Where is the heater resistor on a VAZ 2114 and how to change it

Most motorists interested in the design of their car have heard about such a part as an additional heater resistor, but they do not know how it works and what functions it performs. In today's article we will talk about what a VAZ 2114 stove resistor is, where it is located and how to replace it if necessary.

Heater resistor VAZ 2114

Where is the heater resistor located in a VAZ-2114 car?

During the winter season, when the temperature outside is sub-zero, drivers turn on the stove to heat the interior. At the same time, the heating system on cars, including the VAZ-2114, consists of several components and elements. Accordingly, sometimes some of them fail during operation - for one reason or another. The heater must work normally in winter - driver discomfort behind the wheel often becomes the cause of various types of accidents on the roads. Therefore, there is no need to delay troubleshooting.

contact Group

If the stove on a VAZ 2114 stops working, you should look for the reason in the contacts and connections. Often the chip that goes directly to the stove fan flies off. This connection is located under the hood, so exposure to moisture can also affect the quality of the contact. Securely fasten the chip and check the functionality of the stove. The cost of connection chips is cheap, so if the contacts oxidize, it is worth replacing them. If the wiring inside the cabin is damaged, its assembled cost is also small (about 300-500 rubles per wiring).

Features of the VAZ-2114 heating system

First, let's outline how the “fourteenth” stove works. Everything here is quite simple - exactly the same as on the predecessor of the VAZ-2114 - the “nine”. Here are the main details of the heating system of the “fourteenth”:

  • radiator;
  • faucet;
  • fan;
  • switch that regulates air flow.

As you can see, there really is nothing complicated here. Warm air is supplied to the cabin through special dampers. In this case, the power of the fan is controlled using a special resistor. Problems with it lead to the fact that the stove does not work in the first and second positions of the switch.

Due to the design features, the driver in such a situation has to wait quite a long time until the long-awaited heat begins to flow into the car interior.

From 2 spirals with different resistances - 0.23 and 0.82 Ohms.
Let's look in a little more detail at what role the designers assigned to this part. So, when the fan is turned on in the first position, current is supplied through both spirals. One more click - and the electricity is already flowing one at a time, with less resistance. If you turn on the fan at third speed, the current will be supplied to the motor directly, bypassing the resistor. Accordingly, if the first two provisions do not work for you, then the problem should be looked for here. In this regard, the question arises, where is the heater resistor on the VAZ-2114. You won't have to look for it for long. The designers placed the resistor above the accelerator pedal. You can get to it without any problems. It is worth noting that the resistor itself fails quite rarely. Most often, problems with the resistor arise after burnt contacts or due to a melted block with 3 tips. In both the first and second cases, the malfunction can be eliminated quite simply. You just need to clean the contacts, or purchase and install a new block.

Let's look at the resistor replacement procedure in a little more detail. You will have to do this if this is the problem. Remove the dashboard console trim located on the left. Next, you need to disconnect the wires from the resistor and unscrew the screw that secures it. After that, all that remains is to remove the part and inspect it. You can use a multimeter to check the resistor for breaks. If we find any, we buy a new one and then install it in place. The installation process is installed in the reverse order described above. As you can see, there really is nothing complicated here. It’s quite possible to fix the problem yourself without spending extra money on visiting a car service center.

By the way, if there are problems with the fan, it is also recommended to check the fuse responsible for its operation. In principle, for any problems with electrical appliances, experienced drivers advise troubleshooting along the path of least resistance, moving from simple to complex. Accordingly, the first thing you should check is the fuses. Moreover, if they fail quite often, you will need to carefully inspect all the wiring.

If problems arise with heating, you should inspect the 40-amp fuse, designated F7. It is responsible not only for the operation of the heater fan, but also for the headlight washer motor, glove box lighting, heated rear window and cigarette lighter. Accordingly, if everything listed above also works fine, then the problem really lies in F7. To fix the problem, you just need to replace it with a new one.

Features of the system design

The heater and the entire heating system of the VAZ-2114 are in many ways similar to its predecessors. It is considered simple, which makes DIY repair possible.

