How to turn on bluetooth on a pioneer radio and connect an android phone

Every modern car has a radio with many functions. The most popular functions of the audio system, in addition to listening to music, include the “handsfree” system - this is a mode that works via Bluetooth, allowing you to talk on the phone using the car speakers. But not every car owner knows how to turn on Bluetooth on the car radio.

Turning on bluetooth on the radio


Front speakers

Having configured the radio receiver, as well as connecting sound sources, you can focus on sound quality.

  1. After adjusting the volume, press the knob to get to the settings menu.
  2. Here they look for the “Audio” item.
  3. By pressing the handle, you enter this menu.
  4. After looking through it, they find the Fader instruction.
  5. Click on the knob to get to this submenu.
  6. As usual, select the Fader menu (it should blink).
  7. Turn the knob and set the value to 15 units.
  8. Swing the knob to the left once to return to the “Audio” menu.
  9. Now you need to find a high-pass filter - HIGH PASS FILTER (HPF).
  10. Included in the menu.
  11. On the screen, most likely, the HPF is also zero.
  12. Twist the handle and set it to 50.
  13. Swing the handle to the left to exit the menu.

Rear speakers

The front speakers work cleanly, now it’s time to switch the rear speakers on the shelf into subwoofer mode - fortunately Pioneer can do this too.

  1. Turn off the radio.
  2. Press and hold the power button (as if you were going to set up the “demo” mode).
  3. Once in the menu, look for the inscription in the form of SW Kontrol.
  4. By pushing down the handle, you enter this menu.
  5. By rotating it, the parameter is set to SW.
  6. Confirm by pressing the handle again.
  7. Press the power button to save parameters and exit the menu.
  8. Then they return to the “Audio” menu (press the volume knob and rotate to select).
  9. By pressing the handle, you enter the menu.
  10. Here they look for the inscription SW SETTING1. Click on the handle to enter.
  11. Of the three options presented in the menu, you need to choose one of two - Normal or Rev.
  12. Having chosen, swing the knob to the left - return to “Audio”.
  13. Turning the knob clockwise will highlight the SW SETTING2 menu.
  14. They enter it by pressing the handle. The factory setting will show 80 HZ 0. Rotate the knob to decrease the first value.
  15. Having chosen what you want, swing the knob to the right to change the second parameter. This is the power level. The range here is from minus six to plus six. It will not be possible to give optimal parameters - it all depends on the quality of the speakers used.
  16. Press Band to exit the menu.

Before moving on to the next settings, check at different volumes how the selected settings work. If you don’t like something, repeat the steps described, trying other values.

Loudness compensation

This option is hidden in the same “Audio” menu.

  1. Enter the menu, find the Loudness parameter.
  2. Select by pressing the knob.
  3. There are three values ​​​​available here - High, Middle, Low (respectively high, medium, low).
  4. This parameter is responsible for adjusting frequencies at low volume levels. It is also impossible to give optimal settings here - they are set experimentally.
  5. Swing the knob to the left to go to “Audio” or from settings by pressing Band.

Equalizer settings

For advanced music lovers, here are a few more equalizer settings. They are hidden in the same “Audio” menu.

  1. Once in the menu, rotate the knob to select the EQ SETTING parameter.
  2. Enter this menu (depending on the model, you may need to enter another menu here). The three parameters offered in this menu are responsible separately for the settings of the low, mid, and high frequencies.
  3. Set according to your preferences. On some models, you can select several preset settings here. Depending on the speakers and your own preferences, adjust these parameters.

The settings here are no different from others - select by pressing, change by rotating, going to a higher level by swinging the knob to the left.

Radio in the car

Stations in the radio can be tuned in three ways. Depending on the model, 18 or more stations can be memorized.

Method one is the easiest

  1. Knowing the frequency of the station, briefly press the left and right buttons to dial it on the display.
  2. Then hold one of the six buttons (1–6) below the display. The dialed station will be stored in memory, and a corresponding indication will appear on the screen in the form of a number repeating the button number.
  3. Dial the next frequency and press the next free button.
  4. Wait for indication on the display.

This is repeated 6 times - for six different stations.

