The ignition switch and steering wheel are locked. What to do and how to remove the steering wheel lock?

Every motorist has to deal with troubles of various kinds while operating a car. One of the common malfunctions is the steering wheel and ignition switch being locked. The anti-theft mechanism, designed to protect the car from other people's intervention, for certain reasons (it may even be due to the driver's fault) fails, and now it is not the attacker who can start the car and move away, but the car owner himself.

Drivers often encounter this problem, and for an inexperienced motorist this unpleasant moment can cause panic. It’s not that the malfunction is serious, but the plan of events for the current day can easily be disrupted, and at the same time spoil the mood. But there is no need to sow panic in advance and rush to involve specialists in the matter. Although the possibility of needing the services of professionals cannot be ruled out, the problem can often be solved on our own. Why the anti-theft device does not recognize the owner and how to cope with the situation if the method of protection from strangers did not work in your favor, we will figure it out.

What to do if the steering wheel and ignition switch are locked

Every driver with extensive experience has at least once encountered the problem of locking the steering wheel or the ignition switch in a car. This is an extremely unpleasant situation that can arise due to the inattention of the driver himself or due to a failure (breakdown) of the systems. It’s unpleasant to find yourself in a situation where you urgently need to leave in a car, but there is no way to start it. Depending on the car model and the reason for the lock, the list of actions to unlock the steering wheel and ignition switch will differ. Let's look at the most typical solutions for what to do in such a situation.

Professional advice

If a desperate motorist only thinks about how to break the steering lock, he can read the material below. In fact, the ignition switch helps protect any car from the unlawful actions of car thieves. Of course, breakdowns and blockages often cannot be avoided, but there is a more humane method to unlock the ignition switch. To do this, you will have to completely remove it from the car and start the car with a screwdriver or a standard object. At the same time, as long as the car is not equipped with an ignition switch, it is advisable to park it in a paid parking lot.

Unlocking the steering wheel on a car without an ignition key: instructions

Sometimes owners of foreign cars are faced with a situation where the car’s steering wheel is blocked, which leads to immobilization of the vehicle. Often the problem occurs to novice drivers, but even a real professional can be caught off guard by a locked steering wheel.

Not only the owner of a foreign car should know how to unlock the steering wheel without an ignition key. Domestic manufacturers today are also beginning to actively introduce various anti-theft technologies.

How to remove the steering wheel lock without a key

As such, there is no single instruction for removing the steering wheel lock that would suit absolutely all cars. The fact is that each car has a number of distinctive features unique to it. There are a large number of locking designs - this makes it difficult to quickly complete the task. As practice shows, a car owner who finds himself in a similar situation needs to be patient, since it may take a significant amount of time to complete all the work.


In response to our request, AVTOVAZ representatives responded that they were aware of the problem. And they assured that the locks meet all international requirements, and spontaneous blocking is caused by the human factor, that is, it happens through the fault of the drivers themselves.

We started our testing with tests on a special site. Having accelerated the car a little, we turned off the engine and took the key out of the lock to lock the steering wheel. While driving, they turned on the ignition, unlocked the steering wheel, engaged second gear and released the clutch to start the engine without turning the key to the “starter” position. No matter how much we turned the steering wheel on a flat surface and on uneven surfaces, we could not achieve spontaneous blocking. I had to disassemble the lock to look at the problem from the inside.

It turned out that the manufacturer was telling the truth. If the key is brought to the “ignition” position, then the rod is clearly fixed and spontaneous locking of the steering wheel is impossible in principle unless the key is removed. But we still found the source of erroneous actions by drivers, having discovered an angle of rotation of the key in the lock at which a click occurs and the illusion of a fixed position is created. We didn't have to drive a car to test our guess. Even when the car was stationary, it was enough to actively turn the steering wheel for the key to return a little and the locking rod to move out, blocking the steering wheel.

AVTOVAZ specialists threw up their hands. The operation of any lock is accompanied by all sorts of sounds, and this ghost position is not fixed.

