Does the DVR suction cup not stick to the glass? Let's glue it tightly!

Unfortunately, the problem when the DVR suction cup does not hold the structure is not uncommon. As a rule, the device is placed on the windshield, because from here the camera gets the best view for shooting. The mounting device in the form of a suction cup, as planned by the manufacturers, should securely hold the gadget at the installation site. However, in reality everything is not so optimistic.

Due to a poor-quality fastening mechanism, the DVR breaks off the glass at the most unexpected moment. If the driver is driving at this time, a strong distraction is created, which is not safe. And the gadget itself may break or be damaged as a result of a fall. In a word, the situation is unimportant.

In this article we will tell you what to do if the DVR does not stick to the glass. Here are simple and effective ways to solve the problem.

DVR mount

The suction cup type bracket allows you to place the DVR in a place convenient for the driver.
The device should not obscure the view, but at the same time be positioned so that the person sitting behind the wheel can turn the video recording device on and off at any time and see what is displayed on the screen. The holders have different designs, as well as different areas of the fastening element itself for installation; fasteners can be purchased separately from the recording device itself. Suction cups can be rubber and silicone, with a lever or the simplest, with a side rotating mechanism, with two rubber/silicone fasteners, there are other types. The brackets included in the kit are designed taking into account the weight of the recorder, but do not always fulfill their purpose.

How to stick a DVR to a windshield with laundry soap

You can also restore the tightness of the vacuum suction cup using a thick soap solution. Both laundry and other types of soap are used. Any soap contains animal or vegetable fats, which form a thick, stable lubricant. It softens the rubber of the suction cup, and it itself acts as a sealant.

The problem is common, so the modern market has filled this niche as well. On sale you can find a variety of vacuum holders for different models. The price of a new holder is from 300 to 600 rubles.

In addition to recorders, stands for smartphones and other gadgets are fixed on car panels. Similar problems arise with them, and they are solved in the same way - by restoring the old suction cup as described above or by purchasing a new one.

Recorder bracket repair

How and where to connect the DVR in a car correctly How to route and lay the wire from the DVR diagram
There are often cases when the suction cup itself becomes unusable: the plastic pin holding the “hat” breaks. This happens if you remove the DVR and pull it by the body without being careful.

One way to fix it is to smear the pin with superglue, but the connection will not hold for long, sooner or later the “cap” will fall off. The easiest option is to buy a new mount, but you can still try to restore the suction cup; repairs will cost much less than the purchase. Let's look at how you can repair a suction cup with a lever:

  • disassemble the bracket - use a Phillips screwdriver to unscrew the screw and remove the cap;
  • remove the pin;
  • dismantle the spring and the rod with the broken base;
  • Using a 3.5 mm drill, we drill a small hole in the body of the rod (in the place where the lower part of the suction cup was attached);
  • we clean the area, take two wide washers, coat them with glue and place them on the sides of the rubber diaphragm;
  • take a screw or self-tapping screw 10-12 mm long with a countersunk head, also apply glue to it, screw the fastener into the drilled hole;
  • remove any remaining glue from the outside and let the structure dry;
  • we assemble the bracket - put the spring in place, connect both parts of the device, fix the pin;
  • if the suction cup has a large free movement, it will not press well against the glass, in this case we cut out an additional elastic band for it;
  • We put the cap on top, assemble the holder completely, the work is finished, the mount can be used again.

Thus, you can restore almost any bracket for a DVR; the procedure takes little time, and there is no need to buy a new holder.

How to glue the suction cup? It doesn’t matter whether it’s new or an old one that you’re sorry to part with, the device must be properly and securely fastened. Nowadays, in almost any supermarket you can see a variety of different devices or simply decorative devices on suction cups

Before purchasing, few people think about how high quality the suction cup itself is and how long it will last. But when the installation processes begin, then we begin to indulge in reflection: will this structure withstand the “responsibilities” assigned to it?

In the interior, of course, such things look bright, positive and comfortable, and they are also quite practical in terms of fastening and dismantling. Mostly, small shelves for the kitchen or bathroom are equipped with suction cups: soap dishes, all kinds of holders for hair dryers, combs, toothbrushes, washcloths, hooks, towel rings and other things. As well as various devices that are attached to windows and glass in the form of thermometers, recorders or any other gadgets. The devices are often small in size and designed to hold light weight.

How to lubricate the suction cup on the windshield

Logically speaking, motor oil wins because... only it is not afraid of temperature changes. Alcohol-containing liquid or soapy/sweet liquid may evaporate in the summer and freeze in the winter and the suction cup will fall off.

Motor oil does not evaporate in summer, and in winter it does not freeze like water, due to its composition. Although, it’s up to you to decide how to lubricate the suction cup.

DVRs are increasingly used in cars: the device allows you to record an accident, and then present the resulting material as evidence. Usually the device is placed on the windshield or dashboard; a suction cup mount is included. But the fastening element does not always ensure reliable installation of the device that records events; it’s a shame if the gadget flies off while moving, sometimes it breaks and fails. In this article we will look at what solutions there are to this problem, the reasons why the holder is so unreliable and weak.

