COMPLETED SUSPENSION / springs from VAZ 2108 on Oka

The VAZ 1111, better known as Oka, became the subject of ridicule due to its compact size and simple design. Meanwhile, this car anticipated the era of economical, small cars. Today, almost every global automotive brand is developing its own “baby car”, so serious competition has unfolded in the class of compact cars. The domestic auto industry, along with the Italian one, can be considered a pioneer in the development of the production of compact cars. Another question is that the VAZ 1111 has not received sufficient development in the form of the development of restylings and new generations. But Oka provides fans with car tuning with their own hands and ample opportunities for modernization.

DIY Oka tuning

There are many options for transformation and restyling of the VAZ 1111:

  • SUV
  • rally car
  • Retro car - design concepts of the late 60s and early 70s of the XX century are determined by the angularity of body shapes and the use of bright colors in design
  • Cabriolet
  • Roadster

The simplest and most accessible is tuning the Oka for off-road use, since the car’s appearance is similar to this class of car. To enhance this effect, it is enough to lift the suspension, install larger diameter wheels and tires with a powerful tread. But tuning the Oka for a jeep is not limited to the above changes; they can be considered only the first stage in creating an exclusive little all-terrain vehicle.

External tuning of the Oka can be styled after the popular Grand Cherokee SUV model. This is facilitated by the similarity of the headlights and radiator grille. In both cars they are oblong, rectangular in shape. It is enough to install a body kit, wheels with a large diameter and tractor tire tread, as well as give the hood the appropriate configuration and the nondescript OKA will turn into a miniature clone of an SUV popular in the 90s.

Tuning Oka cars with your own hands is quite easy. This is due to the simplicity of the technical structure of the car and its unpretentious appearance, which, on the one hand, makes modernization simple and cheap, and on the other, allows you to carry out all kinds of experiments on the car. From all of the above, we can conclude that tuning a VAZ 1111 is the best school for a beginner and a kind of creative studio for an experienced master.

How to replace an element

You can replace the rear suspension spring yourself, but if a breakdown occurs or the car sags too much, it is better to replace both of them so that you don’t feel the body skew during the trip.

For repair work you will need:

  • a stand under the body, ideally it should be adjustable (it’s better to purchase one);
  • suspension spring tensioner;
  • wrench - 19.

Place a tie on the spring that requires replacement and lightly compress it. If there is no tie, you can get out of the situation by tying the spring in a compressed state with reliable wire.

From the side of the worn spring, disconnect the lower end of the shock absorber. The car must be in a state of lifting the wheel off the surface, the body must be on a support - the rear of the car on the side of the broken spring.

To remove the spring, push the rear suspension arm down. The entire operation is carried out within the elasticity of the silent block. Then the screed is dismantled.

If there is a spring gasket left on the body, in the wheel well, it must be removed.

It may also happen that the spring is fine. It needs to be inspected to see if there are any defects, deformation or cracks. You should study the labeling. If yellow paint is observed, it means the hardness group is normal, green color indicates increased hardness. Both springs must be of the same stiffness class.

If the gasket has a hard surface or is clearly damaged, it must be replaced. Before installing a new spring, you need to attach an insulating gasket to it, but so that the end of the outermost coil is clearly in the groove of the gasket, then the gasket should be strengthened on the spring. Insulation or tape will do. The spring must be compressed with a tie. The whole process is repeated in reverse order.

The VAZ 1111, better known as Oka, became the subject of ridicule due to its compact size and simple design. Meanwhile, this car anticipated the era of economical, small cars. Today, almost every global automotive brand is developing its own “baby car”, so serious competition has unfolded in the class of compact cars. The domestic auto industry, along with the Italian one, can be considered a pioneer in the development of the production of compact cars. Another question is that the VAZ 1111 has not received sufficient development in the form of the development of restylings and new generations. But Oka provides fans with car tuning with their own hands and ample opportunities for modernization.

Oka engine tuning

The process of improving engine performance can be divided into 2 directions:

  • A radical change in characteristics - a complete replacement of the motor
  • Improving the standard power unit

In the first case, the ideal option would be a 1.3-liter injection engine from Rover Mini. The advantage of this type of tuning is a significant increase in technical indicators; the disadvantages are the high cost of implementation and the need to rework most of the car’s systems for a new engine. It's expensive and time consuming.

The second option - upgrading the standard power unit - is cheaper and simpler, but will not allow you to obtain such an increase in power as in the first case.

