What is the difference between an AMT transmission box and an AT one, the pros and cons of the designs

AMT gearbox is an automated manual transmission, which occupies a place among automatic transmissions and is a robotic gearbox. Experts in the auto industry have not yet come to a common conclusion which gearbox is the most efficient and can take the honorable first place ahead of the rest: manual or automatic.

Each driver chooses his own option related to a specific situation - what roads the car owner drives on, how often he uses the car, what driving style he prefers. After all, any of the gearboxes has a whole chain of its advantages and negative characteristics. Let's look at why many drivers still prefer a robotic gearbox.

Features of the robot's behavior after running in

As a rule, after running-in, the robot and the driver adapt to each other. The driver already automatically starts the engine from the neutral position of the lever and simultaneously presses the brakes. Gear changes have returned to normal and become shifts without interruption in the power flow or without "jerking".

Some reviews regarding the “behavior” of the robot after running-in recommend not to “fall” on the gas pedal when starting to move, trying to quickly gain speed to switch from the initial speed to the next one. This manipulation does not give the desired effect, however, the transition from second gear to third and subsequent transitions will be carried out much faster, unless, of course, you reduce engine speed by releasing the gas pedal.

In traffic, it is recommended to accelerate within the appropriate gear for the traffic flow, which makes driving as economical as possible. In this case, the gas pedal can be used to control the robot, indicating the engine speed at which switches it needs to make.

Operating modes of the automated box

While driving, the driver can set the gear shift lever to automatic or semi-automatic mode. In the first case, the transmission operates by relying on sensor readings and impulses from the electronic control unit. As for the semi-automatic mode, “Tiptronic” is activated here, which can be found on Mercedes cars with their automatic transmission. There is a plus/minus switch on the gear lever.

Features of the robot's future behavior

At the beginning of 2022, VAZ conducted surveys of users of cars with an AMT robot, probably noticing that many complaints were coming from car owners living in megacities, who are under the threat of regularly getting stuck in traffic jams, where the gearbox shows not entirely favorable “behavior.” And all this is due to the lack of the so-called “creeping mode”.

If we consider the conditions of being stuck in traffic jams, there are only two types of traffic jams:

  1. The first type is a standing traffic jam, where traffic occurs in the mode: drive 5-10 meters and stop. In this mode, judging by the reviews, the gearbox robot behaves quite well: the driver pressed the gas pedal - it moved smoothly and began to move, released the gas pedal - it stopped.
  2. The second type of traffic jam is when the flow of traffic moves at walking speed, where the notorious “creeping mode” is required. In this case, it is difficult for the driver to select the engine speed not in the first gear of the gearbox in order to move synchronously with the flow of cars in a traffic jam, since when adding gas, the gearbox takes a pause while the car is still rolling, and then begins sharp acceleration, while the driver releases the gas pedal and clutch turns off, etc. If you look from the side, the car moves jerkily.

According to yet unconfirmed information, it is precisely this problem of the AMT’s lack of a “creeping mode” that the VAZ developers plan to solve.

The AMT gearbox is not as popular as a manual or automatic transmission, although it combines both types of transmissions. What is it, what types of AMTs are there and how to ride them?

To transmit torque from the engine to the wheels, the car has a special device - a gearbox or transmission.

It can be mechanical, automatic, robotic or CVT.

The first three are stepped, that is, they have the usual first, second and other speeds, the last is stepless and works on a different principle.

The AMT gearbox is installed on many modern cars, including Russian-made cars.

Advanced models of such gearboxes are also found on sports cars.

There is an opinion that in the future AMT will become more widespread than automatic transmissions and will completely replace manual transmissions.

Family of tens

The first models had 1.6 liter engines with 8 valves (in fairness, it is worth noting that there were also 1.5 liter ones). They also did not have very high power (76 horses). But on the other hand, it is familiar and reliable enough for the average population. With the advent of the VAZ 2112, a 16-valve, 1.5-liter engine began to be installed there, which hopelessly bent the valves when the timing belt suddenly broke, for which it was disliked and even feared by the broad masses of domestic car buyers. But it is being replaced by the VAZ 21124 with an engine of the same name.

