Body geometry of the VAZ 2114: standard dimensions, length and main body parameters

VAZ 2114 body geometry

The geometry of the VAZ 2114 body is the most important indicator of its condition. Today, cars from the native automobile industry are no less popular than foreign cars. It is recommended that when buying a used car, you first pay attention to the condition of the body. So knowledge of its geometric dimensions helps in this case.

Replacement or welding

If a crack forms on the spar, a patch is usually placed in this place.
The crack is first welded, covered with a piece of metal and spot welded on top for reliability. Typically, a semi-automatic machine with carbon dioxide is used for this. During welding, spacers are placed on the spar to prevent it from being pulled to the side. Otherwise, the body may become deformed. If possible, it is always better to purchase a new part, which costs more than temporary repair work. But, with a limited budget, in some cases, you can save money.

For example, if the metal is rotten, then the side members (front and rear) can no longer be repaired. Even if you weld, the rot will continue around it. In addition, welding on soft metal can disrupt wheel alignment, tires will begin to wear out faster, transmission parts will begin to break, and body deformation may occur. How long will this repair last? At most, for a couple of weeks. Agree, replacement is much cheaper.

But if the crack is a consequence of a VAZ impact or collision, welding will be sufficient. But here you need to be very careful. Typically, a crack forms after an accident only if the body has also become deformed.

And in this case, it will be necessary to first level it, and only then can you proceed to welding work.

But is it necessary to contact a service station or can the replacement for 2108 and 2109 be done independently? Remember, you shouldn’t skimp here either. Do your own VAZ repairs only if you understand body work and know how to work with a welding machine. When you encounter it for the first time, you are unlikely to be able to perform high-quality repairs. And all of the above problems may follow.

Straightening and repairing the body can also only be done in a car repair shop. If you do not have the skills and special equipment, it will be difficult to cope with the task.


Deformation of the body geometry leads to various problems:

  1. Unstable driving on the highway, the car constantly pulls to the side, and there may be vibration in the steering rack.
  2. The rubber of the wheel will wear out faster and unevenly, fuel consumption will increase, because there is no way to do wheel alignment, that is, set the correct wheel alignment angles.
  3. A failed part in a car suspension that is not replaced in time leads to the fact that many others will have to be replaced in the near future.
  4. Well, and most importantly, the geometry of the body, which once saved the lives of passengers as a result of an accident, will not be able to do this next time. If the metal structure is damaged in an accident, the car will collapse like a house of cards.

In general, we can talk a lot about non-deliveries of broken geometry, let’s better understand how to identify it and not buy a crooked car.

Rule No. 1 (clean car, good lighting)

And so, the inspection must be carried out on a clean car in daylight, or in a well-lit place, so as not to miss possible body defects.

Rule No. 2 (we use a paint thickness checker)

In order not to waste time looking at the car body and to eliminate errors in the inspection, I recommend that you always use a device that measures the thickness of the paintwork (thickness gauge).

You will spend several days, or even months, searching for a good car; the main thing is not to rush and buy the first car you come across. You will have to use the thickness gauge often, so if you have nowhere to borrow the device for free (for example, from friends or relatives), I do not recommend renting it for money. The total amount for all rental days may be higher than the cost of the thickness gauge itself.

We start checking the body from the roof of the car, because... it is extremely rarely damaged and is a reference sample for measuring paintwork. Of course, it can also be painted if the car has been turned over or completely covered in paint (freshened). Thanks to the thickness gauge, you will understand that the car has been repainted, because... its performance will vary greatly on different parts of the car.

Voltage regulator operation

Control dimensions for checking the geometry of the underbody of a VAZ 2108 (2109, 21099) car.
But there is one huge problem - depending on the crankshaft speed, the generator can produce voltage from 10 to 30 Volts, and such a spread is unacceptable. Therefore, it is necessary to stabilize the voltage at the same level - 12 V. In fact, of course, the generators produce a little more - 13.6-14.6 V. Only in this case will the battery be charged normally. You can stabilize the output voltage, but the problem is that the current consumption is very high.

And the zener diode must have considerable dimensions and, accordingly, cost. But it is much easier to stabilize the power supply to the rotor winding. If the voltage applied to it is stable, then the magnetic field will not change under any circumstances. This action is carried out using a voltage regulator. The maximum current consumption of the excitation winding is no more than 2 A. Structurally, the regulator is combined with a brush assembly.

