All about mass air flow sensor on Priora or why dynamics and power drop and consumption increases

LADA Priora cars were produced for more than 10 years, and were equipped with a range of engines of 6 modifications (4 of them with 16 valves). This does not mean that air flow sensors (MAF) are of the same variety. Together with the January 7 series and BOSCH M7 9.7 ECU controllers, the Priora engines were equipped with a mass flow sensor 0 280 218 116. Flow meters of this series are produced both by the German concern BOSCH and by numerous domestic and Chinese manufacturers. Differences in cost and reliability, and Russian products were most often equipped with electronic parts from the same BOSCH.

Mass air flow sensors installed on Priora with 16 valve engines have proven themselves to be reliable devices that do not fail without external reasons. In addition, in the event of a breakdown, flow sensors provide incorrect information for a long time with an error of 15–20%, which can be calculated from the following symptoms:

  • an unheated engine may stall immediately after starting;
  • gasoline consumption gradually increases;
  • when moving uniformly in a straight line, the engine runs unevenly;
  • the slightest overload leads to loss of traction;
  • at idle, the rpm briefly hangs in the 1500 zone;
  • when using approved gasoline AI 92, power is sharply lost;
  • It is difficult to start the engine at low temperatures.

Sometimes (in 50% of cases) a faulty flow meter lights up the Check Engine light.

What is a mass air flow sensor on Priora and its purpose

When the first injection engines appeared, a device such as a mass air flow sensor had a mechanical operating principle. Over time, it was deprived of moving parts, due to which it was called mechanical, and today it has a different principle of operation, and is called hot-wire. Why is this sensor needed on a car, and what important functions are assigned to it, let’s look at it in detail.

To understand the purpose of the MAF or MAF (Mass Air Flow) flow meter on a car, you need to remember how fuel combustion occurs in the engine, or rather, what the combustible mixture consists of. It consists of gasoline, which is supplied through the injectors, and air entering the intake manifold when the damper is opened. These substances are mixed in certain proportions, resulting in a fuel-air mixture that is burned in the engine cylinders. What does the mass air flow sensor have to do with the combustible mixture, you ask? The most direct purpose, because with its help the electronic control unit of the ECU receives information about the quantitative composition of the incoming air.

Based on this information, the ECU calculates how much gasoline needs to be supplied to each cylinder in order to create the optimal proportion or maintain a stoichiometric mixture. It is known that for complete and successful combustion of the air-fuel mixture, it is necessary to prepare it in the correct proportion, which is:

  • gasoline - 1 kg.
  • oxygen - 14.7 kg.

There is 1 kg of fuel per 14.7 kg of air, which is the optimal ratio and contributes not only to complete, but also to the most efficient combustion of the combustible substance. Faulty operation of the mass air flow sensor or the inoperability of this sensor will lead to a deterioration in the quality of engine operation, and in addition, the amount of harmful substances in the exhaust will increase, because gasoline will not burn in full (which will shorten the life of the catalytic converter).

Gasoline to air ratio table

A fuel-air mixture in a ratio of 14.7 to 1 is needed not only to ensure a high level of engine efficiency, but also to increase environmental friendliness. With this proportion of fuel assemblies, catalytic converters suppress unburned substances as efficiently as possible, eliminating the possibility of their release into the atmosphere.

This is interesting! When a car accelerates, fuel assemblies are not prepared in the standardized proportion, which is an absolutely normal phenomenon.

Depending on the amount of incoming air and its density, the ECU calculates the duration of fuel injection through the injectors, which is supplied to the combustion chambers. It is this sensor on cars that is the most expensive, and it affects engine power, acceleration dynamics, as well as consumption, and, most importantly, the degree of environmental friendliness. When the mass air flow sensor on a Priora fails, the Check Engine indicator lights up on the instrument panel. In addition, the corresponding errors are displayed on the on-board computer.

