Oil pump VAZ 2106 device, check, adjustment, replacement

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Engine crankcase ventilation

Rice. Scheme of crankcase ventilation of a VAZ car: 1 - tube; 2 - oil separator; 3 - cover; 4 — hoses; 5 - flame arrester; 6 — exhaust manifold; 7 - filter element; 8 — hose; 9 — throttle valve axis; 10 - spool; 11 — spool groove; 12 - calibrated hole.

The crankcase ventilation of the VAZ engine is forced, closed, preventing the release of crankcase gases into the atmosphere. It is carried out due to vacuum in the engine cylinders.

The crankcase ventilation system includes:

When the engine is running, blow-by gases are sucked into the exhaust manifold through an oil separator 2 with a cover 3, where the oil is separated and flows down tube 1. A flame arrester 5 is installed in the hose 4, which prevents the flame from breaking into the crankcase when “popping” into the carburetor.

From the exhaust manifold, gases can then pass in two ways:

The spool device regulates the crankcase gas suction mode at different crankshaft speeds and consists of a spool 10 on the axis 9 of the throttle valve of the first chamber and a calibrated hole 12. The spool has a groove 11.

At a low crankshaft rotation speed (with the throttle valves closed), the vacuum at the inlet to the carburetor is insignificant, and the bulk of the gases are sucked through hose 8 through calibrated hole 12 into the rear throttle space of the carburetor. The calibrated orifice limits the amount of gases sucked in, and ventilation has little effect on the amount of vacuum behind the throttle valve.

With an increase in the crankshaft rotation speed when the throttle valve is opened, spool 10 rotates and opens an additional path for gases through groove 11. Gases are sucked out both through hose 8 and into the air filter. The total amount of gases sucked out increases.

At high crankshaft speeds (throttle valves are open), the bulk of gases are sucked into the air filter into the space behind the filter element.


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Oil pump

A gear pump with an oil receiver and a pressure reducing valve in the cover is installed in the engine crankcase. The pump is attached to the cylinder block with two bolts.

Gears are installed in the pump housing: the drive gear is stationary on the pump shaft and the driven gear is free on an axis pressed into the housing. The pump is driven by a chain transmission from the crankshaft sprocket to the auxiliary drive shaft sprocket, which is installed in the cylinder block in steel-aluminum bushings. The roller has a helical gear that meshes with the drive gear of the oil pump and ignition distributor, which rotates in a cermet bushing. On the latest car models, the drive shaft of auxiliary units is also installed in metal-ceramic bushings.

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Basic data

The VAZ 2110, 2112 oil pump is designed to uninterruptedly supply oil to the engine to lubricate its rubbing parts, which effectively extends their service life. On these cars, this product is connected to the crankshaft and directly receives energy from it for operation (rotation), which is traditional for all front-wheel drive VAZs. The product is located in the engine oil sump.

Signs of pump failure:

You need to know that the burning of a lamp with an image of an oil can, without confirmation, is not grounds for immediate replacement of the unit. First you need to make sure that the wiring of the oil pressure sensor is in good condition; if everything is in order with it, then you definitely need to check the sensor itself. To do this, it is dismantled and inspected - if there are no traces of lubricant on it (no circulation), the pump will need to be replaced; when the sensor is lubricated, the sensor should be replaced.

The most common pump failures include:

The manufacturer AvtoVAZ recommends changing the oil every 10 thousand km, but operating experience shows that it is better to reduce the mileage between changes. You need to buy oil only from reputable manufacturers, and you also need to be wary of counterfeits.

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Oil filter

The oil filter is screwed onto the fitting and pressed against the annular collar on the cylinder block. The tightness of the connection is ensured by a rubber gasket installed between the filter cover and the collar of the block. The filter has an anti-drainage valve 9, which prevents oil from draining from the system when the engine is stopped, and a bypass valve 7, which is activated when the filter element is clogged and transfers oil in addition to the filter into the main channel 28. Oil filtration is carried out by a paper element 8.

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Design of the engine lubrication system for VAZ-2106 and VAZ-2103 cars

The engine lubrication system is combined: under pressure and splashing.

Main and connecting rod bearings, camshaft supports, gear bushings and drive shafts of the oil pump and ignition distributor are lubricated under pressure.

The oil flowing from the gaps and sprayed by moving parts lubricates the cylinder walls, pistons with piston rings, piston pins in the piston bosses, the timing chain, valve lever supports, as well as the valve stems in their guide bushings.

Lubrication system capacity 3.75 liters. The oil level is controlled by the marks on indicator 5. Normal oil pressure is 0.35-0.45 MPa (3.5-4.5 kgf/cm2) at a crankshaft speed of 5600 rpm. The minimum pressure must be at least 0.08 MPa (0.8 kgf/cm2)

The lubrication system includes: oil pump 10, inlet pipe with a filter mesh attached to the pump body, full-flow oil filter 6 installed on the left front side of the engine; oil pressure reducing valve built into the intake pipe, sensors 29 for the indicator and oil pressure warning lamp.

Oil circulation during engine operation occurs as follows. Oil pump 10, driven by a pair of gears with helical teeth, sucks oil from the crankcase through the filter mesh of the inlet pipe and supplies it through channel 11 to the full-flow filter 6. The filtered oil through channel 12 enters the longitudinal main channel 28, running along the block on the left sides, and from there, through channels 16 drilled in the partitions of the cylinder block, it is supplied to the main bearings of the crankshaft. Oil is supplied to the central support of the camshaft through channels drilled in the cylinder block 27, in the cylinder head 26 and in the camshaft bearing housing. The cylinder head gasket has a copper-lined hole through which oil passes from channel 27 of the block to channel 26 of the head.

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Engine crankcase ventilation

When the engine is running, blow-by gases are sucked into the exhaust manifold through an oil separator 2 with a cover 3, where the oil is separated and flows down tube 1. A flame arrester 5 is installed in the hose 4, which prevents the flame from breaking into the crankcase when “popping” into the carburetor. From the exhaust manifold, gases can then pass in two ways: into the air filter, bypassing filter element 7, and through the carburetor into the engine cylinders with the combustible mixture, as well as through hose 8 into the spool valve of the carburetor and then into the throttle space of the carburetor. The spool device regulates the crankcase gas suction mode at different crankshaft speeds and consists of a spool 10 on the axis 9 of the throttle valve of the first chamber and a calibrated hole 12. The spool has a groove 11.

At a low crankshaft rotation speed (with the throttle valves closed), the vacuum at the inlet to the carburetor is insignificant, and the bulk of the gases are sucked through hose 8 through calibrated hole 12 into the rear throttle space of the carburetor. The calibrated orifice limits the amount of gases sucked in, and ventilation has little effect on the amount of vacuum behind the throttle valve.

With an increase in the crankshaft rotation speed when the throttle valve is opened, spool 10 rotates and opens an additional path for gases through groove 11. Gases are sucked out both through hose 8 and into the air filter. The total amount of gases sucked out increases.

At high crankshaft speeds (throttle valves are open), the bulk of gases are sucked into the air filter into the space behind the filter element.


Piston pins

Piston pins 14, 16 and 17 are made of cast iron. The outer surface of the upper compression ring 17 is chrome-plated to increase wear resistance and to improve run-in, it has a barrel-shaped generatrix. The lower compression ring 16 is of the scraper type (with a groove along the outer surface), phosphated.

The ring must be installed with the groove down. Oil scraper ring 14 has slots for oil removed from the cylinder and an internal coiled spring (expander).

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