Features of the Nissan Qashqai CVT: all about the Nissan Qashaqai gearbox

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Published: 07/31/2018

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The products of the Japanese automobile manufacturer have been very popular among domestic vehicle enthusiasts for several years now. This is especially true for the Nissan Qashqai crossover. This car has good cross-country ability, stylish design and good technical parameters, as a result of which the demand for it is quite high.

However, before purchasing a car, it is important to know everything about it. Including what kind of gearbox will be installed on the car. In this article we will answer the question: “Qashqai: automatic or CVT?”, and also discuss the features of operating the gearbox on this vehicle .

  • What boxes are placed on Qashqai
  • Features of the Nissan CVT
  • How long does a CVT run on a Nissan Qashqai?
  • How to extend the service life of a gearbox
  • Nissan Qashqai CVT: problems
  • How to identify problems with the CVT
  • A short summary

What boxes are placed on Qashqai

Many people are interested in the following question: “Nissan Qashqai: automatic transmission or CVT?” . Before answering it, it is necessary to understand the main differences between these concepts. While the term manual gearbox is clear to everyone, few know what a variator or automatic transmission is, and how they differ.

An automatic transmission with hydraulic filling has already become a classic version of an automatic machine.

In the case of such a device, the gears switch independently; you just need to select the correct mode. It should be noted that the machine operates relatively smoothly and predictably. At the same time, such equipment is quite cumbersome, it negatively affects the dynamics of the car, and also increases the level of fuel consumption.

The main difference between a variator (or, as it can also be called, CVT) is the absence of gears. Instead, the device is equipped with a pair of sliding pulleys and a metal belt that connects them. Based on the characteristics of movement, the diameter of the pulleys changes smoothly. As a result, such a transmission has no gears at all. It is most convenient to operate such a box. At the same time, fuel consumption on cars with a CVT is an order of magnitude lower. Often CVTs are even more economical than manual ones. On the other hand, with such a gearbox it is not very convenient to drive in traffic jams. In addition, the device does not like constant slipping.

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So, we have described the main difference between the concepts. Thus, if we consider such a question as: “Nissan Qashqai: automatic or CVT?”, then a new CVT model is installed on such cars. Whether this is good or bad, we will discuss below.

Video recommendations from a specialist about the reliability of the Nissan Qashqai variator:

CVT Jatco JF016E

  • checkpoint
  • Jatco
  • JF016E

The CVT-8 Jatco JF016E or RE0F10D or RE0F10F was first introduced in 2012 and is installed on cars of various brands as a replacement for the famous CVT JF011E. This transmission is known as FK0 and FR8 on Renault models, and F1CJC and W1CJC on Mitsubishi models.

The third generation CVTs include: JF017E, JF018E, JF019E and JF020E.

  • Characteristics
  • Description
  • Numbers
  • Application
  • Reviews
  • Exploitation
  • Problems
  • Prices

Features of the Nissan CVT

The variator for the Nissan Qashqai was developed by employees of the famous Japanese automaker together with the Jatco company, which specializes in gearboxes.

It is based on the Multitronic transmission, which has proven its reliability and durability on cars from the Audi brand.

At the same time, this device is quite innovative, since the use of improved components has made it possible to reduce the dimensions of the unit by 10 percent, as well as greatly reduce its weight when compared with previous models.

The peculiarity of the operation of such a gearbox is based on the possibility of simultaneously changing the diameter of the drive and driven shafts.

In this case, everything happens automatically, based on the performance of the power unit. At the moment the car starts, the diameter of the drive shaft is minimal, and the driven shaft is the largest. During acceleration, the diameter of the drive shaft increases and the driven shaft decreases, due to which the gear ratio decreases. The device reacts very sensitively to all changes in the motor, there are no jerks - everything happens very smoothly. This ensures optimal vehicle dynamics and power.

Description of the Jatco JF016 E variator device

In 2012, Jatco introduced a replacement for its most famous continuously variable transmission, the JF011E. In terms of hardware, the new CVT8 almost completely repeats its predecessor, but there are also innovations: for example, they abandoned the step motor and its function is now performed by solenoids-regulators. Also, the power range and the locking zone of the torque converter have been significantly expanded, which has increased the elasticity of the transmission and reduced acceleration to 100 by a second.

Enormous work was carried out by the designers to reduce internal resistance, the number of hydraulic valves was reduced from 12 to 8 units, and the oil pressure was reduced. All this led to a drop in the operating temperature of the lubricant from 90 - 110 to 75 - 90 degrees Celsius. It has also become possible to change virtual gears using steering wheel paddles.

English manual for JF016 E can be found here

The list of spare parts for this variator is here

The cost of repairing CVT-8 can be found at Akpp03.ru

Source: otoba.ru

How long does a CVT run on a Nissan Qashqai?

