The location of the gas and brake pedals in a car on an automatic transmission


A pedal is a footrest or lever that is pressed by the foot. The manual transmission is the foundation of the basics. The pedals on it have the most standard and common shape and location. The very first cars were equipped with “mechanics” - a manual transmission. People got used to it, to its features: changing gears, “manual” control over the state of the car, they got used to feeling like a full owner in it. For these reasons, we will consider the location of the pedals on a manual transmission.

But this feeling requires a lot of effort and work. So, what knowledge should a beginner who wants to master a car with a manual transmission have? First, he needs to thoroughly study the machine’s control unit and its main components: pedals and lever.

At a driving school, the standard curriculum includes the study of clutch pedals. And this is very correct. How well you “operate” the pedals in a car depends on your level of professionalism regarding driving a car. You must be able not only to manipulate the car’s controls, know where they are located, etc., but also understand what happens when they are pressed in the mechanisms - this makes it easier to develop qualities thanks to which you begin to literally “feel” your car. If you develop these qualities in yourself, then this can be very useful to you later.


In this article we will look at the location of pedals in a car, their types and what function each pedal performs.

Pedals in an automatic car: location

They are located in the car from below in the driver's footwell. The present instructions contain a photo describing the location and name. To avoid confusion for a beginner, the gas pedal has been made longer and the brake lever has been expanded. If a person has never driven an automatic transmission before, but has used a manual transmission, he definitely needs to study the placement of functional elements from the photo before driving. There is not much difference, as if the clutch was removed, leaving the brake and gas.

Scheme of pedals in the machine

The location is as follows:

  • on the right side there is gas;
  • on the left is the brake.

The trigger is slightly recessed in space. The brake protrudes slightly for driver comfort.

Which side is the gas pedal on an automatic?

It is located on the right and performs the functions:

  • car start;
  • movement speed control;
  • acceleration of the car.

Working with gas changes the movement of the car depending on the prevailing circumstances.

Where is the brake on an automatic transmission?

The pedal is located on the left. Applicable:

  • in order to reduce speed;
  • stop;
  • emergency braking.

The brake is pressed in different situations, for example, when the car is accelerating downhill and it is necessary to reduce speed.

Features of a manual transmission

A manual transmission is a type of transmission in which the gears are switched and torque is transmitted manually by the driver by selecting a gear, according to an assessment of current conditions and the characteristics of further actions.

In simpler terms, the purpose of a manual transmission is to regulate the speed range and select its direction.

The number of stages in a manual transmission ranges from four to seven, in addition to neutral and rear.

A special feature of vehicles with manual transmission is the presence of a clutch pedal, in addition to the brake and gas pedals, which are available in all types of transport. The gear change is carried out with the clutch pedal depressed.

Advantages of transport with manual transmission:

  • inexpensive repairs and easy maintenance;
  • high reliability;
  • sufficient range of driving options;
  • the ability to tow vehicles any distance;
  • starting the car from the “pusher”;
  • improved maneuverability in difficult conditions;
  • increased dynamics and efficiency.

How to properly keep your feet on the pedals of a car with an automatic transmission

When driving a car, your right foot should be on the gas and your left foot on the brake. The emphasis of both feet falls on the heel. Without using the pedals, only the toes are moved in different directions. An experienced driver performs these movements reflexively, and it is not difficult for him to use such technology. If you take this footwork as a basis, the ride is much safer. While moving, a person never thinks about the need to squeeze levers. This is done automatically.

Is it difficult to drive a manual car?

Novice drivers are sure that learning to drive with a manual transmission is almost impossible. In fact, this is a myth, because there was a time when automation had not yet been invented. However, this did not stop anyone from driving. Learning to drive with a manual transmission is considered the most difficult compared to other types of transmission. Having acquired the skill of driving a manual, it is easier to adapt to other gearboxes.

Mechanics is a type of transmission where gear shifting is done manually. The driver switches gears while driving, according to the prevailing conditions and planned actions. In this case, you need to drive while concentrating on driving the vehicle, which makes the driver focused on the control process and more attentive on the roads.

Mechanics allow you to quickly accelerate and brake, allowing you to drive “feeling” the car and controlling its movement. An experienced instructor is a quick way to learn how to drive with mechanics; it is important to listen carefully to his advice and remember the recommendations.

How pedals work

On a car with automatic transmission there are 2 options with the following functions:

  1. Brake. Before starting to move, the pedal is depressed. The ignition key is turned and the “Drive” mode is activated. By releasing the brake, the car is set in motion. The need to brake is accomplished by pressing the pedal. There is a gap between the gearbox shaft and the engine. At the same time, a force is generated, stopping the wheels.
  2. Gas. When you press the pedal, the throttle valve opens. Using an electronic unit, a certain amount of combustible mixture is supplied to the cylinders. The harder the pedal is pressed, the more fuel enters the engine.

