What is Gravitex and how to apply it to a car body

The main factor in assessing the value of a car is the body. The price directly depends on its condition. The car body is always visible, although there are hidden places. Depending on the climate where the car is operated and the condition of the paintwork, it depends on how quickly the metal of the body begins to “bloom.” In megacities during the winter, when the streets are sprinkled with a special reagent, if the body metal is not protected with high-quality primer and paint, it quickly corrodes. Also, metal located near the sea is highly susceptible to corrosion due to high humidity. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the metal with gravitex.

Feasibility and features of application

Anti-gravel Body 950 will be needed by those car owners who often have to drive on bad roads. The make of the vehicle also matters. The fact is that on many cars, anti-gravel protective compositions are used at the stage of priming and painting the body. An example is all the cars of the Audi family, the domestic Lada Priora and a number of others. Thus, the manufacturer cares not only about protection against chips, but also properly prepares the car for operation in difficult weather conditions. In other cases, there is a need to protect the car body from chips or other damage that often occurs on the threshold, bottom or wheel arches of the car from small stones.

Anti-gravel Body 950 belongs to the category of compounds that have a certain color - white, gray or darker. The treatment consists of sequentially applying at least two layers of anti-gravel to the treated area, and the surface must be thoroughly dried before each subsequent layer. This may not be indicated in the instructions, but from user reviews it follows that before processing the surface should be sanded with 250-grit sandpaper if you are going to apply regular paint, and 350-grit sandpaper if the final surface is to have a metallic color. Some users even use sandblasting: according to them, it is in this case that the preparation will be the most uniform and of the highest quality.

If there are dents on the surface, they are repaired with putty or fiberglass. A quick and effective coating can be applied even to a bulldozer or tractor: for rust and stones, the type of vehicle does not matter.

What is Gravitex, why is it needed?

Gravitex is a product for protecting the car body from possible mechanical damage. This composition is applied to the body, and it is able to prevent impact loads, thereby protecting the fragile paintwork from chips and scratches.

Gravitex itself consists of rubber, various resin additives, chemical additives, solvent and some other elements. As you can understand from the rubber base, the product is quite elastic, that is, solid particles entering it will slow down, which will prevent it from hitting the paintwork.

From the composition of Gravitex you can understand that it will be noticeable on the car body. That is why only the body elements that are most susceptible to damage are treated with this product - the underbody, sills, bottom of doors, wheel arches, etc. Gravitex is applied over the entire surface of the body quite rarely - this will greatly spoil the appearance of the car.

We use it correctly, in accordance with technology

Well, and most importantly, how should the composition be applied correctly? First of all, you must find out all the details. We believe that you have already figured out the type of container and coloring. Now let's move on to the technical details.

  • For example, do you need to prime before painting?
  • How long will each individual layer take to dry?
  • What type is acceptable for treatment with this anti-gravel?
  • If you choose a pistol, what is the nozzle diameter?
  • What air pressure do you need?
  • What layer thickness should be maintained? Did the master dilute the composition?

Once all these nuances have been clarified, you can proceed directly to painting in accordance with the instructions. Since the entire process is usually described in some detail in the instructions, we will not repeat it.

Disadvantages of anti-gravel

However, there are also minor drawbacks to the process of using anti-gravel agents. Among them:

  • Anti-gravel compositions are harmful to the human body. Accordingly, during the application process it is necessary to use personal protective equipment - gloves, goggles, preferably a respirator. In addition, you need to paint with anti-gravel in a well-ventilated area or outside. Before operation, carefully read the safety precautions in the operating instructions!
  • High cost of anti-gravel treatment. Despite the fact that the price of one aerosol can of anti-gravel is relatively low, each of them is designed for a large area to be treated. It is also worth adding here the fact that processing is usually carried out in 2…4 layers. However, preventive treatment with anti-gravel allows you to keep the paintwork of thresholds and other body parts in good condition for a long time. · Most anti-gravel in packages after printing are not stored for a long time, but instead lose their performance properties. Therefore, there is no need to buy these funds for future use.

Thus, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, so treating the thresholds with anti-gravel is an excellent preventative measure for a car with any mileage.

What is Gravitex and how to choose Gravitex?

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Gravitex you shouldn't be afraid of roads

The appearance of all cars deteriorates over time due to scratches, minor dents and various types of abrasions that appear due to unfortunate stones, crumbs, sand and various objects slipping from under the wheels. A minor scratch not only worsens the appearance of the car, but will also later become the epicenter of corrosion if the car is not protected in due time.

