Self-diagnosis of the electronic engine control unit

The engine control unit (ECU) is the brain center of the entire car; it consists of a large number of complex connections. With the help of this device, the functions of all elements of the power unit are controlled and coordinated.

Control devices installed on various car models are made of high quality materials; high technologies are used in their manufacture to ensure high-quality assembly of electronic circuits.

But even the highest quality ECUs are susceptible to breakdowns and often require urgent repairs.

Purpose of the electronic control unit

The ECU uses signals sent by sensors installed on the power unit to adjust the composition and amount of fuel entering the engine. During its operation, the engine operating mode is set and the fuel mixtures are accurately dosed.

As a result of the functioning of the controller, engine operation is stable both when cold and after warming up. It is impossible to start the engine if there is a breakdown in the ECU or if its control signals are missing.

Powerful transistors included in the control unit control the operation of the following actuators of the engine and fuel system:

  • injection system ignition coils;
  • idle speed valve;
  • electric injectors;
  • fuel tank ventilation valve;
  • electromagnetic coils - solenoids;
  • turbocharging;
  • intake-exhaust system;
  • exhaust gas recirculation;
  • cooling system.

The electronic device is an integral part of the vehicle’s on-board equipment; it is in constant information communication with the following important systems:

  1. Anti-lock system.
  2. Automatic transmission.
  3. Stabilizing system.
  4. Car security system.
  5. Cruise control.
  6. Climate control.

Operating principle of the engine control unit

When using this device, the most important parameters are optimized:

  • fuel consumption;
  • engine oil consumption;
  • power characteristics;
  • torque, which affects the acceleration of the car;
  • the amount of toxic components present in the exhaust gases.

Sensors send information to the controller in the form of digital signals. The control and functional calculation modules included in the software analyze sensor signals and correct the operation of actuators. The output signals during the adjustment process can even bring the diesel engine to a complete stop.

When making significant changes in the design of the power unit (tuning), it is possible to reprogram the electronic engine control unit.

All control units are integrated into a common system using a special bus.

Microprocessor device

The operation of a microprocessor is built around 3 components:

  1. Random access memory (RAM). RAM is necessary to store changing data received from sensor equipment. This data is used by the microprocessor in calculations and is stored only while the engine is running/ignition on. Such data includes, for example, a signal from a knock sensor, lambda probe readings, on the basis of which a short-term correction is formed.
  2. Read-only memory (ROM or EEPROM) is a rewritable memory that stores the data processing and control program for ECU elements, as well as important variables that cannot be lost when the power is turned off.
  3. Read-only memory (RM or EEPROM) - stores the immobilizer key recognition code, vehicle equipment configuration, fault codes, etc.

Signs of ECU failure

Situations often arise when car owners are faced with the need to repair the engine control unit. Carrying out this type of work with your own hands is possible if you have certain qualifications.

Malfunctions in the operation of the control device occur due to broken contacts with sensors that monitor the functioning of the engine’s operating systems:

  1. Anti-lock braking system (car braking control).
  2. Ignition unit.
  3. Injector controller.
  4. Throttle position.
  5. Engine temperature.

Mechanical damage, water getting on the microcircuit parts, and failed attempts to repair the device with your own hands also lead to breakdown of the electronic control unit.

Loss of contact with the sensors occurs due to a lack of electricity, which indicates an internal malfunction that requires mandatory repair. Signs of lack of contact may include the following:

  • no data is received from the scanner;
  • messages contain incorrect parameters;
  • the check indicator light does not light up when the ignition is turned on;
  • lack of information about unstable engine operation.

Timely detection of defects and repair of electronic engine control units will prevent a stop in the operation of vehicle systems, components, and assemblies.

Posts 1 to 15 of 22

#1 Topic from _Denis_ 09-11-2015 11:48:28 (09-11-2015 11:48:53 edited by _Denis_)

  • _Denis_
  • Jedi Knight
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    Topic: Where can I check the ECU for serviceability?

