How to check the mass air flow sensor on a VAZ-2114 with your own hands: using a multimeter and video

VAZ 2114 cars were equipped with several types of engines: 8 valves of 1.5 liters and 1.6 liters, as well as 16 valves of 1.6 liters. Until 2005, January 5 series ECUs were installed on the motors, then the manufacturer updated the controllers. Since 2006, these machines have been equipped with a January 7 series ECU, or imported analogues of BOSCH 7.9.7. Why do you need this information? Depending on the version of the ECU, mass air flow sensors on the VAZ 2114 were of different types. This causes some difficulties when replacing the sensor, but detailed information can be found in the car's passport.
  • Air flow sensors of the 004 series were installed on early versions of cars.
  • Then an updated mass air flow sensor was introduced for the VAZ 2114, series 037. The measuring channel on it was modified to reduce air flow pulsations. The new flow meter with modified characteristics is fully compatible with old ECUs with an oxygen sensor, so the replacement did not lead to changes in calibrations in the fuel-air mixture formation system.
  • After switching to the January 7 series and BOSCH 7.9.7 controllers, we also had to change the air flow sensor on the VAZ 2114. The new version with index 116 is produced with an updated design. The calibration of the sensor has also been updated, so there is no backward compatibility.

The BOSCH 116 air sensor has many analogues, including the Russian Itelma and Avtel.

Information: There is an opinion among VAZ 2114 owners that the air flow sensor of the 116 series is better than the 037, and it can be replaced to increase engine output. In fact, this is not the case; the calibration of the mass air flow sensor is developed for a specific motor and is taken into account when programming the ECU.

As an example, the graph in the illustration:

Obviously, when the air flow rate is more than 100 kg per hour, the voltage that the VAZ 2114 series 116 air sensor produces changes by 0.2 volts. When the data is read by the engine controller, this makes a significant correction in the proportions of the fuel mixture.

How does the VAZ 2114 mass air flow sensor work?

A modern mass air flow sensor (also known as MAF in English) uses sensitive sensors and a special calculation algorithm to compare the resistance readings of two thermistors. One of them is a reference value, its value is constant. The second (made of platinum-iridium wire) is forcibly heated. The incoming air flow cools the wire, the resistance changes, and to equalize it with the reference, a larger heating current is required. It is the difference in current strength (in this design, voltage is measured using the Ohm's Law formula) that provides information to the ECU.

The measurement accuracy is 1/100 volt, so the slightest malfunction of the mass air flow sensor instantly affects the quality of engine operation.

What's the result?

As you can see, if there are signs of problems and the first symptoms of the DMVR VAZ 2114 or another car appear, you should check the device as soon as possible for possible breakdown. In this case, you can quickly diagnose the air flow sensor with a multimeter in a regular garage.

We also recommend reading the article about what a car engine knock sensor is. From this article you will learn about the purpose, design, as well as signs of malfunction or malfunction of the engine knock sensor. Based on the readings obtained from the device, it is possible to determine the malfunction (if a breakdown is confirmed) or to exclude the mass air flow sensor from the list of possible problem elements. One way or another, it is important to understand that this sensor is actively involved in mixture formation and affects the operation of the engine as a whole.

For this reason, it is necessary to perform regular checks of the ECM, scan for errors, and also pay attention to any failures and symptoms of malfunctions of the sensors of the electronic engine control system (TSP, DPKV, etc.).



VAZ 2114 signs of flow meter malfunction

In addition to the indicator light on the Check Engine, there are symptoms that even an inexperienced driver will notice:

  1. Unstable engine operation at idle speed: the malfunction manifests itself most clearly when the engine is not warmed up. After starting, the revs fluctuate, and when the accelerator pedal is pressed sharply, the engine stalls.
  2. With a sharp release of gas, the speed does not decrease, but remains at around 2-3 thousand for some time.
  3. Even with a warm engine, there is a noticeable decrease in power. When fully loaded, a lower gear is required; the car does not pull uphill and accelerates slowly on the highway.

How to independently check the VAZ 2114 MAF sensor the “old-fashioned way”? The technique is as follows:

  • you need to remember the sensations of the engine running on a familiar route with different modes: uphill, acceleration, etc.;
  • turn off the engine, remove the negative terminal from the battery and disconnect the mass flow sensor connector located on the side of the brake fluid reservoir;
  • start the engine and travel along the same route.

