Volume of coolant (antifreeze) in the cooling system

Personally, I have the opinion that any liquid cooling for a car engine will be much more efficient and advanced than air cooling (many studies have been conducted on this topic and I have been convinced of this thesis from my own experience. Currently, 99.7 percent of cars have liquid engine cooling and in the future this figure will increase to 100 percent).

However, no antifreeze or antifreeze will save the engine with a guarantee and are not a panacea; moreover, after a certain period of time they need to be changed and for this sometimes you have to remove the engine (on average, the replacement period reaches about three years).

In this case, the car enthusiast may have a question: how many liters of this liquid are required to cool the engine? And I’ll say one more thing (in the process of writing this text), a question arose - why is this particular volume required, as established and no more/less?

Important: many car users and experts believe (almost all) that a liquid engine cooling system is always many times more efficient for a car engine and is more advanced than all other systems.

How much antifreeze is required to work?

Some will argue about what is better for cooling: TOSOL or antifreeze, I will answer briefly - antifreeze is more effective in many respects and is almost always superior to antifreeze. In short, many antifreeze options for engine cooling systems (for example G12 - G13) significantly exceed the ANTIFREEZE values, which is why antifreeze almost always has better characteristics.

Any motorist needs to understand how much antifreeze is recommended to be poured into his car and exactly how to fill it correctly. To do this, you should read the machine maintenance book and follow the instructions. If the document cannot be found, in this case it is better to take the advice of professional repairmen.

The amount of liquid that you fill during replacement is on average about 3 liters. Experienced specialists will tell you a more accurate parameter. But at the beginning it is recommended to fill in approximately 3.2 liters of the substance. After this, the Priora is started and turned on for a few minutes, then

Why replacement is needed

If you continue to drive with antifreeze that has ceased to maintain the optimal temperature in the engine, sooner or later it can lead to breakdown. The increased temperature additionally loads the engine, and excessive viscosity, characteristic of expired fluid, can increase wear on parts. As a result, if you do not change the refrigerant in time, you can get a breakdown that will take a long time to fix. However, there are also products that can work for as long as possible: high-quality antifreezes have a service life of 5 years or more, and the innovative Sintec MULTIFREEZE fluid is designed for the entire life of the car. This development is compatible with all high-quality refrigerants, includes the advantages of silicate and carboxylate products, and is suitable for all car models of different years of manufacture and manufacturers.

You may be interested in: How to properly pour antifreeze into the system

What corrodes and how?

A few suggestions for better clarification - keep in mind that the engine cooling mixture is made from 3 main components:

  1. Ethylene glycol or, in rarer cases, propylene glycol can be used (the latter is slightly less toxic for automotive use and is used more often in G13). This includes standard diatomic types of alcohols, which are inherently the least active and, with prolonged exposure, can damage even the thick walls of metal pipes in a car, and can also corrode rubber and rubber.
  2. Water (usually distilled).
  3. Additives for the mixture in the engine cooling system. Such additives are most often required to reduce the negative impact from the same ethylene glycol or from the influence of propylene glycol (in more laconic terms - they do not allow them to destroy everything and spoil the pipelines in the car).

And naturally we are talking about dyes.

But still, why is it worth replacing? Keep in mind that after 3 - 4 years, additives can change their performance characteristics and eventually cease to work, in other words, all the liquid that is inside turns into more harmful and corrosive.

How many liters are required to fill the engine cooling system?

Fan troubles

In a modern car, you may not notice that due to a clogged radiator outside or inside, electric fans run for a longer time than the designers intended. As a result, they fail, not only prematurely, but also at the most inopportune moment, causing engine overheating, which does not exclude costly repairs later. To avoid this, it is enough to remove dirt from the outer surfaces of the radiator just once a year before the summer season.

But the reason for the electric fan not turning on may also be the lack of a control signal. The command to start the fan can come from a sensor installed on the radiator, as well as from the engine control unit or a separate unit that commands the operation of the fans. So, if the arrow of the antifreeze temperature indicator has crawled up, and the electric fan is silent, we pull over to the side of the road, check the fuses and drive belts, make sure that the impeller is not jammed on the shaft and rotates freely. If everything is in place, we close the contacts of the power sensor, if there is one. Then, if that doesn’t help, you can try using pieces of electrical wire to apply voltage directly to the fan motor. Did it work? We proceed to the repair site with a constantly running fan.

