Lada Vesta comfort manual transmission Logbook Selecting engine oil TO1

Lada Vesta is a popular domestic car, which is quite in demand both in the Russian Federation and in the markets of the CIS countries. Thanks to the close cooperation of AvtoVAZ with the Renault-Nissan alliance, this model combines the latest automotive technologies, has a modern interior and exterior design, as well as reliability and quality at an affordable price.

At the same time, to increase the service life of all components and assemblies, like any other car, Lada Vesta also needs regular and high-quality maintenance. Moreover, it is necessary to maintain not only the engine, the internal combustion engine power system, etc., but also pay attention to the gearbox.

Next, we will talk about when and why you need to change the oil in the Lada Vesta gearbox, what kind of oil to fill in the Vesta gearbox, as well as how to change the gear oil in the gearbox on the specified model.

Why does liquid waste its potential?

The lubricant contains the main component of oil refining and a set of specialized additives. During operation of the machine, the liquid gradually loses the necessary characteristics and reduces efficiency indicators, which leads to the following negative changes:

  • the appearance of unpleasant noise or knocking;
  • structural parts lose their properties;
  • the mechanism begins to spontaneously switch off gears or does not work quite clearly;
  • The main gear and additional elements may fail.

The operating time of transmission oil directly depends on the driving habits of the car. The service life can be halved if the owner allows himself to be aggressive on the roads, starting with slipping. This puts significant pressure on gearbox components and leads to their rapid wear.

Let's sum it up

As you can see, in a number of cases there is an urgent need to change the oil in the Lada Vesta gearbox. First of all, such a replacement is due to the fact that although the gearbox is officially maintenance-free, the factory oil quickly loses its properties during the active operation of the vehicle.

Also, switching to a higher quality transmission fluid improves the performance of the entire unit, gears shift better, the gearbox operates less noisily, etc. At the same time, judging by the reviews of Lada Vesta owners, changing the oil in the Lada Vesta automatic transmission is directly indicated for the same reasons as in a manual transmission.

Finally, we note that if the oil for the gearbox is of high quality and selected correctly, the unit will work better than with the fluid used by the manufacturer. The process of changing the oil in a Lada Vesta box with your own hands is not labor-intensive, does not require special skills and can be done independently in an ordinary garage.

What does oil viscosity affect?

The viscosity of transmission oil has a great influence on the vehicle's gearbox. With high viscosity, delays in gear shifting may occur, the sliding time of gearbox components increases, which increases wear, but reduces the noise of the gearbox. Oil, on the contrary, with low viscosity, is not able to create a strong film between surfaces. So, if it is destroyed, the elements begin to work “dry”, which contributes to wear.

You can easily feel the viscosity of the oil in winter at very low temperatures when starting the car.

Changing the oil in a robot is a bit of a difficult task, because... the factory did not provide for this operation. To replace, you will need a large syringe for pumping oil. Home page

What oil does VAZ recommend?

The general recommendations of the AvtoVAZ plant for choosing engine oil for all its models are very similar. The first thing you need to decide is the temperature conditions for which the oil is selected.

For different regions, as well as for winter or summer operating conditions, it is necessary to select different temperature conditions and oil viscosity in accordance with the table:

Next, you need to select the brand and grade of oil recommended by the manufacturer for each car model.

Changing the oil in manual transmission

  1. We warm up the car, set it on the inspection hole, and use a hydraulic lift if available.
  2. Remove the terminal from the battery.
  3. We remove the air filter as necessary. Each master determines independently what is more convenient for him.
  4. We dismantle the engine protection, unscrew the drain plug (key set to “17”).
  5. We substitute the container and grind off the waste (2.2 liters).
  6. Tighten the plug and fill in new fluid in the same volume.
  7. We install the protection in its original place.
  8. We start the engine and check the system for leaks.

We change the oil in the AMT box of the Lada Vesta by analogy with a manual transmission. The volume of oil to be filled is 2.5 liters.

Factory oil

The Lada Vesta sedan leaves the assembly line filled with TM-4-12 SAE 76W-85 GL-4 oil. This lubricant is approved by the manufacturer and belongs to all-season semi-synthetic oils. This product uses imported additives designed for ambient temperatures from -(minus) 40 to +45 degrees. The volume of lubricant poured into the crankcase is 2.2 liters.

When changing the oil, it is not necessary to fill it with the same one as from the factory. So, there are several recommended products:

  • ZIC GFT 75W-85
  • Hochleistungs Getriebeoil 75W-90

Does Vesta need to change transmission oil?

According to the technical regulations for the imported GFL13 box, oil is filled for the entire service life. However, experienced owners claim that the factory transmission oil of the Lada Vesta needs to be replaced after break-in (5000 km). Fans of Logan and other owners of the same Renault JH3 510 MT gearbox claim that with the “original” lubricating fluid, the gearbox is noisy and does not engage gears well. Most often, the semi-synthetic “French” is replaced with the fully synthetic Castrol Syntrans Transaxle (75w-90 GL4+), as well as the semi-synthetic ELF Tranself NFJ 75w-80.

