How to change the heater tap on a VAZ 2107 yourself

The VAZ-2107 heater tap is replaced very quickly, but the resource of this element is extremely low. In general, on the “classic” the stove tap causes a lot of trouble not only in winter, but even in the warm season. This is one of the most short-lived parts not only in the cooling and heating system, but in the entire car as a whole. Leaks appear very often, and when used infrequently, the faucet gets stuck in one of the extreme positions. There is no point in repairing it; you need to install a new one.

What is the heater tap for?

The interior heating and engine cooling systems are interconnected. A radiator installed in the passenger compartment is connected to the small circuit of the cooling system. A tap is attached to its inlet, which shuts off the supply of hot antifreeze. The stove consists of several elements:

  1. Heater radiator.
  2. Electric fan.
  3. Fan activation button.
  4. Resistance block for adjusting the rotation speed.
  5. Damper control levers.

If there were no heater valve, hot antifreeze would constantly circulate through the radiator. In this case, the temperature in the cabin would constantly be high.

But it is the tap that prevents hot liquid from entering the cabin. Using the controls located in the panel beard, the supply of hot antifreeze is turned on and off. The faucet is fixed directly to the radiator using two bolts. A rubber ring is installed between the valve body and the radiator. The axis that drives the mechanism that shuts off the fluid supply has a small lever. A rigid cable is attached to it. Most drivers completely open the heater tap in the winter and close it in the summer. Consequently, for several months it is not touched at all. That's why it jams.

Control mechanism

The control of the VAZ 2107 stove is mechanical. It consists of a fan switch and a block of sliders. The control mechanism is installed on the center console at the top, which provides easy access to the elements.

There are three sliders of the control mechanism, and each of them controls its own element:

  1. The top one is responsible for supplying antifreeze to the radiator and is connected by a cable to a tap installed on the inlet pipe. The extreme left position of the slider means the tap is closed (the stove does not heat), the right position means the tap is open (antifreeze enters the radiator).
  2. Middle – air supply damper control. When you move it to the left, the damper shuts off the air supply from the street (closed air circulation in the cabin), while the right position means the air flow is open (air from the street enters the cabin).
  3. The lower one controls the damper for distributing the flow through the air ducts. Left position - the flow is supplied through the side and central deflectors, right - to the windshield area. Each of these sliders can be adjusted to any position to achieve optimal stove operation.

Typical breakdowns

The VAZ-2107 heater valve is replaced if the following breakdowns occur:

  1. Excessive wear of seals and gaskets.
  2. Destruction of the device body.
  3. Presence of scale on the inner surface.
  4. Gaskets and seals work normally as long as the cooling system is filled with high-quality antifreeze and its level is normal.
  5. Scale forms when using water instead of special liquids.

When the housing is destroyed, a leak appears, it can be identified by the following signs:

  1. Oily drops appear on the front and side windows.
  2. Reduced antifreeze level in the tank.
  3. Wet spots or puddles appear on the floor at the passenger's feet.

If the heater valve is leaking, try using a “10” wrench to slightly tighten the bolts. If you cannot get rid of the leak, it is necessary to replace the VAZ-2107 heater valve. Please note that antifreeze contains a large number of harmful components, so it is not advisable to delay repairs. If the tap on a car does not switch, there are several reasons for this:

  1. If the adjustment lever moves without resistance, then most likely the drive cable has come loose from the clamps.
  2. When the tap becomes clogged, the lever moves very slowly.

There is no point in trying to repair this device; it is easier to install a new one. On a VAZ-2107 car, it is not advisable to repair the heater valve - the cost of a new one is quite low. Some motorists, instead of purchasing a new faucet every year, install a water faucet. And twice a year they open and close it. Not very convenient, but reliable and durable.