Be more careful

First, remember: a car body’s geometry is in its best state only when it leaves the production “table.” And after the sale, this indicator will change while driving. Even if you do not notice any distortions, this does not mean that the car is in perfect condition. You just need to be more attentive to the operation of the car. Maybe the tires wear out too quickly? Or does the steering wheel not respond to your orders as quickly as before? All such problems can be associated with incorrect geometry. Then you should check this parameter of your car as soon as possible.

Lada 2115, 2114

VAZ 2110 control points: VAZ 2110 body control points

A selection of body dimensions, data on the body geometry of the VAZ 2115 and control points of the VAZ 2115, VAZ - 2114 from the factory documentation. A significant part of the repair work on cars, especially those received after road accidents, falls on body repairs. In most cases, repairs require checking the geometry of the attachment points of components and assemblies of the vehicle chassis.

VAZ 2115 body dimensions: 0 – base lines; 1 – axes of the front bolts for fastening the front suspension braces; 2 – center of support of the front suspension of the power unit; 3 – center of the support of the left suspension of the power unit; 4 – centers of the upper hinges of the front telescopic struts of the front suspension; 5 – centers of the hinges of the front suspension arms; 6 – points of intersection of the axes of the welded bolts for fastening the steering mechanism with the surfaces of the brackets; 7 – attachment points for the rear suspension support of the power unit; 8 – points of intersection of the axes of the rear welded bolts for fastening the rear suspension arms with the surfaces of the rear side members; 9 – centers of the upper supports of the rear suspension shock absorbers

Damage to car body can be very different. Therefore, the repair rules in each individual case must be different, most suitable for these damages, and it is necessary to make maximum use of the possibilities of straightening damaged panels. If possible, it is necessary to avoid thermal effects on the metal so as not to disrupt the factory welding and anti-corrosion protection of the body. Remove the front body panels only in extreme cases, to determine the location of damage, straighten or align the body. In cases of significant body damage, it is recommended to remove all interior trim to facilitate measurement, inspection and installation of hydraulic and screw jacks to correct distortion and damage to the body.

By editing it is necessary to restore the original linear dimensions and locations of the power units, the dimensions of the openings of the wind window, hood, and doors. Protrusion of the front surfaces and removable parts relative to adjacent panels is eliminated by fitting and adjusting them.

Control body dimensions, data on Lada 2115 geometry and VAZ 2115 control points from various repair bases.

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Dimensions of the engine compartment of the VAZ 2110

The question arose about replacing the TV (s/o) with a VAZ-2110, as there was great sadness. Like everyone else, in order to save money, as well as gain experience, it was decided to do it yourself. The question arose about the geometric dimensions of the engine compartment. I found a couple of diagrams on the Internet

Comments 18

I also need sizes to check, so which ones to use!

I made it approximately according to my measurements

You probably haven’t been here for a long time) I’ve already done and sold the car! I won’t edit the blog anyway!

Yes, I already made mine too. But this recording will still be useful to someone

Wow, I should try to measure it)

Didn't take any measurements? Otherwise, in just a week I’ll go on vacation, and I’ll start doing shamanism a little

Not yet, I won’t get around to it, but I’ll definitely write back if I intend to)

I would be very grateful

Vitaly Kakhovka on YouTube did the 10th family in the video everything is there

Thank you. Let's take a look too

A1=119.5 A2=119.5 B=127 B1=46 B2=46 D1=49.5 D2=49.5 D=96))) my TV is further welded

Thanks Slav. We will still wait for at least a couple of measurements to choose the “golden mean”, so to speak.

Thank you for your quick help in measurements pandaaaaaaaaaaa And so here are his measurements: A1=118.5 A2=118.5 B=127 B1=44 C2=44 D1=48.5 D2=48.5 D=95.5 Thanks to him It seems that the dots are not seriously gone, +- 0.5 cm

Thanks for the sizes, I couldn't find them anywhere. According to these dimensions, they are one to one + -5 mm (as they measured with a tape measure) But between the glasses (shock absorber rod), according to the book there should be 1103 mm, but for me it is 1003 mm. I don’t understand how this happens((

I won't even give you a hint.

Thank you for your quick help in measurements pandaaaaaaaaaaa And so here are his measurements: A1=118.5 A2=118.5 B=127 B1=44 C2=44 D1=48.5 D2=48.5 D=95.5 Thanks to him It seems that the dots are not seriously gone, +- 0.5 cm

Is this the exact size?