Do-it-yourself Oka engine tuning must begin with the carburetor. The first step is to increase the throttle body diameter to 52–54 mm. This will allow the engine to receive more air, which will make its operation easier, improve performance and increase engine life. You can immediately install a tuning modification of the carburetor.

Installing a new camshaft allows you to increase the speed to 7000 units. In this case, it is necessary to increase the engine power, which is done using the following operations:

  • Replacing standard valves with lightweight ones
  • Valve seat upgrades
  • Modification of inlet and outlet valve channels
  • Sealing valves
  • Installation of bronze guides
  • Changing the shape of combustion chambers

Additionally, it is necessary to replace the intake and exhaust manifolds with sports modifications, as well as the air filter with a K&N model with zero resistance. This set of measures will significantly improve the technical characteristics of the engine and optimize its operation, that is, the loss of power will be minimal.

Classification of drugs for blood vessels

The mechanism of action of vascular drugs differs in the mechanism of the achieved effect and the method of adjusting the tone. Narrowing of capillaries and arteries is a serious cause of abnormalities in the functioning of internal organs. In some cases, this even poses a danger to life. This is due to the fact that the vascular system not only provides internal organs and structures with nutrients, but also saturates them with oxygen, removing toxins and waste materials outside.

Only a doctor can determine which drugs are best for blood vessels. The classification of drugs is based on the area of ​​localization of the pathological process in the body:

Preparations for capillaries. For the smallest vessels, the diameter of which is equal to the size of red blood cells, medications that improve the condition of microcirculatory structures are effective. The most effective are ascorbic acid, vitamins P and E, as well as medications developed based on flavonoids.

Medicines for arteries. Strengthen arterial vessels, preventing the development of severe complications such as thrombosis, hemorrhages in tissues and vital organs. This group includes statins, multivitamins, metabolic and antihypertensive drugs, and antithrombotic drugs.

Medicines for veins. Pathologies of venous structures have become widespread. The most common disease is varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. Among the effective vascular-strengthening drugs, multivitamins with vitamins C and P, combined blood thinners with strengthening properties and venoprotectors that improve metabolism in the walls of venous vessels should be highlighted.

Separately, drugs for normalizing blood flow in the brain should be highlighted. Indicated to improve vascular health and restore cerebral circulation. The action is aimed at expanding arteries and capillaries, eliminating spasms and strengthening the walls of vascular structures. This group includes calcium channel blockers, antihypoxants and antioxidants, nootropics and drugs for atherosclerosis.

There is no need to lose sight of drugs that cleanse blood vessels. The action of the drugs is aimed at reducing cholesterol levels in the blood and destroying atherosclerotic plaques in the vascular bed. Cardiovascular drugs include lipid-lowering drugs, as well as medications that thin the blood and strengthen vascular walls, antispasmodics, vitamins and

Dietary supplements.

To improve blood circulation, statins, fibrates, and bile acid sequestrants are prescribed. Statins are recommended to be taken in long courses. They restore cholesterol levels, eliminating its deposition in blood vessels. Fibrates reduce “bad” cholesterol while increasing “good” cholesterol. The course of treatment lasts up to 2 months. Bile acid sequestrants bind cholesterol contained in the intestines and remove it out, preventing it from being absorbed

Neurotropic agents

Neurotropes perform the following functions:

inhibit platelet aggregation;

increase sensitivity to glucose;

stabilize cell membranes;

promote the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the brain;

optimize cortical connections (processes that occur in the hemispheres or in the cerebral cortex).

Drugs for dilating cerebral blood vessels do not directly affect vascular structures, but help improve metabolic processes and microcirculation.

Nootropic drugs

Medications are aimed at improving and stimulating processes in the brain. Indications for use: rapid recovery after a stroke and increased alertness. You need to choose nootropic drugs based on the results of the diagnostics.

When a healthy person takes calcium antagonists, cognitive processes are stimulated, which improves the process of memorizing information, allows you to think more productively and quickly, and also tolerate stressful situations more easily. But you need to be careful with these drugs, because they increase blood viscosity, which leads to cell hypoxia.

Myotropic drugs

The best drugs for blood vessels are antispasmodics. They reduce the tone of the muscular walls of blood vessels and expand the lumen of the arteries of internal organs. This action leads to improved blood flow.