In simple terms, the sensor transmits data to the ECU about the amount of incoming air, and the controller, based on this information, understands whether it has enough oxygen to create the optimal fuel assembly ratio. When the sensor begins to show incorrect data, the following picture occurs: the ECU believes that air is supplied in increased quantities, due to which the mixture is adjusted (the amount of gasoline injected increases). As a result, the mixture turns out to be enriched (although in reality less oxygen is supplied), which leads to increased fuel consumption and flooding of spark plugs.

Types of mass air flow sensors and the principle of their operation

There are two types of mass air flow sensors, which differ in design, but their operating principle is identical. These flow meters have the corresponding names:

  1. Threaded air flow sensor.
    The principle of its operation is based on changing the resistance of a thread-like element made of platinum and connected to an electrical circuit. Voltage is applied to the thread, which causes it to heat up. The temperature of the filament is about 120-150 degrees, and it decreases as air passes through while the engine is running. The more the damper opens, the greater the air flow, the more the filament temperature drops accordingly. It is due to the voltage drop on the filament (from a change in the temperature of the passing air) that the quantitative composition of the oxygen sucked into the intake manifold is determined.

  2. Film mass air flow sensors or hot-wire ones
    differ from the previous version in that they are more accurate, which has a positive effect on engine performance. The operating principle of such products is similar to the previous version, only they already have two platinum thermistors and one heating or compensation resistor (located between them). Thermistors work on a similar principle as filament sensors, that is, air passes through, cools the filaments, which leads to a decrease in resistance, and as a result, the voltage drops. The second thread is a heating resistor, which is located between the first and third threads, needed to heat the air. The result is the following picture: the first thread is cooled by the incoming air, and its resistance changes. The air that is already heated approaches the second thread, for which the resistor is responsible. Based on the change in the resistance of the first and second threads, the quantitative composition of the air entering the engine manifold is calculated. Due to this device, film products are not only more accurate, but also multifunctional, that is, they measure the amount of not only direct, but also reverse air flow.

It is important to note that instead of three threads, a plate (anemometer) made of silicon crystal can be used (plays the role of a heating resistor). Such a crystal is coated with several layers of platinum coating (thermal resistance), and performs similar functions as described above. Below is a diagram of a film sensor based on a silicon crystal.

The crystal is placed inside a protective casing, which is placed in a special channel (labyrinth). Moreover, the labyrinth has a special geometry, which makes it possible to take temperature measurements not only from the input flow, but also from the reflected flow. The specificity of the channel is created in such a way that the formation of dust and dirt deposits on the crystal is eliminated. The service life of products does not depend on their quality, but on factors such as the serviceability of the car’s crankcase gas exhaust system and the frequency of replacing the air filter. If the filter is not changed after 50 thousand km, then naturally not only the mass air flow sensor will suffer from this.

This is interesting! Film-type air flow sensors cannot be cleaned, but practice shows the opposite. If there are contaminants on the silicon crystal (sensitive element) of the film MRI sensor, they can be removed with special substances.

From the design and operating principle of both types of mass flow sensors, you can independently draw appropriate conclusions about their advantages and disadvantages. Naturally, the first type of sensors also has advantages:

  • reliability;
  • unpretentiousness.

And although there are not many advantages, they play an important role, which is reflected in their service life. Film flow meters, in addition to increased accuracy, are characterized by the ability to measure reverse air flow. Reverse flow occurs when the intake valves operate. However, film products have one serious drawback - they are not designed for cleaning when dirty. The reasons for their contamination are factors such as oil getting onto the surface, which comes from the crankcase gas system along with the reverse air flow, as well as contamination from the filter, which car owners change irregularly, although this must be done no later than every 20 thousand km. (in individual cases earlier).

This is interesting! Knowing the types of mass air flow sensors, it should be noted that Priors are equipped with products of the second type, that is, film ones.

