Features of the automatic transmission on Priora

Automatic transmission switch knob
When buying a car, future owners increasingly prefer cars equipped with an automatic transmission. An automatic is a convenient thing; you don’t need to constantly pull the gearbox lever back and forth. Female representatives especially prefer automatic transmissions.

The advantage of an automated transmission is ease of use, which is why the driver does not divert his attention from the road situation to the need to constantly change gears of a manual transmission. But at the same time, the dynamics of a car with this transmission decreases and fuel consumption increases. However, even with these shortcomings, more and more motorists prefer cars equipped with an automatic gearbox.

Cars with automatic transmissions have been produced abroad for a long time, but domestically produced cars equipped with automatic transmissions have practically never been seen. Throughout history, there were several representatives with an automatic transmission, but these cars were produced in a small series and were inaccessible to most.

They decided to rectify the situation at the Volzhsky Automobile Plant. Since 2010, it was decided to install automatic transmission on the Lada Kalina and Lada Granta. It was not planned to equip the Lada Priora with an automatic machine.

Automatic transmission on Priora

When purchasing a car, buyers increasingly prefer models with automatic transmission.
An automatic transmission is convenient and practical, and even a slight decrease in dynamics and an increase in fuel consumption can be sacrificed for the opportunity not to constantly pull the annoying lever of a manual transmission. Abroad, cars with automatic transmissions have been rolling off the assembly line for quite some time, which, alas, cannot be said about domestic cars. The Volzhsky Automobile Plant undertook to correct such an unfair situation, where in 2010 they decided to equip the Lada Kalina and Grant with automatic transmissions. As for the Lada Priora, at first there were no plans to install an automatic on the Priora. However, after restyling, which the model underwent three years later, the design engineers changed their minds and promised that very soon the car would receive the coveted automatic.

But will the Priora have an automatic transmission of its own production? It was assumed that the model would initially be released with a Japanese-made Jatco 4-band automatic transmission. And only over time will the transition to an automatic transmission of its own production be made. In the end, everything turned out a little differently and, I must say, very original.

Lada Priora is probably the most controversial car model in the AvtoVAZ line. So why not experiment with an automatic transmission? And the Lada Priora automatic transmission finally saw the light of day in 2014. They tried to remove the clutch pedal from the car, but the transmission from Grant did not suit it, and the standard 2180 gearbox was retrofitted with mechanisms from the famous ZF company, which change gears and depress the clutch.

The robot has 4 modes: A (forward), N (neutral), R (backward) and M (manual mode). Of course, this is not a full-fledged automatic transmission on the Priora , but “just” an AMT (automated transmission), however, the designers explain the situation by saying that the Jatco simply does not fit on the car: the Lada Priora engine is too low. Which, in fact, prevents the machine from being adequately installed. However, according to the creators, the robot is much more economical and accessible, which, in fact, has already been proven in practice. And do not forget that the assembly of the robotic box is the work of the well-known company ZF.

Another advantage of the robot is its light weight: the AMT is only 5 kilos heavier than the base manual transmission, which eliminated the need for suspension calibration. But how reliable will a car with a robotic gearbox be? Many people ask this question, but it is too early to give a definite answer. Time will tell how effective the Priora's automatic transmission is and how the transmission behaves. Let's hope that there will be no problems and the demand for the model will remain high.

How to change gears in a car and drive away

Proceed with caution; pressing the gas pedal too hard may cause the vehicle to move forward abruptly, causing wheel spin, which can lead to rapid tire wear.
Also, this action can cause increased load on the engine. In addition, when moving suddenly, due to surprise, the driver loses control over the situation and the road for a moment.

When shifting to higher gears, for example, fourth or fifth, the clutch pedal must be lowered more quickly than when starting to move and changing gears from first to second. Before switching from third to fourth position, the car must be accelerated to 50 km/h, and in fifth position – to 80-90 km/h.

Serial production of Priora automatic is just around the corner

New Lada model

Fans of domestic Lada Priora cars seem to have already lost hope that their cars will one day be equipped with an automatic transmission. Of course, this doesn’t upset most people much, because our drivers probably absorb the ability to drive a car with a manual transmission with their mother’s milk. But Russia is developing, cities are growing, colossal traffic jams are forming in them, so driving with a “handle” on the streets of megacities begins to be very annoying. In addition, women are increasingly driving domestic cars. And they really don’t like these three ill-fated pedals and the lever between the seats, which needs to be moved all the time. Therefore, automatic transmission on the Priora is a real necessity that should have been implemented a long time ago. Nevertheless, for many years now the domestic consumer has been fed empty promises. And if the Kalina is already equipped with an automatic transmission, the Priora is still supplied only with a traditional manual transmission. But the new Lada Priora is the most successful and comfortable car from VAZ.

Is it worth it?

The Lada Priora has been out of production for 2 years now, and the first model appeared back in 2007, so the cost of a relatively new car exceeds 350 thousand rubles, and a ten-year-old Priora in good condition can be sold for 200–300 thousand. If we add to this the costs of purchasing parts, re-equipment and paperwork, without which it is impossible to install an automatic transmission on a Priora, then the total cost will increase by 1.5–2 times and it will not be possible to sell such a car without serious losses.