Smooth movement of the car is ensured by the required gas pressure. Emergency braking is performed by fully depressing the brake.

What not to do with a manual transmission

A manual transmission is a reliable type of transmission, but improper operation can significantly reduce its service life and lead to significant damage.

What not to do with a manual transmission:

  • engage reverse gear until the car comes to a complete stop (manual transmission failure);
  • depress the clutch except for the moments necessary to change gears (increased wear of the release bearing and clutch occurs);
  • keep your foot on the clutch pedal while driving (leads to increased wear on the clutch);
  • select a high gear (3,4,5) when the speed and low revs are insufficient for this (increased load on the engine and gearbox);
  • When stopping for more than 40 seconds, depress the clutch; select neutral gear (increased clutch wear);
  • change gears without squeezing the clutch (manual transmission failure);
  • constantly keep your hand on the gearshift lever (increased wear of various gearbox mechanisms);
  • incomplete clutch release when changing gears;
  • dropping the clutch.

If you follow some rules and drive thoughtfully, the experience of driving a car with a manual transmission will come quickly, despite the apparent complexity of such a transmission.

The main advantage of a car with a manual transmission is complete control over it, which is realized only after driving kilometers.

Car parking

Parking a car should be part of the basics of driving for women, because they are worse at it. No exceptions should be made for men; collisions during parking are the most common type of accidents. It would seem that this is not a difficult maneuver, but most novice drivers make mistakes. The following sequence must be strictly observed:

  • Look for a place to park your car. It should not interfere with the movement of other vehicles or pedestrians;
  • Pull into a parking space, release the clutch and brake;
  • Switch the gears to neutral, release the clutch;
  • Turn off the ignition, stopping the engine;
  • Secure the car with the handbrake;
  • Release the brake pedal;

In winter, it is recommended to use manual gear instead of setting the handbrake. This allows you to avoid spontaneous rolling of the car, and will prevent the pads from freezing (we avoid problems with the brakes in the morning). When parking on a slope, you should turn the steering wheel so that the wheels of the car rest against the curb. If there is no curb, the wheels are turned towards the curb. This allows you to avoid accidents.

Emergency maneuverability

Typically, manual driving lessons for beginners are conducted in a calm environment and on a flat surface. However, on a real road, surprises occur after every turn. Therefore, a beginner should practice emergency maneuverability skills so as not to lose his head in a dangerous situation. The exercises are as follows:

  • braking - the driver accelerates and brakes sharply;
  • avoiding obstacles - tires are laid out on the site and the driver must go around them at the last moment;
  • recovery from a skid - the driver brakes sharply on a slippery surface.

While doing the exercises, remember how the car behaved in a critical situation. Manual driving training takes place at the SAI driving school in Yekaterinburg. We offer in-person and distance learning for driver's licenses. Visiting hours are morning and evening. Call and fill out an application for driving courses!

How to drive a car for the first time after getting a license?

After getting their license, new drivers are nervous about driving on their own. Previously, an instructor drove next to them, who could provide backup in a serious situation, give advice and even stop the car. Now you have to go rely only on your knowledge and skills, and be responsible for the passengers in the cabin. You should travel using simple tips for beginners so that the first trip does not turn into torture:

  • When buying a car, you should bombard the seller with questions - the features of the car, the location of the control elements, find out everything about the car that might be useful to you;
  • There is no need to drive like a dashing horseman; when you first drive out, you still don’t understand how the car will behave at speed and how quickly you can brake;
  • You should drive slowly, noting the car’s reactions to any of your actions with the controls;
  • If possible, you should avoid driving on very busy roads on the first day;
  • You should drive while looking in the rearview mirrors periodically, especially before performing any maneuver;
  • You should not turn on music while driving, it does not calm you down, but only distracts your attention;

IMPORTANT: Now the most dangerous for you are not cars, but drivers of mopeds, bicycles and ordinary pedestrians. In front of a car, they can behave as unpredictable as a monkey with a grenade. Cyclists and mopeds can ride behind and unexpectedly jump out from the side. Most of them barely know how to drive, and have only heard about traffic rules. When approaching pedestrian crossings, regardless of the traffic light, slow down and keep your foot close to the brake pedal. If a pedestrian or cyclist suddenly jumps out, you can brake, gaining a couple of saving seconds.

How to start driving while driving a car with a manual transmission, see the material written a little below.

Braking on a manual transmission: engine and handbrake

The theory and principle of driving allow you to slow down using the engine, with a manual transmission. The process of such braking consists of switching to a lower stage from a higher one, the first or rear being excluded. The speed is reduced to the level necessary for switching, so as not to break the motor and gearbox.

