How to adjust the sensitivity of the Starline alarm

Setting up the Starline A93 shock sensor directly depends on what function the car owner plans to use. The device is designed to prevent external penetration into the car and allows you to detect such attempts at the initial stage. Sensors calculate how dangerous a particular impact is.

The manufacturer allows the installation of an additional sensor, thanks to which the protection becomes more reliable. The sensors of such a device are installed on the other side in relation to the sensors of the main sensor. Their functionality is equivalent.

Where is the Starline A93 shock sensor located?

The basis of the Starline A93 shock sensor is a sensor that is located in the metal panel of the car body. It is attached there in one of two ways:

  • using double-sided adhesive tape;
  • using screws.

Some motorists consider it acceptable to install the device on car electrical wiring harnesses or on moving plastic elements. But such a solution leads to a decrease in measurement accuracy.

The placement of the system must be open to provide access to its rotating elements responsible for manually adjusting sensitivity. As for the accelerometer, it is placed in the same place as the signal reception and transmission unit - on the inside of the windshield. Maintain a distance of 5 centimeters from the metal elements of the body.

To connect to the processor unit, a patch harness consisting of four wires is used. The standard connector of the latter is connected directly to the connector of the first one. The harness is removed under the vehicle interior trim. The signal reception and transmission unit is connected to the processing unit via a five-cable plug, while on the latter the block is inserted into the X8 connector.

StarLine alarm operating modes

Different models and displays
There are several basic modes that any StarLine key fob supports.

  1. Automatic security mode, starting to work after the previous shutdown.
  2. Silent security. Violation of the machine's security results in messages being sent to the owner. The system does not turn on the siren. Whether the engine is on or off does not affect the function, it is always supported.
  3. Security mode. Assumes blocking of all doors and power sources. Basic mode for all machines.
  4. "Panic". Additional loud signals, including turning lights.
  5. Self-diagnosis for all systems. Thanks to this function of the key fob, the driver can easily see where problems have occurred in the car.
  6. Immobilizer. Needed to block the engine in case someone tries to steal the car.
  7. "Anti-robbery." Prevents any attempts to get inside.

Each mode has its own characteristics during operation and recommendations for setting up the key fob.

Alarm programming

To turn on the mode and set certain characteristics, just use the appropriate combination with buttons. Anyone can easily figure out how to set up a StarLine alarm key fob.

Even the clamping time is important; attention is paid not only to the sequences.

  • If you immediately press the second button after button 1, the security system is turned on in silent mode.
  • The key fob on buttons 1 and 3 starts the engine.
  • Clamping 2 buttons, and then 1 with a second break will allow you to switch to security mode while the engine is running.
  • By pressing buttons 2 and 3 in turn, it stops the engines.
  • Pressing buttons 1 and 3 at the same time blocks control of the key fob.
  • A combination of 2 and 3 promotes unlocking.
  • The “panic” mode is activated if a combination of 1 and 2 buttons is used when the engine is turned off.
  • For auto-robbery mode with the engine on, do the same. 4 control is usually missing.

Usually everything is set automatically. Therefore, any owner will quickly understand how to set up a StarLine alarm.

Pairing the security system with the key fob

Correctly setting up key fobs is the user’s first step after he has connected all the necessary equipment. The main safety rule is not to carry the device in the same place where metal keys are stored.

There are a total of two remote controls in the StarLine car alarm system. The main LCD display has four buttons responsible for control. There is no additional screen, only three buttons and an indicator light.

The basic system settings will be as follows:

  1. Date with time. How to use the key fob is easy to learn from the accompanying documents.
  2. They turn on the alarm clock.
  3. Set up a timer.
  4. Adjusting the volume of emitted signals.
  5. Selecting a tone for the sound signal. The key fob will continue to work on it.

The control system gives priority to the main key fob. In fact, this is the only device from which remote control is carried out. To activate and deactivate some functions, the buttons are pressed quickly or held down for a while. Both sequential combinations and simultaneous use of several buttons are acceptable. The key fob with any device supports such options.