Sometimes attempts to paint over scratches fail. If you choose the wrong paint color, the car, at best, loses its pleasant appearance. Then you have to completely repaint the bumper or the entire fender and wait for the unwanted appearance of the next stone. Such problems can be anticipated if you think about gravitex protection in time. How to deal with this difficulty using products designed for gravitex processing? You will read about this in this article.

Purpose and advantage of gravitex

A car on the road is at great risk, and it is not always visible to the naked eye. For example, stones, gravel, salt, crumbs, sand and various debris that slip out from under the wheels peel off the paint in the lower areas of the car body, on wheel arches, fenders, and even more so under the bumper. This significantly distorts the overall appearance, but does not slow down the corrosion process. Over time, the situation only becomes more complicated. This often leads to problems with the machine.

The solution to the dilemma is the means by which Gravitex treatment is carried out, the so-called anti-gravel. Their special composition allows them to take on the impact of pebbles and other solid particles, absorbing it entirely, which minimizes the risk of damage to the body. When covering areas of the body that are particularly prone to risk, these products guarantee protection of the car body and paintwork from numerous adverse factors:

  • — prevent damage from impacts from gravel, stone chips, pieces of glass and various debris;
  • — guarantee the integrity of the paintwork of wheel arches, fenders, sills, the lower section of the bumper and other components of the body;
  • — protect particularly risk-prone areas of the body from corrosion;
  • — maintain the beautiful appearance of the car;
  • — due to their springiness, they reduce body vibration and noise levels.

All this requires the least amount of time, effort and money. Thanks to this, nowadays almost all car enthusiasts carry out gravitex treatment on their cars.

Structure and features of gravitex

All of the above features of gravitex coating are provided by its components. Often, gravitex is produced in the form of an aerosol or liquid (it is applied with a spray gun or a special-purpose gun). Gravitex consists of rubber, synthetic resins and organic solvents. When the surface is coated, the liquid dries and acquires the desired qualities.

When dried, the gravitex coating hardens, but remains elastic, its surface becomes finely lumpy, and its thickness is 1-2 mm. However, this layer is more than enough to combat road difficulties.

A huge advantage of gravitex is the permissibility of painting or enameling it in the color of the car body. However, this treatment is recommended when using some gravitex coatings, since it guarantees protection against corrosion. Since gravitex has a spongy structure, dampness sometimes reaches the metal of the car body. If its components are not an anti-corrosion agent or a rust converter, then applying paint to this surface when drying is mandatory.

Types of products for gravitex processing

Today the market offers a huge number of products for gravitex processing, which are indistinguishable from each other. There are a number of characteristics according to which these funds are divided into groups.

In terms of coating durability:

  • — long-term gravitex coating;
  • — gravitex for temporary protection.

By type of container:

  • — aerosol, ready for use;
  • - an aerosol can that requires the use of a specialized gun.

By color: transparent, white, gray, black.

Nowadays, “Gravitex” exists in white, gray, black colors and in the form of a product that creates a colorless film. For the gravitex coating to be effective, it must be painted in the color of the car body.

Finally, gravitex products are relatively divided into a number of groups based on the presence of auxiliary agents in their composition. In particular, gravitex can contain anti-corrosion agents, rust converters, as well as agents for better adhesion to car body coatings.

Options for using gravitex

Depending on the position of the surface to be treated, the method of applying gravitex is selected.

Steps for applying anti-gravel to painted metal surfaces:

  • - clean and degrease the surfaces being treated;
  • — use tape or another method to cover surfaces that should not be subject to gravitex application;
  • — using a specialized gun or spray gun, apply gravitex coating;
  • — remove the protective agent;
  • — a day must pass before the first trip;
  • - if necessary, paint with automotive enamel or varnish, following all operating instructions for these products.

Applying Gravitex to unpainted surfaces or to the bottom of the car requires a slightly different course of work:

  1. - clean and degrease the surfaces being treated;
  2. - apply the appropriate type of primer;
  3. - if necessary, puttying is carried out;
  4. - cover surfaces that should not be treated using tape or other methods;
  5. — as soon as the soil has dried, apply a gravitex coating;
  6. - after the gravitex has completely dried, paint it using automotive enamel and varnish.