The driving manual instructs you to use the handbrake exclusively to hold the car on an inclined surface or in a parking lot. It cannot be used to brake at speed; it is not designed for that. In addition to wearing out the pads, you will break or stretch the cable, and the mechanism will simply stop working. Braking with the handbrake at speed locks the rear wheels, which causes the vehicle to skid uncontrollably and ABS will not save you here.

When braking a vehicle, the handbrake can be used when the main brakes fail (in an emergency). In this case, movement is possible only in a straight line, and the road surface should not be slippery. Rotations of the steering wheel should be avoided to avoid flying into a ditch and to avoid the car overturning. Squeeze the handbrake gradually, without reaching the last clicks. At the same time, shift down the gears one by one as soon as your speed allows.

Follow the rules for braking vehicles with manual transmission on a straight road:

  • Release the gas pedal and do not touch it again;
  • Squeeze the brakes until the engine speed approaches idle;
  • Depress the clutch;
  • If the speed is too high, you will have to downshift as the speed decreases;
  • At low speeds, the gearbox is switched to neutral and then braked with the appropriate pedal;

How to start a car

Learning to drive any car begins with preparing and starting the engine, after which you should start driving:

  • Before starting a manual engine, it is important to make sure that the gear is in neutral. When starting the engine with the gear engaged for moving forward or backward, a strong jerk of the vehicle occurs, which can lead to transmission breakdown or an accident;
  • Make sure that the car is not locked with the handbrake; starting to drive with the handbrake will burn the brake pads;
  • Now you need to press the clutch to the floor and start the engine;

Note: Injection cars, where the fuel supply is controlled by a computer, do not have problems starting the engine. A carburetor engine requires enrichment of the mixture when cold. You need to pull the choke control handle towards you. As the rpm starts to rise, slowly push the handle away from you to reach 1500 on the tachometer.

Shifting to first gear

Hold the clutch and shift the lever to first gear. Usually this is a movement to the left and up from yourself.

Now further, while holding the clutch pedal, switch the gearbox lever to first speed, that is, to the left and away from you.

Just don't drop the clutch, otherwise the car will stall! Don't worry friends, you will definitely learn this over time!

Pressing two pedals

Such misfires happen to both amateur and professional drivers - they press the gas and brake at the same time. What are the possible consequences:

  • when you simultaneously press the gas and brake on a manual, it breaks first the clutch discs (the linings burn and crumble, the metal turns blue and loses strength), then the gearbox gears;
  • for an automatic it’s generally fatal, the torque converter burns out almost immediately;
  • Some modern machines and robotic boxes have protection against such clicks. They react to such a situation as if they were applying a brake;
  • a similar reaction is intended for racing cars. This allows riders to brake without taking their foot off the gas.

What should you consider before leaving?

Anyone who has started studying for a license will have their first driving lessons in a manual car. You need to check the following details before leaving:

  • Make sure you have your driver's license and MTPL insurance with you. Even drivers with many years of experience forget their documents, so they pay fines when meeting with traffic police officers;
  • It is important to check that the brakes are working properly every time;
  • So that all side lights are lit;
  • All the lights worked, including the rear ones;
  • The steering worked properly;
  • The wiper on the driver's side was working;

IMPORTANT: According to the laws of the Russian Federation, it is prohibited to travel without documents or when any of the above elements do not work, even to the place of repair! This is the case when you will have to pay fines for violating the rules.

Advice to all novice drivers who drive not only manual ones - before leaving, especially when the trip is long, check:

  • The amount of coolant in the system;
  • Is there enough gasoline in the tank?
  • Motor lubrication level;
  • Pressure of all tires/tyres;

Mechanical reverse

Reversing is allowed. In this case, reverse gear is used. You should act with caution because the car can accelerate quickly. The algorithm for starting to reverse is as follows:

  • The box is in neutral;
  • Squeeze the clutch;
  • Start the engine;
  • Shift into reverse gear and remove the car from the handbrake;
  • Smoothly release the clutch and lightly press the accelerator;
  • The car begins to roll backwards;
  • It is recommended to add gas if you have to move uphill;
  • On a flat surface, acceleration is not needed;
  • Travel speed can be easily adjusted using brakes or clutch;

You already understand how to reverse in your car with a manual transmission. At the same time, you should monitor your movements, which is much more difficult if you’re not used to it:

  • You can control the movement of the machine using the rearview mirrors. This option is more difficult for beginners, although safer. In mirrors you control the situation from all sides, you just need to have the habit, feel the dimensions of the vehicle, think spatially;
  • You can drive backwards, turning around, while part of the view is inaccessible to you. It is recommended to be able to use both methods;
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