How to properly lubricate driveshaft crosspieces

The driveline of any car is subject to a specific load, which mainly falls on the needle bearings of the hinge mechanism. To service it, you need not only special lubricant for the crosspieces, but also a certain tool. The further operation of the car depends on this and a number of other factors.

The term “cardan shaft” began to be used from the time Gerolamo Cardano became interested in this unit. Since then, the unit has been called exactly that and nothing else.

The device of the cardan transmission and its role

The main task of the driveshaft is to transmit torque from the engine to the wheels. It provides the connection between the gearbox output shaft and the drive shaft of the rear or front axle. This is in cases with rear or front wheel drive. In all-wheel drive models, the front and rear axle shafts are connected to the transfer case shafts.

The main unit of this connection is the hinge, which in turn contains an equally important part - the cross. And as you can understand from the name, it is made in the form of a cross. At each end there is a cup with a needle bearing, which is separated from the housing by a rubber or plastic o-ring. In the absence of lubrication for universal joints and bearings, they quickly fail. The size of the crosspiece is different for each car.

How and when to inject the driveshaft crosspiece: instructions

Grouting the driveshaft spider is a fairly simple job that must be performed regularly to maintain the transmission in working condition. However, many drivers decide to seek such work at a service station, when it is quite possible to do it themselves. The main thing that is required to perform this kind of work is to have the necessary tools and choose the right way to inject the cardan crosspieces with it. In this article we will consider this issue.

1. What is a cardan shaft 2. When to inject a cardan shaft crosspiece 3. How to inject a cardan shaft crosspiece 4. How to inject a cardan shaft crosspiece

The job of the driveshaft is to transfer force from the vehicle's gearbox to the axle. Most often it consists of two or three elements interconnected by a cross. The crosspiece is a hinge joint that provides reliable fastening between units with minimal wear during operation of the mating elements.

In order for the crosspiece to fully cope with its functions and not lose efficiency, it needs constant lubrication. When the car leaves the factory, the crosspiece is tightly packed with lubricant, which should be enough for a long time of operation of the mechanism, but at a certain time it runs out and needs to be replenished.

Adding lubricant to the crosspiece is quite simple, and this can be done without removing the driveshaft through the technological hole. Depending on the car model, its location may differ.


Carrying out any repairs is impossible without first diagnosing the vehicle. And since the crosspiece is the central link in the cardan transmission, it is worth taking a more responsible approach to its inspection.

Typically the problem appears:

  • noise;
  • whistling;
  • hum;
  • strong vibration;
  • clicks;
  • metallic grinding or crunching sound.

This can especially be felt when starting off, or while the car is moving, or when changing gears. In some cases, the malfunction may be hidden, so it is extremely important to detect the breakdown in a timely manner.

Currently, in many car services, diagnostics of car parts, including the chassis, are carried out using modern equipment. This allows you to quickly and with maximum accuracy detect a breakdown and determine whether there is lubricant for the crosspieces or not at all. Depending on this, one or another method of liquidation is selected.

How to remove the cross

In order to carry out the removal, you need to prepare a standard set of keys, then we perform the following series of actions:

  • We drive vehicles onto an overpass or inspection hole
  • We take a 13mm wrench and unscrew the bolts that secure the cardan, we do this with one wrench, since the bolts will not turn. During the turning process, you must try to avoid resting the nut on the transfer case and mud rings, since if the spline comes off or deformation occurs, a metallic clinking sound will appear while driving.
  • When the cardan is removed, it should be syringed, after first cleaning it from dirt with a grease fitting. You should spray until new lubricant comes out from everywhere.
  • To put the cardan in place, put it in a vertical position and press a little, this must be done so that the excess comes out of the spline joint, and the internal pressure subsides, and it will be difficult to put it back in place.

In order to lubricate the crosspiece bearings, it is enough to remove the protective cap from the grease nipple and pump grease with a syringe, lubricate until grease begins to come out of all four bearings.

