The best gas stations by gasoline quality in Russia 2022

A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. This phrase from the famous novel “The Golden Calf” has not lost any relevance today. Own transport means convenience and freedom of movement, and in the difficult epidemiological situation of recent years, it also means safety. Most Russian families have cars, and some have not one iron horse, but two or more.

Every car needs fuel. Electric vehicles have not yet become widespread in our country, and traditional gas stations continue to service hundreds and thousands of cars. Some cars use diesel fuel, but most run on gasoline.

Criteria for choosing the best gas stations

The main quality criterion for gas stations is the characteristics of the gasoline they offer for their customers’ cars.
The loyal attitude of consumers to the company depends on this. The Internet allows consumers to share the names of companies and addresses of gas stations that dispense diluted or low-quality fuel. Such comments can greatly damage the reputation of any, even the largest, company. It is not possible to determine the quality of fuel by eye. To do this, it is necessary to conduct laboratory tests. The main characteristics of gasoline are:

  • Octane number. Determines the detonation resistance of the fuel. The higher this indicator, the better the quality of gasoline. High-octane gasoline is more expensive, but also consumes slower. But this does not mean that low octane fuel is much worse. It’s just that modern cars are more sensitive to this indicator and quickly deteriorate if filled with liquid with a low octane number. Most often, car manufacturers indicate the recommended octane number in the instructions.
  • Factional composition. This indicator must be taken into account due to climatic conditions. The petroleum product tends to evaporate, this is what is reflected in the fractional composition. The colder the air temperature, the higher this indicator should be.

The amount of impurities determines the environmental safety of gasoline. Today there are standards for the amount of impurities contained in a given product. Euro-4 and Euro-5 standards apply in Russia; Euro-6 is used in most European countries.

To check the quality of fuel at a new gas station, you can pour the liquid into a transparent, clean plastic bottle. The color should have a golden tint. The liquid itself should not be oily - this will indicate dilution with diesel fuel. On the surface, a quality product should evaporate immediately. If you drop it on the skin, you will feel dry. Compositions with a large number of impurities have a pungent odor of sulfur.

Car manufacturers indicate in the vehicle instructions all the necessary characteristics of the fuel that can be filled. This is done specifically to protect the car from possible breakdowns. If the instructions indicate the exact octane number, then only the product that has this indicator should be filled. In other cases, fuel with any octane number can be filled into the tank.

What laboratory fuel studies have shown

So which gas stations have the highest quality gasoline? The undisputed leader, according to the results of chemical analysis, is the fuel from the Rosneft gas station network. Second place of honor goes to Lukoil. Studies have shown that gasoline from these manufacturers has the least amount of impurities in the form of paraffins and a fairly low level of sulfur content. This means that soot will clog engine parts when burning fuel less intensely.

Third place goes to BP fuel, which has an excellent quality-to-cost ratio. It is noteworthy that, due to good additives, the octane number of gasoline from that manufacturer is slightly higher than stated, which is what the gas stations of this operator in St. Petersburg “sin”, and the manufacturer is still quite far from the maximum permissible level of undesirable substances in impurities.

Experts awarded an honorable fourth place to fuel from the gas station network of Shell Oil LLC, which is slightly worse in quality, but still allows motorists to feel as comfortable as possible behind the wheel.

The laboratory studies involved fuel samples of only four brands, which experts initially considered the most worthy.

The opinion, although it was expressed by experts, is still subjective. And it would be incomplete in the absence of data on what fuel the motorists themselves prefer.

Review of the top gas stations with the highest quality gasoline for cars


This network of gas stations is the best in Russia. It guarantees the high quality of the fuel sold, the octane number of which exactly corresponds to the declared one. Gazpromneft's product range includes standard types of gasoline, as well as fuel that has undergone additional stages of purification. The latter improve the quality of gasoline, which becomes safer for the fuel system.

