Why does the stove increase fuel consumption • Additional equipment

Cars equipped with liquid cooling have a liquid interior heating system in their design, which is integral with the engine cooling system. Temperature adjustment is carried out by changing the amount of coolant passing through the heater radiator. The design has an electric motor that distributes heat by blowing air through a hot radiator.

External reasons

A clogged fuel filter is the most common reason for increased gas mileage.
When a suspension gets into it, the liquid pressure drops. The control unit recognizes the problem and “understands” that it is necessary to immediately normalize the fuel supply. It sends a signal about the need to open the injectors for a long time. Due to the fact that the pressure constantly “jumps”, ECU commands become chaotic. As a result, fuel begins to be supplied to the combustion chambers in too large portions. More and more drivers are thinking about how to reduce fuel consumption.

Some people use various electronic devices and install reprogrammed control units on their motors - something you can’t do to save money.

However, there are several effective and not so radical methods to reduce fuel consumption on automatic and manual transmissions. The main and most effective of these methods are listed below.

Fuel consumption at idle • Vehicle idling

How fuel consumption in winter depends on the stove In such a case, the volume of fuel consumed during the test will need to be multiplied by 3; this coefficient is found using the formula K 60 X, where X is the experiment time in minutes. However, this concept is outdated by the design of modern engines and highly efficient starters ensure that the power unit starts without much wear.
How to reduce fuel consumption of a carburetor engine? True, this influence is so small that it is somehow impossible to really feel it, because it is impossible to say with certainty whether the consumption has increased due to the inclusion of electrical appliances or due to the driver’s driving style. As a rule, these indicators are underestimated by the manufacturer or can only be valid for conditions with ideal road surfaces, the air conditioner is turned off and minimal energy consumption of all additional equipment of the car.

How much does it cost per hour? • Still, now modern fuel-injected cars are a bit like computers.

Monitor the quality of the fuel you fill

It’s another matter if the generator is faulty, that is, if the drive roller is broken, the belt is worn out or the bearing is broken, this can worsen the performance of the mounted units, which will create additional load on the motor, which, in turn, will lead to a sharp increase in fuel consumption. If fuel consumption has increased, the reasons for which we have already discussed, it is necessary to fix the problem and then fulfill a number of requirements that will help avoid this in the future.

Tips for reducing idle time

As a result, at -10 degrees. Celsius (2.0 liter engine) - for two starts of 10 minutes each, consumes - 100 + 163 ml = 263 ml. OR ALMOST - 0.3 liters. It's up to you to decide whether it's a lot or a little.

Does it affect fuel consumption?

In general, any switched on electrical device affects fuel consumption in one way or another. True, this influence is so small that it is somehow impossible to really feel it, because it is impossible to say with certainty whether the consumption has increased due to the inclusion of electrical appliances or due to the driver’s driving style.

The second argument why the stove has no effect on increasing consumption lies in the question itself. An increase in consumption can only be noticed in comparison with something. That is, in summer there was one fuel consumption, and in winter it increased. But in the summer, most motorists constantly use air conditioning, which pumps cold air into the cabin using the same fan. It turns out that it works both in winter and in summer, which means it is not to blame for the sudden gluttony of the car.

The increase in gasoline consumption with the arrival of winter is influenced by many factors - long warm-up before the trip, porridge under the wheels, which creates resistance to movement. A sharp drop in driving speed also greatly increases consumption; in winter you have to drive noticeably slower and, accordingly, longer. All these and some other factors are the reasons for the increase in car fuel consumption in winter.

Piston group: Additional equipment

Why has gasoline consumption increased? Causes and solutions | If you, dear motorists, have noticed that your car has begun to consume more fuel, even by just a few percent, then you should not focus too much attention on this. For example, the air conditioner is powered by the engine; this can be noticed if you stop the car and turn on the air conditioner; the number of revolutions on the tachometer increases slightly.
Why has gasoline consumption increased sharply? These include, for example, air conditioning, a music system, heated windows and seats, a mobile phone charger, and so on. Numerous substitutes from Bosch, NGK, and others often do not correct the situation, but, on the contrary, worsen it, since a person is sure that the lambda is new.
  • Fuel Shark fuel saving device

Reducing fuel consumption with additives • But there is no need for constant operation, for example, of an air conditioner, and reducing the frequency of its operation will allow for significant savings.

Most common reasons

1. Low beam headlights increase consumption by 5%, high beam - by 10%. According to current rules, every motorist must constantly drive during the day with the low beams on, and this does not help save gasoline. The solution is to use special LED running lights. They use less power and last longer than regular light bulbs.

2. The coolant temperature is below the calculated one, i.e. The engine does not warm up to operating temperature. This is especially true in winter. The solution will be to insulate the hood and engine using special materials such as a car blanket or felt.

3. An automatic transmission increases fuel consumption compared to a manual transmission. It is worth noting that a new generation of automatic transmissions has appeared that do not increase consumption, but on the contrary can reduce it compared to a manual transmission.