If that doesn’t help, we turn on the stove at full power and, keeping an eye on the notorious temperature, we slowly trudge off to visit the electrician-diagnostician. If the fan impeller is driven by a viscous coupling, as on most European mainline tractors, then the failed viscous coupling can be temporarily blocked by tinkering with the fasteners that come to hand, but the engine will be a little cold with a constantly working giant propeller, so it is better to reach the base and apply adequate repair technologies ...

I'll show you a breakdown of a few famous cars.

  • VAZ. For cars of older versions (meaning 2101 - 2107) a cooling system was required. in the area - 8.5 liters of antifreeze. More recent front-wheel drive cars such as KALINA and GRANT require 6 liters of cooling system to operate.
  • RENAULT. More relevant for the Renault LOGAN version of the car and for the SANDERO - here we need about 5 liters of antifreeze to operate the cooling system.
  • KIA and some Hyundai cars). In this case we are talking about the RIO model. Here a lot will depend on the size of the engine: on average 1.5 liters are required.
  • Daewoo. This means Daewoo NEXIA. The engine is 1.5 liters in size (8 valves) - for refueling we need 6 liters of antifreeze. A little more for the 16-valve version.

Features of using non-freezing liquids

When designing a heating system, you have to choose whether water or antifreeze will circulate in the pipes.

These liquids differ primarily in their freezing point: if water at 0 ° C turns into ice and can break the pipe, then antifreeze remains fluid at -60...-70 ° C. For houses in which the heating system is used irregularly, this is a real salvation: the risk of pipes failing at low temperatures is minimized.

Another situation in which frost protection will be needed is regular gas or electricity outages. This is very relevant for remote areas!

On the other hand, if we want to use antifreeze, then we need to take into account its features:

  1. Lower heat capacity - 15–20% lower than that of water. The coolant warms up more slowly and transfers heat less well, which means that efficiency losses must be compensated by installing a more powerful heating boiler.
  2. Greater fluidity due to lower surface tension. This does not seem to be a serious problem only at first glance: as soon as the pipes cool down, the coolant begins to leak through all the joints and connections. This must be taken into account when designing circuits and connecting equipment.

All detachable connections must be accessible for inspection and repair, so sealing such units under the casing will have to be abandoned.

  1. High density and viscosity. The movement of antifreeze through the pipes will be difficult, which means we will need a more powerful circulation pump. In addition, if you initially plan to use non-freezing liquid as a coolant, then it is better to immediately choose pipes of a larger diameter.
  2. Expansion when heated. Antifreeze for heating systems expands in volume 30–50% more than water. Accordingly, the expansion tank also needs to be installed larger.

To summarize, I would like to note that simply replacing water with antifreeze without replacing the elements of the heating system will not bring the desired result. The transition must be carefully planned, and only after making adjustments to the system design should we proceed to filling it.

Fuel volume in Solaris

If we mean the amount of antifreeze (arithmetic average), for the most part brands and brands, an engine size of 1.4-1.6 liters - in this case we come to the logical conclusion that we need approximately 5.5 to 7 liters of antifreeze . But be that as it may, for refilling it is recommended to purchase two 5-liter containers. Then you will have the required volume left to add (and also lightly clean the system).

But what’s more interesting is why do we need exactly this amount of antifreeze for cooling? There is a very clear explanation for this.

To better understand how much antifreeze is required to operate a car engine, it is worth considering a lot of various parameters and options.

Thus, many problems are solved at once:

  • So that the car engine does not overheat while driving and the coolant does not heat up to a critical value during the entire load (at minimum speed or at highest speed).
  • Output of thermal energy from the motor (suitable for preventing the motor from stopping).

It is important that the antifreeze heats up faster, this is especially true for working in cold weather. That is why the system should not have a lot of coolant, but in moderation.

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At what level should the antifreeze be in the expansion tank, how to check it correctly

This question seems complicated, but everything becomes simpler if you look at the owner's manual for your specific vehicle. Here a lot depends on the manufacturer, and not on the degree of engine wear.