Setting up a shock sensor from the key fob

Too frequent whine of the siren of the anti-theft device, without any signs of intrusion, is a sign of improper adjustment of the sensitivity of the shock sensor. You can configure the sensors of any alarm system, including Starline A93, by following general principles that differ little from device to device.

These general principles are:

  • Before you begin any actions, you must carefully read the instructions for the gadget - when reading, pay special attention to the section that tells about the settings of the shock sensor;
  • find the place where the problematic sensor is located;
  • determine the location of the Valet button;
  • disarm the vehicle;
  • if the model allows you to resort to programming via the control panel, then use this method in accordance with the instructions from the manufacturer;
  • if for some reason only manual adjustment is possible using screws or keys on the system, then apply it, carefully selecting the required level of sensitivity after each rotation or press;
  • if the adjustment is unsuccessful, then you need to reset all settings to factory settings, for which you use the “Valet” key, and make the settings from scratch.

It must be remembered that when adjusting the sensitivity of the shock sensor, the car alarm siren will turn on from time to time. In order to avoid inconvenience for neighbors, it is better to first select a place remote from someone else’s home.

As for modern modifications, in most cases they allow you to adjust the settings remotely, using a key fob that acts as a control panel. The sensor connected to the Starline A93 alarm system belongs to this category.

The setup procedure itself looks like this:

  1. As indicated in the general recommendations: first find the location of the shock and tilt sensor - usually this role is played by the antenna for receiving and transmitting the signal at the windshield of the car.
  2. Turn off the vehicle ignition.
  3. Disable the security mode of the security system.
  4. On the key fob, find and press button number three in this order: hold it once until a sound signal appears, and then again for a short time.
  5. The success of the manipulation will be indicated by a double signal from the alarm siren and triple flashing of the headlights.
  6. A melodic sound signal will sound on the key fob and a message about the already set sensitivity level will appear on its display (by default it is 5).
  7. The values ​​are adjusted using a button with icons in the form of arrows - with their help you can either increase or decrease it, or even turn it off.
  8. The program has a maximum and minimum sensitivity level - in the first case it is fourteen, and in the second one.
  9. A value equal to zero will completely disable the sensors.
  10. To adjust the alarm level, repeat the combination of pressing the third button on the remote control - long and short.
  11. As a sign of successful pressing, the display will show the set signal level, which can be changed.
  12. To change it, use the same buttons as in the case of sensitivity - the minimum value is one, and “0” will turn it off.

It is worth remembering that the sensitivity and signal level values ​​must be consistent with each other.

General setup principles

If, due to the causeless howling of the siren and the ringing of the key fob, you have to get nervous too often, it’s time to start reducing the sensitivity of the car alarm, including. and starline. The general principles of this simple procedure are approximately the same for different alarms:

  • carefully read the technical instructions attached to this car alarm;
  • carefully study the section regarding adjusting the shock sensor;
  • determine the location of the faulty sensor and the “jack” button;
  • remove the car from security;
  • if it is possible to change the car alarm settings, incl. and starline by reprogramming method, then perform the prescribed actions;
  • if reducing the sensitivity of the alarm is possible by adjusting the shock sensor itself using screws or buttons, then by selecting the level of the car alarm, it is necessary to set its desired value;
  • in case of negative results of alarm adjustment, incl.

It is best to hit the wheel - this way you can avoid damaging the car's surface. This way you can determine the optimal level of sensitivity so that the alarm does not bother you over trifles.

A small recommendation for setting security modes with the StarLine A61 sensor:


  • Gasoline prices are rising every day, and the car's appetite is only increasing.
  • You would be happy to cut costs, but is it possible to live without a car these days!?

Find out details

Disabling the shock sensor

One of the problems with sensors in Starline alarms that car owners most often have to deal with is false alarms. They arise due to the fact that when the vehicle engine starts automatically, the sensors perceive vibration as an external influence or an attempt to penetrate inside. To prevent this from happening, the developer has provided the ability to configure temporary shutdown of the device during remote start of the internal combustion engine. The remote control is used for setup.

