Instructions for changing the oil in a Chevrolet Niva engine

A motor is a component of a car, the performance of which is the basis for the functioning of the car. Operating any vehicle involves not only driving the car, but also its proper maintenance, which includes a number of routine procedures, the most important of which is the timely change of oil in the power unit. In this article we will tell you how important it is to change the oil in a Chevrolet Niva engine, which is purchased by drivers by default for operation in severe or moderate off-road conditions, we will consider the features of selecting an oil, the optimal frequency of procedures and the specifics of doing this task yourself.

Instructions for changing engine oil in Niva Chevrolet.

Volume of oils and fuel fluids for Chevrolet Niva

I must note that there has always been a lot of negativity about our auto industry, but... Not one real hunter and not one real fisherman in our country would trade our “NIVU” for some non-Russian SUV.
Firstly, it’s expensive, and secondly, even the Chukchi don’t walk. “The larger the jeep, the further you have to go behind the tractor.” If you are the owner of a domestic “tank,” think about it, and it will answer you in kind. As many people know, all equipment needs additional lubricants and liquids, but finding out exactly and how much is needed is not very easy. If there is too little, it will be bad; if too much, it will not be very good either. And naturally, the Chevrolet Niva is no exception here, because it is a technique. But if you are the owner of a Chevrolet Niva, then in our article we will give you the necessary information about how much and what to pour into your car.

Replacing windshield washer fluid

While driving, dirt settles on the car windows, which impairs visibility. Windshield washers help clean windows. The VAZ-2123 car is equipped with windshield and rear window washers. The windshield washer fluid reservoir is located in the engine compartment. To prevent the windshield washer motor from malfunctioning, you need to monitor the fluid level in the reservoir and clean the filter of contaminants.

If necessary, fill washer fluid up to the neck of the reservoir. In the warm season, ordinary water can be used for these purposes. In winter, pour in antifreeze liquid. Rear window washer under the door trim. Simply unscrew the cap to add washer fluid.

What kind of oil and how many liquids to fill in a Chevrolet Niva

Filling/lubrication pointRefill volumeName of oil/liquid
Fuel tank58 liters95 petrol
Engine lubrication system (including oil filter) engines:
VAZ-2123 1.7 liters3.75 literstype: Super SAE oil type: 5W30; 5W40; 10W30; 10w40; 15w40; 20w40, according to API: SG, SH, SJ, according to ASEA: A2
Engine cooling system:
VAZ-2123 1.7 liters8 litersAntifreeze based on ethylene glycol with a complex of corrosion inhibitors and defoamer
Transmission.1.6 litersaccording to SAE: 75W-90; 80W-85; 80W-90, according to API GL-4
Transfer case.0.79 liters
Steering gear.At your own discretionaccording to SAE: 80W-90; 85W-90, according to API: GL-5
Per. and back. Bridge. 1.15 and 1.3 liters
Power steering.1.7 litersPentosin Hydraulic Fluid CHF11S VW52137
Brakes0.5 litersType DOT-4 SAEJ1703, FMSS116.
Clutch0.15 liters

And finally. The car was and remains ours. Repairs are possible practically on the go (in the sense of traveling). Good roads to everyone! And not a nail or a rod!


Lubrication system.

The lubrication system itself is also combined. The oil pump supplies oil under pressure to the bearings, crankshaft, and drive helical gear. Some parts are lubricated by splashing.

  • The engine lubrication capacity is 3.75 liters.
  • It is better to use synthetic and semi-synthetic SUPER oil. Its viscosity class: from -25 to +30, +35 - 5W30, 5W40; from -15-+45 — 15W 40; from -10-+45 — 20W 40.
  • Transmission oils from Lukoil TM-4 are made on a mineral (80W 85, 80W-90) and semi-synthetic base (75W-90) and are off-season, high-quality, as they use additives from the world's best manufacturers. They are needed for gearbox housings (1.6 l).
  • The same oil is used for the transfer case (0.79 l).
  • For the front (1.15 l) and rear (1.3 l) axles, 80W 90 and 85W 90 are used.
  • The 1.7 liter power steering requires Pentosin Hydraulic Fluid CHF115.
  • The hydraulic front shock absorber (0.15 l) and rear shock absorber (0.215) are filled with Slavol-AZh or GRZh-12 ​​operating fluid.

