We remove the heater motor on a Niva Chevrolet with our own hands for replacement: video inside

In order to provide a comfortable atmosphere in the cabin of any car, including the Niva Chevrolet, an air heating and cooling system is provided. The manufacturer took care of this and equipped the car with a stove motor, specifically an electric motor, an impeller and a shaft mounted on it.

Video about replacing the heater motor on a Niva Chevrolet:

But sometimes it happens that this miniature structure breaks down, ceases to fulfill its intended purpose and needs to be replaced. In this article we will look in detail at how to replace the heater motor on a Niva Chevrolet, as well as how to service it if necessary.

How to replace the heater fan (motor) on a Niva Chevrolet

While enjoying comfortable trips in their own car, some owners let down their vigilance excessively, not noticing the “news” sent by their “iron friend”.
It is with their help that the vehicle seeks to notify the owner about the occurrence of a technical malfunction. Experienced car owners strongly recommend not just starting the engine, but listening to how it works, not just turning on the heater and waiting for warm air to flow, but again listening to see if there are any third-party sounds. If you notice warning signs, we recommend that you roll up your sleeves and fix the problems that have arisen, without waiting for the moment when they increase a hundredfold. We would like to note that Chevrolet Niva owners often have to deal with a situation where problems arise in the electric heater motor. In this case, nothing can be done, you just need to visit an auto store, buy a new heater fan and replace it. If you have not encountered such a problem before, of course, it is unlikely that you already have a plan in your head on how to replace the heater fan. Most likely, you hardly even know where the failed heater motor is located in your Chevrolet Niva. For this reason, we are ready to take a little patronage over you and equip you with the necessary portion of technical knowledge.

Fan replacement

So, if there is an urgent need to replace the stove motor, we recommend that you hurry with the repairs without waiting for frost. Believe me, driving in a vehicle in which the heating system does not function is quite uncomfortable. In addition, in severe frosts such trips are still extremely unsafe, since the lack of heat does not allow the ice concentrated on the windows to thaw. Icy windows limit the driver's visibility of the roadway and, accordingly, provoke emergency situations.

So, pick up a new fan and check the quality of rotation of the blades. If you have not purchased it yet, we recommend that you give preference to a model with bearings, of course, if the auto store offers you an expanded range of heaters suitable for your Chevrolet Niva.

Replacement algorithm

Now that you have already prepared for the immediate replacement, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the algorithm of actions. By the way, on some forums you can find advice from car owners, which indicates the need to completely remove the entire panel. On other forums you will easily find an alternative opinion, which we also adhere to. You can dismantle the old stove fan on the Niva, and then successfully install a new motor in the same way, without resorting to complete dismantling of the panel. It is quite possible to get by by removing the glove compartment and air duct. Don't neglect one more piece of our advice. Purchase a new cabin filter in advance. You will not incur serious financial expenses, but at the same time you will make the operation of the heater easier, and also eliminate the urgent need to replace a dirty filter in the near future.

Unscrew all the bolts holding the glove compartment, remove it, then remove the cabin filter. After this, you will find a fan that you need to dismantle and then replace. You will find a latch on the impeller; we advise you to press it, and then unscrew the three screws that directly secure the electric motor. We recommend that you be patient and persevere, as these actions will not be easy for you. It is very inconvenient to get to the places where these screws are located. If you have screwdrivers with a small handle, then it will be more profitable for you to use them directly.

As soon as you manage to unscrew the screws, the fan will immediately begin to slide. You need to hold it, but at the same time shake it slightly in different directions, which will allow you to pull it off the shaft. As soon as it is in your hands, consider that you have already done half of the work.

We now set you up for the preparatory work ahead of installing your new fan. Examine the motor carefully. During such a visual inspection, you will easily find holes on the surface of the impeller. Pull a wire with a thin cross-section through them, then secure it in the shaft where the motor should be placed. Make sure that the impeller “becomes” correctly. In particular, the groove located on its surface must fit into the pin on the motor shaft. In addition, the impeller must be located perpendicular to the axis of your car.

It's time to install a new fan. We recommend lubricating it and only then installing it. By the way, this procedure is quite complicated due to the fact that although all the actions are understandable, it is inconvenient to perform them. Twist and turn your new fan, do whatever you want, as you please, only the electric motor must be in the right place. Once you are sure that you have actually positioned the fan correctly, you can proceed to secure it by tightening a few screws securely. Now don't forget that you have a wire connected. Of course, the moment has already come when you no longer need it. Get to it through the engine compartment, bite it off and remove it. The last final step is to connect the pipes. Now that you have so diligently completed everything that we recommended to you, you can check the result of your work. Start the engine, warm it up, and then observe how well your heater and fan work.

Chevrolet Niva › Logbook › Winter is coming... Changing the heater fan without removing the dashboard

So, in the previous entry you may have already appreciated how the Shniva’s stove whistles. Let's add to this the fact that repairing something in winter is not the most pleasant pleasure, which is why we replaced the heater motor in advance.

The book says that you need to remove the entire panel and only then replace it, but on the forums they write that you can get by, which is what I did. (in principle, this is no longer a new operation for me

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