Therefore, it is necessary to do this procedure, otherwise the cross will fail and you will have to buy a new one, and this is quite a costly affair.


Consequences of ignoring a fault

It is worth noting that if any detected breakdown is not corrected, the consequences may be different. And since in this case we are talking about a cardan transmission, ignoring a breakdown can threaten the life and safety of the driver and passengers. Moreover, in some cases the consequences are irreversible.

You need to be responsible to yourself, since not only the driver himself is at risk, but also the surrounding road users. And if a car enthusiast is accustomed to treating himself and his car negligently, then everyone else should not suffer because of this.

How to replace the crosspiece on a Niva SUV yourself

The Niva car is equipped with two driveshafts that are part of the all-wheel drive system. They transmit energy to the front and rear axles and are a prefabricated structure with crosspieces as their central link. If the crosspiece fails, it must be replaced immediately. This will prevent damage to the driveshaft and failure of the car’s drive system.

The crosspiece is the key link of the driveshaft. Thanks to it, torque is transmitted from the gearbox, causing the shafts to rotate. Usually one of the crosspieces fails, of which there are four in Lada 21213. If it is not replaced in time, the steam room will quickly become unusable. The crosspieces allow the driveshaft to rotate evenly; if they break, play appears and the car loses power.

To avoid any unpleasant surprises on the road, you need to monitor the condition of the crosses. Carry out a thorough inspection of them regularly, clean and apply lubricant at least every 10 thousand km. If a part has become unusable, it must be replaced in a timely manner.

Parts in the drive system become unusable due to play in the units, which is caused by increased loads and mechanical stress. The wear of the crosspiece is facilitated by its unfavorable location. It is located close to the road surface, so it often gets sand, dirt, water and dust. Wear depends on the following factors:

  • quality of parts manufacturing;
  • driver's driving habits;
  • sudden temperature fluctuations;
  • the quality of roads, which leaves much to be desired;
  • operating conditions;
  • ingress of dust, sand, dirt, stones and water.

The main signs of a faulty crosspiece:

  • the appearance of grinding, creaking and crackling sounds in the area of ​​the cardan while driving;
  • knocking sound when the car starts;
  • extraneous sounds when driving on uneven roads.

The crosspiece is one of the parts that have a high margin of safety, but when exposed to a large number of mechanical influences and operation in an unfavorable environment, it quickly wears out.

Inspection and replacement of the crosspiece on the VAZ 2121

To carry out a correct diagnosis, you must perform the following steps:

  • Place the machine on a lift to allow access to the bottom.
  • Having found where the propeller shaft is located, we hold on to it with one hand, and with the other we take hold of the drive gear hinge. It is located near the gearbox.
  • Now, holding the connection with both hands, we try to turn it. If this succeeds, then there is backlash. Its presence requires mandatory replacement of the crosspiece. If this is neglected, the car may fail while driving, as control will be unreliable.

If the decision is made to replace, we purchase the necessary consumables. To carry out the work, we prepare the tools:

  • jack;
  • spanners;
  • Phillips screwdriver;
  • attachment made of aluminum or copper;
  • hammer;
  • thin pliers;
  • tool to remove the retaining rings.

Repair work on joints can only be carried out on a removed cardan shaft. We place the car on a viewing hole or lift it using a lift. We fix the wheels with supports, turn on neutral and the handbrake.

First of all, you need to dismantle the driveshaft. We clean the removed structure from dirt and begin disassembling and replacing parts:

  • Using narrow pliers, remove the four retaining rings.
  • We use a chisel to mark the relative positions of the parts to each other on the cardan and the hinge body so as not to confuse them in places during assembly.
  • Now we press the bearing out of the flange using a piece of pipe of a suitable diameter or a union head. Or use a puller. It is better to fix the cardan in a vice.
  • We hit the mandrel until the fork hits the cross. Now remove the lower bearing bowl. We carry out a similar operation with the top one.
  • If the bearings are tightly seated and it was not possible to press them out, use a grinder to make chamfers on the bearing housing.
  • We turn the flange, loosen it and remove it together with the cross from the propeller shaft. And then we take out the cross from the flange.
  • We wash all parts in kerosene and carefully inspect them. If the plug is damaged, replace it with a new one.
  • At the next stage, we proceed to install the new crosspiece. We insert it into the eyes that have been previously cleaned of dirt and rust.
  • We clamp the flange in a vice and press the bearing cups. You need to act carefully so that the needles do not fall apart.
  • Before doing this, check for the presence of grease in the bearing housing; if there is none, apply it. We also lubricate the parts on the outside. It is not recommended to exceed the amount of lubricant, as it may push out the oil seal or the bowls will not fit tightly into the seat.
  • After pressing, there should be room for the retaining ring.
  • Next, install the retaining rings, checking them for damage. If there are defects, we replace them.
  • When the assembly is completely assembled, apply light blows to the hinge with a rubber hammer to completely shrink the parts and eliminate possible gaps.

Simple procedure

It is most convenient to inspect the driveshaft in a pit or drive the car onto a lift. Next, you need to set the gearbox lever to the neutral position and you can proceed directly to the visual inspection.

Particular attention should be paid when assessing the technical condition of the seals and the hinge. Then, holding the crosspiece with your hand, try to rotate the cardan. If play is detected, which is very easy to notice, the part needs to be replaced. If noises and squeaks are heard when the cardan rotates, most likely the crosspiece itself is in order and you need to change the lubricant for the crosspieces.

It is worth noting that there are two cross-shaped parts and each one must be inspected. And since maximum loads are applied to the rear cardan, this crosspiece suffers most often. In addition, when the car is moving, moisture and dirt get onto the rear driveshaft.

As you can see, the entire procedure for inspecting the cardan is simple. It is possible to do it yourself. But in any case, it is better to contact a specialist if possible, as he can give useful recommendations.

Rating of the best lubricants for crosspieces

Based on tests and reviews on the Internet, our team has compiled a rating of the best lubricants for crosspieces used by car enthusiasts. This listing is not commercial in nature and does not endorse any of the products listed. If you have anything to add or have had any experience (both positive and negative) with using any crosspiece lubricant, please share it in the comments.

Some automakers directly indicate which brand of lubricant should be used for the spider. If such information is not provided, then universal formulations can be used.

Liqui Moly Mehrzweckfett

Liqui Moly Mehrzweckfett lubricant is perhaps one of the best and most popular lubricants for crosspieces not only among domestic but also among foreign car owners. This is how the manufacturer positions it - a lubricant for lubricating rolling and sliding bearings, cardan crosspieces operating under normal loads, at medium and high temperatures. It has a yellow-brown color. It has excellent water resistance and degree of adhesion to the working surface of the part. Serves in a wide temperature range from -30°C to +125°C. Dropping temperature – +190°C. According to NLGI it has a second viscosity class. Made on the basis of lithium soap with Li-12 Oxystearate thickener. The lubricant complies with the German industrial standard - DIN 51502 K2K-30. In addition to automotive applications, it can also be used in various industrial equipment.

Numerous reviews and messages on forums from car enthusiasts who have used and are using this composition suggest that it really has excellent performance characteristics and does not thicken or leak. Accordingly, it is clearly recommended for use in any car, both domestic and foreign.

Sold in packages of three volumes - 400 ml, 5 liters and 25 liters. The article number of the most popular 400 ml package is 7562. Its price as of autumn 2022 is about 400 rubles.


Grease "158"

Lubricant “158” is an old Soviet development (invented in the late 1970s), designed specifically for putting into the crosspiece of cars that have been mothballed for a long time (for example, in military equipment, trucks and even tanks). Its main advantage is the ability not to change its state of aggregation (not to clump) for a long time. Currently, this lubricant is produced by various enterprises in different CIS countries, the most popular of which are: Agrinol, Lukoil, ExpertOil, Ravenol. The external feature of the lubricant is its blue color, which is provided by the pigment - copper phthalocyanine, which plays the role of a thickener and antioxidant additive, which, by the way, is poisonous.

