Replacing the shock absorber and spring of the rear suspension on a VAZ 2113, 2114, 2115

On a VAZ-2115 car, the rear struts are replaced in case of mechanical damage to the unit or when the service life has been significantly exceeded. The shock absorbers must be replaced in pairs. If you install one new one and leave the second one alone, this will affect the ride. Even if one spring is working, it needs to be replaced - this is a prerequisite. The springs are changed in the same way.


To identify damage to shock absorber struts and their elements, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Pay attention to the smoothness of the ride when driving, especially on uneven roads.
  2. Take a closer look to see if the body is skewed on the rear side.
  3. Look at the coils of the springs to see if there are any traces of impact on them. If so, the springs will need to be replaced. After all, if they break, the shock absorber will also not be able to work normally.
  4. Press down on the left and right sides of the body, then release sharply. The body should swing a maximum of three times. If more, then the rack has become unusable and needs to be replaced.
  5. If there are no signs of damage, carefully inspect the condition of the anthers. There should be no cracks or cuts on them. Otherwise, you will still have to remove the struts and replace the anthers.

Try to promptly replace all suspension components that have become unusable. After all, the slightest malfunction will lead to the car starting to pull to the side, and discomfort will be felt when driving over bumps.

When to change shock absorbers and struts

The first reason for replacement is leakage. Its appearance is accompanied by various types of knocking noises in the front and/or rear suspension. It's quite easy to check this yourself. Firstly, you need to carefully monitor the operation of the shock absorption system. Secondly, you need to approach the front wheel of the car from the side, put your hands on the hood or fender, and then rock it 2-3 times. When the shock absorber compresses to its lowest point, you must suddenly remove your hands. Most likely, everything is fine with the stand if the car rocks easily once and then stops.

We press on the body. There shouldn't be any hesitation

The shock absorber/strut must be replaced if cracks appear on the surface of the part. In addition, it is better to purchase new parts if it is clear that the car has different stiffness on the right and left sides. The suspension should work equally well on all sides and not knock. Defects also appear in the form of shaking when driving.

What tools are needed for repair?

When working, you will need the following set of tools and materials:

  1. Spring tightening device.
  2. Pliers.
  3. Heads for “13”, “17”, “19”, as well as ring wrenches with the same dimensions.
  4. Hammer.
  5. Ratchet driver.
  6. A device for unscrewing the nut from the shock absorber rod.

Penetrating lubricant WD-40 is a must; you can’t do without it, since the spring mounts are located in places where there is constantly high humidity. In addition, dirt and dust penetrate there, so the threads become dirty and the nuts are difficult to unscrew. Therefore, clean all elements in advance and treat them with penetrating lubricant.

How to replace rear struts

Owners of front-wheel drive cars are often in no hurry to begin repairing the rear suspension and do not pay due attention to it. This careless attitude is fraught with big problems.

For example, untimely replacement of rear struts can lead to an emergency. When driving at high speed on an uneven highway, say, a car like a Lada Samara with broken rear struts will strongly throw the rear end a little to the left, a little to the right, so, God forbid, don’t fly off the road!

Therefore, we will begin our article by examining the operation of replacing the rear pillars of the related VAZ 2109, and then we will touch on both the “ten” and Samara. However, first a few words about the reasons for the failure of our units.

  1. The main reason, of course, is careless driving on bumps, “police” bumps, and on all roads in general.
  2. Natural wear and tear, of course.
  3. Perhaps the fastening bolt on the lower silent block was not tightened well - if there is a break point near it.

Diagnosing faults is not difficult, here are a few signs:

  • There are oil leaks on the shock absorber; when you press on the trunk with your hand, the rear sways;
  • spring with cracks;
  • The silent block is destroyed.

Now let's get down to business.

Preparing for repairs

When replacing the rear struts of a VAZ-2115 with your own hands, you need to follow a certain sequence. Only in this case the repair will take place as quickly as possible. Rear struts are much easier to change than front struts - there are no steering ends, and there is no need to adjust the wheel camber and toe angles.