Depends on what. You can choose a middle ground. There is generally little information about the VAZ-2110

I'll write first. My sizes may differ radically from yours, since I measured the points as I currently have them. And so: A: I couldn’t measure it because of the installed 3 liter receiver. B: 126.5 cm. B: left - 45 cm, right - 45 cm. (right and left, as look at the picture) D: L - 48 cm, R - 48.5 cm. D: 95.5 see. Feel free to write measurements, I really need them. It took me a maximum of 1 minute of my time. Thanks everyone for your help

Cars coming off the assembly line have strictly verified body dimensions. As a rule, no one pays much attention to this when buying a new car.

However, the need to measure and check the geometric dimensions of the VAZ 2110 body with the instruction manual may arise in the following cases:

  • you buy a car second-hand and are not sure that it has not been in an accident. It is because of this that, as a rule, the geometry of the VAZ 2110 is most often violated;
  • you yourself got into an accident, even ran into a stone, curb, etc., causing the car to receive a serious blow.

Basic reference dimensions of attachment points for components and assemblies

The body of the fourteenth model and its features

Volkswagen Polo sedan body control points

The fourteenth model can be said to belong to a new class of Russian cars, being as close as possible to foreign cars. At the same time, the VAZ 2114 still remains a people's car. However, if desired, the car owner can tune the car, easily turning it into a stylish sports car that has sweeping body lines and a modern body kit.

The body of this car brand is worth considering separately, since it has a very successful design solution. By analogy with other VAZ models, reliable bolted or welded connections are used to connect body parts. The entire body, including the most inaccessible places, is carefully treated with anticorrosive.

The main difference between the VAZ 2114 body is its faceted shape. It is this that gives the model an attractive appearance. But there is also a drawback - corrosion processes more often affect hollow spaces in the frame. In this regard, we can highlight the front pillars, which suffer quite often in cars of the fourteenth model.

The front fenders of the car can be easily removed. The bumpers are made of plastic, but have additional reinforcement in the form of aluminum beams.

Body repair Lada Largus. Geometric dimensions of the Lada Largus body

Openingsfront side doors
SymbolName0 holes, mm
,Ah, aJoint between A-pillar and roof panel
in,bJoint between A-pillar and hood panel
With, withFront side door hinge nut8
D, dFront side door hinge nut8
HerAssembly mark of the front pillar,
F, fA-pillar assembly mark
G, gDoor threshold assembly mark
H, hDoor threshold assembly mark
L iRoof panel assembly mark
■J. j B-pillar assembly mark
K, kB-pillar assembly mark
UIRear side door hinge mounting hole13
M,mRear side door hinge mounting hole13
SymbolsDistance, mmSymbolDistance, im
Ee1,172E-f or e-F1,487
Ff1,406E - h or e - N1,555
Gg-1,444E-j or e-J1,337
JJ1,266H-i or h -11,594


In normal condition

In the luggage compartment of the VAZ 2114 there is enough space to transport a variety of cargo of varying weights. If necessary, the volume can be increased by folding the seats or using additional features. The minimum trunk volume of the Lada 2114 is 330 liters. If you have bulky cargo of varying weights, you can additionally use special fastenings for transporting things on the roof. The luggage compartment has the following dimensions with the seats folded down:

  1. The length is 830 mm.
  2. The width is 935 mm.
  3. Height 400 mm.

The disadvantage is the large loading height. The owner of the car can carry out tuning by installing a push-button opening and closing mechanism. You can carry out this procedure yourself or contact a specialist for this. After installing such a mechanism, the driver will be able to open the door without getting up. To do this, just press a button on the remote control. This is more convenient than using a key for this purpose.

For example, this is important if ice is frozen in the area of ​​the castle. When transporting things, the requirements for their dimensions and weight are determined by traffic rules

It is allowed not only to transport those that fit completely, but also those that protrude without violating traffic rules. It is important to ensure that the load, regardless of its weight, is securely secured.

Ways to adjust wheel geometry

Wheel alignment adjustment has long ceased to be a problem for car enthusiasts. Almost every service station has equipment installed that performs the required amount of work to adjust wheel geometry.

Modern stands at which work is carried out come in several types:

  1. Laser;
  2. Computer;
  3. Optical.

The equipment provides quick and accurate adjustment of wheel geometry with the delivery of results to the car enthusiast (what happened before the repair and what happened after). In this case, the total setup time takes no more than a few minutes.