On the key fob through which the Starline A93 is controlled there is a button indicated by a pictogram with the image of a closed lock. The first thing you need to do is press it twice. As a result, the car will react with two glares from the headlights, and the key fob itself will make a melodic sound. The text command DAT1 will appear on the display of the latter - it indicates a temporary disabling of the warning sensitivity level. Next, the same button is pressed twice again, after which the car reacts with a triple wink of the external lighting and the sound of a siren. The command DAT2 is displayed on the key fob display, indicating a temporary shutdown and the level of the alarm signal.

In addition to automatic, there is also a mechanical way to turn off the sensor. To do this, use sensitivity regulators, which are turned with a screwdriver to the minimum position.

As for disconnecting the sensor by disconnecting the cable, this method is not recommended by the manufacturer. This may affect the future performance of the sensor.

What to do if the shock sensor triggers for no reason

The problem of false alarms of shock sensors is one of the main ones not only for owners of Starline alarms, but also for products of other brands. This problem occurs even on devices that have just been purchased and configured. Frequent false signals lead to stressful situations, inconvenience and subsequent failure of the sensor itself. Usually the problem occurs for one of the following reasons:

  • incorrect system configuration;
  • wear or damage;
  • improper fastening;
  • moisture condensation;
  • radio wave interference.

Before you begin to find out the specific cause of the problem, it is worth understanding what specific situations most often trigger the alarm. Does this happen when cars are passing nearby or during unfavorable weather (for example, strong gusts of wind). At what time of day are you more likely to hear a falsely triggered siren - during the day or at night? Does the sound of human speech affect whether the handbrake is turned off. All of these symptoms can have an important impact on determining the root cause of the incident.

Incorrect system configuration is the most common cause of the breakdown in question. It is worth noting that it does not always appear immediately. Sometimes this takes from several weeks to several months. You can fix this problem yourself. For example, by adjusting the sensitivity of the sensors using the control panel or levers. In some cases, reconfiguration will require resetting all parameters to the factory state.

If the problem is caused by wear or breakdown of the anti-theft system, the only way to fix it is to have it repaired. Some details are available only to specialists.

Radio interference can trigger the sensor as often as other problems. They usually arise due to the proximity of the cables with electrical wires connected to the communication module and the shock sensor itself. The solution is to separate the loops to the optimal distance.

Incorrect fastening of the platform is “treated” by replacing the plastic with a metal base. The fact is that the first one is easily deformed due to exposure to high temperatures or impacts. As for moisture condensation, which leads to short circuits, it is protected from it by additional insulation of those areas that are most susceptible to it.

Before purchasing sensors, they can be checked for quality of operation. It is enough to reduce the sensitivity to the lowest possible, and if a reaction is still observed, then the buyer has a faulty device.

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How much can you buy a shock sensor for?

For the Starline A93 alarm system, the sensor is not a particularly expensive gadget. It is easy to find at a cost not exceeding five hundred rubles. Used models are also sold for less than three hundred rubles.

False alarms caused by the sound of a passing car or thunder are a consequence of incorrect settings of the Starline shock sensor. Inside the device there is a sensitive element that senses vibrations. An additional electronic unit allows you to change the sensitivity of the element depending on operating conditions.

General provisions for setting up the system

ATTENTION! A completely simple way to reduce fuel consumption has been found! Don't believe me? An auto mechanic with 15 years of experience also didn’t believe it until he tried it. And now he saves 35,000 rubles a year on gasoline! Read more". The sensitivity of the Starline alarm is adjusted independently

To do this, you need to find a specific position for installing the shock sensor. The instructions state that the manufacturer recommends integrating the recognition system into the base of the steering column. The sensor is equipped with two fine adjustment mechanisms that allow you to adjust the sensitivity. To do this, use a standard Phillips screwdriver. To decrease the indicator, the mechanism turns to the left, and to increase, respectively, to the right.