Important nuances

There are a couple of important nuances that should not be forgotten when installing a new fuel tap. Here they are:

  • A new faucet always comes with several rubber gaskets. They must be installed without fail, even if it seems that the gaskets of the old faucet are practically not worn out and will still serve. The fact is that standard VAZ tires, from which old gaskets are made, last a year, or two at most. After this, microcracks appear in it, which are impossible to see with the naked eye. But gradually the network of cracks grows, and the tap begins to leak again. Therefore, installing new gaskets on the tap is mandatory;
  • The second point is related to the operation of the crane lever. Before closing the hood, be sure to check whether this lever works well. More precisely, whether the length of the cable is well adjusted, and whether this cable allows you to fully open and close the tap. It often happens that the old cable after installing a new tap turns out to be half a centimeter shorter, as a result of which the tap cannot close completely due to the tension of the cable. If such a picture is observed, you should remove the fastening tip, loosen the nut on it, and pull out a little cable from it (usually there is a reserve of a couple of centimeters in the tip). After this, the tip should be put back on the tap lever and check whether the tap closes tightly;
  • The third point is related to checking the tightness. Before closing the hood after installing the faucet, you should open the new faucet, then start the engine and let the car run for half an hour. During this time, the antifreeze will have time to heat up. If the tightness is broken somewhere, an antifreeze leak will occur, which will be difficult to miss. If no leaks are observed after running the engine for half an hour, the procedure for installing a new faucet can be considered complete.

So, even a novice car enthusiast can change the fuel tap on the “seven”. This does not require any special knowledge or skills. You just need to have a basic understanding of the design of the VAZ 2107 heating system and strictly follow the above recommendations.

Tools for repairs

On a VAZ-2107 car, repairs can be performed using standard tools. You will need to have:

  1. Several wrenches - “7”, “8”, “10”.
  2. Phillips and flathead screwdrivers.
  3. Pliers.
  4. New stove faucet.

Please note that it is better to buy a ceramic faucet rather than a cheap one installed by default. Ceramic ones have a much longer service life, parts do not wear out as much, and scale and dirt do not form on the surface. Buy a VAZ-2107 heater faucet in advance; the price of a ceramic one is no more than 500 rubles. But if you wish, you can even install a water tap in the engine compartment or under the glove compartment.

About the wealth of choice and a worthy alternative

Over the many years of operation of the VAZ 2107, the valve for the stove had to be changed more than once. I tried absolutely everything that is on sale:

  • expensive and cheaper;
  • factory and cooperative;
  • regular and ball.

But a year or two passed, the faucet began to leak or became tightly jammed and everything started all over again. The latest acquisition in this area was the purchase of a heater tap with a ceramic shut-off element, the so-called ceramic heater tap. I immediately liked the faucet for its complete absence of any kind of play, absolute smoothness of operation and visual quality of execution, which is atypical for this category of products. The price, by the way, was also quite reasonable.

Preparing for repairs

First of all, it is necessary to install the VAZ-2107 on an inclined surface so that the front part is lower than the rear. In this case, you will completely drain the liquid from the cooling system. To do this, you need to place a container of at least 10 liters under the engine, then unscrew the plug with a key to “13”. It is also necessary to drain the remaining fluid from the radiator.

Carry out all work only on a cooled engine. Otherwise, you can get severe burns. The liquid must be drained with the stove tap open. But if you can’t open it, you need to loosen the lower pipe and drain the liquid from it.

A little worldly wisdom

Experienced Zhiguli drivers know, but beginners should adopt one small everyday trick - in order to save themselves from many unexpected troubles, it is worth keeping a small set of spare parts in the car, the replacement of which may need to be replaced suddenly, but will inevitably occur. And on this list, among the generator brushes and old but working side light bulbs, there simply must be a new heater faucet, several gaskets and a pipe that can be screwed to the faucet at your leisure.

Faucet options for installation

Carrying out replacement

The algorithm for performing the work is as follows:

  1. Unscrew the casing that secures the control cable.
  2. Remove the end of the cable from the stove faucet.
  3. Unscrew the nuts that secure the valve body to the radiator. Please note that antifreeze may leak out at this point, so place a dry cloth on the floor.
  4. Remove the old faucet.
  5. Remove the adapter that holds the pipe supplying hot antifreeze.
  6. Replace all rubber gaskets that are on the faucet.
  7. Install the adapter on the new device.
  8. Secure the valve to the radiator by tightening the mounting bolts.
  9. Install the control cable and ensure that the valve opens and closes completely when moving the lever.