High temperatures, constant loads and friction affect the service life and operating time of the motor. Without lubrication, gears and parts wear out quickly. In addition to cooling, it is possible to eliminate carbon deposits and microparticles.

The condition of the systems and the oil level should be monitored. A warning light helps with this, which will indicate a drop in pressure and is connected to the lubrication system. It is still better to entrust the replacement to specialists. It is better to use the oil that was poured into the engine. When changing the brand of oil, you need to drain the old one before the engine cools down.

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Selection according to climatic conditions

You need to choose oil for the Chevrolet Niva depending on the climate zone:

  • If you live in a region where the temperature ranges from -35 to +25 degrees, then you should buy 0W-30 class oil.
  • For more southern regions, 5W-30 class oil is suitable.
  • For hot regions, a 10W-40 or 20W-40 grade is a good choice.

Also note that each manufacturer adds special additives to the oil, which are necessary to give it additional properties. For example, for cars with high mileage, it is recommended to buy oils with additives that remove carbon deposits, and in the case of new cars, it is advisable to buy liquid with additives that protect engine parts from corrosion.

Engine oil performance tables

Table 1. Comparative characteristics of mineral water and synthetics

Comparative characteristics of mineral and synthetic oils

Table 2. Recommendations for the use of oils with different temperature operating conditions of the engine

Max ambient temperatureViscosity according to SAE J 300Min t°С cold start of the engine
250W-30< -35
300W-40< -35

Frequency according to regulations

According to the regulations, the oil should be changed every 10,000 kilometers. If the car is not used very often and has low mileage, then the oil still needs to be changed at least once a year. In the following cases, an additional oil change may also be necessary:

  • The engine starts very poorly at the start;
  • The engine is running loudly and/or there is unusual noise;
  • During movement, vibrations begin to occur;
  • The lubricant level has dropped sharply;
  • Upon inspection, traces of dirt and/or sand were found in the oil;
  • The main fuel contains a large amount of sulfur.

Engine oil change interval

The frequency of changing the oil in the internal combustion engine of an SUV is the first question that the owner of a Niva must decide on. The difficulty of the solution lies in the fact that, on the one hand, extreme operating conditions and engine loads imply frequent changes of working fluids, on the other hand, the Niva is an SUV, which by default must be ready for difficult conditions. An unambiguous answer to the question that interests owners, how often an oil change is needed in a Niva Chevrolet engine, is given by the automaker’s regulations, according to which the interval between procedures should not exceed one year, even if the car is used in a gentle mode, or after every fifteen thousand kilometers the car has traveled.

  • Filling a car with low-quality fuel with an excessive sulfur content or other deviations of the filling fluid from the established standards.
  • Predominant operation of the machine in difficult conditions, which experts include increased loads on the engine during low-speed driving and increased air pollution, which is most often observed in large cities.
  • Intensive use of transport all year round, which is accompanied by sudden changes in temperature conditions, increased air humidity in the autumn and spring, which contribute to a faster loss of the oil’s declared qualities.

An indicator of the need for an unscheduled oil change may be deteriorated machine performance or extraneous noise from the engine. You can also determine the need to change the engine oil by visually inspecting the lubricant in the system during a scheduled or extraordinary check of its level. Indicators for replacing the lubricant in this case may include impurities in the lubricant, a change in its color to a black tint, or a burning smell. Having made sure that the oil needs to be changed, the Niva owner, before starting work, needs to buy the lubricant itself. And to do this, it’s worth figuring out which motor oil is best suited for the unit and how much it will be needed for a complete replacement.

Which one to fill in Chevy Niva?

The oil recommended by the manufacturer for the Chevrolet Niva is Mobile Super 3000 ; you can also fill it with Lukoil, Shell, Castrol, Petro Canada or any other oil whose specification corresponds to the climate where the car will be operated ( the optimal standard for most regions of Russia is 5W -thirty ).
You also need to take into account that it is dangerous to fill your car with oil that has not passed the safety test (when choosing, give your preference to oil that has a safety class of Euro 4 or higher).

Important! At the same time as changing the oil, you need to replace the oil filter.

When choosing, we recommend paying attention to the following filter options:

  • The optimal domestic filter is “Salyut” class 2108-1012005.
  • The foreign filter MANN W920/21 is also suitable.