The flowmeters are designed using a temperature sensor. It is called the DTVV intake air temperature sensor, which is a thermistor with a resistance dependent on temperature.

Depending on the temperature of the incoming air, the ECU adjusts the composition of the mixture (if the air is cold, the mixture is enriched, and when heated air enters, it normalizes).

What are the signs of a malfunction of the mass air flow sensor on the Priora and the corresponding error codes

The main problem with mass air flow sensors on Priora and other cars is contamination of the sensitive element. The more contaminants on the surface, the higher the level of error, which leads to incorrect readings received by the ECU. If the controller receives incorrect readings, then based on them the air-fuel mixture and advance angle are adjusted. Signs of a malfunction of the mass air flow sensor on a Priora are the following:

  1. Reduced power and vehicle dynamics.
    If, when you press the accelerator pedal sharply, a deteriorated response is detected, then you need to check the mass air flow sensor.
  2. Fuel consumption increases
    . Moreover, its value can increase to 12-13 liters per 100 km.
  3. It is difficult to start the engine or the engine may not start at all due to the spark plugs being flooded with fuel.
  4. Increasing or floating idle speed.

However, such signs can only indirectly indicate that the mass air flow sensor has failed. The corresponding error codes on the on-board computer of the Lada Priora will also help you verify that it is faulty:

  • P0102 - a low signal level is received from the mass air flow sensor;
  • P0103 - a high signal level is received from the mass air flow sensor;
  • P0110 - malfunction of the air flow sensor circuit;
  • P0112 - low signal level from DTVV (intake manifold air temperature sensor);
  • P0113 - high level of DTVV signal.

The display of the last three errors indicates a malfunction of the thermistor, which is responsible for measuring the intake air temperature. If corresponding errors or the above-described symptoms are detected, it is necessary to resort to checking the condition of the mass air flow sensor on the Priora.


Checking the mass air flow sensor is carried out using a multimeter, diagnostic tool or oscilloscope. In most cases, car enthusiasts do not have equipment that can diagnose sensor failure.

In this case, let's consider checking with a regular multimeter, which almost every driver has or is otherwise inexpensive.

Checking the mass air flow sensor with a multimeter can only be done with a sensor that is installed on an engine without an E-GAS system. The frequency sensor installed in conjunction with the electronic throttle cannot be checked using a multimeter. Checking such a sensor is carried out with a diagnostic device using ADC channels or using a diagram on an oscilloscope.

Why it is not recommended to clean the mass air flow sensor on a Priora and how to do it correctly

The mass air flow sensor cannot be repaired, so if it malfunctions, it must be replaced. However, there is an exception to this: if the DTVV fails, then the thermistor can be replaced by selecting the appropriate type depending on the resistance. If the sensor begins to show incorrect values, which happens if the silicon crystal is dirty, then it can be cleaned, but it is important to understand that such manipulations are only temporary, and soon the possibility of recurrence of problems with the mass air flow sensor cannot be ruled out.

Why is it not recommended to clean the film mass air flow sensor used on Priora? Let's look at this issue in depth. If you decide to clean the mass air flow sensor on a Priora, where a film type of product is used, then it is important to know the following:

  1. Such substances are strictly contraindicated for use for flushing. Like ketones and esters. This is due to the fact that they dissolve the compound layer that covers not only the board, but also the platinum branches connecting the crystal to the processor on the board. If the compound is dissolved, then thin branches (their thickness is less than 0.01 mm) will be damaged by passing air.

  2. When silicon comes into contact with ketones and esters, the wafer cools, which can ultimately be damaged.
  3. When exposed to the substances described above, the coating on the polymer film, which is located on the crystal itself, is also washed off. If the coating is washed off, the film is simply deformed.
  4. It is strictly contraindicated to blow or clean the product with a compressor (that is, you cannot apply a stream of compressed air to the crystal area), as this will lead to deformation of the branches.

