Wipers do not work on VAZ 2110: causes and solution to the problem

Wipers do not work on VAZ 2110: causes and solution to the problem

If one fine morning the wipers on a VAZ 2110 fail to work, the causes of this malfunction should be established. To do this, you need to get to the windshield wiper device.

The VAZ 2110 has three operating modes:

  • Intermittent;
  • Constantly fast, in case of heavy rain;
  • Constantly slow.

Owners of the VAZ Ten probably encounter noise and crackling noise when they turn on the wipers; this is often due to a malfunction of the electric motor.

Wipers are one of the most vulnerable systems in a car. The windshield wiper system has to work, for example, in severe frosts. In this case, you should check whether the blades freeze to the windshield, otherwise the electric motor may burn out.

If the electric motor of the engine does not show signs of life, the problem may lie not in it, but, for example, in the blown fuse F5 in the mounting block. It is located on the left side of the car, under the headlight control. If the fuse turns out to be fully operational, the problem lies in the power supply to the wiper motor. It is necessary to check the electrical circuit that connects the gear motor, fuse, steering column lever and the switch itself. A multimeter will help determine which part of this circuit there is a malfunction. If the monitor shows “zero”, the area is working properly. You see an infinitely large series of numbers on the screen - this is a reason to check all the terminals and wires.

The problem with poor current supply is solved as follows:

  • Clean and crimp the terminals in each block;
  • Completely change all wires;
  • Change the wiper switch lever.

In the first two positions, the K2 relay type 524.3747 in the mounting block and the steering column switch itself are responsible for the intermittent operation of the wipers. If the wipers work properly in the third position, you should pay attention to the relay. If the relay is faulty, the wipers can operate in intermittent modes without complaints, but there will be no characteristic pauses when switching.

If the wipers switch without pauses, then the limit switch is failing you; it is located on the cover of the gear motor.

If burning or oxidation is present, you should:

  • Clean up oxidation;
  • Remove traces of burning if they are present on the contacts;
  • Bend the contact tabs if necessary.

Folding the contacts will help if the wiper blades are slow, stop where they want to be, or don't reach the lowest position. If this solution does not help at all, you will have to change the entire gearmotor.

Electromechanical problems

An electric motor that shows no signs of life, no click and a blown fuse F5 - all these problems indicate faults in the gearmotor, which can be eliminated by replacing one of the components:

  • dirty collector in the electric motor rotor;
  • brushes that ensure continuous contact in the motor;
  • burnt collector;
  • broken armature winding.

There are other options: the electric motor does not want to work, but there is a click, or the fuse blows. In this case, you need to return the left lever to its base position as quickly as possible, since these problems indicate a short circuit in the electric motor. It needs to be completely changed. With the same problems, there may be minor faults: brushes frozen to the glass, or wipers touching body parts. Under such circumstances, you need to carefully separate the brushes or straighten their mounting arms.

Causes of malfunction

Therefore, if the brushes are completely frozen, or only squeak, the root cause should be sought in the electric motor. Not forgetting that in addition to electrical problems, there may be mechanical problems.

The most common ones are:

  • When you turn on the windshield wiper, you can hear the motor running, but it only jerks or remains motionless. First of all, you need to suspect that the nut securing the crank to the gearbox axle has become unscrewed or loosened;
  • If the windshield wipers operate but are not synchronized, the leash may be the culprit. Most likely, the nut securing it has become loose. Before tightening it, you need to put the wipers in the correct position.

If the electrical part is faulty, the symptoms will be:

  • The wipers work slowly, stop wherever they want, and do not want to take the lower position. The limit switch may be to blame for this. Its adjustment consists of bending the contacts. If such repairs do not help, then the entire electric motor assembly needs to be replaced, since it is sold only together with the gearbox;
  • Intermittent mode is turned on, but the brushes work without stopping. Most likely the relay has failed and needs to be replaced. This is definitely a relay if on a VAZ, when the intermittent mode is on, the noise of the rotating armature of the wiper motor is inaudible. But if the replacement did not help, the contacts of the limit switch may have oxidized or burnt;
  • You turn on any of the modes, and you only hear the thermometallic fuse click. The brushes “stand still” and the anchor is also inaudible. First of all, check to see if the brushes are frozen and therefore do not move. By the way, fuse F5 often blows in this case. Another possible reason is that the anchor burned out;
  • The electric motor does not work, although both fuses are intact. It is necessary to check all the contacts that the drive has, as well as the motor. Perhaps the brushes are stuck or the armature is burnt out.