    The scanner does not see the ECU, the car is a Kia Sportage-1, I removed the brains, opened them for moisture, there is a little, but I don’t think it’s critical. Is it possible to somehow test the removed brains for functionality and where?

    #2 Reply from KapaceB 09-11-2015 11:50:38

    • KapaceB
    • Jedi Master
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      Re: Where can I check the ECU for serviceability?

      The scanner does not see the ECU, the car is a Kia Sportage-1, I removed the brains, opened them for moisture, there is a little, but I don’t think it’s critical. Is it possible to somehow test the removed brains for functionality and where?

      on another Kia Sportage 1. and stop climbing on shit

      #3 Reply from Pueblo 09-11-2015 11:50:47

    • Pueblo
    • Jedi Apprentice
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      Re: Where can I check the ECU for serviceability?

      Is it possible to somehow test the removed brains for functionality and where?

      As an option, hook them up to the same machine.

      #4 Reply from _Denis_ 09-11-2015 12:05:32

    • _Denis_
    • Jedi Knight
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      Re: Where can I check the ECU for serviceability?

      on another Kia Sportage 1. and stop climbing on shit

      yes, as an option, of the two cars that I know it won’t fit, one has an automatic transmission, the other has an immobilizer, but I don’t have one

      #5 Reply from Pueblo 09-11-2015 13:15:18

    • Pueblo
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      Re: Where can I check the ECU for serviceability?

      The steering wheel seems to have its own block. At least I have a separate one.

      #6 Reply from _Denis_ 09-11-2015 13:24:03

    • _Denis_
    • Jedi Knight
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      Re: Where can I check the ECU for serviceability?

      The steering wheel seems to have its own block. At least I have a separate one.

      I’ll also help you on the Internet Timokh, there are so many options offered here

      #7 Reply from Pueblo 09-11-2015 13:33:05

    • Pueblo
    • Jedi Apprentice
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      Re: Where can I check the ECU for serviceability?

      there are so many options here

      Be a man, buy new 91 rubles and wait 20 days.

      #8 Reply from _Denis_ 09-11-2015 13:36:22

    • _Denis_
    • Jedi Knight
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      Re: Where can I check the ECU for serviceability?

      Be a man, buy new 91 rubles and wait 20 days.

      scribe, not not ready, already looked used, 4000

      #9 Reply from nitro 09-11-2015 15:23:25

    • nitro
    • Jedi Knight
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      Re: Where can I check the ECU for serviceability?

      No, this is not a scribe, a scribe is when they screw up the ECU after who, who knows what scanner, who knows how, tried to connect and did not connect. This time.

      regarding moisture, there is a little, but I think it’s not critical

      You're wrong. This two.

      #11 Reply from _Denis_ 09-11-2015 16:04:45 (09-11-2015 16:05:56 edited)

    • _Denis_
    • Jedi Knight
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      Re: Where can I check the ECU for serviceability?

      The scanner is working properly, when connected to the connector it shows a network connection, but it doesn’t want to continue “no connection with the ECU”

      Damn, everything is regrettable, I looked on the Internet, there are options that are not the ECU, I even start with the usual power supply to the ECU

      #12 Reply from PASSERBY 2 09-11-2015 18:16:36

    • PASSERBY 2
    • Jedi Knight
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      Re: Where can I check the ECU for serviceability?

      Whether power is supplied to the ECU can be seen by certain signs when the ignition is turned on. But it's better to go to a diagnostician.

      #13 Reply from _Denis_ 09-11-2015 19:43:31

    • _Denis_
    • Jedi Knight
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      Re: Where can I check the ECU for serviceability?

      everything is correct, it seems like a person has been found, what will he say tomorrow

      #14 Reply from Young 09-11-2015 19:45:00

    • Young
    • Jedi Master
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      Re: Where can I check the ECU for serviceability?