In addition, they noted that many foreign manufacturers have a similar lock design. Our advice to Togliatti car owners who have installed an alarm system with an auto-start function: turn the key to the “start” position or remove the locking tab from the ignition switch - you will be safe.

The ignition switch installed on LADA cars is homologated for compliance with international rules and safety requirements.
The steering wheel lock described in the request may occur if the key is not turned to the fixed “ignition” position. In this case, vibration may cause the key to return to the “off” position. This leads to a return to the original state of the engaged steering lock, in which the lock had been since the last time the lock was activated when the key was removed from the ignition switch.
There is a widespread opinion on forums that to ensure that the locking mechanism is turned off, you must turn the key to the “starter” position. In fact, it is enough to turn the key to the fixed “ignition” position. When the key is turned from the “off” position to the “ignition” position, the steering shaft is unlocked by the locking rod of the ignition switch and the locking rod is fixed. It is important to note that the locking rod is locked at the end of turning the key, only in the fixed “ignition” position.
If the driver is not sure that he has brought the key to a fixed position, then he can play it safe by turning the key to the “starter” position when the engine has already been started. LADA cars have a protection system: the key will idle without activating the starter.

For what reasons can the steering wheel lock?

Before you begin searching for and eliminating possible causes of the steering wheel lock, it is advisable to recall in your memory all previous manipulations that were in one way or another connected with the steering wheel and the ignition switch. If these elements have not been dismantled or repaired, then active steps should be taken to identify the cause of the problem presented.

The most common among them:

  • gear lever in “parking” mode;
  • malfunction of the gearbox limit switch;
  • malfunction of the solenoid;
  • wedging of the key ZZ.

When operating vehicles equipped with an automatic transmission, you need to know some specific features related to steering lock. On most modern cars, when the gear selector lever is in the “P” position, the so-called “limit switch” is triggered, which acts on the electromagnet, which serves to rigidly fix the steering wheel and the ignition key.

The problem in this case may arise when the owner moves the gearshift lever from the “P” position to any other. In this case, the 3Z key is located in the lock hole. As soon as the selector leaves the “parking” position, the solenoid is activated, activating the mechanical part of the lock that secures the steering wheel and the 3rd key.

Often, due to inexperience, car owners cannot understand such a situation. To release the steering wheel and key from the mechanical locking, it is enough to set the selector lever in the “P” position.

It also happens that the above manipulations do not lead to the desired results. In this case, there are all signs of malfunctions in the operation of the actuators responsible for turning on the blocking device.

During operation, the limit switch contacts, as a rule, do not experience serious electrical loads. However, a constant change in the position of the “limit switch” working plate, which leads to its abrasion, can be a consequence of malfunctions of the locking device.

In addition, the cause of the presented malfunction may be associated with interruptions in the operation of the electromagnet that blocks the steering column and the 3Z key. Malfunctions of the solenoid can be caused by wear of its functional elements.

There is a high probability that the car software is to blame, i.e. firmware. Often, replacing it allows you to solve this situation.

The possibility of the key getting jammed in the ignition switch should not be ruled out. Such a breakdown is most often caused by mechanical wear of the moving elements of the ignition switch.

Miracles of AvtoVAZ

Almost all car enthusiasts who have encountered the domestic automobile industry know that the ignition switches installed there are not very reliable. And if on the “classics” the problem was that the key broke when trying to turn on the ignition, then on more modern models (Kalina or Priora) everything is much more serious. For many drivers, the steering wheel jammed while driving, with the ignition on. This has repeatedly led to various accidents. Moreover, the manufacturer’s representatives do not recognize the problem as a defect; in their opinion, it is a design feature.

During the first such breakdowns, the mechanics blamed the electric power steering, but it turned out to have nothing to do with it. The reason turned out to be the ignition switch, or rather, its excellent response to the steering wheel. Please note that the locking tongue comes out of the groove only when the key is in the “ignition” position. As soon as he deviates even a little from this position, the blocker fits into the groove and the steering wheel jams. The problem is that the key comes off easily; just turn the steering wheel back and forth a couple of times and you will get a jammed control.