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Rules for attaching the recorder holder

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Before using cunning methods and non-standard techniques, you first need to try to install the suction cup according to all the rules. We install the DVR by performing the following steps:

  • With a clean napkin or rag moistened with alcohol or degreaser, we wipe the surface on which the device will be mounted, and we also degrease (clean) the base of the recorder bracket;
  • we wait for some time, we need the treated surfaces to dry;
  • press the holder tightly against the glass, if it has a lever, press and lower it, hold it for a minute or two, it is necessary for the suction cup to “grab” and secure in place;
  • After installing the bracket, we check the reliability of the installation - we try to unfasten the holder by hand, but there is no need to pull very hard.

You need to check by looking from the back of the glass how the rubber circle is installed: if there are even microscopic air bubbles, then there is an almost one hundred percent guarantee that the suction cup will not hold on for a long time. If the bracket does not want to take the place allotted to it, we try various methods to help the suction cup fit tightly.

Suction cup fastening principle

To begin with, let's figure out how the suction cup works, find out how a small elastic band holds a heavy structure. In fact, everything is simple here, so to speak, according to the law of physics. When the suction cup is pressed against the windshield, almost zero pressure is created under it, creating a vacuum (airless space). At the same time, atmospheric pressure presses on the mount from the outside, as if trying to penetrate the area between the windshield and the rubber band. It flows around the structure on both sides, providing reliable pressing (in other words, it continues to press when the installer has already completed installation). However, if even the smallest hole is formed between the rubber band and the glass, air will instantly leak inside. Without a vacuum, the suction effect will disappear and the DVR will inevitably fall off.

What types of fastenings are there?

  1. According to the material of manufacture, they are rubber and silicone;
  2. By type of design - with a lever or simple, with a rotating mechanism (provide strong pressure);
  3. By size – large and small (designed taking into account the weight of a specific DVR model). There are mounts with 2-3 suction cups;
  4. By accessory – universal (purchased separately from the DVR) and native (included with the gadget).

We cannot say which mount is better, silicone or rubber. Here everyone decides for himself; both materials have pros and cons. In our opinion, their chances are approximately equal, and the choice should be made based on the physical properties of the product and the characteristics of the environment in your region of residence.

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Of course, a suction cup with a larger holder area holds the DVR better, but it also looks more bulky. As for third-party mounts, we still recommend choosing a gadget with a native one.

How is the DVR bracket held in place?

9 main rules for choosing a DVR

A “suction cup” type fastening element is held on the plane due to a pressure difference; when a silicone or rubber circle is flattened on the surface, a reduced pressure is formed inside it. But the bracket is fixed only when the material is absolutely sealed and no outside air gets inside the circle. If there is even a microscopic hole in the rubber band, there will be no suction effect, such a holder can be safely thrown away. The suction cup can only be secured if it is completely sealed, and you cannot press it and immediately release it, in which case it is guaranteed to fall off.

Refining suction cups with levers

Many modern models have a special lever that enhances the vacuum. During installation, the product must be glued quickly to prevent air leaks. Sometimes there are design flaws that you can fix yourself:

  1. Try to reduce the “idle speed” - place a gasket from a regular car inner tube between the base and the suction cup itself. Simply cut out a circle and place it behind the rim.
  2. Apply oil to the suction cup itself - it will not freeze, the elastic band will last a long time. A thin layer is enough, which can be wiped off with a degreaser at any time.

What to do to prevent it from falling off

There are only two tasks:

  • Clear the atmosphere inside as much as possible.
  • Don't let that negative pressure escape

This is why the side edges of the suction cup are made so wide! And they try to make the material as elastic as possible so that it adheres well to the glass.

Many people wet the surface with water (or even saliva), this is of course correct, but in winter it can freeze, but in summer it simply evaporates. Therefore, you need a composition that will not evaporate, freeze or harden. Motor oil is ideal, you need a little on your finger, wipe the surface of the suction cup and attach it to the windshield. WILL HOLD ON for a very long time!

The second “jamb” of modern gadgets is the “lever” in the mount, which creates a lot of pressure. Often it makes almost a full turn (180 degrees), but it starts working only at the very pressure, only 25 - 35 degrees, that is, the remaining angle works idle. We need to reduce this idle speed, which is done - a circle is cut out of a regular car camera, along the rim of the suction cup (like a gasket), then all the insides are cut out inside and it is inserted between the suction cup and the body.

Once you start pressing the suction cup with the lever, this “spacer” will reduce the idle speed and increase the pressure inside. IT WILL HOLD SEVERAL TIMES BETTER, tested many times.

Here's a short summary:

  • Checking the rubber or silicone surface for damage
  • Degreasing glass
  • Lubricate the surface of the suction cup (motor oils are ideal because they do not freeze in winter and do not evaporate in summer)
  • You can make a spacer (ideally from a wheel tire) between the plastic and rubber (silicone) components, thus increasing the pressure

Now we are watching a short video version.


Have you ever gotten into your car in the morning and found car glass holders lying on the floor, seat or dashboard? Have there ever been situations when the suction cup for the DVR fell off right on the road, on the next bump? If yes, then we will tell you how to avoid such surprises.

Why doesn't the suction cup hold?

The most common reason is cold. In winter, the windshield freezes, the rubber suction cup loses its elasticity and falls off. In such cases, drivers usually warm up the car, place the suction cup under the airflow and attach it back. This method, despite its prevalence, rarely leads to long-term results.