According to the description, “158” grease can be used in automotive electrical equipment (generators, starters, magnetos), where it ensures the operation of rolling bearings for several years without replacement. This eliminates the need for periodic lubrication of such units when operating cars and tractors. It is also placed in needle bearings of universal joints of variable angular velocity. This lithium-potassium grease is based on viscous aviation oil MS-20. Quite soft, in addition to copper phthalocyanine it also contains rosin. NLGI class: 1/2. The temperature range of the lubricant is from -40°C to +120°C; short-term overheating is allowed. Dropping temperature - +132°C.

Modern formulations, as well as Soviet reserves, show that the lubricant copes well with the tasks assigned to it, so it can be widely used for almost any car. Moreover, not only for lubrication of crosspieces, but also for other bearings that fall under the description. The lubricant does not need to be changed for 300 thousand km. Another significant advantage of this lubricant is its low price. But when working with it you need to be careful, it stains clothes, hands and has harmful effects on the skin.

Sold in packages of various sizes (depending on the manufacturer, the article number also depends on this). For example, a metal can with a volume of 800 ml costs approximately 200 rubles.



FIOL-2U is another domestic development, specifically designed for lubricating heavily loaded bearings operating at high and medium speeds; in particular, it can be used to lubricate needle bearings of car driveshaft crosspieces and CV joints. It is an analogue of Lubricant No. 158, CV joint-4 and Litol-24 (however, compared to the latter it has higher performance indicators).

The advantage of the lubricant is the presence of molybdenum disulfide (5% MoS2) in its composition, which provides increased anti-wear and extreme pressure properties. The composition is based on a mixture of petroleum oils thickened with lithium 12-hydroxystearate. Its temperature range is from -40°C to +120°C. Dripping drop not lower than +185 degrees. Compatible with other calcium and lithium greases. Real tests have shown its excellent performance characteristics, especially in relation to domestic cars (in particular, VAZs). It has a significant advantage over imported samples - low price.

FIOL-2U lubricant has a silver-black color; it is produced, like the previous one, by different enterprises, which is why it is packaged in different packages. The approximate price of a 0.5 liter can is about 150 rubles.


Waterproof grease RUBIN MC 1520

One of the leaders in the rating as a lubricant for crosspieces is another domestic development from the manufacturer VMPAUTO - waterproof lubricant MC 1520 (RUBIN). In its composition and properties it is similar to the compositions listed above. Multi-purpose EP-2 grease is made on the basis of Li-Ca thickener and has a red, ruby ​​color. Has good extreme pressure and anti-wear properties.

Real tests show that, as the manufacturer claims, the lubricant does not leak out or thicken in the crosspiece, even under difficult operating conditions of the machine. In addition, it has excellent water-repellent properties and excellent adhesion (sticks well to metals and does not wash out). Compatible with calcium and lithium greases. Car enthusiasts use it with both domestic and foreign cars. Has excellent mechanical stability. The temperature range is from -40°C to +120°C. Dropping point +175°C. Consistency class according to NLGI, like similar analogues, is 2.

Sold in four different packages - a 90 ml disposable sachet, a 200 ml tube, a 400 ml cartridge and a large Eurobucket package - 8 kg. The article number for a small 90 ml package is 1406. Its price is 55 rubles. The article number of the 200 ml package is 1413. Its price is 140 rubles. Package number 400 ml - 1407. Price - 270 rubles. The article number for the large package is 1403. The price is about 5,000 rubles.


MOBIL Mobilgrease XHP 222

Blue MOBIL Mobilgrease XHP 222 is a high quality lithium complex product. According to the manufacturer's description, it can be used not only in automobile transport, but also in various industrial mechanisms. Designed for use in anti-friction bearings, chassis components, universal joints, ball joints and wheel bearings in vehicles with disc brakes.