Final stage

After all the work carried out, it is necessary to once again verify the quality of the assembly. Pour antifreeze into the cooling system. In order for all circuits of the system to be filled with antifreeze, it is necessary that the front of the car is higher than the rear, and the heater valve must be open. As the engine warms up, be sure to crimp the pipes by hand to completely get rid of air pockets. At this point, the replacement of the VAZ-2107 heater valve is completed, the stove will operate in normal mode.

A VAZ 2107 car is equipped with a stove, which is part of the engine cooling system. One of the significant parts of the system is the VAZ 2107 heater valve, which plays the role of regulating the supply of heated liquid to the heater radiator. This element is not reliable enough, so car owners of sevens often encounter problems with it such as jamming and leaking. In case of such breakdowns, it is important to promptly replace the device.

Let's sum it up

Timely diagnostics, preventive cleaning and inspection of elements of the vehicle’s heating system is a guarantee of high-quality operation of the stove. Experts recommend checking the heating system on the VAZ-2107 at least twice a year - in autumn and spring. Any driver can handle preventive cleaning and adjustments of the stove on his own; to do this, you just need to understand the structure of the heating and ventilation system of the cabin and the principle of its operation. The easiest way to do this is to always have a visual instruction manual for your car nearby.

Don’t put off any further work to improve the functioning of your car’s heating system. Proper care will ensure uninterrupted operation of the heater and a comfortable temperature in the interior at any time of the year.

Purpose and principle of operation of the stove tap

The stove faucet has a simple purpose - switching modes between “summer” and “winter”. In the summer, the heater is not used, so supplying hot water to the heater radiator would make it impossible to stay in the cabin. In winter, hot air in the cabin of the seven arises due to the supply of heated coolant to the heater radiator.

The VAZ 2107 uses two radiators - one is the main one, which is designed to cool the engine, and the second heater is used mainly in cold weather. The heater radiator, which is located in the passenger compartment, also cools the engine slightly when the fan is turned on, while ensuring the flow of warm air into the car interior.

The switch in question has a smooth adjustment from the “closed” position to “fully open”. The valve is located directly inside the VAZ 2107 car on the supply pipeline, and is controlled by a steel cable connected to a mechanical regulator on the instrument panel.

Frequent device malfunctions

Car owners remember the device when malfunctions occur. There are two main malfunctions of the device that require replacement of the switch, as well as additional ones. In the event of additional damage, the integrity of the switch can be restored without the need to replace it. Let's consider the main types of malfunctions of the device in question:

  • The occurrence of antifreeze leaks is one of the most popular types of breakdowns on classic Zhiguli models, including the VAZ 2107. A malfunction appears when a puddle of antifreeze begins to appear in the car interior under the driver’s feet. Moreover, to do this, it is not necessary to wait for this puddle to form, because as soon as the faucet begins to leak, a corresponding pungent odor appears in the cabin. If this part leaks, it must be replaced, since it cannot be repaired.
  • A jammed heater radiator tap occurs when it is impossible to move the switch. The reason for its jamming is the formation of corrosion processes inside. Corrosion occurs quite quickly, and 5-6 months is enough time for the development of such a process. If a part is jammed, you can open it or, conversely, close it with pliers. In this case, keep in mind that you can collapse the rotary rod or cause a leak. If the device jams, it is also recommended to replace it as quickly as possible.

Improvement of the heating system

The design of the VAZ 2107 stove is far from perfect. Therefore, car owners modify it in a variety of ways. First of all, attempts are being made to improve the tightness of air ducts, especially at joints. This allows you to slightly increase the efficiency of heating the interior.

VAZ 2107 owners modify the heating system in a variety of ways

Fan replacement

Often, to improve the operation of the stove, car enthusiasts replace their original fan with a more powerful one, used in other VAZ models (for example, VAZ 2108). The factory fan motor is mounted on plastic bushings, which wear out quickly. As a result, shaft play appears, and a whistling noise becomes audible in the cabin when the fan is operating. Repair and lubrication of bushings in this case, as a rule, do not bring the expected effect. The VAZ 2108 fan electric motor is mounted on bearings. Therefore, installing it in the VAZ 2107 stove will not only increase the efficiency of heating the interior, but will also make the operation of the fan more reliable.

