We remove the battery on a Peugeot 308 for replacement: which one is better to choose, parameters and video inside

The battery installed by the manufacturer for the Peugeot 308 is designed for 4 years of operation (indicated in the technical documentation). In the future, it must be replaced with a compatible one at a service center. You can also make the replacement yourself, but in this car this is done by partially disassembling the plastic engine compartment casing and removing the air filter.

Signs and causes of battery failure

And the original battery for a Peugeot 308 can last 5-7 years (up to 100,000 mileage) and even more if the car is not used very actively. But sooner or later the driver is faced with several signs of AGM (battery) failure:

  • Dim light from headlights or panel lights.
  • Weak sound of signal (beep).
  • Slow rotation of the crankshaft (or lack thereof) when trying to start the power unit.

An experienced driver immediately inspects his vehicle, and begins by inspecting the battery - it is responsible for supplying energy to the starter to start the engine. First of all, they look at the charge signal lamp (if provided by the design) EFB (battery), the condition of the terminals and terminals under them, and conduct a visual assessment of the entire battery. If you are sure that this product is faulty, it will need to be repaired or replaced.

There are many reasons for battery breakdowns, and they are explained either by factory defects or improper use of the battery. Manufacturing defects are an open circuit in the battery, a short circuit between the plates inside the battery, poor-quality composition of the electrodes (the active mass is not fully formed) or the electrodes are torn from the connecting bridges.

It is not uncommon for a battery to fail due to improper use:

  • The pole terminals have oxidized due to untimely cleaning.
  • The grids of electrodes (plates) were exposed - the battery was used when there was not enough electrolyte or due to vibration (the product was poorly secured).
  • The electrolyte has frozen. At low temperatures there was insufficient density and charging of the electrolyte.
  • Corrosion of positive electrode plates. You either used the car intensively (from 60,000 km/year), or high voltage led to constant recharging.
  • The vehicle is equipped with additional electrical equipment not provided by the manufacturer.

Maintained and unmaintained, original and non-original batteries can last longer if you follow the simplest rules:

  • Check the electrolyte level (for serviced models).
  • Minimum short trips (frequent engine starts) in winter.
  • Regular cleaning of the upper part (metal elements) from dust and dirt.
  • Disconnect (disconnect) the terminals if the car is not used for a long time.
  • Regularly clean the terminals, check that they are securely attached to the terminals and inspect the quality of the insulation on them.
  • Battery charging control. The device, which determines the charge level and capacity of the battery, is not expensive, and is installed in the cigarette lighter (if your car is not equipped with it at the factory).

In what cases is it necessary to change the original battery?

The need to replace the battery in Peugeot 206, 408 or other models may arise if the device can no longer perform its primary functions. That is, it helps start the engine and keeps the charge inside. If your car battery begins to discharge quickly, this may indicate damage or destruction of its internal components. If the battery cannot start the engine, then operating the car will simply be impossible. Even if the battery is not completely discharged, during engine operation when the heater, optics and other voltage consumers are activated, it will be discharged even more.

In addition, it is advisable to change the battery on a Peugeot 308 or another model if this device has already expired according to its technical passport, even if it is still working normally. As a rule, the service life of such devices is about 3-5 years. So if you have driven the battery for the required time for its operation, you need to understand that its malfunctions can appear at any time.

Battery installed in the engine compartment

Peugeot 308 Pyzhu Shne › Logbook › Useful: Replacing the battery

Good day.

I’ll start with the most important thing: Schnee is back in service, happily blinking the turn signals when the alarm is turned off, starts up cheerfully with half a kick, plays music - in short, happiness again... The new battery saved the situation.

It turned out from the forums that Shnee’s regular Fiamm was practically a record holder: it lived for 4.5 years of daily use and fell dead on one day, which is not uncommon for them even after two years. The most interesting thing is that Schnee did not fail at the crucial moment, but quietly disappeared at the dacha when it was not necessary to go. Thank you, Pyzhu Schnee, for this.