But sometimes the suction cup doesn't hold up well in the heat. If in the summer the car is often left in direct sunlight, this leads to numerous sad consequences, one of which is deformation of the holder mounts.

And sometimes the suction cup holder cannot be installed from the very beginning; it simply does not stick to the glass. There are two main reasons: either the glass is dirty or there is a layer of dust on the suction cup, or you got a defective holder.

What should I do to make the suction cups stick?

Act according to the situation.

There are several working methods, tested by many drivers, to restore the elasticity of a frozen suction cup.

  1. Warm up the car. Wipe the windshield with alcohol and wipe dry. Warm the suction cup, clean it of dirt and apply it to the glass. To be on the safe side (and if you have the means at hand), before putting the holder back in place, treat the suction cup with clear plumber's sealant or silicone grease.
  2. Budget popular option. Boil the mount in a soda solution for about 20 minutes. To make a solution of suitable consistency, take a teaspoon of baking soda per glass of water.
  3. A completely budget and desperate option for the most extreme case. The suction cup can be attached to glass or a dashboard using double-sided tape. This option is suitable only if you have nothing on hand except tape, and you need to secure the holder.

Most often, the suction cup can be easily returned to its place by simply warming it up and degreasing the area on the glass. But if the mount is deformed or continues to fall off despite all your efforts, don’t worry and just buy a new suction cup holder. An excellent choice would be the Partner car holder for tablets.

Try washing the glass

In half of the cases, the cause is dirty glass on the interior side. In this case, it is not possible to achieve a seal under the rubber band due to small particles, dust or dirt. Pollution can be caused by:

  • poorly functioning ventilation system in the cabin;
  • the use of low-quality polishes, the vapors of which fall on the glass;
  • a heater radiator leak when antifreeze or antifreeze condensate settles on the glass.

To wash, use a soapy solution; rinse it thoroughly and dry the surface. Then degrease the area where you will place the suction cup and stick it with moderate force.

Methods to help securely attach the bracket

There are methods that help to secure the suction cup more securely, here are some of them (as car enthusiasts advise):

  • warm up the fastening element by bringing it close to the heater fan, while the car interior must be warmed up;
  • use double-sided tape;
  • coat the contact surface of the bracket with silicone;
  • cut a rubber gasket along the diameter of the circle and place it between the glass and the holder;
  • To seal, add a little glycerin to the contact surface; you can also use laundry soap and garlic juice.

Not all of the listed methods work 100%, and there are side effects. The adhesive tape holds up well, but in the sun it heats up and loses its properties. An additional rubber gasket helps in many cases, but you just need to take into account that the DVR becomes a little heavier, the load on the bracket increases (it can break), and adding rubber is pointless on suction cups without a lever. Garlic juice always helps, but not everyone likes the smell it gives off. A solution of laundry soap gives a good effect, you just need to take one thing into account - until the soap has dried, you can move the suction cup on the glass, then everything will set tightly. Silicone should be spread in a not too thin layer, evenly, its disadvantage is that it sets well only after a day; if you drive the car right away, the fasteners may fall off. Another drawback is that the silicone-lubricated holder moves across the surface.

Traditional methods: working and not

We’ll also tell you what drivers manage to do when their DVR suction cup doesn’t work. We will talk about folk methods, some of which, by the way, are very effective!

  • Heat the gum slightly by bringing it to the stove (a little bit). At the same time, the interior should also be warm so that there is no sharp difference between the temperatures of the glass and the suction cup;
  • Glue the suction cup with double-sided tape. At first it holds the recorder, but over time, under the influence of sunlight, it loses its properties;
  • Lubricate the elastic band from the inside with transparent silicone. Not a bad way, it actually holds the DVR, but as a result, the suction cup will constantly “travel” across the glass;
  • Place a rubber gasket between the window and the suction cup. This design, indeed, holds better, but it is heavier, which means that the risk that the DVR will one day fall increases;
  • The contact area on the glass is rubbed with glycerin, garlic juice, and laundry soap. The method with glycerin is questionable, it doesn’t hold up well. Garlic does a better job, but its aroma will not be overwhelmed by any car fragrance. After drying, the laundry soap firmly sticks the DVR to the surface and holds perfectly. But if you want to move the device slightly, you will have to tinker a lot;

  • Moisten the gum with saliva or water. The liquid really provides a reliable “adhesion”, preventing air from penetrating inside. However, sooner or later the moisture will evaporate.
  • Treat the suction cup on the reverse side with motor oil. This method holds up well, but the composition itself can have a negative impact on the material from which the elastic is made;
  • Some “masters,” when the suction cup of the DVR does not hold, put it on super glue, which is strictly not recommended. Firstly, sooner or later the device will fall off anyway. And secondly, think about how much effort you will have to put into cleaning your windshield from traces of Chinese glue?

Mounting methods

Let's move on directly to the issue of installation. There are several ways to stick objects with suction cups to tiles. Of course, they will hold up well and perform their functions only if the above conditions are met. The most popular fastening approaches are:

  • using alcohol for degreasing;
  • the use of petroleum jelly or other similar products;
  • PVC film backing on a self-adhesive basis;
  • strengthening the suction cup with silicone sealant.