The volume increased to 1.6 and a special bore of the cylinders allows us to avoid a previously existing problem with the valves, and therefore very expensive engine repairs. It must be said that the VAZ 21124 became at that time the most reliable and popular car, a favorite, one might say, of the people. The transmission, by the way, was also installed mechanical - mt.

General information about the AMT robot

  1. The mechanical part is based on a five-speed modification of the VAZ model 2180 gearbox. Moreover, this gearbox is equipped with gear pairs with different output ratios for different Lada models. For example, the Vesta box has this output indicator of 3.9, when, as on Grants and Kalinas, it is 3.7.
  2. You cannot take an actuator (clutch pressing mechanism) and robot electronics and put it on a regular box of the same VAZ 2180 model so that the result is a robot. Although the reverse procedure of replacing a robot with a mechanical one can be carried out with overcoming some obstacles.
  3. It is believed that the actuator cannot be repaired or maintained, but this is not for our craftsmen. Cases of its failure, judging by the reviews, are very rare. Usually, they happened at the beginning of operation, while still under warranty. There were no cases of refusal to replace.
  4. The recommendation to change the oil in the AMT at a mileage of 120 thousand does not stand up to the criticism of mechanics; they recommend doing this at 75 thousand mileage.
  5. The adaptability or adaptability of the transmission to changing operating conditions of the engine and its load, the position of the gearbox engaged mode sensors (ECP), as well as the gas and brake pedals is ensured by reading the sensor information and analyzing this information. And based on the algorithms embedded in the robot’s program, a certain order of its actions is formed. In this case, the driver’s actions in various situations are taken into account, which are stored in the robot’s long-term memory. If we say all this in a simple and understandable language for everyone, then the AMT transmission adapts to the characteristics of the driving style of a particular driver and road conditions. Moreover, for this she usually needs a couple of tens of kilometers of driving in the city.
  6. The AMT robot is sensitive to engine load and quickly responds to the activation of maximum torque. At the same time, each subsequent gear can be engaged only when the engine speed drops below 2.5 thousand, and each subsequent one when the range from 4 to 4.5 thousand revolutions is reached. In addition, the degree of load perceived by the engine is taken into account. For example, on a slope, the AMT robot will switch to a lower gear if the load on the engine decreases, but will leave it in the most economical operating mode.
  7. AMT has its own peculiarities of operation in accordance with the established transmission modes. For example, in “M” mode, the gearbox switches faster compared to “A” mode.

Painting of the lower part of the I-16 model and chips

The lower surfaces of the wings and fuselage of the I-16 were painted in AMT-7.
I applied it in translucent layers so as not to “kill” the preshading. In addition, I went through an additional layer of highlighting, adding white to the paint by eye. Painting the lower part of the AMT-7 model of the I-16 aircraft model

In my opinion, it turned out very well.

Masks on the bottom of the I-16 aircraft model

After the paint had dried, I carefully peeled off the top layer with a needle until it was metallic in places where there could be chips on a real plane.

Masks on the bottom of the I-16 aircraft model

I was pleased with the result. A complete feeling of painted metal parts is created.

Chips “to aluminum” on the I-16 model

To paint the upper surfaces and obtain a clear boundary at the paint joints, I masked the lower surface along the contour with Tamiya tape, cut into thin strips along the contour. After which I covered the entire lower part of the model with large pieces of tape.

Mask on the bottom of the I-16 aircraft model

How does a manual transmission work?

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Published: 07/30/2017

All-round view – Problem: automatic transmission, robot or CVT?

Everyone knows that there are two main types of transmissions used in cars - manual and automatic transmissions.

However, there is a whole range of gearboxes that combine some of the operating principles of manual and automatic transmissions. One such transmission is the AMT, which is also an automated manual transmission.

This name is already quite widely known among motorists, but many still have the question: “What is this - an AMT gearbox?”

Not all motorists currently understand the difference between an automated transmission, which is AMT, and a pure “automatic”, which is familiar to the car owner. In this article we will look at the basic principles of operation of the AMT transmission, its differences from an automatic transmission (many car enthusiasts confuse them), as well as its pros and cons. Automatic transmission, robot or CVT. Which is better?