If you are convinced that your air flow sensor on the Priora needs to be cleaned, then it is recommended to perform the procedure correctly. To do this, it is best to use the following substances:

  • WD-40;
  • "Liquid key";
  • isopropyl alcohol;
  • special liquid for cleaning the air flow sensor.

It is best to use a special cleaning liquid, but it is naturally more expensive than other cleaners. That is why, when choosing among budget cleaners, you need to give preference to isopropyl alcohol, since, unlike WD-40 and Liquid Key, it does not form an oil film on the surface, which will also need to be washed off. Preparations that are intended for cleaning carburetors and contain acetones, ketones and ethers are strictly contraindicated for use in cleaning the air flow sensor on a Priora.

This is interesting! Washing should be done using a syringe and a needle, from which you need to pour a thin stream onto the surface of the sensitive element.

Purifier selection options

How to clean the flow meter? The modern market offers many products for cleaning regulators; let’s look at the most effective options:

  1. Liqui Moly. This manufacturer, as you know, produces not only cleaning products, but also motor and transmission oils, as well as other types of liquids. If you believe the official information provided by the manufacturer, then this product belongs to the high-quality category. Accordingly, the cost of such a MAF cleaner will also be high. In fact, Liqui Moly cleaners cope with their tasks quite effectively - this product perfectly removes dirt from the sensor. If the flow meter was in working order at the time of cleaning, then after that it will work for a long time. The use of Liqui Moly is relevant in both gasoline engines and diesel power units.
  2. Alternatively, you can use alcohol to clean the device. This method is considered one of the oldest, but nevertheless the most effective. Due to its chemical properties, alcohol is good at removing clogs that accumulate on the sensitive component of the air flow sensor. Despite its effectiveness, today this method is not used so often and is usually used by unscrupulous technicians at service stations. The client pays for a special substance, for example, Liqui Moly, and in fact the cleaning is carried out using alcohol.
  3. The next option is fluid for carburetor engines. This option is considered one of the most effective and frequently used. Using carburetor fluid, you can effectively clean it, and as practice shows, such a product allows you to remove all contaminants.
  4. Another product sold in spray form is Liquid Key. This cleaner is used to remove all kinds of contaminants, not only from the flow meter, but also from other mechanisms and components.
  5. A universal tool for performing many tasks is WD-40. This liquid is used by our compatriots to clean all kinds of components, remove rust, get rid of squeaks, etc. Not so long ago, our car enthusiasts began to use it to clean flow meters (the author of the video is the Gen channel MB W140 Germany).

How to remove the mass air flow sensor on a Priora for cleaning: instructions for removing contaminants from the sensor and repairing the mass air flow sensor

If you decide to clean the mass air flow sensor on a Priora, then the first step is to remove the device from the car. Afterwards, you need to directly remove the sensor itself, which is built into a cylindrical body and is secured with two self-tapping screws. It would seem that it could be difficult to unscrew the screws and remove the air flow sensor itself. However, not everything is so simple, because the device is attached using self-tapping screws with a specific shape of the edges of the cap, so difficulties arise with unscrewing them. The photo below shows what the screw head on the Priora mass air flow sensor looks like.

This is interesting! The special shape of the screw head is made in order to eliminate the possibility of access to the working part of the sensor. Any interference with the design of the mass air flow sensor is unacceptable, as stated by the manufacturer.

It will not be possible to select a bat from a standard set, so there are three ways to solve the problem:

  • find and order a special bit or screwdriver with the appropriate tip shape;
  • Unscrew the screws using pliers;
  • make cuts or notches on the cap in order to unscrew the screws with a screwdriver (it is recommended to do this only with a metal file, but not with a grinder).

Naturally, you should choose the second or third option. To do this, select the optimal version of the pliers (by size) and unscrew the fasteners. The photo below shows how this should be done correctly.