In any case, no one has canceled the laws of physics. Any liquid wastes its potential. The Lada transmission loses its viscosity, protective, temperature and other properties. During operation of the machine, the lubricant becomes contaminated with decay products of rubbing pairs, which begin to act on the mechanism as an abrasive. The following factors indicate that an oil change is necessary:

  • the box begins to operate noisily for no other apparent reason;
  • The gears switch on and off indistinctly.

What gear shift mechanisms are found on Lada Vesta

In order for the oil change in a Lada Vesta manual transmission to be carried out competently and with maximum benefit for the car, the versatility of the transmission component should be taken into account. Judging by the reviews, the AMT robotic gearbox has many adherents, but this does not mean that the traditional five-stage mixer has lost its authority. Not at all - Tolyatti residents even modernized the previous VAZ-2180 model.

Actually, the concept of import substitution is beginning to bear fruit. Quite recently they stopped installing engines from Nissan on XRAY hatchbacks. And now Vesta has lost the mechanical gearshift from Renault - sedans are now equipped with a domestic product with a cable drive VAZ-21807. The model is designed for higher torque, so the plant plans to install it on a 1.8-liter engine.

Cars in the previous configurations can still be bought in showrooms, but the production of such sedans has already been discontinued. Inside the cabin, the lever has not changed, but you can find out the gearbox model by the car’s VIN code:

  • GFL13 – Renault JH3.
  • GFL11 – VAZ “mechanics”.
  • GFL12 – AMT robotic transmission.

When is it necessary to change the oil in a Lada Vesta manual transmission and why?

According to the manufacturer's technological documents, the French manual gear shifter JH3 510 does not require periodic changes of transmission fluid. The lubricant that is poured at the factory is designed for the entire operating period.

On models with domestic mechanisms, the oil in the Lada Vesta gearbox is changed every 75,000 km or after five years. Which of these points to complete depends on which comes first.

Manufacturer's recommendations

AvtoVAZ does not regulate the time and period for changing transmission oil in a robotic gearbox. The oil in the box is designed for the entire service life of this unit. Should you trust the factory in this matter? NO!

Immediately after purchasing a car, you need to take a more careful approach to the issue of choosing oil for a robotic gearbox. Since at this time all components undergo a break-in period, the conditions of which determine the further operation of the car as a whole. But even after running in, you shouldn’t neglect the quality of the oil; it’s a pity that now is a time when absolutely everything is counterfeited and it’s easy to stumble across a fake.

What do they pour out of the factory?

Transmission oil TM-4-12 SAE 76W-85 GL-4 is poured into Vesta’s robotic gearbox from the factory. Another new product, XRAY, is pouring exactly the same thing. We can conclude that the oil poured in from the factory is the recommended one, but this will not be an entirely correct statement.

Factory fluid quality

As mentioned above, the manufacturer fills the AMT with oil for its entire service life. But we decided to drain it and see what awaits us in the box when the odometer shows 3.5 thousand km. Look at the photo: Factory transmission oil is a kind of liquid with strange brown and gray shades, with pieces of chips. I'm not sure that such oil would extend the life of the robot.

This is the kind of oil that is poured into the robot from the factory.

Many drivers notice a whine in the operation of the gearbox, noting the low quality of the factory oil in the Vesta gearbox. Therefore, it is recommended that after purchasing a new or used car, replace it with higher quality oil to reduce noise and extend the life of the gearbox. What about other manufacturers? To do this, let's turn to the vehicle's operating manual: - LUKOIL TM-4 - 75W-80, 75W-85, 75W-90, 80W-85, 80W-90; TG-4 - NOVOIL TRANS KP - 80W-85; TG-4 - ROSNEFT KINETIC - 80W-85; TG-4 - TNK TRANS KP - 80W-85; TG-4 - TNK TRANS KP SUPER - 75W-90; TG-4 - TRANS KP-2 - 80W-85; TG-4 - SHELL TRANSAXLE OIL - 75W-90; TG-4/5 Basically, the entire Lada line has similar recommended gear oils. This is explained by the fact that some car models have the same or modernized old gearboxes. So, for example, Vesta’s robot was based on a VAZ 2180 mechanic, it was simply equipped with an automatic switching system.

It is allowed to pour oil TG-4/5, TG-4, but not TG-5. TG-5 is considered gear oil, pouring it into the gearbox will kill the synchronizers.