Methods for strengthening the attachment of suction cups to the surface

The first method is suitable for objects that are small in size and weight. For example, this can be used to secure a plastic soap dish. The essence of the method is to completely clean and degrease the surface of the tile. In other words, you need to thoroughly clean it of any contaminants: dust, dirt, limescale, rust, grease, soap, etc. Then treat the suction cup itself. Alcohol is best for degreasing. After such manipulations, just press the suction cup tightly against the tile, and it will remain in the place you want. If you need to move the product, wet the tile next to the suction cup. It will glide easily on such a surface, but you won’t have to peel it off.

The second option is to use Vaseline. Using this product you can improve the quality of surface adhesion. This method is even suitable for securing objects in aquariums with live fish, since Vaseline is a safe product.

For heavier items, the third method is suitable. To bring it to life you will need a small piece of PVC film. Some accessories include such self-adhesive. Otherwise, you can make it yourself by cutting out a circle of the required diameter. First, the self-adhesive is attached to the tile. Then you need to hit the suction cup exactly along the contours of the film. Auto electrics and car diagnostics in Minsk AvtoTerapevt.bel Diagnostics and repair of auto electrics for passenger and commercial vehicles. Chip tuning, eco-tuning, removal of EGR, DPF, FAP

If the object on the suction cups will be subjected to significant loads, you need to look for a more effective method. The best option is to use silicone sealant. It provides a strong connection between the two surfaces, is absolutely invisible against the background of the tiles, and moreover, if necessary, it can be cleaned off without damaging the finish. To glue the suction cup with sealant, you need to coat it on the back side and press it against the wall. Leave the item to dry for a day.

Excess protruding silicone can be easily removed with a rag or blade. This mount will hold a heavy robe, shower head and even a shelf.

Thanks to the methods described, you will not have problems installing accessories on suction cups. The main thing is to choose a quality product and properly prepare the surface.

How to securely glue the suction cup?

How to reliably glue the suction cup “tightly”, but without using any “superglue”? The advantages of suction cups are that you don’t have to damage the walls, you don’t need to nail them down or drill holes for them. Suction cup fastenings provide convenient installation, ease of adjustment and easy disassembly. The reliability of the retaining element is affected by such points as:

  • the quality of the raw materials from which the suction cup itself is made;
  • presence of defects on the suction element;
  • total weight pressing on the suction cup;
  • the structure of the material on which the Velcro item should be located.

It often happens that on the concave side of the suction cup there are various defects in the form of tubercles, seams, microcracks and other flaws formed during manufacturing or transportation. Such moments do not allow the Velcro to stick evenly to the surface, so after a while it falls off. If a seam or other protrusion is detected, the layering should be immediately carefully removed with a blade or utility knife. Cracks and breaks are difficult to repair, so it is better to immediately replace the suction cup. The structure of the suction cup must also be correct and even.

Another circumstance that prevents the suction cup from sticking tightly is a rough or embossed surface. If the tiles are made with patterns or non-uniform texture, then the fastening element will not be held. Also, glue particles, various seam putties and the joints themselves are not able to hold the suction cup.

Fixation methods

Various fixing methods can help solve many installation problems. All devices will do their job efficiently and will hold the suction cup if all the above and below conditions are met.

The most common methods of strong fastening are:

  • use of a degreaser;
  • use of products containing petroleum jelly;
  • lining made of self-adhesive PVC film;
  • silicone sealant.

Whatever option you use, you must initially prepare the surface for high-quality gluing. The action is to treat the area with any degreaser, it can be nail polish remover, acetone, a special degreaser, solvent, white spirit and the like. If you don’t even have a single alcohol-containing product on hand, you can wash the surface with ordinary laundry soap, then rinse thoroughly and wipe the desired area dry.

  1. The method with cleaning liquids is suitable for items that are light in weight and size. The main thing in this process is to thoroughly clean and then degrease the tiles or tiles. The surface should be cleaned of any contaminants such as rust, soap smudges, limescale, dust and other dirt. After thorough cleaning, you can degrease your surface, and at the same time the suction cup. After these procedures, you need to firmly press the suction element onto the tile. Usually this works and the suction cup stays on the desired area. If it is necessary to move the decorative stand, the surface near the suction cup should be moistened. The suction cup will slide perfectly along a wet wall to a more convenient place for you and you won’t even have to peel it off.
  2. The Vaseline method improves the adhesion of Velcro to a smooth surface. This option is even suitable for use in an aquarium with water, where there is also a need to secure an object. In addition, Vaseline is absolutely harmless to fish.
  3. A lining made of self-adhesive PVC film is suitable for medium-heavy interior items. Decorative elements are often attached to the bathroom not only for washcloths or toothbrushes, but also to hold towels, hair dryers and other heavier appliances. Self-adhesive is often included with modern accessories, and if one is not found, it can be purchased at an office supply or hardware store. You need to take the size you need or with a reserve, cut out circles from the film of the appropriate size and glue them to the tiles. After this, you need to remove the protective film and attach the part using suction cups along the contours of the self-adhesive.
  4. An effective and best method for holding heavy loads is silicone caulk. It provides strong adhesion between two surfaces and is indispensable in case of uneven tile structure. For better and more accurate gluing, transparent silicone should be used. Before applying the sealant, the tile and the inside of the suction cup should also be cleaned and treated with a degreaser or alcohol cleaner. After this, a generous amount of silicone must be applied to the concave side of the Velcro and pressed very tightly to the selected surface. Don't worry if excess sealing paste escapes outside the suction cup. Traces of such glue can be immediately wiped off with a cloth. Or after the sealant has completely dried, it can be easily and simply removed using a stationery knife. For high-quality gluing and drying of the silicone, you must wait a day before you start using the hanger, shelf or hook. Once the sealant dries, it can withstand heavy robes, towels, or even heavy appliances. Subsequently, you don’t have to worry that the suction cup will fall off and fall along with all the bath accessories. If necessary, the mount can be quickly dismantled using a regular knife.