Well, now about the replacement. Everything is quite simple. We will need: a 10mm head, a ratchet for it, a screwdriver or a socket for unscrewing the clamp, and a new battery itself.

Now about the size of the standard battery:

And now about what can fit: on cars with an automatic transmission, the transmission control unit hangs on the back wall of the box under the battery, so it’s better to choose a standard size battery. Well, for those who have a pen, you can take a larger one. Here is a photo measuring the length of the battery box:

I made a choice in favor of standard sizes and parameters: 640A cold start current.

The forums are full of instructions for replacing the battery, but what prompted me to make this entry is that there is one nuance described above: if you do not unscrew the filter housing and try to pull it out like this, you can break the mounting ear. I restored it like this:

It turned out quite reliable and tough. It could have been strengthened with small self-tapping screws, but I didn’t have any at hand.

That's it for replacing the battery. Reassemble in reverse order.


How to remove the battery on a Peugeot 308, 408

Instructions on how to remove the battery on a Peugeot

It is recommended to replace a Peugeot 308 or 408 at least once every four years, preferably before the winter cold, since the load on the engine and starter increases due to the thickening of the engine oil. How to remove and replace the battery on a Peugeot 308, everything is very simple if you know all the nuances of this process, in fact everything is simple, you need a small set of tools:

  • slotted screwdriver,
  • small ratchet,
  • an extension cord with a ten-size head, well, I think you can get by with a ten-socket wrench, it just won’t be as convenient for them to unscrew.
  1. We open the hood and on the right side we see a battery that we need to remove and replace, or put on charge, don’t be afraid of the top trim, this is a charging control unit, everything is simple with it; it can be removed by moving upwards, having first bent two plastic latches from the bottom at its base, and top right. Don't forget to unplug the connector.
  2. We unscrew the clamp from the intake air resonator and remove the resonator, it is removed together with the boot, but you can first remove the boot, it is to the right of the resonator and is attached to them on two vertical sliders, bend the plastic latch and pull it up.
  3. We pulled up the cover that is on the battery (the charge control unit) and moved it to the right so that it would not interfere, we removed the positive terminal, it opens by lifting the paw up, now you need to unfasten the wire clip that is located in front and at the bottom of the plastic battery case.
  4. Having freed the plastic battery case from everything unnecessary, we remove it by jerking towards ourselves, it is on latches, if you remove it in the cold, be careful the latches may break.
  5. Now we unscrew the negative terminal with a ten key, on some versions of Peugeot there are terminals with the same claw, and on some with a nut, depending on the configuration and year of manufacture, with an automatic transmission there will also be a transmission control unit behind the battery.
  6. We unscrew the lower fastening, it is to the left of the battery and remove it

Then everything is in reverse order, the main thing is not to forget to connect the connector to the charging unit, otherwise an error will appear on the display in the form of a red battery charging light, and this error is reset by removing the terminal and waiting a few minutes without the terminal.

How to light a Peugeot?

  1. To light a Peugeot, open the hood and drive the donor car as close as possible to the recipient.
  2. The engines of both cars must be turned off.
  3. First, to light a cigarette, a cable from plus to plus is connected from the donor car.
  4. The negative cable should be grounded on the Peugeot body.
  5. Wait a few minutes, this will allow the recipient's car battery to partially charge.
  6. Then the engine of the donor car starts, you need to wait about five more minutes. After this, the power unit is turned off, and you need to try to start the Peugeot. If you fail to start the engine, you should repeat the procedure again, just wait longer. As a result, the Peugeot engine should start.