1.Vasily, 34 years old ( the first time I changed the lubricant on the mechanics at 20,000 km. The color is brown, there are not a lot of metal shavings. I filled in the same thing - factory semi-synthetic from Lukoil.
2.Dmitry Mikhailovich, 46 years old ( the mileage of the Lada Vesta is 52,000 km, the condition of the manual transmission lubrication is still good, but it is advisable to “update”. I bought three liters of Rosneft, semi-synthetic, as part of the promotion.
3.Alexey, 36 years old ( I have no complaints about the machine, it works properly. Total mileage 35,000 km. I regularly visit service stations, carry out diagnostics, and buy original consumables.
4.Petrovich, 47 years old ( I renewed the lubricant for the first time at 2000 km, after purchasing it from the dealership. The color of the liquid was natural, there were practically no shavings. After filling it with Rosneft on a synthetic basis, my comrades advised.
5.Vyacheslavovich, 48 years old ( did not wait for 75,000 km, as recommended by the manufacturer, he updated the “lubrication” in the mechanics already at 50,000 km. The box is working normally, there are no comments.
6.Semyon Vasilyevich, 44 years old (Auto.Mail.Ru): for three years of active use of the car there were no breakdowns, only scheduled technical inspections. I take good care of my equipment, observe the replacement intervals for consumables, and have a moderate driving style.
7.Dmitry Stepanovich, 47 years old ( The Lada Vesta is five years old and has never changed the oil in the box. The manufacturer recommends I won’t wait at 75,000 km, I’ll update at 60,000 km. I don't think it will get any worse.
8.Andrey Sergeevich, 49 years old ( I have an old Vesta, still mechanically from the French. Over five years of active use, I replaced the transmission fluid twice. There are no complaints about the manual transmission, it works normally.
9.Gennady Dmitrievich, 53 years old ( a rustling sound appeared at idle, after diagnostics in the workshop they said that it was necessary to replace the bearing in the box. The car is only three years old, but it already requires investment.
10.Vladimir, 48 years old ( problems with the transmission began after several thousand miles. There was noise when moving, slight vibration. I will go to a service station for diagnostics followed by repairs.
11.Boris Sergeevich, 48 years old ( over the four years of using the car, I have already contacted the service center several times to troubleshoot problems in the machine. Frequent delays (pauses) when switching, vibration when moving.
12.Sergey Vasilievich, 47 years old ( changed the oil unscheduled, at 30,000 km. Already at that time the grease was dark brown in color. Which indicates the low quality of the oil. I filled it with imported Mobile, my garage mates recommended it.

What kind of oil to pour into the gearbox

In this matter, the principle “more expensive means better” does not work

It is important to know what oil manufacturers recommend for each specific box. To do this, we first determine the Lada Vesta gearbox index using the VIN code:

  • GFL13 indicates the discontinued Renault JH3 510 MT - and only the number 3 indicates this;
  • GFL11 is the designation of the VAZ-21807 manual transmission;
  • GFL12 – automated transmission of Lada Vesta.

Now, according to the index, we will select the fluid for each transmission:

  • GFL11 – for the Vesta manual transmission, the recommended lubricants are ZIC GFT 75W-85, TRANSELF NFJ 75W-80, Hochleistungs-Getriebeoil 75W-90, ZIC G-FF 75W-85;
  • GFL12 – suitable for the Lada Vesta robot are SHELL TRANSAXLE OIL, ROSNEFT KINETIC, LUKOIL TM-4, TNK TRANS KP SUPER;
  • GFL13 – no replacement.

Types of gearboxes on Vesta

The transmission component on this Lada model is quite diverse. Initially, Vesta was produced with “mechanics” from Renault and VAZ’s “robot” AMT (as an alternative to an automatic transmission). But a year later, the French gearshift was abandoned in favor of a modified manual transmission.

You can determine which gearbox is on your car by the VIN code designations:

  • GFL11 – manual transmission VAZ-21807;
  • GFL12 – AMT robotic gearbox;
  • GFL13 – Renault JH3 510 manual transmission.

How to change oil fluid

Changing the fluid takes about 20 minutes. Warmed grease is easier to drain, so it is recommended to drive 5-10 km before the operation. The driver will need: keys, screwdrivers, a container for old substances, a hose and a funnel. The car should be placed on an overpass.

  1. Disconnect the negative connection to the battery.
  2. Remove the air filter.
  3. Disconnect the reverse wires.
  4. Having unscrewed the plugs with a key 17, drain the oil into the container.
  5. Insert the hose into the reverse hole. The new substance must be poured through a funnel.
  6. Having completely filled the tank, connect all terminals and wires, close all plugs.

All car owners know about the need to change. Replacement is regularly done every 8 - 10 km. What can you say about changing the oil in the Lada Vesta gearbox? The first thing you need to do is decide on the type of transmission on a particular car. The Lada Vesta may have two of them, since the new one didn’t come out. Transmission oil is poured into domestic manual transmissions and automatic transmissions according to the regulations at the appropriate service center. But in a new Lada Vesta gearbox, the oil would not need to be changed at all. Is it so? And how to check the oil level in a manual transmission? Read the article - we will try to figure it out.

Is it worth changing the oil?

Let us remind you that the technical documentation of both the French unit and the domestic “robot” does not provide for changing the oil in the gearbox. Whatever the factory has filled should continue to run for the entire “life” of the machine.

The situation is different with the VAZ gearbox: here the manufacturer insists that the oil in the gearbox be changed after 75 thousand km or after a 5-year period. However, the official dealer’s maintenance regulations do not provide for this kind of procedure.

