Steering with power steering GAZ 2705 / 3302 Gazelle since 1994

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GUR Valdai

Gur Valdai. Power steering Valdai.

Price 35,000 rub.

Valdai power steering is definitely a necessary mechanism for this truck. If the operation of the Gazelle is still allowed with a mechanical steering mechanism without power steering. In Valdai, unfortunately, it is simply impossible to turn the steering wheel without power steering. As a result, Valdai power steering is a very important and vital unit. Which in turn requires careful care and maintenance. Repair of the power steering Valdai power steering is only possible under factory conditions. And only on specialized high-precision tuning equipment. However, the plant’s specialists do not recommend repairing the Valdai hydraulic booster in artisanal conditions. Carefully adjusting the plunger parts to each other is possible only in the factory. High-precision modern imported equipment is required. Attempts to repair the Valdai hydraulic booster lead to a waste of time and disappointment. Leave Valdai power steering repairs to experienced specialists. The weight of the Valdai power steering is 20 kg.

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Official website of the Portmone payment system

Steering without power steering

The vehicle is equipped with a steering system consisting of a steering column with a wheel, a steering mechanism and a steering drive.

The steering column allows you to change the position of the steering wheel in height and angle.

The upper end of the steering column shaft is connected to the steering wheel with conical splines, and the lower end is connected to the steering gear screw through universal joints.

The steering mechanism consists of an aluminum housing, a screw with a ball nut and a sector shaft.

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After specifying the information required to make the payment, you must click on the “Pay Now” button.

Official website of the PayPal payment system

Do-it-yourself repair of power steering tractor T-40

The price for a T-40 power steering ranges from 10-13 thousand rubles; a comprehensive repair will cost about the same amount. Therefore, making repairs yourself and performing maintenance yourself is the best option for the tractor owner. Thanks to the video, you can learn in more detail about the repair of the T-40 steering column.

Disassembly and assembly

Disassembling the T-40 power steering is performed according to the following instructions:

  • when disassembling the piston assembly, press the pin located in the rear nut all the way;
  • the nut must be unscrewed and removed together with the spring washer;
  • The screw is pushed towards the front cover, then the spool with springs and stops is removed.

Assembly is performed in reverse order, but the following tips should be followed:

  • make sure that when assembling the pin is on the side of the back cover;
  • the spool must move freely, without friction or jamming;
  • before assembling the power steering, the component parts are washed with clean diesel fuel;
  • The spool also needs to be washed and treated with diesel oil.

Do not allow clogs or foreign debris to get into the piston. This can lead to power steering failure or component wear.

How to properly install the power steering of the T-40 tractor

When installing and assembling the T-40 power steering, special attention should be paid to the position of the screw, since it is equipped with a multi-start thread. You will need to select the correct position for its entry, leaving a gap of 1 mm between the piston and the nut (preferably without deviations).

Payment via WebMoney

After selecting payment via WebMoney, the payment system will launch, where you need to select the payment method: bank card or WebMoney wallet.

If you already have a WebMoney wallet, then you need to log into it and make a payment.

If you do not have a WebMoney wallet and you want to pay in another way, you need to select any of the methods that WebMoney offers and make the payment

After specifying payment details and confirming payment, payment for the goods will occur.

Official website of the WebMoney payment system


Both the electric power steering on the Gazelle and the power steering are designed for more comfortable steering. First, let's analyze the power steering device on the Gazelle. We are talking about both the Gazelle Business with the 405 engine and other models in this line.

So, what is the system device:

  1. Power steering pump. This circuit element ensures optimal circulation of consumables in the system, as well as pressure.
  2. Steering gearbox with distribution element. This device allows you to provide the air flow necessary to direct the oil into the desired cylinder cavity or back into the tank.
  3. Another component of the system is the cylinder. With its help, the pressure of the consumable material is converted into the movement of the piston, as well as the rod.
  4. The consumable material itself, that is, oil. The fluid transmits force from the power steering pump to the cylinder. In addition, the oil provides lubrication of all rubbing elements of the device.

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Signs of trouble

Control units wear out first because they are constantly under heavy load. The steering gearbox in this regard is the most risky unit. After a certain period of use, signs of wear appear:

  • The occurrence of an extraneous knock or vibration felt by the driver through the steering wheel.
  • Significant effort is required when turning the steering wheel.
  • The presence of play is more than 20° for passenger vehicles or 25° for trucks.
  • Oil leakage from the gearbox. To some extent, oil is always present on the body, but noticeable discharge is a sign of failure of the seals.

The presence of these signs indicates that the Gazelle's steering gear requires adjustment. You should not delay this procedure, as some malfunctions inevitably create the basis for even more serious problems.

Problems when paying with bank cards

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  1. There is a restriction on the card for paying for online purchases
  2. A plastic card is not intended for making payments online.
  3. The plastic card is not activated for making payments online.
  4. There are not enough funds on the plastic card.

In order to solve these problems, you need to call or write to the technical support of the bank where you are served. Bank specialists will help you resolve them and make payments.

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Work order

Professional steering adjustment on Gazelle models begins with its careful dismantling. Next, remove the top plastic cover from the mechanism along with the foam rubber seal and the head of the 13 key, and unscrew the four fastening bolts of the metal protection. We remove one of the adjusting shims located inside, assemble the device in the reverse order, check the play and, if there is any play, disassemble the unit back, removing another spacer ring.

When it has been possible to ensure that there is no backlash, it is necessary to adjust the gap when engaging the nut pair - shaft-sector. To perform this operation, you should install the bipod on the shaft and successively rotate the screw to move it to the middle position, and then turn the sector shaft directly behind the bipod. The play of the bipod tip should not be felt or exceed 0.3 mm.

When the mentioned indicator is greater, then using a plastic screwdriver we dismantle the plastic cover of the gearbox, after which we remove the two plugs. Using metal pliers, remove the spring rings on both sides of the body and straighten the holes on the edge of the outer ring. The eccentric outer rings are rotated clockwise until the gaps with the sector shaft are removed. To prevent the rings from turning, we fix them by bending the collars in the grooves of the crankcase. We assemble and install the mechanism in the reverse order.

Thus, adjusting the steering gear on a Gazelle car is an important repair measure that allows you to restore the functionality of vehicle control, significantly increasing the safety of passengers while driving.

Inspection and identification of defects

Carefully inspect the contents and remember (you can take a photo) what was placed where and how (more attention should be paid to the position of the cylinder). You can twist the power steering pulley and carefully use tweezers to check how the blades move in the grooves of the shaft.

All parts should be pulled out without effort, since they do not have any fixations, but the central axis is firmly fixed and cannot be removed.

We inspect the shaft from the reverse side, parts (power steering housing and cover wall) touching them, for burrs or grooves, everything is perfect for me.

Now we remove the entire internal economy onto “clean” rags and begin to study it.

We carefully examine the shaft; all its grooves have very sharp edges on all sides. One of the end sides of each groove has a pronounced sharpness inward, which, when moving the blade inside the groove with a constant slope towards this side, will greatly complicate its movement (this may be the first component of poor power steering performance). The side parts of the shaft grooves are also “sharpened”; this can be felt if you run your finger in different directions along the end (outer circumference), as well as along the side parts of the shaft in different directions. Otherwise the shaft is perfect, has no flaws or nicks.

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