The only optimal way to avoid such a problem is to remove the tongue in advance. To do this, the lock is dismantled and the blocker simply breaks off. This simple action will reliably protect you from a serious accident. The manufacturer could not come up with anything other than a suggestion to constantly check the key while driving.

. Steering is considered one of the most important safety elements. But problems also happen to him. Therefore, the question of what to do if the steering wheel is locked and the ignition switch is not uncommon. In fact, there are few solutions to this problem, and almost all of this can be done in a regular garage.

A little about Russian cars

As mentioned above, simultaneous blocking of the steering wheel and the ignition key is often a consequence of the activation of the protection mechanism, or the incomplete insertion of the key into the connector. But it’s one thing when a problem occurs while parked, and another when it’s at full speed. Some Russian-made cars have such a serious error, which is fraught with emergency situations.

Manufacturers remain adamant - this is not a defective structure, but a special device. In order not to wait until an accident occurs because of this, car owners independently and deliberately remove the blocking tongue.

The removal process is the same - physical force. Sharp jolts and jerks of the steering wheel (you may need the help of friends) break the lock.

This is a necessary measure. Don’t try to do the same on new and expensive foreign cars, the blockers of which can withstand loads of up to a thousand kilograms!

How to start a car without a key if the key is lost:

In the life of a motorist, many different troubles happen, one of which is the loss of a single set of keys. Of course, this doesn't happen every day. However, additional knowledge on starting the engine without the original key will not be superfluous. How to start a car without a key? The answer to this question is further in our article.

How to start a car without a key (including VAZ)? Way

This is one of the simplest methods of starting an engine, which involves the correct connection of certain wires according to a specific circuit. So, how to start a car without a key? VAZ 2106-2172 starts as follows.

To begin with, the steering column cover is removed in the cabin. As a rule, it is attached with just a few screws. By removing this part, you will have access to the ignition switch and all the wires coming from the starter and battery, as well as the ground cord.

The main task is to determine the right one and connect it with the other.

Most often, the ground wire is painted green or black. Of course, we will not determine the type of this or that cord “at random”, since there is a risk of short-circuiting the entire on-board system of the car.

You can find out whether a given wire is grounding using a tester. If the cord is connected to the metal body of the car, the arrow of the device remains at the value “0”.

If this is the case, carefully insulate this wire and move on to other elements.

Please note that if the insulation is poor, the grounding cord can short circuit all electronics in your vehicle. And the more “bells and whistles” installed in your car, the more expensive repairs will cost later.

The remaining two wires should be connected to each other. These cords are connected to the starter and battery. After you do this, the first element will receive an electric starting current. Then your car will start and you can safely drive to your home or workshop without any surprises.

But before you hit the road, one of these wires should also be insulated. In this case, the starter will not suddenly start spinning while driving.

Features of the ignition system of modern cars

It is worth noting that on newer cars the ignition system has not three, but much more wires that are responsible for different key positions. On such cars there are entire groups of contacts, each of which is painted in its own color.

For example, grounding may be green or black. The wires responsible for power supply (current supply from the battery) have a yellow or red tint. As a rule, these cords are the thickest, so they are very easy to identify.

The starter wires are painted orange.

So, how to start a car without a key? The VAZ-2110 and many other cars are started using the same method described earlier:

  1. First, the ground wire is identified.
  2. Then it is isolated.
  3. The two remaining wires are closed.
  4. After a successful start, the cord from the starter should be disconnected from the power supply and also carefully insulated.

The danger of using “keyless” starting

When using this method of starting a car, do not forget that if you connect the wires incorrectly, you risk burning out the on-board network, all sensors and even the electronic engine control unit.