Method two

  1. While in receiver mode, hold down the right button for one second.
  2. The radio will begin searching for a station.
  3. Having found the first one, it will go into playback mode.
  4. If you are satisfied with the station, save it by pressing the buttons below the display.
  5. Then repeat steps 1–4 to select further stations

Storing the station and selecting banks is the same as in the first option.

Method three

  1. From the main menu you go to the functions menu.
  2. Scrolling through it, you find the BSM parameter.
  3. Select by pressing the up or right arrow.
  4. They wait for a while.
  5. The radio will check the entire range, find stations and arrange them according to signal strength.
  6. Then it will play the first one.
  7. You can save stations in the same way as in other methods. You can scroll through the selected ones by single short presses of the buttons under the display.

There is one thing about this method - not all domestic radio stations are included in the list of those found for various reasons. If you have gone through the entire list, but have not found the desired station, you can proceed as follows:

Exit to the main menu of the radio receiver (exit is carried out in the same way as to the main menu of the entire device - see above). Having looked through it with the volume knob, they find an inscription like FM:... Instead of dots there will be some numbers, usually 100. After playing with the left and right buttons, select FM:50 and confirm the choice. After exiting the menu, start the search again. Since the frequency step has just been halved, you need to be patient here. Maybe this option will find the right station.

You can experiment with the search step, but if there is still no station, it will be faster to select it using the first of the described methods.

Selecting a modem

Before choosing a modem and operator, you need to obtain information about the coverage area. The official website of the company whose services a person would like to use will help with this. A large number of installed communication lines guarantees that the Internet will be of high quality and fast. It is best to choose an offer with unlimited access to the global network. This will help you avoid spending extra money on additional traffic. The connection must be 3 or 4 generations.

It is best to take a 4G modem for the navigator. You also need to decide on what basis it will work. The choice will be between Wince and Android. Radios manufactured in China are based on Android. The stock radio, manufactured by the Intro/Incar brand, also runs on Android.

Setting up the subwoofer mode

To configure the mode, we will have to work with the preliminary settings, which Pioneer, fortunately, has available. Finding yourself in the menu for these settings is easy. To do this, you need to turn off the radio and then press the power button (top left) and hold it in that position until the display lights up. Fired up? That's all, now you are in the preliminary settings menu. As a digression, let's say that almost all the options discussed below have always been on such radios, with the difference that these settings were entered differently. This is either holding the joystick in a recessed position, or holding the “function” button. But at the same time, the radio must be turned off - otherwise you cannot enter the preliminary menu. Let's move on. So, here is a list of preliminary settings. Turn the knob to find out what options are available. There you can see the language settings, search for radio stations, enable additional inputs, etc. But you need to find the name SW Control. To find this name, turn the knob. Found it? Very good. Next, press the joystick and look at the screen. The inscription REAR SP FUL should pop up on it, which will inform you that all the sound is going to the rear speakers, and we need the system to enter subwoofer mode. Turn the knob further until FUL changes to SW. Leave it like that. The preliminary settings are all done. Now turn on the radio by pressing the power button

As soon as the sound appears, you will immediately notice that the rear speakers cannot be heard at all. Don't be alarmed because this is completely normal. After all, using the preliminary settings, you just entered the rear speakers into the desired mode, and now you still have to configure them. Go to “Audio” again, fortunately now you already know how to do this

In this menu, rotate the joystick to find SW SETTING1. After this, press the joystick briefly, and as a result you will see the SW item on the left side of the display, and as many as three items may appear on the right side: NORMAL, REV and OFF. Well, with OFF everything is clear - this is turning off the mode. You will not need this function for settings. But the NORMAL command means that the speakers operate in normal mode with the diffuser working upward. The inscription REV means that the speakers operate in reverse mode with the diffuser working downwards. Rotate the handle to stop at any of these modes. By the way, experienced car enthusiasts know that the reverse mode is best suited for sedan-type cars. After you have launched the selected mode, turn the joystick to the left and exit the settings. Now turn the joystick to find the SW SETTING2 menu. You will find it by turning the handle to the right. This will be the next menu that you have to work with. Press down the joystick and thus light up SW 80 HZ 0 on the display. Let’s give the explanation: 80 – frequency filter. That is, this is the frequency that goes to the speakers. If you have an oval shape, then the frequency range can be limited to 50 hertz. With this cut, you get a nice rich bass in sub mode. But if something doesn’t suit you, then here you can experiment with different options. By turning the knob to the right, you will find the mode power level indicators from -6 to +6. Using the verification method, select the indicator at which there will be no distortion on the speakers. That's all. Setting up the subwoofer mode is complete. Exit the menu using the same BAND button. After this, monitor the rear at different volume levels and adjust the sound power if necessary.


