Shift Lock Release: what is this button on the automatic transmission for?

If there are usually no problems with using an automatic transmission, then many drivers simply do not know why there is a small SHIFT LOCK button next to the selector. The instructions often don't tell us what its purpose is, so we often use it for other purposes, but in certain situations, SHIFT LOCK may be necessary, allowing us to avoid serious transmission damage. Let's talk in more detail about how to use the SHIFT LOCK button.

What does shift lock release mean on an automatic transmission?

Automatic transmissions (ATTs) have become standard equipment in modern cars.
Just 10 - 15 years ago, such a transmission was a rather expensive and capricious unit. Today it is a reliable device with a long trouble-free operation life. The automatic transmission provides its owner with maximum comfort, especially when driving on busy city roads. “Shift Lock Release” literally translated into Russian the inscription means: “Lock release switch.” Sometimes the word "Release" is missing, but this does not change the meaning.

Automatic transmission with 2.0 l. motor

Nu 2.0 MPI 4wd engine (that is, all-wheel drive). This engine is available on higher trim levels, starting with Comfort. A front-wheel drive option is also available.

Consumption on the 2.0 engine will, of course, be higher, since the power is much greater. The car accelerates to 100 km in 10 and 7 seconds. The all-wheel drive model takes a little longer – 11.3 seconds. The higher the equipment, the higher the fuel consumption.

An engine with an aluminum block has a similar problem, which wears out very quickly, since the metal is soft. The result is that the motor cannot be repaired. The engine life is about 200 thousand km. Oil leaks can be a common problem. This engine is also chain driven.

This engine is more suitable for driving on bad roads, especially if the car is all-wheel drive. Greater power makes this possible.

Changing the oil on Crete

Why is there a mysterious button next to the gear selector?

In the case of a classic hydromechanical automatic transmission, to the left of the selector you can usually find a small button on which Shift Lock Release is written. Few people know why it is needed, and the fact that when you click on it, at first glance, absolutely nothing happens, only adds to its mystery. In fact, this button is very important, and in emergency situations it is completely irreplaceable!

The inscription Shift Lock Release can be translated as “removing the selector lock” - this is the direct function of this button. Try moving the automatic transmission selector from position P to any other without starting the engine. Did not work out? Now imagine that the engine stalled at the most inopportune moment. How to remove a car from the road or at least move it to clear the way? After all, this is not a “mechanics” in which you can simply engage neutral gear.

This is where that button is needed. By pressing Shift Lock Release, the automatic transmission selector can be unlocked and the box can be placed in neutral, and then the car can be safely towed. Both of these actions must be performed simultaneously. In some cases, by the way, the button may be covered with a plug that protects it from accidental presses. Then you will need a screwdriver or a “sting” of the ignition key.

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The function of removing the selector lock is indispensable and allows you to both significantly save time and money, and avoid additional breakdowns associated with the need to move a faulty vehicle. The Shift Lock Release button was introduced by manufacturers specifically for emergency situations and is a standard solution that does not cause any harm to the gearbox.


Initially, as soon as the driver finds himself behind the wheel of a new car with an automatic transmission, he tries to understand the functionality. Some people fall into a certain stupor because they do not understand what Shift Lock Release is and what this button is for. We need to correct this injustice by understanding the issue.

On most automatic transmissions installed in modern cars, Shift Lock is located on the left side near the parking mode on the selector. But this still doesn’t make it clear what Shift Lock is on an automatic machine and why this button is even needed.

The thing is that, in fact, Shift Lock has nothing to do with the modes of movement and operation of the box. That is, when you press it while traveling in cars, you will not feel anything. But drivers, without understanding the functionality of all the buttons and controls related to the automatic transmission, expect that:

But all this does not happen. And here comes the most important moment. The purpose of the button is to ensure that the driver is able to move the lever of his automatic transmission to the position he needs when the engine is turned off. That is, in fact, you stand still, do not start the engine, and using this button you can switch between automatic transmission modes by moving the selector in different directions.

We can safely say that this button, called Shift Lock or Shift Lock Release, acts as an element for unlocking the gear shift lever on an automatic transmission.

Every driver of a car with an automatic transmission knows that parking involves moving the selector to the appropriate parking mode. It turns off the engine. After this, the lever cannot be moved until the motor is started again. It is to create conditions under which it will be possible to move the lever to a position other than parking or P mode that the button in question serves.

Some do not understand why such a function is needed at all and whether the driver needs such a button. In practice it can be useful. And not as rare as it sometimes seems.

Examples include the following situations:

As you can see, there are more than enough examples. And in all of the above situations, the Shift Lock button plays its key role. Therefore, it is not worth underestimating the functionality of the mode and claiming that the button is completely useless.

How to use "shift lock"

In order for the button to have the desired effect, you must take the following steps:

  1. Click on it.
  2. Do not release until you have moved the shift lever to the “N” position if you need to tow the vehicle with another vehicle.
  3. Release the button on the machine.
  4. Then you can push the car or transport it on a trailer.

Now you know how and where to use this key. It may look different on different brands of vehicles.

For example:

  • on Toyota cars you will find it slightly recessed into the selector. And it will be called not just Shift Lock, but “Shift Lock Release”;
  • on Kia the switch will be hidden under a special panel. The lid must be opened to use the “Shift lock”;
  • There are no identification marks on the Ford Focus and other modifications of vehicles that came off the assembly line of a well-known plant. On the automatic transmission selector of these cars you will find just a button without a name;
  • on Nissan Shift Lock looks exactly the same as on Toyota.

