MT gearbox what is it: Transmission type 5MT what is it – AutoTop

Automated manual transmission, or AMT for short, is quickly conquering the market and is in great demand among consumers. What helped the box gain popularity was its ease of use and comfort when driving a vehicle.

Car manufacturers also pay a lot of attention to the mechanism and rely on further use and improvement of the box. It's all about a large number of positive nuances, these are: simplicity and reliability of the design, relatively small dimensions and weight, low production price and the main feature is decent fuel economy. It is no coincidence that this type of box is actively installed on Lada cars produced by AvtoVAZ PJSC.

How does the robot box behave?

Operating principle of robotic boxes

the gears are absolutely the same.
The only difference is that servos—actuators—are responsible for closing/opening the clutch and selecting gears in the “ robot
.” Most often this is a stepper electric motor with a gearbox and an actuator. ... Then the first one smoothly releases the clutch.

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Design and principle of operation

Many users do not fully understand the operating principle of the robotic box, considering it a complex mechanism. Structurally, the Lada 5 AMT gearbox is nothing more than a 5-speed manual gearbox, controlled by electronics.

So, let’s look at what 5 AMT is in detail. A detailed examination of the box produced by AvtoVAZ PJSC indicates that a standard mechanical-type automated transmission scheme is used using one disc in the friction clutch design.

The layout looks like this:

  • Box clutch;
  • Variable gearbox, mechanical type;
  • Gearbox and clutch drives;
  • Box control module.

A special device, mechatronics, is responsible for controlling the gears. Since it is a set of control elements in the form of sensors and electronics, the design does not provide mechanical connections for shifting gears.

It includes:

  • Variable gearbox speed sensor on the input shaft;
  • Gearbox mode control selector;
  • An actuator that controls gear shifting and clutch release;
  • Gearbox controller.

The gearbox operates in one of two modes: automatic and semi-automatic. Receiving information from sensors, in automatic mode the box changes gears without driver intervention. Gears are switched using software and signals from the control module. In manual mode, gears are changed by the driver using the shift lever. Move forward, upshift, move backward, downshift.

Advantages and disadvantages

Comparing the transmission with other representatives of automatic transmissions, we can highlight both positive and negative features of the box.

Advantages of the 5 AMT unit:

  • Reduced fuel consumption, performance comparable to a 5 MT manual transmission;
  • Low cost of spare parts and labor in case of gearbox repair;
  • The design of the box allows you to tow the car using a cable or a rigid hitch;
  • If the battery loses power, the box allows you to start the car from a pusher;
  • The friction disc and gearbox lubricants are designed for the entire service life of the product;
  • Protection of the box from incorrect switching, which avoids damage;
  • The box has automatic and manual gear shifting;
  • Smooth operation of the gas pedal facilitates the transition from gear to gear without jerks or failures;
  • Switching occurs in a short period of time, within 120 ms;
  • The presence of an automatic algorithm that allows you to start moving the machine while on an inclined surface.

How it works

The easiest way to explain the principle of operation of this unit is to use the example of a manual gearbox. In essence, a manual gearbox is a multi-stage reduction gearbox assembled using a three-shaft or, less commonly, two-shaft design. The primary or drive shaft is connected to the flywheel of the internal combustion engine via a clutch. The secondary or driven shaft is rigidly connected to the driveshaft of the vehicle. The third, intermediate, shaft is necessary to transmit speed from the drive shaft to the driven one. The shafts are parallel to each other and assembled in a single housing.

On the drive shaft there is a gear that transmits movement to the intermediate shaft. The intermediate shaft is equipped with a block of dead-mounted gears, often manufactured as a single unit. The driven shaft gears are located in the axle slots or special hubs. Between them there are gear clutches, which rotate together with the shaft, but are able to move along its longitudinal axis. The driven shaft gears and couplings can interact with each other using ring gears on their end surfaces.

When you engage any gear other than reverse, the clutch responsible for engaging it is connected to the corresponding gear and blocks it. Moving as a single unit, the driven shaft transmits rotation to the cardan shaft. The driver of the vehicle imparts forward movement to the clutch by acting on it using the gear shift knob, which interacts with the forks and sliders of the box.