Therefore, installing an automatic transmission is justified only if the car is dear to the owner not only as a means of transportation, but also as some kind of symbol. If you decide to install a machine gun on the Priora yourself, then, in addition to purely technical issues, you will have to independently comply with the requirements of Russian legislation and interact with the traffic police and other structures, which does not add to your moral and mental health. That is why most of those who want to carry out such an upgrade agree to overpay 20-50 thousand to the intermediary so that he takes care of all the paperwork.

If this is just a means of transportation, then by selling your car and adding 50-100 thousand, you can buy a car in the same condition, but noticeably better equipped and without any problems with documents.

In addition, even the most powerful engine of this car, VAZ 21127, produces only 106 hp. s., so there can be no talk of any dynamic driving, but for the same money you can pick up many cars with a more powerful engine and automatic transmission. Moreover, they will all be in good condition, but rather tedious procedures and long waits will not be required.

There's just a little time left before mass production

There were so many rumors about what kind of automatic transmission would be installed in the Priora! At first it was rumored that an automatic transmission from a Corolla would be installed on the car, then two dozen other Japanese donor cars were discussed. And finally, August 2014 provided an answer to the question that was troubling everyone: demonstration tests of a Lada Priora with an automatic transmission took place in Minsk. True, it’s difficult to call the AMT transmission an automatic transmission, but with it in traffic jams it will really be much easier for the driver to control the car. Most likely, the new Priora with AMT will very soon go into mass production and appear in car showrooms.

Inside the car

What is the 2014 Priora with AMT? This is a regular car with a robotic cable transmission. It is expected that it will not be very expensive, and compared to a manual transmission, you will not have to pay a huge amount extra for an AMT. The difference will be about 20,000 rubles. As for the design, the box was “licked” from one of the Japanese cars and modified to fit the Lada. It is noteworthy that the clutch on the Lada Priora with AMT is installed in Germany from ZF. This company produces transmission units for famous European car brands, so this is good news for most car enthusiasts.

But regarding the automatic transmission, about which there was a lot of information before, there has been no news in recent years. Initially it was reported that this company would produce a high-quality 7-speed automatic transmission for Priora. It was the Priora with an automatic transmission from this company that aroused the greatest hopes of car enthusiasts.

Firstly, there was pride in a completely Russian development, because there had been no domestic “automatic machines” since the days of the 21st Volga and Chaika. Secondly, the 2014 Priora with a traditional automatic transmission is more convenient to use for most drivers.

For example, if you don’t press the gas while driving uphill with AMT, the car will roll back. A car with a full automatic transmission will move forward after you release the brake pedal. This, of course, significantly reduces the accident rate, especially among inexperienced drivers. Although we must admit that AMT also has its advantages. For example, reduced fuel consumption and the possibility of long towing.

By what principle do you change gears on a Priora?

Gear Shift Gear Shift and Lever Position Manual Transmission The gear shift positions are shown on the handle.

Before engaging reverse gear, you must lift the ring under the lever handle. When changing gears, fully depress the clutch pedal and then release it smoothly.

It is not recommended to drive the car with one hand on the gearshift lever, as this increases wear on the gearbox.

When shifting from fifth to fourth gear, do not push the lever laterally to avoid accidentally engaging second gear, which could cause the engine to overspeed and cause engine damage. Before engaging reverse gear, make sure that the car is at rest and your foot is not on the accelerator pedal. Move the lever from neutral to the right all the way, and then engage reverse.


The table below shows the driving speeds at which you should engage the next gear for maximum fuel economy.

How to Engage Reverse Gear on a Priora

Posted on by Lada Priora gearbox The car is equipped with a five-speed Lada Priora gearbox, combined with a differential and final drive. The input shaft 29 is made in the form of a block of drive gears, which are in constant mesh with the driven gears of all frontal gears. The secondary shaft 25 is hollow, with a removable drive gear 3 of the main gear.

On the secondary shaft there are driven gears 16, 18, 19, 21, 23 and synchronizers 17, 20, 24 for front speed gears. The preload in the Prior differential bearings is adjusted by selecting the thickness of the ring 13.

At what speed, what gear should I engage?

Driving a car is a very important and responsible activity, which will require knowledge of traffic rules, technical equipment, as well as in unforeseen situations and some skills in its maintenance.

I probably won’t reveal a big secret if I say that for long-term operation, careful operation of the vehicle is also necessary.

One of the basic rules for a smooth and careful ride is proper gear shifting.

That is, when you increase or decrease the speed limit, you will need to switch to one gear or another. 2).For first gear, the speed interval is from 0 to 20 km/h.

How to change gears correctly on a Priora

In this article I want to give a basic understanding of the essence of the gear shifting process, which will allow you to automatically select the correct gear to drive each time in order to ensure the desired driving mode in a specific situation and get: If at this moment we switch to second, then the wheels They will also move at a speed of 25 km/h, but the engine will spin at lower speeds, approximately 1800 rpm.

The engine will be under heavy load at this moment.

The purpose of this article is to tell you how to do it correctly. We don't put

At what engine speed should you change gears?

Skillful driving means having the ability to quickly and at the right time change gears.

