VAZ 2114: replacing the thermostat with your own hands (how to check, which one to choose, signs of malfunction)

The thermostat is an important element in the engine cooling system. It is responsible for warming up the engine during startup, as well as maintaining the temperature within normal limits. Replacing the VAZ 2114 thermostat is required if problems arise with long engine warm-up or boiling.

This video clearly demonstrates the process of replacing the thermostat on a VAZ 2114:

Let's figure out how to identify the malfunction of this part, how to change the thermostat with your own hands and what we need in the process of repairing the car.

Signs of a thermostat failure

In the cooling system, liquid circulates in a small and large circle. During startup, the liquid flows through a small circuit, which prevents it from cooling. At an injection engine temperature of 87 degrees, the thermostat opens and releases antifreeze through the full circuit. When it rises to 102 degrees, the element releases liquid through the radiator, which cools it even more.

When the operation of the mechanism is disrupted, the valve fails and jams in only one position, respectively, the motor either cannot heat up to the required temperature or overheats.

What is it and how does it work

As you understand, the thermostat is a component of the cooling system of a car engine.

In short, the task of this element is to open and close the path for the movement of fluid that flows through a small or large circle.

The operation of the device is based on a physical phenomenon. Namely, on the expansion of the liquid when it is heated. The thermostat has a rather simple device, although in fact it is a sensor and an actuator in one bottle. It consists of a cylinder which is filled with a waxy liquid, powdered copper, aluminum and graphite. There is also a rod located inside the cylinder and a pair of spring-loaded valves. One valve is for the main (large) one, and the second is for the small circle of circulation of the cooling liquid.

During operation, this element is constantly exposed to the liquid that washes it. Heat is transferred to the contents of the cylinder.

When heating occurs, the wax in the cylinder expands, the rod is squeezed out along with the valve, marking the small circle. Thus, the small circulation circle is blocked, and the liquid begins to pass through the engine radiator, and not just through the stove radiator.

How to check the thermostat on a VAZ 2114?

There are several methods for diagnosing a thermostat:

  1. We start the engine and let it run for 5-10 minutes. Then we open the hood and touch the upper and lower pipes going to the radiator. If they have approximately the same temperature, then the part is working properly. When one of the pipes is cold, the part is faulty.

  2. We start the engine and hold on to the upper pipe. When operating properly, the hose will remain cold until the temperature reaches 87-90 degrees, at which point it will begin to heat up.
  3. You can remove the thermostat and immerse it in a container of water. Then they begin to heat the water, controlling its temperature. When the water heats up to a temperature of 85-90 degrees, the valve should open.

Why and when do you need to change the thermostat?

There are several reasons for a part to break. The most common is corrosion. In other cases, the part jams in the open or closed position. In the first option, the engine overheats, and in the second, it takes more time to warm up.

However, before a complete breakdown, signs appear indicating the presence of problems:

  • transition of the sensor arrow to the red zone;
  • poor interior heating in the cold season;
  • sticking of the pass valve, as a result of which the engine remains cold;
  • frequent occurrence of a situation where the engine overheats.

Which thermostat should you choose?

First of all, you should look at the material from which the spare part is made. A common cause of failure is corrosion. Chinese manufacturers make products from cheap materials that only superficially resemble stainless steel. It is impossible to check the device upon purchase, so try to rely on reviews from other car enthusiasts.

Many people prefer to install their own VAZ thermostat, the price of which is about 1000 rubles; they last quite a long time and last about 100,000 km. You can also consider purchasing the following manufacturers:

  • WEEN – 450 rubles;
  • GATES – 550 rubles;
  • VERNET – 650 rubles.

They have proven themselves to be one of the high-quality analogue models on the market. It is not worth saving on a thermostat, as this can lead to overheating of the motor, which will subsequently require a complete overhaul of the engine.

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The engine does not warm up to operating temperatures

Oddly enough, these are also common signs of a thermostat malfunction. "Kalina" is also susceptible to this phenomenon. If the valve is stuck in the open position, the fluid constantly circulates in a large circle. The car will take a long time to warm up.

Even while driving, the engine temperature will not exceed 60 degrees. As you can see, overheating is not the main sign of a thermostat malfunction. VAZ classic models are no exception. The motor must operate within its range. Otherwise, the oil viscosity, film properties and valve clearances change. The engine is subject to increased loads.

Replacement process

When moving on to the replacement process, make sure that you have prepared everything you need. It is better to replace the thermostat on a VAZ 2114 according to the following points:

  1. We remove the air filter housing to gain good access to the location of the element.
  2. Disconnect the expansion barrel and drain all the liquid from it. It would be best to drain the antifreeze into a clean container, which will allow you to reuse it, of course, if it is in good condition.
  3. Loosen the cooling system hoses and remove them.

  4. Remove the old thermostat. If dismantling is difficult, you can rock it a little.
  5. We clean the old sealant from the installation site, then apply a new one. Then we install a new gasket.

Operating principle

By design, a thermostat is a fairly simple device that serves to redistribute the circulation of liquid over small or large cooling circles depending on its temperature.

The standard 2114 thermostat, installed from the factory, includes the following parts:

  • frame;
  • bypass valve spring;
  • bypass valve;
  • main valve spring;
  • main valve;
  • pipes;
  • piston with holder;
  • temperature sensitive element.

The latter, in fact, is the key to the entire operation of the thermostat. So, after starting the engine, the coolant in the system heats up and, with the main valve closed, begins to circulate in a small circle, passing through the thermostat and heating the sensitive element (which, in turn, begins to expand and put pressure on the valve).

At the moment when the coolant reaches a temperature of 87 C, the valve opens slightly and coolant begins to flow into a large circle. And when the liquid reaches a temperature of 102 C, the valve opens completely and all circulation begins to flow in a large circle (through the radiator).

