Replacing the rocker seal on a Priora – Replacing gearbox seals on a Lada Priora

Two ways to replace the gearbox seal on a VAZ-2110

It is easier to change the oil seal with the gearbox removed.

Replacing an element that has become unusable can be done in two ways.

  1. The first of them is very labor-intensive , since it will be necessary to remove the gearbox. But replacing the oil seal will be much easier.
  2. The second method seems less time-consuming and labor-intensive , but in practice it is very difficult to carry out this procedure. Only experienced motorists who have repeatedly had to repair their cars can replace the oil seal directly on the car without removing the gearbox.


Experienced car owners know the visual reasons why they can determine the failure of the rocker seal. Naturally, for such reasons it is impossible to accurately determine the cause of the leak, but this gives a signal to carry out diagnostics, in which the cause of the oil leak can be accurately identified.

The most important sign is oil stains under the car, especially in the gearbox area.

An oily rubber boot indicates a malfunction of the rocker seal.

But these spots do not always indicate oil seal failure. It happens that this is due to the oil filter, which sometimes does not tighten properly. In any case, the driver is obliged to monitor for any oil leaks in the checkpoint area . To do this, you need to monitor the oil level. This is the only way to save the box from damage, which will certainly happen if it operates with a minimum amount of oil.

Another way that indicates the oil seal is worn out is a characteristic crunch that is heard when changing gears . But only an experienced VAZ-2110 owner can diagnose this crunch. In any case, if you hear unusual sounds when shifting into gear, it is better to diagnose the gearbox.

Backstage repair and adjustment

In this section we will describe the replacement of all consumables, as well as all the adjustments to the Priora gearbox that can be carried out on a particular transmission.

Backstage repair kit

To repair a Priora gearbox of any type, you will need:

  • pit;
  • overpass;
  • lift;
  • jack with safety stands.

In addition, you will need the following tools:

  • a set of spanners and open-end wrenches;
  • flat and Phillips screwdrivers;
  • ratchet with extension and set of bits.

If you work from a jack, be sure to use safety stands. And after installing the car on them, shake it strongly in all directions. If it falls off the stands, it means you installed them incorrectly. But it’s better if the car falls while you’re not under it.

What parts to choose for replacement

It is better to immediately change the boot along with the oil seal.

Before you begin repair work, you need to purchase the necessary parts for replacement.

As for the oil seal, Balakovo products are very popular. You need an oil seal with article number 2110–1701043 and 21100-1701043-00 .

Manufacturers offer two options for oil seals - simple and reinforced.

In addition, it is recommended to immediately purchase a cardan boot, as there is a high probability that it is also worn out. Even if this is not the case, it may break during the repair process. Therefore, it is better to spend a small amount on anther than to bother with disassembly again.

Recently, reinforced oil seals have appeared on sale, which are called that way. If you believe the assurances of sellers, their service life is significantly higher than that of standard products.

Repair or replacement

Before deciding whether repair, adjustment or replacement of the link is necessary, it will have to be disassembled.

  1. Remove the cover on the gear shift knob;
  2. The machine must be installed on a jack or on an overpass (pit);
  3. Remove the front console, which is bolted on;
  4. Remove the rocker by unscrewing 6 bolts.

During this procedure, carefully inspect all parts. You definitely need to bend the boot and inspect the condition of the support, cardan shaft, and oil seal.

It may be necessary to use a rem. kit, and perhaps a more complex repair is needed.

If the bushing is deformed, it needs replacement. If the cardan has play, as well as if the hole in the lever axis is worn, a complete replacement of the link and repair belt is necessary. the kit clearly won't help.

It happens that the rocker pad is to blame for the rattling noise when changing gears. Replacing a pillow is a simple operation, but can be beneficial.