Vehicle preparation:

  1. Place the car on a viewing hole or overpass.
  2. Install wheel chocks under the front wheels.
  3. Loosen the bolts securing both rear wheels.
  4. Lift one side, completely unscrew the bolts, and place a reliable support under the body. Then do the same on the second side.
  5. As a result, the suspension should be completely unloaded. You cannot work on a loaded suspension - it is dangerous.

You cannot place supports under the beam - in this case the suspension will be loaded. If you only need to replace the silent block of the VAZ-2115 rear pillar, then you only need to unscrew the lower fastening. There is no need to completely remove the assembly.


Having decided on the choice of new racks, you can begin the procedure for replacing them. We recommend that you study training videos on replacing rear struts on a VAZ 2114, which allow you to carry out repairs competently and effectively even without experience in such a matter.

Remember - these elements cannot be repaired. The only correct solution is replacement. This procedure is performed as follows:

  • Place the car on some flat surface. It could just be the floor in your garage;
  • Raise the rear axle and be sure to put some kind of stoppers under the wheels so that the car does not suddenly jump off the jack;
  • Remove those wheels where you plan to change the struts. The order of replacement does not play a big role, that is, you can start with either the left rear or the right rear wheel;
  • The protection is removed from the top mount;
  • Armed with a 13 mm wrench, slightly loosen your grip on the rod nut;
  • Loosen the other nuts as well. This time the ones that hold the body;
  • Take regular pliers and straighten the cotter pins. This will allow you to remove the old stand without any problems;
  • There is also a nut on the steering rod, which should be removed without serious effort. Here you will need a 19 mm key;
  • Remove the brake hose by unscrewing the nuts securing it;
  • When unscrewing the steering knuckle elements, carefully remove your old strut through the arch;
  • When installing a new element, simply proceed in the reverse order. There shouldn't be any problems when assembling the unit.

At this point, the procedure for replacing the rear struts can be considered complete. Now check the car in action, make sure that all previous problems are gone and the car behaves as you expected. Obviously, figuring out how to change the rear struts on a VAZ 2114 is not at all difficult. That’s why car owners often resolve such issues in their own garage. This fact does not force you to do everything yourself, since not everyone is given the opportunity to be an experienced auto mechanic. Don't be afraid to contact auto repair shops.

Removing the rack

After preparation, make sure that all threaded connections are treated with lubricant, the car is installed securely and will not fall during repairs. The step-by-step repair looks like this:

  1. Remove the shield located in the luggage compartment that protects the upper mount of the shock absorber strut.
  2. Remove the pad and support washer. All these steps do not need to be done if you only need to replace the silent blocks on the VAZ-2115.
  3. Unscrew the nut that secures the shock absorber to the rear beam.
  4. When removing the strut there is no need to compress the spring.
  5. Lower the shock absorber and remove the lower cushion and support washer.
  6. Slightly press the shock absorber rod down.
  7. Remove the spring and protective cover, cover, bump stop.
  8. Remove the shock absorber completely.
  9. If there is no gasket on the spring, it should be at the top of the cup.

When replacing the rear struts on a VAZ-2115, it is imperative to install new gaskets, anthers and bump stops. Otherwise, the shock absorbers will not be able to work properly.

How to remove rear shock absorbers on a VAZ 2115

Begin dismantling the rear shock absorber by removing the plastic plugs located in the trunk.

Having removed the plastic, we will see the nuts screwed onto the shock absorber rod. We unscrew them with a special key. If it is not there, then we use a 17 socket wrench and a 6 wrench or an adjustable wrench.

Having unscrewed the top nut, remove the washer and cushion that stood between the nut and the body.

Before unscrewing the lower shock absorber mounting bolt, lift the wheel on a jack. The racks can be removed very easily if the bolts securing the rack to the beam can be unscrewed without any problems.

