How to change the rear window of a car with your own hands

Replacement of rear door glass of VAZ 2114 and 2115

The side windows on VAZ 2114 and 2115 cars are hardened and the degree of damage is always the same (with the exception of abrasions and scratches) - this is complete disintegration into small fragments.
That is, in principle, it cannot crack like a windshield, for example, but immediately shatters into pieces. In this case, any of the glasses must be replaced. To perform this procedure using the rear window of the VAZ 2114 and 2115 as an example, you will need the following tool:

  1. 10 mm head
  2. Sharp knife or thin flathead screwdriver
  3. Phillips screwdriver


There are two options for replacing the windshield on a VAZ 2114:

How to remove

The work begins with the fact that we remove all unnecessary things. Side trims, wipers - this interferes with dismantling. Now we remove the old glass: starting from the top corner, squeeze it out along with the rubber. It is advisable to have someone help. If you pry the seal with a flat screwdriver from the inside, it will be easier to remove the headband.

You need to work with gloves, taking safety precautions.

Clean the grooves. The replacement now needs to be replaced with a seal. If the rubber is cracked, it is also advisable to replace it.

Removing and installing rear door glass on VAZ 2114 and 2115

Before you begin this repair, you will need to remove the door trim. Then, with the window lifter bar fully raised, you need to unscrew two bolts - they secure the glass.

Visually, all this looks like this.

After this, we lower the glass down with our hands to gain access to the corners of the velvet, as shown in the photo below.

And prying up the velvet on the inside, we pull it out of the hole.

We do the same on the outside of the door.

Then, by tilting the glass inside the door frame, without using excessive force, we pull the glass out of the door.

If necessary, we replace the side glass of the door with a new one. Installation is carried out in reverse order. The price of new glass ranges from 450 to 650 rubles, depending on the type and manufacturer. Athermal boron is the most expensive! Cheap China will be of poor quality, so everyone needs to choose their own.


So, to change the door trim, the first step is to remove the door components and get rid of the old trim material. Basically, all you need to get started is a set of screwdrivers and a good mood.

  1. First remove the podium. To do this, there are three mounting bolts under the podium, which can be unscrewed with a simple Phillips screwdriver.
  2. Remove the podium carefully, take your time. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging the wiring from the power windows.
  3. Disconnect the connector with wires from your power windows.
  4. Now you need to remove the door handles. Pry off the covers with a flat-head screwdriver. Under them you will find mounting bolts. They are unscrewed with the same screwdriver, after which the handles are easily removed.
  5. The next step is removing the door opening mechanism trim. To do this, you need to carefully pry off the cladding using a flat-head screwdriver and remove the element.
  6. There are locking mechanisms on top of the doors. Plastic pins. They have a hole where a Phillips screwdriver fits perfectly. The stoppers are removed by simply unscrewing them with a screwdriver.
  7. There are probably speakers on the front doors. To remove them, simply unscrew the mounting bolts. If these are not standard speakers, the dismantling procedure may be slightly different.
  8. Carefully remove the speakers from the casing and disconnect the wiring. Do not pull anything sharply until you are sure that all wiring is disconnected.
  9. Remove the plastic lever that adjusts the side mirrors and get rid of the decorative moldings.
  10. Now you can remove the casing itself. It is held in place by plastic pistons, which are inserted directly into the metal part of the doors.
  11. Using a flat-head screwdriver, pry up the trim, smoothly detaching the material from the surface.
  12. Don't be afraid to break the caps as they are consumables. New ones will cost a small amount of money.

Dismantling is in full swing.
Each door will take you about 30 minutes, maybe more. It all depends on the skill and level of preparation.


The doors have been stripped of everything unnecessary, so you can start covering them.

Clean the surfaces, get rid of traces of rust, debris, and damage. Once you have disassembled the doors, it would be a good idea to check the condition of the metal and carry out a number of preventive maintenance works; If you want to increase the soundproofing properties of the door, you can glue foam rubber under the new cladding material; Cut out the new trim pieces. To do this, you can use a pattern or simply attach the material to the door cards and cut out the necessary elements; Do not forget to provide allowances around the perimeter of the sheathing material so that it can be bent; Cut holes in the material for handles. Leave a little more so that when installing the handles, they will pull the material along with them, and you will not have any traces of cutting on the outside; Apply glue to the base of the sheathing material

The choice of adhesive largely depends on the type of sheathing you are using; In the case of the VAZ 2114, special attention is paid to the armrest, where careful and thorough tension is required; Straighten out any irregularities and make sure there are no wrinkles. To do this, it is better to use glue that does not dry instantly.