The main thing is to find a service station that employs experienced specialists who know how to handle specialized equipment.

Often, car service owners purchase equipment to install wheel alignment, but there are no competent technicians to service it.

Many car enthusiasts adjust wheel geometry with their own hands.

One of the following methods can be used here:

  • Using a laser pointer;
  • Using a telescopic ruler.

The most common option is using a telescopic ruler and plumb line.

To complete the work, you also need a regular ruler, chalk and a set of wrenches.

First, the wheel camber is adjusted, and then the toe-in.

All operations are carried out in a garage, which saves money and nerves. The disadvantage is the high measurement error - 1 mm in one direction or the other.

Read more on this topic here

On VAZ 2101, 2103 cars, these works are performed as follows.

Body geometry of the VAZ 2114 and its meaning

Violations of the body geometry have certain consequences, which are reflected in the general condition of the car in the following ways:

  • Deterioration in controllability and vibration when accelerating (manifests itself at 80 km/h and above).
  • Increased tire wear.
  • Noise from suspension elements.
  • Increased fuel consumption, etc.

The VAZ 2114 has a hatchback body type, for which, however, as for other types (station wagon, sedan, etc.), violation of the geometry affects various parameters.

The symmetry of the wheels is broken, as can be judged by:

  • reducing vehicle stability on the highway;
  • uneven tire wear.

The diagonals of the body are broken, which is noticeable in the frames of the front/rear windows and in the doorways of the car.

Specific folds may form on the bottom or frame.

For cars that are used for a long time on roads of poor quality, it is recommended to periodically check the geometry of the body (at least 1-2 times a year).

Operating a car with broken geometry: possible consequences

It is dangerous to operate the machine with the body displaced! This concerns damage to side members, beams, frames, subframes. In addition to the fact that this increases the daily cost of owning a car, leading to increased fuel consumption, it also significantly affects safety.

If there are flaws in the body, this leads to uneven tire wear. This situation is explained by the fact that the chassis is attached to an integrated power frame. The body, thus, determines the accuracy of the location of the chassis components of the machine. After a serious accident, the points deviate from the standard, which does not allow setting the correct toe-in/camber angles.

Repairing VAZ 2108: body repair

Model VAZ 2108

The first domestic hatchback with front-wheel drive, the VAZ 2108, was produced for 20 years, from 1994 to 2004. In its model range, this car became the progenitor for subsequent models of the “eighth” and “ninth” families. Initially, the power plant was a 1.3-liter engine with a power of 65 hp. s., which was equipped with a 4-speed gearbox. Although the price of the car was quite high, the eight was popular among the people for its large trunk volume and reliability, it should be noted that these parameters were very significant in those days.

People called the figure eight “chisel” for its original angular shape. The body, in turn, is an all-metal frame made of several elements (both spot welded and removable - front fenders, doors and rear cover).

Thanks to the frameless design, which distinguished the eight from its predecessors, the body became much lighter, which gave the car a sporty feel. In addition, the distinctive features of the “chisel” can be considered a modified dashboard, which is significantly different from the usual “classic” ones, and an improved interior heating system. The Eight was so beloved by domestic motorists that despite the car’s considerable age, it still wraps kilometers of domestic roads on its wheels. This means that for a VAZ car, body repair of the 2108 model is inevitable, since road conditions and the quality of the metal do not leave the body much chance of a long life without repair. Most domestic cars begin to “bloom” after 5 years of operation. Body robots are considered the most difficult and most expensive part of car repair, and sometimes even the most experienced craftsmen are very reluctant to undertake major body repairs. So do-it-yourself body repair of a VAZ 2108 is the best option for a skilled and patient car enthusiast. At the beginning of work, you need to find out for yourself what you mean by the concept of body repair. That is, you need to correctly assess the condition of the car body and its elements and then choose the most suitable repair technology for you. Well, if you do not have the slightest idea about repairing the body of a VAZ 2108 and the only tools you have are a standard set of keys and a screwdriver, you can significantly reduce the cost of repairs , simply by independently carrying out dismantling operations that precede body repairs. These include:

  1. Removing the doors.
  2. Removing the trunk lid.
  3. Removing the hood.
  4. Removing the radiator grille and bumpers.

Next, we present to your attention a brief photo instruction “Body repair of a VAZ 2108”.