Bluetooth connectivity is the latest in modern electronics and is by far the most advanced wireless technology available today. However, not all radios can support this function. This method is available mainly on touchscreen multimedia systems.

Of course, such a connection does not require any cords - and this is a big plus. To connect, you need to start Bluetooth on both the radio and the phone, and then pair them.

As a result of pairing, absolute integration between the radio and telephone occurs. For this reason, the mobile phone can be removed - control is carried out from the radio. In addition, the radio will use Bluetooth to read not only audio, but also videos from your mobile phone.

This type of connection allows some radios to play the role of an intercom. That is, if a call is received on your mobile phone, you can answer the call using the radio. In this case, the driver will be freed from the need to pick up a cell phone.

Methods for connecting a car radio

For a VAZ 2110 car, in order to reduce the price, connections can be made not to the ignition switch, but to the fifth contact on the BSK block according to the diagram below.

Connecting a car radio in a VAZ 2110 car

But, with this scheme, there are also some disadvantages. For example, power consumption increases when the ignition is on, and for a passenger, if he wants to listen to music, the key must be left in the ignition. You can get away from this by twisting the yellow and red wires together and connecting them to a permanent positive. Then the operation of the Pioneer car radio will not depend on the ignition, but there will be a constant current consumption, which can lead to a discharge of the battery if the car is parked for a long time.

It would be more correct to connect the radio in other ways

First option:

An on/off button is inserted into the cut of the red wire and the product is connected through it. In this case, the radio can always work, and if necessary, simply press the off button. supply of current to the device.

Second option:

The switch button is inserted after ignition between the constant plus. The hazard warning button is used so that you can switch the power mode of the car radio:

  1. When you press the button, the radio is powered through a constant plus.
  2. The button is released - power is supplied from the ignition through the plus.

An example of such a connection diagram:

  • Car radio illumination wire to the cigarette lighter illumination wire.
  • After ignition, a “plus” is inserted from the clock block, this is the orange wire.
  • Plus constant from the cigarette lighter or ABK.
  • From the cigarette lighter minus ground.

Third option: This is a simple circuit according to which the plus will be supplied and automatically disconnected from the alarm. If there is a two-wire solenoid in the car, with opening and closing operation, changing the polarity for each operation, it works like this:

  • from the solenoid to relay P1, a positive pulse is supplied when the doors are opened, the relay is activated and actually goes into self-retrieving mode, power from the battery is provided through relay P2 and the terminals of its contacts, and the radio is connected to the power supply;
  • during closing, with a positive impulse, relay P2 will operate, the power supply circuit of the radio and relay P1 will break, the car radio will turn off, the relay will be de-energized.

The disadvantage of the circuit is the increased power consumption, due to the power supply of the additional relay P1, it always remains on with the radio running. You can see in the video how to take into account all the details and correctly connect the car radio.

Types of devices

Signal transmission from the phone to the standard radio can be organized in several ways, each of which has its own type of device. Each option has its own strengths and weaknesses, knowing which anyone can choose a Bluetooth adapter for their car that suits them.

FM transmitter

The FM transmitter is quite popular among motorists in Russia, despite many shortcomings. It is a device that is inserted into the cigarette lighter to play music from the radio or receive calls from the phone. Since the transmitter is powered through the cigarette lighter, it will be busy all the time. And this is not the only drawback of the FM transmitter.