Has excellent temperature and performance characteristics. Thus, the lubricant belongs to the second category according to the NLGI classification, the temperature range is from -25°C to +150°C (a short-term temperature rise to +175°C is allowed). It has the highest dropping point, namely +280°C, but, unfortunately, at a temperature of 250 degrees it begins to burn.

Reviews from car owners really suggest high anti-corrosion properties. The lubricant has good adhesion and protects the material from mechanical, chemical, thermal and other influences. It is very poorly washed out with water, so it can serve in crosses for a long time. However, the rather good characteristics are offset by the high price compared to the analogues described above.

The most popular volume sold is in a 395 ml cartridge. Product article number: 153553. Average price per package: 480 rubles.


ABRO Super Red

It has another name - lithium red grease "Abro". It is a grease intended for use in highly loaded components and assemblies. It can be used not only in automobiles, but also in industrial equipment, as well as water transport. Suitable for lubricating ball and roller bearings, ball joints, water pumps, steering rods, suspension parts, moving and sliding mechanisms operating in difficult conditions and outdoors. Eliminates squeaking and jamming.

The lubricant contains petroleum oil, lithium soap 12-hydroxystearic acid, antioxidant and viscosity additives. It has a flash point of +204°C, NLGI class 2, dropping point at t=163°C. Produced in the USA. Real tests and reviews have shown the fairly high effectiveness of this product as a lubricant for crosspieces, as it is well suited for harsh conditions. It actually eliminates squeaking and creates an environment for the bearing to operate more smoothly. Therefore, the lubricant is recommended for purchase. But a prerequisite for use is an absolutely clean, dry surface, and replacement must be carried out at every engine oil change.

Please note that it is undesirable for the lubricant to come into contact with the skin of the human body!

If this happens, you should immediately wash off the lubricant with plenty of water. If the lubricant gets into the oral cavity, you should not induce a gag reflex, but you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The lubricant is flammable, so you need to store it away from open flames and highly heated objects! Interestingly, provided that the seal is maintained, the shelf life of this composition is practically unlimited.

Sold in a 400 ml cartridge. The article number of this product is LG-921. The price is about 200 rubles. Less common in a can weighing 454 g under the article LG-920


Mannol Universal Multi-MoS2 Grease EP2

Universal Multi-MoS2 Grease EP2 is universal (although sometimes marketed as a CV joint lubricant). It is a multi-purpose black lithium compound that is formulated from a highly purified mineral base oil. A distinctive feature is the use of molybdenum disulfide and graphite in it, which has significantly increased the high anti-friction and extreme pressure properties. Perfectly protects metal surfaces from corrosion and mechanical damage. It can work perfectly in conditions of moisture and dirt as it contains antioxidant and anti-corrosion additives. Has high adhesive properties with a long service life. As for the temperature range, it ranges from -30°C to +130°C, and dripping occurs at 190 degrees Celsius.

Many car enthusiasts have used this lubricant, not only in the crosspiece, but also in other components of the car, such as fifth wheel couplings with pins, rolling/sliding bearings of the chassis. It is noted that the lubricant does not leak or thicken, so it can be used.

Sold in a 400 ml tube. The article number of this product is 8103. The price is about 160 rubles.


In addition to the specialized lubricants for crosspieces listed above, many experienced car owners use old, proven products, such as Litol 24 and TAD-17 gear oil. As for some other products not included in the rating, among them we can mention Castrol LMX Li-Komplexfett, TLC-100 lubricant, which is recommended by the automaker Toyota, and other similar compounds based on lithium or calcium (if you carefully read their characteristics and compositions, then you can see that they are similar in many ways, and sometimes even completely identical).

List of main faults

Typically, the crosspiece in the cardan transmission lasts a long time, and its service life is calculated at approximately 500 thousand km. However, in reality, everything is not so and after 50-100 thousand km the crosspiece already needs to be replaced. Moreover, this is influenced by a number of factors:

  • terms of Use;
  • manufacturer;
  • quality of materials used.