The cost of the latter is sometimes higher than 50 thousand rubles. You should be especially careful if the car has an on-board computer.

In this case, experts recommend not to interfere with the ignition system, but simply call a tow truck.

Steering wheel unlock options

There is no one instruction that would fit any car, since each manufacturer uses its own lock designs. For new foreign and domestic cars that are under warranty, the best option would be to contact a service center. Any mechanical impact from outside will lead to the fact that in the future the insurance company may refuse to compensate for the damage.

If the car is not under warranty, but a blockage has occurred, there are several options:

  • mechanical impact;
  • system analysis;
  • contacting the service center.

Mechanical impact

Mechanical impact implies breakage of the locking tongue. This option is considered the most undesirable, as there is a risk of damage to the steering elements. In addition, after this you will have to repair the broken parts yourself. However, if the question of how to urgently unlock the steering wheel without a key arises, this method on domestic and foreign cars helps in most cases.

Removing the tab

If you don’t want to break anything in your own car, then you can try to disassemble the system yourself by first removing the plastic steering column housing.

After this, you will need to cut or drill out the tongue. This allows you to unlock the steering wheel without a key, but there are some difficulties. In each car, analysis occurs differently. It is impossible to provide single instructions. In addition, this option will require at least basic knowledge about the structure of the machine. There is a risk that other parts will be damaged when removing the tongue.

Specialist help

If the owner does not have the necessary knowledge or experience, the best solution for unlocking the steering wheel without a key is to contact a specialist. By the way, you can now call a professional around the clock. A visit and removal of the lock will cost much less than damaging the property yourself.

Specialists can either disassemble the system and thus unlock the steering wheel without a key, or make a key on site using the lock. To avoid getting into a similar situation in the future, it is recommended to have a spare car key in your car or at home.

Why doesn't the key turn in the ignition?

Previously, the design did not provide such means of protection, and to start the engine without a key it was enough to remove the wiring from the contact plates and close them. This trick will no longer work in new cars. The anti-theft mechanisms that cars are now equipped with block the steering wheel and ignition switch during an attempt to steal, so that the engine does not start. The car systems may differ on different models, but the effect will be the same - turning the steering wheel and the ignition key in the lock will not work. Such blocking elements are installed in the car from the assembly line, and can also be integrated already in the service.

The operating principle of the standard lock, which is used in most cases, is simple and quite effective, although it does not always work in favor of the car owner. The mechanism located in the ignition switch is a “tongue” that extends from the lock body and fits into the groove of the steering column, thereby preventing it from turning. When the alarm is turned on, it is impossible to turn the key due to the lock being locked and to turn the steering wheel. The problem can be caused by the lock jamming in the closed position, when the mechanism prevents the steering wheel from turning. If the malfunction is identified before the steering column is blocked, solving the problem is much easier than if the steering wheel is locked.

When the alarm is on, the ignition switch is locked

The issue may only be the inability to turn the key, while the locking system is working properly and there is nothing to do with it. A key can be blocked by natural wear or mechanical damage during operation of the lock cylinder, or by clogging of the internal cavity or freezing due to exposure to low temperatures. The solution directly depends on the reason why the lock is jammed and neither the key nor the steering wheel turns, as well as the implementation of the mechanism in a specific car model. Sometimes you should not try to fix the problem yourself, but it is better to contact an official car dealer, for example, if the car is still under warranty, but in many cases the problem can be easily solved on your own.

How to remove steering shaft lock

If they are stolen, then the cars on which the Guarantors were installed were in the very showroom where they were sold.

9. Can the installation service make a duplicate key and how to deal with it?

We have tried to the maximum extent possible to protect you from dishonest behavior or malicious intent of employees of installation centers, car washes, service stations, etc.

To duplicate your key you need to:

A) Perform work with your key:

- a good special measuring tool for taking dimensions from the original. It is simply impossible to make a duplicate of keys from the Exec series (360 million combinations) or Protec (1.97 billion) using a cast, since the cast does not provide the accuracy necessary to make a duplicate of a given key

- blank of the required profile. Abloy Exec key blanks with this profile are supplied only to FLIM LLC and are available only from us and the Moscow representative office of Abloy.

