The best coolant temperature sensor VAZ 2110 injector 8 valves

Unlike the Lada Priora, the “14th” model is equipped as standard with a coolant temperature sensor (DTOZH) and an outside air temperature sensor (ATNV).

The total number of digital controllers exceeds 10 units. Each of them monitors the behavior of a particular equipment. Sends online to the electronic engine control unit (ECU).

The latter reads the readings, compares them with the programmed data, and if there is a deviation, signals an indicator on the dashboard.

The driver reacts to notifications and decides on the advisability of further use of the technical device.

Temperature sensor VAZ 2110

The most important condition for the normal operation of a modern car is constant monitoring of the temperature conditions of its systems.
In Ladas of the tenth family, temperature sensors are used in the engine cooling system, air conditioning system, and also to measure the ambient air temperature outside the car.

The sensor is designed to control the heating of antifreeze that circulates in the car's cooling system. The measurement results are transmitted to the electronic control unit to automatically adjust the composition of the fuel mixture, adjust engine speed and activate the radiator cooling fan.

If the sensor is faulty, the injector does not work correctly, and when critical temperatures are reached, the fan does not turn on and the antifreeze boils.

The sensor is a resistor in a metal case, the electrical resistance of which varies depending on the temperature of the antifreeze.

For VAZ 2110 early releases, the temperature sensor was located in the upper part of the cylinder block, on the left side of the engine. The injection “Tens” are equipped with two temperature sensors:

  • Coolant temperature sensor, the readings of which are read by the vehicle's ECU (this sensor is located on the front side of the thermostat housing);
  • Antifreeze temperature gauge sensor on the dashboard (located in the engine block under the upper radiator pipe).
OriginalAnalogsapproximate price
ECU circuit temperature sensor2112-0385101005LUZAR: LS 0112 FENOX: TSN 22112 O7100 – 350 rub.
Instrument panel temperature sensor2101-3808600LUZAR: LS 0101 FENOX: TSN 22101 O7 KRAFT: KT 104803100 – 200 rub.

The indicated sensors are the same for VAZ 2110 with 8-valve and 16-valve engines.

Tip: When purchasing a temperature sensor, make sure that the kit includes a metal sealing ring.

Checking the temperature sensor of the VAZ 2107

To carry out the test we will need the following tools:

  • household multimeter;
  • container with water;
  • household boiler;
  • thermometer;
  • temperature sensor removed from the car.

Test sequence

  1. The sensor is lowered into the prepared container so that its threaded part is completely under water.
  2. A thermometer and a boiler are lowered into the same container (you need to make sure that these tools do not come into contact with each other).
  3. The multimeter contacts are connected to the sensor contacts, and the multimeter itself is configured to measure resistance.
  4. The boiler is plugged in and the water starts heating.
  5. When the water reaches a temperature of 95 degrees, the sensor resistance shown by the multimeter should disappear. If this happens, the sensor is working. If at the above temperature the resistance on the multimeter does not disappear, the sensor is faulty and needs to be replaced.

Video: checking the antifreeze sensor

Replacing coolant temperature sensors

Replacing a faulty temperature sensor is carried out as follows:

  • The car is installed on a flat surface, the terminal is removed from the battery.
  • The coolant is partially drained so that the antifreeze level in the engine block is below the sensor installation location.
  • For free access to the place where the sensor is located, it is recommended to dismantle the air filter housing.
  • The electrical wiring block is disconnected from the temperature sensor, and the sensor is turned out of the mounting hole using a spanner wrench “19”.
  • A sealing washer is installed on the new temperature sensor; for additional sealing, the last couple of thread turns can be treated with a high-temperature sealant (for example, red “Abro”).
  • Then the sensor is screwed into the hole, the connector is connected, the air filter housing is installed in place, and refrigerant is added to the cooling system.

After completing assembly, you need to start the engine and warm up the car until the fan turns on to make sure the system is working. You should also check the tightness of the installation of the new sensor visually.

The instrument panel indicator temperature sensor changes in the same way.

How to replace it yourself

  • Open-end wrench set to “19”;
  • Rags;
  • Additional lighting as needed;
  • New "measuring device".
  • We install the VAZ 2114 in the perimeter of the repair area;
  • We turn off the engine, open the hood;
  • We provide priority safety measures: block the rear row of wheels with wheel chocks, squeeze the parking brake;
  • Remove the terminals from the DTOZH, unscrew the sensor with a key;
  • We replace the device with a new one, screw it in, and put on the power terminals again.