Thermostat circuit

In turn, after the engine of the machine is turned off and the liquid in the system begins to cool, the thermoelement will begin to compress and the valve will return to its original position under the action of the return spring.

But, sometimes it happens that for one reason or another (wear, damage, manufacturing defects) the VAZ 2114 thermostat becomes stuck in one position or another. In this situation, either the engine warms up for an extremely long time or, conversely, it can overheat very quickly.

The latter is especially dangerous because it can cause serious damage and even destruction to the engine, resulting in the need for major repairs.

Installing a thermostat from Grants for VAZ 2114

At low temperatures, the original thermostat cannot always cope with warming up the interior.
The cooling system of front-wheel drive versions of cars was not modernized for a long time, and they started working on it after the production of the Samara generation. In such cases, installing a Granta thermostat helps, but how? If we look at the connection diagram for the heater radiator in a VAZ 2114, we can see that in a small circle no coolant passes through it. This means that while the engine is warming up, the car interior does not heat up until the element switches to full circuit operation. When installing a thermostat from Granta, we connect the heater radiator in series, not in parallel, and the interior will begin to receive heat evenly as the engine heats up. In addition, heat removal from the motor increases, which reduces the risk of boiling. You can learn more about the process of installing a thermostat in this video: Don’t worry when you are faced with the question of how to replace the thermostat on a VAZ 2114 (8 valves). In this case, you can repair the car yourself, without contacting specialized services. Maintenance takes place in a couple of hours and without much labor, excluding draining the liquid, since the process is not the cleanest. When choosing a replacement part, purchase an original spare part if you have doubts about analog brands. And don’t save money, since the cooling system is an important part in the operation of a car engine. When it fails, there is a chance of the engine overheating, and the saved 300-400 rubles can turn into a major engine overhaul costing 10,000 rubles and more.

Radiator clogged

The radiator can be clogged from the outside and inside. External contamination is associated with dust and other debris, as well as insects, entering the honeycombs. This worsens heat transfer and is manifested by frequent operation of the fan and a long operating time.

Clogged engine radiator honeycomb

A good high pressure washer solves the problem. If the radiator has been in use for a long time, the car cools and heats up worse due to deformation of the honeycombs. You can “cure” this problem by replacing the radiator.

The radiator rarely clogs from the inside. This usually occurs due to poor quality antifreeze, driving on water, or as a “side effect” of radiator sealants. The presence of this problem is indicated by the coolant: it becomes cloudy, oil stains and solid particles are visible in it. Flushing the cooling system of the VAZ 2114 is carried out by completely draining the antifreeze with distilled water with the addition of radiator cleaning agents.

According to statistics, three-quarters of the answers to the question why the engine of the “four” heats up are associated with one of the malfunctions listed above. You can diagnose and eliminate them yourself without involving the services of a car service. If none of the above methods solves the problem, it is better to contact a specialist for diagnosis.

Other reasons for overheating of the VAZ-2114:

  • dashboard malfunction;
  • pump malfunction;
  • Leaking cylinder head gasket.


Repairing the thermostat is possible in some cases. There are often cases when, by tapping a wrench on the thermostat body, it is possible to move a stuck valve. However, after this it is necessary to change the thermostat, since the valve may soon freeze again.

There are also complaints about this part of the cooling system from owners of VAZ 2113 and VAZ 2115, since the same thermostat model is used. After the release of the “native” one, the owners rush to search for a more reliable spare part. Which thermostat for VAZ 2114 is better to buy today? Products from WAHLER, Vernet, GATES are popular. Spare parts from China have proven to be unreliable and do not stand up to criticism. If you look at how much a thermostat costs, you can see that the price ranges from 300 to 600 rubles. When purchasing, pay special attention to the opening temperature. On branded products it is stamped on the body.

Do I need to drain antifreeze when replacing a thermostat?

Hello dear friends! This is what happened to me the other day... Driving home from work, a fan literally turned on in the yard of my house. As usual, I park slowly and wait for it to turn off. But a minute later the temperature did not drop, but instead rose another degree! Hmmmm(((strange, I open the hood without turning off and look! Visually everything is in order, I touch the pipes on the radiator, the supply is hot and the return is cold! And everything immediately became clear! The thermostat is stuck!

Without wasting any time, I went shopping. The closest ones contained only LUZAR thermostats, which I did not approve of. ( After purchasing a stove faucet from this company, which served me for a year. And after reading many reviews about this Chinese crap. I firmly decided that there should be no parts from this company on my car!

) In one of them I was advised to replace only the thermoelement itself. I had already seen them on sale before, but somehow I was not trusting of them. I took it completely assembled! But since this is already the third thermostat for 136 thousand mileage, and it went out only 25 thousand when its brothers were nursing: 1) The factory one jammed at 76 thousand 2) The Bautler company went out 35 thousand. There was still a worker, but the temperature changed sharply at times ! It began to work somehow strangely, as if it was jammed either open or closed.

3) Elekton companies, also most likely China!

Hello everybody. Please tell me, when replacing the thermostat (7aFe), is it necessary to drain the coolant from the radiator and block, or only from the radiator, or not to drain it at all? I read on the forum that when replacing the thermostat, min 150-200g max 1-1.5 liters are poured out, so don’t bother draining the coolant, but just then top it up to the level? And the second question is how not to air the system? Thank you in advance.

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The system will not become airy. If you don’t drain the coolant from the engine block and radiator, then yes, 1.5-2 liters will spill out. Then you can top it up and that’s it. But if you don’t want to pour antifreeze on the ground, then you need to drain a liter (approximately) from the radiator, but you also need to pour a liter (approximately) from the engine block.

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