Starter repair kit 29.3708 RepCom for VAZ 2108-21099

It's no secret that the starter for the VAZ 2114 is one of the most important parts, because it is it that allows you to start the car from the passenger compartment by turning the key. Without it, it is simply impossible to start the engine (except “from the pusher”). In today's article we will talk about the design of the starter, the principle of its operation, as well as how to replace it with your own hands.

Starter VAZ 2114

The principle of the device and its operation

Structurally, the starter 2114 is an electric motor powered by 12 volt direct current (on-board power supply). When the key is turned, its rotor begins to move, after which, with the help of a retractor relay, which brings the Bendix starter into engagement with the crankshaft flywheel, the latter begins to unwind.

After the combustion of the working mixture is initiated during rotation of the crankshaft and the engine starts, the retractor relay will move the bendix to the rear position and the starter will disengage with the flywheel.

Due to the fact that the starter has a fairly high load, its rated power is 1.55 kW.

In this case, the current strength in its circuit can reach:

  • 80 A at idle;
  • 375 A at maximum load;
  • 700 A when in a braked state.

Starter design
As for the internal structure, the starter includes such components as:

  • stator (fixed winding);
  • rotor;
  • bendix;
  • brushes and their holders;
  • solenoid relay;
  • frame.

Also, sliding bushings, of which there are 3, are used as supporting elements for the rotor shaft in the starter. Two of them - front and rear - are pressed inside the body of the device, and the third is located at the point of contact between the bendix and the rotor.

Replacing starter bushings for VAZ 2109

On a VAZ 2109 car, the starter device is not the same as on classic VAZ models and one of the starter bushings is located in the gearbox housing, and the second is in the rear cover of the starter; to replace the front starter bushing, the starter must be removed (see information on how to remove a VAZ 2109 starter above). Bushing starter located in the VAZ 2109 gearbox housing replacement. Inspect the bushing pressed into the gearbox housing. If the bushing is worn or has burrs, holes, etc., replace the bushing. Replacing the VAZ 2109 starter bushing in the cover. Inspect the manifold side starter cover and intermediate support.

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Main malfunctions and their symptoms

The most common breakdowns that occur in the starter are as follows:

  • The electric motor of the device does not rotate. A short circuit has occurred on the stator windings, the rotor has become soured in the support bushings, or the contacts have oxidized;
  • The electric motor spins, but at insufficient speed and low power. Either the graphite brushes are worn out or a short circuit has occurred on one of the windings;
  • The starter works as it should, but rotation is not transmitted to the crankshaft. Bendix wear or breakdown;
  • The starter starts the engine, but does not turn itself off. The retractor relay mechanism has oxidized or the return spring has burst.

Disassembled starter
If you notice one of the above signs on the starter, you should dismantle it and carry out detailed diagnostics in the removed state.

The starter does not turn over when hot

A common problem is that the starter turns the engine poorly and with difficulty when it’s hot, or doesn’t turn it at all when the battery is charged, whereas on a cold engine it starts without problems. Here only healthy logic or an experienced car mechanic can come to the rescue.

A car mechanic may not always be nearby, especially at night in the field, so we will rely only on ourselves. If the electrical equipment is in order, the ignition is adjusted and the spark plugs are dry, the problem is in the starter. The engine heats up during operation, and this is quite natural.

Together with the engine, the starter also heats up, in which there are a lot of mechanical interfaces that expand when heated. First of all, it could be the starter bushings, which are incorrectly sized.

They heat up, jamming the shaft and preventing the starter from rotating at full force. There is also a high probability that the power contact from the battery to the starter has been lost.

Check all the terminals and contacts, in 80% of cases this is the problem, but if the starter was recently repaired, then the bushings are to blame. Each specific case of difficulty starting a car is individual. We have compiled a collection of only the most common causes of such failure.

But the main thing is not to lose composure and use the deductive method. Then no breakdown can ruin your day. Even if the car doesn't start.