What to do if the shock absorber bolt is soured

Removing the struts can be complicated by souring of the bolts with silent blocks. If you encounter such a problem, then you will not be able to remove the shock absorber without a grinder.

Just carefully file off the head of the bolt and knock it out with a hammer.

If the bolts are not soured

If the bolts securing the rack to the beam have not soured, you are very lucky. Simply unscrew them and remove the stand from the eye.

Ready! Let's move on to installing the new part.

Do I need to change the spring?

A spring is a very durable element, but with prolonged use it can become unusable. Cracks appear, elasticity and length decrease. Diagnosing the condition is very simple:

  1. Visually inspect the springs for cracks and deformations. If they occur, then the springs must be replaced.
  2. Apply a load of 325 kg*s (or 3188 N). On export models of the car, the length will be 182 mm. For those produced for the domestic market, the length should be more than 201 mm. If less, then the spring must be replaced.

The springs that were installed on the VAZ-2115 are marked in the form of the letters A and B. The former are capable of working with higher loads. Be sure to install new springs with the same class.

Selection of new

Look at different photos to see what the assembled rear pillar for a VAZ 2114 looks like. This will allow you to understand what you generally need to look for for this car.

The fourteenth model of the domestic automaker AvtoVAZ provides for the use of a telescopic rear pillar.

Kayaba kit

We will not rant about which ones to buy, with what characteristics, from what materials, and so on. We will simply offer you objectively the three best options.

SS20A high quality device that will provide excellent performance characteristics to the car.When replacing, you need to additionally purchase a support from the same company.
PlazaAvailable in three types - Sport, Comfort and Supersport, they have excellent performance characteristics.Not frost-resistant, therefore problems may arise when used in winter
KYBAvailable in several types of execution, depending on the driver’s style, they are distinguished by the best characteristicsHigh cost and widespread counterfeits due to the popularity of racks.

Assembly of the unit

After purchasing all the new components, you only have to do a few simple steps:

  1. Compress the spring using a puller. It must be installed in such a way as to engage at least three turns.
  2. Install rubber pads on the spring; they can be secured with tape or tape.
  3. Place the bump stop on the rod and the boot on top.
  4. Install the rod into the hole in the body and tighten the nut.
  5. Secure the lower part of the shock absorber to the rear beam by aligning the holes and inserting the bolt. Tighten the nut.

Check the tightness of all threaded connections. After a run of 50-100 km, it is recommended to re-tighten all the nuts. When replacing the rear struts of a VAZ-2115, use nuts with plastic bushings - they are much more reliable.

Sequence of work when replacing shock absorbers

Before dismantling the rear shock absorber of the VAZ-2115, it is necessary to remove the plastic plug from the rear strut cup and unscrew the nut securing the rod. To do this, a special key is used, which simultaneously fixes the rod and unscrews the nut.

After removing the nut and washer with a rubber cushion, jack up the car and remove the rear wheel to access the lower part of the mount

Using a 19mm open end wrench we secure the nut, and with a 19mm socket we unscrew the bolt, lubricating it with the previously penetrating lubricant, unscrewing and removing the bolt from the hole, and remove the rear shock absorber from its seating location. To do this, it is better to use a flat screwdriver, carefully prying the lower part. The strut body is moved to the side, moves down and the shock absorber is removed.

We take out the remaining rubber gasket inside the glass with the same screwdriver. We disassemble the old shock absorber, removing the spring, rubber bushing, cup, casing, bump stop, and then install these parts in the reverse order on the new strut.

When installing the spring in place, the last coil should take a position in the lower cup of the rear shock absorber such that the end of the spring does not extend beyond the boundaries of the cup. And after installing the rack, it should be oriented towards the wheel. Before installing the shock absorber, it is recommended to immediately put on the upper elastic band and, so that it does not change its location, attach it to the coils of the spring using insulating tape.

Upon completion of complete assembly, the rear strut is installed in the reverse order, the upper nut and the lower bolt securing it are tightened.

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