Determining the level

Before refueling, it is recommended to determine the oil level in the car:

1. Open the hood and find the inspection hole - there you will see a dipstick for measuring the oil level in the engine (it is located in the middle of the cylinder block on the breather cover of the crankcase ventilation system);

2. Remove the dipstick and wipe it with a cloth to remove any remaining oil;

3. Insert the dipstick back, and after 5-10 seconds, remove it again - normally the oil should be between o and “MAX”.

Fuel tank characteristics

The fuel tank of this model has almost sixty liters, or more precisely 58. On average, per hundred kilometers you have to spend 8-9 liters of AI-95, Premium-95 or AI-92 gasoline. Features of the fuel container:

  • the tank is located directly under the rear seat;
  • in the upper part there is a small hatch under which the fuel pump is installed;
  • The sensor will help determine the level of fuel fluid and the amount of gasoline.

There are other Chevrolet Niva filling tanks , many of which are included in various systems.

Step-by-step replacement instructions

Required Tools

You will need the following supplies, parts and tools:

  • New filter and oil;
  • L-shaped hexagon;
  • Container for draining old fluid (volume - at least 4 liters);
  • Rags or rags.

Work order

1. Place the car on a lift, inspection ditch or overpass; 2. Start the engine, warm it up to operating temperature and turn it off after 10-15 minutes; 3. Open the hood and remove the oil filler cap by turning it 90 degrees counterclockwise;

4. Using rags or rags, clean the drain from any dirt that has accumulated there; 5. Remove the engine splash guard and crankcase protection. 6. Remove dirt from the drain plug using a wire brush, and then wipe the oil filter with a rag; 7. Using a hexagon, unscrew the drain plug and immediately replace the container;

Attention! Be very careful, the oil will be hot.

8. Wait 10-15 minutes for the oil to drain completely; 9. Unscrew the old oil filter, you may be able to do this by hand, otherwise you will have to use a special puller;

10. Take a new filter and
fill it 60-70% with oil so that when you first start the engine runs for a minimum amount of time in oil starvation mode; 11. Lubricate the rubber ring on the filter with oil and screw it into place; 12. Tighten the drain plug and fill in clean oil, monitoring its level (remember that the recommended standards are 3.5-3.7 l); 13. Start the engine and make sure that the oil pressure sensor goes out; 14. Let the engine idle for 10-15 minutes; 15. Inspect the oil filter and make sure there are no leaks.

The process of changing the oil

Changing the oil in a Chevrolet Niva engine, regardless of the modification of the unit, is carried out according to identical regulations, which are not characterized by any particular difficulties in its implementation, which allows you to perform this procedure in a garage with your own hands.

The success of the procedure for changing the oil in a Chevrolet Niva engine is ensured by following step-by-step instructions from the manufacturer:

  • Warm up the car to operating temperatures so that the oil in the engine acquires a more fluid consistency, due to which the waste will be drained with maximum efficiency.
  • Provide yourself with access to the front of the vehicle's underbody by mounting it on a pit or overpass.
  • Before you start draining the waste, unscrew the oil filler plug - this will ensure a direct flow of liquid when draining it.

  • The next step is draining the waste. To do this, you will need to remove the engine crankcase protective element and the mudguard, thoroughly clean the pan and the area near the oil drain opening so that when performing the procedure, dirt particles do not enter the system.
  • Carefully unscrew the drain cap, having first placed under the hole a container for working out a displacement of at least four liters when modifying a 1.7 engine, and a five-liter container if you are draining the liquid from a 1.8 unit. Be very careful - very hot liquid will flow out.
  • It will take about fifteen minutes to drain the liquid. During this time, clean the plug from possible accumulations and metal shavings. Pay attention to the O-ring - if it is deformed, replace it with a new part.
  • After the liquid has completely drained from the system, you can begin to replace the filter element. To dismantle it you will need a special key. Before installing it in its original place, pour a little more than half of its volume of oil into the new filter, and also treat the sealing elements with the emulsion being poured. The filter is installed in its original place without any special tools; this can be done by hand.
  • Close the oil drain cap and begin the process of filling in new oil.