This will give you the opportunity to correct unevenness; Perform the procedure for reassembling the door elements when the glue is completely dry.

Replacement example

The work is completed. There is nothing particularly complicated about door trim. The only most problematic parts are the door disassembly stage. But if you have at least a little experience, you can easily cope with the task.

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How to Remove the Rear Window on a VAZ 2114

Replacement of rear window shafts

Change back glass yourself

If you have ever seen a specialist change his glasses on a VAZ, rear or front, changing the rear window itself will not be difficult. And if you've never seen it, that's okay.

Replacing glass yourself will give you a skill that will come in handy in the future. For example, your friend will ask you to change the glass

. And you will do it in a friendly mood. A friend or stranger will ask for money. You can even make money.

Dismantling old glass

To start replacing the rear window in cars, you need to leave the vases from the sealant grooves. To do this, you will need a flat blade screwdriver to remove the sealant from the inside of the glass. After that we'll just pull it out.

Then use a screwdriver to push the sealed frame as far as possible towards the outside of the glass. Then we do the same on the inside of the frame. Once the glass is released, we will move on to the extrusion process. For calling to help a smoker friend and asking him to keep his glass outside. They themselves squeeze (gently, but effortlessly) the rear window from the inside.

Removing glass from the trunk lid 2109 2114

An easy way to remove glass

even a schoolboy can handle the trunk lid.

replacement rear window 2109

replacing rear glass

on the trunk lid 2109.

The glass cannot be thrown off the frame the first time. This is not necessarily despairing and hysterical, but again suitable for printing with a screwdriver. Then try squeezing the glass again. He will continue to resist, but eventually he will pop out. Briefly rejoicing at this fact, we move on to installing new glass.

Insert new glass

To begin, place a new eraser on the new glass. Then place the other eraser in a place called the lock. This is great for drivers. Why is the lock used before glass installation and not after? Because it is much faster and, as practice shows, more convenient. After installing the lock, the most important thing. install rear window

in its place. To do this, we will need a two-meter long cord (in general, it is better to have a cord, a screwdriver and a friend on the plate to prepare in advance).

We insert the cord into the seal groove, but not along the entire length, but only for the upper and side stays of the groove. The other ends of the cord should be approximately the same length. We then take the glass and insert it into the bottom groove as if wiping it to keep the seal flat. Then, calling a friend for help, we begin to pull ourselves towards the glass, pulling the cord out of the groove. The cord simultaneously pushes the eraser and allows the glass to rise slightly in your place .

This operation must be performed slowly, alternately pulling the cord to the right and then to the left. When the cord is fully extended, the glass with rubber strips will completely fit into the grooves. And this will mean that you have succeeded.


rear window replacement

on VAZ-2109

Rear window The car is a real assistant for the driver. It is through him that we see what our client can do, what is happening behind us, and correctly assess the situation. However, glass is a very fragile material, and if a stone or other loose object gets caught in it, it can crack or shatter into a large number of small pieces. For a temporary solution, of course, cover the gap with a thick film. But this, of course, is not an option. In the future, the rear window will need to be replaced.

The car owner may have postponed this work until later, fearing serious expenses. In fact, our client is left to do everything possible to find the funds to purchase new glass and glue. The rest of the work is completed independently within 1-2 hours.

Replace the rear window on a VAZ-2109

Before you go to the store differently in the market and get a new rear window for your car

It is important that it fits your model correctly (pay special attention to heating and design features)

Then prepare the necessary tools. To get the job done you need. new glass (this is reasonable), special glue (ideally a two-component composition), new sealing rubber (you will need to throw the old one), a string for cutting glass, special suction cups (necessary for holding and lifting the glass). Additionally, tape, a knife, sandpaper and solvent are useful.