How to change the rod seal - Video instructions

  1. Make a mark of the position of the rod and cardan so that after assembling the parts you do not have to adjust the gear shift. Then use a 13mm wrench to loosen the tie rod clamp.
  2. After this, pull the boot off the cardan. Unscrew the 10mm bolt used to secure the cardan to the gear selector rod. The cardan must be dismantled along with the boot.
  3. Now drain the oil from the gearbox. This is done so that after removing the oil seal, oil does not pour on you. Screw screws of sufficient length directly into the oil seal. After that, grab them and pull them towards you with all your strength. The seal should come out. As soon as it comes off, take a new oil seal and lubricate it with a special sealant.
  4. Let the sealant sit on the part for a while. After this, take a tube of the same diameter and use it to press the new oil seal into the gearbox. Oil can only be refilled after 24 hours, depending on the type of sealant chosen.
  5. Now change the boot on the cardan and install it. Reassemble the parts in the reverse order according to the marks made. After assembly, do not forget to fill the gearbox with oil.

How does the backstage work?

The principle of operation of any scene is the same: moving the manual transmission lever in two planes (forward - backward, left - right) through a system of levers and rigid or flexible rods leads to the movement of the corresponding forks inside the gearbox. In turn, the forks displace the clutches of one or another gear, due to which they engage with the secondary shaft, forming a full-fledged gearbox with a given transmission ratio.

Backstage on the Priora

In first gear, the ratio of the rotation speed of the secondary and primary shafts is minimal, due to which 3-4 revolutions of the primary shaft account for 1 revolution of the secondary. In direct (fourth) gear, the rotation speeds of both shafts are approximately the same. But at the highest gearbox it turns from a reduction gearbox into a step-up gearbox, because for 2 revolutions of the primary shaft there are approximately 3 revolutions of the secondary shaft.

Installation of a short-stroke rocker on a Lada Priora

Installing a short-stroke rocker on the Lada Priora makes gear shifts clearer, and besides, the rocker stroke itself will be less, therefore making shifting more convenient.

How to install a short-throw rocker with your own hands:

Remove the gearshift lever cover and knob. The knob on the lever is not attached in any way, it is pulled together, just apply some force.

We remove the gearshift lever rod from the cardan, having first loosened the clamp (you will need a key to “13”).

In order to release the lever, it is necessary to release the ball from the spring mechanism (necessary for engaging reverse gear with locking). To do this, remove the locking ring.

Under no circumstances should you pull up on the lever in an attempt to release it.

A little patience and the locking ring is removed.

We take out the locking ring, the lever with the ball inserted into the plastic frame and the spring.

The plastic mandrel consists of two parts: the upper cylindrical part (left) and the lower (right). The upper part has a slit and fits onto the lever. The lever ball is inserted into the lower part and clasped around the upper part so that the grooves coincide, and the entire assembly rests entirely on the lever.

We take out the lever along with the rod through the interior. If you prefer, you can disconnect the lever from the rod, but from my point of view it is not at all necessary to disconnect it.

In the photo there is a short-stroke link at the bottom and a standard link at the top.

We remove the cardan. First, pull off the rubber boot and use a “10” key to unscrew the bolt on the left on the cardan.

Cardan from Priora (above) and Viburnum (below). It is immediately noticeable that the cardan rods are different in length. It is necessary to shorten the stem from the viburnum, depending on the type of short-stroke link, because The slides come from different companies, but the rod may not fit completely, as a result of which the gearbox lever will be shifted towards the handbrake lever.

What is a gear selector rod and why is it needed?

Older cars had a classic layout, with the rear wheels driving and the gearbox located under the car's interior. The gearshift knob was brought into the cabin and made it possible to control the transmission directly. In front-wheel drive cars, there is an urgent need for a special mechanism that would allow control of the gearbox located under the hood, while sitting in the car's interior. This device is called the gear selector rod, or, as drivers are accustomed to calling it, the rocker.

This part is inserted into the gearbox and connected to the gear shift handle mechanism. Using special levers, the gearbox handle acts on the rod and changes its position, which leads to a gear change.

The rod is connected to the gearbox through an oil seal, since there is oil inside the box that is under constant pressure. To prevent pressure from squeezing the oil out, a system of seals is provided in all parts of the gearbox connecting to external mechanisms.

The oil seal is a round rubber product, inside of which there is a hole for the rod. The material used may vary. It all depends on the make and model of the car, although many manufacturers make oil seals of the same size but from different materials. They all differ in their properties, but they have the same function - to prevent oil leakage from the car transmission by increasing the tightness of the moving parts of the unit.

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