      You can also open the ecu and look at the power/signals from the pins of the legs, but this is not for average minds)))

      #15 Reply from _Denis_ 09-11-2015 19:50:53 (10-11-2015 14:22:57 edited)

    • _Denis_
    • Jedi Knight
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Description of the main reasons for ECU failure

The list of most likely causes includes the following factors:

  1. Microcracks in the circuits and body of the device caused by mechanical stress (shocks, strong vibrations).
  2. A sharp increase in temperature leading to overheating of the motor control unit.
  3. Destruction of ECU elements due to corrosion.
  4. Penetration of moisture into the controller housing due to its depressurization.
  5. Incompetent repair actions.
  6. Applying the “lighting up” effect while the engine is running in order to help the neighboring car.
  7. Changing the position of the terminal connections while connecting the battery.
  8. The power bus is not connected when the starter is turned on.

The efficiency of the ECU fully depends on the listed factors, many of which can cause significant harm to the control device.

To prevent permanent breakdowns, it is necessary to carry out regular diagnostics of the electronic engine control. In order to save on expensive repairs and complete replacement of electronic control system elements, the inspection is carried out at least once a year.

Diagnostics of the controller in a garage

Malfunctions that have occurred in the engine control unit are indicated by the following malfunctions in the vehicle:

  • problems starting the engine;
  • engine tripping;
  • the appearance of thick smoke;
  • decreased response to the gas pedal;
  • interruptions in connection with the ECU;
  • loss of control over turning the engine fan on and off;
  • malfunctions of the ignition coils;
  • failure of fuses;
  • sensors do not send signals.

Thanks to the self-diagnosis system built into the ECU, you can check and determine the extent of the breakdown yourself. To carry out diagnostic activities, you need to connect to the device using a laptop with an installed program designed to work with diagnostic data. Instead of a laptop, you can use special testers and oscilloscopes.

The data obtained during the measurement process is compared with standard indicators.

Listening to the inner voice

To be listened to, you need to speak more quietly. Brain activity patterns today can tell you what your little inner voice is saying. Certain neurons in your brain fire in response to different properties of sound, such as frequency. In 2014, a team led by Brian Pasley at the University of California, Berkeley, developed an algorithm that can decode patterns of neural activity and determine which sounds the brain responds to. They asked seven people who had brain implants to treat epilepsy to read out loud the text from the Gettysburg Address while recording their brain activity, and used an algorithm to determine which patterns of brain activity corresponded to which words. The scientists then asked people to quietly read the text to themselves and were able, using an algorithm, to determine which words people were reading. It will still be some time before all this technology fits into one device, but scientists hope that it will one day allow people who cannot physically do so to communicate.

Identifying faults that have arisen in engine control

The causes of engine control unit breakdowns are divided into two main types: faulty conductor or firmware failure. The firmware can only be restored with the help of specialists at the service center. You can check the electrical parameters yourself using a special measuring device - a multimeter.

To search for a breakdown in the wire, you need to familiarize yourself with the diagram of the control device. Having studied the location of conductors, resistors and power, it is time to “check” the electrical circuit in the place where an error in the readings of the electronic unit is detected. In the absence of such information, it is necessary to check the wires throughout the entire circuit.

Algorithm of actions to restore ECU operation

To repair the engine ECU, the following operations are needed:

  1. Find the location of the breakdown.
  2. Re-measure the resistance.
  3. Find the conductor attachment points.
  4. Attach a wire with the required resistance in parallel using a soldering iron; it is recommended to leave the old wire in place.

After the measures taken, the system should work stably. If ECU errors recur, you must contact a service center.

The service life, safety and reliability of the vehicle depend on the timely repair of the engine control unit.

Self-repair of the “brain” of the car - the engine control unit

The electronic engine control unit is the “brains” of the vehicle. With its help, the main processes that ensure the normal operation of the power unit are carried out and controlled. You can learn more about how to diagnose and repair an engine control unit at home from this material.