Geometry and control points

Owners of the “Nine” cannot do without knowledge of control points and body geometry if they intend to independently repair or tune the body in the future

In addition, it is very important to know this when you buy a car, and you need to properly check the body

Most often, the following geometric dimensions of the VAZ 2109 body are checked:

  • The diagonal of the windshield frame, marked in the photo as A. It should be equal to 1270 mm (plus/minus 4 mm);
  • The distance between the middle of the upper beam of the windshield frame and the middle of the lower beam, marked in photo B, should be equal to 550 mm (plus/minus 2 mm);
  • The diagonal of the hood, marked in the photo as B, should be equal to 1400 mm (plus/minus 5 mm);
  • The long diagonal of the rear side window, marked in the photo as D, should be equal to 555 mm (plus/minus 2 mm);
  • The short diagonal of the rear side window, marked D in the photo, should be equal to 380 mm (plus/minus 2 mm).
  • Absolutely legal (Article 12.2);
  • Hides from photo and video recording;
  • Suitable for all cars;
  • Works through the cigarette lighter connector;
  • Does not cause interference to radios and cell phones.

Dimensions of Daewoo Nexia N150

Let's look at the dimensions of the four-door Daewoo Nexia sedan; they are the same for 8 and 16 valve cars (SOHC and DOHC, respectively). This car has five seats, a manual 5-speed transmission and front-wheel drive. Steering type: rack and pinion. The main body dimensions of the Daewoo Nexia N150 are as follows (indicated in millimeters):

  • width – 1662;
  • length – 4482;
  • height – 1393;
  • wheelbase – 2520;
  • ground clearance (ground clearance) – 158;
  • rear and front wheel track – 1406 and 1400;
  • minimum turning radius – 4900.

Editing the damaged body of VAZ 2113-2114-2115

Editing the body according to reference dimensions.

Basic reference dimensions for checking the body floor 0 – baselines 1 – axes of the front bolts for fastening the front suspension braces 2 – center of the front suspension support of the power unit 3 – center of the support of the left suspension of the power unit 4 – centers of the upper hinges of the front telescopic struts of the front suspension 5 – centers of the hinges front suspension arms 6 – intersection points of the axes of welded bolts for fastening the steering mechanism with the surfaces of the brackets 7 – points for attaching the rear suspension support of the power unit 8 – points of intersection of the axes of the rear welded bolts for fastening the rear suspension arms with the surfaces of the rear side members 9 – centers of the upper supports of the rear suspension shock absorbers

A significant part of the repair work on the VAZ 2115, especially those received after road accidents, falls on the repair of the bodies of the VAZ 2113. In most cases, repairs require checking the geometry of the attachment points of components and assemblies of the Lada Samara 2 chassis

Damage to the body can be very different. Therefore, the repair rules in each individual case must be different, most suitable for these damages, and it is necessary to make maximum use of the possibilities of straightening damaged panels. If possible, it is necessary to avoid thermal effects on the metal so as not to disrupt the factory welding and anti-corrosion protection of the body. Remove the front body panels only in extreme cases, to determine the location of damage, straighten or align the body.

In cases of significant damage to the body, it is recommended to remove all internal upholstery parts to facilitate the measurement, control and installation of hydraulic and screw jacks to eliminate distortions and damage to the VAZ 2114 body.

By editing it is necessary to restore the original linear dimensions and locations of the power units, the dimensions of the openings of the wind window, hood, doors

Protrusion of the front surfaces and removable parts relative to adjacent panels is eliminated by fitting and adjusting them.

Angle of longitudinal inclination of the axis of rotation

Caster angle is a parameter that is unique to front suspensions. He is responsible for the car's handling during sharp turns.

Essentially, this is the angle that characterizes the tilt of the steering axis of the wheel back and forth.

Caster angle can be positive, negative or zero.

On sports cars, the caster angle can reach seven degrees. The main reason for the deviation is the failure (deformation) of the lower wishbone.

Thanks to the caster angle, the steering wheel returns to its original position (if the parameter is correctly adjusted).

On conventional cars, the pitch angle is positive (for example, in the Mitsubishi Outlander XL this parameter is 2.35 degrees).

Basic Concepts

Body geometry refers to the exact dimensions of the vehicle established by the designers of the manufacturing plant. The main parameters of paramount importance are:

  • width – both front and rear tracks;
  • length of the wheelbase;
  • the distance between the side members and their length.

As practice shows, a violation of one or several of the above-mentioned parameters leads to a noticeable deterioration in terms of vehicle controllability.