  • At the stage of pouring motor oil into the Chevrolet Niva engine, certain difficulties may arise, which can be solved by slowness and consistency in work. The main question of how much oil to pour into the engine so that excess oil does not have to be drained from the system is solved by pouring liquid into the unit in portions. First, fill in about three liters of lubricant and check the level with a dipstick. Then add oil in small portions, regularly checking the level. The norm is considered to be the car oil criterion on the dipstick, located in the center between the MIN and MAX marks, however, when filling the system when changing the lubricant, it must be topped up to the maximum maximum value. During operation, the oil will be distributed among the units of the unit, which will lead to a decrease in the level.
  • Tighten the plug and start the engine, let it idle for a while. If the procedure is performed correctly, the oil pressure indicator should go out a few seconds after the engine is turned on.
  • The final stage of work is to check the fluid level in the engine again, if necessary, top it up to the standard criteria, inspect the joints for leaks, tighten the filter and oil filler plug, and install the removed elements in their places.

At this point, the oil change job can be considered completed. Write down your mileage so you don't miss the next time you need to service the unit.

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How much oil is in a Chevrolet Niva engine

Choosing engine oil is a responsible task on which the service life of the power plant depends. This procedure is no less important than the oil change process itself. Oil should be selected according to the parameters and tolerances specified in the operating instructions. You cannot make a mistake in your choice, as this mistake can result in a serious technical breakdown, and incompatible oil can cause a major overhaul of the engine. In this article, using the example of the popular Chevrolet Niva SUV, we will pay attention to the most important parameters of motor oil, and also consider the best brands of oils and how much oil should be filled.

Replacement frequency

The Russian-American alliance GM-AvtoVAZ has provided an optimal oil change schedule for the Chevrolet Niva. It is 10 thousand kilometers, and can be reduced to 5 thousand kilometers. The rule is that the more often you change the oil, the longer the power unit will last. This statement especially applies to those cases when the car is operated in unfavorable climatic zones. After all, it’s no secret that under the influence of negative factors, oil quickly loses its beneficial properties, and therefore more frequent replacement may be required. In addition, the duration of beneficial properties is affected not only by climate, but also by driving intensity, driving style and other factors.

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Factors on which oil quality depends

There are many factors that can be used to determine whether a consumable is in good or bad condition. So, let's highlight three main factors: smell, color and composition of the oil. For example, the liquid may change color from clear to dark brown, or may emit a distinctive burnt odor. The situation can be further aggravated if the lubricant contains traces of mechanical wear - dirt, soot and even metal shavings. All this does not indicate the need for an urgent oil change. If this is not done, major repairs cannot be avoided.

When to check the oil in advance

At first glance, the established oil change schedule for the Chevrolet Niva may seem optimal. Indeed, in this regulation, the manufacturer took into account all the unfavorable factors that a Russian motorist may encounter.

Still, you should not rely solely on the data provided in the instruction manual. So, when servicing yourself, it is advisable to check the condition of the oil yourself from time to time. In addition, the unsuitability of the oil can be indirectly determined not only by its condition, but also by detecting the following signs:

  1. Increased fuel consumption
  2. Increased oil consumption
  3. The engine is running at partial power
  4. The engine is not able to develop high speeds
  5. High level of noise and vibrations
  6. When changing to the next gear, there may be a delay in shifting

What is recommended for use

The correct selection of engine oil is based primarily on determining its operating conditions, both climatic and power influences on the car engine. Based on these principles of approach to the requirements for lubricating fluids, the Chevrolet Niva car engine will work better on oils:

How much oil to fill and how to choose it correctly

Once we are convinced of the need for an urgent oil change, we move on to the next stage. So, now you need to decide on the volume of oil, as well as the best parameters and manufacturers. Since the Chevrolet Niva is equipped with a single VAZ-21213 engine with a volume of 1.7 liters, only one fluid volume is provided for this car - 3.75 liters, including the oil filter.

It is important to remember that it will not be possible to pour in this amount of oil in all cases.

For example, this can be done only after a complete oil change, which is carried out at a dealership using special tools. As for the incomplete replacement, which is usually done at home, this procedure does not involve comprehensive cleaning of the engine from dirt deposits and metal shavings. There will be some old oil and deposits left in the block, making it impossible to fill the full volume. But there is a proven method that allows you to get rid of dirt deposits even with partial replacement. So, for this purpose, partial replacement is carried out several times with an interval of 500-600 kilometers. Thus, by the 3-4th time the block will be completely cleared of foreign deposits, and then it will be possible to enter the full volume of 3.7 liters, of which 250 ml will go into the oil filter.

