VAZ 2114, 2115, 3113 wipers do not work: operating modes and windshield wiper circuit, causes of failure

The service life of the wipers on the VAZ-2115, as on any other car, is designed for a long service life. Various malfunctions, as a rule, appear due to improper use of this mechanism. Typically, such troubles occur in winter, when the blades simply freeze to the glass, and the driver, without noticing this, turns on the electric motor that powers the wipers.

Both the electrical and mechanical components of the windshield wipers can break down. Further in the article we will tell you about the features of troubleshooting wipers on a VAZ-2115.

Advice for car enthusiasts

When replacing windshield wipers with new ones, you should give preference to modern, frameless models.

They have such advantages as:

  • higher reliability (compared to classic models);
  • increased service life;
  • absolutely silent operation (there are no squeaks common for frame wipers);
  • effective cleaning of contaminants.

Such wipers will not only do their job more efficiently, but will also significantly transform the appearance of the car.

Reasons for wiper failure

There may be several reasons why the windshield wipers of the VAZ 2114 do not work.

The most common of them are:

  1. Fuse failure.
  2. Malfunctions in the operation of the electric motor.
  3. Breakage of the drive trapezoid or its individual rods.
  4. Broken steering column switch.

The first problem can be solved most simply - you just need to check and, if necessary, replace fuses F16 and F7 (they are located in the common fuse block).

The second reason is the failure of the electric motor (geared motor) driving the device. Such a malfunction is extremely rare, since the electric motor breaks down infrequently, being one of the most reliable elements in the design of wipers.

You can check whether the motor is working properly by disconnecting the rods from it and connecting it directly to the power source. If the rotor does not spin, the gear motor is faulty and should be replaced.

This must be done in the following order:

  • disconnect the electric motor from the fuse box;
  • put a mark on the rod (crank) in order to fix its position;
  • remove the fasteners securing the rod;
  • remove the bolts securing the trapezoid;
  • remove the gear motor.

Installing a new motor is done in exactly the same order, but in reverse order.

Another common reason why the wipers on the VAZ 2114 stop working is the breakage of the trapezoid. You can determine it visually, and, in case of breakdown, replace the entire unit.

It is not recommended to independently restore a worn or bent trapezoid - it is better to replace it with a new, similar one. This will help maintain the correct balance of the wipers and their correct clamping force.

Sometimes it happens that one VAZ 2114 wiper does not work (or works incorrectly), while the other functions properly. The reason for this may be souring of the bushings at the joints of the trapezoid rods. Fixing such a malfunction is simple - just lubricate all the hinges of the moving mechanism. If the reason that only one wiper is working is because its rod or lever is broken, then, again, the entire trapezoid should be replaced with a new one.

If all of the above reasons for the malfunction of the wipers are not confirmed, then you should check the steering column switch with a tester and, if it breaks, replace it with a new one.


To troubleshoot problems with the wipers on your VAZ 2109, it is not at all necessary to contact a service station. The work can be done with your own hands, saving a decent amount of money.

Repair consists of performing several operations:

  • Disassembling the unit;
  • Troubleshooting;
  • Eliminating the causes of purifier failures;
  • Reassembly.


The first step is to learn how to remove windshield wipers. This will give you access to the device and all its components.

It is enough to follow the specified sequence of actions and first familiarize yourself with the wiper diagram in order to do everything correctly.


  1. First, disconnect the negative terminal of the battery to de-energize the car.
  2. Remove the brush arms by moving them to a vertical position and unscrewing the fastening nuts. Unscrew the nuts carefully so as not to push the lever out. Otherwise, under the action of the spring, it will fly into the glass and break it.
  3. By unscrewing the fasteners, the levers can be removed. It is not always possible to do this manually, so arm yourself with pliers. Be careful not to damage the threaded area. To avoid this, screw the nut back onto the splines, but not completely.
  4. Remove the protective caps made of plastic from the slots on each side.
  5. Unscrew the upper mounting nuts with the bracket and remove them. Under them there are rubber washers, which are also dismantled.
  6. Lift the hood and disconnect the wiring harness that powers the wiper motor.