Some owners are concerned about the oil that was initially poured into the unit at the factory, because the quality may be significantly lower than the required standards. Those who decided to replace it note that the color of the repair does not inspire confidence and will definitely not be “useful” for the unit during further operation. However, this is the opinion of ordinary people, since experts on this topic do not make official recommendations.

“Witnesses” of replacing the lubricant claim that after this “miraculous” procedure, the box began to shift more clearly, the sound and other previously occurring defects disappeared.

Is there any point in changing transmission lubricant?

Technical documentation confirms that there is no need for frequent oil changes for Lada Vesta. The plant actually fills in high-quality oil designed for the entire service life of the car. And yet, there are certain regulations established by the manufacturer. The regulations are quite long and amount to 75 thousand km or 60 months of vehicle operation. This procedure is not included in the list of warranty work.

Many experienced motorists are convinced that factory lubricant is of dubious quality.

This is allegedly confirmed by reviews from experienced owners who, when draining the factory oil, paid attention to its strange appearance. It turns out that the waste material looked like such oil would hardly benefit the gearbox in case of long-term operation

At the same time, it must be recognized that this is an unofficial opinion that is advisory in nature. Many people prefer to change the oil at their discretion. There are often cases when, after independently changing to new oil, owners noticed improvements in the operation of the transmission. The noise and vibrations that owners of Lada Vesta with factory lubrication often complain about disappeared from the gearbox.

Thus, we can conclude that it makes sense to change the factory oil only if the owner of the Lada Vesta notices unclear gear shifting, as well as hum and vibration in the gearbox. The oil change process (draining and filling) usually takes 30-40 minutes.


Lada Vesta is a popular domestic car, which is quite in demand both in the Russian Federation and in the markets of the CIS countries. Thanks to the close cooperation of AvtoVAZ with the Renault-Nissan alliance, this model combines the latest automotive technologies, has a modern interior and exterior design, as well as reliability and quality at an affordable price.

At the same time, to increase the service life of all components and assemblies, like any other car, Lada Vesta also needs regular and high-quality maintenance. Moreover, it is necessary to maintain not only the engine, etc., but also pay attention.

Read in this article

Replacing fluid in manual transmission Lada Vesta

On a warm Lada Vesta we drive onto a pit or lift. The used liquid must be drained immediately, because when it cools down it becomes more viscous and leaks worse.

  • First, we de-energize the Lada by removing the terminal from the battery;
  • We remove attachments that obstruct the path to the filler hole: air filter, pipes;
  • We unscrew either the control plug with a size 17 wrench, or the reverse switch, having first removed the wires from it (wrench 22). The location of the switch is more convenient for filling oil.
  • We go down, dismantle the technological hole for draining the oil from the gearbox or completely remove the engine protection (key 14 or 17);
  • We substitute a container for “working off” with a volume of 2.5 liters (2.2 to be precise);
  • Using a 17 wrench, unscrew the drain plug in the crankcase;
  • We wait for some time, let the liquid drain completely;
  • Screw the plug into place;
  • We insert a hose with a clean funnel into the switch or control hole, change the oil to the lower edge of the control plug or, more simply, until lubricant flows out of it;
  • After all the manipulations, close all the holes and check them for leaks. Then we install the protection in place. We remount the VF Frets, the removed pipes and terminals.

Is it necessary to flush the Lada Vesta gearbox?

If you follow all the rules for operating the car, flushing the Lada Vesta gearbox will not be required. This procedure may only be required in the following cases:

  • After running in the gearbox. You can remove the effects of break-in by simply replacing the lubricant. But if you do additional flushing, the crankcase will be much cleaner and, if not 100%, then 90% clear of old oil and chips.
  • It is also a good idea to flush when changing the brand of engine oil. The fact is that different manufacturers use their own set of additives, which can enter into a chemical reaction with additives in other brands of oils. The result of this reaction is a residue that interferes with the normal functioning of the lubricant.
  • The last and most appropriate use for flushing is the accidental use of counterfeit oil. If unsuitable or low-quality oil was poured into the box, flushing may be required.

You cannot use aggressive washes again. The fact is that they lift old dirt from the parts, which is not removed through the drain plug.

As a result, contamination or deposits, which could have stood in one place until the transmission was repaired, will circulate through the mechanism and cause harm in every possible way, scratching parts.

Selection of engine oil for the Lada Vesta engine

So, this model has two domestically produced engines. We are talking about a gasoline 16-valve power unit with a capacity of 106 hp. (factory index 21129) and a more powerful version with 122 hp. (engine 21179). Both the first and second types of power units are modern developments. In fact, the internal combustion engine on the Vesta model resembles those engines that global manufacturers install in budget models and middle-class cars.

Although the power units on the Lada Vesta are naturally aspirated, they are forced and quite high-speed. Taking this information into account, it becomes clear that the requirements for motor oil will also increase

It is also important to understand that even after determining what kind of oil was poured into the Lada Vesta engine from the factory, this does not mean that the same lubricant needs to be poured further. Let's figure it out. As you know, modern engine oils are all-season and can be mineral, semi-synthetic and synthetic

The package of active additives used by a particular manufacturer also plays a big role and has a strong influence on the properties of the oil.