The sensitivity of the Starline alarm is adjusted independently. To do this, you need to find a specific position for installing the shock sensor. The instructions state that the manufacturer recommends integrating the recognition system into the base of the steering column. The sensor is equipped with two fine adjustment mechanisms that allow you to adjust the sensitivity. To do this, use a standard Phillips screwdriver. To decrease the indicator, the mechanism turns to the left, and to increase, respectively, to the right.

The reasons for the constant alarm activation are:

  • The default alarm sensitivity settings are set to the extreme maximum.
  • Poor fixation of the alarm unit and shock sensor. To solve the problem, you need to re-secure them to a hard surface. They should not dangle or hang.

Working principle and functions

The A91 car alarm system includes a special piezoelectric sensor, which is attached to the metal panels of the vehicle body. The A93 model began to use a 3-axis accelerometer integrated into the transceiver unit. The sensor detects shocks that occur when attempting to enter the vehicle interior or dismantle parts (for example, wheels). The sensor reacts to external disturbances and sends a signal that triggers the alarm.

The user can independently configure the sensor on the Starline A91 or A93 alarm system by adjusting the warning and alarm level threshold. On early alarm models, adjustment is made by rotating a mechanical regulator; on later modifications (with an accelerometer), electronic adjustment was introduced. Depending on the settings of the parameters, the force of impact is determined at which the security complex gives a warning signal with a siren or activates the alarm mode.

Programming table

The Starline A93 alarm system has a huge range of functions that are available for configuration. The car owner can set the auto start time, turbo timer parameters, starter operating time and many other options.

Below are programming tables for the Starline A93 car alarm, which will help you understand how to set the functions.

Setting up the Starline A93 shock sensor directly depends on what function the car owner plans to use. The device is designed to prevent external penetration into the car and allows you to detect such attempts at the initial stage. Sensors calculate how dangerous a particular impact is.

The manufacturer allows the installation of an additional sensor, thanks to which the protection becomes more reliable. The sensors of such a device are installed on the other side in relation to the sensors of the main sensor. Their functionality is equivalent.

How to connect

The sensor is attached to a metal body panel in the passenger compartment using screws or 2-sided adhesive tape.

It is not recommended to install the element on moving plastic parts or vehicle wiring harnesses due to a decrease in measurement accuracy.

The device is placed openly, which provides access to the rotating elements for adjusting the sensitivity of the shock sensor. The accelerometer is located together with the transceiver unit on the inner surface of the windshield (at a distance of 50 mm from the metal elements of the body).

The connection harness (consisting of 4 wires) is routed under the car interior trim. To connect to the processor unit connector, a standard harness block is used. To switch the transceiver unit, a plug with 5 cables is used; on the processor unit, the plug is installed in connector X8.

How to setup

The operating parameters of the piezoelectric element are adjusted by rotating the regulators clockwise with a screwdriver. There are explanatory symbols on the device body indicating the direction of rotation when the response threshold increases or decreases. Additional red and green LEDs allow you to visually determine the moment of operation when setting up the Starline A91 shock sensor.

On the A93 complex, sensitivity can be adjusted through a control panel equipped with a display and a 2-way communication unit. Additional settings are made when programming automatic start, allowing you to ignore vibrations from a rotating starter or a running power unit.

To adjust the sensitivity of the sensor on the A93 or A63 complexes, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Turn off the security mode and the ignition, and then press the button located next to the key with a circle icon.
  2. After receiving signals on the car, the sirens will sound 2 times and the external light alarm will flash three times. The key fob will play a melody, and an indication of the programmed level of the sensor warning zone will appear on the top of the display. Level 10 is programmed from the factory, the user sets the parameter in the range from 0 (off) to 14 (maximum). To change the number, use the buttons marked with triangle icons.
  3. To proceed to adjusting the alarm level, press the button mounted next to the button with the circle logo until the sound signal sounds. Then you need to briefly press the button again. After the light signal and melody are given, the current sensitivity value appears on the display (05 at factory setting). The adjustment is made in the same way.
  4. Save the settings by pressing until the beep and then briefly pressing the button used to start programming again. The processing unit will confirm the successful completion of the procedure by giving a triple signal from the external lighting lamps and a double beep from the siren. Additionally, a melodic signal is given by the control panel buzzer.