Four-speed gearbox and its operation diagram

  • Input Shaft - Orange
  • Secondary – yellow
  • Intermediate – gray

The alphanumeric designations indicate the gear number and reverse gear. Neutral position and engaging first gear

Five-speed gearbox

A video that demonstrates the principle of operation. » alt=»»>

Which car gearbox is right for you | Fox Drive

Which gearbox on a car is right for you
If you decide to buy a car, but don’t know which gearbox ( gearbox

) to choose or you are simply wondering what is the difference between them, then I hope this article will help you figure it out.
I will not overburden you with the technical side of each type of gearbox
, but I will try to
explain the features of each of them, the pros and cons, and the best operating conditions.

Let's start with an easy theory.

The gearbox
serves to connect the car’s engine to the wheels; it is through it that all power and torque are transmitted.
main types of civilian gearboxes
: mechanical, automatic hydraulic (classic), automatic variator, automatic robotic.

You may also hear the word transmission

, this is another name
for checkpoint

Types of checkpoints

often referred to as:

Manual Transmission (MT)

Which car gearbox is right for you?
Let's start with the simplest and most understandable gearbox


This is the same option with three pedals: gas, brake and clutch, which you need to squeeze every time you want to change gear.
At what speed of all those presented at the checkpoint
to drive is completely under the control of the driver. Modern cars usually have 5-6 speeds.

Every year cars with manual transmission

Selling less and less, because not everyone likes to press the third pedal with the second foot and pull the gearbox handle.
Typically, drivers want to get to their destination calmly and comfortably without thinking about any switching. But of course, there are also car enthusiasts who like to have full control of their car, which is what a manual transmission


The advantages of this type of gearbox

This includes its simplicity and reliability, low maintenance cost, and the ability to tow for a long time without overheating (for example, in snowy yards in winter). And of course, full control of the car’s dynamics for special connoisseurs. Also, one of the advantages is low fuel consumption, but all this is relative, it depends on your driving style, if you turn at maximum torque or at high speeds, there will be no savings.

And constantly driving to save money at low speeds and switching to higher speeds early, in my opinion, can be a little annoying, constantly looking at the tachometer, pressing the pedal and pulling the handle.


The main disadvantage is the inconvenience of use in city mode. In traffic jams, frequent switching can get pretty boring. Also for beginners this checkpoint

may seem difficult to control; press the clutch pedal inaccurately and the car will stall.

Best operating conditions


— is a universal transmission and is suitable for use in any conditions (city, highway, off-road). Another thing is that it won’t be comfortable to drive everywhere, but in terms of reliability it will withstand anything. You can safely tow both the car itself and the cargo on it.

By the way, in the USA, about
95% of cars drive with automatic transmissions , and manual transmissions are considered the lot of fans and professional racers. If you are not one of them, then it is better to choose automatic transmissions .

Automatic hydraulic transmission (AT)

Which gearbox on a car is right for you
? This transmission option already provides the same comfort of movement when you can not be distracted by switching, but completely concentrate on the road. The driver gets much less tired in city traffic compared to MT

on which you need to squeeze the clutch, change gear, smoothly release the clutch while simultaneously pressing the gas pedal.
So many movements! And they will be repeated at every traffic light, with every traffic jam. It's either automatic. I put the selector in “drive” mode and you don’t have to worry about anything. But there is also a manual mode, although it is more simplified compared to manual transmission


Ease of control, many modern cars have a choice of automatic transmission operating modes: eco for fuel economy, normal for normal driving and sport where you can “pile up”, so to speak. The desired operating mode of the engine and automatic transmission

The electronics will support you, all you have to do is step on the gas and steer.

We can also say that, in general, such boxes are quite reliable if used correctly and properly maintained.


The disadvantages include the higher cost of the gearbox

, and ultimately the cars, as well as the cost of maintenance. But I believe that you can pay extra for comfort; as a rule, the amounts are not so significant.

Best operating conditions

It copes well with both the city and the highway, but it’s better to drive more carefully off-road, some gearboxes can overheat, although in general you can skid on it for a short time. Also read the instructions for your car if you want to tow a trailer. If the car itself breaks down, it is better to transport it on a tow truck.

Automatic robotic gearbox (AMT)

Which gearbox on a car is right for you?
The peculiarity of this transmission is that it is essentially mechanical, but the gears themselves are switched by a robot (electronics). In terms of convenience, it is similar to a classic machine gun. You also turn on the drive mode and drive without thinking about switching.

All the features that I write here are related to AMT

with double clutch such as the well-known
Power Shift
This type of robotic gearbox is currently the most advanced in terms of efficiency and shift speed.


Convenience and comfort of control. Faster gear shifting and acceleration compared to MT

High fuel economy, which reaches
compared to other types of transmissions.