The ultra-modern vacuum suction cup is now in great demand. Due to very tight contact with the surface, a certain vacuum is created, which does not allow the Velcro to simply come off. But these suction cups, no matter how popular they are, are able to withstand moderate loads. For heavier items you will also have to use the above options.

Installation from the street

Installation of elements with suction cups on the street side also requires certain fastening technologies. Weather conditions, temperature and humidity play an important role in this matter. Basically, thermometers are attached to the outside of the window to monitor temperature indicators. Also, the density and quality of fastening depends on the type of thermometer: the more expensive it is, the better the suction cups or adhesive base will be.

In order to properly glue the thermometer on the suction cups so that it does not fall off, you should select models that fit your window. For example, there are many modern electronic devices for plastic windows, which, if they fall, will cause a lot of frustration due to the loss of such an expensive accessory.

The thermometer you purchased with suction cups or Velcro will not take much time to install. But how long will it hang around before it decides to come unstuck? The methods below will help you place the thermometer firmly to prevent further chances of falling. Also, when installing a thermometer, it is very important to adhere to certain rules so that it shows the correct data.

  1. The location for attaching the thermometer should be chosen so that it is at an equal distance from sources of heat and cold. The heat can come from both the sun's rays and the opening part of the glass unit. A favorable place for the device is the north side.
  2. In order for the gluing to be as tight as possible, the device should be installed in warm, dry and not windy weather.
  3. As in previous cases, the glass should be thoroughly washed and then treated with a degreaser.
  4. For good vacuum suction cups, a firm hand press is enough to ensure that they are “tightly” attached to the surface.
  5. If you are afraid that even with high-quality suction cups the thermometer may come off and fall, use PVC film as an additional connection or regular double-sided tape.
  6. You can also use a colorless sealant, but in this case it would be better to fix the thermometer on plastic rather than on glass.
  7. Since double-glazed windows come into contact with dust and water on the outside, many people decide to use “superglue.” When using this liquid, you should monitor the volume of glue poured. For good gluing of this substance you need very little. It is also recommended to use this option on a plastic frame.

When choosing an outdoor thermometer, it is better to give preference to simple and reliable models rather than “souvenir” products. Such instances often fail in the indicator and are generally unreliable. Of course, if there is a storm outside with hurricane-force winds, then the thermometer may only be held in place by metal fasteners in the form of self-tapping screws. But in all other weather conditions, suction cups with additional fixation will easily cope with the task.

Attach to windshield

You can attach a video recorder, navigator, telephone, radar detector or other gadgets necessary for the driver to the windshield using suction cups. Attachments for gadgets are usually glued to several small ones or to one large and massive suction cup. But, as practice has shown, any suction cups, even with levers to enhance the vacuum, tend to fall and cause great inconvenience to the person driving, and even while moving.

There are only two types of such suction cups: rubber and silicone, and it is very difficult to judge which is better, because it all depends on the manufacturer and the quality of the product. We discussed the reasons why a suction cup may come off at the very beginning of the article; these sources of falling are the same for both home conditions and a car. Now we will analyze in detail the methods of reliable fastening.

  1. Wetting. But many people wet the concave part of the suction cup with water, alcohol, or even saliva, which is not entirely correct. Moisturizing for greater grip is, of course, good, but in cold weather such liquid will freeze, and in hot weather it will simply evaporate. Therefore, you need a consistency that will not harden, freeze or evaporate. Motor oil is ideal for this purpose. Literally a drop of this oil needs to be applied to your finger, and then rubbed over the rubber of the suction cup and glued to the car window.
  2. Additional lining. This technique is suitable for massive suction cups with a lever. Often this lever makes a thorough rotation before it begins to create a vacuum, and only begins to work at the end of the clamp. It turns out that the main part is working in vain. It is this moment that should be reduced and additional lining made. For laying, a regular car inner tube is suitable, in which you need to cut a circle with a radius equal to the suction cup. Then, in the resulting rubber mug, you should cut out the middle so that there remains, as it were, one rim, which will need to be inserted between the suction cup and the plastic recorder holder itself. For a more detailed and visual study, you can see the corresponding photo with an arrow pointing to the gasket. It would also be a good idea to lubricate this design with oil. When you start gluing the improved suction cup, you will immediately feel how much the pressure inside has increased.
  3. For car windows with silk-screen printing, airbrushing or other “pimples”, many motorists come up with a lot of fun ways to hang the necessary devices. For example, some use an option with an anti-slip mat, which is attached to the spray coating with car painter's double-sided tape. And a gadget with a suction cup is already glued to the mat. The method with glass mugs or simple smooth glass from an old flashlight is also widely used. Again, this structure also needs to be glued. Gel-based “superglue” is in demand, with the help of which a piece of glass is attached to the embossed part of the windshield.