How to reduce the sensitivity of the Starline alarm

To reduce the sensitivity on the A93 or A63 complexes during autostart, you will need to perform the following steps:

  1. Turn off the ignition, and then press the button to enter the menu 5 times, which is used to configure the Starline alarm. Turn the key in the lock, activating the ignition circuits.
  2. Using keys with triangle symbols, select the SF section, which is responsible for adjusting additional channels.
  3. Select the channel responsible for the operation of the power unit, and then long press the button located near the key with a circle icon. After the signal is given, the button is released and then pressed briefly again.
  4. Using the buttons with a triangle symbol, function 3 is selected. To select a mode value, use the security button, which scrolls through the possible options in a circle. The design of the security system allows you to temporarily reduce sensitivity while the engine is running or completely turn off the sensors. The correctness of the settings is checked during test starts and engine warm-ups.
  5. After programming the required parameter, you need to press long and then briefly on the key used when entering the settings of the additional channel.
  6. To finally exit, you will need to turn off the ignition. After 3 flashes of the light signal, the remote control display will show the value of the programmed function. After playing the melody, the key fob goes into standard mode with an indication of the current time.

How to increase sensitivity

It is possible to adjust the sensitivity of the A91 alarm using the following algorithm:

  1. Turn the regulators fully counterclockwise.
  2. Adjust the warning level by turning the corrector 1/3 of the way. The setting is made with the driver's door open and the security mode turned off.
  3. The owner periodically checks the force on the body at which the shock sensor is triggered. The threshold is determined by applying light blows to the central pillar or roof of the body. To check, you need to activate the security mode and wait 15-60 seconds (depending on the settings) for the sensor to turn on
  4. Set an alarm level using a similar algorithm. When changing the alarm sensitivity setting, remember that the warning zone value should not exceed the alarm level parameter.

Setting the volume of the Starline A93 key fob

The car alarm has a sound changing function. If desired, you can choose a quieter mode of operation of the Starline key fob itself or make the siren volume louder or quieter. To do this, you need to go to the settings menu by long pressing key number four (at least five seconds).

Then you have access to adjusting the signal volume - there is a silent mode. You can choose the system operation options: siren or trill.

  • turn on the ignition, then go to settings and scroll to the Soun section;
  • press button 3 for a long time, and then press it again briefly, the key fob will show the current volume value (default – 2);
  • use keys 2 or 3 to change the parameter in the range from 1 to 9;
  • We also exit the menu by long and short pressing key 3.
  • How to disable

    Disabling the shock sensor is used to reduce the number of false alarms caused by external factors. At the moment of remote or automatic start of the power unit, the security complex turns off the sensor, since vibration from a running engine is perceived by the sensor as an attempt to penetrate the vehicle interior. When setting the operating parameters of additional channels, it is possible to set a parameter that temporarily disables the shock sensitivity sensor.

    To disable the shock sensor on Starline A91 or A93, you will need to press the remote control button, indicated by the closed lock icon, twice. The car will respond with a double signal from the external light alarm, the key fob will give a melodic signal, and the text DAT1 will be displayed on the display, indicating a temporary disabling of the warning sensitivity level. When you press the button twice again, triple signals are sent by lamps and a buzzer, and then the alarm level is turned off. A text like DATE2 appears on the display.

    The car owner can turn off the sensor by turning the sensitivity control to the minimum position. On the A93 complex, you need to set the zero value through the setup menu. It is not recommended to disconnect the shock sensor on the Starline A91 by disconnecting the cable harness from the processor unit.

    Most often, random activation of the StarLine alarm is associated with incorrect settings of the shock sensor. The fact is that the name “shock sensor” itself is incorrect - it is a vibration sensor, so it also responds to strong noise, road vibrations from passing trucks, and so on.

    Review of car alarm StarLine A91

    This alarm has a high sales rate and good reviews from users with different backgrounds and different needs.