The reasons for washer failure in a VAZ 2110 car are studied in detail in this material: https://vazweb.ru/desyatka/kuzov/bachok-omyvatelya.html


Windshield wiper failure can occur for quite trivial reasons:

  • fuse F5 burned out;
  • the terminals of the connecting blocks are oxidized or burnt;
  • wires are faulty;
  • relay K5 524.3747 broke;
  • ordered the steering column switch to “live for a long time”;
  • the nut that attracts the trapezoid crank to the gearbox has become loose;
  • the nuts securing the levers to the trapezoid shafts were unscrewed;
  • The brushes are frozen to the glass.

Often, wipers on models of the VAZ 2110 family do not work due to complex faults:

  • oxidation/burning, insufficient pressing force of the contacts of the limit switch located on the gearbox cover;
  • brushes hanging in the gearmotor;
  • burnout/contamination of the collector;
  • break in the armature winding;
  • chipping of gear teeth in the gearbox.

Mechanical part

It includes:

  • The brushes themselves - their working part is made of rubber and is subject to fairly rapid wear;
  • A trapezoid is a structure made of metal guides; they ensure the conversion of the rotation of the electric motor into the actual operation of the wipers. The trapezoid is subject to deformation and clogging of the joints.

Accordingly, from the structure of the windshield wiper assembly, it follows that all breakdowns belong to two groups:

  1. Mechanical;
  2. Electrical.

Consider mechanical breakdowns

  1. If, after turning on the wipers, their electric motor is clearly working, but the wipers themselves do not move or twitch convulsively, then the reason for this is the loosening of the nut securing the trapezoid crank of the wipers to the axis of the electric motor gearbox. Sometimes this nut does not just loosen, but is completely twisted.
  1. The wipers work, but the synchronization and smoothness of their movements are disrupted. In this case, the cause of the breakdown is the so-called “leash”. The nut holding it in place loosens.

Replacing the trapezoid

The replacement process is simple, but it involves manipulations that require increased attention and accuracy - there is a danger of damage to neighboring components and mechanisms.

We de-energize the car by removing the “negative” terminal. We remove the special wind cover (the so-called “jabot”) and the expansion tank. The latter must be removed at an angle - there is a possibility that some of the coolant will spill out, so it is useful to first drain some of it into a previously prepared container.

Then you need to turn off the gearmotor

To do this, remove the corresponding connector. Carefully pull out the trapezoid (depending on the year of manufacture, it can be attached to two or four studs) and carefully remove it from the air supply box

That's it, the work is completed.

Installation of a new trapezoid is carried out in the reverse order.

How to remove the windshield wiper trapezoid

To remove the trapezoid you will need:

  • key to 10;
  • thin flat screwdriver;
  • crosshead screwdriver.

First of all, you need to remove the wipers. To do this, you need to remove the plastic pads and unscrew the nuts with which they are attached to the trapezoid studs. Then unscrew the screws and side fastenings of the protective casing (jabot) and remove it. If the fasteners do not come out, treat with WD-40. Before removing the casing, make sure to remove all screws, bolts and nuts. If the cover does not come off, look for a fastener that you did not remove. Lifting the frill, disconnect the washer fluid supply tube from the tee, and then move the casing to the side.

Remove the belt that supports the radiator tank and move the tank to the side. Then pull out the partition (sound insulation), which is located behind the tank. Don't forget to remove the washer fluid supply tube from it. Disconnect the electric motor power connectors. After this, unscrew the bolts securing the trapezoid and electric motor. To remove the trapezoid, you must either struggle for a long time, coming up with various options, or place a thin flat-head screwdriver under the far end (relative to the motor) of the lower rod of the trapezoid and pull out the entire structure as if on a slide. You can also turn the left edge of the trapezoid clockwise and pull it out, then remove the engine.