Self-adhesive or silicone - for the most hopeless cases or in winter. This is the very case when your devices refuse to “cooperate” with the options described above. In all methods, of course, it is necessary to follow the basic rules of application and application, which include good temperature conditions and a grease-free surface.

Taking our advice into account, you can quickly and easily attach an incredibly beautiful and stylish soap dish, outdoor thermometer or other convenient decorative elements with your own hands. And by applying some examples in practice, you will stop waiting for the moment when this suction cup shelf will fall!

How does the suction cup work?

Actually, there is nothing magical here, remember the school physics course. If we describe the essence of the phenomenon in a few words, it turns out that almost zero pressure is created under the suction cup, since we pressed the surface to the windshield and pulled it towards ourselves. But we have atmospheric pressure, which always puts pressure on us and on the objects around us, and since it is quite high, it presses on the surface of the suction cup on the other side, pressing it to the surface (it seems to try to fill the internal vacuum under the suction cup).

Thus, if the suction cup is working properly, it will stick very firmly to the windshield. But why does it fall off?

How to “tightly” attach a suction cup so that it doesn’t fall off in winter

Nowadays, most gadgets in a car are attached to the windshield using a regular suction cup. Naturally, not only the integrity of the device, but also safety while driving depends on how securely it stays on the surface. After all, everyone understands that a slight loss of attentiveness can lead to an accident.

Not all motorists are able to install this suction cup properly on the first try. Let's figure out how to do it right.

In order to understand the main reason for the fall of the suction cup, you need to remember your physics lessons. This device works on a very simple principle. At the moment it is pressed against the glass, almost all the air comes out, leaving only vacuum and zero pressure. Due to this, under the influence of atmospheric pressure, the suction cup must be firmly attached. However, if a small gap is formed where air leaks in, it will immediately fall off.

There may be several reasons why the suction cup refuses to hold on. The problem may lie in itself - for excellent fastening it must be perfect, without any defects. Any microcrack or surface roughness will cause air to always find a loophole. The glass must also be perfectly clean and scratch-free.

It often happens that the suction cup is simply not able to support the weight of the gadget that you are trying to attach. This is the fault of the manufacturer, who did not think about the possible severity of the structure. This problem can only be solved by replacing the suction cup with a more powerful one.

In all other cases, small tricks can help you.

The first step is to thoroughly prepare the surface and the suction cup itself. The glass should be washed and wiped dry. You can also use a degreaser. For this, regular alcohol or acetone is suitable, which can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy or hardware store.

Some people advise soaking the suction cup itself with water to improve grip, but it’s better not to do this. Any liquid evaporates over time, and at low temperatures it can freeze. All this will lead to the suction cup falling off.

The best way to wet the suction cup is to use a small amount of glass cleaner or silicone grease. This will increase the bonding area and also help remove air bubbles.

There is also a rather extraordinary method using garlic. You need to walk along the surface of the suction cup with a cut clove of garlic and stick it to the glass, bringing it with a special lever. The secret is that garlic releases inulin, which is highly sticky. This method also has a side effect in the form of a characteristic odor. But those who have tried it say that the aroma is not noticeable.


Factors influencing the strength of attachment of the suction cup to the surface

There are several factors that can affect the quality of the suction cup attachment.

The reliability and strength of the connection between the suction cup and the tile depends on three factors:

From the material from which the surface is made and its condition and quality. The base must be absolutely smooth and clean, free from chips and potholes, and it is better if the tile has a glossy front side. On matte ceramics, the adhesion of the suction cup to the surface drops significantly, and on embossed tiles it is unlikely to be able to stick anything. From the total weight of the device with a suction cup and the weight of the object located on it. The quality of the device’s material and the presence of flaws on it

When purchasing a fastener with a suction cup, you need to pay close attention to the inner working side of the device so that there are no bumps or growths on it that will not allow the device to be securely glued to the tiled surface.

Tips for different types of surfaces

Different types of surfaces, for example, tiles, plastic, glass, have some nuances in the process of gluing the suction cup.


Most often, it is on the tiles in the bathroom that you have to glue a variety of hooks, shelves and holders. In order for the adhesion of the suction cups to the tile surface to be as effective as possible, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Ventilate the bathroom if it is damp.
  2. Prepare the surface of the tile by washing it thoroughly, for example, using dishwashing detergent or ordinary soapy water. If necessary, additionally use alcohol-based degreasing agents.
  3. Wipe the tiles dry.
  4. Place the suction cup on the tile and press it firmly.

Important! Do not overload shelves and hooks. Try not to pour water on the area of ​​the suction cups, as the weight of the water may cause the suction cups to move or fall off. If you need to glue the suction cups inside the shower stall, use transparent silicone sealant, this fastening will be more reliable.



To properly glue the suction cup to the plastic, you need to pay attention to the surface. If it is smooth and even, then there will be no problems with fastening. © The algorithm of actions is simple:

  1. Surface cleaning.
  2. Degreasing.
  3. Suction cup gluing.

If the suction cup needs to be attached to a car dashboard and similar surfaces where there is a “pattern” on the plastic, it is best to use a special suction cup with a lever, which during the fastening process creates a vacuum under the suction cup. Conventional suction cups do not adhere well to textured surfaces; they must be additionally secured with self-adhesive PVC films.