General characteristics and device of AMT

In fact, AMT has much more in common with a manual transmission than with an automatic transmission, as can be seen even from the decoding of the name (AMT - automated manual transmission). Essentially, this is the same mechanics, which is controlled using a special control unit. ROBOT BOX

Which is better to choose?

For novice motorists, when buying a car, it is useful to understand the issue of gearboxes. Many people prefer to learn on cars with a conventional 5MT transmission (like in a Lada), but later buy modern cars with a 5AMT or AT transmission.

Having understood the difference between AT and AMT boxes, you can consciously choose the option that is optimal for your driving style, driving skills and preferences.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing:

  1. A car with an automatic transmission has only two pedals - gas and brake, and you do not need to constantly move the gearshift knob. But the AMT box retains all the advantages of a manual transmission - cost, economical fuel consumption and full control over the car.
  2. Automatic transmission requires a large amount of gear oil, it is sensitive to the quality of ATF and its condition. The unit does not tolerate constant high loads and prolonged slipping, sudden starts and driving at high speeds. But with AMT there are no such problems.
  3. The efficiency of a car with AT is 10-15% lower than that of cars with other types of gearboxes.

Cars with AMT are suitable for drivers who prefer a calm and moderate driving style. Fans of high speeds and sharp maneuvers are unlikely to like the robotic gearbox. AT is recommended for those who want to completely shift gear shifting to automatic mode in order to concentrate on driving the car. By understanding what AT and MT mean in a car, you will be able to make the right and informed choice.

Why did it happen that it has changed now?

Theoretical basis

The basis of the CVT gearbox is a 5-speed manual transmission from VAZ, but it is equipped with actuators from ZF from Germany. The Lada robot box was first released back in 2014 and installed on the Priora, then gradually moved to the Vesta, which needed 2-pedal versions, as if in the air - after all, the car’s competitors are foreign cars, while consumers do not like manual gear shifting .

The Lada robot box did not go well with its status.

However, Lada specialists replaced the firmware, conducted experiments with the clutch, then made a significant change in 2018, which was announced simultaneously with the release of the Vesta Cross sedan, but during a test in May these cars simply...disappeared.

For this reason, the wait dragged on until November.

The history of the robotic transmission

The first analogue of today's robotic gearbox appeared back in 1957; such a gearbox was produced by Saxomat, but the structure of the transmission was very primitive. The robot could only independently press the clutch, while gears had to be changed manually, so this device did not greatly facilitate the driver’s travel.

And only in 2003, Volkswagen released a double-disc robotic transmission for city cars. The company continues to produce robots to this day, but in an improved version. In addition to the release of the robot with two dry clutches, a 5-year warranty was issued. Later the mechanism was found to be reliable, so the warranty was canceled by the manufacturer.

In addition to double-disc robots, single-disc models began to be produced. But when changing gears on the initial models of robotic transmissions, strong shocks were felt, which were significantly reduced thanks to the modernization of such gearboxes. There is a patented version of the robot with three clutches, which did not go into mass production. Few manufacturers are trying to recreate a mixture of an automatic machine and a robot - a hydraulic transmission with a clutch.

Features of operation

In accordance with the reviews, a list of custom features of the AMT transmission has been compiled:

  • Unlike an automatic transmission, AMT does not have such a mode as “parking” or “P”. Therefore, reviews recommend leaving the AMT in gear when parked, turning off the engine in mode “A” or “R”. And with the engine not running, move the lever to “N” mode, but even in this mode the gear will be engaged. When the ignition is turned on, the speed will automatically turn off. Therefore, you need to remember this feature of the AMT, and to prevent the car from rolling, in this case the car is fixed with the brake pedal. Moreover, the car will not start without pressing the brake pedal. Which some car enthusiasts point out as a disadvantage, and others as an advantage that increases the safety of starting the engine when the speed is accidentally turned on, for example, as with a manual transmission;
  • Unlike simple mechanics and an automatic transmission, AMT will not move the car at idle speed, that is, driving at idle speed is impossible. To start moving smoothly, you need to add engine speed by pressing the gas. What is indicated as a disadvantage in reviews from residents of megacities, who often find themselves stuck in traffic jams. Therefore, for those who periodically encounter traffic jams, during short stops it is recommended to switch the lever to the “N” mode, because after a minute of parking with the brake pedal not pressed, the switch will disconnect the clutch by pressing the release lever, which can subsequently negatively affect the release bearing . However, some reviews provide examples of the opposite opinion, that this has absolutely no effect on the condition of the release bearing;
  • There are many opinions in the reviews about braking using AMT. When braking the engine by resetting its speed, the AMT reacts quite sensitively in higher gears by switching to lower ones, but many recommend doing this in combination with the brake pedal depressed. Regarding smooth braking with the help of brakes, AMT “helps” to brake by switching lower gears. But during heavy braking, the AMT completely disengages the clutch. But in some reviews there are stories about some “sagging” of the brake pedal in these cases.
  • after sharp braking, the clutch remains open until the engine speed is increased by the gas pedal;
  • When you apply emergency braking using the brake pedal, the Brake Assist System (BAS) is activated and the clutch is instantly released.

Features of running in with a robot

In the reviews, especially from those who recently got behind the wheel of a Lada with an AMT robot, there is a lot of talk about how the robot is supposedly “dumb.” But there is a simple explanation for this supposedly “freezing” AMT. In the process of getting used to a new car, any driver, even impudent in other cases in relation to cars, does not “fall”, so to speak, with all his weight on the gas pedal.

He tries to drive the car like a pensioner, driving at low and medium speeds. Moreover, if, according to the AMT gear shift conditions, each subsequent gear is engaged when the engine reaches 4.5 thousand revolutions, then in this case this driver will not wait for the AMT to engage an upshift. This is the whole reason for the “stupidity” of AMT. In response to such statements, one can suggest that such drivers first “use” their brains, and then give the car gas. And immediately everything will fall into place.

Shift speed

AMT 2.0 has become significantly faster than its predecessor. Thanks to the use of advanced algorithms, even an inexperienced driver will be able to feel the difference. The new gearbox now reacts 30% faster to changes in engine speed and selects the desired gear. Improvements are felt both when accelerating and when decelerating the car.

Of course, there is no need to talk about smooth and imperceptible gear shifting yet. The driver and passengers feel jerks when the gearbox operates, but there are no such deep dips as in the previous firmware version. Due to more correct switching, fuel consumption has decreased, which cannot but please owners of a budget car.

What changes have occurred

There are no changes in terms of hardware. However, the head of the entire project, V. Petunin, claims that cooperation with the clutch supply company Valeo is currently ongoing, the result of which should soon be the selection of the best composition for the friction lining. They are produced here, at the Valeo plant in Tolyatti, from here they are supplied with VAZ products.

Now the AMT Lada robot box is installed on the new Grant and West series with 1.8 liter engines. This gearbox is expected to appear on the XRay car soon.

However, the program with which control is carried out has been improved. Optimization of programs made it possible to reduce the time during which a gear switches from 1st to 2nd, as well as from 2nd to 3rd - by almost 30 percent (the synchronizer from Germany should withstand this), a special mode for traffic jams appeared, allowing the vehicle to move when the brake pedal is released. This ensures a smooth start.

Petunin spoke about common complaints from car owners who do not know how to correctly switch the robotic gearbox of the Lada Vesta, who stand in traffic jams for a long time or drive at maximum load in difficult situations. Many such motorists contacted the dealership, claiming that they had a transmission error light.

However, the instructions indicate that this indication is not critical; the temperature sensor is simply activated (the clutch becomes seriously heated during constant closure and slipping).

According to him, no standard situation on the road will lead to the car stopping. This is not bad, since, for example, many foreign automatic transmissions required constant throwing into the neutral position during stops or allowed the clutch to open during overheating, which is why they stood on the emergency warning light until it cooled down.

An algorithm has been added that allows you to accelerate on slippery surfaces in winter, but this requires the CVT transmission to switch to manual mode with the selection of 2nd gear (there is no separate button here). There is also a sports mode for the AMT Lada robot box, but the test failed because it has not yet been completed and is not available in existing cars.