It is best to work in a well-lit area with sufficient maneuverability. If the weather outside is perfect, you can stay right next to the garage. Helping your partner replace the rear window is highly desirable. It is difficult to cope with such work without outside help.

What you need after the previous steps, start specifically. There are three steps here:

  1. Remove the old glass. This work is performed in the following order:

Conventional glass

even a schoolboy can control the trunk lid.

Removing the rear window on a VAZ 2109 from Seryoga)))

Is it correct to remove the rear window

with nine nine.

When doing the work, be very careful not to touch the surface. car body (otherwise you will have to restore it).

  1. Prepare a gap for installing new glass

When the old glass fails to take off, do not rush to “sculpt” a new one right away. It is better to perform some of the necessary manipulations:

Before installing the lock, it is better to pull it a little. Otherwise you won't like its length. The wedge installation is done like this. Install the long section first and the small section at the end. In this case, some part of the wedge remains unused; it is better to cut it. Otherwise it will interfere with future work.

  1. install rear window

When should new glass be installed? There are two options. the old glass is damaged or you decide to glue a shadow. At the beginning, our client remains clear. do without a change. In this case, we are talking about tinting; it is better to do this work without disassembling. Practice shows that it is almost impossible to remove the rear window without damage.

Before installation, prepare a thick piece of rope. It is advisable that the length of the rope fully corresponds to what was left for our client on the side of the rear window

Pay special attention to the quality of the rope. he must become strong

If it breaks during operation, it will be difficult to remove the broken piece from the seal.

What you need to do is:

The final shrinkage of the glass occurs within 3-4 days. This is facilitated by vibrations that are inevitable when moving.

Design and dimensions

Consumables that do not match in size are one of the reasons for rapid breakdown. To prevent troubles, take the choice of a new part more seriously.

The dimensions of the windshield of the VAZ 2115 are 1400×662 mm. The dimensions of the windshield on the VAZ 2114 and 2113 have the same dimensions, which makes it easier to find a new spare part.

It is multi-component: two glass layers and a film between them, the so-called triplex. This structure prevents fragments from scattering when damaged.

Removing old glass

Subsequent actions depend on how correctly you can choose a studio; you have two vacuum glass holders. Glass holders are a pair of vacuum suction cups and a handle. Obviously, there is no point in taking this device, because you only need to remove the glass once. If you borrowed holders, then it’s time to use them and ask your friends for help. Get out of the cabin, along with a friend, install the holders along the edges of the windshield, “suck” to its surface and, immediately with an assistant, pull the holders up and out. The rear window of a VAZ 2109 is removed in the same way.

If you don't have vacuum holders and only have a slotted screwdriver, stay inside the car. Continue working quietly.

How to change the windshield on a VAZ 2112.

  1. Inch by inch, push the seal out.
  2. When you reach the middle of the racks, ask an assistant to hold the glass
    from falling out.
  3. If you do not have an assistant, place a blanket or other shock-mitigating material on the hood in advance.
  4. After releasing the seal to the bottom corners, gently push the glass out.

If you intend to install new glass on the old seal, remove it from the dismantled one. Carefully remove dust and dirt, wipe with a degreasing solvent and dry. In that case, you don’t need it, feel free to throw it away.

Keep in mind that the effects of temperature, water, and ultraviolet radiation are not in vain: all this reduces the performance characteristics of the sealant polymer. Re-introduction of this element is associated with the risks of cracking, water penetration into the interior and complete failure of the element.

How to choose

Don't buy cheap copies. Products with a suspiciously low price are either made of low-quality materials or are sold as disassembled parts. An inexpensive consumable will require replacement after just six months of use.

It is advisable to find an original spare part. It will definitely fit the car, and the quality will be higher than that of its analogue.

Inspect the part carefully. The surface must be smooth, without scratches, even and transparent. The reflection must be clear and clear. If it is cloudy, do not rush to shell out money.

Check markings, manufacturer and type. Information must be clearly written. Blurred markings are one of the main signs of a fake.

The price of consumables ranges from 1000 to 3000 rubles.

Economy segment

Xyg (China) - the best Chinese parts on the market. Pass ultraviolet rays. The material is not of the best quality: poor visibility, the image is distorted. Weak structure. This consumable will have to be changed twice a year. Overall, the price is reasonable.