The transmitter itself is quite large and rarely looks neat, so many people consider it not aesthetically pleasing. But the main disadvantage can be considered the possibility of crossing FM waves. Cars in the next row may accidentally (or deliberately) listen to the same wave by tuning into it through their car radio. And if there are 2 cars nearby that use similar devices and try to listen to the same wave, then interference, hissing occurs, and the sound disappears.

Ordering an FM transmitter on the Internet is not the best idea, since manufacturers often send models with limited functions, for example, they can be used for talking while driving, but you will not be able to connect audio files from your phone.

The popularity of transmitters is due to their low cost and wide distribution. You can buy such a device at almost every gas station and in all auto supply stores.

bluetooth flash

Bluetooth flash is externally indistinguishable from a conventional flash drive. It is designed to be connected via a USB port and allows data transfer via Bluetooth. The device has a limited amount of internal memory, like a simple flash card. Information from external devices is loaded there. The car radio reads this information as if a simple flash drive is connected to it.

The advantages of such a device:

  • low cost;
  • small size;
  • wide range of colors and designs;
  • ability to connect to any player with a USB port.

  • Average connection quality, possible loss or stuttering of sound;
  • some radios completely refuse to read such devices;
  • If the car owner uses a USB charger for the phone, then he will have to buy an adapter from the cigarette lighter for USB to the car.

This adapter option is best suited for those who do not have an audio input in their car radio. It is recommended to give preference to models with a built-in receiver, which will improve the sound quality.

How to install a Pioneer radio

So, the choice fell in favor of the Pioneer car radio. It is worth noting that such audio systems have gained enviable popularity among our compatriots, largely due to their good technical performance and ease of installation.

The presented radio tape recorder meets all the requirements and standards for modern audio systems.

Let us consider in more detail all the features of self-installation of a radio in a car.

Wire marking

In order to simplify the installation of any electrical equipment, the insulation of the wires is painted in a certain color. Thus, each color corresponds to specific functional features of underwater pipelines.

When connecting the radio, you must first of all follow the connection diagram included in the kit.

In addition, the Pioneer radio usually includes 2 contact plugs, commonly referred to as “chips”. Each chip contains 4 pairs of contacts.

One of the chips is designed to supply power, the other is used to connect the speaker system. If the so-called “trick” is missing, do not despair. It can always be purchased at any auto store.

Before you begin directly connecting the radio to the car network, you need to understand the purpose of each wire.

For the most part, the color range of the underwater lines of the radio is limited to the following colors:

The red wire is usually referred to as the power line that supplies voltage to the radio when the ignition is on.

The blue insulation indicates the positive terminal going to the receiver antenna.

The yellow terminal is the power terminal, supplying voltage directly from the battery through the fuse.

Black color indicates a mass hatch.

All other wires, depending on the type of radio, are responsible for powering the speakers. Purple, white, black and green are all feed lines.

A similar color of wires with a black stripe indicates that this wire is negative.

Connection diagram

Connecting the radio yourself should not cause serious difficulties. It is enough to be guided by the diagram presented below and adhere to a number of instructions and recommendations.

Despite the ease of installation, so-called emergency situations often arise when it is not possible to understand the location of the corresponding contacts on the radio plug.

In such cases, it would be most advisable to refer to the visual diagram of the Pioneer plug, where all contacts are sequentially indicated. Each digital pin designation on the diagram corresponds to the color shade of a specific wire.

It is important to remember that when fixing the wires, care must be taken to ensure they are properly insulated. Adjacent wires must not touch each other with conductive surfaces


In conclusion, let’s look at another type of device that can be used with a radio – emulators. The emulator is a universal means of reading music. It contains USB and AUX outputs, which allow you to listen to music from flash drives, as well as connect a phone or MP3 player to the emulator.

To connect the emulator to the radio, you need to use the lso output located on the rear wall of the radio. The cord included in the kit has an lso plug at one end, and a connector for connecting the emulator at the other.

The inconvenience is connecting the emulator cord to the radio: for this you will need to remove it. When using a flash drive, control can be carried out from the radio.