The main disadvantage of AMT

is its reliability. Many owners contacted the service with low vehicle mileage, about 50,000 km. Also, the disadvantages include expensive repairs and maintenance of some models of these boxes.

Best operating conditions

I would say that this box is not for city driving with its traffic jams. When driving in the city, the gearbox overheats and its components fail faster.

Also, you should not skid or drag trailers on it.

But the robotic gearbox

feels good on highways where gear changes are rarer and thus the gearbox does not overheat. If the main place where your car is used is on the highway, then you can safely take a car with this transmission.

Automatic transmission CVT (CVT)

Which gearbox on a car is right for you?
The main difference and feature of this gearbox

from others, it is the lack of speeds. This has both its pros and cons. The transmission is also automatic, so you can enjoy driving the car using only two pedals. The best thing about this box will be its pros and cons, so let's get to them.


A car with such a transmission accelerates easily, smoothly, acceleration occurs without the slightest jerks, which can be felt to one degree or another on other types of automatic transmissions, including even the newest ones. Also among the advantages it is worth highlighting fuel economy compared to AT

, better distribution of the load on the engine, which allows you not to overload the power unit and increase its service life.


This type of box has a noticeably shorter service life compared to the same AT

, as well as low maintainability, high maintenance costs and a number of restrictions during operation.
At such a gearbox,
you need to accelerate smoothly, gradually increasing engine speed.

Best operating conditions


it is best suited for urban operation. This is due to the fact that when the engine is at high speeds for a long time, this gearbox is prone to overheating and, accordingly, breakdown. Therefore, cars with CVTs are perfect if most of the time you drive the car in the city where the average speed is much lower than on the highway. CVT is also very sensitive to slipping and additional loads in the form of trailers.

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Non-synchronized manual transmissions

The rotation speeds of the driven shaft gears differ significantly from one another. In this case, when you try to change gear, the clutch simply will not be able to connect with the required gear, and the ring gear will be destroyed. To approximately equalize the rotation speeds of the gear and clutch, a technique called “double squeeze” is used. When shifting to a higher gear, the driver first depresses the clutch, then moves the shift lever to neutral. The intermediate shaft, and therefore the driven one, stops rotating. Then he releases the clutch, squeezes it in and engages the desired gear.

When switching from an upshift to a downshift, the driver must carry out similar manipulations, but at the moment when the gearbox is turned off, the accelerator pedal should be pressed. This technique is called “double squeezing with re-throttle”. Non-synchronized manual transmissions were used in passenger cars until the 40s of the twentieth century. Today they are used exclusively in sports cars, and for the following reasons:

  1. Switching speed is faster than synchronized analogues
  2. Better withstand high impact loads arising during operation

Our verdict

Compared to the previous version, the new AMT has become clearer for the driver and more comfortable for everyone in the car. If you don’t treat the robotic Vesta as a racing car, then your impressions of the car are extremely positive. The robot is still for those who are not in a hurry. Well, for those who are used to driving, there is a manual Lada Vesta Sport.

In the Auto, Motorcycle , to the question: What is the difference between transmissions: 5MTA and 4AT? asked by the author answer is 5MTA - Robotic manual 5-speed gearbox 4AT - four-speed automatic gearbox. Miron Profi (610) 5MTA-Tiptronic in short) Mechanical and automatic, one might say)

On road

On the old winding and half-empty road leading to Krasnaya Polyana, the car also leaves a pleasant impression. There is no former nervousness in his behavior. And most importantly, I don’t have a question whether the box has switched or not yet. Shifts are felt, and they are noticeably smoothed out. Here's a correction: I was in no hurry and drove calmly.

How will AMT behave if you press hard on the gas? In the “gas to the floor” mode, the robot drops two gears. It is noticeable that the transmission now works faster and more logically. Oh, it’s a pity that this version of AMT does not yet have a sports mode key! I would check it too, but such an opportunity will appear later.

Synchronized manual gearboxes

These types of gearboxes are equipped with additional elements - synchronizers. The gears located on the driven shaft have a conical end surface. Between each gear and the shift clutch there is a bronze ring - a synchronizer. Starting to move, the clutch picks up the ring and presses it against the end surface of the gear. Due to friction, the rotation speeds of the gears and couplings are equalized, after which they are finally connected using a ring gear. Today, all modern cars with a 4, 5 or 6-speed manual transmission are equipped with synchronizers.