In the absence of this, driving a vehicle will be significantly difficult. Therefore, before you start driving a vehicle, you will need to familiarize yourself with the gear shift algorithm. This process varies on cars of different brands and models.

Moreover, it is important to carry out the switching process in accordance with certain rules. In turn, the inability to change speeds can cause a large number of different difficulties.

In turn, the inability to change speeds can cause a large number of different difficulties.

Lada Priora Sedan LadaSport › Logbook › Gearbox and everything connected with it

Over the winter, I had a lot of use with my original mineral water in a box, which in the cold thickens like honey, and when it heats up it doesn’t allow me to engage the gears.

Plus, I was already tired of the terrible howling in 5th gear. I decided to change the oil, and the choice fell on Castrol TAF-X 75W-90 synthetic.

Fortunately, my friend fitted it for me at a purchase price of 350 rubles per liter) Transmission I also bought a short-stroke Stinger rocker and a rigid driveshaft from the same company.

What prevents you from installing an automatic rifle from Kalina?

Automatic transmission

Many car enthusiasts are perplexed why the new Priora 2014 cannot be equipped with an automatic transmission from Kalina? After all, this gearbox has proven itself quite well, and the manufacturer Jatco is also listed among Japanese automakers. The bottom line is that Priora is a fundamentally new development by VAZ. If, for example, “Kalina” and “ten” are largely unified, then here you can see a completely different layout. To install a Jatco box on a Priora, half of the car would have to be redone, and first of all the body. By modifying the body parts, you can significantly reduce the structural rigidity, and the transmission mount itself, most likely, would not be very reliable.

In addition, a design with an automatic transmission from a Kalina would be very different from a car with a manual transmission. Accordingly, it would be necessary to produce additional spare parts, rebuild production on the assembly line, and refine assembly technology. The costs would not be worth it in the end. Considering that even small modernizations of production at VAZ cost huge sums, with such an alteration the car plant would greatly reduce its profitability.

The new robotic AMT gearbox is made in almost the same housing as the manual transmission, so there are no problems with its installation in the Priora body. Only 2 additional brackets are required for installation. Thanks to this, it was possible to achieve a minimal difference in price.

Most likely, VAZ therefore extended the production of the 2014 Priora with an automatic transmission for many years, because difficulties arose in finding the optimal automatic transmission model for this body. Due to technical complexity, even tuning enthusiasts did not en masse install an automatic transmission from Kalina on the Priora. Even if you digest the body and modify the remaining components, certain operational problems will still arise. For example, several craftsmen who finally decided on such a modernization were faced with the fact that the automatic transmission was poorly cooled.

Which automatic transmissions are suitable

The most suitable transmission, the installation of which does not require any major modifications, is the Jatco JF414E - a good four-speed hydraulic automatic transmission of a somewhat outdated design, but not without reason it is classified as an indestructible automatic transmission. The Jatco JF414E automatic transmission, which appeared in 2010, is a modified RE4F03A transmission from 1989, so the automatic transmission retains all the best features of classic hydraulic automatic transmissions.

Automatic transmission Jatco JF414E

If for some reason the Jatco JF414E is not suitable or is not available, pay attention to all automatic transmissions of front-wheel drive cars with an engine capacity of up to 1.8 liters and a power of up to 120 hp. With

However, when installing such boxes, 2 serious problems will arise:

  • Rework of the engine and body will be required;
  • It is impossible to officially legitimize such alterations.

If you go the unofficial route, there is a high risk of finding yourself accused of bribery, which carries serious prison terms.

Automatic transmission from other cars

Despite the fact that the new Priora 2014 will already be equipped with an automatic transmission as standard, many owners continue to change the transmission on their own or through dealer services. The most popular option remains the installation of an automatic transmission from a Toyota Corolla on Priora. True, most cars are not equipped with a new transmission, but a used one. Some dealerships even have a special program, which means that the owner is given an automatic transmission from Toyota, and the original manual transmission is taken on consignment. He only pays the difference in price and rework.

To install an automatic transmission from another car under service conditions, it is often necessary to manufacture additional parts. For example, for the same automatic transmission from a Corolla, you need to make an internal CV joint. It is turned on a lathe. The work is very labor-intensive and requires excellent turner skills. After all, if you allow any play, the unit will quickly break down.

Today, by 2014, we have already learned how to carry out installation work professionally, so in most cases you don’t have to worry about the quality. However, if the parts are nevertheless manufactured incorrectly, and even if a mistake is made during installation, the owner may find himself in a rather difficult situation. For example, if there is a breakdown far from home, when there are no spare parts or technicians nearby, the car will have to be transported for many kilometers to the dealers by tow truck.

Instrument panel improved

At the same time, installing an automatic transmission from a Japanese foreign car on a Priora remains a very popular solution. Even if the automatic transmission has already been used, its resource will still last for a very long time. There is an opinion that even the new Jatco transmission does not last as long as the old Corolla transmission.

By the way, not so long ago one of the enterprises in Tolyatti released a trial Priora with a CVT. It is unknown from which car the variator was borrowed, but tests have shown that on the Priora it has many advantages over robotic and automatic transmissions. It is quite possible that after some time such cars will be assembled in small quantities at dealerships.

Is it worth buying a Priora with AMT or automatic transmission?