Main components of the heating system:

  • fan;
  • stove tap (faucet or switch);
  • radiator;
  • air flow regulator.

The design is simple. Air is supplied inside the cabin through dampers. The resistor is responsible for the fan power and its operation. If the resistor on the VAZ-2114 stove fails, the regulator in the first and second positions stops working.

Important! If you do not change the element of the heating system and leave everything as is, then warming up the interior will take a very long time. In cold winter conditions, you will not have enough patience and health.

In the VAZ-2114 heating system there are two spirals, the resistance of which is 0.23 and 0.82 Ohms. When the fan is in the first position, current is supplied through two spirals. Switching to the second position allows electricity to flow through one coil, so there is less resistance.

And when the regulator is in the 3rd position, the fan receives current from the motor, that is, bypassing the resistor. So if the stove does not work in the first two positions, then the reason is in this element of the VAZ-2114 heating system.

Nuances and location

To replace a device, you need to know where it is and why it needs to be replaced rather than repaired.

  1. The designers of the VAZ-2114 did not hide the resistor very far. It is located above the gas pedal. That is, you need to look for the element on the driver’s side. To access the device, you do not need to unscrew or remove anything.
  2. Its breakdowns are rare. Usually problems appear due to melted tip pads or burnt contacts. To fix the heating, you need to clean the contacts, buy and install a block.
  3. Experienced VAZ-2114 owners advise always having a new resistor in reserve. It will help you quickly, by elimination, determine the cause of the heating system problem. Not everyone can visually determine whether a resistor has burned out or not. By inserting a new one in place of the old one and checking the operation of the heater, you will see whether it is to blame or whether the problem needs to be looked for in other places.
  4. Principle of operation. The resistor is used to regulate the speed of the stove. It is needed to create resistance in order to reduce voltage. For the VAZ-2114 there is an element with two resistance spirals. The resistance of the first spiral is 0.23 Ohm, and the resistance of the second spiral is 0.82 Ohm. This allows you to turn on the stove in two operating modes through one resistor.

problem with the heater | Topic started by: Horatio

The heater fan only turns on in position 4, what is the reason?
Albert (Batool) Maxim, the heater motor only works at the maximum straight 4 speed, so that it rotates more slowly, a resistance is applied to it, which takes away a certain amount of electricity and because of it the motor rotates more slowly.

Albert (Batool) Maxim, by the way, if the wires are in place, but the stove does not turn, then this spiral has burned out.

Roman (Siham) change the resistor

Maxim (Farhana) what I found https://www.autosecret.net/lada-granta-vaz2190/kuzov-i..

Roman (Siham) I have another question: the passenger on the right has a cold right leg. Or are there nozzles only near the left leg? Suite with climate control.

Albert (Batool) Roman, I'm sick of these people. who told you that you have climate control? Exactly the same stove, only the numbers were drawn. especially from the official. I asked the dealer what the differences were. the nozzle is only in the center, there are also through holes somewhere on the right, it seems that it is still blowing from there.

Roman (Siham) Albert, I don’t know. I didn’t measure the temperature in the cabin, but it was noticed that at some point cool air blew in. maybe something broke)) who knows. Well, that wasn't the question at all...

Albert (Batool) Roman, let's figure this out to the end. warm up the engine, set it to somewhere around 22-26 degrees and open the door, if more hot air blows from the stove, it means you really have a climate and it is trying to warm up the cooling interior more. and in the same way, drive into a warm garage and notice whether colder air has begun to blow or whether the temperature has risen because the stove heats up warm air in the garage.

Roman (Siham) Albert, no garage. I'll try with the door)

Albert (Batool) Roman, why aren’t there supermarkets with underground parking?

Lyokha (Maurizio) The climate should consume more gasoline.

Roman (Siham) Albert, no

Maxim (Farhana) fixed it, the block of additional resistors has failed, it can be easily changed, the price in Samara is 550 rubles, made in Korea, does not have a catalog number


Changing the resistor is easy. But for this you will have to take several steps.