Putting the trapeze in place

Usually, installing the trapezoid into place does not cause difficulties. Insert it and secure with bolts. Do not overtighten the motor mounting bolt; the motor may need to be turned slightly to get the trapezoid to operate smoothly. After making sure that the trapezoid is working properly, tighten the electric motor mounting bolt, install and secure the sound insulation, frill (do not forget to connect the washer tube), and the expansion tank. Insert the plastic plugs and install them in place, install the arms with brushes and check the operation of the wipers in all modes.

Windshield wiper repair

In practice, repairing wipers on a VAZ 2110 is not at all difficult if you have at least basic experience in working with a car and its electrical components.

Unscrew the fixing nut

First, let's figure out how to remove the wipers on a VAZ 2110. The design provides several fasteners, by unscrewing which you can easily remove the wipers themselves.

But with disassembling the windshield wiper assembly, everything is a little more complicated. It is analyzed as follows.

  1. Remove the dashboard.
  2. On the left side, find the relay that is attached to the body. If it is broken, there is no point in repairing it. Just install a new relay.
  3. Next, check the condition of the fuse that controls the operation of the windshield wiper drive.
  4. Disassemble the steering column to allow you to examine the state of the switch. If the insulation is damaged or there is other damage, replace the unit.
  5. Unscrew the electric motor from the body and check it in action. If the damage is not serious, it can be repaired. It's better to immediately replace it along with the relay.
  6. Check the drive. It is not uncommon for a pulley to break on it, which is why the device has to be replaced with a new one.
  7. Make sure the trapezoid is in good condition. It may be necessary to replace the windshield wiper trapezium on a VAZ 2110 if, during operation of the car, the lubrication of the device has deteriorated and all kinds of debris and water have gotten in there. If the lubrication does not work properly, the plastic bushings of the hinges wear out, causing play and increasing resistance during operation of the device. The trapezoid itself serves to transmit force from the electric motor to the windshield wiper arms.


When choosing wipers, not only their size matters, but also the device, as well as the manufacturer. For VAZ 2110 of all years of manufacture there is one size for the wiper on the driver or passenger side - 20″ (wiper length 508 mm).

However, you should know that you can usually increase the size to 53 cm, but no more, otherwise the windshield wipers will not cope with the task assigned to them, and the drive may fail, because the leash is not designed for such a load. In addition, such wipers creak during operation and can operate jerkily.

If the size is chosen incorrectly, the mechanism will fail faster. In principle, many people use the “original” VAZ wipers and are satisfied with them. But it is possible to modify windshield wipers from other companies, often of higher quality.

For example, for many, frameless brushes (especially Boshevsky ones) are very attractive. They are compact and have a special leash mechanism. However, they do not look particularly nice on a VAZ, since their fastening to the arm of a regular frame wiper turns out to be massive. These brushes need some work.

The VAZ 2112/2111 model has a rear wiper, its size is 11″ (27.9 cm).

Both regular replacement and modification of wipers begin with disconnecting the negative terminal of the battery. Then you need to pull the wiper towards you and remove the brushes.

If there is a decorative trim, it should be removed. Unscrew the bolt and remove the old wiper. Be sure to compare the size of the new windshield wiper with the old one. It will be better if the size of the windshield wiper on the VAZ 2110 does not exceed its predecessor by more than 2 cm. Install everything in the reverse order.

Check to see if the new brushes are squeaking and how they obey the “commands” of the switch. They should work quickly at high engine speeds, and slowly at low and intermittent modes. That, in fact, is the entire repair of VAZ wipers.

Intermittent wiper mode does not work, reasons

Using the example of the windshield wiper (windshield wipers) of VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099 cars, we will find out the causes of the malfunction - the intermittent wiper mode does not work.

Symptoms of a problem

When you move the right lever of the steering column switch to the lower fixed position (including intermittent mode), the wiper blades do not react in any way and do not move anywhere, or they move, but without interruption. In the second and third positions (first and second speed of the purifier) ​​they work normally.

We turn on the brake lights forcibly

Relay K1 is successfully replaced with a pad with jumpers. Its diagram is shown here. If there is no similar platform, you can temporarily close contacts 4-5. First, check everything mentioned above.