If the engine behavior has noticeably worsened, then the failure is not related to the flow meter. If you do not feel the difference, that is, the motor works the same with and without the sensor, then an in-depth check of the mass air flow sensor is required.

Purpose and principle of operation

Many car owners are concerned about how much it costs to purchase such a sensor. It turns out that the DMRV 2114 has a considerable cost, it varies between 2-3 thousand. In this case, you can use both imported products and domestically produced parts. You shouldn’t be surprised that there are corresponding reviews about domestic models.

But you shouldn’t always trust reviews; it’s better to try the products in practice. Although you can find a lot of negative reviews about domestic sensors, they are more affordable.

This sensor allows the engine to operate in different operating modes, involving different loads. If we consider the operation of the device, it consists in creating a working mixture of air and gasoline. More precisely, the mixture includes gasoline vapors. The direct task of the product is to measure two indicators that are interconnected:

  1. Reaction time.
  2. The amount of air that is consumed for the reaction.

If the measurements are accurate, the device can determine what mixture the engine requires. This allows the system to obtain information about the required proportions. There are also situations when the sensor does not work correctly, producing incorrect values.

In this case, the mixture created in the system will not correspond to the current operating mode. As a result, power may decrease and consumption will likely increase. Among the possible consequences may be a deterioration in the dynamics of the car and a disruption in the response of the car.

Attention! The response of parts from different manufacturers may vary significantly. It is important to take this point into account when checking the operation of the sensor.

How to check the MAF sensor on a VAZ

The most reliable way is to use a diagnostic scanner (at least at the ELM-327 level). We connect to the OBD port and look at the flow meter performance indicators on the computer.

If you don’t have a scanner, you can take the basic parameters with a multimeter. To diagnose and repair the VAZ 2114 mass air flow sensor with your own hands, you need to know the pinout of the contacts.

For example, consider a contact block for a VAZ 2114: a modern 8 or 16 valve engine, BOSCH mass air flow sensor (or its equivalent) version 116.

  1. We don't need contact No. 1; this is an air temperature sensor.
  2. Contact No. 2 - 12 volt power supply. If the on-board voltage regulator malfunctions, the air flow sensor may malfunction.
  3. Contact No. 3 - ground.
  4. Contact No. 4 - power supply for the mass air flow sensor electronics, an important parameter, the voltage must be stable.
  5. Contact No. 5 is the same “floating” voltage with which the ECU calculates the volume of air passing through the intake manifold.

The supply voltage is checked with the block disconnected. We turn the ignition key, but do not start the engine. With respect to ground, we measure the voltage at contact No. 2 (12 volts) and contact No. 4 (5 volts). This indicates the serviceability of the ECU and the integrity of the wires and contacts.

Checking the signal voltage on pin No. 5 is carried out with the connector connected, with the ignition on (do not start the engine!).

  • voltage is within 0.99-1.02 volts - the sensor is working;
  • voltage within 1.03-1.05 volts - replacement will be required soon;
  • more than 1.05 volts - the mass air flow sensor does not operate normally.

Checking the mass air flow sensor

Before you start experimenting, take the time to read the service manual. It describes in detail what a mass air flow sensor on a VAZ 2114 is and how to replace it.

We are looking for a sensor. Open the hood and find the air filter pipe. The mass air flow sensor is located on it, which determines the flow of air passing through the filter. I will give several options on how to check the mass air flow sensor yourself.

  • Disable the sensor. Disconnect the block with wires from the connector by pressing the latch located below. Start the engine (1500 rpm or more). The controller understands the shutdown of the mass air flow sensor as an emergency condition and prepares the fuel-air mixture based on the position of the throttle valve. Try driving a short distance. If the car accelerates noticeably faster, this indicates a non-working mass air flow sensor. I would like to note that in the disabled state for ECUs Y7.2 and M7.9.7. RPM doesn't increase!
  • Replacing the controller firmware. The original ECU firmware could have been replaced with an alternative one. In such a situation, we do not know which algorithm is prescribed in the case of operation in the mode discussed in the first paragraph. The throttle valve has a stop under which you need to place a thin plate (about 1 mm) to raise the speed. Then you need to disconnect the chip with the sensor. If the sensor is faulty, the engine should stall. If the engine is running, then the reason is due to the firmware features: the IAC steps are written incorrectly.
  • Voltage measurement. Testing gives good results when working with Bosch sensors. You will need a multimeter. Select the DC voltage measurement mode and set the maximum value to 2 V.

