VAZ-2105 (carburetor, injector) does not start: reasons, what to do? – Website about the domestic automobile industry

If you are faced with a situation where your favorite VAZ-2105 car does not start, then, of course, it is best to contact qualified specialists at the nearest service center. But if it is not possible to get to a repair shop, what should you do in this case? Try to find the problem yourself. This article will discuss the stages of self-diagnosis of a VAZ-2105 car that does not start.

The first stage is diagnostics of the VAZ-2105 starter

If the VAZ-2105 car suddenly stops starting, then you can try to find problems and failures in its functional system yourself, as they say, in a garage. The entire diagnostic process can be divided into several main stages.

The first step is to check the starter:

  • spins or doesn't spin;
  • with what intensity does it rotate?

If you didn’t pay attention at the moment when you tried to start your car, then try starting the car again and listen to the operation of the starter.

So, let's consider possible situations of development of events.

Electrical causes of failure

If it is determined that the VAZ-2105 starter does not turn, or the speed is too low, then you must check the electrical circuit. Troubleshooting starts with the battery. The driver must ensure that:

  • the battery is well charged;
  • the wire connecting the terminals of the solenoid relay is securely fastened;
  • the ignition switch contact group is not damaged;
  • The wire between the starter and battery is good.

At this stage of identifying problems, you need to pay attention to how the retractor operates and the armature rotates. Sometimes the winding of the traction relay is damaged, at the same time a short circuit occurs between the turns

Then the VAZ-2105 does not start, but the starter turns. Another cause of starter failure, which is classified as electrical, is slow rotation of the flywheel.

If no visible problems are found, the starter will need to be removed for further inspection. Most likely, the commutator burned out due to the short circuit of the plates. Other electrical causes of starter failure are:

  • failure of the traction relay;
  • brushes that do not fit tightly to the commutator;
  • armature commutator wear.

VAZ 2105. Doesn't grab, won't start. What's the matter?

Greetings! The problem is the following, there is a five with a carburetor. The starter turns, but does not engage. If it’s cold, then I depress the clutch, turn the key and at the same time start pressing on the gas as if I were pumping up the wheel and then, at the moment when it starts to seize, I pull out the choke. You have to push around quite a bit before it starts. If the engine is warmed up or after a short stop of 5-10 minutes, it also doesn’t catch and I do almost the same thing, but I just need to apply the gas a couple of times, it catches and there is no need to keep the choke. I think that the issue with the carber has nothing to do with it, although many people talk about it. Karber has just recently been filmed, cleaned and set up. Everything drove fine and did not cause any problems. And after that the problem described above appeared. Help me please! Tell me what's wrong or a travel service for jigs in Tomsk!

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