Road characteristics

The missing sports mode of the auto transmission is not at all the main disadvantage of this gearbox. Taking the key to the Vesta Cross, which has a 1.8-liter engine installed, I initially noted that maneuvering in the parking lot was simplified, since there was no need to constantly “push” the gas pedal.

However, a very smooth start from a standstill causes vibration, which then manifests itself in congestion, for this reason it is preferable to slightly release the car from the front and then accelerate a little more vigorously. In addition, very low speeds are unpleasant for the 1.8 liter engine, it shakes.


Alas, the longest traffic jam we managed to get into near Sochi lasted only twenty minutes, for this reason, checking the stability of the new car gearbox will be possible only in the pre-New Year's winter traffic jam in Moscow. However, it’s good that a sudden jerk from a stop is accompanied by greater gear shifting comfort for everyone in the cabin; from now on you won’t have to shake your head during each gear change; you’ll know how to correctly shift the Lada Vesta’s robotic gearbox.

Views: 1,817

Maintenance and diagnostics of the robotic box

The box is distinguished by its maintainability, since its internal structure is similar to the “mechanics”. Computer diagnostics allows you to accurately identify the nature of a transmission malfunction. This service is offered in a specialized center. The software used in this procedure will read the error codes. Based on their decoding, measures must be taken to eliminate the present malfunction. To carry out repair work, you need to remove the box and disassemble it into its component parts to check each individual mechanism.


If there are electrical problems, this will cause the box to stop responding to commands. The best option in this case is to flash the ECU.

Thus, AMT is positioned as a manual transmission with automatic shifting. Domestic Lada cars can be equipped with this type of transmission, which is controlled electronically. The amt robotic gearbox increases the convenience and comfort of driving. The use of low quality transmission fuel contributes to its rapid failure, the level of which must be monitored.

Design and principle of operation

Many users do not fully understand the operating principle of the robotic box, considering it a complex mechanism. Structurally, the Lada 5 AMT gearbox is nothing more than a 5-speed manual gearbox, controlled by electronics.

So, let’s look at what 5 AMT is in detail. A detailed examination of the box produced by AvtoVAZ PJSC indicates that a standard mechanical-type automated transmission scheme is used using one disc in the friction clutch design.

The layout looks like this:

  • Box clutch;
  • Variable gearbox, mechanical type;
  • Gearbox and clutch drives;
  • Box control module.

A special device, mechatronics, is responsible for controlling the gears. Since it is a set of control elements in the form of sensors and electronics, the design does not provide mechanical connections for shifting gears.

It includes:

  • Variable gearbox speed sensor on the input shaft;
  • Gearbox mode control selector;
  • An actuator that controls gear shifting and clutch release;
  • Gearbox controller.

The gearbox operates in one of two modes: automatic and semi-automatic. Receiving information from sensors, in automatic mode the box changes gears without driver intervention. Gears are switched using software and signals from the control module. In manual mode, gears are changed by the driver using the shift lever. Move forward, upshift, move backward, downshift.

5 AMT transmission service

According to the manufacturer, the 5 AMT transmission does not require maintenance, its elements are protected from dust and moisture, which in turn has secured the transmission’s reputation as a simple, reliable, trouble-free mechanism.

However, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • Monitor the oil level; mechanical damage to the box may cause it to leak;
  • Adapt the robotic gearbox clutch in a timely manner.

The box is a set of gears controlled by a ZF actuator. The clutch of the box wears out over time and needs to be adjusted to the actuator, this process is called adaptation, it is designed to eliminate jerks and shocks when moving.

Adaptation is carried out:

  • Every 15,000 km of vehicle mileage;
  • In case of clutch replacement;
  • When updating the on-board computer settings.

The process is simple and takes a few minutes: the car is connected to the AvtoVAZ computer through a special diagnostic connector, the electrician turns on the program and directly communicates with the manufacturer’s server. The data is downloaded to the server, after which the engine starts and adaptation occurs within a few seconds.

It is advisable to have the box diagnosed by an official representative, since the work will require special equipment and trained personnel.