Gazpromneft offers drivers many additional services. At each gas station, vehicle owners have access to a mini-market where they can purchase food and essential goods. You can also order various services here (for example, headlight washing). An additional advantage will be relatively low prices and excellent quality of service.

9.9 /10 rating


  • Quality service
  • Excellent fuel
  • Many additional services
  • Nice prices
  • Availability of a bonus program


  • There are often long queues


This famous network of gas stations is the largest in the country. It gained its popularity thanks to its competent pricing policy and high level of service. In addition, vehicle owners speak positively about the loyalty program, which provides an opportunity to save a lot of money.

Rosneft sells high-quality fuel that meets all standards. It also offers drivers many additional services. Among them, wheel inflation is the most popular. A bonus for visitors will be a mini-cafe where you can relax a bit and have a snack.

9.8 /10 rating


  • Smart pricing policy
  • High level of service
  • Profitable loyalty program
  • Many additional services
  • Own mini-cafe


  • Some gas stations come across fuel of lower quality


Without a bonus card, the price of Shell gasoline is 10–15% higher than the cost of similar fuel from competitors.

If you want to fill your car with the highest quality fuel, then go to one of hundreds of Shell gas stations. This gas station is known for its high gasoline prices. At the same time, the quality of the fuel is always very high.

Shell treats every customer with care. She carefully trains staff to help drivers solve any problems. It is also worth noting the presence of a bonus card, which is issued to all regular customers. With its help you can get good discounts even on premium fuel.

9.6 /10 rating


  • High quality fuel
  • Bonus card
  • Qualified personnel
  • Excellent level of service


  • Inflated prices


The route purchases fuel from the Gazpromneft plant, which is located in Moscow.

This network of gas stations offers drivers only high-quality gasoline, which has a fairly high cost. It meets all current standards in Russia and is carefully checked by company employees.

The Route locates its gas stations on the most significant highways in the country. In addition to the sale of gasoline, drivers have access to dozens of additional services.

9.5 /10 rating


  • High quality gasoline
  • Convenient location of gas station
  • Many additional services
  • High level of service


  • Prices are above average

Phaeton Aero

Phaeton Aero closes the rating of gas stations. The company was created in the early 90s. Produces its own petroleum products at 2 factories. Gas stations sell the following gasoline: AI-92, AI-95, AI-92 eco, AI-95 eco, DT eco.


  • affordable prices;
  • no underfilling;
  • there is a bonus system for regular customers;
  • good service.


  • The quality of gasoline does not correspond to the declared one.

There are complaints about the quality of fuel from the company. In many respects it does not meet standards. Each gas station has a grocery store and a cafe where the customer can have a snack.


Today Bashneft has 544 gas stations, which are located in 15 regions of the Russian Federation. Bashneft does not have its own processing plants, but sells Rosneft products. The quality standard complies with Russian GOST. In the future, Bashneft plans to sell gasoline according to the Euro-6 standard.

Today the company retails gasoline: AI-95, AI-100 and Diesel. The positive aspects of Bashneft are difficult to find.


  • bad fuel;
  • high prices;
  • low level of service;
  • The bonus system, although announced, does not work;
  • containers are not cleaned at gas stations;
  • underfilling is common.

The quality of the product causes a lot of complaints and leaves much to be desired. Consumers complain that it is diluted with diesel fuel. Absolutely does not correspond to the stated price.

Gas stations are poorly equipped, small shops with related products at a high price.


The company has its own oil refinery in Moscow. Tatneft opened in 1990 and has been actively developing since then. The company produces petroleum products in accordance with Russian GOST standards.

Today, 616 gas stations are open on the territory of the Russian Federation. Available for retail sale: AI-92, AI-95, AI-95+, AI-98, AI-100+.


  • attentive attitude towards consumers, cleanliness at gas stations;
  • prices in Moscow are lower than those of other companies.