  1. Make sure that the problems with the heater on the VAZ-2114 are related precisely to a faulty resistor.
  2. On the left is your car's dashboard console trim. Remove it to find the failed element.
  3. Wires are connected to it. They must be removed carefully so as not to damage them. It will not be superfluous to check the integrity of the wiring.
  4. Unscrew the fastening element. The resistor is held in place by a regular screw, so take a screwdriver with you.
  5. Remove the old element and check its operation.
  6. A regular multimeter is suitable for checking. Its presence in the garage or in the car greatly helps car owners when diagnosing and repairing their car. Check the resistor for breaks.
  7. If there are breaks, then the resistor is unsuitable for use. You need to buy a similar new one and install it in place of the old element.
  8. Reassemble in reverse order.

There is nothing complicated about the work, so you can do it yourself. This will save you time and money on visiting a service station.

Important! If problems arise in the heating system of the VAZ-2114 regarding the fan, be sure to check the fuse. Always start searching for the causes of malfunctions with the simplest ones, gradually moving towards complex potential causes of breakdowns.

It is quite simple to determine that the cause of the heating failure was not a resistor, but a fuse. It is marked F7 and is responsible not only for the heater fan, but also for the headlight washer motor, glove compartment lighting, cigarette lighter and heated rear window. If these components do not work, the problem can be solved by simply replacing the fuse.

If a resistor failed on your car, be sure to write how you dealt with the problem and how difficult it was to change the element. Share your impressions, leave comments and ask questions. We will definitely answer them.

Contacts or tracks in the mounting block

The mounting block, which is located under the hood closer to the windshield, is responsible for the correct operation of all electrical devices in the car. Due to this arrangement, the block is often susceptible to corrosion due to high humidity. Over time, oxidation of contacts leads to complete loss of contacts. Cleaning all contacts from corrosion and water solves the problem for a short time. The best option is to replace the contacts with new ones. You can also use part of a plastic bottle or durable polyethylene to protect this unit from water and dirt. You can understand why the stove on a VAZ 2114 does not work in all positions after checking the main signs of a malfunction. Check fuses, relays and contacts. If the resistor is faulty, the motor will still blow in the third position. Having determined the possible causes of the malfunction, replace the faulty parts. The cost of spare parts for the system is low, so it is worth carrying spare parts with you for quick replacement.

Lada 2106 1.6 White Wolf™ (TAZ) › Logbook › TUNNING (REFINED) OVEN (PART No. 2)

In the process of restoring proper operation of the stove, it was decided to replace the old electric motor on bushings with a more reliable and less noisy one from LUZAR on bearings. and also the idea will be implemented to make on your heater: - 3 speeds with a heater fan switch from the VAZ 2109.


(electric motors assembled with an impeller) have a number of advantages: - The profile of the fan blades has been modernized - increasing the speed and volume of air; — A balanced impeller (for the first time on the Russian market) allows to reduce the noise level by 25-50%; — Two floating bearings reduce friction and eliminate shaft runout; — The motor winding uses single-core copper wire, insulated with a special varnish to prevent damage to the winding.


— Design designation ME255 — Rated voltage, V 12 — Rated power, W 20 — Maximum current, A 5.0 — Rated rotation speed, min -1 3000 — Weight, kg 0.85

Resistor VAZ 2109

An additional resistor connected to the power circuit of the electric motor of the interior heater on a VAZ 2109 is necessary to regulate engine speed by changing the resistance in the circuit. As a rule, this resistor consists of two resistances 0.23 and 0.82 Ohms.

The heater is turned on using a handle located in the cabin on the heater control panel. This switch has three modes - the first mode includes both resistors in the circuit and the engine runs at low speeds, at the second speed only a resistor with a resistance of 0.23 Ohms is included in the circuit, and the third mode does not include the inclusion of a resistance in the circuit, which means the engine runs at its intended speed. rpm

Heater speed regulator VAZ 2109

We check and repair the BA3 2109 stove

Interior heating is an important system, which, if it breaks down, can unexpectedly cause discomfort during the cold season. To prevent this, it is necessary that the 2109 stove is maintained in good condition. You should know how we get warm air into the cabin at the exit. Knowing the principle of operation of the engine cooling system and the electric heating ventilation drive, it is not difficult to repair the VAZ 2109 stove with your own hands.