A few words about the serviceability relay

The lamp health relay is called K1, and it is the largest in the mounting block. If you pull out this relay, then when you press the pedal you can dial the voltage at terminal five (but not 4). Take another look at the diagram and it will become clear what we are talking about.

The largest relay in the block

All relay contacts are numbered. The voltages at the block terminals are inspected:

  • 6 mass potential;
  • 2 voltage 12, but only after turning on the ignition;
  • 5 twelve by pressing the pedal;
  • Terminal 4 rings as a ground tap.

If potential 0 is not generated at terminal four, it means that the lamp filaments have burned out or there is a break in the wiring. Now let's look at something else: the mass potential has been found, but the lamps do not glow. Here suspicions arise about a small short circuit.

Fuses, motor, presence of voltage at terminals

I would recommend looking for a breakdown in this order. If the fuse is broken, the windshield washer will not work.

Initially it is 20 Amps and yellow in color. But, as often happens, he could have already been replaced.

The fuse is in the mounting block numbered F9.

Checking the wiper motor

Next, you need to check for voltage on the windshield washer motor. The motor is located under the hood. If there is voltage, then the motor is faulty. And given your words that everything was getting worse and the wipers were already working, most likely it was just “dying” and is now completely broken!

If there is no voltage, then you need to check the wiring and the steering column switch. You can apply voltage to the motor directly to make sure it is working.

Stories from our readers

“Fucking basin. "

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1. Check fuse F9 20A in the mounting block. 2. At the same time, we check the relay for switching on the windshield wipers and windshield washers (install a known good one for testing, check that the relay is not installed on the other side). A faulty relay occurs when the intermittent wiper mode does not work. 3. Poor electrical contact. There can be many options, for example, the wiring has melted, poor ground contact, poor contact in the block with the wires in the engine compartment due to exposure to moisture, faulty mounting block, etc. We check the presence of voltage on the electric motor pads. 4. The steering column switch is faulty. 5. The nuts on the trapezoid have become unscrewed or loosened. For example, a nut securing the crank to the gearbox axle. Check the windshield wiper trapezoid, tighten the nuts. 6. The windshield wiper trapezoid is jammed. Repair, lubricate or replace. 7. The electric motor is faulty or its fuse (separate) has blown. We check the voltage supply. If necessary, we repair or replace with a new one.

If the windshield washer does not work, check:

  1. presence of water in the tank;
  2. condition of the windshield washer pipes;
  3. relay and fuse F9 20A;
  4. washer motor.

Let us remind you that if you are not satisfied with the operation of the windshield wiper, then by modifying the washer system as a whole, or separately, for example, increase the cleaning area of ​​the wipers or modify the relay.

Have you encountered a malfunction in the operation of your car wipers?

If it's snowing or raining outside, wipers become indispensable elements of the car.

Wiper elements for VAZ 2110

In our material we will talk about the mechanism of the VAZ 2110 wipers, discuss the main reasons for their malfunction, the issue of repair and the search for alternative options to standard windshield wipers.


Having skillful hands and basic knowledge of how the wiper mechanism works, there is no need to contact a paid service to make repairs or change windshield wipers. Replacing the windshield wiper motor on a VAZ 2110 is also quite simple.

Parsing is carried out in this way:

  • Remove the dashboard;
  • On the left we find a relay screwed to the body. If the relay turns out to be faulty, then repair is unlikely to help it; a replacement is needed;
  • We check the fuse responsible for the wiper drive;
  • We disassemble the steering column to inspect the switch. If it turns out that the switch has insulation damage or other problems, it means it needs to be replaced;
  • We unscrew the motor from the body and check for functionality. If there is a minor problem, it can be repaired, or perhaps it will need to be replaced, along with the relay. There is no point in repairing the relay separately - its cost is cheap;
  • Inspect the drive; one of the possible faults is that its pulley has broken.

Alternative solutions

Most car owners of the domestic “ten” are accustomed to replacing worn out and faulty windshield wipers with similar ones.

Often this happens because they do not see alternatives and are not familiar with them.

But this size can be increased to 530 millimeters . It is not recommended to install more, since this way the windshield wiper will not be able to work effectively, and the drive simply will not cope with the load. As a result, too long brushes cause squeaking and jerky work. Plus, don’t count on a long service life of the wiper mechanisms.