Despite the fact that CVTs are considered quite reliable, things didn’t work out right away on Nissan Qashqai cars . There were two mass failures of similar units: in 2012 and 2014. At the same time, new firmware helped correct this situation. Now the devices are working correctly, so there is no need to worry about their reliability. Moreover, the manufacturing company provides a guarantee of up to 100 thousand kilometers. The Jacto brand, which supplies gearboxes for Nissan, guarantees high-quality gearbox operation for up to 120 thousand kilometers.

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But in fact, the resource of the Nissan Qashqai variator is even greater. Based on the reviews of the owners, no problems arise with this unit until the car has driven more than 200 thousand km. And even after this, serious breakdowns do not occur immediately, but after a long time. As a rule, a major overhaul of the power unit is required earlier than restoration of the variator.

At the same time, in order for the CVT to function properly, it is necessary to carry out regular maintenance.

In particular, it is important to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for changing the oil every 60 thousand km.

Reviews from Nissan Qashqai car owners with a CVT transmission

We invite you to read reviews from the owners of this SUV.

Automatic transmission Qashqai

The Qashqai 2014 car is more than reliable! I bought it and don’t regret anything. For our roads - just right. It looks like a crossover, but it doesn’t reach the level of a full-fledged SUV. The visibility behind the wheel is simply excellent. I don’t understand why you are not satisfied with the variator? It seems to me that for driving in city traffic jams this is the best type of automatic transmission. And its service life is designed for the entire life of the car. I bought a Qashqai CVT 2014 a year ago, during which time I drove 70 thousand km. I will say this - the variator in this crossover is very delicate, you can’t tow it at all! But horror stories about completely replacing the unit if it breaks down are no longer relevant. At the service station, our craftsmen have already learned how to repair it; the most expensive part of the variator (“donut”) will cost the car owner about 40 thousand rubles (10-12 thousand hryvnia), but it breaks down very rarely. If you change the oil every 60 thousand km, tow less, the variator will work like a nice little one! Moreover, I am confident in the reliability of Nissans.
I have a Qashqai with a CVT transmission and have been using it for three years now. Change the consumables in time - and everything will be fine, the service life of the oil should not exceed 60 thousand km. Just right for city roads! But if you constantly drive off-road and on potholes, then get ready to spend money on transmission repairs. I drive a Nissan Qashqai, six-speed. The first problem that I noticed was the overestimated first gear of the box. After 80 thousand kilometers I had to go to a service station and do the first repair - I put the car in “parking” mode, then for a long time I could not remove it from it! I pulled the gearshift lever back and forth, but it still came off. I decided to go straight to the masters. They looked - the limit switches were out of order, they say. They replaced it quickly and the repair was inexpensive. Since then I've done another 70 thousand, and overall I'm happy. It’s unpleasant that I had to go to the service station even though I hadn’t reached the “hundredth” yet, and the dealer assured that “you’ll cover 200 thousand km, but you won’t do any repairs.” Well, where is this vaunted reliability of the Japanese?
And everything suits me. The reliability of this car has not let me down yet; I drove it for two winters - in winter it starts at half a turn. Quite a comfortable and family car. I drive calmly, I don’t overtake oncoming traffic, there are practically no traffic jams in our city, which is why I first learned about problems with the gearbox here. I’ll say this, now I’ve gotten used to my 2014 Qashqai, but in the first months when I first bought it, there was no limit to my indignation. Well, what kind of crossover is this? Where did they see the SUV? They say it’s an SUV, but the CVT gearbox is not at all suitable for driving outside the city! Where is the logic? And it doesn't really look like a jeep. As for me, this is an ordinary “C” class hatchback with high ground clearance and all-wheel drive. The variator is a completely separate conversation. If I had immediately understood what it was, I would never have taken it in my life! The advertisement said it was an SUV, the dealer said it was a crossover. I read the instruction manual - limit travel on country roads. Then I asked my friends at the service station, they say Kashkai drivers come to it with broken CVTs - they drove on ice or through fields. So why did I need such a car? There is deception all around, comrades!
I'm happy with the Qashqai - I previously had a Mitsubishi with an automatic transmission, I was always wondering what the difference is between a regular automatic and a CVT. I bought myself a Nissan, drove it - overall, I want to say that I am satisfied. It behaves great on the highway, the dynamics are excellent. I’ve been driving it for five years, during which time I haven’t had any problems with the CVT, maybe because I drive carefully. So the work resource is not always the same as stated in the instructions. Accelerates with a bang, what else do you need?
I’d like to say this about the CVT: anyone who hasn’t driven it before, but is only used to the mechanics, will speak negatively about it. I personally am happy with everything (Qashqai car 2011), during the entire period of operation I only changed consumables. Oh yes, I also replaced the front struts with gas-oil ones, the original ones were somehow very rough. And everything is fine with the gearbox, my next car will definitely have a CVT!
I can't say anything bad about the variator. After five years of driving with the gearbox, everything is fine. Of course, I changed the automatic transmission oil and filter during the process - I couldn’t do without it. And in winter I used it correctly - until the car warmed up, I didn’t give it more than 2 thousand revolutions, as soon as hot air appeared from the stove (precisely hot, not warm, so that I wanted to take off my jacket), I revved it with all my might. Separately, it is necessary to highlight the reliability of the units. There are no complaints, CVTs are the units of the future.