At first glance, the interior heater seems to be a primitive device. Like, the car is driving towards the air flow, air is sucked in, somehow it is heated, and now it is already warm in the cabin. But it is not so. The stove is an auxiliary radiator for the engine cooling system, and air is pumped into the cabin using an electric drive. Therefore, let’s figure out how the stove receives heat from the cooling system and study its electrical circuit. Knowing this, you can identify malfunctions in the heater. Let's find out how to replace the VAZ 2109 stove fan with your own hands.

Place of the heater in the engine cooling system

The stove is part of a closed vacuum coolant circulation system. The main purpose of this system is engine cooling. Thus, the design of the VAZ 2109 stove both helps to heat the interior in cold weather and cools the cylinder block when the engine is running. The entire SOD consists of:

  • cooling jackets;
  • radiator;
  • expansion tank;
  • water pump;
  • radiator fan;
  • thermostat;
  • heating radiator - VAZ 2109 stove.

When driving, atmospheric air passes through the air intake into the radiator, the pipes of which contain air that is too hot for the engine. These pipes are cooled by a fan, and the already cooled liquid again enters the cooling jacket (cylinder block and cylinder head) through the water pump. The stove in this antifreeze cycle performs the task of additionally removing hot liquid.

The VAZ 2109 heating fan maintains the desired air temperature in the cabin.

Electrical diagram of the stove and main faults

In the “nine”, the VAZ heating system operates using an electric drive. The instruction manual for the VAZ 2109 high panel shows an electrical diagram of the stove's operation. The interior heater connection diagram consists of:

  • fan motor;
  • the ignition switch, which turns on the stove;
  • operating mode switch;
  • additional resistor;
  • fuse mounting block (fuse F4 is responsible for the stove in the “nine”).

When the VAZ 2109 stove does not heat well in the cabin, there can be a lot of reasons for this.

Broken wiring

Another common cause of stove failure is damaged wiring or poor contact. You can check the wiring using a conventional test lamp. To simplify the process of finding the necessary wires, below is a diagram of connecting the electric motor of the heater in Samara-2.

  • Fuse box
  • Egnition lock
  • Heater resistor
  • Heater motor
  • Heater position switch

A – positive terminal of the generator

Why the heater fan on the VAZ-2114 stopped working: causes and solutions

Many motorists have encountered the fact that the heater fan on a VAZ-2114 stopped working. There are many reasons for this effect, and they can occur at any time. So, in this article, we will look at the reasons why the heater fan may not work, as well as methods of elimination.

The video below describes the process of troubleshooting and repair in a situation when the stove fan does not work:


Another reason for a heating system malfunction is a relay failure. Another name for this part is the ignition relay, because. it is also responsible for the process of starting the car. If it malfunctions, short-term activation of the blower motor may occur. This issue can be solved simply by replacing the relay with a known good one. The location of the block with the required element is marked below.

Let's look at other reasons why the stove on a VAZ 2114 does not work.

Possible causes of a malfunction of the heater fan on a VAZ-2114

Heater fan installed on a car

Before eliminating a malfunction that has occurred, it is necessary to establish the causes of its occurrence.

So, according to the experience of many motorists, the most common reasons are:

  • Fuse blown.
  • Failure of the contact group.
  • Relay failure.
  • Resistor.
  • Switch.
  • The fan motor burned out.

Now that the causes have been discussed, we can move directly to elimination methods.

Elimination methods

Many motorists think that a heater fan failure is associated only with a fuse or combustion of the motor that turns it, but this is far from the case. Let's consider all possible reasons in more detail.

Fuse blown

Mounting fuse block where the heater fan fuse is installed

The most common cause of all auto electrician troubles are fuses that fail.