Usually, along with the fan electric motor, a number of other elements of the stove control unit are also changed. The rotation speed of the VAZ 2107 factory fan at a current of 4.5A is 3000 rpm. The VAZ 2108 electric motor consumes 14A at a frequency of 4100 rpm. Therefore, when replacing, you should install the appropriate fuse, resistor (usually from a Niva) and speed switch (for example, from a Kalina).

Video: modification of the VAZ 2107 stove

To dismantle the fan you will need:

  • flat and Phillips screwdrivers;
  • keys for 7 and 10;
  • round nose pliers.

The fan is removed in the following order.

  1. The instrument panel, shelf and glove box are dismantled.
  2. Use a 7 key to loosen the casing of the air damper control cable. The cable loop is removed from the lever.
  3. Use a 10mm wrench to unscrew the nut securing the heater housing.
  4. Use a flat screwdriver to remove the left and right air ducts from the heater body.
  5. Use a flat-head screwdriver to remove the latches that secure the fan to the stove.
  6. The wire terminals are disconnected.
  7. The fan is removed from the stove body.
  8. The impeller is removed. If necessary, use pliers.

The size of the new fan (from VAZ 2108) is slightly larger. Therefore, its installation will require some changes in the design of the stove. If only the motor is changed, it will be necessary to make an additional hole in the grille through which warm air enters the lower part of the cabin. If this is not done, the motor housing will rest against the grille.

Replacing the stove body

When installing a fan from a VAZ 2108, you will need to make a new frame, usually from plexiglass. This is quite labor-intensive and will require certain skills.

The material for a homemade frame when modifying the stove can be plexiglass

When making a new frame, all dimensions must be strictly observed. The slightest inaccuracies can lead to vibration or failure of the new fan. Having assembled the structure, you should lubricate the joints with sealant and install the new housing in place. After this, the noise level in the cabin usually decreases, and the stove begins to heat the air better.

When making a new frame for the motor, all dimensions must be strictly observed.

Other stove tuning options

Sometimes the design of the air ducts is modified. Additional holes are made in the stove body into which plumbing hoses are inserted. Through these hoses, connected to the side and bottom air ducts, when the engine is running, an additional flow of warm air is created onto the windows and into the legs.

Often the cause of poor interior heating is a clogged heater radiator. The coolant begins to circulate more slowly or completely stops circulating through the heating system, and the efficiency of air heating decreases noticeably. Usually in these cases the radiator is replaced with a new one.

A clogged heater radiator leads to a decrease in the efficiency of heating the interior.

When to change the heater valve of a VAZ 2107

The stove tap changes when it starts leaking antifreeze. This is doubly unpleasant due to the fact that the coolant gets on the carpet in the cabin. Often, problems with this part arise in the spring or autumn, when the tap is opened with the onset of cold weather, or closed in anticipation of warm weather.

A faucet that has been in one position manages to acquire rust and bad deposits, which damage it when trying to open/close. Therefore, it leaks and we need to think about how to replace the heater valve of the VAZ 2107.

Only two new ones are better than new

A little higher, I already mentioned in passing that replacing the heater tap in a Zhiguli is a complex procedure. That is, along with the tap, the short pipe also changes (you can, of course, not do this, but its low cost still speaks in favor of replacement). Moreover, technologically you still have to screw this pipe to the faucet, so it’s better to screw a new one. And just for the sake of curiosity, just look into the old one to see how much its throughput has been reduced due to solid deposits.

Another part, the replacement of which is also necessary and care when purchasing which is very important, is the rubber gasket. You need two of them and both need to be chosen very carefully. The photo shows what unscrupulous sellers can sell in the store. Therefore, you can insure yourself in only two ways, and it is advisable to combine them:


How to change the heater valve of a VAZ 2107


Before replacing the heater tap, you need to drain the antifreeze, so it is logical that the cooling system repair is done on a cold engine. Further:

  1. Unscrew the pipe clamps and remove the pipes, draining the coolant.
  2. Turn the lower lever of the ventilation system control unit to the right until it stops, closing the air dampers of the side air ducts.
  3. To gain access to the air ducts and the faucet itself, remove the glove compartment in the cabin by unscrewing the fastening screws.
  4. Unscrew the nut securing the right air duct to the body and remove the air duct from the latches.
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