Removing the starter

A complete replacement of the VAZ 2114 starter is performed in the following order:

  1. Remove the terminals from the battery.
  2. Unscrew the 3 mounting bolts securing the device body to the box (if they are heavily oxidized and do not give in, you should first fill them with kerosene or “Vedeshka”).
  3. Disconnect the negative terminal from the solenoid relay (the red wire that goes to the device ends with it).
  4. Remove the positive terminal from the solenoid relay, having first unscrewed its fastening nut using a 13mm wrench.
  5. Slide the starter to the right and remove it from the mounting studs.
  6. Install the new device and fix it in the same order, but in reverse order.

Before installing a new starter, it is recommended to treat all 3 mounting studs with graphite grease - it will protect them from corrosion and will help dismantle the device during the next repair without any problems.

Removing the starter
It should be remembered that a new starter installed to replace a worn one must be exactly the same type, namely 5712.3708. Most often, owners of the 14th model recommend purchasing devices from manufacturers such as PRAMO, Eldix and KATEK.

Useful tips

  1. Before removing the starter, you need to make sure it is faulty. First of all, you need to check the reliability of the terminals on the battery. Oxidized terminals should be cleaned of deposits and re-secured. The reason for the failure may also be poor weight of the engine and the body. You should also check whether the solenoid relay wire has come loose from the connector and whether the positive terminal nut on the starter is tightly tightened;
  2. When removing a part, you can disconnect the positive wire of the terminal last. In this version, it is more convenient to unscrew the nut of the positive wire. By pulling the starter closer to you, it will be easier to get to the desired nut;
  3. You need to install the solenoid relay wire in place until it stops. The connector must be fixed, and in this case the wire will not fly off during movement due to shaking;
  4. Do not forget to first remove the terminals from the battery and turn off the ignition - this will save you from additional problems.

That’s basically all that can be said about how to change the starter on a VAZ 2114.

Starter repair

It should be noted that complete replacement of the device is an extreme measure, necessary only in case of very serious damage (for example, short circuit of the stator windings or mechanical failure of the housing). In all other cases, the most correct solution would be to repair the VAZ 2114 starter, which is also performed after removing the device.

In order to do this, you will need to unscrew the tightening screws of the device and halve the starter.

Starter repair

If you cannot divide the starter housing into two parts even with the screws removed, you should use a rubber or copper hammer and carefully apply several blows to the joint.

After the starter is halved, you should carefully examine the condition of its parts, namely the stator windings, rotor, graphite brushes and bendix.

Worn brushes should simply be replaced with ones of similar size, but to dismantle the bendix, you will need to perform a number of additional operations:

  • use a slotted screwdriver to bend the flat fork at the point of its connection with the Bendix body;
  • remove the protective ring;
  • Using a flat screwdriver, remove the retaining ring;
  • pull the bendix out of its body.

Installing a new bendix is ​​done in the reverse order.

Installing a VAZ 2114 starter

At the end of the conversation, it is worth noting that you should not wait for serious starter malfunctions. Even minor problems with this device can be detected by a number of indirect signs - louder than usual clicks of the solenoid relay, the engine taking too long to start, loud sound during operation, and many others. Having noticed them, you should immediately dismantle the starter, disassemble it and diagnose the condition of its parts.

Causes of malfunctions

  1. Does not turn: short circuit of the winding, jamming of the armature on the solenoid relay, oxidation of the battery contacts.
  2. Insufficient rotation speed of the bendix: break or short circuit of the armature (stator) winding, wear of the brushes.
  3. It turns, but does not transmit speed to the flywheel: the bendix is ​​faulty.
  4. Operation after the engine speed has increased: the traction relay is stuck, the freewheel spring is broken.

Also, the causes of malfunction include wear of the unit, increased loads, violation of operating conditions and defects. Most often, the bendix, armature commutator and solenoid relay fail. Sometimes there is a loose fit of the brushes.

If one of the brushes has failed or the gearbox shaft has become skewed, this is usually a sign of impending destruction of the entire assembly, and it is easier to replace it entirely than to repair it.

In cold weather, the engine does not start well, the starter works at the limit and may fail. If the device is poorly secured or operates in conditions of constant strong vibrations, this also leads to its destruction. Sometimes a factory defect of the unit occurs - incorrect distribution of the lubricant composition in the housing, which leads to failure of the solenoid relay.