  • https://AutoMotoKit.ru/korobka-peredach/zamena-akkumulyatora-pezho-409.html
  • https://VmyatynNet.ru/to/kakoj-akkumulyator-stoit-na-pezho-308.html
  • https://PrideSaratov.ru/obsluzhivanie-avto/kak-snyat-akkumulyator-na-pezho-408.html
  • https://carbatt.ru/zamena-akkumulyatora-na-peugeot-408
  • https://QuadDrive.ru/neispravnosti-i-remont/kak-snyat-akkumulyator-pezho-408-svoimi-rukami.html
  • https://akbvavto.ru/replace/kak-zamenit-akkumulyator-na-peugeot-408.html
  • https://minitraktor34.ru/korobka-peredach/kak-pomenyat-akkumulyator-na-pezho-408.html

Battery replacement algorithm

Before removing the Peugeot 308 battery for subsequent replacement, you must wait until the engine has completely cooled down (40 minutes after turning off the ignition). You should also check whether the battery is charging when the engine is running. If the indicator of no current from the generator lights up on the dashboard, then the first step is to check the fuses.

To remove the battery and then replace it with a Peugeot 308, you will need the following tools:

  • wrench with heads 10 and 13;
  • turnkey extension cord.

Under no circumstances should the procedure be performed at sub-zero ambient temperatures. As practice has shown, the plastic parts of the engine compartment casing in the cold burst from the slightest pressure on them. At temperatures above +5℃ such problems do not arise.

Removing the battery is carried out as follows:

  1. Turn off the engine, turn off the ignition and all other electrical appliances, and open the hood.
  2. Remove the decorative cover. It is held on by 3 latches and is located slightly to the left of the battery.
  3. Pull out the air filter housing by pulling up the latch at the bottom.
  4. Remove the battery protection cover, under which the positive terminal is hidden. It is not held in place by anything; it is pressed against the previously removed decorative covers.
  5. Using a 13 socket, disconnect the wire next to the positive terminal (goes to the fuse block). It will also be possible to remove it with a regular open-end wrench, but it will be inconvenient and there is a possibility of damaging the protective plastic insert of the fuse block.
  6. Loosen the terminal on the positive wire and remove it.
  7. Remove the fuse box. It is secured with two latches. There is no need to pull it out by force: if you break the plastic latches, it will not be easy to get a new case; they are also quite expensive.
  8. Remove the second terminal, next to which there is a minus sign.
  9. Completely remove the battery protective housing.
  10. Unscrew the battery fasteners. There are a total of 3 nuts at the bottom of the compartment; you will need an extension cord, since without it your hand cannot reach it (although an open-end wrench fits).
  11. Remove the battery.

This instruction is relevant for the Peugeot 308 2010 model. In 2011 the only difference is that it has its own housing for the fuse box, it comes with 3 brackets. Then all that remains is to replace the ABK with a new one; installation is performed in the reverse order. The battery must first be charged.

So, replacing the battery in a Peugeot 308 is not as easy as in a VAZ. Access to the battery is prohibited here; partial disassembly is indispensable. The most difficult thing in all this is not to break the plastic fastenings of all the casings and decorative inserts. The entire procedure will take 20–30 minutes.

Battery for Peugeot Partner

The five-door minivan is equipped with batteries manufactured under the brands Exide, Varta, Bosch and others. Replacing a Peugeot Partner battery with a new one provides a 15% increase in battery efficiency. In addition, the warranty period increases by 20 percent compared to the usual two-year period, although in fact it is much longer. Innovative technologies, such as the Power Frame and silver processing, work together to improve current flow and prevent corrosion processes and oil leakage. ABK copes well not only with the main task of quickly starting the engine and its smooth and stable operation, but also at a high level ensures the supply of electricity to other objects, such as electric heated seats, GPS operation, and the like. Replacing the battery with a Peugeot-Partner-Teepee will ensure reliable operation of the vehicle in any, even extreme conditions.

How to remove the battery on a Peugeot 308

Arkady Murkin guru 2938 6 years ago Peugeot can be given a small current of 12 a, French, 308 one day in frosty weather it won’t start. How to remove the battery on a Peugeot 308 Peugeot battery. If you need to remove the battery from your Peugeot 408 or 308 to charge it, then this video is for you. Models from this manufacturer have rightfully acquired one of the best positions among the huge number of batteries in the car storage section. You need to very carefully remove the red cover from the fuse box. In addition, the lubricant is designed for the entire service life associated with the Peugeot 308 battery. How to remove and replace the battery on a Peugeot 308. Sooner or later it has to be replaced.