The secondary dimensions are as follows:

  • door openings;
  • windows;
  • engine compartment volume;
  • trunk capacity;
  • car interior size.

If these standards are violated, this only leads to a deterioration in the appearance of the vehicle.

A track is the distance between coaxial wheels. Moreover, this distance is measured from point to point, which are located in the center of the tread.

In turn, the wheelbase is the distance between the axles of the car. The control points here are the middle of the hubs.

How to check car geometry

As a standard, a body check should be carried out once a year, unless the car has been in an accident. You can independently check the geometry, focusing on the width of the front and rear tracks and the distance between axles. The technical support for the car's passport contains the prescribed dimensions. The check takes less than a minute, the driver can always roughly estimate possible violations.

The most important distances (in millimeters) between control points for diagnosing body geometry. This is the distance from the attachment point of the unit (from the spar) to the glass. For independent determination, you need to know the distances and measurement locations, which are determined by the manufacturer.

At the service station

Checking the geometry at a specialized bus station becomes inevitable if, after diagnosing the wheels for camber and toe, the mechanic says that it is no longer possible to adjust the fit and it is necessary to check the body for the exact ratio of the distances.

Primary diagnostics at a service station are carried out using a level. The device shows how the wheels have deviated from the specified size. This procedure only determines whether there is a violation of the geometry in principle or not.

Further diagnostics are carried out at the stand. The car is fixed on the slipway; first, all external cladding is removed from the car: bumpers, body kits. In rare cases, it is necessary to dismantle the chassis units.

Further diagnostics are carried out by electronic sensors. The mechanic places them at control points, and the devices send a three-dimensional signal of their location to the monitor.

If the service station does not have modern equipment, the technician can use a ruler to measure the geometry of the body. But this is a makeshift method that gives a deviation in size of ± 5 mm.

The following measurements are taken at the control points on the slipway:

  • trunk opening;
  • engine compartment;
  • front, rear side members;
  • front and rear window opening;
  • opening of all car doors;
  • sections of the front, middle, rear of the car.

The frame is straightened using hydraulic equipment and vacuum suction cups. After a serious accident, the body is straightened by stretching only if the metal has retained its properties.

If the service station offers a computer check of the geometry using a diode pointer, then there is no need to disassemble the car into its components - just put the car on a stand. The program will take measurements and apply them to the model template. Literally 10 minutes of diagnostics, and a printout of the body with all the problems is ready. Permissible deviation is ± 5 mm.

At home

Checking the car body in a garage is necessary if the driver notices difficulties with driving for no apparent reason. For this you will need:

  • geometric ruler, tape measure;
  • scale rod;
  • compass;
  • calipers.

Preparatory work and elimination of minor damage

Where to start repairing the VAZ 21099 body? In any case, it must begin with an assessment of the technical condition of the car and determining the scope of body work, its feasibility and cost. To do this, you need to inspect the car and identify:

  • dents and other deep damage;
  • possible chips;
  • scratches;
  • peeling of paintwork;
  • presence of rust.

It is possible to eliminate minor damage yourself if you have special tools and devices that every car owner has. The car's structure allows you to perform simple manipulations after dismantling some body elements. First of all, you need to remove the following parts:

  • doors;
  • trunk top;
  • hood;
  • radiator grille;
  • bumpers.

Next, these parts should be treated with a special anti-corrosion agent. It is necessary to take into account that each part weighs a lot, so for such work, as a rule, you will need an assistant.

Before painting is carried out, damage with rusted edges requires immediate elimination, since corrosion is an irreversible process and the area of ​​damage can quickly grow. The procedure for doing body work with your own hands involves performing a number of actions.

  1. Removing the old layer of paint from the entire surface area of ​​the part using an electric drill with an attachment.
  2. After cleaning the part from the paint, you can understand how much space the rust occupies.
  3. Damaged areas of the part are removed with special scissors.
  4. Use a hammer to bend the edges inwards for ease of applying putty.
  5. To remove rust from a VAZ 21099 part, use a metal brush.

Linear dimensions of the car body

If your car is accidentally hitched in a parking lot and small dents appear, there is no reason to panic. How much will such a repair cost? How long will it take? There is only one answer to these questions - not much, if you repair the device yourself. To do this, you will need to remove the damaged part and install a new one. If she doesn't weigh too much, she won't need a partner.

