every driver to be able to cope with minor problems on their own, because they can overtake you on the road far from home, as they say, it’s never too late to learn.

Tools needed to replace struts

Let's say you decide to install shock absorbers on your VAZ yourself. So that you don’t have to be distracted later by getting or finding the necessary tools in the garage, prepare the entire set of special devices in advance. So, what devices will you need:

  • standard jack;
  • cotter pins, vices and puller;
  • in repair work related to the racks of the VAZ 2114, a hammer and pliers will be useful;
  • It’s great if you have a chisel at hand;
  • you can’t do without open-end and ring wrenches for 13, 17, 19, 22, 24;
  • a wrench designed to remove a wheel from a car.

If you have ever dealt with repairs or at least seen from the outside how VAZ 2115, 2108, 2109, 21099, 2113 are repaired, this will help you better navigate replacing shock absorbers on a VAZ 2114, because the process itself is identical. Moreover, all the parts of these cars exactly match the latest brand of domestic car.

Supports for shock absorber struts for VAZ cars, front-wheel drive

Upper strut supports and RTI repair kits…

Hello dear readers of the blog RtiIvaz.ru. Let's take a look today at RTI kits (rubber technical products) for a front-wheel drive VAZ car. First, let's look at the repair kit for the "ten", which includes: the front strut support 2110, as well as the front bumper, which is more elongated compared to the rear bumper.

The video clearly shows that branded spare parts have easy to read, clear inscriptions indicating the part designation. Nearby are the bumpers on fret 2108, which, when compared with the “tenth” ones, are somewhat smaller in height, both front and rear bumpers.

The repair kit for the VAZ-2110 also includes rubber bushings (popularly called donuts) for the rear shock absorbers, two pieces for each shock absorber. There are also rubber-metal bushings for the rear shock absorber in the repair kit (RTI).

Bushings are a loaded unit and therefore must be replaced quite often. To protect the mirror shock absorber rods, they are equipped with anthers, which are also present in the VAZ-2110 repair kit. Let's look separately at the front strut supports of front-wheel drive Lada cars...

Design number -2110-2902820 upper support, front strut for VAZ-2110, 2111, 2112

If you look at the supports of the front struts of the VAZ-2110, then inside you can clearly see a rubber cushion (cupcake), which, as it wears out, loses its elasticity and resilience and therefore quite often also needs to be replaced. Here, a lot still depends on driving style, so the timing of replacing the front strut supports is different for all car owners.

Design number -2108-2902820 upper support, front strut for VAZ-2108, 2109, 21099, 2113, 2114, 2115

Front strut supports for Lada 2108...

The front strut support for the VAZ-2108, as well as VAZ-09, 014, 015. In the strut support, a double-row bearing is pressed into the body of the rubber cushion itself.

Upper supports with bearings, front struts of a VAZ-2170 car, design number -2170-2902820

Front strut supports for Lada 2170 Priora...

For Priora, the plant produces front strut supports separately with bearings. The shock mount is noticeably different from both the 2110 fret mount and the 2108 fret mount. This is mainly due to the petal-shaped configuration of its top cushion. The front supports come with support bearings made in the form of rings. Bearings are installed at the bottom of the supports.

Upper supports with bearings, front struts of a VAZ-1118 car, design number -1118-2902820

Front supports on fret "Kalina" - 1118 and 1119...

The Kalina's front strut supports, like those on the Priora, are equipped with support bearings. The support itself is somewhat similar to the Priora support, but has a more elongated upper neck.

Rear boot for fret 2108, 2110, 2170 and their modifications

Rear suspension boot, repair kit design number: VAZ 2108-2915681…

Repair kit for rubber products for Lada 2170 Priora:

The “Priora” repair kit includes two rear bumpers from fret 2110, four rubber upper “donut” bushings (two per rod - top and bottom), two rubber-metal bushings for the lower shock absorber eye, as well as two boots (corrugations) from fret 2108 The bushings for the lower shock absorber mounting have an aluminum bushing inside, through which the fastening bolt passes.

Rear shock absorber bushings numbered -1 “upper” and numbered -2 ​​“lower” frets 2108, 2110, 1118, 2170 and their modifications

Rear shock absorber bushings catalog numbers:

Bushings for fastening the upper end of the rear shock absorber, design number: VAZ 2110-2915450 (4 pieces under number 1, see photo). Bushing for mounting the lower rear suspension shock absorber, design number of the repair kit: VAZ 2108-2914054-10 (2 pieces under number 2, see photo).

In general, if there is a need to replace a shock absorber, then it is often necessary to change the entire repair kit for safe and reliable further operation of the car.

The rubber of all parts loses elasticity over time, and therefore it is better to purchase a new repair kit (RTI) for fret 2170 Priora for new shock absorbers, which will help extend the life of the car. Particular attention should be paid to the integrity of the boot, since the “life” of the entire shock absorber largely depends on this.

Below we look at the catalog numbers of the front and rear bump stops:

Number -1 is the front bump stop for fret 2108, number -2 is the rear.

Catalog number of the front bump stop repair kit: VAZ 2108-2902816-01, which are also suitable for frets 2109, 21099, 2113, 2114, 2115. Catalog number of the rear bump stop repair kit: VAZ 2108-2912622-02, which are also installed on fret 2109, 2 1099 2113, 2114, 2115.