Cabin temperature sensor

To control the heating system of the VAZ 2110, a cabin temperature sensor - DTVS is used. Based on its readings, the controller adjusts the position of the heater valve and the fan rotation speed, supplying cold or hot air to the machine. The sensor is located in the middle of the ceiling panel, behind the central lamp. The sensor consists of a thermoelement and a microfan installed in a rectangular plastic housing.

Replacing the temperature sensor with your own hands is quite simple: you need to carefully pry off the retaining latches with a screwdriver, lower the sensor and disconnect the wire block. The new device is installed in the reverse order. Catalog number of the original part: 2110-8128050-02, its average cost is about 800 rubles.

If, after installing a new sensor, inconsistencies arise between the mode selected on the climate control unit and the actual temperature in the cabin, then adjustments should be made. To do this, you need to remove the heater control unit from the panel and turn the adjusting screw on the left side of the case (to increase the temperature - clockwise, to decrease - in the opposite direction).

Outdoor temperature sensor

On “Dozens” of later releases with a VDO dashboard with two displays and a trip computer, an outside air temperature sensor was installed. When the engine was turned on, the temperature readings outside the VAZ 2110 were displayed on the instrument panel screen.

The sensor is located inside the front bumper, next to the front fog lamp. The installation side of the device in each specific case may be different (on the driver’s side or on the passenger side). If the temperature sensor was installed by the owner himself, then most often it was taped with electrical tape to the base of the towing eye.

Catalog number of the original temperature sensor: 2115-3828210-03, its approximate price is about 250 rubles.

If the outside air temperature sensor does not work, remove the plastic protection of the left or right front wheel arch (depending on the location of the sensor), disconnect the wiring connector and remove the sensor from the holder in the front bumper. Installing a new part is performed in the reverse order.



Sequence of actions when replacing DTOS with your own hands:

  • We install the VAZ 2114 on a flat platform, squeeze the parking brake for safety reasons;
  • Open the hood and remove the power terminals from the battery. This is necessary in order to prevent short circuits in the circuit during work;
  • To the left (right) of the center of the front bumper, the sensor is located on the radiator. Unscrew it;
  • We insert a new one into its regular place, screw it on, put on the terminals;
  • We assemble the structure in reverse order;
  • We put the power terminals on the battery.

After starting the engine, we will check the functionality of the measuring device. Replacement is complete.

Temperature sensor for VAZ 2110

The tenth family of the Tolyatti auto giant was equipped with injection engines. The first releases of cars were with 8-valve heads, and subsequent ones with 16-valve heads. Both engines were equipped with electronic control units (hereinafter referred to as ECU). The main controller collects readings from several sensors and adjusts the balanced operation of the engine (hereinafter referred to as the internal combustion engine). The temperature sensor on the VAZ 2110 is also responsible for interacting with the computer, and if it malfunctions, the “Check Engine” signal lights up, which in English means “Check the engine.” Next, we will tell you where the temperature sensor is located on the VAZ 2110, how to check and change it.

Attention! The injection "tens" have 2 coolant sensors. One for the arrow on the dashboard, and the second for exchanging data with the ECU and turning on the radiator fan. It's called DTOZH. The article is dedicated to him.

Temperature sensor malfunctions

There are two reasons why the sensor may not transmit a signal to the dashboard. Here they are:

  • The fuse responsible for the temperature sensor has blown (the sensor itself may be working properly). To understand that the problem is in the fuse, the driver will have to look under the steering column, into the fuse block of the car. A burnt fuse will be immediately visible: it usually melts slightly and turns black;

    Sometimes the sensor does not work due to a blown VAZ 2107 fuse

  • The temperature sensor itself has burned out. As a rule, this occurs due to a sharp voltage drop in the vehicle's on-board electrical network. The cause of such a jump may be a short circuit in the electrical wiring. The fact is that the insulation of wires on the VAZ 2107 has never been of high quality. Over time, it becomes unusable and begins to crack, which ultimately leads to a short circuit.

Principle of operation

The mechanism of action of the temperature sensor on the VAZ 2110–2112 family is based on changing resistance parameters depending on the ambient temperature t°C. In essence, we have before us an electronic resistor with a negative temperature coefficient. That is, the lower the t°C, the higher the resistance of the device, and vice versa.

Table 1. Operating temperatures and parameters of DTOZH

Temperature, t°CResistance, Ohm

The presented values ​​can be used to check the sensor with a tester. More on this below.

What function does DTOZH perform in the ECU system?

There is no damper (choke) on injection machines. Now the fuel is enriched or leaned by the control unit using the t°C values ​​coming from the DTOZH. In addition, the main controller monitors the operating temperature of the engine and gives a command to turn on the fan if it overheats.


