Replacing coolant (antifreeze) on Lada Granta

According to the manufacturer's instructions, replacing antifreeze in Lada Granta cars should be done after 75,000 km or five years from the date the car was put into operation. When making a decision, you should focus on whichever indicator comes first. A prerequisite is periodic monitoring of the condition of the coolant. If the antifreeze color turns orange, replacement is also required.

What antifreeze is best to pour into the Lada Granta cooling system?

The manufacturer recommends using ethylene glycol-based working fluids that do not contain silicates, nitrates, amines, borates and other elements (obtained using hybrid organoacid technology).

To replace antifreeze you will need 7.6-7.8 liters. The most recommended brands of coolants for Lada Grants include:

  • Antifreeze series Sintec.
  • Happy TS.
  • Cool Stream Premium and Standard.
  • Felix Carbox.
  • Antifreeze G-Energy and others.

Replacement process

Prepare tools and equipment to replace antifreeze. To successfully complete the job, you will need a thirteen-size wrench, a screwdriver, an empty container (drained, time expired, composition), a clean rag and new coolant. You can buy two 5-liter jars or get a 10-liter jar.

Before starting work, in compliance with safety regulations, allow the engine to cool down to avoid burns during work. Next, relieve the pressure in the cooling system by unscrewing the cap of the expansion tank.

The next step is to remove the engine cover to get to the drain holes. To disassemble the part, you need to unscrew three bolts on the left side, two on the right side, four fastenings in the front and two more in the back. To turn all the bolts, you will need a figure eight wrench. After loosening the bolts, remove the casing and set it aside.

Now let's see how to drain the antifreeze. Do this:

  • Place a container (6 liters or larger) under the intended drain point. Approximately the drain plug is located at the bottom of the right radiator tank.
  • Tighten the expansion tank cap securely. This is necessary to reduce the drainage activity of the working fluid at the initial stage and to avoid splashing of antifreeze.
  • Unscrew the cap covering the drain hole. At this point, wait for the coolant to completely drain from the system and exit into the replacement container. Beware of traffic jams. A rubber ring is installed on its extreme part. If it is deformed or damaged, replace it.

If the engine has 8 valves

Before draining the antifreeze from the jacket of the Lada Granta cooling system complete with an 8-valve engine and gearbox, place a container under the drain hole (located in the front part of the cylinder block, below the level of installation of the ignition coil). Now we take the head at “thirteen” and use it to unscrew the drain plug. As in the previous case, wait until the coolant is removed from the system.

If the engine has 16 valves

If the Lada Granta has a 16-valve engine and a cable gearbox, access to the exhaust port will be blocked by the starter. If you do not remove this unit, during the draining process the coolant will inevitably rise onto it and disable it. To avoid problems, you will need to disassemble the starter before draining the antifreeze.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Discard the negative from the car battery to prevent a short circuit in the system.
  • Press the cable lock latch and push it out of the connector and into the traction relay.
  • Remove the protective cap from the lock nut of the end of the cable going to the “plus” of the battery.
  • Use a thirteen-size wrench to unscrew the nut.
  • Remove the wire tip that fits the traction relay contact bolt.
  • We take a thirteen key and use it to unscrew the three bolts holding the starter.
  • Remove the starter.

Now unscrew the cap and drain the antifreeze that is in the cylinder block.

Then screw the plugs into both drain holes. Please note that the cap has a special (tapered) thread that closes the cylinder block. Thanks to this device, no additional gaskets are required. The optimal force for pulling out the drain plug on the cylinder block is 25-30 N * m.

Fill with new antifreeze and remove air plugs

After completing the process of replacing antifreeze on the Lada Grant, proceed as follows:

  • Pour the prepared coolant into the system until it is completely full.
  • Start the engine and, after starting it, press firmly on all system pipes several times. This approach removes excess air that may have entered during the replacement process.
  • Monitor the coolant level in the expansion tank.
  • As soon as the amount of antifreeze decreases, add it to the upper level (MAX).
  • Screw on the tank cap.

During the engine warm-up period, the lower pipe, which is connected to the main radiator, will be cold, but after a few minutes it will warm up. As soon as this happened, we can say that the coolant went in a large circle. Now wait for the radiator fan to turn on and turn off the engine. Wait until the engine temperature drops, then look into the expansion tank again. If the level falls below the permissible level, add the working composition to the required level.

Be sure to reassemble all removed parts, including the crankcase guard.

Knowing how to drain the antifreeze and properly fill the system with new coolant, you can do the work yourself and avoid visiting the gas station. The replacement process will take no more than half an hour. At the same time, you will be sure that you have filled in the coolant efficiently and completed all the necessary procedures to remove excess air from the system.

Cars of the Lada Granta family with an injector are pre-installed with a closed liquid cooling system. Antifreeze is forced to circulate through the system, performing two functions: removing excess heat and lubricating the units.

The rated operating temperature of the cooling system is 94 - 99 ℃, regardless of the actual machine configuration, body type and other technical specifications.

Elements of the Lada Granta cooling system

  • heater radiators;
  • electric pump;
  • motor;
  • throttle body;
  • thermostat;
  • antifreeze temperature sensor;
  • overheat alarm;
  • viscous coupling for fan drive;
  • fan;
  • radiator cap;
  • radiator;
  • expansion tank cap;
  • expansion tank;
  • water pump;
  • drain valve of the lower circuit.

And also, pipes of the Lada Grants cooling system, metal clamps - ties.


The Lada Grant cooler is the main link in the chain. It acts as a valve that redirects the flow of antifreeze from the small circle to the large circle. When the operating temperature is below 94°, the thermostat is in the closed position. The liquid circulates in a small circle without “entering” the radiator.

Replacing antifreeze ❄️: Lada Granta</p>

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