Frequent travel around the countryside also makes its contribution. Dirt and bumps - all this significantly reduces the already short period of operation of the hinge. Here, lubricant alone for the cardan shaft crosspieces will not be enough.

The list of the most common crosspiece malfunctions includes ordinary inattention during a scheduled inspection. In some cases, the lack of lubrication is not given due importance. And subsequently the cross will make itself known accordingly.

Other common malfunctions include the following cases:

  • a noticeable play of the cross appears;
  • the needle bearing wears out;
  • wear occurs on the crosspiece itself;
  • leaked lubricant or its complete absence;
  • destruction of sealing rings;
  • while the car is moving, you can hear a metallic ringing;
  • A cracking sound is heard in the area of ​​the cardan joint.

No matter how reliable the crosspiece is, sooner or later it will fail. In this regard, the best option for the prevention of this part is to inspect it every 10-15 thousand kilometers. It also doesn’t hurt to make sure there is lubricant for the crosspieces.

And for those car enthusiasts, in particular, who own jeeps and like to take mud baths, it is worth checking the condition of the cardan drive after each such trip.

Preparing the lugs and forks and installing a new spider

The repair will be carried out poorly if the eyes and fork are not cleaned of dirt and rust. This is done with a metal brush or sandpaper. All internal surfaces also need to be cleaned and lubricated before installing a new cross. Do not forget about the grooves of the retaining rings; they need to be cleaned with an awl or a thin screwdriver. Next, the cups are removed from the new cross, and the cross itself is inserted between the eyes. When removing the cups, you need to make sure that the bearing needles do not fall apart. If there is no lubricant under the new cups, the part should be changed, or lubricated yourself. The cups are placed on the crosspiece, then they need to be pressed in with a hammer until the locking grooves open. The repair of the cross is completed by replacing the retaining rings.

Features of Needle Bearing

In addition to the crosspiece, the cardan transmission also includes another necessary element - a needle bearing, which is a type of roller product. Its main distinguishing feature is the size of the bearing, which allows, if necessary, to dispense with the inner ring. This is achieved due to the ability to withstand large axial loads.

The use of a needle bearing implies some restrictions on the use of lubricants. When deciding which crosspiece lubricant is best, it is not allowed to use products with solid additives that have a crystalline structure. It's all about graphite or molybdenum disulfide, which are usually added to some lubricating compounds. These components can cause the needles to jam, which leads to increased wear of the part.

So which lubricant is better?

Many car enthusiasts are interested in the question of what is the best lubricant for crosspieces? In fact, this question in itself is incorrect and cannot have a single correct answer. The main thing for a car owner is to choose a lubricant that will optimally suit its performance characteristics! This means that it will be both of sufficient quality and moderately expensive. The choice depends on the operating conditions of the car, the make of the car, the cost and condition of its transmission and other factors.

For example, it makes sense for owners of expensive SUVs to use more expensive lubricants for crosspieces produced by world-famous manufacturers, while owners of budget cars or drivers who use cars sparingly can get by with products that are average in quality and price. However, we can say with confidence that any of the above tools copes with their tasks quite well. Therefore, all of them can be recommended for purchase. Therefore, the choice remains only with the car owner.

Cardan maintenance

High-quality maintenance of the cardan transmission consists of timely lubrication of the parts. Typically, for lubrication, many workshop technicians use a special oil can with a convenient spout for access to hard-to-reach parts. An alternative to this tool is a regular syringe. The lubricant itself must be of high quality and only from a reputable manufacturer.

Lubricant manufacturers provide their products with high performance properties, including versatility. For example, the Liqui Moly product for lubricating crosspieces and bearings. For older cars, there were strict requirements regarding the types of lubricants. Now the situation has radically simplified. However, it is better to purchase products whose characteristics are best suited for lubricating driveshaft parts.

Lubrication procedure

Let's look at the correct procedure for lubricating the crosspieces without removing the shaft.