  • outdated equipment, pistols do not work at many stations;
  • low product characteristics;
  • in the regions, product prices are high;
  • the fuel quality does not correspond to the data specified in the certificates.

The company is working to expand stores at its gas stations. Snack bars are also opening, where customers can not only drink coffee, but also order hot food.

BP (British Petroleum)

The British company in Russia has a small network - only 125 gas stations. Most of them are located in the Moscow and Leningrad regions. There are single stations in several other cities. British Petroleum is one of the world leaders in this area and operates in most European countries.

The quality of auto fuel meets European standards Euro-5 and Euro-6. The main advantages of BritishPetroleum include:

  • high gasoline levels;
  • polite staff and good equipment;
  • modern stations with European equipment.


  • high prices;
  • sometimes they don’t add gasoline;
  • undeveloped network in Russia.

The fuel corresponds to the quality stated in the certificates. Gas stations have shops and cafes where customers can relax and have a snack.


Russian-Belarusian Slavneft opened in 1994. But retail sales are not the main goal of the company, so Slavneft has few of its own gas stations.



  • A large number of stations in the capital
  • Strict control of all gasoline batches

ConsLack of own factories

In Moscow, drivers can come across a huge number of Tatneft gas stations. High-quality gasoline at these gas stations is far from uncommon. has great prospects: it is expanding its stores, setting up cafes, and improving the quality of fuel. At the same time, the company does not hesitate to talk about the presence of additives in gasoline, which indicates its honesty. And as you know, the key to the success of any organization is openness.

British Petroleum


  • The world's largest fuel production organization
  • Availability of recommendations from well-known players in the car market


  • Company participation in major scandals

One of the most famous gas stations in the world is British Petroleum. It conquered the Russian market with its own sources of oil production, recommendations from automobile manufacturers and a high octane number of gasoline. According to BP management, the Activ fuel developed by the company cleans car engines. And clients trust them, even despite the major scandals in which the company was involved.

Leaders in the number of gas stations

There are a huge number of gas stations in Russia. For the largest companies they number in the thousands. The most extensive networks are presented below.

  1. More than 2000 gas stations: Lukoil, Rosneft.
  2. More than 1000 gas stations: Gazpromneft.
  3. More than 500 gas stations: Tatneft, TNK, Gazprom, Bashneft.

Of the foreign companies on the Russian market, the most common gas stations are Shell and British Petroleum.

Gasoline - which one is better to buy?

Gasoline (Gasoline) is a flammable liquid, most often used as a fuel for internal combustion engines. The main raw material for production is oil, and therefore the price of oil directly affects the cost of gasoline.

The scope of application of BT is not limited to refueling cars. Special types of compounds are produced that are used for refueling aircraft, and also as feedstock in the chemical industry for the manufacture of:

  • paraffin;
  • ethylene;
  • solvents;
  • paints;
  • adhesives;
  • stain removers;
  • mastic, etc.

Brands of gasoline for cars: what are they?

AI 98 is an environmentally friendly premium fuel with a high octane number. During production, it includes components such as toluene, isopentane, isooctane and other components.

Premium 95 is a high-quality BT with anti-knock additives. Produced from distillate material with the addition of isoparaffin components and gas gasoline. The final product contains minimal lead content and no toxic substances.

AI 95 - the concentration of lead is higher than in 98, by about thirty percent. Because of this, the quality of the product is lower.

AI 92 (Regular 92) – does not have harmful impurities for the fuel system, is not hazardous to the environment, and does not contain monomethylaniline, which is toxic to humans. Used for carburetor and injection engines.

Also, many car gas stations sell AI 80 (Normal 80) and A 72, intended for trucks.



  • Availability of a new, high-quality type of fuel “Premium Sport”
  • Advantageous fuel cards


  • Low quality fuel in remote regions of the capital

In the rating of gas stations based on gasoline quality, “Trassa” is a relatively new gas station operating in Moscow and the Moscow region. Inspections are carried out regularly at the Trassa gas station. Availability of fuel for powerful cars, conscientiousness of employees and a large number of stations are the main advantages of this network.