How to properly attach a suction cup to glass? It is this surface that causes the most problems. Thermometers attached to the window, as well as holders for video recorders on the windshield, very often fall off due to exposure to high temperatures in summer and low temperatures in winter. Attaching suction cups in an aquarium causes no less problems. It is quite possible to securely fix the suction cup if you follow the recommendations below.

Surface quality and suction cup

First of all, you need to make sure that the product you buy with a suction cup will not be unsuitable for fastening. High-quality material must have an absolutely smooth inner surface. It is this factor that determines the choice. Be sure to run your fingers over it. If you feel a depression or bump, it is better to refuse such a product.

Please also note that the shape of the suction cup must be correct. Another important aspect is the assessment of the tile surface

It must be perfectly flat, since it will not be possible to glue the suction cup onto a textured tile. Smooth gloss is best suited for this purpose. Pores on the matte surface can weaken the bond. And raised protrusions, various surface defects, particles of glue or putty are not at all capable of holding a suction cup

Another important aspect is the assessment of the tile surface. It must be perfectly flat, since it will not be possible to glue the suction cup onto a textured tile. Smooth gloss is best suited for this purpose. Pores on the matte surface can weaken the bond. And raised protrusions, various surface defects, particles of glue or putty are not at all capable of holding the suction cup.

In order for the suction cup to adhere well to the tile, you need to make sure that the product is of high quality, and that the tile is even, and preferably glossy

It will not be possible to securely attach the suction cup to a chip or crack. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to disguise these flaws in this way. The only way out is to fix the object hanging down a few centimeters above this flaw.

What is the problem

Fastening household items using suction cups is very convenient and fast, since no additional devices such as a drill or glue are required. Removing the annoying accessory will also be quite simple. Typically, towels in the kitchen and bathroom, soap dishes, hooks for washcloths, small shelves, etc. are placed in this way. Such items weigh a little, but vacuum Velcro does not need to withstand weight.

Why is it not always possible to attach the suction cup to the tile for a long time ? Almost always the problem is unevenness of the surface. Lumps, cracks and other defects on the tiles weaken the vacuum structure. Uniformity and smoothness of the tiles is the main condition for a strong connection. Try to choose the most suitable areas. The best option is glossy tiles.

Advice Do not try to glue the suction cup to a textured surface, for example, a tile with a pattern. Matte surfaces are also not the best solution: small pores weaken the suction cup.

Under pressure from heavy objects, the hooks on the suction cups quickly fall off. Correlate the size of the item and its purpose. For example, a large terry towel will be an excessive load for Velcro with a diameter of 1-2 cm.

The shape of the suction cup must also be correct - even and round. The microclimate in the bathroom or kitchen also plays an important role - constantly high humidity. This problem is difficult to fix, but try fixing plumbing leaks and ventilating the room more often.

So, what will determine the strength of the vacuum suction cup?:

  1. From the integrity of the material and the presence of defects.
  2. The relationship between the size of an object and its purpose.
  3. On the quality of the surface material.

Questionable ways to attach the holder

There is a lot of advice that motorists give, but how useful they all are is a big question. Drivers also advise:

  • lubricate the contact surface with engine oil;
  • use brake fluid as a fixing agent;
  • moisten the contact with saliva;
  • attach the bracket with superglue;
  • attach the suction cup to the sealant;
  • To improve contact, use Pepsi-Cola.

Motor oil is a good way to create reliable contact, but we must not forget that the quality of the rubber seal of the suction cup, especially from Chinese manufacturers, varies; the rubber can swell and “float”. Brake fluid and saliva are water-based, and when the moisture dries, the contact reliability deteriorates. Automotive colored sealant does not look aesthetically pleasing; it is possible that traces will remain after its application, but transparent silicone sealant will come in handy. Some people attach the suction cup with superglue, but this seems like a perversion - it is not a fact that the mount will not fall off, but scraping off the remaining glue from the glass will not be easy.

How to attach a video clip to a suction cup: instructions

In conclusion, we present a universal algorithm for mounting the DVR bracket, which ensures reliable fastening. If everything is done correctly, the suction cup will hold the gadget without causing any trouble to the driver:

  • Step one. Treat the inside of the suction cup and the contact area on the glass with a degreasing agent (you can use an alcohol wipe);
  • Wait for both surfaces to dry;
  • Press the rubber band tightly and sharply against the window, do not let go immediately;
  • If the design is equipped with a lever, press and release it;

  • Hold for about a minute;
  • Check the reliability of the suction by slightly pulling the structure towards you (do not force it);
  • Done, you can attach the DVR.

That's all, now you know how to secure the DVR so that it does not fall, and the suction cup holds the device securely. As you can see, dancing with a tambourine is not needed - just a little patience and effort.

If you did everything correctly, clearly according to the instructions and without any “gags”, but the suction cup still does not hold the DVR on the glass, look for damage on the windshield or on the elastic band itself, and also assess the likelihood that this mount does not fit your device. And yes, don’t expect “super abilities” from cheap Chinese brackets. Better buy a new one, a little more expensive, but reliable!

Under what conditions is it difficult to install the holder?

