Ignition module VAZ 2114 - principle of operation, possible malfunctions and replacement

The ignition module on the VAZ 2114 8-valve injector and on other VAZ models is designed to supply high voltage through the PVN to the spark plugs. Some car owners call the ignition module a coil, which is not entirely correct.

Ignition coils were installed in carburetor vases. The VAZ 2110-15 uses the ignition module. Let's look at the functions of the ignition module, operating principles, circuits, and signs of malfunction.

Main function of the ignition module

The main task of the module is to supply current to the spark plugs. During operation, a working spark is supplied to one spark plug, and an “idle” spark is supplied to the other. The working spark is supplied to the 1st and 4th cylinders, and the idle spark is supplied to the 2nd and 3rd. Due to this connection, the spark appears in a timely manner in the desired cylinder during the required stroke. It is connected to the on-board network.

Floating idle

Another sign of problems in the ignition system is a floating idle. Unstable operation of the engine leads to problems in its operation. In addition to the loss of power, during unstable idling, fuel consumption increases, the starting process becomes more difficult, and dips appear when accelerating.

It is clear that there can be several sources of the problem with unstable idle, but a faulty ignition module causes such a problem quite often. Cylinder misfires directly affect engine performance, so two working cylinders are unable to maintain normal engine idle speed. The problem is solved by replacing the part with a known good one.

In general, failure of the ignition module on a VAZ 2114 rarely occurs, because the node is not loaded with a large number of elements. Over time, due to power surges, the node may still fail. Checking its performance is possible with a multimeter.

Operating principle and location

The ignition unit is controlled by a controller, which in turn receives information about the state of the vehicle from various sensors (IAC, DMRV and others). The controller also sets the sequence of operation of the ignition coils or, in other words, regulates the supply of current to the spark plugs. The ignition module operates at temperatures from -40° to +130°.

Finding its location is not difficult; high-voltage wires (HV) go from the module to the spark plugs; along them you can find it.

Difficult launch

Studying the signs of a malfunction of the ignition module on a VAZ 2114, one cannot help but note the difficulty of starting the engine with such a problem. Starting the engine cold or hot on a working car is the same. A damaged MH turns this procedure into a complex process. It is not the first time that the engine can be started. The reason for this is misfires due to a faulty module, which manifest themselves as “sneezing” of the engine.

If the motor is faulty, during the process of starting the car, the spark plugs begin to flood, which makes starting even more difficult. You should not delay repairing the car with such a malfunction, because... Even with a successful start, you should not drive the car with only two working cylinders. The problem with starting an engine with a faulty motor is especially obvious when it is “hot”.

Diagram of the correct connection of wires to the ignition module

If, after checking the wires, you are convinced that they are all tightly connected to the spark plugs, make sure that they are connected correctly. Of course, if no one has climbed into the engine before you, then there is no point in checking. If there was traction and it disappeared, the reason could be both in the coil and in the wires themselves (if they break through). But in any case, let's check that the connection is correct. The ignition module shows the numbering of the cylinders to which the wires fit.

  • 1 cylinder – central lower outlet
  • Cylinder 2 – left output
  • Cylinder 3 – top outlet
  • 4 cylinder – right output

The diagram is shown for a coil installed on a vehicle.

If after checking no problems are identified, you should consider replacing the coil or wires. It is advisable to change both.

The cost of PVN, depending on the manufacturer, ranges from 300 to 600 rubles per set. The most popular manufacturers:

  • Egorshinsk

The cost of an ignition coil is from 1300 to 2500 rubles. Modules from the following companies can be found in stores:

  • SOATE (St. Oskol)

When choosing a module, you should pay attention not only to the manufacturer, but also to the coil itself; it comes in old and new designs. Therefore, it is better to dismantle yours and bring it to the store.


It is a mistake to assume that damage to high-voltage wires does not in any way affect the condition of the module itself. Many people think of simply replacing high-voltage elements, but in reality they will still have to change the module.

This is explained by the fact that damaged or defective wires direct the wrong current, the configuration of which does not correspond to the necessary parameters. As a result, the spark hits inaccurately or ineffectively, causing the module to burn out and become unusable.

In general, the best option for checking the ignition module on a VAZ 2114 is to use an oscilloscope . But, firstly, not every driver has it, and secondly, few people can use them. Therefore, we will carry out the check using improvised means:

  • 12-volt light bulb;
  • Tester (available for little money at any auto parts store).