How to choose quality gasoline?

In Russia, the quality of BT is regulated by two GOST (state standards):

R 51105-97 – “Fuels for internal combustion engines. Unleaded gasoline and R 51866-2002 – “Motor fuels. Unleaded gasoline", which include the following parameters:

  • octane number (by motor and research methods);
  • lead content level in g/dm3 (not higher than a certain level);
  • resin content in mg/100cm3 (not higher than a certain level);
  • mass fraction of sulfur as a percentage (not higher than a certain level);
  • volume fraction of benzene in percent (not higher than a certain level);
  • density in g/dm3 (at t0C = 15);
  • appearance.

The main parameter is the octane number, which is an indicator of the detonation resistance of the fuel. The higher it is, the better the product. The highest indicators are among European brands.

However, modern technologies make it possible to make a high-octane composition even from low-quality raw materials. Artificially using additives. But the quality of fuel whose octane number has been increased in this way will still be lower than that which was originally produced as such. It is also of great importance which additives were used. The best manufacturers use additives without harmful impurities and third-party components. In Russia, manufacturers often add additives with alkali, water, acids, debris and other third-party substances, which ultimately cause severe harm to the car system. And this is a common problem that occurs everywhere.

All the points mentioned are calculated and tested through laboratory tests, therefore, it is difficult to determine at a glance whether gasoline is good or not, with the exception of one thing - appearance. Fuel must be clean and transparent, without bright impurities.

Tips: What should you pay attention to when purchasing?

When choosing which company is best to buy fuel for your car, you should definitely pay attention to the labeling. It should contain information about the manufacturer and characteristics of the product. According to buyers, the best BT manufacturers are European companies. They supply the market with popular brands that are in demand due to the high level of cleaning carried out in accordance with European (more stringent) standards. Most often, such products are marked with “Euro-3”, “Euro-4”, “Euro-5”, “Super Euro”.

With regular use of compounds of poor quality and unknown origin, the driver will very soon encounter unpleasant phenomena:

  • the engine will start significantly worse;
  • the fuel filter becomes dirty;
  • spark plugs will fail;
  • the pump will fail;
  • the fuel system will begin to fail;
  • carbon deposits will appear in the cylinders;
  • the amount of deposits in the engine will increase, etc.

Even cleaning or replacing the filter will cost a considerable amount, and if the fuel pump breaks down or problems arise with the engine, then you will have to pay for using low-grade fuel not only in money, but also in time to find and replace components.

Basic characteristics for purchasing gasoline


1Environmental safety classIt can be recognized by the presence of special certificates. They are issued to manufacturers who process petroleum products to strict purity standards. Also, the indicator of environmental friendliness can be determined by the already mentioned quality marks in the form of markings.
2Car performance and octane numberWhen purchasing, you should choose not by price, but in accordance with the recommendations of your own car manufacturer - some allow the use of fuel with different octane ratings, others set strict restrictions.
3Ease of purchaseSome companies provide fuel delivery services. This is very convenient, as it saves time; besides, it is not always possible to get to the gas station on your own. Ordering fuel online is quite simple, just leave a request. There are companies that provide these services very inexpensively, despite the fact that they are carried out 24/7.
4Cheating on underfillingOne of the global problems that exists in the field of gas stations. Unscrupulous workers often deceive customers by not adding a certain amount to the tank. Everyone sins of underfilling, but thanks to modern technologies you can find gas stations where this problem is minimal. Just search for the name of the gas station on the Internet and read user reviews. If underfilling occurs constantly, then someone has probably already mentioned this.
5What is the price?In Russia, fuel prices are in constant dynamics, that is, today the price is one, and tomorrow it will be another. However, the following trend is most often observed among large distributors - in densely populated cities prices are lower than in remote regions. This is due to competition - it is higher in cities, therefore, it is necessary to attract customers with lower prices. Deliveries to remote locations are more difficult to make, and therefore competition is lower, which gives the distributor the right to independently set the cost.
6ServiceEach client has his own understanding of quality service, but on average it is politeness and responsiveness of the staff, an adequate pricing system for basic and related products, prompt work, respect for consumer rights, the presence of clean toilets, the opportunity to have a snack and drink tea/coffee.