Advantages and disadvantages

Comparing the transmission with other representatives of automatic transmissions, we can highlight both positive and negative features of the box.

Advantages of the 5 AMT unit:

  • Reduced fuel consumption, performance comparable to a 5 MT manual transmission;
  • Low cost of spare parts and labor in case of gearbox repair;
  • The design of the box allows you to tow the car using a cable or a rigid hitch;
  • If the battery loses power, the box allows you to start the car from a pusher;
  • The friction disc and gearbox lubricants are designed for the entire service life of the product;
  • Protection of the box from incorrect switching, which avoids damage;
  • The box has automatic and manual gear shifting;
  • Smooth operation of the gas pedal facilitates the transition from gear to gear without jerks or failures;
  • Switching occurs in a short period of time, within 120 ms;
  • The presence of an automatic algorithm that allows you to start moving the machine while on an inclined surface.

Disadvantages present in the operation of the box:

  • Since the gearbox is designed to use a clutch with one disc, this leads to loss of traction when shifting;
  • It is not possible to use sports driving of the car, since the gearbox gives a smooth response when you press the gas pedal sharply;
  • There is no way to forcefully equalize the speed of rotation of the gearbox shafts by manipulating the gas pedal;
  • The absence of steering wheel switches, with which you can quickly change the algorithm of the gearbox.

Negative characteristics of a robotic gearbox

  • there is no possibility of flashing the processor to improve the dynamic qualities of the machine;
  • When changing gears, there is a delay that can reach up to 2 seconds. This is clearly observed in models with one clutch. When changing gears, controllability decreases;
  • sometimes there is clutch slippage;
  • the gearbox overheats on difficult roads at low speeds (steep climbs, congestion), which requires switching to semi-automatic mode;
  • jerks often occur when switching to another speed; for this, experts first of all advise sticking to smooth acceleration;
  • The robotic transmission does not adjust to the driver’s travel style, as happens when the transmission is automatic. Therefore, it is the driver who must adapt the driving style to suit the robot.

The robotic transmission is suitable for drivers with a measured driving style. For connoisseurs of high-speed travel, experts give low recommendations for purchasing a car with a “slow” AMT gearbox.

Rules for using the AMT box on Lada

December 22, 2015 LadaOnline 68 340
The automated transmission (AMT-2182 or “robot”) is based on the manual transmission MKPP-2180, but control is carried out not by the driver, but by the system. It is worth considering that the operating instructions for automatic transmissions and automatic transmissions are different. AMT project manager Vladimir Petunin talks about how the AMT robot works on Lada cars.

AMT is installed on: Lada Granta, Kalina, Priora, Vesta and XRAY. All these cars have the same operating instructions for this transmission.

The robotic transmission has the following operating modes:

  1. Neutral position (N), when the brake pedal is released, the car can roll;
  2. Automatic (A), speed changes are carried out by the system. It is tuned for smoother and more comfortable shifts;
  3. Manual (M), switching is performed manually (up – “+” and down – “?”, without fixing the selector), which can be done more quickly, but within the functionality of the box. The system will change gear when the appropriate speed is reached. If you stop at a traffic light, AMT will automatically switch the speed down;
  4. Reverse (R).

The on-board computer on the instrument panel displays the following information:

  • automatic or manual mode (AUTO or MANUAL);
  • gear engaged;
  • brake pedal pressure indicator.

To start an engine with an AMT gearbox, you should follow this order:

  1. Press the brake pedal;
  2. Move the gearshift lever to neutral;
  3. Turn the ignition key.

If one of the conditions is not met, the neutral indicator “N” or the “foot with brake” indicator will flash on the instrument cluster:

Correct operation of AMT Lada:

  • Any changes in the position of the selector before driving should only be made with the brake pedal depressed;
  • When stopping at an intersection or traffic light, you do not need to switch the selector to neutral;
  • When parking the vehicle, turn off the engine with the gear engaged (A, M or R). In this case, it is not necessary to use the handbrake. The handbrake should be used when the selector is in neutral (N);
  • The AMT system allows you to use the car at temperatures from -50°C to +50°C without any restrictions.