As you know, modern engine oils are all-season and can be mineral, semi-synthetic and synthetic. The package of active additives used by a particular manufacturer also plays a big role and has a strong influence on the properties of the oil.

In a nutshell, “mineral oil” is made from oil and is a natural base, synthetics are a product of high-tech synthesis, and semi-synthetics are a mixture of mineral and synthetic oils in certain proportions.

Mineral mala is the cheapest to produce. However, they have a number of disadvantages compared to synthetics. First of all, the mineral base ages quickly. Also, “mineral water” gets stuck at sub-zero temperatures, which impairs pumpability during a cold start and thereby increases wear on the internal combustion engine.

After the engine warms up, mineral oils also have poorer resistance to heat and retention of properties at high temperatures. Synthetic oils do not have such disadvantages, but their cost is much higher. To improve the characteristics of the oil and reduce the price, manufacturers offer the best option in the form of semi-synthetics.

You can also use hydrocracking oils, which are made from petroleum, but due to complex processing they are similar in properties to synthetics and have a more affordable price. As you can see, it is better not to use cheap mineral oil in Vesta engines. If you still managed to select such an oil based on viscosity, then it needs to be changed twice as often as semi-synthetics or hydrocracking (every 5 thousand km versus 8-10 thousand).

Let's move on. The most important parameter of engine oil is its viscosity-temperature characteristics. As a rule, mineral lubricants usually do not have the characteristics recommended by the manufacturer of the Lada Vesta car. More precisely, the manufacturer in this matter clearly defines SAE5W30 oils for cold regions or SAE5W40 for areas where temperatures are quite high in summer.

Article on the topic: Wheel alignment: what is it?

In other words, it is optimal to pour only high-quality semi-synthetics or hydrocracking into a 16-valve engine. As for expensive fully synthetic PAO oils, they can also be filled in, however, the use of such products in the Vesta engine is not economically feasible.

By the way, 5W30 and 5W40 oils are also filled at the factory. The declared properties, viscosity and fluidity parameters of these lubricants, taking into account temperature fluctuations from -35 / +35 degrees Celsius, are well suited for almost all regions of the Russian Federation and European countries. AvtoVAZ representatives also recommend using domestically produced oils for Vesta engines: Lukoil or Rosneft.

These concerns have the necessary approvals from AvtoVAZ, which guarantees compatibility of the oil with these types of engines. If you look at analogues, it is better to choose from 5W30 or 5 W40 oils (adjusted for summer and winter temperatures in the region where the vehicle is operated).

As for the brand, it is quite possible to fill the Lada Vesta with Shell, Liqui Moly, Mobil, Motul, Castrol, Zic, etc. oil. When choosing a lubricant, the car owner himself takes into account the cost of the oil, personal preferences and a number of other factors.

As practice shows, oils from different manufacturers from a common price category are often very similar in properties. The main thing is to change the oil and oil filter in a timely manner, and also not to accidentally fill the engine with a low-grade fake. Oil of any brand should be purchased only from trusted points of sale.

Oil in the box of Kalina, Grants, Priors

On the VAZ conveyor for manual transmissions, transmission oil is used from various manufacturers, including: Lukoil, Rosneft, TNK and the French Elf. However, as in the case of the engine, only the assembler on the assembly line can say absolutely exactly which car has which oil. Some car owners prefer to change the factory oil from the Lada box to the transmission oil they trust.

AvtoVAZ recommends the following transmission oils for use in manual transmissions of Kalinas, Grants and Prioras:

For automatic transmissions of Lada Kalina 2 and Grant (automatic transmission manufactured by Nissan (Jatco)), AvtoVAZ provides Genuine EJ-1 ATF oil (supplier JX Nippon Oil and Energy Corporation).

Note: Genuine EJ-1 ATF gear oil substitutes can be used, but in this case no one guarantees proper operation of the automatic transmission.

By the way, any inexpensive oil for VAZ automatic transmissions can be ordered on the website >>>

The best synthetic oils for Lada Vesta

Synthetic oil can provide maximum protection for all engine components. It retains all its best characteristics both in hot weather and in severe frost. Experts recommend pouring the following products into the Lada Vesta engine.

Castrol Edge 5W-30

Rating: 4.9

The Castrol Edge 5W-30 synthetic oil stands out from its competitors with the most durable film. The German manufacturer managed to achieve this effect thanks to the successful implementation of Titanium FST technology. Reliable protection of engine parts is ensured even under high loads. Experts note the wear resistance of the product, so the most important properties of the oil are maintained throughout the entire service life. In winter, the viscosity remains stable even in severe frost (-30°C). Experts recommend using this motor oil in Lada Vesta for those who like to drive fast. Castrol Edge 5W-30 wins our ranking.

Motorists note an improvement in acceleration dynamics, some even found savings in gasoline. Only the sound of the running engine becomes different.