Let's start with preliminary manipulations with the accompanying elements of the ignition module.

  1. Check the wiring harness. It is disconnected and the voltage indicator is checked.
  2. To do this, fix the tester on contact A, and connect the other terminal to engine ground.
  3. In normal condition, the voltage reading will be 12V.
  4. If there is no voltage, most likely the fuse has blown.
  5. If everything is fine, transfer the terminals of your tester to contacts A and B, start the car. In this case, the starter should turn and the 12-volt light should blink.
  6. In the absence of these phenomena, we can talk about the presence of a break in circuit A of the contacts.

Next we go to the ignition module itself.

There are several ways to check the condition of your unit. Therefore, let's look at each of them.

  1. Set the tester to ohmmeter mode. Use it to measure the resistance on the high-voltage lines going to cylinders 1 and 4, and then, by analogy, to the wiring of cylinders 2 and 3. In normal condition, the device will give you readings from 5.2 to 5.5 ohms.
  2. Give the device a gentle tug. Thus, you will shake the wiring block and the module. Moreover, this must be done in the operating mode of the power unit. If the device works without obstruction when loosened, everything is fine, you are lucky. If not, you will again have to study the condition of the wiring.

Third way

The third method is considered the simplest, since it involves replacing your device with a similar one that works exactly. But to do this, you have to find a full-fledged twin. We are talking about an ignition module from a car similar to yours in terms of year of manufacture and power unit used. It’s just that 1.5-liter engines have modules, and 1.6-liter engines have coils.

But to replace a module with a module, you will have to first dismantle yours. This is done as follows:

  • Remove the negative terminal from the battery, which will allow you to turn off the power to the car;
  • Disconnect four high voltages from the ignition module;
  • Disconnect the wire block. To do this, you need to release the special clamp that holds the block on the module;
  • Next, unscrew the three nuts. With their help, the module is held on the bracket;
  • There are three long pins on the bracket, from which the module can simply be pulled off.

Having dismantled your module, you can put another unit in its place, thereby verifying the functionality of that one and the malfunction of yours.

Video “Visual guide to replacing MH”

The STO TONN channel presented a visual aid for replacing the ignition module on a domestic VAZ 2114 car.

They brought a “wonderful” car to our service center, as the owner put it. And the miracle is that the owner declares: he changed EVERYTHING, the car worked on two cylinders and still works. We ask how they discovered that two cylinders were not working? The owner replies: I checked the spark, there is no spark on the second and third cylinders. I installed new wires, installed a new ignition module for testing, even installed new ECUs (brains), no spark in 2nd and 3rd and that’s it. The wiring says they checked it, everything is fine, there are no short circuits. Well, truly MIRACLES.

Here it is, our wonderful machine! VAZ 2114


Let's start in order. We connect diagnostic equipment and read errors, if of course there are any. We have several of them. We have installed the control unit January 7.2

Jerks when accelerating

A module failure does not always result in a complete failure of two cylinders. Often the MH begins to “die” gradually, alternately working without failures. If dips and jerks are noticeable during the movement (especially when accelerating), then the following procedures should be carried out:

  • Check the fuel level;
  • Make sure that the fuel filter is not clogged and that the fuel pump is working properly;
  • Listen to the engine idling.

The cause of failure during acceleration may be a faulty throttle position sensor, air flow sensor or mass air flow sensor. Also often the cause of failure when accelerating is the MH.

This is explained by the same reason: at the moment of module failure, a misfire is observed in two cylinders, which does not allow the full power of the unit to be realized. Without diagnosing the unit with a multimeter, it will be difficult to determine the serviceability of the MH, so install a known working element and drive the car again.

Accurate diagnostics and identification of breakdown symptoms allow the driver to independently repair faulty components. The ignition system in the “four” is quite simple and not loaded with unnecessary components, so even a novice driver will not be difficult to identify a module malfunction based on the symptoms listed in the article.

How to check the malfunction of the VAZ 2114 ignition module on your own?

The easiest way to check the device without removing it is to diagnose it at the moment the power unit is tripped. When the motor begins to operate unstably, it is necessary to disconnect the connector elements from each component of the module one by one. If the connector is disconnected from a functioning device, the operation of the engine will change. Dips will appear, and the unstable operation of the unit will increase. When the non-working element of the MH is disconnected, the motor will operate in the same way.