Time passes, humanity develops, so in 2014 it is already stupid to deprive yourself of comfort when driving around the city. It is clear that there will always be drivers who prefer to control the operation of the engine and gearbox themselves. However, there is no doubt that an automatic transmission is more convenient for most car enthusiasts. Moreover, in terms of efficiency, today it is not much inferior to the “mechanics”. But as for reliability, it is very difficult to say how the AMT gearbox will withstand intensive, long-term use. While the first buyers of the Priora with a robotic gearbox leave reviews about its reliability, this model may be completely discontinued. Preliminary testing only indicates that the transmission works smoothly, and fuel consumption is almost no different from a manual transmission. This is already a very good indicator.

It’s definitely worth buying a Lada Priora car with an automatic transmission, but there is still a certain amount of risk due to the fact that after 100-150 thousand kilometers, interruptions in operation will begin. But such problems also arise when operating more expensive machines. Those drivers who decide to convert their car’s transmission to an “automatic” one are also likely to benefit.

It should be noted that in the coming years the country’s foreign policy may turn in such a way that there will be no special alternative to the Priors and Kalins. Therefore, it is quite possible that VAZ will make a powerful breakthrough forward in the next few years. Who knows, maybe soon we will get several more automatic transmission options on the Priora, more reliable and advanced than the current ones.

Lada Priora gearbox failures in Moscow

VAZ 2170 Priora cars arrive at our workshop with different types of damage. As an example, let’s look at the most common problems with our clients’ cars.

  • Lada Priora has a mileage of 70 thousand km - there were problems with shifting 2nd gear. At first it turned on with a crunch, then it began to knock out. When I tried to shift, the car started to jerk and eventually stopped.
  • VAZ 2170 2010 – the Lada Priora gear knob has failed.
  • The owner contacted the auto repair shop because the gearbox on his Lada Priora was damaged and needed replacement.
  • The essence of the appeal is faulty elements of the Lada Priora: gearbox seal, bearings, cracked crankcase.
  • Lada Priora 6 – required fluid refilling and clutch adjustment.

In these and other cases, we carried out professional diagnostics. The manual transmission was repaired and the transmission system was brought back to normal.

Installing an automatic transmission on a Priora

VAZ and people close to the plant have repeatedly attempted to launch a model with an automatic transmission into production. And they seem to have succeeded.

Automatic transmission on VAZ cars. Background

It is almost impossible to mention all the cases of experimental automatic transmission installations on Ladas, so I will name the main ones. At the turn of the century, one of the first cars with an automatic transmission was the ugly Nadezhda minivan, on which the well-deserved 4HP-22 gearbox from ZF was installed at the Moscow MAI Automatic Transmission Center by order of the plant.

Then it was decided to change course and pay attention to CVTs, which were gaining popularity. A ZF unit with a push belt was installed in the same unit. The car performed quite well, in dynamics it was in no way inferior to its “mechanical” brother, but it was not allowed to enter the assembly line - the variator with installation cost $3,000, which was almost half the cost of the car. For comparison, an automatic Suzuki Swift cost $10,000 at that time, and a Peugeot 206 cost $12,650.

However, in the mid-2000s, it offered for sale small-scale Ladas with automatic transmissions. However, due to the high price, they did not find buyers and did not convince the plant of the advisability of continuing the partnership.

Later, versions with automatic transmission were tested on the basis of the newly appeared Kalina, and options for equipping with an automatic transmission were also laid down during the development of the Priora. The most likely supplier of boxes, in the event of the launch of mass production, was the German ZF. However, then the plant turned to a domestic development - the famous 7-speed automatic transmission KATE.

At the origins was Maxim Nagaytsev, who later took the place of VAZ vice-president. And the owner of the company was the wife of Sergei Chemezov, the then head of Russian Technologies. KATE took it right off the bat - announced the development of 6- and 7-speed automatic transmissions, built and tested the first samples, and announced its intention to build a plant in Kaliningrad with a capacity of 260,000 boxes per year. At the end of the 2000s, the automatic transmission prototype was transferred to the English company Riciardo for fine-tuning, and the head of AvtoVAZ, Igor Komarov, said that in 2012 the plant plans to launch Kalina and Priora equipped with KATE automatic transmissions.

But things didn't go any further. Having talked about plans with KATE, Komarov also added that even earlier, from 2010, Japanese automatic transmissions from Nissan will be installed on Ladas. And after the Renault-Nissan concern bought out a stake in the plant, VAZ logically switched to searching for a supplier of automatic transmissions from abroad. The result was an announcement that “automatic machines” from Jatco, which supplies units to a number of Japanese companies, will begin to be installed on Granta.

“Automatic” on Lada now and in the future

Both in the past and now, garage craftsmen have not given up attempts to install automatic transmissions from old, mostly Japanese, cars on VAZs. Someone even tried to put this matter on stream. But these were all nothing more than attempts, which the plant officially refused to recognize even for tuning.

But here the question arises: is an automatic transmission even necessary on VAZs? Dealers answer unequivocally - it is necessary, since a considerable part of customers are forced to switch to used foreign cars only because they cannot buy an inexpensive domestic car with an automatic transmission. The plant considers the installation of automatic transmissions a necessary measure, since it is one of the three essential components of the comfort of a modern car, along with power steering and air conditioning. AvtoVAZ has been offering consumers cars with air conditioning and power steering for several years now. Now the time has come for the “automatic”, which is confirmed by marketing research.