  1. Clean the crosspieces. These shaft parts are in a very corrosive environment, so they are likely to become heavily contaminated. For a thorough cleaning, it is best to use engine or carburetor cleaner. At the end of the procedure, wipe the crosses dry.
  2. Prepare materials for lubrication. After cleaning the crosspieces, prepare lubricants. To do this, unscrew the cap from the syringe and the plastic cover from the lubricant cartridge. An iron cap will appear under the latter.
  3. Assemble the syringe. Place the syringe into the hole in the cartridge and unscrew the iron cap.
  4. Lubricant injection process. Place one end of the syringe into the hole in the cleaned oil can and begin pumping the lubricant. At the same time, make sure that the syringe handle is squeezed all the way. This will ensure full penetration of the lubricant into it.
  5. Lubricate all points of the part. In total, the shaft has 3 such points. Two of them are on the crosspieces, and another one is on the spline joint.

Features of the cardan lubrication process

As a rule, the cardan is lubricated directly on the spot, that is, without removing it from the car. In theory, there is nothing complicated here, but in reality, difficulties inevitably arise during the process. First of all, using a syringe can create a dangerous illusion. The fact is that minimal visibility gives rise to a false feeling that the lubricant has gone where it is needed, although in reality this is not the case. The seals should literally be bathed in grease.

Also, you should not use a product that accidentally spilled on the floor due to carelessness. As a result, upon contact with another surface, Liqui Moly lubricant for crosses (or any other) loses sterility, which is unacceptable.

In most cases, the process drags on for an indefinite period of time. Often in the following days the work is completely forgotten. Therefore, it is advisable to completely dismantle the connection. This will allow for better visual diagnostics of the cardan and good lubrication of its parts. Afterwards, all that remains is to install everything in its place.

What is used for lubrication

Tool kit for lubricating the universal joint

The set of tools and tools used for the procedure of lubrication of the crosspiece/crosspieces depends on the method of its implementation. There are two of them - with and without dismantling the driveshaft. It is worth mentioning that the first method, although more labor-intensive, allows you to achieve a better result, since with its help you can visually control not only the amount of lubricant, but also the method of its placement, the quality of filling the lubricated cavity. Lubrication without dismantling is much simpler, but even with it there is a risk that the lubricant will not spread completely throughout the volume, and therefore the quality of lubrication will remain in question. Lubrication of the cross must be done by first driving the car into an inspection hole or lifting it on a lift (more suitable for a service station or car service center).

So, in order to lubricate the cross without dismantling the driveshaft you will need:

  • directly lubricant for the crosspiece;
  • a lever syringe with a lubricant where the lubricant is placed;
  • adapter for a syringe (optional, used if the oiler is in an inconvenient place for refilling it).

If you nevertheless decide to dismantle the driveshaft from the car, then in addition to the means listed above, you will also need additional plumbing tools, with the help of which, in fact, you will need to perform the dismantling. Usually these are wrenches, screwdrivers, and sometimes a hammer. The procedure for dismantling the driveshaft will differ for different car models, but remember that the driveshaft is a fairly heavy part, so when dismantling it, you must follow safety rules!

Remember that the procedure for dismantling the driveshaft involves contact with dirty surfaces and simply dirt (grease). Therefore, it is advisable to have rags on hand, and it is better to work with gloves. After work, you can use special hand cleaners.

Different machines have different locations of grease nipples on the crosspieces. This needs to be clarified further in the technical documentation. Filling the bearing with oil must be carried out until old grease flows from under the seals or from the opposite hole of the oiler (usually it differs in consistency, composition and color). In the future, the old lubricant must be removed from the surface of the transmission parts.

If the crosspiece is very dirty, it is better to clean it using special cleaning products or other similar cleaners. This will be a good preventive measure to ensure that dirt from the external surfaces of the parts does not get inside the bearings.