Quality check methods

Poor quality fuel can cause serious damage to the car, causing problems in the operation of the engine, fuel filter, spark plugs, etc. Therefore, if alarming symptoms appear, you need to make sure that the liquid poured into the gas tank is clean. The initial check can be carried out at home, paying attention to the following parameters.

  1. Color. Sometimes you can find tinted gasoline, but this is a rare occurrence. Typically, the fuel is transparent or has a pale yellow tint, without signs of sediment or turbidity.
  2. Presence of water impurities. It is checked using potassium permanganate, which is taken in a ratio of 1:20 to gasoline. If a pink tint appears, it means it has been diluted with water.
  3. Availability of oils. To check, a sheet of paper is suitable, which needs to be moistened in gasoline and allowed to dry. If after this there is a greasy trace left, there is oil in the composition.
  4. Presence of sulfur and resins. This experiment is best done outdoors and away from flammable objects. Apply a small amount of gasoline to the glass slide and set it on fire. If the composition contains resins, the remaining trace will not be white, but yellowish or brown with streaks.

If serious doubts arise about the quality of the fuel, it is safer to have it checked in a special laboratory. If suspicions are confirmed, an expert opinion, together with documents confirming the fact of purchase, will become sufficient grounds for filing a claim in court.

Diesel - what is good and what kind is it?

The undoubted advantage of diesel fuel is that diesel engines have a higher compression ratio compared to gasoline engines, and therefore are characterized by efficiency, while benefiting in dynamics.

An important feature of diesel is the so-called seasonality, that is, diesel fuel is divided into winter and summer. The first type differs from the second in that it does not thicken at low temperatures. Summer formulations can be used at temperatures from 0 and above, while some brands can be used at temperatures down to -5 C. Winter formulations are intended for temperatures from 0 and below, to -30 C.

There is also a third type of diesel fuel - arctic, it should be filled in during severe frosts, which is especially important for Siberia and the Far Eastern regions of Russia. It freezes at -55 C.

Both winter and arctic diesel engines can be used all year round, the main thing is that the temperature outside does not fall below critical.

Often in everyday life, diesel fuel is called diesel fuel, although this is not entirely true, since diesel contains additional fractions in addition to diesel fuel. And the name “diesel oil” itself comes from a consonant German word, which translates as sun oil. It is also made from petroleum, has a high density and a yellowish tint. Today, pure diesel fuel is used only in some models of tractors and tanks; it is not suitable for cars.

Composition of diesel fuel

The composition contains mixtures of hydrocarbons - paraffin, naphthenic, aromatic. Sulfur compounds, mechanical impurities, dyes, water, and resins may also be additionally present. A certain amount of additives is allowed, with the exception of metal-containing additives.

In general, the characteristics of a diesel engine depend on three factors: the place of extraction of the source material (oil), the distillation temperature and the additives included, which can change not only the composition, but also the quality of the final product.

The composition of diesel fuel affects:

  • degree of engine wear - if there is a lot of resins and other impurities, then wear occurs faster;
  • level of evaporation - resinous substances prevent evaporation, which also affects the operation of the motor;
  • viscosity - diesel is cleaned of paraffins in order to increase its frost resistance; the more paraffins in the composition, the less resistant the diesel is to negative temperatures;
  • color number - the ease of ignition of the fuel in the cylinder depends on it. The higher the color number, the higher the flammability index.