4. Use of low-octane gasoline. If the manufacturer provides AI-95 gasoline, and you refuel with 92, then consumption will increase to 20%, which will not justify the difference in price. Changing the brand of gasoline to high-octane (fill in 95 instead of 92) helps save fuel. True, gasoline itself will cost more.

5. Overtightened wheel hub bearings (poor rolling). You can check the car's roll yourself. To do this, accelerate and put the car in neutral gear, do not brake. And the path covered from releasing the gas pedal to its complete stop (without using the brakes) is called coasting.

The better the roll, the less resistance to the movement of the machine. If the suspension parts are not in perfect condition, then the roll-up may increase and, accordingly, increase fuel consumption.

6. Unadjusted wheel alignment. Twice a year you need to adjust the wheel alignment of your car. Typically, this is done when changing tires from summer to winter, and vice versa. If you do not do this, the tires may align incorrectly (look in different directions), and this will increase fuel consumption. Sports camber also does not help save gasoline.

7. Every 100 kg of cargo increases fuel consumption by 10%. Loaded roof rack - 40%, empty - 5%. Trailer - by 60% (which affects the aerodynamics of the car). If you loaded a car full of cargo, then be prepared for increased consumption.

8. Untimely replacement of the air filter (recommended frequency - every 10-15 thousand km). Over time, the filter becomes dirty and allows less air to pass through, which means that gasoline consumption will increase by up to 10%. The use of zero-resistance air filters also negatively affects the amount of gasoline in the car’s tank.

9. Increased wear of the engine cylinder-piston group. This happens when the timing mechanism is worn out, and also when the engine valves are not adjusted.

10. Incorrectly set gaps in spark plugs and interruptions in operation. Monitor the condition of the spark plugs and change them periodically. If the spark plugs work intermittently, this will affect the operation of the engine, which will not operate at optimal speed. Which will lead to increased fuel consumption.

How much does it cost to warm up the engine in winter?

Fuel economy today worries drivers more and more, ever since gasoline prices began to rise and promise to only increase in 2019. How to reduce fuel consumption in winter? It won't work if you don't heat it. Let's look at how much fuel the engine consumes when starting the engine.

When you turn on a cold engine, it requires a rich mixture of gasoline and air. The unit will rattle on it until it reaches operating temperature. Motorists have probably noticed that as soon as you start a cold engine, the idle speed is increased. Then they decrease, which means the engine temperature rises. It is quite obvious that when starting a cold engine, fuel consumption is greater than if you turned off the engine, left for a while, and then came back and started it again. But in any case, the moment the engine starts, the consumption increases.

If you drive around the city and often turn off and start the engine, fuel consumption increases significantly. Therefore, if you stop for 5 minutes or are stuck in a traffic jam, it is better not to turn off the engine. Of course, if you need to stop for a longer period, then it is better to turn off the car. It is estimated that when starting, the engine will spend the same amount of gasoline as when idling for 3-5 minutes.

No matter how much the engine eats during warm-up, in winter it still needs to be warmed up. This is due to difficult conditions in which the car has to drive, often slip, drive in low gears, and waste energy on warming up various systems that are inactive in the summer. According to experts, in winter the “gluttony” of a car increases by 20-30 percent. So warming up is not the only culprit for increased consumption in winter.

According to estimates, fuel consumption when idling on a gasoline engine is from 1.4 to 2 liters in volume, leaving an average of a liter per hour in winter. And it doesn’t matter what kind of gearbox the car has. In summer it drops to 0.8 liters, but with climate control and air conditioning it grows to 1.5-2 liters. But the stove consumes less than the air conditioner. But if, when starting the engine, you turned on the heater at full, heated seats and mirrors, headlights, then the consumption will increase to 1.8 - 2 liters.

Thus, on average, in 15 minutes of warming up in winter, the car will use a quarter of a liter. Of course, if you often turn off the engine and start it, the higher the total consumption will be. But you can’t get by without warming up in winter.

Driving style

Depending on the readings of many sensors, the brains adjust the operation of the actuators, the frequency and operating time of the injectors, the ignition angle, the injection angle, the throttle opening, the fuel pressure, and so on to the current driving mode. That is why it is strongly recommended to choose one gas station for yourself, in which the number of liters filled will correspond to the amount of distance traveled by car.

Additional equipment • Retarded ignition

23 real ways to reduce car fuel consumption When worn, carbon deposits form and the gap on the spark plug is deformed, which can cause not only increased fuel consumption, but also ignition problems and loss of dynamics. In the case of low pressure, due to the operation of the ESU sensors, the engine operates longer at higher speeds to compensate for power, which is also manifested by higher fuel consumption.

Solving the problem of increased fuel consumption • To solve the problem of increased fuel consumption, you first need to determine the reason that caused this situation.

Myths about fuel consumption. How much does it cost per hour?

How much gasoline does the engine consume at idle? I think that this fuel consumption algorithm is regulated by the ECU; after the system warms up to at least 20, 30 degrees, the control unit automatically reduces the fuel supply and the speed drops. The recommended distance is 1 1.5 mm, but we will set exactly 2 mm, since in this case the fuel level will drop slightly, which will slightly lean the fuel mixture entering the engine in all modes except idle.