The first car to receive an automatic transmission will be the Granta this fall, followed by the restyled version of the Kalina, which is currently preparing for launch. The issue of equipping Priora with automatic transmission is still under discussion.

The Jatco “automatic” is a proven and reliable 4-speed unit of a classic design, which is installed on a number of Renault-Nissan models (for example, the Nissan Tiida). AvtoVAZ engineering services have already carried out a set of tests and, together with the company’s specialists, on the Russian 16-valve VAZ-21126 engine.

VAZ 2170 Adjusting the gearshift drive rod

Adjusting the gear shift rod

Park the car, apply the handbrake and turn off the ignition.

Only for models up to 1994.

Only for models after 1994.

Locate the locking hole on the top of the transmission housing adjacent to the nameplate. Remove the plug from the hole (indicated by the arrow). Place the gear lever in fourth gear, then take a screwdriver with a blade approximately 4mm in diameter and insert it into the hole; this will lock the gearbox in the fourth gear position - the screwdriver handle will not allow it to fall inside the gearbox.

1. Inside the vehicle, to gain access to the gearbox control lever housing, remove the control lever collar and mounting frame. Take a screwdriver with a blade approximately 4 mm in diameter and insert it into the locking hole in the side wall of the lever housing.
2. If the screwdriver is inserted without difficulty, then the linkage is adjusted correctly and, therefore, is not the cause of poor gear shifting;
Next, it would be best to remove the gear shift drive rod and inspect it for wear and damage (Section Removal, inspection and reinstallation of the gear shift drive). 3. If the screwdriver does not fit into the locking hole, the position of the rod is not adjusted correctly.
4. At the point in the engine compartment where the selector rod passes through the bulkhead, loosen the selector rod pinch bolt (A) near the rubber coupling (B) to allow free play between the two halves of the selector rod.
5. Move the gearbox control lever so that the tip of the screwdriver is inserted into the locking hole in the lever housing; Make sure that the lever is still in the fourth speed position. 6. In the engine compartment, tighten the pinch bolt on the gear selector rod to the required torque. 7. Remove the screwdriver from the locking hole and install the plastic plug. 8. Remove the screwdriver from the locking hole on the transmission control lever housing. 9. Reinstall the selector lever guard and mounting frame. 10. Before driving the vehicle, make sure that the gearbox control lever moves from the neutral gear position to all six gear positions.

Future plans

In 2013, the Lada 2170 underwent modernization aimed at improving its appearance, increasing comfort and noise insulation. Following the appearance of the restyled Priora, the designers announced that in the near future this car will be equipped, in addition to a manual transmission, with an automatic transmission of its own design.

New generation machine

But first, the Priors will be released with a Japanese-made 4-range automatic, which is equipped with Kalina and Granta. And only over time will the transition to an automatic transmission of its own production be made.

Presumably, the automatic transmission of our own production will be built on the basis of a manual gearbox 2112. This gearbox, after all the changes made, will receive the index 2180, and will be designed to work with more powerful power plants. This indirectly indicates that the new Priora will receive more powerful power units.

It is also indicated that an automatic machine will be built on the basis of the 2180 box, with which it is planned to equip the Priora in the future. The automatic transmission itself is heavier in weight than the manual transmission, so with the automatic transmission installed it will receive more powerful suspension springs and a slightly increased ground clearance. The automatic transmission will be controlled using a selector, which will take the place of the gear shift lever of a manual transmission.

It is not yet possible to provide a full review and technical specifications of a Priora with an automatic transmission installed. But it is quite likely that the Lada 2170 automatic transmission will be somewhat inferior in terms of acceleration dynamics to a car equipped with a manual transmission. Fuel consumption will also be slightly higher.

Despite this, it is assumed that this car will be in demand. The reason for this will be partly the price of this car. In its price category there is hardly a car with automatic transmission and with so many options.

Clutch adjustment on Lada Priora -

The main signs of a clutch malfunction are a decrease in travel and sticking of the clutch pedal, extraneous clicks, poor vehicle traction, or unclear gear shifting due to incomplete disengagement of the clutch. All these malfunctions indicate that periodic clutch adjustment is necessary. Priora, like all VAZ cars, needs such maintenance.

Video of clutch adjustment on Priora.