At number -1 are the front fenders of the rack fret 2110, at number -2 are the rear ones

Catalog number of the front fender repair kit: VAZ 2110-2902816-01, which are installed on fret 2111, 12, 2170 Priora. Catalog number of the rear fender repair kit: VAZ 2110–2912622-01, the fenders are also suitable for frets 2111, 12, 2170 Priora.

Front bumpers of the strut VAZ-1118 Kalina

Catalog number of the front bumper repair kit: VAZ 1118-2902816-01 "Kalina", rear bumpers are suitable for VAZ 2110. The set of rear shock absorbers for the VAZ-2110 also includes rubber cushions for the rear suspension springs with catalog number - 2110–2912652, which are also suitable on Priora 2170.

Rubber cushions for rear shock absorbers for springs VAZ-2110, 2111, 2112, 2170 (Priora)

Similar pillows are found on Vase 2108, only with a slightly different configuration and their catalog number is 2108-29 12652. On the body of the “ten” pillow for the rear spring there are three protrusions, which is its difference from the “eight” pillow.

While driving, bump stops, strut supports, and bushings absorb impacts from the road surface (absorb shocks), making travel in a serviceable car more comfortable and enjoyable, and therefore safer. YouTube VIDEO:

Happy safe driving everyone! Good luck to you and see you soon on the pages of the RtiIvaz.ru blog! You will also be interested in reading: Support on the Grant rack Method of adjusting the valves of the Lada 2107 How to set the ignition on a VAZ 2106 carburetor

How to install shock absorbers on a VAZ 2114

It is better to once again make sure that the necessary spare parts and tools are fully equipped before installation. Assess how efficient they are. It is advisable to wash the settled dust particles on the rods with running water. Finally, we start replacing the racks.

  1. Place the car on a level surface. The machine must stand firmly on the base and not wobble or move.
  2. To prevent the VAZ 2114 from suddenly moving from its place, you need to put the handbrake on it, then jack up the car and secure the wheel restraints.
  3. Remove 2 wheels from the part of the car where the old suspensions will be removed. It’s up to you to decide which new units are best mounted for a comfortable ride.
  4. If the front products are to be replaced, release them from the safety mechanism.
  5. Replacing rear products involves removing the protection in the upper fastening element.
  6. Slightly loosen the rod nut and fasteners adjacent to the body.
  7. Hold the pliers tightly in your hand, then use them to release and remove the cotter pin from the VAZ 2114.
  8. Disconnect the steering rod.
  9. Remove the hose involved in the braking process.
  10. Through the arch, free yourself from the outdated type of shock absorber.
  11. Dismantle the support bearing.
  12. Carefully and slowly fold the new product, consisting of a spring and a bearing.
  13. You can install shock absorbers by initiating the reverse procedure for installing the product.

Now you know what manipulations need to be done in order for the replacement of struts in a VAZ 2114 to be completed successfully. Auto repair shop specialists recommend replacing the support bearings along with the suspensions, which wear out quickly in domestic cars.


Withdrawal procedure

1. Remove the telescopic stand.

2. Clamp the stand in a vice. We compress the spring with special ties. Unscrew the shock absorber rod nut, holding the rod from turning.

3. Remove the upper support of the rack.

4. Remove the upper spring bowl.

5. Remove the spring.

6. Remove the protective casing with the compression stroke buffer.

7. Inspect the rack. If deformation, cracks or damage are visible on the strut body, swing arm, bracket or lower spring cup, the strut must be replaced. Welding work on the rack can permanently damage it.

8. Place the strut vertically and swing the shock absorber rod several times. At the same time, make sure that the rod moves smoothly. If it moves with dips, jamming and knocking, then the rack needs to be replaced. The strut should also be replaced if it shows signs of fluid leakage or if the threads at the top of the stem are damaged.

9. Shock absorbers with a non-separable body (cartridge) can also be installed on the machine. To replace the cartridge, knock down the compression buffer support, unscrew the nut of the strut housing, remove the cartridge and put a new one in its place. When replacing a conventional hydraulic shock absorber with a cartridge, you need to remove the rod with the working cylinder from the housing and drain the liquid. Install the cartridge into the housing according to the manufacturer's instructions.

10 If the compression stroke buffer and protective cover are damaged, replace them.

11. If the bearing has axial movement in the support housing, there are signs of lubricant leakage, the bearing is seized when turning and corrosion, replace it. If there are cracks in the upper support housing, replace it. Studs with damaged threads must also be replaced.

12.If the spring has cracks or deformations, replace it. Check the spring settlement. Apply a load of 3187N (325kgf) to the spring. The length of the spring under load must be at least 201 mm (182 mm for cars supplied for export). If the length of the spring marked yellow (white for export vehicles) (class A) is less than 207 mm (188 mm for export vehicles), replace it with a spring marked green (blue for export vehicles). export) (class B). It is recommended to replace both front suspension springs, and the springs must be of the same group. Replace the damaged upper spring cup. 13. All rack mounting bolts with damaged threads must also be replaced.

14. Reassemble the stand in reverse order. In this case, the protective casing is put on the annular groove of the compression stroke buffer.

15. Install the spring so that its end rests against the protrusion of the lower cup. Also install the top cup.

16. Final tighten the nuts after the vehicle is on the ground.

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