Gravitex gun

A special gun for Gravitex is a device designed for applying Gravitex to a surface before painting. In general, it is used in mechanical engineering, in car services. In general, Gravitex is used in areas that are subject to intense mechanical influences, such as car sills and the lower areas of doors. It is also possible to use gravitex to treat the underbody of a car body, both from the outside and inside. As a result of drying, Gravitex acquires the characteristics of dense rubber, protecting the car body and weakening the impact of stones. Using this device, an even layer is applied to the surface. It has a comfortable handle and a soft, large trigger.

Gravitex protection is very necessary, and even more so very effective. Every motorist who cares about his favorite car wants it to maintain its sophisticated appearance longer. Such a person will definitely carry out this easy process, and will no longer be afraid of scratches and chips, which are almost inevitable in the conditions of our domestic roads.

Considering the state of current roads, it is virtually impossible to do without anti-gravel.

Low cost, simple application and reliability - all this is combined in gravitex, which for a long time forms armor for the body of your car from many inconveniences. Protected means armed!

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How to apply Gravitex correctly

Its service life and efficiency depend on the correct application of the composition to the car body. Application technologies will differ depending on whether there is damage (chips, cracks, scratches) on the surface being treated or not.

How to apply non-paintable Gravitex to a surface without chipping

In order to treat a perfectly flat car surface with Gravitex, you will need the product itself, a degreaser, clean rags, masking tape and film (or paper) to protect the area that is not intended to be treated.

Please note: If the surface is not chipped, the best option would be to apply unpainted Gravitex to it, which is initially body-colored or colorless.

The process of applying Gravitex will be as follows:

  1. Prepare the surface on which the product will be applied. To do this, remove any dirt from it and dry it thoroughly. Make sure that there are no chemical deposits left on the surface from detergents, and that there are no grains of sand or dirt;
  2. Degrease the surface by applying a degreaser using a rag;
  3. The area that will not be treated with Gravitex is covered with masking tape, film (or paper);
  4. Next, Gravitex is applied in an even layer. Depending on the chosen composition option (aerosol or liquid), the details of the application technology will differ. It is important to apply it in a thin, even layer;
  5. After applying one layer, wait until the composition dries and apply a second layer;
  6. Next, wait until Gravitex dries, then remove the protective materials.

Important: It is recommended to operate a vehicle to which Gravitex has been applied no earlier than 24 hours later.

How to apply paintable Gravitex to a chipped surface

It is much more difficult to apply the product to a body that has defects. In this case, you should choose paintable Gravitex, which will need to be painted over after application.

Please note: It is ideal to use a computer paint selection method to match the color as closely as possible to the body color.

To apply Gravitex to a chipped surface, you will need more tools: sandpaper, putty, primer, body anti-corrosion treatment, paint, rags, masking tape and film (or paper).

The Gravitex application process is as follows:

  1. First you need to clean the surface from dirt and dust;
  2. Next, use masking tape and paper to cover the body parts to be painted;
  3. With the help of sandpaper, body elements that have defects are polished - dents, chips, scratches, areas with corrosion, and so on;
  4. The surface is degreased;

  5. Using putty, existing dents are repaired;

  6. An anti-corrosion agent is applied to defective body elements;
  7. The primer is applied, after which you need to wait for it to dry;
  8. Next, the grinding stage goes through again to level the surface, after which the surface is degreased;
  9. Next begins the stage of applying Gravitex. The product is applied in one even layer, after which you need to wait for it to dry and apply a second layer;
  10. Leave the car for 24 hours for the Gravitex to dry completely;
  11. The final stage is applying paint.

After applying the paint, it is also important to let the car “dry”. Depending on the type of paint being applied, this may take different times; follow the instructions for the paint.

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The best examples of bright and anti-theft tuning

The most impressive look are business class cars, in which one part of the body has a familiar look, is beautifully painted and shines with metal, and the other part is covered with rust. Such a car invariably attracts attention and causes amazement among passers-by.

Powerful SUVs with all the attributes of a car for extreme travel in a rusty body will look as if they have recently returned from a dangerous expedition.

How to treat a car with Gravitex?

One of the protective agents for the car body is Gravitex or anti-gravel. ... To properly apply Gravitex, do the following:

  1. Buy a Gravitex gun
  2. Sand the surface to remove gloss
  3. Tape the body in the right places
  4. Degrease surfaces
  5. Spray two layers of anti-gravel

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Types of Gravitex

You can find different types of Gravitex from different manufacturers on sale in automotive stores. Moreover, each manufacturer has its own unique formula for this composition.

Important: Depending on the composition of Gravitex, not only its protective properties differ, but also the technology for its application. This must be taken into account both when choosing a product and when treating the surface of the body and other parts with it.