Borovskoye KMK (Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region). The spare part is made of soft material, chips and scratches quickly appear. Doesn't take punches well. Cheap, but short-lived.

Premium segment

Pilkington (UK). European quality. Resistant to scratches, chips do not appear the first time. Will last a long time.

Borovskoye AGC-glass (the plant was purchased by the Japanese Company AGC-Glass). Decent choice. Japanese quality, quite high price. The company provides energy-saving, multi-layer shock-resistant and colored lacquer-coated glass.

If you don't replace the glass

But until this happens, most drivers prefer not to replace the VAZ-2114 windshield, but also to drive.
Although there is a pitfall in this solution (it is unknown how long the glass will last), there are ways to maximize the life of damaged glass. To do this, using a glass cutter, you need to make perpendicular cuts (no more than half a centimeter). Thus, the crack will “rest” against the cut and stop growing for some time. But this is a temporary measure, and glass replacement is still necessary. Constant vibrations when the car is moving or a hole into which a wheel can suddenly jump will immediately lead to the complete collapse of the windshield.

Causes and consequences of damage

Driving on poor quality roads in Russia forces car owners to look for a new windshield at least once every year and a half. Even a very small pebble flying from under the wheels of a car can lead to damage to the part.

There are two types of damage:

  1. Chips. If only a chip appears on the surface, the driver is lucky. This means that the first layer is damaged; it is not necessary to install a new spare part.
  2. Cracks. You can't hesitate. At any moment, glass can crumble into pieces due to a hole in the road, and this will lead to an accident.

What can you do

If the driver fails to change it in time, there are several popular tips:

  1. Using a glass cutter, make perpendicular cuts 0.5 cm long along the edges of the “web”.
  2. Drill small holes with a thin diamond drill bit. The work requires accuracy, patience and attention.
  3. “Weld” the crack. It's better to contact specialists. Without experience it will be difficult.

There are two options for replacing the windshield on a VAZ 2114:

Contact a car service. Fast, simple, but expensive. On one's own. If you have experience in repair work of this kind, time, patience, and an assistant, then dismantling is possible in your own garage.

The work begins with the fact that we remove all unnecessary things. Side trims, wipers - this interferes with dismantling. Now we remove the old glass: starting from the top corner, squeeze it out along with the rubber. It is advisable to have someone help. If you pry the seal with a flat screwdriver from the inside, it will be easier to remove the headband.

You need to work with gloves, taking safety precautions.

Clean the grooves. The replacement now needs to be replaced with a seal. If the rubber is cracked, it is also advisable to replace it.

How to replace frames and seals

Replacing the windshield frame requires more effort, but this operation can be done at home.

We measure the frame. Its width is 680 mm in the center and 1378 mm diagonally. Further actions:

  1. We weld the fasteners on the sides.
  2. We make an amplifier, weld it to the frame from the outside.
  3. We clean the frame and the cavity for the wipers.
  4. We prime it twice.
  5. Apply adhesive sealant.
  6. We evenly coat the frame and cavity with paint and weld it.

The seal needs to be replaced as it wears out. If it has shrunk in places and lost elasticity, then it is advisable to install a new one in the near future. To replace the front window seal of a VAZ 2114 you will need:

  • a set of flat screwdrivers;
  • stationery knife;
  • putty knife;
  • solvent for nitro paint;
  • adhesive sealant.

To make installation easier, apply lubricant to the rubber seal and soap solution to the lower groove. You need to put a thin, strong rope inside the seal. Place the new seal on the glass. We pull the ends of the cord in the center of the bottom of the material. It is advisable to soak the cord with detergent.


Sound insulation of doors has a direct impact on the level of comfort inside the VAZ 2114 car. If you carry out similar work, you will simultaneously solve several problems:

  • Get rid of some of the noise that comes into the car from the outside;
  • You will be able to eliminate squeaks and knocks that are typical for the VAZ 2114 due to the peculiarities of the skin and the location of internal parts;
  • Improve the sound quality of your audio system. Sound insulation of VAZ 2114 doors is especially important if speakers are built into the doors.