One of the best

One of the best products for lubricating universal joints is lubricant from the Liqui Moly brand. As the manufacturer himself assures, lithium soap-based grease is ideal for servicing driveshaft crosspieces. The product is also suitable for lubricating sliding and rolling bearings that operate under normal conditions and at medium and high temperatures.

Lithium grease for cardan shaft crosspieces contains special components and additives, which increases its service life. The versatility of the product allows it to provide good sealing. Besides this, there are other advantages:

  • increased stability in conditions of high humidity and dust;
  • resistance to hot or cold water;
  • friction of lubricated parts is reduced;
  • The product has good ability to absorb compression.

You can also highlight resistance to aging and corrosion. As for the operating temperature range, it ranges from -30 to +125°C.

What kind of lubricant should be used for crosspieces?

Today, the market offers a fairly wide range of different lubricants for crosspieces from different manufacturers. When choosing, you need to pay attention not only to the price and celebrity of the brand, but also to the performance characteristics of the product. In particular, a good lubricant should have the following parameters:

  • high water-repellent and anti-corrosion properties;
  • function normally in wide ranges of changing pressures and temperatures (in particular, withstand high pressure and temperature);
  • have good stickiness, which will allow the lubricant to remain on the surfaces of the part even with strong vibration and high rotation speeds;
  • have high colloidal, chemical and mechanical stability, do not change its composition during operation, and withstand mechanical shock loads well;
  • do not thicken when the ambient temperature drops significantly;
  • if possible, increase the mileage interval for replacing the lubrication of crosspieces (or other related components and assemblies, this will save the car owner money);
  • must be compatible with mineral lithium greases commonly used in the lubrication of transmission components;
  • must be safe for the human body.

That is, ideally, a good lubricant should have the listed properties. The remaining selection parameters mainly relate to price-quality ratio, ease of use, and preferred brand.

Blue remedy number 158

During Soviet times, blue grease for crosspieces “158” based on a lithium-potassium complex was in great demand. Currently, lubricants using a lithium thickener have begun to be produced. This made it possible to significantly increase the upper operating temperature range, which is now +165°C or more.

A characteristic distinctive feature, as can be understood, is the shade of the lubricant numbered 158. However, this does not say anything specifically about the properties. For a number of manufacturers, this step is justified in order to identify products and give them an attractive presentation.

In European countries, pigments are used for this, which color the lubricant not blue, but green or red. The color design may also vary if, for example, the same lubricant for Liqui Moly universal joints is ordered by different suppliers.


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#41 monia

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#42 Bucks

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  • Registration 23-August 06
    • From: Chernigov
    • Auto: 01, 2106-2pcs, 21213, BMW, Audi

    CAR PARTS VAZ (factory and Europe) and FOREIGN CAR, IN STOCK AND TO ORDER, delivery from the UAE, Europe, USA. A huge assortment of oils: MOTUL, KROON OIL, COMMA, VATOIL, ZIC, LIQUI MOLY, CASTROL and many others DM or CALL 07311nol2000

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    #43 2-eshnik

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  • Registration 07-May 06
    • From: Ukraine, Kiev
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    Do I need to lubricate the new crosspieces additionally before installation? if necessary, then with what?

    Bearings of cardan joint crosspieces ——- Grease CV joints-4, CV joints-4M, MOLIKOT VN 2461С

    bought new GKN. They seem to be well lubricated, but on the Internet I came across a phrase that says the crosspieces come with a can of grease and you need to fill it with your own.

    If you want to tell me something, try using your mouth. type(c)BG

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    Successful advertising

    Thanks to the efforts of many marketers, blue grease is now a sign of versatility and high quality. For the first time, a blue-colored lubricant was produced by ExxonMobil and Chevron in the West. The product unexpectedly showed its best performance under normal operating conditions of almost any equipment.

    Now blue lubricants are already a standard of quality. They are especially popular in the Russian Federation. They are widely used in servicing not only various types of transport (automobile, railway, water, tractor, special equipment), but also various industrial equipment. And the question of what lubricant to inject the crosspieces with is resolved on its own.

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