You can clean the shaft and add lubricant. The device is installed at an angle with the bendix down, white spirit is drawn into the syringe, and, turning the bendix as it extends, the white spirit is squeezed out onto the exposed section of the shaft, wiping it with a rag. Lubricant is added to the wedge-shaped teeth along which the bendix slides out.

For complete cleaning, the assembly is disassembled and washed in gasoline. Then they put new lubricant in the places from which the old one was removed, and assemble the device.

If the starter does not turn the flywheel, clean the terminals and start the car again.

Sometimes the problem with frequent bendix failure lies in the flywheel bushing. It is necessary to check the condition of the bushing and, if it is unsatisfactory, replace it with a new one.

Gear starter VAZ 2114

Types of starter relays

On domestic cars, depending on the model, different types of parts . Each of them has its own design and application.

  • For the “classics” (models from “kopek” to “seven” - 2101, 2106, 2107, etc.) - non-reductive. starter;
  • For models from “eight” to 21099 – non-reductive. starter;
  • Universal (for any model with a gearbox starter);
  • For models from “eight” to 2109 and 21099, 21013 – 21015 – with AZD starter.

You should know that there are collapsible and non-dismountable models of solenoid relays. Collapsible ones, as a rule, belong to the old-style category and are found on VAZ 2101 - 2107 .

Non-removable structures are usually not repaired, replacing them with a new part.

Disassembling the VAZ 2109 starter and troubleshooting

Before any repair of the starting system, it is necessary to check the condition of the battery, as well as the quality of the contacts on the circuit: battery - ignition switch - starter relay - traction relay. Very often the reason for poor starting lies in this part and the starter turns out to have nothing to do with it. Before disassembling, the VAZ 2109 starter connection diagram should be studied and memorized in detail.

This is important for successful installation after repair. The starter is quite easy to remove. To do this you need to: disconnect the battery terminals, remove the engine crankcase protection, unscrew and disconnect the electrical wiring terminals

After the three nuts securing it to the crankcase are unscrewed, the starter is in our hands

When disassembling the starter, it is necessary to pay special attention to the following parts: the motor armature, the condition of the windings, the condition of the brush assembly, wear of gears, bushings, cleanliness of the traction relay contacts. Any of the parts must be cleaned and inspected, and the electrical parts must be checked with special instruments

For this, the electrical circuit of the VAZ 2109 starter is useful. Anything that is burnt, heavily soiled, worn out or broken must be replaced with new spare parts and do not try to save on repairs.

disconnect the electrical wiring terminals; unscrew the nuts securing the starter to the crankcase (there are three of them).

Attention: During the dismantling process, it is necessary to pay special attention to such parts of the starter as the armature, the condition of the winding, gear defects, cleanliness of contacts and much more.

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Repair kit for retractor relay 2110 KZATE is a set of new elements and parts that are included in a specific unit or mechanism and are used instead of old, worn parts. After installing a new set of parts, the performance characteristics of the mechanism are completely restored and, perhaps, its replacement is not required.

Repair and maintenance of modern equipment is difficult to carry out without the use of spare parts. Often, expensive components in cars fail and require replacement. It’s just not always wise to purchase new parts. You can use a repair kit that is made of high-quality materials.

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Immobilizer and alarm

Car alarms can also negatively affect the operation of the starter. Sometimes security systems can also present some surprises. Finding out the cause is quite simple, but fixing it is difficult.

The fact is that in the alarm systems with auto start and in the standard immobilizers of some cars, inconsistencies may arise that appear over time. This problem was relevant for the 2007-2008 Ford Focus 2.

Without any reason, one fine morning the starter completely refused to work. Although everything indicated that the electrical equipment was normal, all contacts were reliable, the starter did not want to turn the engine at all.

On Ford and some other cars, this was solved by replacing the standard immobilizer, and the officials did this under warranty. It was easy to find out the reason - bypassing all systems, the power from the battery to the starter was simply turned on through a button, and then it worked as if nothing had happened. The cases are not widespread, but they were, so this option also cannot be discounted.

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