Gravitex can be offered to customers in two consistencies: as a liquid or as an aerosol. The liquid is cheaper, but it is more difficult to apply to a car, since application will require a special device - a gun and a compressor. Whereas an aerosol can be sprayed directly from a can onto the body or other parts of the car.

Also, all Gravitex compositions can be divided into two large groups based on the possibility of coloring:

Paintable. After applying this type of product, you need to paint the surface

This is important to do, since Gravitex itself has the structure of a sponge, and coloring is not only aesthetic, but also necessary for protection. If you do not apply a paint layer to the anti-gravel coating, moisture will begin to penetrate through it, which will be retained, and because of this, pockets of corrosion will form on the car body;


This type of gravitex contains substances that do not allow moisture to penetrate through the applied layer. This is important to remember, and you should not apply a paint coating over unpainted Gravitex, otherwise it will begin to peel off, which will lead to damage to the appearance of the car.

Undyed Gravitex comes in several colors: black, white, gray and clear. Since Gravitex does not cover the entire car body, but only some parts, the choice of black color is the most universal. White and gray are most likely only suitable for cars that are made in a similar color. As for the transparent composition, it is not very noticeable after application and allows you to preserve the original color of the body.

Depending on the manufacturer, the number of additives and the Gravitex formula, short-term formulations and long-term formulations are distinguished. Short-term Gravitex is applied, as a rule, for one season, for example, in winter. After this, it loses its performance qualities. Long-term Gravitex is able to protect the car body for a long time.

Please note: Long-term Gravitex is significantly more expensive. When choosing Gravitex you also need to pay attention to the additional properties of the composition, modeling them on your car

For example, if the car often moves along country roads, you need to choose a composition that is more resistant to mechanical damage. And for cars that are susceptible to corrosion, or that already have pockets of corrosion on body elements, it is better to choose Gravitex with additional anti-corrosion characteristics

When choosing Gravitex, you also need to pay attention to the additional properties of the composition, modeling them on your car. For example, if the car often moves along country roads, you need to choose a composition that is more resistant to mechanical damage. And for cars that are susceptible to corrosion, or that already have pockets of corrosion on body elements, it is better to choose Gravitex with additional anti-corrosion characteristics.

What is the secret of gravitex

So, what kind of secret does this fashionable composition keep, which is gaining popularity in the market by leaps and bounds? The name of this composition is not a trademark - different manufacturers produce compositions under this name. The composition may vary slightly from one to another. But, in general, the composition will be similar - it is a set of ingredients such as:

  • Synthetic resins in different proportions and with various impurities. From brand to brand, from budget to budget, their composition may vary.
  • Organic solvents may also vary the volume of this part of the composition and the specific ingredients.
  • Rubber.

This is exactly the composition of that “magic” protective layer that keeps the surface safe and sound, protecting it from various damages. What is gravitex for cars? First of all, it is film. A very important property of the film that is formed after painting with an anti-gravel composition is its elasticity. That is, if the metal moves imperceptibly, the film will also change shape. With normal polishing, it will flake and chip.

Gravitex in a can for cars - instructions for use

Composition and scope

All companies producing gravitex use one basic general recipe. Each manufacturer introduces its own additional components into the composition, which allows them to advertise their compositions as the best.

All varieties are based on synthetic resins, organic solvents and rubber. After the solvent evaporates, a durable, slightly elastic and hard layer remains, protecting against chipping when hit by stones and gravel.

The thickness of the coating depends on the number of layers.

Gravitex is used for car body treatment

The use of gravitex gives:
  • corrosion protection;
  • high resistance to impacts from small stones;
  • reduces noise;
  • protects against fuel and oil, non-aggressive salts and acids,
  • preserves paintwork.

In conditions of suburban use and bad roads, it is important to treat the entire body.

Types of gravitex coating

They are divided into 2 groups - dyeable and non-dyeable. Available in liquid form - in cans and aerosol cans.

Gravitex can be painted or unpainted

After applying the paintables, additional painting is necessary, because... the composition is porous and allows moisture to pass through, which can lead to corrosion.

Non-paintable ones contain water-repellent additives. Available in white, gray, black and colorless.

Depending on the composition of additives, coatings are divided into short-term - for one season or winter, after which it loses its qualities, and long-term - for several seasons.

The best aerosol products:

  1. Gravitex BODY 950 is universal, available in 3 colors (white, black and grey). Old Greek company, easily available in stores.

Disadvantages: it does not stick well, so it requires cleaning and degreasing. Increased consumption.