You need to unscrew the screws carefully and slowly, eliminating the possibility of strong vibrations of the sensor. After unscrewing the screws, you can begin to remove the device. After removal, it is important not to drop it, since the slightest impacts can lead to deformation of the working elements. Next, we proceed to the actual part of cleaning, which can be done using a can with an extension tube or a syringe with a thin needle.

To perform cleaning, there is no need to disassemble the unit, since during these manipulations the device can be damaged, and in addition, during reassembly, the seal may be broken. That is why, using a special liquid, it is necessary to treat the crystal and the thermistor with it (the TVB sensor if there are signs of contamination). Moreover, you only need to spray or pour liquids on them, but do not try to climb inside the channel (labyrinth) with a cloth or other objects in order to additionally wipe them. After treating with substances, you need to leave the part for 30 minutes so that it dries thoroughly, and then assemble and install in place. Test it in action in a car.

In order for the cleaning liquid to get onto the crystal, you need to spray it into the hole shown in the photo below.

Do not forget to wash the mesh of the cylindrical body, in which a lot of dust and debris may have accumulated. It can be placed in a bath of alcohol for a while to clean off any existing dirt.

If the DTVV, the location of which is shown in the photo below, fails, it can be replaced if the resistance value is known.

The malfunction of this semiconductor element can be determined by measuring its resistance. Below are the resistance limits depending on the air temperature.

If the multimeter shows a value above 100 kOhm, it means there is an open circuit. Do not forget that the presence of contamination on the thermistor leads to the fact that it begins to incorrectly determine the temperature. If the thermistor is faulty, it can be replaced using a soldering iron. The thermistor must be selected according to its resistance depending on the temperature, based on the table above.

You need to solder the thermistor with a short touch so as not to overheat the mass air flow sensor board. After such repairs, assemble the part and install the sensor in place.

Troubleshooting methods

If you don’t want to waste money on buying a new mass air flow sensor, you can try to restore its functionality. Using a Phillips screwdriver, unscrew the screws securing the measuring element to the regulator. Restoring functionality involves flushing the device, so you need to prepare a cleaning agent in advance, for example, you can use carburetor flushing liquid. The aerosol tube must be bent at a right angle in advance.

Next, the tube is heated and cut so that it is straight, but the stream is directed to the side. The tube must be inserted approximately 1 cm into the upper valve of the dismantled component, after which the resistor is washed. This procedure must be repeated several times at intervals of 2-3 seconds, but do not forget that the resistor is not able to withstand large mechanical loads. Therefore, under no circumstances should you clean the device with cotton wool, brushes or compressed air (the author of the video is the VAZ hand made channel).

Wait a few minutes for the cleaner to dry completely. When the resistor is dry, it can be replaced in place in the housing. Having done this, you can again diagnose the flow meter. It should be noted that after cleaning the controller, some characteristics of the power unit may be changed. If this is the case, then it is necessary to diagnose the toxicity of exhaust gases and adjust this parameter, if necessary.

How to remove and replace the mass air flow sensor on a Priora: which sensor to install on the car

The process of removing the mass air flow sensor on a Priora is not complicated, but it is important to understand that its dismantling must be performed not only when replacing it, but also if it is planned to be cleaned. Instructions for removing the mass air flow sensor are as follows:

  1. Disconnect the minus terminal from the battery. This is necessary in order to reset the ECU adaptation, or in simple words, reset the memory.
  2. The clamp securing the air duct pipe to the sensor is loosened.

  3. Disconnect the air duct pipe.
  4. Remove the power supply by prying the lock from below.

  5. Using a key set to “10”, you need to unscrew the two bolts securing the device to the filter housing.

  6. Remove the product so that it can be replaced, repaired or cleaned. However, it is worth noting once again that even if the cleaning is done correctly, the sensor will not last long after such repairs, and soon it will still need to be replaced.