5 AMT transmission service

According to the manufacturer, the 5 AMT transmission does not require maintenance, its elements are protected from dust and moisture, which in turn has secured the transmission’s reputation as a simple, reliable, trouble-free mechanism.

However, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • Monitor the oil level; mechanical damage to the box may cause it to leak;
  • Adapt the robotic gearbox clutch in a timely manner.

The box is a set of gears controlled by a ZF actuator. The clutch of the box wears out over time and needs to be adjusted to the actuator, this process is called adaptation, it is designed to eliminate jerks and shocks when moving.

Adaptation is carried out:

  • Every 15,000 km of vehicle mileage;
  • In case of clutch replacement;
  • When updating the on-board computer settings.

The process is simple and takes a few minutes: the car is connected to the AvtoVAZ computer through a special diagnostic connector, the electrician turns on the program and directly communicates with the manufacturer’s server. The data is downloaded to the server, after which the engine starts and adaptation occurs within a few seconds.

It is advisable to have the box diagnosed by an official representative, since the work will require special equipment and trained personnel.

Every driver probably remembers the words of his first instructor. “Before you turn the ignition key, make sure the car is in neutral.” This article will discuss the types of gearboxes, their differences from each other, advantages and disadvantages, as well as their scope of application.

On average, the crankshaft of most passenger car engines has operating speeds from 800 to 8000 per minute. At the same time, the peak power occurs at four to five thousand revolutions. Of course, such a range of angular speeds does not meet the operating conditions of any wheeled vehicle in general and passenger cars in particular.

The main purpose of an automobile gearbox is to change the rotation speed, as well as the torque transmitted from the engine crankshaft to the driving wheels of the vehicle. The first unit of this kind was a manual gearbox. There is an opinion that the word “mechanical” ended up in the name of the unit due to a misunderstood abbreviation adopted in English-language technical literature. The letters MT stand for manual transmission, which means “manual, hand-switched transmission,” and not mechanical at all.

Automatic and semi-automatic transmissions

Despite the amazing capabilities of modern gearboxes, their design is based on the same time-tested manual gearbox. The changes affected the drive of the shift clutches and the method of transmitting torque from the engine crankshaft to the drive shaft of the box, but otherwise the scheme remained unchanged.

A separate series of devices are called variators; their principle of operation will be discussed separately. An automatic transmission or automatic transmission consists of a torque converter and a conventional 5 or 6-speed manual gearbox. The role of the torque converter is to smoothly equalize the rotation speeds of the drive and crankshafts. When the desired speed is reached, the lock-up clutch switches the torque converter to fluid coupling mode. The electronic control unit is responsible for the operation of the automatic transmission.

The robotic gearbox is a manual gearbox in which the functions of gear shifting and clutch release are fully automated. The electronic control unit and electromechanical servos cope with the task no worse than a professional racer.

The history of manual transmission development, from Ford T to Bugatti Veyron

Since the appearance of the first car to the present day, designers have used the following types of manual transmissions:

  • A 2-speed planetary gearbox was installed on the famous Ford T, whose production began in 1908.
  • The 3-speed manual transmission appeared in 1920. It existed until the end of the 60s of the twentieth century. Found on rare cars in private collections.
  • The four-speed manual transmission was born only three years later than the three-speed one. But due to the lack of synchronizers, it did not withstand shock loads well when used by an inexperienced driver. Most manufacturers installed a three-speed manual transmission on their cars; a four-speed manual transmission was considered a sports option.

  • The five-speed gearbox appeared in the 70s of the last century, and ten years later it was equipped with the vast majority of passenger cars.
  • 6, 7, 8-speed gearboxes have been developed since 2000, and are currently installed on Elite class cars. For example, a 5-speed gearbox equipped with two additional Overdrive gears is found on the BMW M5.

What cars can it be installed on?

The first car under the Lada Priora brand, equipped with AMT, was released in 2014; the installed gearbox was modified AMT-2182. After running in and finalizing the mechanisms and program elements, automatic manual transmissions began to be equipped with the Lada Granta, this happened in March 2015, and the Lada Vesta, in 2016. The Lada Kalina and Lada Xray cars were equipped with the same gearbox.

Later modifications of the gearboxes are structurally similar to the first gearbox released by the company. The difference lies in the improved program of the latest version, which was developed by the German company ZF Friedrichshafen AG. The principle is based on the use of a new transmission switching algorithm and improved functional logic. AMT has a number of operational features and is characterized as a simple, reliable, economical unit.

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