So, in the case of a fan, the first thing you need to do is check the integrity of the fuse. If it is burnt out, it must be replaced with a new one. If this does not help, then you need to look for the reason elsewhere.

The heater fan fuse is marked with an arrow in the diagram.

You can find the fuse in the mounting block marked F7 .

Since the fan requires a lot of energy consumption, the rated current is 20A , so the fuse must be set no less than this figure.

Failure of the contact group

Another reason that is quite common in cars is oxidation of the contact group. To eliminate this malfunction, you need to clean the contact connections or simply move them.

Since the mounting block is located under the hood and water can get into it, it is necessary to protect it from moisture. You can do this in this simple way.

It often happened that the connections and connectors themselves had to be changed because they failed and were completely destroyed due to corrosion.

Relay failure

Relay block on a car

A relay failure will cause the stove fan to turn on briefly.

Sometimes, as practice shows, it may not turn on the first time, or only when the power unit is heated. The solution is quite simple - replacing the relay . You can find it under the dashboard of your car.


The process of dismantling the heater resistor

A resistor malfunction occurs when the stove operates only in the extreme right position.

In this case, power will not be supplied, but only in the right position it is supplied directly, bypassing all other elements. Therefore, to eliminate the malfunction it is necessary to replace the part that has failed.


A fairly common malfunction is considered to be a failure of the switch or simply a breakdown of the contact connections.

Of course, it is not recommended to carry out repair operations, since incorrect restoration of an element, especially in the electrical part, can lead to the others breaking down. So, the manufacturer suggests that car enthusiasts with experience in DIY repairs recommend replacing the complete heater control unit.

Fan motor burnt out

Location of the heater fan under the hood

Motor combustion is the most unpleasant reason that can happen in this situation.

So, you will have to replace the stove fan completely, which will entail expensive parts. Some motorists, in this case, look for used motors at salvage yards, which are much cheaper.

On the left is a burnt out motor, on the right is a new one.

Of course, it is unknown how long such spare parts will last, so it is better not to skimp and buy a new one.


The reasons for the VAZ-2114 heater fan not working are quite simple and even a novice motorist can fix them. Of course, in 50% of cases, all malfunctions are related to the fuse, replacing which will normalize the operation. But, if the reasons are quite complex and the car enthusiast is not able to cope with them on his own, it is necessary to contact a car service center, where everything will be repaired cheaply and efficiently.

Good evening to all car enthusiasts, I read everything, everything is familiar, but the reason for me is that the fuse burns when I sharply stomp on the gas pedal, when I drive in quiet mode, the heater works and does not light up. If anyone has encountered this, please tell me what it can do be a reason?

Set the fuse to 20

Thank you very much for the detailed information! I fixed the stove in a couple of hours. The cause was a faulty contact group. Saved a good amount)))

I have a VAZ 21014 - the heater fan started to shut down, it only turned on if I drove for a while, it was like this for 3 weeks, then it stopped turning on at all. I checked the relay and resistor and fuses, but all this was in vain... then I decided to do this - I lifted the soot, removed the filter and the casing on the heater motor - I exposed the wires going to the fan with small cuts - the current rang... when I turn on the valve, but it doesn’t work... I took out this valve, turned it sideways up and pushed it to the right wing of the car there it’s wider and it came out (I cut off the wires because I had to climb out of the inside to disconnect it into the rubber band and then put it in again; I don’t want to have to suffer with getting in... I disassembled this miracle; there were pre-prepared brushes on the table - but alas, on the armature of the motor there were copper contacts in contact with the brushes completely erased in two places...a dead spot appeared.... I note that the supply of brushes was still normal. The machine is 7 years old, the fan always worked constantly - in the cold in the summer in the warm in the winter... in short, if the motor does not work, it is better to immediately buy a new one ..... I didn’t find the bearing, there is a bronze seal on the side of the brushes, and as I understand it, you can’t get to the other side without breaking it..... a new motor costs 650 rubles. You have to go buy it and push it from under the hood..... I’ll carefully connect the wires clamp and insulate it. Now I understand why these motors are not repaired, but are advised to be replaced with a new one right away.