Antiplatelet agents and anticoagulants

Antiplatelet agents to suppress the union of red blood cells and platelets. Bonding and joining (aggregation) lead to blood thickening, which can lead to the formation of blood clots and plaques. Antiplatelet drugs keep platelets and red blood cells as separate blood cells, preventing them from joining together. They also have an antihypertensive effect. Anticoagulants slow down the growth of thrombin in the blood and prothrombin in the liver. These enzymes promote blood clotting. The smaller the amount produced, the thinner the blood. Anticoagulant agents differ in the degree of absorption, mechanism of action and duration of elimination from the body.


Venoprotective and venotonic drugs have a complex effect:

reduce tissue swelling;

accelerate metabolic processes;

improve blood circulation;

tone blood vessels.

Venotonics are widely used for the prevention of heart and vascular diseases. In complex treatment they are used as auxiliary means.

Oka suspension tuning

Improving the driving characteristics of the VAZ 1111 is the owner’s primary task, since in the basic version the suspensions are useless and cause a lot of complaints. To correct the situation, it is necessary to install gas-oil shock absorbers. This is enough to give the car stability and improve its handling.

Experts do not recommend replacing standard springs with advanced modifications, as the latter quickly fail.

If you plan to make an SUV out of Oka, then it is necessary to lift the suspension. This can be done using a specialized kit or by adding spacers under the springs. The result is a lifted rear of the car. But at the same time it will be necessary to modify the shock absorber mounts. Actually, this is all that is needed to improve the suspension of the VAZ 1111 with your own hands.

Practice “Five Tibetan Pearls”

The practice of "Five Tibetan Pearls" or "Five Tibetans" appeared in the monasteries of Tibet. But to do it, you don’t have to be a monk and live in the mountains. It’s enough just to find a little time, preferably in the morning, soon after you get out of bed. But you can do the exercises at other times of the day.

The idea of ​​the set of exercises is to use all 12 main joints of the body, which in Eastern medicine are among the energy centers. These centers must work, otherwise a person begins to get sick and grow old.

Tuning the Oka's interior

There are more than enough options for modernization:

  • Complete replacement of interior trim. To do this, use your own materials or buy a special set. You can try the author’s method of reworking the interior, for example, modifying the standard trim
  • Partial decoration - installation of shaped inserts and elements in the cladding
  • Modification of standard seats - installation of comfortable headrests, purchase or production of stylish covers. In this case, the general design concept of interior redesign in terms of color selection should be taken into account
  • Replacing standard seats with sports or executive seats
  • Installing a new steering wheel
  • Installing stylish pedal covers
  • Installation of additional equipment: automatic windows and side mirrors
  • The roof can be made panoramic or a hatch can be cut out

These are not all the options that can be implemented when tuning the Oka’s interior with your own hands. In fact, there are no dogmas or prohibitions here; everything depends on the imagination of the master. This is an excellent option for carrying out creative experiments and inventing original decorating techniques.

Oka panel tuning

Tuning the Oka torpedo is associated with a difficulty - the compact dimensions of the car. In this regard, it is unlikely that it will be possible to install a torpedo from other models. Or you will have to search for suitable sizes for a long time. Here the best helpers will be imagination and available means.

You can resort to the standard, proven option - covering the dashboard with leather or carbon film. If you want to create something exclusive, then polyurethane foam, epoxy resin, and a grinding tool will help with this. With their help, you can change the design of the torpedo as you please. This is also a good method for redesigning the dashboard mounting hole.

Do-it-yourself Oka panel tuning also provides 2 options:

  • Factory Panel Upgrade
  • Installing a new panel from other car models

The first option involves replacing standard backlight lamps with LED ones. Installing a new backing or modifying the standard one will create a custom look. A complete replacement of the instrument panel will require modification of the dashboard.

Do not forget about high-quality sealing; a new or modified torpedo should not make squeaks. This requirement can be considered an integral part of tuning.

What are spacers made of?

Manufacturers of auto parts and accessories have already noticed that spacers are in demand, so they have already started producing them.

Moreover, different materials are used for their manufacture:

Polyurethane and rubber are elastic materials themselves, so they can compress during use, which allows vibrations to be dampened to a greater extent.

At the same time, polyurethane is very resistant to negative environmental influences, so it can last for a long time.

But the design of such spacers often uses metal bushings in the bolt holes, and this is their disadvantage.

When compressed, these bushings come into contact with the body, and corrosion may appear at the point of contact.