  • Qualified personnel
  • No queues


  • Presence of equipment failures

TNK gas stations have an impressive number of customers. There are times when low-quality gasoline is poured into tanks, causing many problems with the engine.

How to choose a quality diesel engine?

It is very difficult to determine the quality of diesel by visual method; here, just like with gasoline, a laboratory test is required. The main thing you need to know is that if the substance has acquired a cloudy color or is completely frozen, it means that the gas station either filled it with bad diesel, or sold summer diesel instead of winter diesel. The damage from such errors is significant. The fact is that during the use of summer diesel fuel, condensation begins to accumulate in the tank, which, due to different densities, settles at the bottom, creating a kind of plug. And when the temperature outside drops below freezing, it turns into ice and harms the entire system.

The production and quality of diesel is also regulated by state standards: R 55475-201 - “Winter and Arctic dewaxed diesel fuel. National standard" and GOST 305-2013 - "Diesel fuel. Interstate standard".

According to these standards, diesel fuel must become cloudy at a temperature not lower than -22 C, and the filterability temperature must not be lower than -32 C. The latter indicator determines the limit for the free movement of fuel through the filter element.

Also one of the key requirements is environmental safety, which is regulated by document TR CU -10/2011.

There are several types of diesel fuel in accordance with the degree of environmental friendliness:

  • Euro 6 is a recently introduced European standard, which is not yet in effect in Russia. It is considered the most stringent and environmentally safe due to the exhaust recirculation system specially created for it, which implies that the exhaust contains only water and harmless gases.
  • Euro 5 - has been in force since 2009 and is recognized as mandatory for all diesel vehicles produced by the global automotive industry;
  • Euro 4 is the minimum standard for Russia, which the international community intends to abandon in the near future.
  • Euro 3 is an outdated standard for diesel fuel, which is no longer used in production due to non-compliance with new requirements.

There are also divisions into classes according to the level of sulfur content: K2 (not 500 mg per 1 kg), K3 (not 350 mg per 1 kg), K4 (not 50 mg per 1 kg), K5 ( less than 10 mg per 1 kg).

Diesel supplied to the Russian Federation must have an environmental safety rating of at least K5. However, in reality this is not always the case.

Criterias of choice

  • Scope of use - diesel fuel is used for railway transport, in agricultural and military equipment, in automobile transport with a diesel engine, as well as on sea and river vessels.
  • Cvetan number - if in a gasoline engine ignition is stimulated by a spark, then in a diesel engine this process begins due to the compression force. The color number displays how quickly the mixture of fuel and air ignites in the engine cylinders. On average, this indicator varies in the range from 40 to 55, the optimal value is 48-51, the minimum recommended is 45. With indicators less than 40, the fuel is considered to be of poor quality. In Europe, the color number must be at least 54-56.
  • Density - the volume of fuel in the generator depends on density indicators. If the density corresponds to the norm, then this contributes to the release of a sufficient amount of thermal energy. The norm for summer diesel fuel is 863.4 kg per m3, for winter diesel fuel is 843.4 kg per m3, for Arctic diesel fuel is 833.5 kg per m3.
  • Flash t0C - determines the safety of using fuel. For diesel fuel in general use, this figure is not b. 40 C.
  • Sulfur content - the sulfur content is especially strictly controlled, as it is not only dangerous to the environment, but also leads to corrosion, carbon deposits and wear of the engine and the entire system. The mass fraction should not exceed 2000 mg per 1 kg. However, if the level of sulfur compounds is too low, the fuel loses its lubricating properties and the addition of appropriate additives is required.



  • Availability of high-quality environmental fuel


  • Lack of own carriers

Shell is among the TOP best gas stations not only in Russia, but also abroad. The compliance of gasoline with all international standards and excellent interaction with the engines of modern and old cars make the fuel of this company in demand. Shell hires intermediaries to transport fuel.

How to avoid being scammed at gas stations

It is not uncommon for consumers to encounter deception and petty fraud at gas stations. In some cases, this leads to receiving less gasoline for the stated price, in others – to problems in the operation of the car. The most common types of deception are listed below.