  • durable film;
  • wear resistance;
  • stable viscosity;
  • fuel economy.

not detected.

SHELL Helix Ultra ECT 5W-30

Rating: 4.8

SHELL Helix Ultra ECT 5W-30 engine oil is popular among Russian motorists. It is recommended for many models of passenger cars, including the Lada Vesta. Experts highly appreciate the all-season nature of the lubricant; it protects the engine equally well in both summer and winter. Optimally suitable for young cars with mileage up to 120 thousand km. The manufacturer managed to develop a balanced composition of additives, which contains anti-corrosion, frost-resistant, anti-foaming and other components. The product becomes the silver medalist in our rating.

In reviews, car enthusiasts praise SHELL Helix Ultra ECT synthetics for their good quality, preservation of technical parameters throughout the entire service life, and lack of waste. But a large number of fakes prevented this material from becoming our TOP material.


Rating (2021): 4.73

The most affordable for CVTs The price of 1 liter of this oil is 200 rubles lower than the next ranking position. If the box is completely replaced, the difference will be 1,400 rubles.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 901 rub./l

  • Country: Japan

Synthetic Japanese oil for continuously variable transmissions is liked by drivers for its combination of performance and affordable cost. This is the most affordable fluid of NS-3 specification, which is required for Lada Vesta Jatco JF015E CVTs. It reliably protects gears, drive chains, bearings and seals under high temperature and high pressure conditions. Drivers note that with this oil the variator operates smoothly and silently. It retains its performance characteristics for a very long time and extends the life of the gearbox. The manufacturer claims that under normal operating conditions, the oil does not need to be changed at all. But still, most drivers play it safe and fill in a new one after 60-80 thousand km. The only drawback of the product is the lack of recommendations from the box manufacturer for its use.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Affordable price
  • Excellent box protection
  • Smooth and silent operation of the variator
  • Lasts a long time
  • No manufacturer recommendations Jatco

See also:

  • 5 best pump companies for Lada Vesta

Technical characteristics of popular Liqui Moly oils

Since the company’s product range is very extensive and continues to expand, it makes sense to provide a description of the features and technical characteristics of the most popular oils for different types of transmissions.

Hochleistungs-Getriebeoil 75W80

Hochleistungs-Getriebeoil 75W80 oil is intended for use in robotic preselective gearboxes. Provides quick engagement and disengagement of friction clutches, optimal functioning of hydraulic servos, high-quality lubrication of synchronizers, gears and other transmission parts. Features of Hochleistungs-Getriebeoil 75W80 liquid:

  1. almost ideal viscosity-temperature properties;
  2. excellent shear stability;
  3. high wear resistance;
  4. excellent antioxidant properties, resistance to aging.


  • viscosity index at a temperature of 40° C – 33.00 mm2/s;
  • viscosity index at 100° C – 6.85 mm2/s;
  • viscosity index at a temperature of -40° C – no more than 20,000 mPas;
  • ignition temperature – 200° C;
  • critical crystallization temperature – minus 48° C.

Top Tec MTF 75W80

Top Tec MTF 75W80 oil is used in mechanical gearboxes, power take-off units and transfer cases. Recommended for use in manual transmissions from most well-known car manufacturers. It is characterized by a high degree of protection of transmission components from wear.

Features of Top Tec MTF 75W80 fluid:

  • ensuring fuel efficiency;
  • excellent anti-corrosion properties;
  • resistance to high loads;
  • decent viscosity-temperature parameters;
  • ensuring optimal operation of synchronizers.


  • viscosity index at a temperature of 40° C – 53.60 mm2/s;
  • viscosity index at 100° C – 9.30 mm2/s;
  • viscosity index at a temperature of -40° C – no more than 150,000 mPas;
  • ignition temperature – 202° C;
  • critical crystallization temperature – minus 45° C.

Getriebeoil 85W90

Getriebeoil 85W90 is a GL4 class mineral transmission fluid intended for use in manual transmissions of trucks and passenger vehicles. It is characterized by the use of base mineral components of the highest quality and a complex of additives and modifiers that ensure clear and fast gear shifting.

Features of Getriebeoil 85W90 oil:

  • possibility of use in gearboxes with all types of bevel and cylindrical gears;
  • full compatibility with all modern seals;
  • all-season use.


  • viscosity index at a temperature of 40° C – 197.00 mm2/s;
  • viscosity index at 100° C – 17.60 mm2/s;
  • viscosity index at a temperature of -12° C – no more than 150,000 mPas;
  • ignition temperature – 220° C;
  • critical crystallization temperature – minus 15° C.

Hypoid-Getriebeoil TDL 75W90

Transmission oil Hypoid-Getriebeoil TDL 75W90 is a semi-synthetic fluid designed for filling into manual transmissions of passenger and heavy vehicles, drive axle gearboxes and transfer cases. It features high-quality protection of transmission parts from wear and ensures clear and fast gear shifting.