Today, VAZ 2109 car owners use two methods to check the condition of the coolant temperature sensor. Let's say right away that the second one is more reliable, but the first one is easier. Decide for yourself which of the methods presented below to use.

Verification method Your actions
First way
  • Connect the negative end from the voltmeter to the engine;
  • Turn on the ignition;
  • Using a voltmeter, determine what voltage is generated when driving a car;
  • Normally, the indicator should be at least 12 Volts if the battery is fully charged;
  • If the readings are noticeably lower, repair or replacement of the DTOZh will be required.
Second way
  • Take a multimeter, turn it on in voltmeter mode;
  • The measurement must take place between 100 ohms and 10 kohms;
  • Take a thermometer that measures temperatures over 100 degrees Celsius;
  • Place the sensor in a container with coolant;
  • Start heating the coolant;
  • As the temperature rises, monitor the readings with a thermometer;
  • Measure the resistance of the sensor at different temperatures;
  • Or you can take boiling water, pour it into a container, and insert the working element of the sensor there. And monitor the sensor resistances while the water temperature cools;
  • Compare the readings with the table below

According to the table, check whether the resistance corresponds to that required at a particular temperature of coolant or boiling water.

Temperature (in degrees Celsius) Resistance (Ohm)
100 degrees 177
80 degrees 332
60 degrees 667
40 degrees 1459
20 degrees 3520
0 degrees 9420
-20 degrees 28680
-40 degrees 100700

If there are deviations from the norm, we conclude that the sensor no longer performs its functions properly and therefore requires mandatory replacement.


Causes and symptoms of malfunction

Service workshop technicians say that in 90% of cases, the breakdown of the temperature sensor on a VAZ and other brands of cars occurs due to natural causes. Most often, a break in the internal contacts of the resistor occurs. As a result, the DTOZh sends incorrect parameters to the ECU, for example, engine starting t° within 0 °C. The control unit considers the engine cold and gives a command to another sensor - the mass air flow sensor - to reduce the air supply, that is, to enrich the mixture. Therefore, a warmed-up engine begins to work strangely, “excitedly” with failures. Here are 3 more most common reasons for the incorrect operation of the DTOZH:

  1. The seal of the sensor housing is broken.
  2. There was a break in the electrical wires.
  3. The power supply has fallen off.

In the above cases, the ECU does not see the DTS system, so it attracts the driver’s attention with a “Check Engine” signal on the dashboard. In this case, the operation of the car becomes unusual:

  • the engine starts with difficulty and tends to stall;
  • the speed fluctuates even on a warm engine;
  • strong detonation is felt;
  • the former power is lost.

In addition, fuel consumption increases, and dark smoke comes out of the exhaust pipe. It is necessary to make a diagnosis. To do this, you can go to a car service center, or install a special application on your smartphone and buy a Bluetooth adapter.

Important nuances

There are several important points that cannot be left out. Here they are:

  • The above sequence of replacing the sensor with completely draining the antifreeze is not always used. Experienced car enthusiasts do it simpler: they unscrew the faulty sensor, then clamp the drain hole with their finger. This action requires a fair amount of skill. But even if you do everything very quickly, some of the antifreeze will inevitably spill out and you will still have to top it up;

    Sometimes car enthusiasts do not drain the antifreeze from the VAZ 2107 when replacing the sensor

  • When going to the store to buy a new temperature sensor, you should remember: you can now find both electromechanical and electronic temperature sensors on sale. It is better to choose electronic ones, despite the fact that they are more expensive than electromechanical ones (a good electronic sensor costs 500 rubles, and an electromechanical one - 300). The logic of choice is simple: the fewer moving parts there are in the sensor, the longer it will last.

So, replacing a temperature sensor is not a very difficult task. Even a novice car enthusiast can handle it if he has held a wrench in his hands at least once in his life. By precisely following the steps outlined in this instruction, the car owner can save about 700 rubles. This is how much it costs to replace a temperature sensor at a car service center.

Where is DTOZH located?

All front-wheel drive VAZ cars received a transverse internal combustion engine. If you look down, between the cylinder head and the air filter housing, you can see the location of the DTOZH. It is built into the coolant flange pipe and looks in the direction of travel, that is, towards the radiator. A block with two wires fits into it. (A little lower, directly in the block, there is another coolant temperature sensor. Thanks to it, we can see the t°C level on the dashboard. 1 white-green wire goes to the device).