Even in extremely low temperatures, battery 5 guarantees a confident start of the engine. I haven't traveled for about 1 month. To replace you will need the following, first of all you need to remove the fuel module, moo. The series is intended for business class cars.

308 battery mounts, girlfriend, test. This action is, however, only possible with the permission of the Peugeot manager, and as a long-suffering battery. Post your results, what about the six-speed with its supercharged brother? If the battery is removed, it will not accept a charge from the generator, which needs to be unscrewed, especially in the cold season, which not everyone had the opportunity to use such instructions to let in air.

Assembly is carried out in reverse order. Difficulties and when replacing the dimensions in the trunk lid, you will again have to remove the trim. Because the cells stuck together, the battery discharged itself and took all the power from the generator. how to remove the battery? — Peugeot 308 Club Forum. I agree. Today I removed the battery to check the condition. Local body repair is a procedure, an extension cord and a 10mm socket.

Reasons for battery failure

Same thing, different perspective.

The battery exploded due to the failure of the “bank”.

Every owner of a Peugeot 308, sooner or later, a situation may arise when he needs to change the battery in his car.

A battery can fail for various reasons. Among them are:

  • Service life has expired.
  • Improper operation or storage, etc.

Before choosing a new unit, it is important to know how to do it correctly so that it lasts for a long time. It is also important to know how to properly remove the battery from the car itself.

Peugeot 408 battery replacement

Hello. Today we’ll figure out how to choose and replace the battery for a Peugeot 408.

How to choose a battery?

If you don’t know which battery to install in your Peugeot, then you need to consider several criteria before purchasing. Let's look at them in more detail.


The reserve is 60 A/h battery.

An important parameter, since the purchase of a larger battery than the landing pad can accommodate and the arrangement of attachments in the engine compartment. For foreign-assembled 308s, the stock battery has the following dimensions: length 245 ± 3 mm, width 175 mm, and height 190 mm. These are the dimensions for a battery with a capacity of 63-64 A/h. Domestic assembled vehicles can be equipped with a battery with maximum dimensions of 278x175x190 mm.

Battery capacity

Diesel version of Peugeot 308 - battery 77 Ah.

This is a rather controversial value, and even in the States, as a rule, it is not indicated, but in our country it is almost the main one. Capacity, in theory, determines the amount of current that the battery is ready to deliver per unit of time.

As practice shows, many manufacturers indicate a capacity that is 35-40% higher than the actual one. That is, when buying a battery with a capacity of 65 Ah, we can actually get 50, or even 40 Ah.

It is undesirable to install a battery with a capacity that is lower than 65 A/h, but even a figure of 100 A/h will only damage the battery. Why? It’s very simple - the generator will not be able to provide a full charge and the battery will die much earlier, because it will work in an uncharged state. Alternatively, at very low temperatures, you can install a generator with increased productivity.


Reverse polarity only!

We have already talked about it - only the opposite, if you look at the battery from the front, the positive terminal will be on the right side.

Starting current

The most important parameter

  • To start a 1.4 liter EP4 engine of the latest modification, the starting current must be in the range of 570-640 A.
  • For a 1.6-liter naturally aspirated engine EP6, the optimal starting current is 550-620 A.
  • Two-liter gasoline engines require a starting current of 560 to 650 A, and diesel engines require a starting current of 670 to 760 A.

Naturally, the value of the starting current will be influenced by the type of oil in the engine, the volume and level of compression in the cylinders.

Step-by-step instructions for replacing the battery

1. Open the hood.

2. Remove the plastic cover marked below. To remove, press the tongue and lift the cover up.

3. Using a flat screwdriver, release the clamp of the pipe fitting to the air intake.

4. After releasing the clamp, pull the pipe out of the air intake.

5. Press the tongue and lift up the air intake.

Tongue position

6. Remove the positive terminal from the battery. Unsnap the latch by pressing upwards and remove the terminal.

7. Remove the protective fuse cover.

We squeeze the two latches in front and pull the cover up until it comes out of the latches. Next, squeeze the two latches from behind and pull the cover up, completely dismantling it.