The original windshield wipers for the 10 are quite good. But there are more expensive, but also more highly efficient, high-quality devices.

Today it is fashionable to use frameless wipers, especially from Bosch. Their advantages lie in their compactness and a special, reliable leash mechanism.

But as practice shows, on the windshield of the VAZ 2110, as well as other VAZ models, they do not look very nice, because the fasteners on the leash turn out to be massive. Although if you modify them a little, you will get a very good result.

Problems with windshield wipers and their elimination

If the wipers do not work at all, the reason is the electric motor. Although sometimes the breakdown can be purely mechanical.

  1. When the wipers turn on, you can hear the motor running, but the motor itself remains motionless. In this case, it is quite possible that the nut that secures the crank to the gearbox is loose or completely unscrewed.
  2. When the windshield wipers operate asynchronously, the fault may lie in the linkage. It is necessary to check its fastening. If the nut is loose, you need to tighten it, but first, set the wipers to the correct position.


Installing the rear window wiper VAZ 2112 vertically

Why install the rear wiper in a vertical position? There may be many circumstances. Some of them are simply non-standard. Rear wiper motor (windshield wiper) VAZ 2112. Clutch, tray 2110, repair Repair of windshield wiper blades VAZ 2110, 2111, 2112 this is a forum. On the other hand, the rear window wiper will not freeze in the fall and winter (you can hang the wiper next to the heating grill to prevent it from freezing) Since snow will no longer accumulate on the wiper, visibility will improve, but clearing snow is easier and better downhill than uphill .

Additionally, when the rear wiper is mounted horizontally, it restricts air flow at speed, while in a vertical position, the flow around the rear window improves.

So, installing the rear blade vertically requires: Remove the rear wiper key to “10” (wiper blade bolt) Remove the fifth door trim (the left corner of the dark screw is covered with a pile) Remove the gearbox cover (unscrew the 6 screws, the drive does not need to be removed) Remove the two levers and the washer from the washer, the washer connecting the blood worm to the gears using the wiper shaft. Remove the gear and wash it with lubricant. Remove the current ring by inserting a narrow rod into the holes on the back of the gears. Rotate the ring 180 degrees and mark the cutout under the antenna (attach a ruler to the sides of the antenna and sharpen the hazard on the back with a knife, then untangle the old one). Cut out the old protrusion under the sector with a small chisel and make a new recess in the antenna, as well as in the old antenna hole r and in the disc cutout. Lubricate the inside of the gearbox with lubricant. (for example, Litol 24). Reassemble everything in reverse order. The gear can be set arbitrarily, as it later takes its place after the first use. Alternatively, set the rear wiper position to vertical:

What to do? Where to look?

If you can hear the sound of the motor-gearbox, then it is definitely working. If it works, but the brushes do not move, then there is a break somewhere in the rods or contact elements.

  1. Most often, a break or loss of “contact” of the trapezoid occurs due to wear of the teeth on the drive shaft of the gearmotor. In other words, the motor works, but does not engage the windshield wiper trapezoid. There is nothing left to do but replace the drive part (by disassembling the gear motor and replacing the spline part). But, if you don’t find this part (rarely found on sale), then either look for a used motor or replace it with a new one.
  2. The second cause of the malfunction may be a loose nut securing the trapezoid mechanism to the motor (tighten the nut). This malfunction can be immediately noticed if you look into the trapezoid compartment.

Perhaps these are the two most main reasons for this malfunction. True, there are cases when the rods fly off the crank or the splines on the wiper arm drive itself wear out (photo). All that remains is to either look for a spare part or change the trapezoid assembly.

If you haven’t found the answer to your question, check out other possible wiper malfunctions in the article: “”


Comments 20

Please give me some advice, I don’t know where to look, all wiper modes work except the fastest. Intermittent and 2nd modes work, they stop in the right place. Only the fastest one doesn’t work.

Still, I had to remove the trapeze with the motor. As a result, the motor jammed (

After prolonged hemorrhoids, flaring, lubrication, etc. he earned it! It took 3 hours.