This completes the removal process. Installation of a new product or the same sensor is performed in the same way. It is only important to take into account that if a new sensor is installed, then the O-ring must be removed from the old one and put on the new one. When reinstalling, you must pay attention to the arrow. It is in the direction of the arrow that the product must be placed. The bolts must be tightened with a force of 4-6 Nm, which will eliminate the possibility of damage to the fastening part in the air filter housing, and at the same time ensure sufficient pressure on the product.

This is interesting! It is recommended to remove the mass air flow sensor even if you have a special screwdriver for unscrewing the screws securing the sensor to the body. This is necessary in order to clean not only the sensitive element, but the housing of the ventilation duct with the mesh, on which a considerable amount of dirt has probably accumulated.


  • We take out the sensor and install a new one in the reverse order.
  • Don’t forget to remove the rubber ring from the old sensor and install it on the new one.

Which mass air flow sensor to install on Priora

If the procedure for cleaning the MAF sensor element does not result in improved engine performance, and when checking the product, the multimeter shows inflated results, then only replacement will help. You should know that the mass air flow sensor costs from 3,500 to 5,000 rubles, and therefore it is the most expensive among the executive bodies of the ECU on a car. However, driving with a faulty product is also dangerous, because in addition to increased fuel consumption, the life of the internal combustion engine is reduced.

If there is a need to replace the mass air flow sensor on a Priora, then it is important to know that such sensors are available in different versions. You need to choose exactly the type that is installed on your car. And although all models are structurally the same, they still have differences in calibration, that is, in the readings that they transmit to the computer. They are produced by Bosch. There are the following types of MVR sensors on Priora, which are marked as follows:

  • 0280218116;

  • 0280218164;

  • 0280218225;

  • 0280218037.

Among all these sensors, there are no worse or better ones, and their main difference is calibration, that is, the shape of the signal that is perceived by the ECU. By marking, the sensors are not associated with the vehicle, but with the type of controller or ECU. Below is a table showing different models of mass air flow sensors used for certain types of controllers.

Once again, it is important to note that mass air flow sensors on Priora are not interchangeable, and you only need to install the type of device that was on the car.

This is interesting! When purchasing products, pay attention to the fastening parts that secure the sensor to the cylindrical body. To avoid buying a fake, you need to choose products with a ribbed surface, as shown in the photo below.

The packaging of a new product must contain a hologram. And it is precisely such devices that do not need to be checked before purchasing them.

In conclusion, it is worth noting once again the importance of the mass air flow sensor on a car. This sensor rarely fails completely, and most often, the malfunction manifests itself in the form of an increase in the output voltage supplied to the ECU. This is a slight increase (from 0.02 to 0.05V), but it is precisely such deviations that lead to the supply of inaccurate values ​​​​of the incoming air mass to the collector. Monitor the serviceability of this product, and in case of the first signs of malfunction, carry out replacement or possible repairs in the form of cleaning.

Stories from our readers

“Fucking basin. "

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Let's try to go for a ride. If the car feels “faster”, then we can say that the mass air flow sensor is not working.

By the way, for ECU Y7.2, M7.9.7. The speed does not increase when the chip is turned off!

Method No. 2: Alternative ECU firmware. If the standard firmware of the controller was replaced with another, then it is unknown what is built into it in case of emergency mode in method No. 1. Try sliding a 1mm thick plate under the damper stop. The revs will rise. Pull out the chip from the mass air flow sensor. If it doesn’t stall, it means the problem is with the firmware, or rather with the IAC steps in emergency mode without a mass air flow sensor.

Method No. 3: Checking the mass air flow sensor with a multimeter. This method works on Bosch sensors with catalog numbers: 0 280 218 004, 0 280 218 037, 0 280 218 116. Turn on the tester in the DC voltage measurement mode, set the measurement limit to 2 Volts. DMRV pinout:

  1. Yellow (closest to the windshield) - mass air flow sensor signal input;
  2. Gray-white—sensor supply voltage output;
  3. Green — sensor grounding output;
  4. Pink-black - to the main relay.
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