    Starline 91 set

    The kit is sold standard, including only a few components:

    1. Central block StarLine A91.
    2. Shock sensor.
    3. Wires to the alarm.
    4. Light-emitting diode.
    5. Control key fobs for Starline A91.

    Keychain Starline 91

    The main keychain has an ergonomic, modern shape. The displayed information is clear and accessible to any user, including the Russian-speaking owner of Starline A91.

    For many, support for individual encryption and protection against extreme interference, even in urban environments, will be sufficient reasons to purchase. The increased control range will also be a pleasant surprise, as confirmed by the operating instructions.

    Errors when installing the shock sensor

    On older generations of StarLine alarms, an external shock sensor was used, which had to be placed in strictly defined places in the car. If it was not installed correctly, it either could not be adjusted adequately, or it would work on its own.

    A common mistake is gluing the sensor to the plastic panel from the inside. Even with high-quality preparation, using a branded primer and 3M adhesive tape, it comes unstuck and either falls onto the bottom panel or dangles from its wire.

    There is also an equally stupid solution - attaching the sensor with plastic ties to a thick wiring harness (if the alarm is hidden in the area of ​​the mounting block). The sensor is adjusted in a warm box, when the harness is softer and transmits vibration less well, and in winter the wires “dumb”, and the alarm goes off on its own with significantly less vibration than before.

    When the shock sensor is rigidly installed on metal brackets rigidly connected to the engine shield, random activations sometimes occur due to the cooling exhaust manifold - short-term vibrations (“clicks”) are transmitted through the cushions to the engine shield, and from it to the bracket.

    Video: Setting up the Shock Sensor Alarm.*Avtoservis Nikitin*

    The shock sensor itself has different sensitivity depending on the direction of its piezoelectric plate: better it detects vibrations that are directed perpendicular to its plane, worse - parallel to the plane. Therefore, if the sensor is directed to the side and is adjusted by tapping on the windshield, then it has increased sensitivity to vibrations from passing cars - hence the risk of Starline triggering for no reason.

    We reduce the sensitivity of the sensor during autostart

    A running motor creates increased vibrations, which are registered by the shock sensor as an alarm, and the alarm may go off during autostart. Therefore, by default, when the alarm is started, the shock sensor is turned off, but this reduces the security of the car - if the glass is broken while the car is warming up in the morning behind the house, the alarm will not go off.

    Therefore, it makes sense to activate the shock sensor during autostart, but slightly reduce its sensitivity. To configure the sensitivity of the StarLine A91 or A93 alarm to turn on the sensor during autostart, you need to:

    • enter the SF settings menu (we already wrote about how to do this earlier);
    • go to function 03, which sets the algorithm for the operation of the shock and tilt sensors when the motor is running;
    • set it to the value 03-2 or 03-4: in this case, at the beginning of the autostart cycle, the sensors will turn off, but after the engine has been successfully started, they will turn on again;
    • check whether the sensors are triggered when the motor is running, and if necessary, reduce the sensitivity in the settings.

    Something else useful for you:

    How to reduce sensitivity

    Setting up an external shock sensor

    The external shock sensor of the StarLine Twage and Dialog alarm families has two separate controls - compact trimming resistors with heads for a thin flat-head screwdriver.

    There is a control LED next to each resistor - if the shock sensor is easy to see during installation, this makes setup easier. The upper trimmer is used to set a warning, the lower one sets the alarm level. If you need to configure it, it’s easier to do this:

    1. Turn both trimmers counterclockwise until they stop, setting the sensitivity to minimum. 2. Set the warning sensitivity to a third, close the doors and arm the car. 3. After waiting at least 15 seconds for the alarm to activate the shock sensor, tap the windshield with your knuckles. The blows are sharp, but not strong. 4. If the warning level is sufficient, it will work. Otherwise, disarm the car, add a little sensitivity, arm the car and repeat step 3. 5. Having configured the warning level, set the alarm level to a little less than that specified by the warning setting. 6. Having armed the car and waited 15 seconds, we deliver a sharp blow to the edge of the windshield with our fist. If only a warning is triggered, add alarm sensitivity.

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