What is a stove fan

A fan is a functional element that drives air through the heater radiator and into the cabin. The fan, along with the radiator, pipes for refrigerant circulation, liquid regulator and air duct, is part of the heating unit. Its purpose is to drive cold air through a heated radiator, creating heat exchange.

Node functions

The heater fan is a motor that supplies air. You can imagine its operation in more detail only during the operation of the entire heating system:

  1. As the car engine heats up, liquid enters it, cooling the walls of the cylinder block and taking away heat.
  2. Hot antifreeze enters the heater radiator, and the latter quickly heats up.
  3. A motor (fan) is turned on, supplying flows of cold air, thereby cooling the element.
  4. The interior of the car begins to warm up.

The heating diagram of the VAZ 2113–2115 clearly shows the purpose of the motor

Where is the VAZ 2113-2115 heater motor located?

On VAZ 2113-2115 vehicles, the heater motor is located in the engine compartment. It is covered with a protective casing secured with four screws. The fan itself is also supported by bolts and nuts and is connected to the body of the car.

To gain access to the fan in order to dismantle it, you will have to first work in the interior. In particular, remove the wiring that connects the fan to the vehicle's electrical system.

Motor failure

The electric motor of the heater is located in the engine compartment; it is constantly exposed to unfavorable conditions and is subject to contamination and temperature changes. All these aspects significantly reduce the service life of this unit, and in many cars of the Samara-2 family it fails after a mileage of 100-120 thousand kilometers. A new electric motor costs from 1,500 rubles assembled, so when diagnosing its malfunction, it is better to immediately replace the part with a new one. You can also try to disassemble it and change the brushes, since in most cases it is the brushes that cause the stove motor to fail.

Repair of VAZ 2113—2115 stove fan

Why does the heater motor stop working? There are reasons for this, and there are several of them. However, most often the cause of malfunction is clogging. Dust gets everywhere, including inside the mechanism.

Cleaning the stove fan in some cases helps to improve the operation of the mechanism

Causes and signs of heater motor failure

With the onset of cold weather, correct and uninterrupted operation of the heater becomes more important. But according to the law of meanness, it is precisely at this time that frequent problems are observed that have their own reasons:

    The safety element fails, designed to monitor not only the heater along with its components, but also the glove compartment lighting, the optics washer motor, etc. This 30-amp fuse is located in a special block and is marked with the number F7. As a rule, the reason for its burnout is a short circuit. A burnt out element simply needs to be replaced.

Fuse F7 in the VAZ 2113 mounting block

The radiator of the VAZ 2115 stove deteriorates due to scale formation

If there is a malfunction, the additional heater resistor must be replaced

How to remove the fan

The VAZ 2113-2115 heater motor is removed as follows:

    First remove the side cover of the dashboard from the pedal side.

The side casing cover can be removed to facilitate the process of removing the fan.

The positive wire plug connects the fan to the car's electrical system.

The negative wire of the fan is connected to the mounting bolt on the body

After this, you need to transfer the work to the engine compartment:

  1. Unscrew the protective cover hiding the motor.
  2. Then remove the screws holding it in place.

The fan clamps are simply unscrewed with a screwdriver

The top fan cover can be removed in place to make motor removal easier.


The best option for a malfunction is a blown fuse. A voltage drop in the vehicle's on-board network or a mismatch in the power of the fuse leads to its burnout. The location of the required element in the mounting block differs depending on the year of manufacture of the machine. In earlier copies, the heater fuse is located in the bottom row under the F7 marking. If you count from left to right, then the desired element will be the 4th in a row.

On later versions of the mounting block, the required fuse is located in the right column last, if you go from top to bottom.

In both options, the fuse capacity is 30 Amps. For quick repairs, you can store a set of new parts in the glove compartment. If the replacement does not produce results, you need to further understand why the stove does not work on the VAZ 2114.

In addition to the heater motor, fuse F7 controls the operation of other electrical devices in the car: rear window heating and windshield washer.

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