Weak spots

What weak points does the body of the domestic nine have? Let's try to find out.

If rotten or deformed elements of the car body are detected, they must be removed and appropriate measures taken to restore the integrity of these areas.

The most vulnerable areas of the VAZ 2109 body include:

  • Front floor, reinforced sills, doors, fenders and rear underbody;
  • The hood has relative endurance, but over time it begins to lose its former properties. The area above the battery is especially affected. This is where Nine owners most often notice the formation of rust;
  • A noticeable problem that many drivers face is the fuel tank floor;
  • Optics reflectors and a muffler also cannot boast of a long life without the appearance of signs of rust.

Corrosion is obvious

Dealing with problems in general terms

To get rid of the problem of rust formation on the body, you need to do some work. On your own or with the help of specialists, decide for yourself.

  1. Disassemble the engine compartment, drain the coolant and remove the radiator.
  2. Remove all doors.
  3. If there is an amplifier (TV) in front, then it will also have to be disassembled.
  4. Using a grinder, all damaged areas are cut off;
  5. If the wings or panels are rusty, they will have to be cut off.
  6. If holes or holes have formed due to corrosion, they can be welded or patches can be used.
  7. It is recommended to additionally cover areas that are not highly resistant to corrosion with metal inserts.
  8. Experts advise strengthening mudguards with additional inserts and then securing them with spot welding.
  9. New body parts that are installed in place of rusted ones must be adjusted in accordance with the standards.
  10. After processing, the wings and sills are secured with screws, bolts and welding.
  11. Restoring the geometry of the body is a mandatory activity, on which most of the time is spent. To do this, you will need a bench machine on which the machine is fixed and adjusted in accordance with the norms of the control points.
  12. The next stage is welding a new floor, if required as a result of assessing the condition of the body. When restoring the floor, patches, connectors and amplifiers are used. At the final stage, the floor is covered with anti-corrosion compounds.
  13. It is easier to purchase new arches than to try to restore old ones. They can be coated with resin and waste oil mixed together. This mixture is excellent at resisting rust. Just do not use this composition to treat the bottom under any circumstances.

During body repairs, it is often necessary to jack up the car. If the jacking areas are rusty, use a support beam to lift the car.

Holes, rust

Often, the body is repaired independently if small areas are damaged, dents or holes are formed due to the effects of rust. In addition to correcting the geometry, painting and polishing are performed.

Geometry check: factory dimensions

Geometry is the exact dimensions of the VAZ 2108 body. And when checking, the most important of them come forward. As a rule, one of the main parameters of the body is the size of the side member, wheelbase, distance between the wheels on one axle, etc.

Note. When changing the dimensions of the VAZ 2108, it is imperative to observe the weight of the body and its curb weight.

No less important is the distance between the points of the door and window openings, the location of the internal combustion engine compartment, the dimensions of the trunk, and so on.

Note. Wheelbase and track width are one of the most important indicators of correct body geometry. The first coefficient is measured by measuring the distance between the front and rear axles of the car (for the “eight” it is 2460 mm), the second - by measuring the distance between the right and left wheels on the same axle (for the “eight”: 1400 mm in the front - 1300 mm in the rear).

The table below shows the original, factory dimensions of the V8 body, which will make it possible to check the metal frame for deformation and find out how much the VAZ 2108 body weighs, which is also important

Visual inspection

How to check that everything is in order with the body geometry of a VAZ 2110? For visual identification there are two methods, which it is advisable to use both:

    Visual inspection of a stationary vehicle from all sides. Particular attention should be paid to gaps. On VAZ cars they are quite noticeable. But the main thing is that they must be the same on both sides of the car;

Dimensions of openings and clearances of mating parts

The bodies of the VAZ 2110 are quite reliable and resistant to corrosion, as they are treated with factory anti-corrosion treatment. You can read more about the advantages of the body of this car here:

What causes damage to the body of the “nine”

There is an opinion that Soviet cars are equipped with an “indestructible” body. It is impossible to say this one hundred percent, but it is also wrong to refute such a statement. Indeed, the diagram of which is presented in the article is made to perfection, but over time, any quality will come to an end.

VAZ 2109 body geometry

Almost all car bodies older than 5-7 years need repair. And there is nothing surprising about this. The living conditions of recent years, the huge amount of harmful substances, the general deterioration of the environment - all this cannot have a positive effect. Difficult, almost extreme, modern operating conditions also cause a lot of harm.