As in the case of the trunk, door processing includes several stages:

Disassembly. First, remove the door trim. Just do it carefully, be sure to write down or very carefully remember the dismantling sequence. This is the first and most important condition for successful reassembly. Surface cleaning. After removing the factory noise and other elements, clean and degrease the metal. Be careful with the paint and do not damage it with tools. The bottom of the doors does not need to be treated with degreasing compounds. Applying the first layer of sound insulation. To cover the walls that go outside, I use vibration damping material. The elements are cut along the contour of the compartments and glued. The work is quite difficult, since you need to manage to paste the surfaces through small holes. Wear gloves when performing noise to avoid injuring your hands on metal components. If you are gluing not a solid piece, but small pieces, do it overlapping. Fighting knocks and squeaks. Wrap wires, rods, and other parts that are possible using Madeline. This will avoid knocking noises when the car is shaking.

Pay attention to the areas where the parts come into contact with the body. A double layer of material is allowed here

It would not be superfluous to make a continuous gasket of the same material along the entire contour of the doors where the trim is attached. Vibration isolation protection for technical holes. Technological holes should be treated with pieces of Vibroplast. A useful measure that gives good results in protecting against vibrations and their consequences for a comfortable ride. The metal surfaces of the door on the trim side are treated with Accent. This is a sound-absorbing material. If it is not there, use Bitoplast. Only the thickness of such material should not be more than 10 millimeters. Sheathing processing. To prevent the casing from resonating and vibrating, apply Vibroplast Gold vibration damping material to its surface. It is not necessary to cover the entire surface, since this will make the doors noticeably heavier. The most important thing is the joints of the sheathing elements and wide, even elements. Assembly. Before you begin assembly in accordance with your instructions, make sure that the window regulators and other elements located in the door are in good condition.

This technology for protecting doors from noise on the VAZ 2114 is especially relevant for those who install fairly powerful speakers in the doors. If you are not particularly interested in loud and high-quality music, and you are not going to install speakers in the door, the soundproofing process can be significantly simplified. Although there will definitely not be any unnecessary noise, even in the absence of an impressive audio system.

The best sound insulation is comprehensive. Therefore, it is still recommended to protect your VAZ 2114 from internal and external noise. Start small, gradually working on the roof, hood, fender liners and other elements. By doing this, you will be able to achieve amazing comfort and silence in the interior of your car.

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How to put

During installation you will have to resort to outside help. The glass is inserted into the lower groove, and only then carefully around the entire perimeter. As you insert the windshield, pull out the cord to fit the seal tightly and efficiently.

Be careful when pulling the rope at bends! In the side parts it slides with difficulty and can tear; press harder from the outside of the car.

It is advisable to fix the rubber with glue-sealant, and attach the glass to the roof and sides with tape overnight.

Replacing the rear window of a VAZ is carried out in the same way. If you installed a windshield, you can install this, although removing the rear window is a more difficult task. To insert the rear window, ask a friend for help, as you will have to pull the rope and press on the consumable at the same time.

Replacing damaged glass is not difficult, although it will require some skill. This is easy to do with your own hands using tools. It is advisable to have someone help you; it will be inconvenient to carry out the installation alone.

Kia Rio

But with this model you will have to seriously tinker. Since the deflector is attached to screws that are hidden by the visor. It must first be removed.

The tools you will need are Phillips and slotted screwdrivers, a flashlight and a construction spatula.

The process involves some combination of activities. Watch in detail how this work is done in the video.

Video: removing the instrument panel visor on a Kia Rio


Only then can you remove the central deflector. It is attached to pistons and screws. Two screws at the top, two pistons at the top and one at the bottom. After the deflector is removed, you need to disconnect the plug.

Before dismantling the left deflector, remove the left panel and the panel under which the fuse box is located. The deflector is attached to the side with two self-tapping screws. Before dismantling the right panel, open the glove compartment and remove the right panel, unscrew the screws. Now, by prying with a screwdriver, you can remove the deflector.