Features of Hypoid-Getriebeoil TDL 75W90 fluid:

  • wide range of temperature conditions;
  • ability to provide high temperature and viscosity stability;
  • Possibility of use in highly loaded transmissions.

Technical characteristics of gear oil Liqui Moly 75w90 Hypoid-Getriebeoil TDL:

  • viscosity index at a temperature of 40° C – 81.20 mm2/s;
  • viscosity index at 100° C – 14.20 mm2/s;
  • ignition temperature – 180° C;
  • critical crystallization temperature – minus 43° C.

Hochleistungs-Getriebeoil 80W90

Hochleistungs-Getriebeoil 80W90 is a synthetic fluid of class GL-4/5, intended for filling into manual transmissions of passenger cars, including models in which the transmission is coupled to the final drive. The oil ensures clear and fast gear shifting and effective protection of transmission parts from wear.

Liqui Moly Hochleistungs-Getriebeoil 80w90 gear oil has the following special properties:

  • excellent temperature-viscosity properties;
  • effective protective action against corrosion and wear;
  • possibility of use in highly loaded transmissions;
  • easy gear shifting.


  • viscosity index at a temperature of 40° C – 77.00 mm2/s;
  • viscosity index at 100° C – 14.00 mm2/s;
  • viscosity index at a temperature of -40° C – no more than 150,000 mPas;
  • ignition temperature – 215° C;
  • critical crystallization temperature – minus 42° C.

Useful tips for choosing gear oil

Over the years of its life, LADA VESTA had 3 types of engines and different types of transmissions (5-speed manual, 5-speed robotic and CVT). The oil should be selected depending on the type of transmission.

You need to buy liquid taking into account the viscosity class corresponding to the region. If you subtract 40 from the first number of the code, you get the minimum air temperature at which you can count on stable engine starting. 85W-90 is the best option for northern regions; for the middle and southern regions, for example, 75W-80 is suitable.

For the continuously variable transmission, the factory recommends synthetic working fluid NISSAN NS-3. If a different type of oil is used, the warranty does not apply to the variator. However, the warranty period for the Jatco transmission is 3 years or 100 thousand km. For this period, the factory fill may be enough, and after that you can safely fill in any liquid with suitable characteristics. Moreover, there are many high-quality analogues on the market.

When compiling the rating, we took into account customer reviews of Yandex.Market and the Ozone online store.

Flushing the gearbox

Not all car enthusiasts share the opinion that it is necessary to flush the transmission when changing the fluid. The manufacturer does not directly indicate the need in the operating instructions, but implies this procedure.

Service station technicians advise flushing the transmission constantly, especially if maintenance deadlines are not met or if there is long-term operation. The transmission oil changes color to dark, metal particles and waste products appear in the composition.

The flushing process is similar to replacing fluid in a manual transmission:

  1. We place the machine on a hydraulic lift and drain the waste.
  2. Through the control hole, fill in a volume of 1.5 liters of flushing, no more.
  3. We start the engine, engage first and second gear for 10 - 15 minutes.
  4. We drain the waste and fill in new oil.

Why do you need to change transmission fluid?

Lada Vesta transmission oil consists of a petroleum base and special additives, which, over time, not only cease to perform their intended functions, but also disintegrate. This process is accelerated by an aggressive driving style, abrupt or untimely gear shifting. “Waste” oil ceases to protect the parts of the Vesta gearbox and cool friction pairs. In addition, metal shavings settling at the bottom are carried throughout the mechanism, which can contribute to the occurrence of scuffing and rapid wear of the main pair.

It is recommended to change the transmission fluid on domestic Lada gearboxes once every five years, or, with active driving, every 75,000 km. If the lubricant has not been changed for too long, the gearbox should be flushed before adding fresh oil.

Oil for different VAZ models

It must be said that the AvtoVAZ plant specializes in the production of various car models, but with structurally very similar engines that differ only in the number of valves and volume. Therefore, recommendations for choosing oil will be relevant for all Lada models with the same type of engine.

Today, VAZ engines come in volumes of 1.4, 1.6, 1.8 liters (8 or 16 valves), which are installed on the following models:

  • Granta
  • Kalina
  • Priora
  • Vesta
  • X-ray

Note: Since the Lada Largus is, in fact, a Renault Logan car, but with a slightly modified appearance and with a Lada nameplate on the hood, it will not take part in our review.

More information about the same type of engines installed on Lada models can be found in the table:

The best semi-synthetic oils for Lada Vesta

After the warranty period expires, you can switch to semi-synthetic oil. It has proven itself well in European winter conditions, when the air temperature in winter rarely drops below -20°C. Experts have selected several suitable motor oils.

SHELL Helix HX7 10W-40

Rating: 4.9

SHELL Helix HX7 10W-40 semi-synthetic product deserved the most flattering words from experts. It combines affordability with a long service life. If most competitors manage to make semi-synthetic oil with a service life of 5 thousand km, then SHELL Helix HX7 can be changed after 7 thousand km. The advantages of the lubricant include maintaining fluidity at low temperatures. The product received all these properties thanks to the combination of a synthetic and mineral base. It should also be noted that there are unique detergent additives that keep the Lada Vesta engine perfectly clean.