I checked the relays, fuses and the lever on the steering wheel. Everything is working. It’s a big regret that I’ll have to take off the frill today and see what’s wrong with the motor and trapeze (((I hope I’ll get by with a small amount

trapeze look 100%

check in extreme-fast mode.

if they plow, then the relay may be at fault

and it doesn’t matter what clicks. Thank you

I'll try today

Thank you. I'll try today

This happened to me on 10. The reason was that the wiper motor chip had oxidized. I cleaned it and everything worked

On my first car, the mass disappeared right next to the engine. There are many options for what it could be. And if the relay clicks, it means it’s working.

It’s not a fact that the relay works... there is a microcircuit there that is responsible for the operation of the wipers and one hundred percent of the RELAY)))

Hmm, exactly. I forgot that we were talking about wipers, I was thinking about the standard relay>

the time has come))) so they stopped

Why did it come? I still believe in them

I haven’t taken off the frill yet, I haven’t measured the voltage. The steering switch most likely works because... The washer works and the light switches. The relay may click, but in fact fail?

Firstly, the washer works from a small button in the steering switch and it does not fail, and secondly, what does the light have to do with it? if the light switches on the left switch and the wipers on the right. As for the relay, I think you need to remove it from the donor (working machine) and try it yourself. or buy a new one costs 70 UAH. Does the motor hum when you turn on the wipers?

Device design

Wiper circuit
First, let's try to understand how the wiper circuit on the VAZ 2110 works and what components form a solid unit called a windshield wiper.

Electric motorIt is responsible for rotating the wipers at different intensities. The electric motor contains a gearbox, and the motor itself operates due to the DC current supply. There are three built-in blades in the armature of the engine, providing three operating modes of the windshield wiper - fast, slow and with pauses. Although it is believed that the VAZ 2110 has only two brush rotation speeds
Electrical componentsThis is a steering column switch, a wiper relay, which allows you to activate the intermittent movement of the brushes. Plus, don't forget about the switch. The entire electrical system is integrated into wires running through a bimetallic heat-resistant fuse. It is important to note that both relays and fuse F5 are located in the mounting block, and the bimetallic fuse and switch are in the motor gearbox
Windscreen wipersAt the same time, the size of the wipers on the VAZ 2110 may be different, which we will talk about later. They differ in shape, material of manufacture, device
Mechanical driveAn important component, which, alas, often breaks down at “ten”

Refinement stages

It is easy to modify or replace wipers. To do this you need to take several sequential steps:

  • Disconnect the negative cable from the battery;
  • Pull the wiper towards you;
  • Remove the existing brushes;
  • If there is a decorative trim, remove it;
  • Unscrew the mounting bolt, thereby removing the old wiper;
  • Compare the dimensions of the old and new cleaner;
  • Ideally, the new device should not exceed the old one by more than 20 millimeters;
  • Reverse the assembly procedure.

As you can see, changing windshield wipers is not difficult. But with the repair procedure, everything is somewhat different. But following the instructions, even an inexperienced VAZ 2110 owner will be able to do everything with his own hands.

Quick diagnosis by weight

The ground outlet is located on the lower bolt of the windshield wiper drive, in the sump. If you suspect that the problem is a bad ground, turn the windshield wipers on maximum and note the speed of their movement. Then turn on the stove. The heater and wipers are connected to the same ground output, so if this is the problem, the speed of movement of the wipers after turning on the heater will decrease significantly.

To fix the problem, find the ground outlet, clean the contacts, solder the terminals if necessary, coat the connection with protective grease, and tighten the fastening nut well.

Lubricating the moving elements of the wipers

Epicurian 25 Sep 2008

It's not a trapezoid, but a thermal fuse that is located in the motor itself; usually it burns out and problems such as low speeds in all modes, sticking or stopping of the wipers! This can be treated in two ways: 1 - replacing the motor (an expensive method) 2 - disassemble the motor and remove the fuse from there, winding the incoming and outgoing wires from the fuse together! (The fuse is a small black box that looks like a microcircuit) good luck!

Quote(Kadastro @ 1.9.2008, 21:11)

And if in the latter mode they only work intermittently? Also a trapezoid? And when I put a relay in the fuse block, the wipers start to drive.

in your case, you need to clean the contacts on the motor, they usually oxidize!

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