The most common reason for weak fastening of the DVR bracket is low temperature, usually the suction cup falls off in the cold. This happens because rubber or silicone hardens at low temperatures and loses its elasticity. Also, the rubber band does not hold up in the heat; if you left the car for a while in the sun, you should not be surprised that upon your return you will find a fallen recorder.

It will be difficult to install the holder on glass covered with dust; the rubber circle itself should not be dirty either. The suction cup holds very poorly on uneven glass, for example, if it is silk-screened. Here it is no longer possible to level the surface; you need to figure out how to ensure tight contact. Another thing to consider is that there are a lot of Chinese products on the Russian market, and the fastener may initially be defective.

But if you can’t immediately secure the bracket well in the car, there is no need to despair; there are many different tricks and folk methods that you can use to securely install a portable device on the windshield.

Why doesn't the suction cup hold?

Often the manufacturer is blamed for the weak fixation of the DVR on the glass; indeed, it is difficult to expect super characteristics and high quality workmanship from a cheap gadget. But is it worth shifting the blame to the manufacturer? There are quite a lot of reasons why the fastener falls off:

  • the suction cup was not installed according to the instructions;
  • the glass is dirty (oily), dust and greasy stains make it difficult to ensure tight contact;
  • due to heating (for example, being in direct sunlight), the mounting area has become deformed, and a vacuum is not created;
  • the holder was attached in cold weather;
  • the surface for attaching the suction element is uneven;
  • The bracket is not original and is not designed to support the weight of this device.

To understand the issue, you first need to understand how vacuum fasteners work and their principle of holding them on a plane.

Types of suckers

As I already wrote, there are usually two or three of them in the mount to better hold the gadget.

And there are single, but massive ones. They are made mainly from two materials - rubber and silicone. Rubber suction cups are dark (often black) in color, but silicone ones are often transparent.

There is a lot of debate about which of them is better. However, in my experience, the regular rubber options held up better. Silicone hardens much more in cold weather, which makes the suction cup less elastic.

Although to be fair, it’s really difficult to choose between these two options! Because there is high-quality silicone, and there is low-quality rubber.

Why does the suction cup fall off?

There are only a few reasons:

  • Poor quality production. If it is made poorly, there are distortions or bends, then it will not hold. After all, precision manufacturing is important here.
  • Insufficient pressure. Conventional options (without levers) cannot create sufficient pressure inside, they will not withstand heavy weights. That's why more of them are needed, two or three pieces
  • Breakthrough. If the rubber or silicone surface breaks, then the vacuum that was created inside will immediately be filled with “atmospheric pressure”, the gadget will not hold on
  • Dirty surface. Before gluing it to the windshield, you should wipe it, it is advisable to degrease it; if there is any deposit on the surface, it will help the passage of air inside, after a certain time it will fall off again
  • Imperfect surfaces. Both the windshield and the suction cup itself. They have microcracks and other imperfections. It is through them that, slowly but surely, air will leak inside. Over time it will fall off again

What you need to learn is a simple truth, so that air pressure does not pass inside, and there is a vacuum inside as long as possible.

Why don’t suction cups stick to tiles, shelves, hooks, soap dishes, what to do, how to secure them

Smooth gloss is best suited for this purpose. Pores on the matte surface can weaken the bond. And raised protrusions, various surface defects, particles of glue or putty are not at all capable of holding the suction cup.

In order for the suction cup to adhere well to the tile, you need to make sure that the product is of high quality, and that the tile is even, and preferably glossy

It will not be possible to securely attach the suction cup to a chip or crack. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to disguise these flaws in this way. The only way out is to fix the object hanging down a few centimeters above this flaw.

General principles of fastening

It will be possible to securely fix the suction cup if two basic conditions are met:

  1. The surface on which the suction cup will be located must be flat and smooth.
  2. The suction cup itself should not have obvious defects on the inside.

Basic principles of fastening:

  1. Surfaces must be cleaned and degreased. This applies to both the mounting location and the suction cup itself. Dirt, dust, soap and lime stains, rust and other contaminants will not allow the suction cup to attach firmly. As for degreasing, for this purpose you can use detergents, soap solution, and alcohol solution.
  2. It is necessary to glue only a dry suction cup and only on a dry surface.
  3. Under extreme temperature conditions, increased loads on the suction cup, and also if the surface for fastening has a non-uniform texture or unevenness, you should use means to improve the adhesion of surfaces: Vaseline, self-adhesive PVC film, silicone sealant.

Disadvantages of a DVR built into the mirror

  1. Impossibility of self-installation (only service center employees can do this efficiently and correctly).
  2. Significant financial expenses for a device of this type and its installation.
  3. Lack of mobility (if you change your car, you will need to reinstall the DVR).

This method of mounting the DVR is the highest quality, discreet and aesthetically comfortable, since the wires are disguised and it seems that there is no foreign device in the car interior. But it is worth noting the high cost of the DVR and the process of installing it in the mirror. This type of fastener is suitable for those car owners who are willing to pay a lot of money for the quality of shooting and the safety of the fastening.

When choosing a mount, do not forget to pay attention to the features of your device: dimensions, shooting quality, viewing angles, quality of material, mobility, because based on these parameters and your needs, you can understand which type of recorder mount suits you best

And remember, it’s the little things that matter, so it’s better to attach a high-quality recorder now than to buy another one later

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