Signs of a faulty coolant temperature sensor

Purpose of the sensor

Coolant temperature sensor (CTS) Grants are necessary not only for measuring the temperature of antifreeze, but also for other purposes. For example, another function of the sensor is to participate in adjusting the fuel mixture, namely, based on the resistance readings of the sensor, the ECU makes a change to the fuel mixture.

When the car is cold and its coolant is low, more fuel is needed to start the engine in such weather, so the ECU, receiving information from the sensor that the fluid is cold, enriches the fuel for easier starting and efficient warming of the car.

Likewise, and vice versa, when the engine is warm, the engine requires less fuel to start; therefore, the engine can be started with a leaner mixture, thereby saving some amount of fuel.

The operation of the sensor is easy to notice when starting a cold engine, when the speed of a newly started engine is slightly higher than idle, around 1300 rpm.

Design and principle of operation

The temperature meter on Grant is a thermal variable resistor. The thermocouple, enclosed in a bronze case with a threaded tip, reduces the resistance of the electrical circuit when heated. This allows the ECU to determine the coolant temperature.

DTOZH device:

If you look at the sensor in cross-section, you can see two contact petals located at the top and bottom of a thermistor made of a special metal alloy, which changes its resistance depending on the degree of heating. It closes both contacts. One is supplied with power from the on-board network. The current, having passed through a resistor with a changed characteristic, exits through the second contact and enters the ECU microprocessor through the wire.

The following parameters of internal combustion engine operation depend on the DTOZH:

  • temperature indicator readings on the instrument panel;
  • timely activation of the internal combustion engine forced cooling fan;
  • enrichment of the fuel mixture;
  • engine idle speed.

Checking the DTOZH

The sensor is checked using a multimeter and a glass of boiled water with a thermometer.

To do this, set the switch on the multimeter to the resistance measurement parameter.

The probes of the multimeter are connected to the sensor, and the sensor itself is placed in a glass of boiling water.

Next, a thermometer is dipped into the glass to measure the water temperature.

The water temperature reading should be compared with the resistance reading of the multimeter and compared to the original table.

If the readings agree, then the sensor is working.

Where is

Finding a temperature meter is not at all difficult. The developers of the VAZ-1290, 91 Lada Granta model built a sensor into the thermostat housing. This is exactly the place in the cooling system where you can record the maximum degree of heating of the antifreeze. If you lift the hood, you can almost immediately see where the thermostat is located. It is located on the right side of the cylinder head. We find the sensor in the seat of the thermal valve body.

Location of the DTOZH (yellow nut visible):


The sensor must be replaced after draining the coolant, but some craftsmen make replacements without draining the antifreeze.

To replace you will need:

  • Antifreeze for refilling 1l;
  • 13mm ratchet head;
  • Open-end wrench 19mm;
  • Container for draining coolant;
  • Phillips screwdriver;

Once everything is prepared, you can begin disassembling the car.

Work must be carried out on a cooled engine!

Replacement process

  • Remove the negative terminal from the battery;

  • Remove the air filter box;

  • Drain the coolant by unscrewing the plug in the block;

  • Remove the connector from the sensor;

  • Unscrew the sensor and remove it;

  • We install a new sensor and fill the coolant;

Replacement without draining coolant

To replace without draining the coolant, simply unscrew the sensor, plug the hole with your finger and quickly install a new sensor. The loss of antifreeze with this method will be no more than 0.5 liters, but will save about an hour of time.

Symptoms of a problem

All negative phenomena that arise as soon as the DTOZ fails can be described as follows:

  • fuel consumption increases sharply;
  • difficult starting the engine when cold;
  • when starting, the muffler “smoke”;
  • The radiator fan is constantly running;
  • the fan does not turn on at a critical level of coolant temperature.

Before dismantling the meter, experts recommend first checking the reliability of the wiring and fastening of the connectors.

How to Check Engine Coolant Temperature

How does the temperature sensor work on the Lada Granta? Where is he located? How to dismantle?