At what temperature does antifreeze freeze?

Antifreeze is designed to resist low and high temperatures, remaining in the same consistency. It should not boil when the engine heats up and harden in cold weather. But for many drivers, despite all the tricks, antifreeze freezes in the cold season. Let's talk to experts about why this is happening?

How to calculate correctly?

To begin with, it is worth taking such a useful parameter for work as motor efficiency. The efficiency is usually about a quarter (25%). And everything else goes to various physical (including thermal) losses (which is essentially what we need).

About a third of all energy is spent on such a parameter as heating.

  1. We will carry out calculations based on the total engine power. Typically, this power is indicated at the moment at the maximum value of engine speed (or in other words, it is indicated at the highest speed, for example at a value of 4000 - 6000; different manufacturers take everything into account differently).
  2. For a simpler calculation, we take a standard one hundred horsepower engine (100 hp) and convert the resulting power to KILOWATTS.
  3. To do this, divide 100 by 1.36 equals 73.55 kW (here it is worth considering that 1 kW equals 1.36 hp). It is also worth remembering that this power is calculated at the highest speed.

As a result, the value obtained is 30 percent (this is exactly the amount the motor spends on energy losses). Just think how much this is! It turns out that more than 22 kW is used for heating.

Subtleties of cooling

To understand how much antifreeze is needed in the cooling system, an engineer needs to calculate many different parameters. Several problems are solved:

  • To prevent the engine from overheating, the coolant does not boil over the entire load range (both at idle and at maximum speed). Effective removal of thermal energy from the motor (so that it does not jam)
  • It is necessary for the liquid to warm up relatively quickly; it is important for winter so that you do not freeze in the car. Also, various components in the car are heated for more stable operation (for example, the throttle)

Therefore, there should be neither too much nor too little antifreeze in the cooling system, but enough.

In order to calculate correctly, we first need to take such an important parameter as the efficiency of the internal combustion engine , and we will understand that this is not such a large percentage, only 20 - 25%

And the rest goes to mechanical and thermal losses (they are what we are interested in).

Approximately 30% of energy is lost to heating. That's a lot!

We will count them based on the engine power. It is usually indicated at peak (that is, at maximum speed, say 4000 - 6000, different for different manufacturers). Often you just see power of 100 - 120 - 150 - 200, etc. Horse power

For convenience, let’s take a 100 hp engine. and convert the power to KILOWATTS. For this, 100/1.36 = "" 73.55 kW (1 kW = "" 1.36 hp). Once again, you need to understand that this power at maximum speed

As a result, 73.55 X 30% (this is exactly how much is spent on heat losses) =»« 22.065 kW, rounded to 22.1

Just think about it: 22.1 kW is spent on heating, and it just needs to go somewhere. By the way, from this indicator you can safely subtract about 9 kW (40%) that fly out into the chimney with exhaust gases.

We count further. For example, let’s take that our motor is made of aluminum and weighs 100 kg. In order to heat aluminum, we need to apply 3.9 X 10 5 = "" 390,000 J per kilogram. If we convert all this into kW, we get 0.1 kW per kg , multiply by 100 =»« 10

Thus, to heat a motor weighing 100 kg, we need 10 kW of thermal energy.

A standard car radiator dissipates about 2 kW of heat in a quiet state, and about 3-4 with airflow. At extremely low temperatures, dissipation increases. It is worth noting that the car also has a heater radiator (pipe pipes, etc.), in a quiet state it dissipates about 0.5 kW; when blown, it can provide 1 to 2 kW of heat into the cabin.

So what's the bottom line? 22.1 kW (maximum heat). We subtract 10 kW to warm up the engine, 9 kW goes into the exhaust pipe, about 2 kW for the main radiator + 0.5 kW for the heater radiator. 10 + 9 + 2 + 0.5 = "" 21.5 kW.

We need to remove about 0.6 kW more, we also need to use the radiator, because without liquid it will not work.

Engine radiator

A classic working radiator in a car dissipates approximately 2 kW of heat even in its quiet state. At the lowest temperatures, the dispersion rate only increases.