— high-precision milling machine. Technically, this issue can be resolved, although there is not much equipment with the required degree of accuracy, even within Russia.

You can see for yourself that it is not possible to make a duplicate key even according to the sample you have; to do this, just contact any workshop or specialized center for making keys that suits you in terms of quality.

Note that Abloy Exec secret mechanisms are used by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the FSB, and commercial banks as mechanisms of the highest anti-criminal and consumer properties, impossible to duplicate under normal conditions

B) Make a duplicate using the key code here or in Moscow.

Following world practice, since the spring of 2005, we have stopped the practice of making duplicate keys in case of their loss, theft, etc. Previously, over 8 years of work, there were no more than 5 cases of making duplicates.

Let us repeat that the key profile we use is special, developed specifically for FLIM LLC and it is used only by us. Using this profile, any specialist can easily determine the purpose of the lock - from the Garant anti-theft system, and the Moscow office of Abloy (the only company other than us that can produce a duplicate key) will request a written confirmation of a certain form and transferred according to a special procedure from us for the production of a duplicate. Therefore, making a duplicate key even if you have had the original for some time is indeed extremely problematic.

Neither we nor Abloy had any cases of information leakage, because for companies operating in our industry, any such case would simply be the last in business, because All work is based on the absolute confidence of clients in the reliability of the manufacturer of safe equipment.

Now it’s worth figuring out which car it would be economically profitable to make a duplicate for, rather than steal the keys from your pocket, for example.


What is a standard steering lock?

photo: / Jonathan Petersson

There are different types of steering locks, they can be roughly divided into two broad categories:

Non-standard steering shaft locks. We won’t talk about them today, we’ll only note that they are installed as an additional feature. option at the request of the owner for an additional fee. If you are purchasing a used car, it would be a good idea to ask whether such a lock is installed on the steering wheel, or gearbox, or on the pedal assembly...

see also

We open the door of Toyota and Lexus if the electronic key fob does not work

Standard steering wheel lock (we'll talk briefly about it today). It is, perhaps, on all cars - from the Kopeyka VAZ 2101 to the latest foreign cars. Roughly speaking, the standard lock is located in the steering column and consists of:

  • locking rod bracket;
  • lock cylinders with special groove

When the key is removed from the ignition and the steering wheel is turned slightly, the locking rod (usually made of silumin or other not very durable material) extends and the steering wheel is locked in one position. This prevents you from turning the steering wheel unless the key is inserted into the ignition.

We are sure that many car users who have or had a car in the family (even if they themselves were not driving) know that a similar lock is installed on all cars and how it blocks the steering column with a characteristic muffled click after removing the key.

And it’s a completely different matter if a person gets a car for the first time, and before that he only drove a taxi and with friends. A new car owner may not know this nuance.

Main reasons

Modern cars are protected from theft by a number of technologies that prevent a car thief from quickly taking possession of the vehicle. Locking the ignition switch prevents you from starting the car with a duplicate key, and stopping the steering wheel prevents you from driving away in someone else’s car. Meanwhile, if the legal owner does not have access to the car, there are a number of reasons for this.

You need to find out whether the ignition switch or steering column has been repaired; if so, most likely this is the problem. But there are other reasons leading to blocking of the main controls, often associated with minor miscalculations and errors.

Driver error

Most often, human miscalculations lead to car blocking. This may be a triggered anti-theft mechanism that is not disabled due to the key not being fully inserted into the hole.

Important! When you turn the steering wheel to the right or left, the mechanism locks after a click; then, significant effort is required to release the steering wheel.

A key that is not fully inserted and is being turned is a signal for the security system. Not only the steering wheel is blocked, but also the lock itself, and it may be impossible to even move the key to its original position. If the lock is active, you need to try turning off the ignition and activating it again, sometimes this helps.