1 02.12.2020

Cars and smartphones have become more than just a part of our lives. They have entered into it so tightly that we simply cannot do anything without them. Communication and movement in space are the components of our life. If this is so, then why not combine these two benefits of civilization into one and make them work together? The question “how to connect a smartphone to a car” appears more often than it might seem, and therefore we decided to answer it by combining all the methods in one article. Let's even talk about those that may seem very unusual. The main thing to remember is that you can connect your smartphone even to a car with an old cassette player.

You can connect your smartphone to any car.

Working with 2 din car radios

The process is similar, but there are a few nuances.

It is advisable to install such radios on battery power, as this will make it possible to use it at full power and reduce interference. It is not recommended to connect the device to the cigarette lighter or ignition switch.

  • If the car does not have standard wiring from the battery, you will need a copper stranded wire with a cross-section of approximately 4.2 mm 2. Those that come with the radio are not suitable - they are test ones and do not have a sufficient cross-section. The length of the wire should be equal to the distance from the installation site of the radio to the battery. Install a 20 amp fuse at a distance of approximately 50 cm from the battery.
  • You cannot twist the wire for a 2 din car radio - this will lead to interference and loss of power.
  • The wires are connected to the batteries only at the final stage, when everything is assembled and insulated.

Via transmitters

To switch external devices, a special transmitter is used, which is connected to the USB port or to the cigarette lighter socket. The devices allow you to connect your smartphone via a wireless protocol to radios that do not initially support this function. The disadvantage of the scheme is repeated signal conversion, which negatively affects the sound quality.

bluetooth transmitter

The device is an external wireless communication unit that operates via the Bluetooth protocol and is connected to a USB port. Modifications for other connectors are not available, since the device requires a power supply to operate. After installing the product, the connection with the smartphone is activated; control LEDs are provided on the transmitter body, indicating the operating status. There are models with a built-in microphone that allow you to answer calls hands-free, but the quality of sound reception and transmission is low.

FM transmitter

The device is a unit that is connected to the cigarette lighter socket or to a standard socket. A transmitter is installed inside the device, which transmits a signal at a frequency selected by the user. To receive signals, the radio receiver of the radio is used, which is tuned to the required wavelength.

External equipment is connected to the transmitter via a USB or AUX port (depending on the design features of the product). The transmitted signal is subject to interference, which degrades the quality of music playback; tracks are switched through the menu of a smartphone or player.


Malfunctions and their elimination

The list of the most common problems includes the following.

Pioneer car radio does not turn on. If the head unit does not work, there may be several reasons (a fuse has burned out, the wiring has failed, the acoustic equipment has broken down). In any of these options, it is better to contact a specialized center. There they will carry out diagnostics and determine the exact reason why the power button on the car radio goes out.

The radio does not turn off completely. This may be caused by poor grounding. Difficulties in disconnecting also occur if the device does not fit tightly to the socket. In this case, it is enough to securely fasten the device and the problem will be resolved.

Direct connection

So, if you properly understand the connectors and wiring, it will be difficult to make a mistake. Everything should be clear here: take the connector and connect it to the answer. But people love complexity and choose a labor-intensive procedure. Disconnect the wiring from the detachable plugs and connect it, guided by the functionality of the wiring.

Radio chip diagram

In all interiors, there are places for mounting a radio on the consoles or on the instrument panels. In some cars, such places are hidden under a decorative panel. And, before you begin installing the car radio, the panel should be removed by unscrewing it with a screwdriver.

You will get a compartment. From it you need to remove the mating wires, which are necessary to connect the Pioneer car radio to the system. After this, connect the wires or connectors as shown in the photo of the diagram. And only now should the Pioneer be installed in the lot, in its seat.

The best versions of car radios with a sound processor from Pioneer, Alpine, Kenwood

The most technically advanced models of car radios are produced by three companies that occupy leading positions in the market. We are talking about Pioneer, Kenwood and Alpine. These brands are preferred by professional audio enthusiasts, since each of the proposed modifications has excellent sound characteristics. Look at the photo to see how the described car radios look in design, this will help you make your choice.

Pioneer car radio

Pioneer, Alpine and Kenwood models use a sound processor to adjust the distorted sound stage in the car interior. JVC also has interesting offers. With such an audio model, you can finely control the sound stage by adjusting the sound output parameters.