Video: dismantling the central and side heating deflectors

This is how the air duct deflector is removed on different cars. Of course, within one article it is impossible to give complete instructions for all car models. From all of the above, we can conclude that the amount of work that needs to be done to remove the air duct deflector is not the same. In some cars, the deflector is removed simply by pulling it out (Renault Logan), in others you have to remove the dashboard or other large elements (Lada Vesta, Kia Rio).

How to change the rear window of a car with your own hands

Of course, it's not often that a car's rear window cracks. But still, many car enthusiasts are worried about such a breakdown. After all, sometimes they have only one option left - replacing the rear window. We list the situations in which it is necessary to replace the rear window:

  • consequences of a traffic accident;
  • a stone flying from under the wheels of a speeding oncoming car created a very large crack on the highway;
  • reinstallation of a standard window with a similar one from another modification of the car;
  • Body repairs are being carried out, while the glass element interferes with the work.

Reversing lights

Lamps, which are a light-signal element that notifies you when you are reversing, can significantly increase the level of safety on the road.

The turning on of the rear lights indicates that the car is moving backwards, so you should be careful. Non-working lights can easily lead to accidents and collisions, for which you will ultimately be the culprit.

What is this?

3X headlights are white lighting fixtures. They turn on when shifting into reverse gear.

How to reinstall a VAZ element

If we describe the replacement of the rear window on a VAZ 2106, then we must take into account that the “six” does not have window heating. To work here, in addition to an assistant, we need:

  • flat screwdriver;
  • blanket;
  • nylon cord 5 m;
  • soap solution, brush.

Also read about repairing a crack in a car windshield and replacing a rear engine mount.


  1. From the trunk side, use a screwdriver to pry up the trim trim in each of the lower corners and remove it.
  2. We remove from the inside, in the cabin, all decorative trims covering the edges of the window.
  3. Starting from one of the lower corners, bending the seal with a screwdriver, gradually squeeze the glass out along with the seal. The bottom corner of the window is released first, and then everything else.
  4. We pull out the glass by the bottom and side parts. Having taken it out completely, remove the seal from the middle to the edges.
  5. We inspect the seal and also clean its drainage holes with a screwdriver.
  6. We put the seal on the new part removed from the blanket, first moving along the bottom side, then along the side, then along the top side and again along the side.
  7. We insert the rope into the groove of the seal intended for the edge of the body along the entire perimeter, and at the end of the process there should be ends of the rope of 20 cm each.
  8. We coat the upper part of the seal and the edge of the body on which the rubber element will be placed with a soap solution.
  9. We place the part of the window where the ends of the rope come out onto the edge of the body. The assistant goes into the salon and begins to carefully pull out the ends of the rope. At the same time, we press on the outside and tap on the glass with our hand. As a result, the window should sit in its place along with the seal.
  10. We put everything that was removed back in place.

This is the process for the Six. And here's how to replace glass on a VAZ 2109. We remind you that this car has a fifth door at the back. To carry out the work, again with an assistant, take the following:

  • flat screwdriver;
  • white spirit, rags;
  • tight rope 5 m;
  • soap solution.

  1. Having removed the windshield wiper, insert a screwdriver a maximum of 5 mm, bend it back and take out part of the seal. We repeat the procedure around the entire perimeter with caution. We take out the rubber element in this way in parts, since it is very fragile!
  2. Disconnect the heating filaments.
  3. Carefully remove the window.
  4. We degrease the edges of the new element prepared for installation with white spirit.
  5. We put the seal on our new body part - from the corners to the sides.
  6. Next, we insert the so-called lock - we insert a shiny part with a wedge profile around the entire perimeter into the seal. Lubricate the seal groove intended for the body with soapy water.
  7. Now we act according to the already studied scenario. Insert a rope into the groove of the rubber element. An assistant from the interior gradually pulls it out, while at the same time pressing from the outside along the glass surface. Initially, you can completely place the bottom of the window into the opening, and do not insert the rope into the lower part.
  8. At the final stage we turn on the heating.

By the way, replacing glass on a VAZ 2114 happens in exactly the same way, only there may no longer be a lock. The same applies to changing the rear window of a VAZ 2110, however, you do not need to remove the windshield wiper - it is missing. But when replacing glass on a VAZ 21099, you will also have to install a lock. Although it can be inserted after installing the glass.