If you need to replace the button, you can contact any auto store. The cost of a key starts from 130 rubles. For Toyota Camry ShiftLock is sold under catalog number 3356333230.

Write in the comments, have you already changed this key or have you never touched it during the entire time you owned the car?

Recommendations for use

To ensure additional safety, manufacturers of automatic transmissions have specially equipped automatic transmissions with a special system that is designed to block selector shifting. Using this functionality, the possibility of accidentally switching from the parking position to the reverse driving mode when the ignition is turned off and the engine is turned off is eliminated.

On some vehicles this cannot be done even if the key is removed from the ignition switch. Objectively, we can say that to a greater extent this button called Shift Lock was created for servicing cars and service center employees. But it will also be useful in the daily life of the car owner himself, as you already understood from the examples above.

In reality, no one wants a button labeled Shift Lock to be useful in everyday life. But sometimes she can save you from a difficult situation. After all, when switching modes on an automatic transmission becomes possible only with the help of this button, problems probably arise with the gearbox. Or you are in an unusual situation.

If the situation on the road, in the garage or anywhere else where you were in a car with an automatic transmission forces you to find a way to move the selector to a different position, simply use the Shift Lock function.

Most often, the button becomes useful as part of the maintenance and repair of a car with an automatic transmission. If the automatic transmission fails, a car service employee will be able to switch to different modes simply using the Shift Lock capabilities.

And using the button is extremely simple. If you want or need to move the car, but it is not possible to drive the car with the engine running, do not forget that there is a special button called Shift Lock. Here you need to perform several sequential steps. Namely:

It is also important to remember to always keep the brake pedal depressed when you use Shift Lock to move the locked gearbox to another position. This will prevent unwanted spontaneous movement of the machine. Even if you are standing on a flat surface, without slopes, still, for safety reasons, do not forget to press the brake using Shift Lock.

You must understand that such a button is more likely to be used for extreme situations. Therefore, no one wants to face the need to use it in ordinary everyday life.

Here is a button designed to unlock the automatic transmission when the engine is not running or not started. This is an auxiliary function of the automatic transmission, which can sometimes help out in a difficult and difficult situation. But it will be better if you never encounter the need to use it. At the same time, the presence of Shift Lock still gives a certain additional confidence. Her presence at least calms you down and allows you to understand that, if necessary, you will be able to cope with automatic transmission problems.

Understanding what switching using the Shift Lock button on your automatic transmission actually does, you just need to use the additional functionality of the automatic transmission correctly and in a timely manner.

Interpretation of dashboard indicators Hyundai Creta 1st generation

• Some instrument cluster icons shown here may vary depending on the vehicle body type.

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• If a question regarding the operation of any indicator remains unanswered, it is worth considering that a green signal usually always indicates the serviceability and normal function of the system, in which the driver can continue driving.

• When a red or yellow indicator is detected on the dashboard, we can conditionally assume that one of the elements of the car system is not functioning correctly; usually, problems with which it is better not to continue driving the car further are indicated in red.

Automatic transmission with 1.6 l. engine

Unit index G4FG. The engine is assembled in China under the direction of the concern. This engine is available on smaller trim levels, for example, Active, Travel.

A car with such an engine is more suitable for driving in the city, since the engine will be rather weak for off-road driving. Acceleration to 100 km occurs in 12.3 or 12.9 seconds.

Fuel consumption when driving around the city ranges from 9 to 10.5 km. Suburban mode is less gluttonous. Consumption is reduced to 6-7 liters.


About Creta: TOP AUTO A significant drawback is the short service life of the engine and the inability to repair it.

Of course, this reflects the company’s desire to sell new cars as often as possible. The fact is that the aluminum block and cast iron sleeves are fused. Because of this, it is impossible to bore the sleeves or replace them.

The engine is 1.6 creta chain. Chain motors are much more durable than belt motors. The chain is replaced less often than the belt, but it costs more.


List of situational moments that require turning on the button

However, if the automatic transmission has gone into emergency mode or the engine has stalled in the middle of a busy highway, you can safely use Shift Lock to, for example, set the rocker to the neutral position. It will be easier for another car to tow your box without harm if there is no tow truck nearby.

Now I will describe situations in which the use of “Shift Lock” on an automatic transmission will be useful to you:

  • stopping at a gas station;
  • car breakdown requiring towing, as I wrote above;
  • stopping in front of the turnstile to deposit money.

Thanks to this key, you can always unlock the automatic transmission and put the rocker in the desired position. By the way, on old boxes, instead of a key, the driver found a hole for the key. The key acted as a “Shift Lock” unlocker, by inserting which it was also possible to change the position of the selector lever on a locked automatic transmission.


Alternative names: Hold, ETC Snow, Snow, current gear lock switch. When pressed, the currently selected gear is blocked from downshifting or upshifting, and a warning lamp in the instrument cluster lights up.

The button can be used in conjunction with the “D” mode and a manually selected gear – values ​​1, 2, 3, L on the mode scale.

In the first case, the car will start from 2nd gear. This will avoid slipping on ice and snow. In the second case, it makes it easier to climb/overtake and allows you to effectively use engine braking on steep descents, preventing overheating of the brake system elements and saving their life.


Alternative names – Sport, ETC PWR. When turned on, the gear buttons shift at high engine speeds, and the corresponding indicator on the instrument cluster turns on.

This mode is recommended for use on slopes on the highway, at speeds above 90 km/h. When pressed, the gear will decrease and the car will accelerate.

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