Components of domestically produced cars quickly become unusable, and many motorists of our cars have long become accustomed to this idea. In addition, it is worth taking into account your driving style, as well as the quality of the roads you most often drive on. However, the parts still do not last forever, and some of them have to be changed or the elements of the mechanisms must be adjusted. One of the “unreliable” and “capricious” elements of the Lada Priora car is the engine clutch mechanism with the gearbox. The main signs of a clutch malfunction are a decrease in travel and sticking of the clutch pedal, extraneous clicks, poor vehicle traction, or unclear gear shifting due to incomplete disengagement of the clutch. All these malfunctions indicate that periodic clutch adjustment is necessary. Priora, like all VAZ cars, needs such maintenance

It's no secret that it is important to have a working clutch on your car: safety and predictability on the roads depend on it. Incorrect cable tension will cause the pedal to dangle idle, and the device itself will experience increased wear on the friction linings of the driven disc due to additional friction on the crankshaft flywheel. The speed will decrease significantly due to the loss of torque, changing gears will also be problematic with a sticking pedal and the clutch not being completely disengaged

Adjusting the mechanism may include either adjusting the clutch cable or completely replacing it along with the sensor and bushing. The following will be discussed below: How to adjust the clutch on a Priora by changing the gap from the cable to the adjusting screw

The speed will decrease significantly due to the loss of torque; changing gears will also be problematic with a sticking pedal and the clutch not completely disengaged. Adjusting the mechanism may include either adjusting the clutch cable or completely replacing it along with the sensor and bushing. The following will be discussed below: How to adjust the clutch on a Priora by changing the gap from the cable to the adjusting screw.

Replacing the clutch cable.

The clutch device in the so-called loose state causes a number of problems: clicks and loosening of the pedal, insufficient coupling of the driven disk with the crankshaft flywheel and other troubles, as mentioned above. The work of adjusting the clutch on a Priora will not take much time, plus it is quite simple, and every car enthusiast can do it in his own garage. We drive the car into the pit. To prevent it from dangling back and forth, we fix it with wheel chocks. We open the hood of the car, look at the space to the left of the battery, where the clutch fork along with the cable is located. It is this cable that needs to be adjusted. Using a regular ruler, you need to measure the distance from the base of the clutch cable to the adjusting screw. For the machine in question, this segment should be equal to 27 mm. The main condition that must be met is 100% measurement accuracy. Deviations up or down (25 or 28 mm) will not lead to positive results. So, the cable is put back into the clutch release fork, then the clutch pedal is depressed several times. It’s better to work with a partner, this way things will go much faster. If the pedal continues to click, the adjustment can be made again. The main thing you should achieve is that the pedal moves smoothly, without sticking or clicking. However, it is not always possible to correct the situation with the clutch only by adjusting the cable. If there is a break in the spare part or there is a tight action in the casing, then it is necessary to replace the clutch cable and, if necessary, other components of the mechanism.

Installing an automatic machine on a Priora

Our service offers an exclusive service for owners of front-wheel drive fuel-injected VAZ cars - installation of an automatic transmission from Toyota cars.
A four-speed Toyota automatic transmission is installed on the Lada model of the tenth family, Lada Kalina, Priora, and the Samara model family. A car with an automatic transmission is distinguished by its smooth ride, ease of control, and good dynamic characteristics. The installation kit includes a Toyota automatic transmission, a starter, and a flywheel from a Toyota vehicle. A gear selector is installed in the cabin. Automatic transmission installation time is 4-5 working days.

In total, we have installed more than 50 automatic transmissions for various models. The warranty on the installed automatic transmission is 1 year or 40,000 km.

The cost with installation in our service is 50,000 rubles. Installation is carried out by appointment.

It is possible to ship automatic transmission kits to VAZ for self-installation. Currently, it is possible to supply kits for models of the Kalina family and models from the VAZ 2110, 11, 12 series. The kit includes: a four-speed Toyota automatic transmission ready for installation, an adapter plate, a starter, a flywheel converted for VAZ engines, a gear selector, a control cable , electrical wiring harness, a set of converted internal CV joints, modified front suspension brace, automatic transmission mounting brackets, fasteners, detailed installation instructions. The cost of the set is 45,000 rubles.

When purchasing a car, buyers increasingly prefer models with automatic transmission. An automatic transmission is convenient and practical, and even a slight decrease in dynamics and an increase in fuel consumption can be sacrificed for the opportunity not to constantly pull the annoying lever of a manual transmission.

Abroad, cars with automatic transmissions have been rolling off the assembly line for quite some time, which, alas, cannot be said about domestic cars. The Volzhsky Automobile Plant undertook to correct such an unfair situation, where in 2010 they decided to equip the Lada Kalina and Grant with automatic transmissions. As for the Lada Priora, at first there were no plans to install an automatic on the Priora. However, after restyling, which the model underwent three years later, the design engineers changed their minds and promised that very soon the car would receive the coveted automatic.

What can you do now?

Automation makes it easier to control the machine

For those who don’t want to wait for a new Priora with an automatic transmission to appear, some service stations are already giving the opportunity to install an automatic transmission on this car.

Specialized service stations offer to install one of two automatic transmissions on the Priora.

BoxManufacturer countryApproximate installation cost
ZFGermanyup to 75-85 thousand rubles
from Toyota carsJapan45 thousand rubles. and higher

Both of them are 4-band. If we take into account the automatic transmission from Toyota, in addition to the transmission itself, a special adapter plate is installed on the car, the starter and flywheel are replaced, brackets for securing the transmission are added, a selector is brought into the cabin, internal constant velocity joints are replaced, and the front suspension extension is modified.

The problem with installing this gearbox is the inability to display the gear engaged sensor on the dashboard and the lack of self-diagnosis, since it is not connected to the on-board computer.

The installation of the German ZF is not much different. All elements of the car are replaced and modified so that the box fits into place and functions properly.

Owners of cars with installed automatic transmissions note that the smoothness of the car improves.