  1. Unscrew the heater fan mounting screws and move it slightly to the side. This way, when dismantling the purifier, it will not interfere with you.
  2. Remove the cover from the relay and fuse box. You need to remove not only the wiper relay, but also everything else. Otherwise, they will interfere with your further processes.
  3. Unscrew the lower fastening nut of the mechanism, remove the plastic holder of the wiring harness from the electric motor from the hole in the car body. Now you can remove the holder so that it does not get lost during the repair.
  4. All that remains is to push the mechanism roller inside, then lift the electric motor and the windshield wiper mechanism slightly up and to the side. This way you can easily remove the node.

Quick diagnosis by weight

The ground outlet is located on the lower bolt of the windshield wiper drive, in the sump. If you suspect that the problem is a bad ground, turn the windshield wipers on maximum and note the speed of their movement. Then turn on the stove. The heater and wipers are connected to the same ground output, so if this is the problem, the speed of movement of the wipers after turning on the heater will decrease significantly.

To fix the problem, find the ground outlet, clean the contacts, solder the terminals if necessary, coat the connection with protective grease, and tighten the fastening nut well.

Possible problems with front wipers

  • Not a single wiper mode works, you can’t hear the gear motor operating.
  • The intermittent wipers do not work.
  • The wipers work slowly (poorly).
  • The wipers (brushes) do not move, the gear motor works.
  • The wiper switch does not work.
  • The wipers do not return to their original position.
  • The wipers do not work when the washer is turned on.
  • Windshield wiper blades do not clean well.

Replacement/removal of windshield wiper elements:

  • How to remove a trapeze?
  • How to remove the windshield wiper gear motor?

Basic wiper malfunctions

Windshield wipers have several operating modes:

  1. Intermittent when the brushes move with a pause.
  2. Low speed.
  3. High speed.
  4. One-time glass cleaning.
  5. Operation of brushes with washer.

The main malfunctions of the mechanism include:

  1. A complete failure to operate, when more than one cleaning mode does not turn on and you cannot hear the motor running. To fix this problem, do the following:
  • make sure that 12 V is supplied to the sixth terminal, and check the ground at the fourth. Look at the power supply circuits, namely: the fourth and fifth fuse, switch, ignition switch, mounting block, and so on;
  • see if the mode switch works correctly. Is there control voltage present at terminals 1 and 2 of the wiper connector while the operating mode is switching;
  • make sure the electric motor is running. If this is the problem, then dismantling and disassembly will be required.
  1. Intermittent mode does not work when everything else is functioning as usual. The main reason in this case is a malfunction of the “short circuit” relay in the diagram. You can check it by replacing it with a working device.
  2. The wiper blades do not reach their positions in the up and down positions. The cleaners stop in different places each time. The reasons for this failure may be:
  • failure of the limit switch in the motor. To solve the problem, you need to replace the entire electric motor. If you have some repair experience, you can try to fix the switch;
  • Incorrect wiper position calibration. In this case, you need to correctly adjust their location;
  • The drive shaft of the brush mechanism began to bypass. To solve the problem you just need to disassemble and replace the necessary parts.
  1. The motor runs, but the brushes do not budge. Look for faults in the location of the windshield wiper drive shaft. If necessary, you need to replace the splined part of the motor. Additionally, the nut that secures the mechanism rod to the motor shaft can become loose. To solve the problem, tighten the nut.
  2. After turning on the washer, the wipers do not turn on. The reason for this behavior may be a faulty mode switch that needs to be replaced. Otherwise, unstable operation of the mounting block may occur. To identify the cause, measure the voltage at terminals 9 and 18.
  3. Glass is difficult to clean. In this case, check the condition of the brushes; perhaps they have lost their elasticity or worn out due to their long service life. To solve, simply replace the brushes with new parts.