If you have questions about how to set up the same Alpine, it is better to contact an experienced technician and only over time do this work yourself. It is better to do this at a dealership of the same JVC, Alpine and Kenwood. Setup is quite expensive, but affordable. In this case, you can get 100% results. You can find a list of available models in the relevant sections.

Alpine processor radio

5 processor radios with an affordable price (list of models) that are worth buying, setting up and learning how to use all the features:

  1. Kenwood KDC-BT53U, the cost of this version is about $200 for the 1din version;
  2. Pioneer MVH 580BT, in the same form factor the cost will be slightly less than the previous version;
  3. The pioneer DEH 5900BT is another high-tech audio system that supports video display and synchronization with Apple devices. Pioneer makes affordable, professional-grade devices that go beyond 2 din;
  4. Alpine UTE92BT is fully compatible with the modern familiar set of functions, supports screens, and is not inferior in class to touch media systems. Synchronizes, without requiring you to configure anything, with mobile devices that support connection parameters, that is, it duplicates the functionality of a 2 din car radio;
  5. Alpine CDA-9887R is a car stereo with professional sound.

Kenwood KDC-BT53U

The advantages include a digital processor. There is support and synchronization with iPhone, iPod, including wireless BlueTooth. The device has a built-in amplifier with 50 W channels (4 channels), a subwoofer, and an amplifier cutoff frequency and balance control. In addition to disks, it also supports music search, etc. Despite the relatively outdated form factor, in terms of its total functions in the 1din format it surpasses its eminent counterparts.

Kenwood KDC-BT53U

Pioneer MVH 580BT

The Pioneer processor radio is one of the best and most cost-effective, not only in professional performance. It is a fully professional version with a progressive sound processor and is in great demand among drivers who are well versed in this topic. The set of characteristics guarantees the highest possible sound quality, there is a low-pass filter and a 12-band graphic equalizer.

Pioneer MVH 580BT

Alpine UTE92BT

In addition to the listed set of features, which are best read in the specifications, the audio device supports saving settings and sharing with other users. Alpine processor radios can be purchased for an average of $200. They are more expensive, but in some cases they are superior in elemental base to Pioneer processor radios.

Alpine UTE92BT

To understand the parameters of media centers for beginners, it is worth contacting a service bureau for professional setup, as well as resources that describe in detail the functionality of car radios with a sound processor.

Video: “deep” settings menu + disabling DEMO mode + disabling time

Turn off the demo

To disable the demo mode, turn off the car radio, and then turn it on again by long pressing the SRC button (maybe the SOURCE button), after which we get to the start settings menu, where using the joystick or the right-left buttons we find the DEMO ON sub-item, and then change it parameter to OFF.

How to adjust the bass

To adjust the bass level, you need to switch the rear speakers to subwoofer mode, which is described in detail in subparagraph 1. Also, to obtain richer bass, correct adjustment of low frequencies through the equalizer, as well as activation of the BASS BOOST function, which is disabled by default, can help. To do this, turn off and then turn on the radio using the SRC (SOURCE) button, and go to the preset menu, where we look for the BASS BOOST sub-item, after which we activate it.

Depending on the Pioneer audio recorder used in the car, there may be other parameters, which you can familiarize yourself with by carefully reading the instructions for the device, which is included in the kit or can be downloaded via the Internet.

What to do if Bluetooth does not find the speaker?


your gadget
does not find
a portable
, first of all, check the activation of the mode and the visibility time of the device in the settings. You should also make sure that the wireless speakers are charged and in working order.

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Sound settings

On Pioneer you can adjust the sound settings based on several parameters:

  • high frequencies;
  • low frequencies;
  • mid frequencies;
  • balance between left and right speakers;
  • balance between the front and rear sides.

You can also configure your Pioneer radio for a subwoofer if there is an output for it.

Connecting a subwoofer

Connecting the active subwoofer and amplifier to the Pioneer radio is carried out through the rear outputs, if available, after which the audio device is configured to work with the subwoofer. You can connect the subwoofer via a crossover to the front or rear speakers.