Although rubber is subject to “aging,” such spacers do not contain any metal elements, so they do not have any negative effects on the body.

On a Suzuki Escudo it looks like this:

Aluminum spacers are highly durable, but since they are metal, corrosion may occur at the point of contact with the body.

Plastic is better in this regard. It is also durable, but will not rust. Therefore, rubber and plastic spacers are optimal for installation on cars.

Moreover, it is noted that it is advisable to use spacers made of durable materials on the front suspension, and elastic ones on the rear suspension.

In addition, you cannot increase the ground clearance indefinitely using spacers.

Their thickness should not exceed 3-5 cm; the use of thicker substrates will lead to a significant deterioration in the car's handling.

Bumper tuning for Oka

Standard VAZ 1111 bumpers are difficult to modernize, as they have a limited tuning resource. The reason is the small surface area where the fog lights and the space for the license plate are located close to each other. But if you wish, you can also rock the standard bumpers. This is done using polyurethane foam, epoxy resin and a grinding tool. For example, you can enlarge the bumper at the bottom by adding diffusers, following the example of rally cars. But such technology is impractical and labor-intensive.

The main difficulty in upgrading a standard bumper is creating a symmetrical surface and clear drawing of lines. Design development can also cause some difficulty. In order not to suffer for a long time, it is worth taking some advanced example of a sports bumper as a basis.

Tuning headlights for Oka

Tuning Oka optics is one of the important elements affecting the appearance of the car. An effective method of transforming headlights is to install overlays. You can buy them or make them yourself. Before that, you need to install LED lamps and polish the headlights. It is possible to completely replace optical devices. To install an advanced model, modifications to the body will be required.

What other techniques can be used to change the appearance of headlights:

  • Changing the design of the headlight rim - applying a shiny coating, stylized as chrome
  • Refinement of the headlight substrate
  • Decoration with LED strips, most often they resemble eyelashes, but you can place them at the bottom and give the car an aggressive look

Tuning Oka taillights is carried out mainly by installing overlays. It is worth remembering that they should not harm safety - the lights in any case remain clearly visible.

throttle 52 cm? to make from a sewer hatch? what was the author thinking when he wrote this?

Lada Oka 1996, engine Gasoline 0.8 liter., 33 hp, Front drive, Manual — tuning


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Hi, how much will the front end kit cost?

Production within a week

The price of a kit for an elevator is how much today? And how long does it take to manufacture the kit?

Greetings. Lift kit 10000. Extended steering shaft 2000. Unwelding for quad tires 7500 set of new wheels. Delivery by business line transport company, payment upon receipt via Sberbank card.

Hello. Call 89515137777

OK! Thanks, I'll call you tomorrow then.


Hello. Call 89515137777

Hi, friend ! Can I order spacers for the oka? and what's included?

Hello. Everything in the video is included in the kit. The steering shaft is separate. Call 89515137777

Hello! I want to buy a lift kit from you, how can I do this? And how can I contact you, except not on the drive?!

Comment deleted

Just here...another carburetor...or some kind of adapter?

It’s all simple with the eighth carber, but if it’s original, then you need to fix something with the air filter

Don’t you it easy for us to install?

I did some digging...mostly everyone installs a carburetor from 08-09, but it still needs to be adjusted!

But it seems to me that there is no point in it, our engine is still not designed for such a volume of gasoline. It will simply be flooded. The original carb, if well tuned, works perfectly for years (naturally in combination with fuel filters

Are you talking about the quality of fuel filters?

No, it’s just that when a fuel filter is installed, the carburetor works for a long time without any intervention in it

Comment deleted

What is a “flange”? I think... that we need something similar, as in the photo... but immediately go out on the snorkel!

Tell me, what and why is your ignition distributor covered?

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Do-it-yourself Oka lifting

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Do-it-yourself Oka lifting

Post by Igor61 » Jan 15, 2016, 07:33:53 PM

Log in to the forum or register to view links. Don't be afraid to do what you don't know how to do. The Ark was built by an amateur, but the Titanic was built by professionals.

MY stone is from behind my bosom, my wife wears it on her ring finger. Login to the forum or register to view links

Do-it-yourself Oka lifting

Post by ALEX 161rus » Jan 15, 2016 09:13:07 PM

Do-it-yourself Oka lifting

Post by serj 23 » Jan 15, 2016, 09:42:32 PM

Do-it-yourself Oka lifting

Post by Admin » Jan 15, 2016 09:51:38 PM

Do-it-yourself Oka lifting

Post by Igor61 » Jan 16, 2016, 03:43:58

Log in to the forum or register to view links. Don't be afraid to do what you don't know how to do. The Ark was built by an amateur, but the Titanic was built by professionals.