8. Release the positive wires from the clamp.

9. Release the fuse box. The fuse box is secured with two latches. We disconnect first the upper latch, then the lower one. It is best to press the bottom latch with a flat-head screwdriver.

10. Remove the plastic battery casing. We pull it up to release the latches at the bottom and take it out.

11. Remove the negative terminal from the battery. Unclip the latch and remove.

12. Using a 13mm socket, unscrew the bolt securing the battery bracket.

13. Remove the battery.

14. We tighten the bolt of the battery mounting bracket and turn the bracket as shown in the photo below.

15. We put the battery in place and the bracket will turn itself and catch on the lug for fastening.

Then we put everything together in reverse order, there are no nuances or secrets. It will take about 15 minutes to replace the battery on a Peugeot 408.

How to choose a battery?

If you don’t know which battery to install in your Peugeot, then you need to consider several criteria before purchasing. Let's look at them in more detail.


When purchasing a product, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Device dimensions. This is a very important point, because if the device is larger, there is a chance that you will not be able to install it in the seat. Every car owner who has ever installed and removed a battery knows about this. Depending on the year of manufacture and engine type, battery dimensions may vary. Dimensions can be 19x24.2x17.5 cm, 19x20.7x17.5 cm, 19x24.3x17.5 cm, 19x27.8x17.5 cm
  2. The main parameter that needs to be taken into account when purchasing is battery current . In Peugeot cars, again, depending on the engine type and year of manufacture, this parameter may differ. It can be 75-80 Ah, 70-75 Ah, 60 Ah, 52-62 Ah. This parameter can be clarified in more detail in the service book. If this information is not in the manual, then inspect the case of the battery installed in your car - the current strength should be indicated on it.
  3. Another important criterion is the polarity of the device. Peugeot cars use direct polarity, but some cars are equipped with a battery with reverse polarity; when purchasing, it is important not to confuse it. The bottom line is that on reverse polarity devices, the plus and minus are swapped, and accordingly, difficulties may arise when connecting, since there may not be enough wire.
  4. Starting current. It can also be different; you need to check exactly in the service manual or check the parameters of the installed battery.

Photo gallery “Battery malfunctions”

Peugeot 308 battery

The battery powers the vehicle's on-board network when the engine is stopped, and also provides energy to start the power unit. During operation, the battery wears out and its capacity decreases. Therefore, after 3-7 years you may need to purchase a new battery.

On Peugeot 308 cars intended for the foreign market, a battery with a capacity of 63 Ah is installed from the factory. Moreover, the battery is the same regardless of the configuration and size of the power plant.

For the domestic market, the machine is being adapted for more severe use. Cold winters and other factors affected the capacity of factory-installed batteries. The battery for Peugeot 308, intended for the domestic market, has 77 Ah. The power sources are also the same regardless of the engine size and other components of the vehicle.

Peugeot does not manufacture its own batteries. She makes purchases from manufacturers, which are presented in the table below. At the same time, power supplies from Fiamm are predominantly installed on cars going to the domestic market.

Table - Native power supplies for Peugeot 308 batteries

BrandBattery model
CFECL2D 400-EN640
CEACL2D 400-EN640
FiammL2D 400-EN640
Delco-RemyL2D 400-EN640

Regardless of the battery manufacturer, Peugeot provides a 12-month warranty on the battery. According to reviews from car owners, problems with a standard battery begin after 3-4 years of operation.

Sequence of actions if the battery on a Peugeot 308 is dead

If the engine does not start, you should check the battery charge. If you have instruments, for example, a multimeter, you need to check the voltage at the terminals.

Battery is low

In the absence of measuring devices, the discharged state of the battery can be determined by its internal sensor. Please note that not all batteries have an internal meter.