Automatic parking

If the car operates with an automatic transmission, when put into parking mode (lever position “P”) with the key removed, its steering wheel is locked. Next, to release it, you need to start the car and switch to any other driving mode. If no changes have occurred, and the steering wheel is still locked, the problem may be in the automatic transmission itself.

The fact is that when you put the selector lever in the parking mode, a “limit switch” is triggered, clamping an electromagnet that blocks the controls. If the gearbox is worn out, and the plate of that same “limit switch” is worn out, even switching to another gear will not bring results.

It is necessary to shift the box several times, alternating between “parking” and other gears. If nothing still turns, most likely the problem is either a permanent breakdown of the mechanism and the machine will need to be repaired.

Ignition key hole is dirty

During the use of the key, dust accumulates on it, which, together with lubricant, forms a dense layer of dirt, which does not allow the key to be inserted all the way or blocks its movement. If this situation occurs, you can try to remove the contamination by pouring a small amount of alcohol or WD-40 into the keyhole. After a few minutes, you can try inserting and turning the key, this may work.

Why is the steering wheel or ignition lock locked?

Anti-theft mechanisms that are installed in a car can play a “wicked joke” on the driver, mistaking him for a thief and blocking the steering wheel and ignition switch. The very principle of operation of such a blocking is quite simple when it comes to a standard security system. A “tongue” is pushed into a special groove in the steering column from the ignition switch housing, which blocks steering wheel turns. Most alarm systems use this mechanism, and when the alarm is turned on, the steering wheel and ignition switch are locked.

Most often, the steering wheel and ignition switch are locked for one of the following reasons:

  • Driver error. To remove the steering wheel lock, most often the driver must insert the key into the ignition and turn it to turn the ignition on. If you do not insert the key all the way and start turning, the steering wheel will not unlock. In some car models, for example, Russian ones, in such a situation the driver will not be able to return the key to its original position;
  • Problems with the lock. We are talking about a banal mechanical breakdown of the lock elements. This also includes a breakdown of the ignition key in the lock;
  • P mode on automatic transmission. Most cars with automatic transmission lock the steering wheel in park mode.

Automatic engine start system

In modern cars, you can often find the function of remote engine start, or in other words, “autostart”.
The thing is certainly convenient and extremely useful in some situations, but at the same time it causes problems associated with the ignition and blocking of the control system. Cars require you to insert the key into the lock to start driving. This is where many drivers have an unpleasant moment: the car is started, the key is in place, but the steering wheel is still locked. The solution in such a situation is simple. Despite the presence of a key in the groove, to activate the system the latter must be set to the “ignition” position, in other words, turned all the way.

Why is it impossible to turn the key?

Sometimes it can happen that the key freezes in the ignition and cannot be turned. This may be due to:

  • clogging of lock elements;
  • deformation of elements;
  • exposure to too low temperatures.

The key cylinder wears out first. Due to its malfunction, the ignition key may get stuck inside the lock and not move out.

If dust or dirt gets inside, the contact between the key and the lock will become much more difficult.

In winter, when there is severe frost outside, moisture can get into the ignition switch elements and they will freeze, preventing the key from turning in the lock.

Having identified the cause and made sure that the wear and tear of the lock elements is to blame, immediately begin to eliminate it. You will have to dismantle it by first removing the casings and fastenings. Connect the contacts, replace the cylinder or install a new ignition switch.

If the operating problem is related to the interlock, carefully inspect the solenoid and limit switch. Are there any visual defects visible? Then check the resistance using a multimeter by setting it to an ohmmeter. Depending on the car model, resistance indicators may be different. So check the instructions.

The immobilizer does not recognize the key and has blocked the engine from starting

What kind of device is an immobilizer? In simple terms, this is a car immobilizer. It began to be included in the equipment of cars back in the last century, around the 90s. Its purpose is to prevent attackers from starting the car with a “foreign” key.