Lada Granta 2013, petrol engine 1.6 l., 87 l. p., front wheel drive, manual transmission - do it yourself

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What temperature sensors are installed on the Lada Granta, where are they located, price

In total, over ten digital and mechanical sensors are installed in the Lada Granta. The following deserve special attention and control from the driver:

  • Coolant temperature sensor (hereinafter referred to as DTOZH);
  • Environmental DT (hereinafter referred to as DTOS).

The functionality of the devices and the accuracy of data display depend on the condition of the technical equipment and the safety of driving a car.

Old dashboard

On vehicle models before 2014, it will not be possible to view the temperature on the dashboard in any case. And, if you pay attention only to the overheating light, then when it lights up, it may be too late to save the engine.

In this case, installing a special engine temperature indicator will help. However, you first need to understand what the on-board computer values ​​on the panel mean in order to understand the problem.

On-board computer values ​​on the panel

The manufacturer says that you can drive with an engine that is not warmed up. Although this is fraught with major overhauls not only for the engine, but also for the automatic transmission. If you warm up the engine, then in hot regions you may not understand when the engine warms up to 80 degrees, and the temperature jumps above the set point. And when the engine starts to boil, it will be too late to wave your hands.

So how do you know that the heating levels in the engine have reached their climax? In this case, experienced mechanics suggest installing a special engine temperature indicator.

Installing a separate engine temperature indicator

A similar engine temperature indicator is installed in any free hole in the car interior. The installation procedure itself does not take much time.

Attention! First you need to turn off all power in the car. It is best to remove the terminals from the battery.

Now you can begin the procedure:

  1. Remove the panel trim.
  2. Since the battery mass has already been disconnected, we proceed to the procedure for opening the glove compartment lid.
  3. Find the diagnostic connector and pull it out.
  4. Then a temperature indicator is placed in place of the plug and the wires are connected.
  5. The other end of the wires is connected to the diagnostic connector and clamped.

Why does coolant boil?

Sometimes you can see a car standing on the side of the road with the hood raised, from under which steam is pouring out. This is the result of a failure of the Lada Granta temperature sensor. The device provided incorrect information to the electronic control unit (ECU), and the ventilation system was unable to operate in time, which is why the antifreeze began to boil.

If the coolant temperature sensor (DTOZh) on the Lada Granta is faulty, the antifreeze may boil for several reasons:

  1. Loose timing belt.
  2. Destruction of the pump bearing.
  3. Thermostat failure.
  4. Antifreeze leak.

Loose timing belt

The belt tension may become weak due to the exhaustion of its running life or poor manufacturing quality. The belt begins to slide along the teeth of the pump drive gear. The speed of movement of antifreeze in the radiator drops, and the temperature sharply “flies” upward. The belt is tightened or replaced with a new product.

Timing belt:

Pump bearing failure

The consequence of a failure of the coolant pump bearing is that the pump begins to jam. Antifreeze stops moving inside the large cooling system circuit on the Grant, and the liquid, quickly heating up, reaches the boiling point of 100 ° C. The pump is urgently dismantled and replaced with a new pump.

Water pump:

Thermostat failure

Over time, the device may exhaust its resource, and the valve stops working when the antifreeze heats up. As a result, antifreeze cannot circulate in a large circuit and pass through the radiator. The liquid, remaining in the engine jacket, quickly heats up and boils. The thermostat needs urgent replacement.


Antifreeze leak

This can happen due to leakage in the connections of the cooling system pipes, damage to the radiator, expansion tank and pump.

A low antifreeze level can be seen by the marks on the expansion tank. This will also be noticeable by how quickly the needle moves or the temperature values ​​​​change on the instrument panel interface.

You need to add fluid to the required level and go to the garage or service station.

Expansion tank:


The process of ignition of the fuel mixture in the cylinders of the internal combustion engine is accompanied by an increase in temperature to 20000C. If you do not maintain operating temperature conditions, the cylinder block with all its parts will simply collapse. The purpose of the engine cooling system is precisely to maintain the thermal operating conditions of the engine at a safe level.