As a replacement, for larger volumes of work, use the less expensive and non-paintable BODY 900.

  1. KERRY. Russian brand of Moscow JSC “Elf Filling”. The ideal combination of price and quality. 3 colors - white, gray and black. Good adhesion and anti-corrosion properties. Dries quickly.
  2. Hi-Gear. The composition is similar to liquid rubber, transparent. The mixture is expensive. Forms an even layer and dries quickly. Protects the body well.

Gravitex must be applied strictly according to the instructions.

Disadvantage: several layers must be applied.

  1. Liqui Moly 6109. Contains polyurethane resins, which gives increased strength and elasticity. High adhesion and compatibility with various types of paint, low consumption.

Disadvantages: only black color, high price.

Instructions for use for cars

Working with an aerosol can is easier than using a spray gun. All work must be carried out in a ventilated box and with protective equipment - glasses, gloves and a respirator.

Sequence of work
  • cover untreated areas with film or tape;
  • wash the surface to be treated;
  • remove rust;
  • degrease the surface;
  • prime;
  • after drying, the soil is ground with P240 abrasive;
  • Shake the can thoroughly for 2-3 minutes;
  • spray 2-3 layers of gravitex

How to remove the composition

Since anti-gravel is quite resistant to aggressive environments, strong solvents are used to remove it - white spirit, pure acetone, solvent 646.

The procedure is carried out outdoors or indoors with good ventilation. Use protective equipment. Remove the gravitex with cotton swabs soaked in solvent.

Do-it-yourself anti-gravel treatment

Gravitex can be applied correctly in several ways. The technology will depend on the method of combining the protective layers of metal. But there are a number of preparatory operations that are valid for all types of anti-gravel treatment.

  1. Thoroughly wash and dry the surface to be treated;
  2. remove all areas of corrosion;
  3. degrease the surface;

As we saw with the example of Novol GRAVIT 600 MS, the manufacturer allows gravitex to be applied to “bare” metal. If you applied gravitex to unprotected metal, after drying the surface must be varnished.

Anti-gravel, if you look at it under a microscope, has a porous structure, which suggests the ingress of some amount of moisture. In addition, constant temperature changes and gravel flying from under the wheels have a negative impact on the coating.

Over time, the protective layer will crack and begin to peel off (after 3-4 years this can happen even if you apply anti-gravel to an old glossy paintwork). Therefore, we recommend priming the surface before treating with gravitex. After drying, the primer should be sanded with P240 abrasive, and only then the compound should be applied. Even if you used a primer, coating with varnish will only increase the degree of protection.

Liqui Moly Steinschlag-Schutz

Liqui Moly anti-gravel product forms a textured surface when applied. When completely dried, the product exhibits high resistance to solvents. If necessary, it can be painted with auto enamel immediately after application, without waiting for drying.


  • resistance to temperatures from -20 to +120 °C;
  • can be applied to untreated or varnished surfaces;
  • the processed part is ready for use in 10 minutes;
  • Complete drying in 2 hours;
  • has a pleasant aroma.


  • It is undesirable to spray at sub-zero temperatures;
  • Sometimes the gas in the can runs out, but there is still some product left.

Types of products for gravitex processing

Today the market offers a huge number of products for gravitex processing, which are indistinguishable from each other. There are a number of characteristics according to which these funds are divided into groups.

In terms of coating durability:

  • — long-term gravitex coating;
  • — gravitex for temporary protection.

By type of container:

  • — aerosol, ready for use;
  • - an aerosol can that requires the use of a specialized gun.

By color: transparent, white, gray, black.

Nowadays, “Gravitex” exists in white, gray, black colors and in the form of a product that creates a colorless film. For the gravitex coating to be effective, it must be painted in the color of the car body.

Finally, gravitex products are relatively divided into a number of groups based on the presence of auxiliary agents in their composition. In particular, gravitex can contain anti-corrosion agents, rust converters, as well as agents for better adhesion to car body coatings.