Look carefully at the glass; it may have been exposed to oily materials from cars in front or after waxing at the car wash.

Wash the glass with a special cleaning agent and the problem should be solved.

We have just looked at the most common windshield wiper malfunctions on the VAZ-2115. Some of them could appear during long-term use of the car, while others could be due to improper use of wipers (in winter, for example). As a result, you now know what to do in each specific situation. All troubleshooting work can be done independently. If you don’t want to bother with this, then it’s better to contact a specialized specialist.

Washer problems

Diagram of the washer system
Breakdowns and methods for eliminating them are different. Let's get to know them in more detail.

  1. The steering column switch does not work. Make sure of this by closing two contacts under the steering wheel - front contact 53ah-w, rear - 53ah-wh, and then measure the resistance. If it is low, the switch is replaced with a new one.
  2. There is no water flowing through the washer pump. It should also be replaced.
  3. Dirt has formed in the injectors. Use a sharp needle to clean them.
  4. The wire that connects the pump and the switch has broken. You understand that the only option is replacement.
  5. Relay K3 is faulty. Again, you have no choice but to change the relay.
  6. The hose ruptured and its integrity was compromised. What do you think should be done in such a situation? Absolutely right - change the hose.

The wipers of the VAZ 2115 have failed, what to do and how to fix it?

I want to make a reservation right away:

1. the wiper relay which is under the hood (inside the plastic box with the relay) was changed not so long ago (a couple of months ago)

2. The wiper switch knob (under the steering wheel) was also recently replaced with a new one (since I just recently broke the old knob) 3. While I was starting the car in the morning, I turned on the wipers - they darted to the side once and then stopped. What I did next:

1. first - I replaced the relay with an old one, which was lying around in the glove compartment, but still worked (although only 2 modes worked with this relay - fast and very fast switching). This did not give any result; the wipers remained motionless. 2. I looked at the power wire to the motor that pulls the wipers. There it is wound straight from a braid onto some nut. It seems that the wire is not torn off, everything is in place. I remember earlier it came off and they screwed it back to me at the service center, in general this wire is in place, there is no visual breakage visible. 3. I tried cleaning the relay contacts (with a knife, they suddenly became oxidized), but it didn’t help, I tried it on both existing relays. 4. I tried tightening the wiper bolts with a 10mm wrench, I tried moving the wipers with my hands (I don’t know why). In general, during all my manipulations, at some point the wipers began to move (suddenly) while I was sitting in the cabin - a couple of movements, and they stopped. This happened when I turned off the engine and turned it on again, then turned on the wipers. They don't move anymore. Please advise how to diagnose this situation yourself and correct this situation. It’s strange that during this entire time the wipers tried to work 2 times but for some reason immediately stopped.

Why did the wipers stop working on the VAZ 21099?

It happens that one not too wonderful day your car presents another surprise. Of course, often a lot depends on the age of the car, weather conditions and how the car is used! But sooner or later the turn comes to the windshield wipers, popularly called wipers.

So why don’t the wipers of your VAZ 21099 work? A number of malfunctions are possible, from the simplest ones, which many are able to fix on their own, to more serious breakdowns, when the help of a specialist is required to diagnose the malfunction and solve the problem.

Replacing damaged parts

New windshield wiper trapezoid

If the brush springs are damaged or lose elasticity, they will need to be replaced. It is recommended to check how they move in the appropriate holder. If they jam, then worn or existing chips are replaced. In this case, the leads of the new parts are soldered to the corresponding holder.

The collector is cleaned with sandpaper (if there are scratches or other defects on it). If this unit is burnt or worn out, then the gearbox and armature are replaced. Replacement of the gearbox gear is carried out with a similar condition of the teeth. Bent rods are straightened or replaced with new ones. Damaged splines or roller threads require replacement of the rod assembly. All cracked, torn and weak rubber cushions are replaced with new parts.