The car starts moving when the gas (accelerator) pedal is pressed. This closes the clutch. The “robot” does not have a creep mode, like an automatic transmission, because it does not have a torque converter.

When driving on steep slopes, the system will not switch the gearbox to 2nd speed to prevent engine stalls. Gear shifting will occur only if the maximum, critical speed is reached.

AMT is adaptive and has 26 shift maps that constantly interpolate with each other. That is, depending on the nature of the control (how the driver works with the gas pedal), the system selects the appropriate map and switches at the right moment. In any case, AMT will only engage a gear when the minimum possible speed for a given gear is reached.

When switching gears, you can feel some delay in the acceleration dynamics, which is a functional property of this transmission. The transmission is manual, so to change speed you need to disengage the clutch, change gear and engage the clutch. Only all this is done not by the driver, but by the car system.

The robotic box is protected against unintentional actions by the driver. For example, if, when moving forward in mode “A”, you turn on the reverse gear “R”, then nothing destructive will happen. The protection will also not change gears if the driver randomly moves the selector to different modes while driving.

All recommendations for operating AMT on Lada on video:

Another useful video tutorial:

Let us remind you that, in contrast to the cable gearbox (manual transmission 2181), on the AMT the howl is within normal limits. In this article we determine which transmission is better, automatic transmission or AMT. We leave reviews about the robotic box here.

Keywords: Lada Granta gearbox | gearbox Lada Kalina 2 | gearbox Lada Vesta | gearbox Lada Priora | gearbox lada xray | universal article

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About the hum or howl of AMT (robot) on Lada cars Reviews of owners about the “robot” (AMT) on Lada cars, general assessment Production of the Lada Granta with a “robot” has started

Experimenting with metallics

At the time of metallic painting, I only had Mr. Metal Color from Gunze, which in its pure form is not very suitable for this task, because... it is polishable (you can read more about these metallics in this article) and with simple application it gets quite dirty and it is unclear how the next layer of paint will behave on it.

So, I decided to experiment. The first pigment to take part in the experiment was from MHP Aviation Aluminum. The pigment is very finely ground and I decided that when mixed with varnish it could turn out interesting.

XF-86 and MHP Pigment Aviation aluminum

But, unfortunately, the miracle did not happen. The surface of the spoon, on which my home-made “metallic” was applied, had ugly stains and was not very durable. There were traces of pigment on the fingers and the paint could be wiped off quite easily with a napkin.

XF-86 and Mr. Metal Color Alminume

The version with a mixture of varnish and metallic from Gunze gave a slightly better option in terms of durability, but was still far from ideal and did not really resemble a metal surface.

In general, I quickly gave up on reinventing the wheel and bought metallic from AK White aluminum at a local shop, which gave an excellent result without any dances with a tambourine. You just pour it into the airbrush and blow on a thin layer.

Extreme Metal White Aluminum

What cars can it be installed on?

The first car under the Lada Priora brand, equipped with AMT, was released in 2014; the installed gearbox was modified AMT-2182. After running in and finalizing the mechanisms and program elements, automatic manual transmissions began to be equipped with the Lada Granta, this happened in March 2015, and the Lada Vesta, in 2016. The Lada Kalina and Lada Xray cars were equipped with the same gearbox.

Later modifications of the gearboxes are structurally similar to the first gearbox released by the company. The difference lies in the improved program of the latest version, which was developed by the German company ZF Friedrichshafen AG. The principle is based on the use of a new transmission switching algorithm and improved functional logic. AMT has a number of operational features and is characterized as a simple, reliable, economical unit.


  • Lada Vesta (2180)
  • Lada Vesta (2181)
  • Lada Vesta Cross
  • Lada Vesta Cross (2181)
  • Lada Granta (2190)
  • Lada Granta (219059) Drive Active
  • Lada Granta (2191)
  • Lada Granta (2192)
  • Lada Granta (2194)
  • Lada Granta Cross (2194)
  • Lada Kalina (2192)
  • Lada Kalina (2194)
  • Lada Kalina Cross (2194)
  • Lada Priora (2170)
  • Lada Priora (2171)
  • Lada Priora (2172)
  • Lada X-Ray
( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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