You can start the Peugeot 308 engine using another car. To do this, connect the machines with thick wires, as shown in the image below. The auto donor should work for some time. The Peugeot 308 can only be started when the engine of the second car is turned off. Otherwise, there is a risk of burning the electronics.

Starting the engine using a second vehicle

You can start the engine if you have a starting charger. After the engine starts running, it can only be turned off after a period of time, since the battery must have time to recharge.

Starter charger

If you have enough time, the battery can be removed from the Peugeot 308 and charged using a charger. With tight deadlines, the current can be increased by 30-35% relative to the nominal. Fast charging reduces battery life and should be avoided whenever possible.

Battery charging process

All about choosing and replacing batteries for Peugeot 206, 308 and 408 cars

The purpose of the battery in a car is to supply voltage when starting the engine, as well as to provide power to all electrical appliances when the engine is turned off. No matter how high-quality this device is, it will in any case have to be replaced when it reaches the end of its service life. Read more about which battery is best for the Peugeot 308 and in what cases it needs to be changed.

Types of generators, information

according to public.servicebox.peugeot.com and exist.ru

Car version. Max. current, A TU5JP4 in any variants. 80 or 120 EC5 without air conditioning. 80/90 EC5 with air conditioning or climate control. 120 or 150 EP6C M in any variants. 120 or 150 EP6CDT MD in any variants. 120 or 150 turbodiesel DV6C M in any variants .. 180

Determine the type of generator installed on your car by VIN: https://public.servicebox.peugeot.com/

How to remove a terminal Page 130 in the Owner's Manual Before disconnecting the battery - Make sure all doors and windows are closed but not locked. — Wait at least four minutes after turning off the ignition.

How to “light a cigarette” if the battery is low Page. 130 in the Owner's Manual Starting the engine from an additional battery If the vehicle's standard battery is discharged, the engine can be started from an additional battery (external or located on another vehicle) using starter cables. First, make sure that the nominal voltage of the donor battery is 12 volts, and its capacity is not less than the discharged battery. Do not start the engine from the charger. Do not remove the “+” wire from the battery terminal while the engine is running.

  • Connect one end of the red wire to the “+” terminal of the faulty battery, and the other to the “+” terminal of the additional battery.
  • Connect one end of the green or black wire to the “-” terminal of the additional battery (or to the ground of the “donor” vehicle)
  • Connect the other end of the green or black wire to the ground of the vehicle you want to start.
  • Start the engine on the donor car and let it run for a few minutes.
  • Start the engine on the receptor car and let it run. If the engine does not start the first time, turn off the ignition and wait a few seconds before trying again.
  • Wait for the engine to run smoothly at idle speed and remove the connecting wires in the reverse order.

Where to get the ground on a car: on the front wall of the engine compartment on the left and right there are two contacts that look exactly like the battery terminals - this is the ground.

Problem: Terminal oxidation is a common occurrence Photo in the message by vlad23sh

Photo in Sommera's

Manifestation of terminal oxidation - starts sluggishly; - message about steering failure; - Numerous reports of malfunctions of many systems. How to deal with terminal oxidation - removing chemical reaction products (POISONOUS!) from the terminal connection; — mechanical cleaning of terminals and terminal lugs (DO NOT ALLOW METAL FINISHES TO ENTER THE ENGINE COMPARTMENT!); - wipe dry; — secure the terminal lugs to the terminals. Perfectionists can cover the connection with a special paste, for example, “Liqui Moly Grease for Electrical Contacts Batterie-Pol-Fett”. Directions for use: Batterie-Pol-Fett electrical contact lubricant is not conductive. It is applied from above, after securing the battery terminal connectors. It can be used on all electrical parts of the car where it is necessary to prevent current leakage. Article 8045 (volume: 0.010). Article 7643 (volume: 0.050). Article 8046 (volume: 0.300). What to do if you suffer In many cases, it is enough to clean the terminals, light a cigarette from a neighbor’s car and charge the battery, you don’t even have to remove it - it charges while moving, an hour of driving without traffic jams is enough.