Traditional methods of fighting rust

1. Acetic acid

You can dip the item in vinegar or spray the item / Photo: diz-cafe.com

2. Soda

Mix baking soda with water and run an old brush over the dishes / Photo: posuda-gid.ru

3. Citric acid

The more concentrated the acid, the more effectively corrosion is removed / Photo: ad-cd.net

4. Oxalic acid

Acid will remove not only rust, but also other contaminants / Photo: medtambova.ru

5. Hydrochloric acid

A 2% solution of hydrochloric acid will be sufficient / Photo: d6z72aalekwc3.cloudfront.net

6. Hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide is best used together with sodium salt / Photo: infokotiki.ru

7. Coca-Cola

Cola copes well with rust in the initial stages / Photo: i.ytimg.com

8. Sandpaper or foil

Food foil works well against rust on plumbing fixtures / Photo: bazazakonov.ru

Criterias of choice

In order to choose the best anti-gravel, you need to determine the characteristics by which these products differ. First of all, all modern anti-gravel products are divided into amateur ones, supplied in aerosol cans, and professional (liquid), sold in large, usually metal, cans. The first ones are intended for use by private car owners in garage conditions. The second ones are for use in professional workshops with the help of additional equipment - an air gun. In addition, the choice of anti-gravel should be based on additional criteria.


All anti-gravel products are divided into universal and special. Universal anti-gravels form a transparent polymer protective film on the surface being processed. With their help, they process not only the sills, bottom and wheel arches, but also the paintwork of the car body. In many ways, these products are similar to car wax. However, universal means are not as effective as special ones, since the degree of their protection “diverges” in different directions. Universal products usually have a specific color - red, blue, but not monochrome (black and white).

At the same time, a special anti-gravel for cars is designed to protect the sills, underbody and wheel arches of the body. They are typically white, grey, black, silver or clear. They do a better job of protecting these body parts from mechanical stress.

Protection area

The direct task of anti-gravel aerosol is to protect the treated surface from the effects of fine gravel and other debris while the car is moving. However, modern products contain additional additives that significantly expand their functionality. Thus, most anti-gravel agents also have anti-corrosion and noise-absorbing properties. Also, many of them protect the car body from reagents that utility services sprinkle on roads in winter.

Ideally, the more additional features, the better. You can read more about them in the instructions for a specific product on its packaging. However, if there are an extremely large number of such functions, this is a reason to think about the effectiveness of the presented sample; most likely the manufacturer is exaggerating the capabilities.

Type of application

Most aerosol antigravels imply economical consumption of the product in small areas. At the same time, anti-gravel for the gun is designed to “generously” apply a protective layer to the sills, wheel arches and underbody. Therefore, there are no general recommendations here - you need to choose the tool that is suitable for implementing a specific task.


Ready-made anti-gravel agents (not diluted with water or special solvents) have different textures of their particles. That is, there are coarse-grained and fine-grained. Most often, coarse-grained anti-gravel is used for processing plastic parts, for example, moldings and/or bumpers. At the same time, metal surfaces, including sills and car wheel arches, are treated with fine-grained gravel removers.

Anti-gravel coating functions

Anti-gravel paint, no matter in what form it is presented, performs the following functions:

  • protecting the surface of the bottom, sills, bumpers and boxes from impacts of stones, dirt and moisture, preventing the appearance of cracks and rust;
  • sealing by sealing cracks and damage, which prevents their further increase;
  • increase in vibration and noise insulation properties.

We also recommend that you carefully study our specialist’s article about what Movil for cars is.

When to use anti-gravel

The first anti-gravel for thresholds was used mainly for SUVs that drove on dirt roads with a lot of small stones, dust and other influences harmful to the paintwork. However, over time, manufacturers began to add additional substances to their products, with the help of which they were able to provide additional protective functions - anti-corrosion protection, noise-absorbing and antistatic properties, protection from road reagents in winter.

Treating the underbody, sills and wheel arches with anti-gravel is an excellent preventative measure, primarily to protect the paintwork on these body parts. They form a polymer protective film on their surface, which protects the paintwork from mechanical stress and also provides noise absorption when driving on coarse-grained asphalt at high speed.

It especially makes sense to use anti-gravel for car thresholds after painting them (or general painting of the car body), body repairs, and also simply for preventive purposes approximately once every one to two years.

Almost all modern anti-gravel compounds can be applied to any automotive paintwork.

Anti-gravel body 950 instructions for use

Everyone knows body 950 anti-gravel very well. This is its next generation, the next step in anti-gravel production technology. What makes them different? The first is the rubber content.

In terms of rubber content, this composition is almost identical to rubber! Almost 80% rubber is contained in this product, which allows it to achieve amazing elasticity.

For example, we applied anti-gravel to silicone paper, then removed it and subjected it to deformation. To our great surprise, we did not find a single crack; moreover, when we tried to tear it, the anti-gravel stretched like liquid rubber.