  1. Purchasing high-quality AI-92 gasoline and increasing its octane number to AI-95 or AI-98 by using toxic cheap additives (tetraethyl lead, monomethylaniline, etc.).
  2. Reprogramming gas pumps so that they show more fuel than was actually filled.
  3. Tricks with a refueling pistol. Gas attendants may resort to this trick if the driver is distracted or goes to the store. The gun button is released when the column begins to count the last liter, and this fuel remains in the hose, from where it is later drained.
  4. Overflow. Often found at gas stations located on the highway. The calculation is based on the fatigue of drivers, who may not notice that the amount in the check is more than what the gas tank can hold.
  5. Rounding up the purchase amount. Used when paying in cash. An argument may be made that they have handed over all the cash to the collectors and have nothing to give in change. In this case, refueling can be carried out for the amount requested by the driver. The calculation is based on inattention.
  6. Fraud with discount cards. The seller can say that the customer's card is not readable, and after he agrees to pay without a discount, use his own discount card, thus assigning the discount to himself.

In order to avoid becoming a victim of the situations described above, you need to be careful and follow several rules:

  • It is better to refuel the car yourself, without trusting gas stations.
  • The gun should be turned off and removed from the tank only after the meter on the dispenser has turned off.
  • If you have any doubts about the settings of the fuel column, you can pour gasoline into your canister and compare the actual volume with what is displayed on the display. The refusal of gas station employees to pour fuel into a canister is illegal and may indirectly indicate deliberate violations on their part. To check, you can also use a special measuring canister, which must be available at every gas station. This capacity must be provided upon the client’s first request. The sample is taken in the presence of the gas station manager and two witnesses.
  • If you have a complaint about a non-working discount card, you can check it at another gas station, and if you round up the purchase amount, be sure to check that exactly the amount of fuel is filled as needed based on the actual amount of payment.

Identified underfilling or overfilling is a good reason for filing a complaint with Rostechnadzor. And if an engine breakdown occurs due to low-quality gasoline, you can complain to Rosstandart and request an inspection of the gas station’s operation.

Studying reviews on independent resources from real customers of various gas stations will allow you to determine which places you can go to for gasoline for your iron horse, and which ones are better to avoid. Care and a competent approach to choosing a gas station will help you avoid many problems and make operating your car even more enjoyable.






  • High-quality fuel assessed by foreign experts
  • Regular quality checks of gas stations


  • Poor service at some stations.

Rosneft is one of the few organizations that has received a license from British Petroleum. This suggests that the quality of this brand of gasoline is comparable to its European counterparts. The main difference between Rosneft and other participants in this TOP is customer feedback. All complaints from gas station visitors are processed, and inspections are regularly carried out at the gas stations themselves. And although drivers still leave complaints about this company’s gas stations, the level of dissatisfaction is falling every year.

Is Russian fuel different from European fuel?

Naturally, the quality of Russian fuel differs from the quality of European fuel. What is this connected with? With the fact that Russian oil refineries have not yet switched to the production of gasoline and diesel fuel that would meet Euro III and Euro IV standards. However, the demand for these types of fuel is still very low, since there are still very few engines that meet these standards in the Siberian region. It should be noted that in terms of its physical qualities and octane number, Russian gasoline is in no way inferior to European fuel. Moreover, the Russian market has developed a clearer classification of gasoline brands by octane numbers than in Europe. At the same time, Russian gasoline is inferior to European gasoline in such important indicators as benzene and sulfur content. For example, in Europe the benzene content in gasoline should not exceed 0.8-1%. In Russian fuel, higher concentrations are allowed - up to 5% benzene. It is benzene that is the main cause of increased carbon formation in the combustion chamber of the engine, which in turn leads to a deterioration in its efficiency and also reduces the environmental performance of the engine.

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