  • It is important to take into account that the car also has a heater radiator (pipes, etc.); in its normal operating state, approximately 0.5 kW is dissipated, and when the engine blowing system is actively operating, it is capable of delivering up to 2 kW of energy.
  • The composition of modern antifreezes makes it possible not to worry about the overall level of engine performance, even with long replacement intervals.
  • The main criterion for selecting a suitable product is the manufacturer.
  • The main characteristic that a buyer should pay attention to when purchasing antifreeze for a cooling system is its generation.

Advice from experienced car enthusiasts regarding antifreeze in the cooling system

1. Don't ask how much. First decide which one .

“Many car owners are interested in how much antifreeze should be in the car. However, the main question here is what type of “cooler” to choose. The type of coolant must meet the requirements of the car manufacturer. This information can be found in the car's operating instructions. The liquid can be of any shade.

As for whether it is possible to add antifreeze of one color to a refrigerant of a different shade, it is impossible to answer with certainty, because it is not clear whether their composition is different or not.”

2. Mix, but do not shake, or Is it possible to add any antifreeze?.

“If you are going to add antifreeze, you should use a liquid of the same color that was added earlier. Refrigerants come in red, green, and yellow shades.

In addition, the coolant must be of the same brand, otherwise the additives may differ. How long will a car travel if you mix different types of refrigerants? I think it won’t be for long, because in this case, sediment will form, the radiator tubes will become clogged, and the cooling system will fail.”

3. If you forgot what antifreeze you filled in before.

“Many drivers think that coolant tastes sweet. However, in reality this is not the case. This liquid consists of toxic components; in general, it is not worth finding out whether it is sweet or sour.

How to understand how much and what kind of antifreeze is poured into the cooling system:

  • Let's see if the coolant and water are compatible . To do this, take a little refrigerant and mix it with tap water. We are waiting for the chemical reaction to begin. Have you noticed that the substances have separated, a precipitate has formed, and the liquid has become cloudy? This means that the car is filled with antifreeze. If high quality antifreeze is used, such a reaction will not occur.
  • We smell and taste it by touch . Modern refrigerant does not smell anything and feels like oil. If you rub antifreeze between your fingers, it will not be so oily.
  • We test at sub-zero temperatures . Pour the coolant into a bottle and put it in the freezer. If it is low-quality antifreeze, it will turn into ice. But antifreeze will never harden.
  • We study density . In this case, you will have to use a hydrometer. The ambient temperature should be from 20 °C. What is the density of high-quality antifreeze? From 1.073 to 1.079 g/cm³.”

4. Do you want to change antifreeze at a service station? Then do it right .

“When you plan to add a different type of refrigerant, you should flush the system with water. Moreover, it is recommended to perform this procedure at a service station. In other situations, flushing is not required.

We remove the coolant from the radiator and engine. To do this, we find a plug on the internal combustion engine. The working thermostat does not need to be changed; it is not a consumable item.

How much antifreeze should be in the cooling system? Just enough so that the small ring is completely filled and there are no air pockets anywhere. To remove air, position the car so that the hood is higher than the rest of the car. Then open the radiator cap and start the engine. Bubbles will appear from the radiator cap for some time. As soon as this process stops, you need to add refrigerant."


What to fill the heating system with - water or antifreeze - must be decided based on the specific operating conditions and the presence of a real threat of water freezing in the heating circuit.

The process itself cannot be called too complicated, although it is quite labor-intensive and requires the invitation of an assistant.

The biggest danger that can threaten an individual heating system is freezing during the winter when there is a power outage. To avoid such situations, many use antifreeze for the heating system of a country house, which protects the boiler and pipes from deformation.

The construction market offers various brands of antifreeze for heating systems, the composition of automotive antifreeze liquids is similar, the most famous of which is Antifreeze. Therefore, many homeowners have a reasonable question: is it possible to use Antifreeze as an antifreeze for the heating circuit of an individual home and is it profitable from a financial point of view?

To get answers to this question, you should consider the physicochemical characteristics of Antifreeze and compare it with special liquids designed to protect the heating system from freezing.

Rice. 1 Popular brands of antifreeze: Warm House, Dixis, Thermagent

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