ECU diagnostics

Before you repair the engine control unit in your car, you need to be sure that the occurrence of breakdowns is related to its operation. According to many of our compatriots, repairs of electronic engine control units should be carried out by specialists. But do not forget that almost all ECUs are equipped with a self-diagnosis system, which allows you to easily determine system malfunctions.

Motor control unit repair

To diagnose the ECU yourself, you will need to connect to the device; for this you will need a special tester or computer. If you are using a laptop, then you should install the appropriate software used for testing on it in advance. Many domestic VAZs, as well as foreign cars, are equipped with a Bosch engine control unit; using this device as an example, you will look at the verification procedure. For diagnostics, you will need the KWP-D utility (you can use any other one, we took this one as an example). In addition to the program, prepare an adapter that must support the KWP2000 protocol.

  1. The diagnostic procedure begins with connecting the adapter - one of its outputs must be connected to the port of the unit, and the other to the computer.
  2. Turn on the ignition and launch the utility. A message will appear on the computer screen indicating that the error checking procedure has begun.
  3. Next, you can see a table that shows the main parameters of the car’s functioning. Pay attention to the DTC category; all errors that exist in the operation of the machine’s motor are noted here. If there are any, then in the “Codes” section you can decipher these errors.

It is also necessary to pay attention to other sections. For example, the UACC indicator is responsible for the functionality of the battery - ideally its parameters should correspond to 14-14.5 V. If the voltage level is lower, it is necessary to diagnose the wiring. The THR parameter is responsible for the performance of the throttle; if the device is working normally, then it should be 0%. The QT parameter is responsible for the volume of fuel consumption; at idle speed this figure should correspond to 0.6-0.9 liters per hour (the author of the video is the AlexBrooy channel).

How to check the ECU: practical advice for car enthusiasts who do not want to go to a service station.

Fortunately, even if you have neither the money nor the desire to go to a service station, and the ECU does not want to show any signs of life, there is a sure way to determine the cause of the breakdown. For what reasons could the electronic engine control unit fail? How to diagnose the ECU with your own hands? This is possible due to the presence of a built-in self-diagnosis system on each vehicle control unit. It allows you to determine the possible cause of a breakdown without the use of special diagnostic equipment.

But let’s make a small digression and tell you about some of the features of the car’s engine control unit. This electronic device is a mini-computer capable of performing the tasks assigned to it in real time. At the same time, all specialized tasks can be divided into three categories:

Typical unit malfunctions

Repair of vehicle control units must be carried out if a malfunction is detected.

Before removing and disconnecting the faulty ECU, let's look at the main causes of breakdowns:

  1. Repair of the engine ECU can be carried out in case of mechanical damage. The “brains” of the car can be subject to vibrations and shocks, which can result in cracks forming on the device body and circuit board.
  2. The cause of a car ECU malfunction can also be temperature changes, which contributes to overheating of the device.
  3. Corrosion and exposure to aggressive environments on the device.
  4. Moisture - if it gets into the housing, it may require replacing the vehicle's ECU. Often it is not possible to make repairs after moisture gets inside the structure. The reason for moisture getting into the device may be depressurization of the housing elements.
  5. As experts note, quite often the need for repairs arises as a result of interference in the work of the “brains” of inexperienced repairmen.
  6. Lighting the battery from a car with the engine running.
  7. Replacing the engine control unit may be necessary if the “+” and “-” terminals were reversed when connecting the battery.
  8. Another reason is that the starter is turned on when the power bus is not connected (video author - Ramil Abdullin).

We will also consider the signs of a malfunction of the car ECU, which will help determine the breakdown of the device:

  1. The engine does not start, smokes, detonation is possible.
  2. Mistakes during engine operation.
  3. Dips, when you press the gas pedal, the car may not respond.
  4. There is no connection with the “brains”.
  5. The engine control system malfunction indicator light is on. This may be the Check Engine light, but some cars use a separate unit performance indicator.
  6. The cooling system fan turns on randomly.
  7. Safety elements regularly burn out.
  8. Controllers and sensors stop sending signals.