The connection diagram for the VAZ 2114 looks like this:

  1. yellow – incoming signal;
  2. gray with white – power output;
  3. green – grounding;
  4. pink with black – output to the main relay.

The colors may be different, but the sequence of connectors is the same.

Next, you need to turn on the ignition with the engine off. Connect the red (positive) probe of the tester to the yellow output, and the black (negative) probe to the green. Multimeter probes are inserted along the specified wires directly through the rubber seals of the connectors without damaging the insulation. For prevention, I recommend moistening the probes with WD-40. Intermediates or needles are not recommended due to the additional error they introduce. Measure the voltage. Compare the result with the table:

Voltage, VState
1,01 – 1,02Good. The sensor is almost new and will last a long time.
1,02 – 1,03Satisfactory. The sensor is old, but works properly.
1,03 – 1,04Bad. The resource is almost exhausted. Will have to replace it soon.
1,04 – 1,05Deplorable. The resource has been exhausted. Suitable for use if there are no alarming symptoms. It is advisable to replace
1.05 – and aboveEmergency. The sensor is faulty (possibly for a long time). Replacement is required.

A newly installed sensor gives an output voltage of 0.996–1.01 V. Over time, it increases. A higher value means a higher percentage of wear.

Voltage data from the sensors is recorded by the on-board computer and can be viewed by selecting the appropriate group of parameters.

  • Inspection and cleaning. Use a Phillips screwdriver to loosen the clamp holding the air intake pipe. We remove the corrugation and check whether there are traces of oil and/or condensation inside it, as well as on the inner surface of the sensor. Normally they shouldn't be there. The sensing element of the mass air flow sensor often breaks due to dirt getting on it. This can easily be avoided by regularly replacing the air filter. Reasons for oil getting into the air flow sensor:
  1. the permissible oil level in the crankcase has been exceeded
  2. The oil separator of the ventilation system is clogged

Prevention of breakdowns and cleaning of the air flow sensor of the VAZ 2114

The flow meter sensor is located in a vulnerable place: exposure to temperature changes, moisture, dust.

Precision electronics located in the measuring channel fail when foreign objects enter.


  • untimely replacement of the air filter;
  • the use of so-called “zero” filters;
  • loose connection of the mass air flow sensor with the air duct flanges;
  • moisture entering the air intake;
  • Debris left in the ductwork or filter housing after repairs and maintenance.

How to clean the mass air flow sensor if contamination does not render it inoperable

The sensor must be removed, the protective nets removed, and blown with clean compressed air. If there is dried dirt or oil stains, washing with special means for mass air flow sensor is required. Of course, it is necessary to clean the air duct itself with the filter housing.

In most cases, such prevention brings the flow meter back to life.

What happens if the mass air flow sensor is faulty?

I’ll say right away that the mass air flow sensor is almost never repaired, but simply replaced with a new one.

  • As for the device, the DMRV is not at all complicated. The sensor consists of a housing, inside of which a hot-wire anemometer is located (responsible for measuring air flow).

It is easy to damage this sensor; it can simply fail during installation, but most often it breaks due to old age.

When the mass air flow sensor is faulty, it supplies incorrect data to the control unit, due to which air does not enter the combustible mixture in the required volume.

Sequence of procedure

First, we prepare the measuring device; the multimeter must be switched to the mode for measuring direct electric current up to 2 Volts.

Further operations are performed in stages:

  1. The black end of the measuring device is connected to the third contact, the red end to the fifth. You can connect them with a pin.
  2. The vehicle does not start, but the ignition turns.
  3. Information appears on the multimeter. Its decoding is given in the table below.

Necessary tools and spare parts

Before starting work, you should clarify which part number is stamped on the body of the old mass air flow sensor. Different sensor options were installed on different 2114 engines. Two types of article are common - 037 or 116 . Getting to the room without dismantling the case is problematic.

After determining the part number, you can begin preparing the tools and spare parts that will be useful for replacement:

  • A flat or Phillips screwdriver for removing the air filter housing;
  • New metal clamps (in case of breakage or wear of the old fastening);
  • Spanners for unscrewing fastening nuts;
  • A working mass air flow sensor to check changes (as soon as you are sure that there is a problem with it, purchase a new one).

The advantage of owning a 2114 model is that to check the functionality of the sensors, you can always find known working parts on the car of an acquaintance or friend. This simplifies the diagnostic process and can save money. To replace it yourself, it is enough to know where the mass air flow sensor on the VAZ 2114 is located.

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