As you can see, reviews from car enthusiasts differ from each other. But it’s hard to argue with the fact that CVT transmissions are becoming increasingly popular among our motorists. Here you need to decide for yourself what you need - a quiet ride in urban conditions or a quick start from a place and “drifting” on ice in winter.

How to extend the service life of a gearbox

You can also follow a number of simple rules that will help significantly increase the life of your variator:

  • Avoid driving fast on poor road surfaces or ice drifts;
  • Under no circumstances should you skid;
  • You should not transport heavy trailers with a carrying capacity of more than 500 kilograms;
  • try not to pull other vehicles out of difficult places;
  • do not overheat the variator;
  • Avoid sudden acceleration until the car is well warmed up (this especially applies to operating the car in winter).

Thanks to this, it will be possible to avoid significant damage to the CVT.

Specifications cvt8 Jatco JF016E

Typevariable speed drive
Number of gears
For drivefront/full
Engine capacityup to 2.5 liters
Torqueup to 250 Nm
What kind of oil to pourNissan CVT NS-3
Lubricant volume7.9 l
Change of oilonce every 40,000 km
Replacing the filteronce every 40,000 km
Approximate resource220,000 km

Nissan Qashqai CVT: problems

But, although at the moment the reliability of the Nissan Qashqai CVT leaves no doubt, even with such a gearbox certain problems may arise. The main problems of such a device can be divided into two groups:

  • electronic (breakdown of the gearbox control unit, failure of the stepper motor, jamming of the electrovalves)
  • mechanical (clogged oil cooler, dirt getting into the oil pump, worn bearings).

In the event of electronic errors, the variator will be locked in a certain position, making it possible to drive the car to the repair site. Mechanical problems with a car, as a rule, occur in the absence of regular maintenance of the device and harsh operation of the gearbox off-road or in winter. Basically, mechanical damage does not lead to a transition to emergency mode.

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You should not neglect scheduled maintenance of your Nissan Qashqai 2.0, as this will help avoid possible problems in the future.

Planned maintenance consists of the following operations:

  1. Checking the external oil filter cartridge. If necessary, it is worth replacing, and this is done after 30–50 thousand km.
  2. Checking the oil level and itself. If necessary, it must be replaced, and the need for this occurs after 60–100 thousand km.

There is also work in the form of unscheduled maintenance. It is very difficult to make them with your own hands; you need to have good knowledge in this matter. Therefore, you should only list the work that can be carried out on your car. Basically it's replacing something:

  1. Internal oil filter.
  2. Speed ​​sensor.
  3. The high pressure pump valve of the pump itself.
  4. Cones.
  5. Belt (sometimes a metal or rubber variator belt, sometimes a chain).
  6. Pump and axle shaft seals.
  7. Selenoidov.
  8. Friction clutches and sealing rings.
  9. Stepper motor.
  10. Shaft bearings.

If shifting gears is difficult, adjustment will be required.

How to identify problems with the CVT

Among the main symptoms that indicate that the variator is not working correctly are:

  • car slipping even during normal weather;
  • glowing indicator of emergency operation mode of the gearbox;
  • decrease in the smoothness of the car (the car began to twitch);
  • strong jerks when changing speed;
  • extraneous noises and other sounds coming from the transmission;

Another sign is that the car begins to stall frequently at intersections.

As soon as you discover one of these problems, you should immediately contact a service center for diagnostics and further repairs. It is worth understanding that problems with the gearbox can lead to quite serious situations on the road, so it is better not to delay the restoration of this unit.

Signs of breakdown

If it seems that there are breakdowns in the gearbox, it has started to work strangely, then self-diagnosis of the automatic transmission is necessary. There are the most common signs of a variator malfunction:

  1. There were a lot of slippages.
  2. A signal has been detected on the instrument panel, which indicates an emergency mode of the automatic transmission.
  3. Some drivers o. In this case, you also need to check the pillows.
  4. Jerks began to appear when shifting down or up in any gear. The car began to jerk both hot and cold.
  5. I began to feel some knocks in the transmission when the car was running. Kicks frequently or does not stop kicking at all.
  6. Braking often occurs, the transmission is “stupid”, clicks and makes noise.

Be sure to ask how to check the box. Diagnostics should be regular, at least you need to change the oil and filter on time, and sometimes you need to flush the valve body. And don’t forget that you need to check the oil level in the box yourself regularly, since overhauling it is not a cheap operation.

We do not recommend using a contract variator, that is, a used one, since it is a “pig in a poke”: you may get a good one, or maybe “barely alive”.

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