What to do with the same part of foreign cars

Now let’s discuss the same operation in relation to some popular budget foreign cars. To replace the rear window of Renault Logan we will need:

This car has a glass element glued into the body, so we proceed as follows, again with an assistant.

  1. We detach the interfering decorative elements.
  2. We pierce the glue seam with an awl.
  3. We insert a string into the hole formed.
  4. Next, together with an assistant located inside the cabin, we pull the string along the entire perimeter of the window.
  5. Carefully remove the dismantled part.
  6. Cut off the old seam, leaving about 1 mm of glue.
  7. Next, we treat the edge of the window and the edge of the opening with the activator, and then with the primer from the kit.
  8. We install rubber pads around the perimeter.
  9. After waiting half an hour, apply the adhesive composition to both edges.
  10. We install the window in its normal place.
  11. We glue it with masking tape until the glue dries completely (about 3 hours).
  12. Remove the tape. We install decorative elements.
  13. Turn on the heating. By the way, we automatically replace the broken rear window heating, since the new part is already equipped with working heating threads.

At this point the procedure can be considered complete. As you can see, it is radically different from the technology described for the VAZ. It's all due to the method of fastening. By the way, it is also used by Daewoo Matiz.

However, gluing the transparent element of the Matiz’s rear door is even easier than that of Logan – the amount of work is less. But car enthusiasts are often worried about another problem - replacing the rear window heating button on a Matiz. The fact is that these machines do not have a heating relay, so the button often fails. So, rather than constantly replacing a broken rear window heating button, it is better to install a relay inside the circuit. To install it, just study the video on replacing a broken heated glass relay on similar cars.

Types of automobile glass

Automotive glass for modern VAZ 2109 cars is manufactured using high technology. They differ from simple glasses in their high strength and design features, which allow all road users to be protected from injury during an emergency. There are two types of technologies for making windshields:

  • Triplex. This technology is most often used for the manufacture of rear, windshield, side windows and hatches. Translated from Latin, triplex means “triple”, and the design involves the production of multilayer glass: more than two layers of silicate or organic glass. At the time of manufacture, they are glued together with a special film and then pressed at a certain temperature. When broken, the broken parts of the glass remain on the film rather than breaking into shards with sharp edges.
  • Stalinite. The technology of its manufacture is that the glass is tempered: first it is heated to a certain temperature, and then it is cooled evenly and gradually in the air flow. When glass breaks, it breaks into a large number of fragments with blunted edges; in the event of an accident, they cause minimal harm to the driver and passengers harm. On modern cars they are used less often, but the temptation of installation elements is the lower price.

Tip: When buying glass, you need to carefully consider its markings. It is applied by chemical etching, located at the bottom right corner, and has a black color, as shown in the photo.

VAZ 2109 windshield markings

How to remove the windshield of a VAZ 2109

Replacing a windshield is mainly necessary after an accident or unexpected damage to the old one.

Installing a windshield on VAX 2109

  • 1 – rubber seal.
  • 2 – windshield.
  • 3 – window opening flange.

Before removing the windshield on a VAZ 2109 you need to:

  • At the top of the windshield, insert a screwdriver into the seal five millimeters.
  • Push out the seal so that part of it can be pulled out.
  • Move the screwdriver to the side five centimeters.
  • Thus, consistently get rid of the sealant.

Advice: Operations should be done gradually, without jerking, and make sure that the glass does not fall out.

After removing the seal to the upper side corner, the glass can be removed. This is done in two ways:

  • By squeezing out from the inside. To do this, gently press on the upper corners of the glass, which is then squeezed out.
  • Pull the glass towards you. At the same time, you need to pull it up slightly.

Removing the windshield

After this, the rubber seal is removed, and the installation groove of the window opening is cleaned of dirt around the entire perimeter. Even professionals practically cannot keep glass intact, but old glass is usually not removed to preserve it.

Advice: It is better not to throw away damaged old glass, but to use it to cover the car when painting the body.

Preparing new glass

The instructions indicate that before installing the windshield on the VAZ 2109 you need to purchase:

  • New windshield.
  • The seal is rubber.
  • Decorative strip for the lock.
  • Nylon cord. Its thickness is up to four millimeters, length is approximately 4 meters.