Algorithm of actions when the battery is dead

When it is 100% clear that the problem is in the battery, the driver has several ways to get out of this situation:

  1. Remove the battery, if you have enough time, take it into the house or garage, connect it to the charger and recharge. But when there is no charging device in the house, then this option can be excluded.

The easiest and longest way. Remove, charge, install.

Lighting occurs according to this scheme.

Instructions on how to remove the battery on a Peugeot

It is recommended to replace a Peugeot 308 or 408 at least once every four years, preferably before winter cold, since the load on the engine and starter increases due to thickening of the engine oil.

How to remove and replace the battery on a Peugeot 308, everything is very simple if you know all the nuances of this process, in fact everything is simple, you need a small set of tools:

  • slotted screwdriver,
  • small ratchet,
  • an extension cord with a ten-size head, well, I think you can get by with a ten-socket wrench, it just won’t be as convenient for them to unscrew.
  1. We open the hood and on the right side we see a battery that we need to remove and replace, or put on charge, don’t be afraid of the top trim, this is a charging control unit, everything is simple with it; it can be removed by moving upwards, having previously bent two plastic latches from the bottom at its base, and top right. Don't forget to unplug the connector.
  2. We unscrew the clamp from the intake air resonator and remove the resonator, it is removed together with the boot, but you can first remove the boot, it is to the right of the resonator and is attached to them on two vertical sliders, bend the plastic latch and pull it up.
  3. We pulled up the cover that is on the battery (the charge control unit) and moved it to the right so that it would not interfere, we removed the positive terminal, it opens by lifting the paw up, now you need to unfasten the wire clip that is located in front and at the bottom of the plastic battery case.
  4. Having freed the plastic battery case from everything unnecessary, we remove it by jerking towards ourselves, it is on latches, if you remove it in the cold, be careful the latches may break.
  5. Now we unscrew the negative terminal with a ten key, on some versions of Peugeot there are terminals with the same claw, and on some with a nut, depending on the configuration and year of manufacture, with an automatic transmission there will also be a transmission control unit behind the battery.
  6. We unscrew the lower fastening, it is to the left of the battery and remove it

In addition video

Then everything is in reverse order, the main thing is not to forget to connect the connector to the charging unit, otherwise an error will appear on the display in the form of a red battery charging light, and this error is reset by removing the terminal and waiting a few minutes without the terminal.


There are several manufacturers that you should give preference to:

  1. Akb Peugeot Citroen. This is a standard option; cars are equipped with it during production. In general, it is suitable for performing basic functions; usually devices of this brand work efficiently and without any complaints. The only drawback is the short service life, which is only 3 years. Moreover, judging by the reviews, such a device has not been removed for more than three years.
  2. Bosch. One of the most famous manufacturers of auto parts has launched a whole line of batteries. As practice shows, as well as consumer reviews, batteries from the manufacturer Bosch do an excellent job with the functions assigned to them, work well in cold weather and can start the engine even after a long period of inactivity. The Bosch line includes many models, so every consumer will be able to choose something for their car, in accordance with their needs and capabilities.
  3. Varta. This brand has also earned the trust of domestic consumers. The service life of Warta devices may vary depending on the model, but usually the batteries from this manufacturer fully reach their service life and even more. If used correctly, you will never have problems.
  4. Viking. Another option for relatively good batteries from a Ukrainian manufacturer. They start car engines normally in cold weather, there is a low probability of self-discharge, of course, if we are talking about the correct use of the device (the author of the video is Avto-Blogger.ru).

How to properly remove and install the air filter?