The procedure for replacing windshield wipers on a “nine” begins with dismantling the main windshield mechanism.

To do this, use a set of screwdrivers and wrenches. Initially, the negative wire of the battery terminal is disconnected. The windshield wiper arms rotate vertically. The nuts are unscrewed and these elements are removed from the rollers.

The next step is to unscrew and remove the levers. If they cannot be removed with light force, then you need to slightly unscrew the nut securing the lever. Using pliers, the last element is moved from the slots. The lever and protective caps on each side can then be removed. The same should be done with the nuts that belong to the upper bracket mount.

Next, the hood of the car is opened and the connector is disconnected from the block. The heating fan is moved to the right (relative to the compartment located in front of the windshield), and the cover is removed from the corresponding unit. After disconnecting the connector, the relays are removed from it. The next step involves removing the lower mounting bolt. Then the holder is pulled out and the wiper rollers are removed from the holes in the body.

Wipers do not work intermittently

Hi all!
People, please tell me, without making fun of the ashtray, it’s such a mess. In short, in the 21093 2000 model, the wipers work in a strange way. There are no intermittent ones at all, they only work in the uppermost position of the shift lever at maximum speed. If during operation at max. Switch the speed lever to the 2nd position, then it works in slow mode. Then they stop randomly. If you go straight from 3rd to 1st, one cycle works and that’s it, crap. Accordingly, when you turn on the washer, the brushes also do not work. I changed the steering column switch to a known good one, VeDehoy processed the gear motor connector, it was clean, the fuses were good, I changed the plug. What haven't you done yet?

Discussion closed by moderator

In the 3rd position do they work at normal speed or slower than when everything was normal?

Re: On normal And when you turn it on 1-2 positions (and when the brushes do not move) you can hear clicks from under the hood like from a relay approximately every

No big deal. When you turn it on after the 3rd, then there is one cycle of operation, then a click and that’s it, it doesn’t move any further

Re: The wipers do not work intermittently, change the relay and everything will be OK

Changed it - didn't help *

Re: Wipers do not work intermittently. In short, in the 21093 2000 model, the wipers work in a strange way. There are no intermittent ones at all, they only work in the uppermost position of the shift lever at maximum speed. : If during operation at max. Switch the speed lever to the 2nd position, then it works in slow mode. Then they stop randomly. : If you go straight from 3rd to 1st, one cycle works and that’s it, crap. : Accordingly, when you turn on the washer, the brushes also do not work. : : I replaced the steering column switch with a known good one, and checked the connector, nothing fell off there, the contacts did not come off? You can also look at other connectors.

Got it, I'll take a look. Couldn't there be any ambushes in the gearmotor itself?

Re: I don't know. I think it’s unlikely - if it works in other modes. Try using a tester to see what kind of voltage the relay produces.

That's the whole point. The voltage in the gearmotor connector is present only on one contact (pink, it seems, wire)

I looked at the diagram. There is voltage in the gearmotor connector only on one contact (it looks like a pink wire)

Scheme from FaK, ChYa - a new sample. It seems like the voltage should be on white (comes from w11.9) and constantly on white and yellow (w11.18). but maybe I'm wrong.

Got it, I'll go to the FAK and graze *

Design of the VAZ-2114 windshield wiper

The windshield wiper on the VAZ-2114, as well as on other models, consists of the following components:

  • drive (electric motor with a long shaft);
  • gearbox;
  • lever system (trapezoid).

It is the last part that drives the wipers.

A worm is cut into the front of the electric motor rotor, which drives the main gear of the gearbox. When the windshield wiper turns on, voltage is supplied to the electric motor and the shaft begins to rotate, driving the gearbox. Thanks to it, the levers move, to which the ends of the wiper housings, located on the outside of the car body, are attached. There is a special hook at one end of the shaft. With its help, the moving contact of the windshield wiper stops in the extreme position is controlled.

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