This is interesting: We personally repair rotten car sills

DIY troubleshooting instructions

Before removing the control unit and disassembling it, inspect the device connector; it may be damaged.

The repair procedure is described using the example of a BMW ECU:

  1. Using a screwdriver, you need to bend the petals on the cover of the device, and then simply remove it.
  2. After this, on the back side of the structure, unscrew the bolts securing the housing.
  3. Having disassembled the case, you can see a diagram of the device with soldered pins.
  4. As practice shows, one of the most common causes of brain failure is cold soldering of radio component contacts. In other words, all the contacts are soldered, but around them there may be a small crack in the solder itself. That is, there seems to be soldering, but in fact there is none. For diagnosis you will need a magnifying glass. If during inspection you notice poorly soldered leads, you will need a soldering iron.
  5. Next, you need to pay attention to diagnosing transistors and microcircuits; these components may have burnout. If there is burnout, these components will need to be replaced.
  6. If there are no burns or damage on the device board, then you will have to look for failed device components. Namely, we are talking about Darlington transistors. This component is a composite transistor, which in turn consists of two transistors. If you have any doubts about its performance, this board element also needs to be replaced.
  7. The last thing you should pay attention to is the quartz resonator, which is also mounted on the scarf. As a result of vibration, this element may fail, which, in turn, may lead to failure of the fixed frequency generator device.

How the processor part works

The basis of the processor part of the ECU is a single-chip microcomputer (microelectronic computer). In fact, this is the very “brain” of the electronic engine control unit. By modern standards, a microcomputer is designed quite simply. The fact is that its key elements are included in a structure that fits on one crystal (chip). An important point in describing a microcomputer is its capacity. Bit capacity refers to the number of bits of information that the microprocessor will operate with. There are microcomputers 8-

. The devices themselves include:

  • Central process;
  • Read-only memory (abbr. ROM);
  • Analog-to-digital converter (abbr. ADC);
  • Random access memory (abbr. RAM);
  • Input and output ports;
  • Clock generator;
  • Timers, otherwise called counters.

A parallel can be drawn between a modern computer and the processor part of the ECU. In fact, the ECU combines a number of components that go separately from each other in the system unit of personal computers and laptops, but are combined by the motherboard

There are interesting features here, but we will not consider them - it is important for a car enthusiast to understand that the circuit diagrams of modern electronic computers are very similar to each other

The central processor of the computer selects commands and data from memory and performs various operations on this data. In addition, it controls signals passing through the internal address and data bus. Read-only storage is where programs and data are stored. The information is in the form of constants. The program itself is written in the form of microcomputer machine codes. The data are calibration tables of constants involved in the calculation process. Data from tables can also be selected as control parameters. Interestingly, data in ROM is stored indefinitely

. Random access memory takes on the task of storing data that may change. For example, intermediate results of calculations or values ​​received from sensors. RAM can store information for a limited period of time - it is erased after the power is turned off.

The tandem central processor - ROM - RAM is key

for ECU. To put it simply, it is this tandem that selects data and parameters, calculates them, remembers them and issues commands. This tandem can also include the so-called non-volatile RAM. They are powered directly from the battery. Such memory can record data and store it for a very long time. As long as the battery does not lose stored energy due to self-discharge, non-volatile RAM will continue to store data.

An important element of the ECU is the analog-to-digital converter. The fact is that single-chip microcomputers can only work with digital signals. The ADC converts the analog signal into digital code

. Input and output ports, as you might guess from their names, are used to receive and read input signals and transmit output signals and information. A timer is a device that serves both to measure time intervals and count the number of events. The clock generator is designed to synchronize the operation of the entire system by generating clock pulses. The accuracy of measuring time intervals will depend on the accuracy of the generator.