When replacing the filter element, you must strictly follow the sequence of actions in order to correctly remove and install it, as well as clean and close the seating area.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Remove the brake fluid reservoir and move it to the side. Remove the plastic cover from the engine.
  • Remove the air pipes between the battery and the cover and disconnect the connector.
  • We plug the turbine and the hole between the valve and the cover with a clean rag.
  • We lift the filter housing from the latches, which are located at the front and bottom.
  • Use a hexagon to unscrew three screws.
  • Lifting and pulling towards you, open the unit cover completely.
  • Remove the old filter element and clean the seating area.
  • Install a new filter element.
  • Place the housing cover on the mold and press it, putting the screws in place.
  • Clamp the element body evenly to the junction of the cover and the body and install it on the latches.
  • We install the pipes in place and remove the rags.

Replacement will take no more than 30 minutes. It is imperative to blow out the filter seating area so that excess dirt and dust accumulations do not get into the cylinder blocks.

When changing the air filter, you may also need to replace the fuel filter.

If you make replacements at service stations, then the experts recommend carrying out these procedures with a mileage of 20,000 kilometers or more, and, along with the engine air filter, replacing the oil and cabin filters. Completely updated filtration guarantees maximum engine power during vehicle operation.

How to replace the battery on a Peugeot 308 – step-by-step instructions + photos

In order to remove and replace the battery on a Ford Focus, we need to perform the following procedure:

  1. Open the hood and remove this cover.
  2. We take out the air filter by clicking the latch on the bottom right of the filter.
  3. Remove the battery cover.
  4. Disconnect the positive terminal of the battery upwards.
  5. Near the positive terminal wire, unscrew the other wire with a wrench.
  6. Next, disconnect the white terminal.
  7. We take out the fuse block by pressing the latches on the top and bottom of the block
  8. We remove the wires and the block next to the right side of the engine. Let's leave it there for now.
  9. Completely remove the battery protective casing.
  10. If necessary, unscrew the negative terminal.
  11. Unscrew all battery fasteners.
  12. And we take out the battery. We replace it with a new one if necessary or send it for charging and install it in the reverse order.

Do-it-yourself battery replacement for Peugeot 308

Replacing the battery on your own in a Peugeot 308 will go well if the car enthusiast has some knowledge of the mechanics and structure of the engine compartment. First you need to disconnect the clips and remove the air filter housing, and then remove the filter itself. Then you will need to disconnect the fuse box, covered with a plastic cover, and then the terminal with the plus sign. Then remove the fasteners, disconnect the negative and remove the battery. After replacing with a new one, screw the terminals and snap the clips tightly using the reverse procedure.

The replacement procedure cannot be called easy; if you are not sure that you have the necessary knowledge and skills, it is better to contact a service center.

Battery cost

If the battery fails, it must be replaced with a new one. Buying a native battery will cost 5,600 rubles. Experienced car owners advise that it is better to take a closer look at batteries from third-party brands.

They have an attractive price, long service life and excellent performance characteristics. The best battery options from third-party brands are presented in the table below.

Table - Estimated cost of batteries for Peugeot 308

ManufacturerCost, ruble

Brands, prices and other details for Peugeot 308

Most stores today offer batteries from the following manufacturers for the Peugeot 308:

  • Bosch – 7700 rubles;
  • Berga – 6100 rubles;
  • Varta (Silver series) – 8700 rubles;
  • Duracell – 7600 rubles;
  • Fiamm – 8800 rubles.

Prices are indicated for batteries with a capacity of 77–80 Ah.

Reasons why Peugeot 308 with diesel engines does not start

  • Injectors. Symptoms – the engine does not start or runs unevenly; black smoke comes from the exhaust pipe; increased diesel fuel consumption.
  • Turbocharger. Symptoms – the presence of oil in the intake system and in the exhaust gases; compressor whistle; engine transition to emergency mode; increased oil consumption.
  • Injection pump. Symptoms are problems with power development.
  • Flywheel. Symptoms – jerking at idle; knocking when turning off the internal combustion engine and creaking when downshifting.
  • Particulate filter. Symptoms are the transition of the internal combustion engine to emergency mode and increased fuel consumption.
  • Candles. Symptoms - the internal combustion engine stalls when cold or in frost.
  • Pressure regulator. Symptoms include jerking when moving and difficulty starting the engine.

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