Switching the operating mode of the rear speakers when connecting a subwoofer to their outputs is carried out in the special settings menu. You must select the SW Control parameter and set its value to SW. Then you should turn on the radio and make additional settings for the subwoofer. You can select forward or reverse phasing, low-pass filter, and overall woofer power.


Some Pioneer radio models have an equalizer that allows you to achieve the desired sound quality through finer adjustments across frequency bands. You can set the gain and width for each of them. There are several equalizer presets stored in the non-volatile memory of the radio, in contrast to user-specified parameters that are reset when the power is turned off or demo mode is turned on.

High pass filter

This sound control option is present in older Pioneer radios. To adjust the treble tone, press the Audio button until Tre appears on the display. This setting can be changed by turning the volume knob or pressing the up and down buttons. If the radio is equipped with an equalizer, then the frequency band above 5 kHz should be adjusted.

Low pass filter

You can adjust the sound at low frequencies using an equalizer or tone control, or using the loudness function. The latter is turned on and off by a button located on the front panel of the device. Through the settings menu, you can adjust the degree of loudness compensation so that a properly configured radio provides high-quality and undistorted sound.

Lada 2109 › Logbook › Adding bluetooth audio to Pioneer mvh-150ub

Not for the sake of showing off, but just for convenience Adding bluetooth audio to the Pioneer mvh-150ub
Although I came across the car 21093I The instrument panel in it turned out to be from the fourteenth, and a tablet is perfectly inserted into the opening where the tachometer and speedometer look, DEXP S470

You can almost comfortably watch a movie from YouTube

But the sound of the tablet is not very loud. And as luck would have it, it didn’t connect to the AUX amplifier input, Pioneer mvh-150ub

I also had a speaker, with a radio and mp3 player and a bluetooth audio profile, such a black cylinder. On the phone it was identified as TH-S10U

When it was working, it blinked with multi-colored lights and when switching modes, it was disgusting and, most importantly, it very loudly announced which mode it had switched to. Which in general didn’t interfere with watching YouTube videos?

But something just happened to the speaker, a magical flight. Of course, not like Gagarin, but she didn’t survive him. An autopsy showed the failure of one internal organ, namely, the battery fell off. A trifle in general, but the methods of resuscitation, or rather the attempt to solder it back, led to a very interesting result.

Apparently, inside the energy source, from heating with a soldering iron, a short circuit occurred. The source hissed slightly and even became very hot.

So, in order to avoid increasing troubles, the battery was placed under a layer of water, because observing giblets and alkali flying around the kitchen was not part of my plans that day

And so a bluetooth audio donor was found for the Pioneer mvh-150ub. And it should be noted (and how timely!) something bad happened to this Pioneer: the USB connector for the flash drive with music was damaged.

And on this site there was a description

there was a diagram of where to solder the wires to the panel connector

And continuing my research, I also found where on this block the contacts from the AUX input are located. A slight hitch arose from the fact that the bluetooth speaker had only one speaker

and therefore it sounded in monophonic mode. But the cunning Chinese also installed a mono amplifier in it!

Well, okay for a movie it will work that way. So that the sound in the speakers is still in both. the signal from the bluetooth module is supplied through a capacitor and 1 kohm resistors to the inputs of both channels, and these are the first two contacts of the panel block. Solder the capacitor to any wire that previously went to the speaker speaker

Power for the device is taken from the front panel connector, as suggested by the diagram previously published here and soldered to the micro USB connector of the Bluetooth speakers

Power is supplied to the Bluetooth module only when the front panel is installed on the radio (as they are also called) Pioneer. And so that the settings, volume and mode do not go wrong, I still had to install a battery from an old cell phone on the Bluetooth device. Subsequently it was turned off as unnecessary, but it was preserved in the photos

A hole was made from the bottom of the metal body of the pioneer to provide access to the mode knob of the younger player

When there is no signal from the Bluetooth sound source and the added volume on the Pioneer, extraneous squeaks are heard, but with the appearance of normal sound they are not heard

Before all these manipulations, it was planned to use another Bluetooth player

paired with an amplifier

But the Pioneer mvh-150ub has one undeniable advantage: When using a USB flash drive, you can flip through not only tracks but also folders. I have never seen such a service before


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