Diagnostics and repair of the engine control unit: full range of services in Moscow

Problems with the electronic engine control unit (ECU) in modern car brands arise quite often. Therefore, repair of the engine control unit remains a priority service in the service station market. The “electronic heart” or “brain center” of the car is equipped with a factory database that ensures the uninterrupted operation of all systems and mechanisms of the vehicle: from ignition to engine cooling.

Correct, technically feasible operation of the electronic engine control unit within the framework of the factory specifications contributes to the high-quality performance by the vehicle of all functions provided by the manufacturer.

The ECU plays an important role in vehicle diagnostics: sensors signaling the status of controlled on-board modules provide all the necessary information on the car’s peripheral systems.

The owner of the vehicle will immediately know that there are problems with the ECU. Unauthorized switching on and switching off of the air conditioning system, malfunctions in these panel instruments, or even the inability to start the engine - all this is a hint that your car needs repair of the engine control units (ECU).

Music teacher

Whether you are a musician or a student, you have at least once thought that there must be an easier way to learn. Perhaps it will come true. In 2022, Beste Yüksel and Robert Jacob of Tufts University in Massachusetts developed BACh—Brain Automated Chorales—which helps people learn by measuring how much activity their brains have. Sensors are placed on a person's forehead to measure oxygen levels in the prefrontal cortex, and the next item is offered for study only when the levels drop, indicating that you are ready to receive new information. The researchers tested their device on student pianists, who learned faster and more accurately using BACh.

When is car engine control unit repair necessary?

Repair of the engine control unit, the price of which depends on the type of breakdown, will be needed in the following cases:

  • short circuit in the electronic system of the car, during surges and interruptions in the current supply, emergency current supply to the solenoid network;
  • mechanical damage to the car as a result of impacts, road accidents, exposure to climatic factors, increased vibration during maneuvering and excessive physical exertion;
  • occurrence of corrosion processes;
  • block overheating, etc.

Algorithm for diagnosing the engine control unit with subsequent repair

Before deciding what type of manipulation the ECU needs (repair of the engine fan control unit or complete replacement), a thorough diagnosis should be carried out.

At the slightest suspicion of a technical “inadequacy” of the ECU, there is a strong desire to repair it yourself - but this cannot be done: at best, you will not change anything, at worst, you will significantly aggravate the problem. According to experts, the ECU (as the “intelligent” center of the machine) is the most complex implementation compartment, therefore the repair of electronic engine control units is trusted only to competent technicians at legal service stations.

If diagnostics of the engine control unit, carried out under special conditions using the necessary tools, showed that repairing the ECU is impossible (but it needs to be replaced), you should not hope for chance and try to “bypass” the nature of the electronic “brain” of the car.

The safety of your traffic depends on the efficiency and uninterrupted operation of the control unit, so listen to the opinion of experts and do not skimp on your own health and the lives of other road users.

Comprehensive repair of the engine control unit of cars and trucks: best prices, quality guarantee

So, the repair scheme for the engine control unit consists of the following steps:

  • diagnostics
  • correct replacement of a defective peripheral system or ECU;
  • warranty obligations for the service provided.

They trust us with the whole range of activities for diagnosing, repairing and replacing ECUs, because the service from AvtoBloki is:

  1. full range of automobile brands;
  2. high level of professionalism of the craftsmen;
  3. modern equipment and one of the best material resources in Moscow;
  4. installation of components and new ECUs from leading world brands;
  5. loyal prices;
  6. quality assurance;
  7. Individual approach to each client.

In the ECU repair sector, we are one of the best and you have a chance to see this.

Desires and free will

Tasty coffee? Just think about it and the robot will do it for you. This could be one of the consequences of developing a brain implant that can decipher desires. In 2022, Richard Andersen of the California Institute of Technology and his team implanted a pair of tiny electrodes in two people's posterior parietal cortex. They recorded the activity of hundreds of individual neurons, and the computer translated it. For Eric Sorto, he translated his desires into movements of a robotic limb. The second person was able to recognize desires when he was trying to solve the prisoner's dilemma.

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