The glass installation sequence is as follows:

  • The seal is put on. You can use old glass that was previously removed from old glass. This element is more elastic and easier to install in place.
  • Installing a new seal becomes more difficult. It must be placed on all corners of the glass.
  • A locking strip is inserted into the corresponding groove in the rubber seal.
  • A nylon cord is strengthened along the entire perimeter of the seal at the end of the glass. It fits into the deepest groove with a tight tension in the corners. In this case, the ends of the cord should meet at the bottom of the glass.
  • The glass is taken and mounted with the lower edge into the groove of the window opening for installing the glass.
  • With light pressure, the glass is completely inserted around the entire perimeter into the window opening.
  • The assistant gets into the car and pulls out the cord.
  • From the outside, you need to lightly press the places from which the cord is removed.
  • You need to remove the cord to the upper corner, first in one direction, then in the same way in the other. Then the cord needs to be removed completely.
  • After removing the cord, the glass is firmly and gently pressed into the window opening.

Tip: The cord should be pulled out slowly, in a circular motion, so that the rubber seal is not damaged.

You can watch the video on how to change the windshield on a VAZ 2109. Timely protection of a damaged windshield is the key to safe and comfortable driving.

Replacement of side glass on VAZ 2113, VAZ 2114, VAZ 2115

Side glass performs important functions in a car:

  • Firstly, it significantly reduces fuel consumption on the highway when driving at high speed. Try opening the window of your car completely at a speed of over 100 km/h and look at the consumption according to the on-board computer. The difference between driving with the window closed will be within 1-3 liters depending on the speed of the car.
  • Secondly, it protects your car from bad weather: rain, snow, hail, strong wind.
  • Thirdly, it often protects the car from robbers. Not everyone is ready to break glass to get something out of the car. The likelihood of a car being robbed with open windows increases significantly.

Note! You will need the following tools: a screwdriver, wrenches or socket wrenches, and new glass. We remind you that take the new glass together with the frame, otherwise, if you buy it separately, you will be tortured by installing the frame on the glass and aligning it.

Clip location

Placed at the bottom center (indicated by the blue arrow, and the glass is shown by the red arrow). The frame is inserted into the glass, over time it weakens and there are even cases when the glass fits askew into the door. The weakened clip does not hold the glass; it dangles in the door. The glass is attached to the window lifter using this clip. In general, the detail is necessary and irreplaceable. In the event of a fault, there are two options:

  • buy a new one and install it;
  • remove the old one, apply marks with a felt-tip pen, carefully crimp it using pliers without damaging it, and apply a strip of raw rubber soaked in gasoline to the place where the clip is installed. The strip can be found at a car dealership or cut off a piece from another rubber. ,The length of the strip must be selected so that it extends beyond the holder by 2–3 mm. Now the clip will press firmly against the glass and hold it accordingly.

When should you replace your side glass?

In principle, the time of replacement is a personal matter for each owner. Some people change glass for aesthetic reasons, others because of damage. However, there are a number of recommendations:

  1. The primary reason for replacement is severe deformation and, as a result, loss of visibility. Driving with such glass is by no means safe - you will not see a car or pedestrian approaching from the side.
  2. The second reason is the presence of chips and cracks. Over time, if you hit a decent bump, the glass will simply burst.


If a key or silumin rod breaks, you should not immediately buy a new block with a handle. On sale you can find special repair kits for VAZ 2108-099 door handles, which contain these parts in 2 copies.

This way you will save money and easily change the key yourself by removing the handle using the following sequence of actions:

  1. Remove the decorative panel.
  2. Disconnect the rod connecting it to the locking device from the handle mechanism.
  3. With the glass fully up, unscrew the 2 fastenings of the handle to the door card.
  4. Remove the handle, replace the parts and put it back.

If the rod is disconnected, then you need to remove the inner lining and put it in place, as described above. Using the moment when the facing panel is removed, check what caused the disconnection of this rod so that history does not repeat itself when the door is slammed.

Malfunctions of the locking mechanism can only be eliminated by removing it. In a situation where the device has a lot of wear, as happens on the driver and front passenger doors, it is recommended to replace the lock with a new one.

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