How to remove the rear seats on a Lada Vesta: subtleties and nuances

Along with the joy of buying a car, many questions about its maintenance often arise, especially among novice motorists. One of them is how to remove the back seat in a Lada Vesta car. It would seem, at first glance, such a simple procedure, but it can cause some difficulties. How to deal with it can be considered in the sequential instructions described below.

Preparatory work

Before you begin dismantling yourself, you need to prepare the tools that will be needed for the work. The car must be placed on a flat, open area so that the seat can be freely removed from the car. It is advisable to disconnect the battery from the on-board network - just remove one terminal from it. After this you can start working.


The design of the rear sofa of the Lada Vesta consists of two parts. This is the upper back and the sofa itself on which they sit. They need to be dismantled separately from each other.

To complete the work you will need:

  • a screwdriver with a straight, flat end.
  • pliers
  • wrench "10-14"

The manufacturer's instructions indicate that it is necessary to remove the terminal from the battery when carrying out repair work.

But to carry out this procedure, this step can be skipped.

To perform the procedure for removing the rear seat, you must first place the car in the place where the work will be carried out, set the parking brake and turn off the car.


Vesta and Kia have different configurations, which makes comparison much more difficult. The basic version of the Cross is equipped with a considerable number of good options, including:

  • parking sensors;
  • Cruise control;
  • navigator;
  • air conditioner;
  • precipitation sensors;
  • four airbags;
  • rear-mounted video camera.

To get a Kia with approximately the same set, you will have to pay from 950,000 to a million. Interestingly, the Korean does not have cruise control at all, but there is such an option as a heated steering wheel. And yet, there are as many as six airbags.

Thus, by buying a Lada, you will get more goodies for a relatively modest amount.


The interior design of the Vesta modification SV Cross looks quite stylish. Against this background, Rio doesn't look so good - its interior is downright boring.

Compared to the Lada, the Kia car is more comfortable. Its seats perfectly support the backs of passengers, the only problem is that the seats themselves are a bit short, although they are quite soft. In Vesta, on the contrary, they are excessively rigid, but on the other hand, passengers on the rear sofa are given noticeably more space.

Kia Rio and SV Cross have a common drawback - a low ceiling. Therefore, if a tall person can straighten up, he will cling to the roof with the top of his head.

The good quality of the Kia's interior trim and equipment gives it an edge. Vesta has a lot of disadvantages:

  • harsh steering wheel;
  • tight buttons;
  • Difficult to read instrument dials.

At the same time, the SV Cross steering wheel is easily adjustable both in height and reach. The Korean has more limited functionality.

How to remove the back seat on a Lada Vesta

To avoid damaging anything during dismantling work, you need to follow the step-by-step steps correctly.

  • The first thing you need to do when removing the rear sofa on a West is to put your hands under the sofa and feel the latches under it.

  • To do this, you need to identify the latches in the front of the sofa and pull them up.

  • Once the latches are released, the sofa rises higher. But there is no need to move it very high.

  • Then you need to point the sofa towards the trunk and lift the lower seat by the edge that is located closer to it.

  • When the edge near the trunk is lifted, the staples should come out of the brackets on their own.

  • The back seat is free. It can be taken out and removed from the car interior.

It is important to remember when dismantling the rear sofa that you need to act with extreme caution; the fasteners from which it is released can easily fail. The latches can break either when removing or installing the rear seat back.

These clips are made of hard plastic and are therefore very fragile.

Not all operations require disassembling the rear seat. If the gas tank equipment has failed and you need to repair or replace it, this can be done without dismantling. Under the covering of soundproofing material there is a hatch with a fuel pump. But if you need to remove the upholstery, then disassembling the seat will be necessary.

Removing the back of the rear seat on a Lada Vesta

Half of the installation has already been completed. To do this, you will need pre-prepared tools and a place where the back of the rear seat will be placed. Actions to continue dismantling:

  • First you need to remove the seat belts. To do this, remove the fastenings from them with a 14mm wrench, unscrew the screw and remove it. During work, care must be taken, because... The joint between the bolts is lubricated with grease.

  • To remove the backrest, unscrew the side screw of the bracket. There are only two of them, one on each side of the back. To perform this action you will need a wrench with a 13mm head.

  • It is necessary to tilt the seat cushion and thereby release it from the clamps. Using a 13mm wrench, unscrew the remaining bolts at the back of the seat.

  • The seat is freely removable and can be taken out of the cabin.

After all the necessary manipulations inside the car have been completed, you can assemble the seats back.

To do this, you need to carry out all the steps in reverse order. From the beginning, the vertical back will be attached - it is secured with bolts.

Then the central seat belt is fixed, the bolts on it are tightened and the sofa is secured using clamps. After completing assembly, press the front part of the sofa so that the brackets fall into place. If there are small folds in the fabric, smooth them out with your hand; during use, they will finally straighten out


What size are the wipers on the Lada Kalina (front and rear)

Passability in our realities is at least an important criterion. Here, a parameter such as clearance height is of great importance. Kia cannot stand comparison in this position. The Lada has a gap of 20.3 centimeters versus 17 for the Korean. With such good potential, the domestic car can easily overcome uneven roads and drive onto the curb, which is useful when parking in urban conditions.

Vesta's suspension is also very powerful - it is capable of jumping through quite impressive potholes at speeds of up to 40 kilometers per hour, without causing any inconvenience to riders. At the same time, Kia rides softer, but it requires good roads.

The Russian model SV Cross is equipped in any configuration with disc brakes at the front and drums at the rear. There is nothing to put up against the Korean hatchback; their product has the same components in the basic equipment. However, the most expensive version of Kia has discs installed on both axles.

We put covers on the rear seats of Lada Vesta

Covers are an excellent protection against seat contamination, as well as an easy opportunity to update the interior of your car. With the help of covers you can make the interior more expensive and respectable. The main thing is to choose the right material from which they will be made.

To put covers on the rear seats, you need to follow the procedure:

  • First you need to take a cover for the lower part. Lay it out face down on a flat surface. We place the back sofa upside down on the cover on top.

  • When pulling the cover on, you need to spread it over the entire surface of the seat, tie all the laces and secure the elastic bands.

  • The lower part of the rear seat is ready, it can be moved to the side for a while.

  • To get started on the rear seat back covers. First, you need to remove three headrests; you can put pre-prepared covers on them. The smallest cover is for the middle headrest, keep this in mind when placing them.

  • We put the cover on the back of the seat, tighten the clasp and fasten the headrests back.

  • To put covers on the front seats, you need to know how to remove the front seats and how to remove the plastic from them.

Purchase and replacement of rear seat latches Lada Vesta

Lada Vesta boasts a very spacious luggage compartment, but sometimes it is not enough to transport large items. Therefore, in order to get out of this situation and accommodate everything they want, motorists remove the rear seats to expand the space.

How to fold out the rear seats on the Lada Vesta and Lada Vesta St:

  • You need to pull the side locks on the left and right sides of the backrest up.
  • Move the seat belts to the side.
  • Lower the seat back down to a horizontal position.
  • The back will not lie completely flat, because... it is 10-15 cm higher than the trunk, but to level this out, you can raise the floor of the trunk.

As a result of frequent use, the fixation fasteners do not withstand such intensive use and the fasteners wear out. If handled carelessly or pressed hard, they may break or begin to crack.

However, this fastening part is not very expensive and can be replaced without much expense or effort, because it attaches quite easily. To purchase, it is better to focus on the correct name, namely “pillow lock housing with latch.”

You can purchase it from an authorized dealer and install it in the mounting groove.

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