There is another simple diagnostic method, its principle is as follows:

  1. You will need an assistant to check. The spark plug is removed from the seat. The high-voltage cable is disconnected from the device.
  2. Then the disconnected wire is connected to a spark plug, which is applied to the body of the power unit.
  3. The machine motor is starting, you need to make sure that a spark hits the spark plug. If it passes, a blue light will appear between the device and the surface of the power unit, its formation is accompanied by a crackling sound. If there is no spark, then the spark plugs, high-voltage cable and module must be diagnosed.

In the absence of special equipment, diagnostics of the MH can be performed using a control light indicator designed for 12 volts. One conductor from the lamp is connected to the pin of connector A, and the second is connected to ground for grounding. An assistant must start the power unit or rotate the starter mechanism. If the light flickers when performing these steps, then the device is working. Similar actions must be done with another contact.

The channel “Diary of an Auto Electrician” spoke about self-diagnosis of ignition modules, as well as other elements of the system.

Checking the ignition unit with a multimeter

Diagnostics is carried out in the following order:

  1. The car engine is started.
  2. The tester switch must be set to DC measurement mode, the limit should be up to tens of volts.
  3. One of the contacts of the multimeter is connected to connector D on the coil, and the other goes to ground. You can use a car body or a cylinder block as a mass. If there is power, the diagnostic tool display will show 12 volts.
  4. Then the tester switches to the ohmmeter operating mode, the range of values ​​is up to tens of ohms.
  5. One contact of the diagnostic tool is connected to output C, and the second goes to ground. If the device is operational, the test will show a value of less than 1 Ohm.
  6. At the next stage, the tester must be switched to voltmeter mode. The range of values ​​is up to tens of volts.
  7. One of the contacts goes to the output marked B, and the second is connected to ground.
  8. If the diagnostics show that the voltage is less than 0.3 volts, then the device is working. This indicates a clear signal passage from the Hall controller. Finally, you can perform a similar test, only with connector A. The results should be identical.

Direct check of secondary coils for breakdown

To diagnose secondary elements of the MH for breakdown, you will also need a tester:

  1. All connected conductors must be disconnected from the device connectors.
  2. Diagnostic equipment is set to ohmmeter mode, the range of values ​​is up to tens of ohms.
  3. The contact probes of the tester must be connected in turn to the paired connectors of the module. For example, in the second and third, as well as in the first and fourth.
  4. If the diagnostics showed the same results, then all windings are operational. The resistance parameter should be about 5.4 kOhm. If the values ​​obtained are higher, this indicates an internal break in the device. With lower parameters, we can conclude that there is a breakdown.

Loss of dynamics

The VAZ 2114 model has never been distinguished by high dynamics, so even the slightest decrease in engine efficiency affects the use of the car. Loss of dynamics is a clear sign of improper operation of the ignition system or fuel supply system. When considering the signs of problems with the motor, one cannot fail to mention the loss of engine power as one of the key symptoms of its breakdown. If the module malfunctions, leaks in the paired cylinders are clearly observed, which manifests itself in low engine efficiency. It is clear that cylinder failure, even for a short period of time, does not allow the engine to operate at its full capacity. Operating a vehicle with reduced power is fraught with increased fuel consumption and uneven wear of the piston group.

Important ! If there is a sudden loss of power, you should stop driving the vehicle and begin repairs immediately.

The MZ cannot be quickly repaired, so if it malfunctions, a new unit should be installed on the machine. For reliability, you should “throw” a known working element of the ignition system into the car, and then check for changes in the operation of the unit.


When choosing a GDP, two key factors must be taken into account - their resistance and breakdown voltage. The lower the resistance, the better the electrical impulse will be transmitted, and the magnitude of the maximum breakdown voltage determines how resistant the high-voltage wires on the VAZ 2114 will be to breakdowns.

The resistance value of products from different manufacturers differs from each other. As an example, we give you the resistance of the most popular types of GDP:

ManufacturerResistance on cylinder No. 1 (kOhm)Resistance on cylinder No. 2Resistance on cylinder No. 3Resistance on cylinder No. 4Breakdown voltage (kV)

The products of the Czech company Tesla receive the largest number of positive reviews from the owners of the fourteenth. Their wires have optimal resistance and high breakdown voltage, and at the same time they are truly made to last - they do not tan or crack.

The cost of the Tesla GDP set is about 500 rubles, Cezar - 450 rubles, Ween - 270 rubles, Finwhale - 600 rubles, Slon - 500 rubles.

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