MY stone is from behind my bosom, my wife wears it on her ring finger. Login to the forum or register to view links

Do-it-yourself Oka lifting

Post by Igor123 » Jan 16, 2016, 12:02:56 PM

Do-it-yourself Oka lifting

Post by Igor61 » Jan 16, 2016, 09:18:18 PM

Log in to the forum or register to view links. Don't be afraid to do what you don't know how to do. The Ark was built by an amateur, but the Titanic was built by professionals.

MY stone is from behind my bosom, my wife wears it on her ring finger. Login to the forum or register to view links

Do-it-yourself Oka lifting

Post by serj 23 » 16 Jan 2016, 21:37:30

Do-it-yourself Oka lifting

Post by Igor61 » Jan 16, 2016, 10:33:20 pm

I had an idea to make it independent, like they do on a front-wheel drive VAZ. Only with increased ground clearance.

Log in to the forum or register to view links. Don't be afraid to do what you don't know how to do. The Ark was built by an amateur, but the Titanic was built by professionals.

MY stone is from behind my bosom, my wife wears it on her ring finger. Login to the forum or register to view links

What is clearance?

Ground clearance (or ground clearance) is a value that characterizes the distance from the lowest point of the car (most often, the threshold) to the road surface. Ground clearance is measured in millimeters and can vary depending on the purpose of the car. For example, SUVs have higher ground clearance than a regular passenger car. Increasing the ground clearance allows you to increase the vehicle's cross-country ability, but at the same time, its resistance to rollover on the road decreases.

Below, as an example, is a table that shows the ground clearance of the VAZ model range.

How to increase ground clearance (clearance)

Increasing ground clearance is most often done by off-road driving enthusiasts, hunters and other people who like to go out of town. Roads in the city are significantly different from country roads. That is why increasing the clearance for cars unsuitable for these roads is one of the most important procedures.

  • First method. An increase in ground clearance is achieved by installing wheels with a larger diameter. This is especially true for cars with basic equipment.

Among the disadvantages of this method are the appearance of a speedometer error and the limitation of the diameter by the wheel arches. This means that if you install a wheel that is too large in diameter, it will hit the arches on sharp turns.

  • Second method . Installing spacers under the fastenings of suspension parts to the body, for example, springs, also allows you to increase ground clearance. Complete with spacers, you should purchase shock absorber extensions, or new extended shock absorbers, since when entering a deep hole, the shock absorber may fly out of the cup.

The disadvantage of this method is that the rear spacers are much thicker than the front ones and the increase in ground clearance occurs unevenly. In this regard, the brake force regulator, or “sorcerer” as it is called, receives incorrect information. However, the “sorcerer” has the ability to regulate.

  • Third method. It is reminiscent of the second method and consists of replacing standard springs with springs with a large number of turns. In this way, a significant increase in ground clearance can be achieved. However, as in the second method, it is necessary to lengthen or replace the shock absorbers for the same reasons.

Compared to spacers, new springs will last much longer and more reliably, however, in addition to the same disadvantages, they have a high cost.

  • Fourth method. Reinforced springs. This option is used for vehicles that are operated at full load. They can be pickup trucks and station wagons, which have the ability to transport large cargo. Reinforced springs do not increase the vehicle's ground clearance, but their use eliminates "sagging" under full load, while maintaining normal ground clearance and protects the underbody from damage due to uneven road surfaces.

Among the advantages of this system, one can note an increase in the service life of the entire chassis, however, the comfort of a trip without a load is reduced, since the rear part will “spring” on small bumps.

How to choose rear suspension springs

When buying rear springs, their quality can be checked in this way: examine the shape of the spring, and if it turns out that any turn of the plane cannot touch, then it is better to buy another spring.

No matter how much you protect your own car, the springs of the Oka still begin to sag, no matter how hard the manufacturers try to make every detail with high quality and for a long service life. When replacing them, the main thing is not to buy from dubious sellers.

There are many good products, for example “Phobos” - suspension spring 1111, the dimensions fit perfectly. It has such a progressive characteristic that the car is provided with sporty dynamics, the car is stable in all modes due to the fact that the ground clearance is lowered from 5 to 10 mm.

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