As a result, the state of the metal surface becomes deplorable, the internal combustion engine and parts are sent for disassembly, and instead of a worn-out but close-to-the-heart car, a new car takes its place. All this can be avoided if you know the features of the body layout, understand the intricacies and carry out preventive maintenance in a timely manner.

VAZ 2113 body characteristics table

Length, mm4122
Width, mm1650
Height, mm1402
Body type3-door hatchback
Trunk volume, l330
Number of seats5
Ground clearance, mm160
Wheelbase, mm2460
Availability of replacement bodiesVAZ 21083, 21093, 21099, 2115, 2114, 2113

As can be seen from the table, when replacing the frame of the thirteenth model, it is not possible to convert it to a VAZ station wagon body, since it simply does not exist in the Samar family.

Photos and video materials will allow you to learn more about the VAZ 2113 car and its body. Step-by-step repair instructions presented in our publications will make it possible to carry out repairs yourself. We hope that this article was valuable and useful.

3D car body measurement

Three-dimensional measurement includes measuring the length, width and height of structural elements of the body. This is carried out using three-dimensional measuring systems.

The principle is that with the help of a measuring system, the distance from the imaginary main planes of the body is obtained: central, main and zero (see illustration).

These planes are imaginary. Such planes are installed and used by a three-dimensional measuring system.

The width is measured from the central plane of the car, the length from the zero plane, and the height from the main plane (located parallel to the bottom).

Central plane

The center plane or center line divides the car into two equal halves lengthwise. On some cars there are marks that show the center of the car. Such marks are stamped on the metal of the body in both the upper and lower parts. This can be used when measuring with a simple measuring ruler or tape measure. They help save time when taking measurements. The distance from the center to a specific point on the right will be the same as the distance from the center line to the same point on the left. Most cars are made symmetrical except for some points. One part of the body should be mirrored to the opposite side.


Overall, despite some similarities, the 2115 has a significantly more modern design. This was largely due to the presence of bumpers and other external elements made of plastic. All of them help protect the body from minor damage and the negative effects of corrosion.

The most notable innovations in this model are the following:

  • additional brake signal installed directly on the spoiler;
  • new rear lights;
  • highly reliable security system;
  • a tailgate sill that allowed the loading height to be reduced;
  • more streamlined body geometry;
  • door moldings;
  • modern electrical equipment.

At the time the design was completed, the VAZ-2115 was a modern and quite beautiful car. At the same time, its interior turned out to be much more comfortable than that of the old models of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant. The driver was able to regulate:

  • steering wheel height;
  • seat position, etc.

The designers installed a console between the front seats. The heating system and the ECU also turned out to be more advanced. Moreover, the trunk of the model in question is much more spacious than its predecessors.

The body of the fourteenth model and its features

The fourteenth model can be said to belong to a new class of Russian cars, being as close as possible to foreign cars. At the same time, the VAZ 2114 still remains a people's car. However, if desired, the car owner can tune the car, easily turning it into a stylish sports car that has sweeping body lines and a modern body kit.

The body of this car brand is worth considering separately, since it has a very successful design solution. By analogy with other VAZ models, reliable bolted or welded connections are used to connect body parts. The entire body, including the most inaccessible places, is carefully treated with anticorrosive.

This fact does not exclude the need for additional processing, which is guaranteed to provide the body elements with additional resistance and durability.

The main difference between the VAZ 2114 body is its faceted shape. It is this that gives the model an attractive appearance. But there is also a drawback - corrosion processes more often affect hollow spaces in the frame. In this regard, we can highlight the front pillars, which suffer quite often in cars of the fourteenth model.

The front fenders of the car can be easily removed. The bumpers are made of plastic, but have additional reinforcement in the form of aluminum beams.

Properties of acrylic paint

  • viscous liquid of medium fluidity, which dissolves well in water.
  • has a specific, but not pungent odor;
  • dries quite quickly, after which a durable film is formed that protects the treated surface.
  • due to its elasticity, acrylic paint lends itself perfectly to mechanical loads without cracking and maintaining a smooth surface;
  • the paint does not lose color when exposed to direct sunlight;
  • after drying, it is soluble in water, which allows it to be used outdoors and not need to be covered with an additional layer of varnish;
  • if the working surface has been thoroughly cleaned and degreased, acrylic paint adheres well to the surface;
  • acrylic paint dries very quickly;
  • goes well with other types of water-soluble paints.
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