Semi-synthetics win our rating for durability, versatility of use and reasonable price. You should only buy it from trusted suppliers due to the presence of counterfeit products on the market.

  • acceptable price;
  • unique recipe;
  • wear resistance;
  • excellent cleaning ability.

there are fakes.

Castrol Magnatec 10W-40 R

Rating: 4.8

When developing semi-synthetic oil Castrol Magnatec 10W-40 R, the British manufacturer was guided by Russian climatic conditions. This approach did not go unnoticed by our experts, who recommend using the product in Lada Vesta. The low thickening temperature deserves special praise; even at -35°C the lubricating fluid retains its fluidity. Numerous tests have confirmed the frost resistance of the material, for which it occupies the second line of our rating.

Motorists from Russia appreciated the affordable price, resistance to low temperatures, and high-quality manufacturing. But this petroleum product is also actively counterfeited, so it is best to buy oil from trusted sellers.

  • reasonable price;
  • adaptation to the Russian climate;
  • frost resistance;
  • quality production.

a lot of counterfeit products.

TOTAL Quartz 7000 10W40

Rating: 4.7

Semi-synthetic oil TOTAL Quartz 7000 10W40 is popular among domestic motorists. This lubricant is poured into engines of gasoline and diesel cars. The product was developed taking into account modern requirements; it is suitable when using unleaded gasoline and liquefied gas. Experts highly appreciated the stability of viscosity in heat and cold, the preservation of technical parameters under different riding styles. Excellent dispersing properties keep the heart of the machine clean. TOTAL Quartz 7000 takes an honorable third place in our ranking.

Russian car owners praise French oil for its affordable price, endurance and durability. It is not recommended to pour it into old engines, as there is significant waste.

  • affordable price;
  • endurance;
  • durability;
  • versatility.

waste on old engines.

LUKOIL Genesis Advanced 10W-40

Rating: 4.6

Russian oil LUKOIL Genesis Advanced 10W-40 is intended for all-season vehicle operation. It is developed based on synthetic technologies and is suitable for gasoline and diesel engines. The product is suitable for both the domestic Lada Vesta and a wide range of foreign cars. Experts note reliable wear protection, increased additive content, and excellent cleaning properties. Of particular interest to Russian motorists is its excellent pumpability at low temperatures. In this indicator, the lubricating fluid is many times superior to its famous competitors.

Semi-synthetics stopped one step away from the top three. Motorists have discovered such a drawback as the appearance of a knocking sound in hydraulic compensators when the engine is warm.

Top 3. ZIC GFT

Rating (2021): 4.78

The most popular This synthetic oil for manual transmissions has collected significantly more reviews (307) than the rest of our ratings due to its performance characteristics and reasonable price.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 780 rub./l

  • Country: South Korea
  • Type: synthetic
  • API Standard: GL-4/5

ZIC produces transmissions based on its own synthetic base oil Yubase and polyalphaolefins. Extreme pressure oil additives ensure stable operation even under extreme loads. The low freezing point allows Lada Vesta drivers to count on smooth switching even at minus 35. The oil has thermal-oxidative stability and retains its properties for a long time under high-temperature loads. Car owners like the combination of price and characteristics of ZIC oil. True, there are isolated reviews that complain that after some time the box begins to howl. Most likely, their authors came across a fake.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Wide temperature range
  • Reasonable price
  • High quality
  • You can find a fake

Replacing fluid in automatic transmission robot Lada Vesta

We drive 5-10 km; We fix Vesta on an overpass, inspection hole or lift; We remove the technological hole or protection of the vehicle’s internal combustion engine; We disconnect the battery terminals, the clamps of the air pipes, and remove the air filter to the side; We unscrew the transmission fluid control plug of the car’s automatic transmission; We take a container for old oil with a volume of more than 2.5 liters; Using a size 8 square wrench, unscrew the drain plug with the rubber seal; We drain the liquid completely, to do this you should wait a little; Screw the plug into the drain hole; Using a clean 20 mm long hose and a funnel, pour transmission oil to the lower mark of the Vesta control window

Please note that the lubricant that is poured into the Lada robot is different from the mechanics; We install the level control plug in place; We assemble the attachments and put the car engine protection in place.

Vesta engine oil

What kind of oil should I put in the gearbox? The plant uses TM-4-12 SAE 76W-85 GL-4 fluid. This semi-synthetic fluid is all-season, and it also contains additives of imported origin. The operating temperature range of the lubricant is: minus 40 to – plus 45°C, and the filling volume is 2.2 liters.

Here are a couple more options for suitable lubricants:

  • "TRANSELF NFJ 75W-80";
  • "Hochleistungs-Getriebeoil 75W-90".

Important! Incorrectly selected and filled oil will cause breakdowns in the switching mechanism. A liquid of a higher category (in terms of viscosity and other properties), if it is not applicable to a specific unit, will cause harm to it.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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