Some car dealerships install this transmission on new cars themselves, and only after that they sell them. This option is more acceptable than replacing the transmission on an already purchased car.

The best option would be to wait until the restyled VAZ 2170 with a factory robotic transmission begins to arrive in showrooms.

The only problem that many car owners are interested in is the reliability of the car. If foreign cars with automatic transmission have long and firmly established themselves as very reliable, then this cannot yet be said about domestic cars. And if a Priora with an automatic transmission starts to experience problems with the transmission, the demand for the car will be low. Most will prefer a used foreign-made car, which has transmission problems much less frequently than a domestic VAZ 2170 with an automatic transmission that always breaks down.


Comments 65

Guys, describe in more detail how to install this automatic transmission in a Priora, I physically can’t drive a manual and I can’t get a normal foreign car, and they sell junk here, one (of the foreign cars) I dug up the whole tyrnet and found it just in Chelyaba for 40 rubles they stick it in a Camry

All these alterations are not justified, it’s better to sell yours and the car and buy one with an automatic transmission, or wait until they release a Priora with it

They have been installing automatic machines from old Corollas for a long time. The asking price a year ago in Moscow time (I was interested in this topic) was 30k turnkey. Briefly: the 4-speed automatic is suitable for mounting, you just need to sharpen the splines on the internal grenade to fit the Toyota gearbox, install the selector in the cabin and tinker with the electrics.

I took the 12K for a ride from Bryansk, automatic from Honda)))

I also like the topic about the machine gun, I wanted to get confused

SST or DSG that's the power

After the automatic transmission you will want a sequential car))) why will you install it?!))))

and installing an automatic transmission is nonsense)) The game is not worth the candle. )) My opinion. A lot of money will go away.

thank you any information is useful)

Have a look there, maybe something else will be useful.

but only a cable gearbox also makes sounds like a simple one(

you just insulted all SRT and GT-R owners

Is it a crazy idea or what?)

wait for the new Priora, they should appear in 2014, there will be a robot, but installing an automatic on a stock Priora yourself is complete nonsense!

Better cable box and 127th intake)

I thought about this too))

if you do all this yourself, then there won’t be any problems with the installation... everything is “practically” the same as installing a new mechanic, naturally there will be some nuances, but if your hands are in the right place, then it won’t be too much of a strain;). The most problematic thing for you will be to make friends between the brains of the engine and the brains of the automatic transmission)))

As far as I know, many VAZ car dealerships already supply Priora automatic machines to order. Price in district 70 rubles


Fans of domestic Lada Priora cars seem to have already lost hope that their cars will one day be equipped with an automatic transmission. Of course, this doesn’t upset most people much, because our drivers probably absorb the ability to drive a car with a manual transmission with their mother’s milk. But Russia is developing, cities are growing, colossal traffic jams are forming in them, so driving with a “handle” on the streets of megacities begins to be very annoying. In addition, women are increasingly driving domestic cars. And they really don’t like these three ill-fated pedals and the lever between the seats, which needs to be moved all the time. Therefore, automatic transmission on the Priora is a real necessity that should have been implemented a long time ago. Nevertheless, for many years now the domestic consumer has been fed empty promises. And if the Kalina is already equipped with an automatic transmission, the Priora is still supplied only with a traditional manual transmission. But the new Lada Priora is the most successful and comfortable car from VAZ.

What else has changed?

The starter was also moved. Now it is not parallel to the gearbox, but along the engine. Three-cone synchronizers were installed on the very first batches. However, after carrying out the calculations, it became clear that the double-cone ones are no worse, but their cost is cheaper and they can fully withstand the required torque (even with a reserve). In addition, these synchronizers made it possible to remove the problematic cone on the gears of the first and second gears. Previously, it was in contact with the synchronizer ring and required high precision in manufacturing. Now the set of rings creates two friction surfaces. This has improved the synchronization process, making it smoother and more efficient. To make the switching process easier, the cable-driven gearbox from AvtoVAZ received synchronizers with a reduced tooth bevel angle. The preload force has also been reduced.

There's just a little time left before mass production

What is the 2014 Priora with AMT? This is a regular car with a robotic cable transmission. It is expected that it will not be very expensive, and compared to a manual transmission, you will not have to pay a huge amount extra for an AMT. The difference will be about 20,000 rubles. As for the design, the box was “licked” from one of the Japanese cars and modified to fit the Lada. It is noteworthy that the clutch on the Lada Priora with AMT is installed in Germany from ZF. This company produces transmission units for famous European car brands, so this is good news for most car enthusiasts.

Firstly, there was pride in a completely Russian development, because there had been no domestic “automatic machines” since the days of the 21st Volga and Chaika. Secondly, the 2014 Priora with a traditional automatic transmission is more convenient to use for most drivers.

Overclocking Priora in real life

Wanting to compare the values ​​​​indicated in the passport for the Priora, car owners themselves get behind the wheel and try to accelerate to 100 km/h. The results are completely different, and all because the acceleration time to high speed depends on several factors: the experience and professionalism of the driver;

how the driver drives, for example, at what speed the gears are changed;

what is the condition of the Lada Priora, which is accelerated to 100 km/h;

how much does the car weigh;

what are the weather conditions;

quality of the road route;

road slope;

well-functioning operation of devices that measure acceleration.