Therefore, its anti-gravel properties are at the highest level: the pebbles are perfectly springy, and dirt is not absorbed (like body 950). In addition to all this, such an anti-gravel composition, where such an amount of rubber is excellent sound insulation.

The fact is that the elastic material perfectly “removes” vibrations from the metal. Next, on a vertical surface we will look at how “obedient” this material is in work.

To apply body 951 anti-gravel we used a spray gun from the same company

Important note. To apply this anti-gravel you must use a high-quality spray gun, always with an adjustable nozzle

Guns with a direct-flow tube will not be able to properly apply this anti-gravel.

Now we will show how anti-gravel works in various situations in which we can use it. For example, sometimes there is a need to create an even seam, like factory ones.

Under natural conditions, when we take a tube with sealant, we cannot convey this seam. The same anti-gravel, due to the fact that it allows itself to be applied in a thick layer, easily copes with the task.

Naturally, this will not be a factory seam. But it will be a very beautiful and high-quality imitation. There is an increasingly common situation (in particular with Volkswagen cars) where a thick coat of sealant is sprayed on the sills.

We can use anti-gravel body 951 to repeat this structure. It is so vertically stable that we can repeat any, even large, structure. And it will remain with us in the form in which we applied it.

Finally, we will show a test for the vertical stability of the material. We will apply it to one point. Without moving the spray gun, we can estimate the thickness of the material without dripping.

Gravitex gun

A special gun for Gravitex is a device designed for applying Gravitex to a surface before painting.
In general, it is used in mechanical engineering, in car services. In general, Gravitex is used in areas that are subject to intense mechanical influences, such as car sills and the lower areas of doors. It is also possible to use gravitex to treat the underbody of a car body, both from the outside and inside. As a result of drying, Gravitex acquires the characteristics of dense rubber, protecting the car body and weakening the impact of stones. Using this device, an even layer is applied to the surface. It has a comfortable handle and a soft, large trigger.

Gravitex protection is very necessary, and even more so very effective. Every motorist who cares about his favorite car wants it to maintain its sophisticated appearance longer. Such a person will definitely carry out this easy process, and will no longer be afraid of scratches and chips, which are almost inevitable in the conditions of our domestic roads.

Considering the state of current roads, it is virtually impossible to do without anti-gravel.

Low cost, simple application and reliability - all this is combined in gravitex, which for a long time forms armor for the body of your car from many inconveniences. Protected means armed!

On a note

Sometimes Gravitex is applied to the body during the production of the car. This is how the manufacturer protects the car from chips, and also prepares the car for bad weather conditions. With the help of anti-gravel, rain or snow will never remove layers of paint.

Haven't decided on the type of substance yet? Keep in mind that for beginners it is better to choose the paintable Gravitex “Body 992”. If you do not apply it to the entire surface of the car, then four cans will be enough. Be sure to go over the painted area with 250-grit sandpaper after the solution has completely dried. (in case of metallic paint, use coarser sandpaper, 350)

To remove dents from the body, putty and fiberglass are used. By the way, anti-gravel can be applied even to a bulldozer, if desired.

In this article, we explained that Gravitex will allow you to avoid unnecessary damage to the body. This substance will also provide you with a durable car surface. Of course, you can choose another product to protect the car surface, but you are unlikely to find anything better than Gravitex.

Which anti-gravel is better

This section will help the car owner choose anti-gravel that is better suited for specific tasks and purposes. It presents a rating of the most popular products among domestic manufacturers. The list is for guidance only and does not advertise any anti-gravel product. The rating is divided into two parts. The first is anti-gravel in cans. The second is liquid anti-gravel, sold in cans and used in conjunction with pneumatic guns.

The best anti-gravel in cans

Liqui Moly

One of the best aerosol anti-gravels is Liqui Moly Steinschlag-Schutz. The product is made on the basis of synthetic resins, has a black color, but when sprayed it has a gray tint. Can be applied both to untreated surfaces and to varnished body parts (taking into account the color). Due to the formed elastic film, it reliably protects the surface from mechanical damage from gravel and other small debris. It has anti-corrosion and noise-absorbing properties, and is also highly resistant to abrasion. Resistant to ultraviolet radiation.

Liqui Moli anti-gravel dries quickly - the part can be used within 10 minutes after application, but the total drying time is 2 hours. Can be used for processing plastic products (moldings, spoilers).

Painting of anti-gravel that has not yet dried is allowed. When applying anti-gravel to the surface to be treated, it is allowed to mix it with paint up to 30%. This way you can achieve the closest possible match to the body color. When dry, it can be painted with traditional automotive paints. After hardening, partial sanding is possible. The ambient temperature during application is from +15°C to +25°C. Operating temperature - from -25°С to +120°С. Has a pleasant aroma.