The Grant engine temperature sensor is a meter that tells the ECU about the degree of heating of the antifreeze. The electronic unit, in turn, analyzing data from all sensors, including DTOZH, brings all internal combustion engine systems to a balanced optimal operating mode.


Design and principle of operation

The temperature meter on Grant is a thermal variable resistor. The thermocouple, enclosed in a bronze case with a threaded tip, reduces the resistance of the electrical circuit when heated. This allows the ECU to determine the coolant temperature.

DTOZH device:

If you look at the sensor in cross-section, you can see two contact petals located at the top and bottom of a thermistor made of a special metal alloy, which changes its resistance depending on the degree of heating.

It closes both contacts. One is supplied with power from the on-board network. The current, having passed through a resistor with a changed characteristic, exits through the second contact and enters the ECU microprocessor through the wire.

The following parameters of internal combustion engine operation depend on the DTOZH:

  • temperature indicator readings on the instrument panel;
  • timely activation of the internal combustion engine forced cooling fan;
  • enrichment of the fuel mixture;
  • engine idle speed.

Symptoms of a problem

All negative phenomena that arise as soon as the DTOZ fails can be described as follows:

  • fuel consumption increases sharply;
  • difficult starting the engine when cold;
  • when starting, the muffler “smoke”;
  • The radiator fan is constantly running;
  • the fan does not turn on at a critical level of coolant temperature.

Before dismantling the meter, experts recommend first checking the reliability of the wiring and fastening of the connectors.

Where is

Finding a temperature meter is not at all difficult. The developers of the VAZ-1290, 91 Lada Granta model built a sensor into the thermostat housing.

This is exactly the place in the cooling system where you can record the maximum degree of heating of the antifreeze. If you lift the hood, you can almost immediately see where the thermostat is located.

It is located on the right side of the cylinder head. We find the sensor in the seat of the thermal valve body.

Location of the DTOZH (yellow nut visible):

Functionality check

To check the functionality of the controller, you need to remove it (see how to do this below) and prepare the following:

  • sensor cleaned of dust and dirt;
  • digital multimeter;
  • thermocouple with sensor or thermometer;
  • open container for boiling water.


Check procedure

The DTOZH check is carried out as follows.

  1. The dishes with water are placed on the stove and the gas burner is lit or the electric stove is turned on.
  2. The multimeter is set to voltmeter mode. One probe makes contact with “0” of the meter. The second probe is connected to another terminal of the sensor.
  3. The controller is lowered into the container so that only its tip is in the water.
  4. During the process of heating water, changes in temperature and the value of the sensor resistance are recorded.

The data obtained is compared with the indicators in the following table:

Water temperature in the container, °C Sensor resistance, kOhm


If the readings differ from the tabulated data, this means that the coolant temperature sensor must be replaced, since such devices cannot be repaired. If the readings are correct, you need to look further for the causes of the malfunction.

Diagnostics with Opendiag mobile

The above method of checking the meter today can already be considered “old-fashioned”. In order not to bother with boiling water or specifically go to a service station to diagnose the electrical equipment of a Lada Granta, you only need to have an Android smartphone with the downloaded Opendiag mobile program and an ELM327 Bluetooth 1.5 diagnostic adapter.

ELM327 Bluetooth 1.5 adapter:

Diagnosis is carried out as follows.

  1. The adapter is inserted into the diagnostic connector of the Lada Granta and the ignition is turned on.
  2. In the phone settings, select Bluetooth mode. The name of the adapted device - OBDII - should appear on the display.
  3. Enter the standard password - 1234.
  4. Exit the Bluetooth menu and enter the Opendiag mobile program.
  5. After the “Connect” command, error codes will appear on the screen.
  6. If errors RO 116-118 are visible on the display, then the DTOZH itself is faulty.