Now you can proceed directly to choosing the oil. Thus, the factory engine oil for Chevrolet Niva has viscosity parameters SAE 5W-30, as well as an API SL/SF quality level. As for the manufacturer, it already depends on the preferences of the buyer. The most important thing is the parameters, and you should proceed from the specified information.

Chevrolet Niva owners often buy motor oils not only from Russian, but also from foreign manufacturers: Lukoil, Castrol, Shell, Kixx, Mobile, G-Energy, Elf, ZIK and others.

And yet, no one has yet canceled the recommendations from the leading concern General Motors. Thus, American engineers recommend filling the Niva engine with high-quality semi-synthetic oil Petro-Canada Supreme 5W-30 or 5W-40. Champion Active Defense 10W-40 SN is also a very good option.

Oil selection table by season (winter, summer)

YearViscosity SAE all season
from +25 to -25 °C
from -35 to 0 °C
from 0 to +35 °C
Gasoline APIDiesel APITypeRecommended Manufacturers199910W-30 10W-40 15W-30
5W-30 5W-4020W-40 20W-30 25W-30
SHCFsemi-synthetics, mineral waterValvoline, Kixx, G-Energy, Rosneft, CONSOL200010W-30 10W-40 15W-40 15W-30
5W-30 5W-4020W-40 20W-30 25W-30
SJCF semi-synthetics, mineral waterMobil, ZIC, Lukoil, Valvoline, Rosneft, Mannol200110W-30 15W-40 15W-30
5W-20 5W-30 5W-4020W-40 20W-30 25W-30 25W-40
SJCG semi-synthetic, mineral water Xado, ZIC, Lukoil, Valvoline, Kixx200210W-30 10W-40 15W-40 15W-30
5W-20 5W-30 5W-4020W-40 20W-30 25W-30 25W-40
SJCG semi-synthetics, mineral water ZIC, Lukoil, Valvoline, Select, Kixx, G-Energy, Rosneft, Mannol, Lotos

Types of oils

At the end of the article, we will highlight three types of the most common lubricants for modern machines:

  • Synthetic is the best motor oil. Considering its outstanding non-stick, anti-oxidation and anti-corrosion properties, this oil can be considered a standard compared to other types of lubricants. Synthetics are designed for a long service life and withstand difficult climatic conditions well. It can be used both in summer and winter. Due to its high degree of fluidity, such oil will never harden even at extremely low temperatures, which is an undeniable advantage, for example, compared to mineral oil.
  • Mineral oil is the thickest oil, which because of this quickly hardens at low temperatures. Given this fact, this oil cannot be used in winter. In addition, it is better to use it with high mileage and in relatively warm climates.
  • Semi-synthetic – consists of synthetic and mineral oils. There is much more mineral oil in semi-synthetics (70%). And yet, a semi-synthetic product is of much higher quality, it is better able to withstand low temperatures, and is thus more adapted to wide temperature ranges.

We can conclude that for the Chevrolet Niva, the semi-synthetic oil recommended by General Motors will be sufficient.


Reservoir for windshield and brake fluid.

Another filling capacity of the Chevrolet Niva is two glass washer reservoirs, the capacity of which is five and two liters.

This model has two independent braking systems. The working one has a hydraulic drive, the parking one has a mechanical drive. The contours are separated from each other.

The hydraulic drive includes a special tank made for brake fluid.

  • DOT-4 brake fluid is suitable for half-liter hydraulic brakes. The product has improved characteristics and has a boiling point of over 235 degrees. Well suited for regions with low ambient temperatures.
  • SAEJ1703, FMSS116 are used for the entire hydraulic system and clutch release (0.15 l). The synthetic product provides good lubrication and reduces oxidation at high temperatures.
  • The tank lid hatch hinges, door and hood locks require VTV-1 and FIOL-1 greases. Hinges of steering rods and cardan shafts - ShRB-4, Litin 2, Esma.
  • The air conditioner also has two tanks. One of them is for oil (0.22 l), the other is for refrigerant (0.650 kg).

Chevrolet Niva reservoirs for refilling liquids and lubricants are quite reliable and convenient when you need to make a replacement.

Various tags and sensors make it possible to carry out control almost immediately, which allows you to avoid an emergency situation.

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