On Internet forums, car enthusiasts report the following results:

The Priora hatchback is able to accelerate to 100 km/h in 11 seconds, you can see this by watching the video:

The modernized Priora of recent years of production shows the count using a stopwatch on the phone at 12.26 and 15.12 seconds.

What prevents you from installing an automatic rifle from Kalina?

Many car enthusiasts are perplexed why the new Priora 2014 cannot be equipped with an automatic transmission from Kalina? After all, this gearbox has proven itself quite well, and the manufacturer Jatco is also listed among Japanese automakers. The bottom line is that Priora is a fundamentally new development by VAZ. If, for example, “Kalina” and “ten” are largely unified, then here you can see a completely different layout. To install a Jatco box on a Priora, half of the car would have to be redone, and first of all the body. By modifying the body parts, you can significantly reduce the structural rigidity, and the transmission mount itself, most likely, would not be very reliable.

The new robotic AMT gearbox is made in almost the same housing as the manual transmission, so there are no problems with its installation in the Priora body. Only 2 additional brackets are required for installation. Thanks to this, it was possible to achieve a minimal difference in price.

We can only hope that the AMT gearbox will not be much inferior in reliability to the Jatco.

Why are gears difficult to engage?

First, we suggest finding out what is the reason why reverse or first gear is sometimes or systematically difficult to activate.

The reasons why the gear is difficult to engage may be different, let’s consider them in detail:

  1. If it is difficult to switch between first and second gears, the problem may be that the clutch is not fully activated. On a VAZ Priora, the reason often lies in damage or disconnection of the cable on the pedal. This problem can be identified by diagnosing it. If the pedal is sunk into the floor, the cable must be replaced.
  2. Failure of the drive rod for controlling the gearbox activation mechanism.
  3. Damage or incorrect operation of the transmission's torque rod.
  4. Loosening the fixing bolts on the gear selector rod lever or on the hinge. It is necessary to determine the reason why the screws may have become loose.
  5. Making mistakes when adjusting the gear activation drive.
  6. Failure or damage to plastic components that are installed on the Lada Priora gearbox control drive.
  7. Mistakes made when adjusting the scenes. This unit on the VAZ Priora is designed to connect the gearbox to the selector in the car interior. As a result of long-term use, the plastic bushings on the rocker could wear out.
  8. Failure of synchronizer elements. These mechanisms are made in the form of brass bushings, which are used for more simplified gear shifting. Brass is a soft metal and will wear out over long periods of use. If the first and reverse gears are difficult to engage, and the reason lies in the synchronizing elements, when you try to change gear, an unpleasant crunching or grinding noise will be heard. When there are no problems with activating gears, but there is an uncharacteristic sound when the gearbox is operating, then in the future you will encounter difficulty changing gears.
  9. Failure of bearing elements due to damage or wear. This type of malfunction is not common, but over time the bearings wear out, so every car owner can encounter it. If a part breaks, one of the transmission pulleys is no longer able to rotate, which leads to problems when activating speeds. Usually we are talking only about the first gear.
  10. Failure of the box shaft. This unit is not subject to wear or critical loads during its entire service life, but it may break due to a manufacturing defect. Even minor errors made by the manufacturer when assembling the vehicle can lead to shaft failure. Because of this, the car owner will face the problem of not only difficulty engaging first gear, but also a breakdown of the transmission unit as a whole.
  11. The reason may lie in the car's engine mounts. The power unit hangs on them and is connected to the transmission. During long-term use of the car, the fastening fails or is unscrewed from its seat. This leads to sagging of the car engine or transmission. As a result of subsidence, damage to the backstage may occur.
  12. Failure of the clutch fork.
  13. Clutch basket malfunctions. This assembly breaks due to wear or damage to the petals. The “spider” of the basket can also fail. This element is a bearing mechanism that is fixed on several stretch marks. If they tear, they cannot fully stay on the basket, which leads to difficulties in changing gears. Due to damage to the paddles, it will be impossible to release the clutch disc. If the disk itself is worn out, this will lead to the appearance of wear. When the wear of the part is too great, it will be impossible to switch on the speed.
  14. Damage to the ball joint or spherical spring.
  15. Often such problems occur as a result of changing the transmission fluid. The main feature of the Priora gearbox is that the gear ratios in the first and second stages of the unit differ as much as possible. When the driver changes gears, it is necessary to wait for the input shaft to slow down during the process. If it takes longer than usual to slow down, it may be due to low viscosity lubricant or slight underfilling.

User Sergey Tsapyuk made a video in which he talked about the problem of poor gear engagement on a Priora.

Automatic transmission from other cars

To install an automatic transmission from another car under service conditions, it is often necessary to manufacture additional parts. For example, for the same automatic transmission from a Corolla, you need to make an internal CV joint. It is turned on a lathe. The work is very labor-intensive and requires excellent turner skills. After all, if you allow any play, the unit will quickly break down.

At the same time, installing an automatic transmission from a Japanese foreign car on a Priora remains a very popular solution. Even if the automatic transmission has already been used, its resource will still last for a very long time. There is an opinion that even the new Jatco transmission does not last as long as the old Corolla transmission.

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