Reviews of Liqui Moli anti-gravel are mostly positive. The only complaint is the high price. Thus, the product is sold in a 500 ml aerosol can, the price of which as of summer 2022 is about 1,170 Russian rubles.

Body 950

Anti-gravel Body 950 is positioned as an anti-corrosion agent (anti-corrosion agent). This gravitex is made on the basis of artificial rubber with the properties of noise absorption, sealing and high elasticity on the surface. Can be used on both internal and external surfaces of car parts. It has excellent adhesion, so it adheres well to the surface (but it is advisable to pre-treat it). After application it forms a fine foam. Available in three colors - white, gray, black. Has anti-corrosion properties.

One 400 ml cylinder is designed to treat 0.5 m² of surface in two layers, which is quite a lot. Complete drying of the anticorrosive agent occurs after 24 hours. The treated surface can be painted later. You need to work in a well-ventilated area.

Reviews about anti-gravel "Body 950" are mostly positive, so it is recommended for use, especially since it is very common in car dealerships. Sold in a 400 ml aerosol can. Its price for the above period is about 210 rubles.

Hi Gear

Anti-corrosion agent Hi-Gear Chip Stop Protector Clear is a quick-drying coating for treating the underbody and lower parts of the body against paint chips and corrosion. The film formed by it has a transparent appearance, so the treatment does not affect the color of the car body. Anti-gravel hi gear Can also be used with plastic parts. Anti-gravel can be used to cover sills, wheel arches, front and rear aprons, spoilers, and lower car door panels. Has dirt-repellent properties. Reduces noise levels inside the car.

According to tests and reviews, it is quite effective. However, there are two disadvantages - high consumption (to ensure a good result you need to apply two or three layers of the product), as well as a high price. Therefore, it is recommended to treat only the lower parts of the car body with High Gear anti-gravel.

Sold in a 311 ml bottle. Its price is 580 rubles.


Kerry is an anti-gravel product with a shagreen effect. Performs two main functions - protects from mechanical damage, as well as from the effects of corrosion. It can be used to process sills, fenders, wheel arches and other body parts. Has excellent adhesion and absorbs sound vibrations. Retains elasticity and does not peel off even in the cold season. After drying, Kerry anti-gravel can be painted in any color with automotive enamel paint, despite the fact that it comes in only two colors - gray and black.

Please note that Kerry anti-gravel can only be applied at temperatures above +10°C. Before use, the container with the product should be shaken well. Parts on which it is undesirable to get the product must be covered with masking tape. It should be applied to a prepared, grease-free surface in two or three layers. Drying time is about 15 minutes at a temperature of +20°C. Complete drying time - 2 hours at. After which the treated surface can be painted.

Sold in a 650 ml bottle. The price of one package is 210 rubles.


Anti-gravel Astrohim Antiruster is a professional universal product that is used to protect the paintwork of a car body from chips, scratches, abrasions, bitumen stains, insect traces, road reagents and other harmful factors. The advantage is easy removal using special tools. After application it forms a dense elastic protective film. Can be applied to a variety of materials - metals, plastic, glass, and is a transparent matte coating.


Anyone can use the mentioned Gravitex, you just need to get used to the technology:

  1. Sand out any dents or gouges on the body surface.
  2. Get rid of uneven surfaces using a special putty.
  3. Start priming.
  4. Treat the soil and then cover the selected area.
  5. Apply Gravitex solution.
  6. Use paint and enamel.

Remember that you need to apply the paint on an anti-gravel surface. To do this, buy any special mixture that can later be sprayed with a gun. But you won’t find anything more functional than Gravitex.

It is important to keep in mind that the solution is not applied to the entire body, but only to certain areas that were in poor conditions due to mechanical failures. They can be the bottom of the car or the thresholds of the lower part of its door. For such parts of the machine, there are two types of Gravitex: for external and internal painting, respectively.

Pros of the substance:

It perfectly prevents chipping and corrosion of metals due to its special structure. Conventional body treatment solutions cannot guarantee reliable protection for your car. If a small pebble gets on the coating, it will definitely erase the varnish. And anti-gravel will save you from such a problem.

The main function of the mixture is shock resistance. Objects simply bounce off the Gravitex surface. That is why the solution is applied to those areas that need protection more than others: the bottom of doors, wings, curbs, etc.

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