Which sensor to choose

Independent automotive industry experts and service workshop specialists are of the opinion that it is better to buy original spare parts or branded analogues. The latter are selected according to codes in special combination programs. The coolant temperature sensor, VAZ 2110–2112 family, has serial number 21120–3851010–00. Sometimes at the end, instead of 00, you can see: 01, 02, 03. This indicates that the device was made at one of the related AvtoVAZ enterprises.

Table 2. Price of the original DTOZH and its foreign analogues

ManufacturerNumberAmount, rub.
GM AvtoVAZ21120–3851010–00250
Magneti marelli1719 16011 150355
Hella6PT 009 107–271735


Interesting fact. Some owners buy exclusively foreign spare parts for their “tens”. The same shock absorbers, struts, springs, timing belts, electrical equipment and other parts “from there” last much longer.


There are several main malfunctions that lead to failure of the coolant temperature sensor. Namely:

  • There is an electrical contact inside the sensor that may break or become cracked. If the contact is broken, this leads to complete combustion of the regulator. If there are cracks, the sensor can still function, but the lack of proper contact does not allow accurate information about the coolant to be transmitted;
  • Sensor insulation is broken. If the wiring insulation is poor, short circuits occur. They, in turn, cause the device to burn out;
  • Wires break near the sensor. Because of this, the regulator cannot turn on the fan, which leads to overheating of the car.

In the summer, a failure in the operation of the diesel engine is rarely noticed, but in winter it becomes much more difficult to start the engine.

Signs of breakdown

How can you determine that the coolant temperature sensor has stopped working normally or has completely burned out?

  1. The cooling fan turns on randomly even at normal engine temperature. But in fact, the fan should only turn on when the power unit overheats.
  2. It's difficult to start the engine when it's hot. The cooling system is responsible for regulating the temperature, but a faulty sensor does not allow obtaining objective data and a signal to start a particular operating mode.
  3. Fuel consumption increases noticeably. This is caused by overloading the engine, which has to drive at elevated temperatures. Because of this, fuel consumption is increasing.

Before making final conclusions regarding the breakdown or malfunction of the DTOZH on the VAZ 21099, be sure to carry out verification activities.

How to check

There are many cases in history when the owner installs a new spare part, but it does not work. Therefore, after purchasing a temperature sensor, it is recommended to measure the resistance before installing it on the same VAZ or another car. To do this you will need a multimeter (tester). We convert it to an ohmmeter. At room temperature (+23 °C, +25 °C), the readings should be around 2780 Ohms (as in table No. 1). If you lower the DTOZH into a glass of boiling water (+100 °C), hold it for a while and take readings, a result in the range of 175–180 Ohms should appear on the tester screen. This means the purchase is in good condition. Can be installed on a car.

Recommendations for care and maintenance of sensors

  • Strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding vehicle maintenance schedules;
  • Buy parts with original catalog numbers. The exact data is indicated in the instruction manual for your technical device;
  • When the first signs of engine malfunction appear, contact a service station;
  • Do not buy a temperature sensor from other technical means, since the full functionality of the equipment is not guaranteed;
  • Carefully compare the catalog numbers on parts and spare parts with the actual markings indicated in the instruction manual.


Before repairs, it is necessary to carry out a number of preparatory measures. First, you should choose a level area for the machine. It can be in the garage, it can be outdoors. Secondly, prepare the tool: open-end and ring wrenches (19 mm, 13 mm, 10 mm, 8 mm). You will also need a capacious medical syringe of 100–250 ml, a 15–20 cm dropper tube and a 0.5–1 liter jar (so as not to drain the antifreeze/antifreeze). The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. We wait until the engine cools down completely.
  2. Use a syringe to pump out the coolant from the expansion tank (100–200 ml).
  3. Unscrew the negative terminal of the battery (10–13 mm wrench).
  4. Unscrew the air filter housing fasteners (8 mm wrench).

  5. Carefully tilt the “pan” to the right.
  6. Disconnect the power supply from the DTOZH.
  7. We unscrew the sensor (19 mm wrench).
  8. We clean the landing area from dirt.
  9. We screw in the new DTOZH.

The assembly must be done in reverse chronology. There is no need to use sealant, since the copper O-ring fits perfectly and seals the connection. Let's start the engine. We check its operation and inspect the repair area for antifreeze leaks. The entire event takes 15–20 minutes.

Where to buy car accessories

Spare parts and other products for the car are easily available for purchase at auto stores in your city. But there is another option that has recently received significant improvements. You no longer need to wait a long time for a parcel from China: the AliExpress online store now offers the opportunity to ship from transshipment warehouses located in various countries. For example, when ordering, you can specify the “Delivery from the Russian Federation” option.

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