Interface of the Opendiag mobile program on Android:


If you have the skills to handle simple tools, then replacing a damaged device with a new sensor will not be difficult. Before starting work, you need to make sure that the engine is cold, the car is located on a level surface on the handbrake and with the negative terminal removed from the battery. After this proceed as follows:

  1. Remove the contact chip with the cable from the head of the DTOZh connector.
  2. Drain part (about ½ liter) of the coolant into a suitable container by unscrewing the bolt at the bottom of the engine block.
  3. Use an open-end wrench to “19” to unscrew the old meter.
  4. Install a new sensor and insert the contact chip into the DTOZH connector.
  5. Antifreeze is added to the expansion tank to the required level.
  6. The terminal is returned to its place on the battery.


As for the light sensor, it is installed in the same housing with the rain regulator. Its purpose is to activate and deactivate lighting based on the current state.

For example, if it gets dark outside or you enter a garage or poorly lit tunnel, the device should automatically turn on the headlights along with the side lights.

The controller itself is not repairable, so if it fails, the only option is to replace it.

Diagnostics with Opendiag mobile

The above method of checking the meter today can already be considered “old-fashioned”. In order not to bother with boiling water or specifically go to a service station to diagnose the electrical equipment of a Lada Granta, you only need to have an Android smartphone with the downloaded Opendiag mobile program and an ELM327 Bluetooth 1.5 diagnostic adapter.

ELM327 Bluetooth 1.5 adapter:

Diagnosis is carried out as follows.

  1. The adapter is inserted into the diagnostic connector of the Lada Granta and the ignition is turned on.
  2. In the phone settings, select Bluetooth mode. The name of the adapted device - OBDII - should appear on the display.
  3. Enter the standard password - 1234.
  4. Exit the Bluetooth menu and enter the Opendiag mobile program.
  5. After the “Connect” command, error codes will appear on the screen.
  6. If errors RO 116-118 are visible on the display, then the DTOZH itself is faulty.

Interface of the Opendiag mobile program on Android:

Old dashboard

This instrument panel was installed before June 15, 2014.

Find the engine temperature indicator here?

There is no engine temperature indicator on the old instrument panel. There is only an overheating warning light. On my previous cars, which did not have a temperature gauge, there were at least two warning lights: “cold engine” and “engine overheating”.

On the Grant, as planned by AvtoVAZ engineers, the engine should not be warmed up, and you can immediately start driving. Interesting savings. On our website there was a whole battle about this in the article: Is it necessary to warm up the engine before driving?

Car manufacturers allow the car engine not to warm up, citing global standards to prevent environmental pollution and save gasoline.

Read more about fuel consumption standards for the Lada Granta family of cars in the article: Grants fuel consumption on the passport and in reality, what is it like?

Ways to solve this problem

There are several ways to solve this problem. The simplest of them is to just hammer and drive like that. Most people do just that. You can flash the instrument panel, the result will be like this.

But in this car there is a hypothetical problem of the engine not heating up to operating temperatures, although AvtoVAZ management does not consider operating temperatures below 80 degrees a problem.

Installing a separate engine temperature indicator

The easiest and cheapest way is to install a separate temperature indicator instead of the standard free button plug.

Temperature gauge installed in place of the standard plug next to the cigarette lighter

Installing such a digital indicator will not take much time.

Make it a rule to always turn off the power to your vehicle when doing any electrical work!

  1. You will need to remove the panel trim (if you don't have air conditioning, the ideal location would be to the side of the heated rear window button).
  2. Next, disconnect the ground from the battery.

    Disconnect the ground from the battery

  3. We remove the glove compartment lid and pull out the diagnostic connector so that we have free access to it.

    Diagnostic connector

  4. We insert the digital indicator instead of the plug and connect the wires according to the instructions to the diagnostic connector using clamp terminals.

    Connect the indicator to the diagnostic connector

  5. We connect the ground, start the car and check the operation of the device.

    Checking the operation of the indicator with the car running

  6. Carefully put everything back together in reverse order.

This indicator is sold in most car stores, the cost does not exceed 600 rubles.