It often happens that the immobilizer fails to “recognize” the key, as a result it does not allow the car to start, and if it does, the engine stalls almost immediately. To understand in this case why the steering wheel and ignition switch are locked, and what to do, you need to have a little idea of ​​the immobilizer design.

It includes:

  • immobilizer unit directly;
  • block responsible for engine control;
  • a chip that is built directly into the key body;
  • next to the ignition switch there is a pumping loop. If the key is a card, then there must be a card reader;
  • There are car models in which the chip is recognized via a radio channel. Its range of action is up to five meters.

In some models, the immobilizer block and the pumping loop are a combined structure.

The device works as follows: the chip is activated by a voltage pulse that reaches the pumping loop the moment you turn on the ignition. The chip embedded in the key has its own individual code, which the loop recognizes. The received information goes to the immobilizer unit.

Most often, inside the cabin it is located somewhere in the center console area. The engine block receives a special code generated by it from the immobilizer block. If it is correct, then the engine starts easily. If not, the system works so that the steering wheel and ignition switch are locked, or the engine starts but stalls after a couple of seconds.

In general, if the immobilizer malfunctions, this is considered a serious malfunction, because the operation of the device is not simple. Repairing this device is expensive and can only be done by an experienced chip specialist who has the necessary equipment at his disposal. An ordinary auto electrician cannot cope with such work.

While it is still possible to somehow figure out how to block the anti-theft system (or a non-standard immobilizer), it is not so easy to “outwit” the standard immobilizer. Various functional systems of the car may be blocked, not only the ignition and steering wheel, but also the operation of the starter and fuel supply. The car will most likely not function normally, even if the engine can be started.

The main reasons that the immobilizer blocked the engine from starting:

  • in the original key the chip became unusable;
  • there has been a disruption in the power supply circuits in the immobilizer unit;
  • there is a fault in the power supply circuit in the engine control unit;
  • the battery in the key is dead (this does not apply to cases where the chip has an autonomous power supply in the form of a crystal installed in a ceramic case that does not have any leads);
  • failure of interaction between the engine control and immobilizer units;
  • use of a foreign key;
  • a failure in the power circuit going to the pump loop, or a break in the loop;
  • the resulting strong electromagnetic pulse may completely disrupt the firmware of the immobilizer unit or engine control unit;
  • It happens that the steering wheel and ignition switch are locked if the battery is discharged or the terminals are de-energized. This happens most often when the ignition is on.

To identify the cause of a malfunction of a particular system, due to which it is impossible to start the engine, a number of specific sequential steps should be taken.

Here are the signals that indicate that the immobilizer has malfunctioned:

  • a glowing key turns on on the instrument panel or computer display;
  • the starter is operational, but its rotation is blocked;
  • the on-board computer shows the words “Key”, “Secret”, “Immobiliser” on the display;
  • When the ignition is turned on, the LED on the instrument panel flashes. This does not happen with a working immobilizer.

It is possible to understand that the immobilizer is malfunctioning only when the engine starts. If it stalls while driving, then the device has nothing to do with it. The immobilizer does its job only at the moment when you need to recognize the key, after which it “falls asleep” until you need to turn on the ignition again.

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The ignition switch is blocked when wedge the key

Another common case of the ignition switch being blocked is when the key itself gets stuck in the lock itself, making it impossible to turn it or remove it. This problem has more serious reasons for repair, and sometimes requires replacing the entire lock. There are also many reasons for such situations, where the most basic and commonplace is a malfunction caused by long-term operation.

If you encounter this problem on the road, and do not have the opportunity to get to a service station and use the services of auto mechanics, analyzing the system will help. Having first freed the block from the plastic casing, you need to remove the cover from the lock and knock out the key. (the structure may vary from car to car). In addition, many drivers use special lubricants based on silicone and kerosene, which allow them to keep the lock and the mechanisms in it “on the move.”

Disassembling the ignition switch with a key wedge

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