About the alarm system • Ford Mondeo IV, equipped with a diesel unit, consumes about 7.5 liters per 100 km.

Headlights and loads Additional equipment

Increased fuel consumption For example, aggressive driving, which involves sharp starts and braking, as well as dynamic fast movement, can increase the total consumption by more than 30-40. In order for it to move, it is necessary to supply fuel, mix it with air, set it on fire, transfer energy to the drive wheels and overcome all of the above forces.
High gasoline consumption: reasons for increased consumption - Oil Fuel passes through a magnetic field created by the FUELFREE economizer. Fuel molecules are evenly distributed, and its combustion in the engine becomes more efficient. The best components at the time of testing, installed on a conventional engine with the Cinderella configuration, gave a total fuel consumption effect of about 9.
  • in the engine control system. Incorrect operation of the sensors that are responsible for the correct formation of the fuel-air mixture can also greatly affect fuel consumption. At the same time, it is almost impossible to eliminate various types of malfunctions in the electronic control unit system without electronic diagnostics and scanning of sensors;
  • mechanical fuel sprayer (injector). Dirty injectors are one of the most common causes of increased consumption. Improper fuel atomization disrupts the formation of the fuel-air mixture. As a result, a significant part of it burns out in the exhaust manifold and catalytic converter without any benefit, thereby significantly reducing the service life;
  • exhaust gas purification devices (catalyst). A melted and clogged catalyst can significantly reduce engine efficiency and, as a result, provoke significant fuel consumption. The more “clogged” the catalyst is, the more fuel the air-fuel mixture consumes. The main reasons for the destruction and contamination of the catalyst are low-quality fuel, high contamination of injectors and expired spark plugs;
  • air filter. A clogged air filter interferes with the correct operation of the incoming air flow sensors, as a result of which the electronic control unit calculates the required amount of gasoline or diesel for mixture formation with an error, which inevitably leads to increased fuel costs;
  • automatic gearbox. Modern transmissions, in the event of critical malfunctions, go into emergency mode to protect the gearbox from complete destruction. Most drivers prefer to continue to operate the car in emergency mode instead of the necessary diagnostics and repairs, and this will definitely force motorists to go broke on gasoline or diesel. In turn, the presence of a clutch malfunction in a manual transmission can also become a problem, since if the clutch disc is faulty, it turns out that fuel is consumed, but the car stands still. The level of excess fuel consumption depends on how often the car starts moving. This situation can also occur when the clutch disc is in good working order, but does not ensure synchronous rotation of the engine and gearbox.
  • Other reasons. These include windows that are open when driving at high speed, an improperly secured load on the roof that creates windage, towing a trailer and other things that can additionally lead to the need for the car to use much more fuel and, as a result, oblige the driver to refuel more often.

Should I turn on the heater when the engine overheats?

As other speakers have already correctly answered, the main interior heater of a modern car does not consume fuel. However, let's return to the design of cars and examine the answer in more detail.

To begin with, let’s ask ourselves the question – why do we need a cabin heater or “stove”. Obviously, it is necessary if the car is operated in a temperate or cool climate. Typically, heat obtained directly from the engine is used to heat the vehicle interior.

The scheme is implemented very simply: to cool the internal combustion engine (ICE), a liquid is used, which can be water or, more typical for northern countries, antifreeze - a special coolant with extremely low pour points. Engine fluid is needed to remove heat from hot parts. This occurs due to the pressure created by the pump driven from the engine. The liquid circulates in a closed system and passes through special channels inside the motor itself. Typically, the operating temperature of the engine is between 85-105 degrees Celsius. The entire cooling system is designed in such a way that the engine itself can regulate the temperature to the required values ​​- exceeding the temperature can lead to boiling of the coolant (antifreeze or water) and engine failure due to overheating. The body responsible for regulating the temperature in the engine is the thermostat - a special valve that regulates the movement of fluid inside the cooling system. While the engine is cold, the liquid circulates in the so-called “small circle”, which, in addition to the engine itself and the hoses of the cooling system, also includes the heat exchanger (radiator) of the car interior - or, in other words, the “stove”. When a certain temperature value is exceeded, the thermostat opens and the liquid begins to circulate in a large circle, which also includes a large radiator located in the front of the car. It is necessary for cooling the liquid, which occurs both by the incoming air flow and by additional electric fans that are started by the car itself at the right moment.

Accordingly, in order to heat the car interior with warm air, you just need to turn on the fan installed on the cabin heat exchanger. When it is turned on, air is captured from the environment, which enters through the cabin filter directly to the hot heat exchanger, where it is directly heated and then sent to the car interior. The driver can adjust the speed of the flow created by the fan and, using a damper system, can direct the air to the desired parts of the cabin. From here we draw the main conclusion - to heat the interior of a car with an internal combustion engine, only the heat generated by the engine itself during operation is required. Thus, turning on the “stove”, implemented by turning on the blower fan, does not lead to additional fuel consumption - only electricity is consumed to operate the fan itself, which, in general, is in abundance in a modern car with an internal combustion engine. Effective ways to improve your financial situation How to make money work? How to learn to save? Is blogging a way to make money or a hobby?

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