Viewing the temperature using a smartphone (tablet)

This method will require you to purchase a diagnostic cable that works via bluetooth. You will also need an Android device that supports bluetooth connection.

  1. Remove the diagnostic connector.
  2. Connect the diagnostic cable there.
  3. Install the “Torque” program or a similar one on your cell phone.
  4. Launch the program on your phone, start the engine and try to establish communication with the adapter.
  5. Once the connection is established, you can view the data that is transmitted from the sensors to the ECU.

New instrument panel

New instrument panel combination (from June 16, 2014)

If your car was manufactured after June 15, then the engine temperature should be displayed in the on-board computer. If it is not there, then you need to reflash the instrument panel.


Lada Granta 2014, 87 l. With. — electronics

Cars for sale

Lada Granta, 2016

Lada Granta, 2019

Lada Granta, 2016

Lada Granta, 2017

Comments 13

hi, I don’t understand how you plugged in the cabin sensor and where. I just want a deluxe cabin sensor so that the MMS will show where to connect it.

a button for 3 outputs will switch the positive wire that goes into the dash either from the street sensor or from the interior sensor, and the second wire from the sensors sits on the negative. in the third photo it’s red, this sensor is exactly the same as on the street, only I cut off the plastic housing and glued it in the interior lamp shade to the climate control sensor.

hi, I don’t understand how you plugged in the cabin sensor and where. I just want a deluxe cabin sensor so that the MMS will show where to connect it.

In the first photo, I installed it for testing, and when I did the climate control (I didn’t have a sensor with a fan in the ceiling), I took it apart and ran the wires to the ceiling in front of the fan so that it was blown.

hi, I don’t understand how you plugged in the cabin sensor and where. I just want a deluxe cabin sensor so that the MMS will show where to connect it.

The connection itself goes to the instrument panel in the standard place for the outside temperature, and with a switch I simply transfer the connection from the street to the cabin. I don’t know what MMS output is for the sensor.

If only there was a photo from the sensor itself from the lampshade to the instrument panel. That would be great, but I don’t understand anything))

The connection itself goes to the instrument panel in the standard place for the outside temperature, and with a switch I simply transfer the connection from the street to the cabin. I don’t know what MMS output is for the sensor.

take a photo and say ok

The connection itself goes to the instrument panel in the standard place for the outside temperature, and with a switch I simply transfer the connection from the street to the cabin. I don’t know what MMS output is for the sensor.

MMS takes all readings through the channel bus and the bus is connected to the instrument panel, I only need to connect this sensor to the panel where

What's with the red button in the first photo?

The switch is connected to the wire from the street sensor, the second wire to ground. The interior sensor wire also goes to it; the second wire also goes to ground. And the third central wire goes to the instrument panel. And it switches with a street or interior button.

Wouldn't it be easier to flash the tidy to version 092?

Firmware 092 won't give me anything. The engine temperature is at low water level at bk. And in 090 there is already a temperature of the interior, and when I did it, no one was living yet since 092 had not yet existed

There are some nuances in how temperature readings work. When the engine is running, the readings freeze and begin to change only when driving. and it also depends on the speed. I set the climate control and monitored the interior temperature and when switching from cold to heat at a speed of 60 km per hour, the temperature returns to normal in 8-15 minutes and at 120 in 2 minutes, but when you switch to the street in the cold, the readings immediately drop to street level temperature. This is the operating mode

The vast majority of modern cars, including the Lada Granta, are equipped with digital sensors. “Scanners” transmit readings online to the electronic control unit of the ECU.

The on-board computer compares the received data with the programmed ones. In case of discrepancy, an error is indicated on the dashboard. The owner of the car, seeing a system error, decides on the nature of the breakdown and visits a service station to order a comprehensive diagnosis.

ATTENTION! A completely simple way to reduce fuel consumption has been found! Don't believe me? An auto mechanic with 15 years of experience also didn’t believe it until he tried it. And now he saves 35,000 rubles a year on gasoline! Read more"

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